Резултати претраге страна 41
Број резултата: 1374
Only Star
In the coldness of the night
Someone will fill the void by your side
Love that only makes your
Sparkles even brighter in the dark
Though far away, the wind will still bring
The dreams so full of love
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star
Only wish of my heart is
Inner strength in your challenges
Though far, the wind will bring
The dreams so full of love
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star
Like the stars in the sky
You will shine...
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star
Vise ne osecam nista
Tako su duboke ove rane,
sad nema nista vise da se pokaze,
zakunela sam se da necu napraviti nijedan korak unazad.
Bio je tvoj egoizam okupan u lazima
i sada vise ne mogu da ti dam ljubav,
bolje je proci bez zaustavljana
i dalje sam ovde, ovde, ovde, ovde, ovde...
Zato sto se secam svega prozivljenog
i ne zelim da se ovo zavrsi ovako.
Koliko puta sam ti rekla da dusa
se trosi ako joj ne das krila,
koja lete tako daleko, da ne postoji nista
sto moze da prekine sa besom mora
sa kojim sam te gledala kada sam te ljubila,
kada sam ti govorila da se nece zavrsiti,
ali ovo vec ima izbrojane sate,
jer iako umirem od straha iznutra,
vise ne osecam nista... vise ne osecam nista.
Posle tvog poraza, danas se razoruzavas,
verovao si vise nego normalno
i pogodila te stvarnost.
Nikad nisi bio iskren i sada mi trazis
da izdrzim jos nekoliko otkucaja vise,
pre nego sto prihvatis da samo,
jos uvek sam ovde, ovde, ovde, ovde, ovde...
Zato sto se secam svega prozivljenog
i ne zelim da se ovo zavrsi ovako.
Koliko puta sam ti rekla da dusa
se trosi ako joj ne das krila,
koja lete tako daleko, da ne postoji nista
sto moze da prekine sa besom mora
sa kojim sam te gledala kada sam te ljubila,
kada sam ti govorila da se nece zavrsiti,
ali ovo vec ima izbrojane sate,
jer iako umirem od straha iznutra,
vise ne osecam nista... vise ne osecam nista.
I gresio si kada si verovao
da ne dolazi dan u kom se sve zavrsava.
Koliko puta sam ti rekla da dusa
se trosi ako joj ne das krila,
koja lete tako daleko, da ne postoji nista
sto moze da prekine sa besom mora
sa kojim sam te gledala kada sam te ljubila,
kada sam ti govorila da se nece zavrsiti,
ali ovo vec ima izbrojane sate,
jer iako umirem od straha iznutra,
vise ne osecam nista... vise ne osecam nista.
Vise ne osecam nista.
Jednom ili nijednom
Ovde cu ostati na asfaltu
Na beloj liniji
Ne govori, ostacu ovde
Gde se razmislja o zivotu
Dakle smanji svoj gas
Ugasi svoja svetla
Stani iznad mene da te vidim
U svom punom obliku
Jer ja imam jedan, samo jedan
I nijedan drugi zivot
Reci mi koliko da cekam
Reci mi zasto da zivim
Jer ja imam jedan, samo jedan zivot
I zato ti tvrdim
Da zivim jednom ili
Nijednom da ne zivim
Znam da ne treba da budem ovde
Ovde je tvoj svet
I kao u svom zivotu ti sada odlazis
Zatvaram tvoj put
Iako cu ovde jos ostati
Ostalo smo sve rekli
Ako zelis da zastane srce
Pojacaj gas i pregazi me
Jer ja imam jedan, samo jedan
I nijedan drugi zivot
Reci mi koliko da cekam
Reci mi zasto da zivim
Jer ja imam jedan, samo jedan zivot
I zato ti tvrdim
Da zivim jednom ili
Nijednom da ne zivim
Polomljeni komadi srca
Ti od stakla, dok si prolazila kroz vrata,
I dok si odlazila u svetlost, zivot se slomio.
I kako je staklo padalo po mom podu
Moji snovi i secanja postala su prazni kristali
Nase polomljene komade srca
Ja ponovo lepim
Pogledaj me kako mogu
Od onog najgorek sto si ostavila za nas
Ja te ponovo volim
Koliko, ah, koliko te volim
Ne lepi se vise, kazes, kada se polomi staklo
Ne lepi se vise ni litica ni put
Ma onaj koji voli nema drugog izbora
Ja tvoje delove spajam da napravim zivot
Nase polomljene komade srca
Ja ponovo lepim
Pogledaj me kako mogu
Od onog najgorek sto si ostavila za nas
Ja te ponovo volim
I sa tobom zivim, koliko te volim
Ti od stakla, toliko razlicita od mene
Nisi ni pogled bacila da mi kaze jedno ''zbogom''
I ostao sam tamo, u nasem polomljenom svetu
Da sacuvam tuge, da bar nesto ostane
Ne lepi se vise, kazes, kada se polomi staklo
Ne lepi se vise ni litica ni put
Ma onaj koji voli nema drugog izbora
Ja tvoje delove spajam da napravim zivot
Nase polomljene komade srca
Ja ponovo lepim
Pogledaj me kako mogu
Od onog najgorek sto si ostavila za nas
Ja te ponovo volim
I sa tobom zivim, koliko te volim
Ceo (sam) tvoj
Van mene je
Svetac kojeg trazis
Van mene je
Heroj ljubavi
Nisam poput snova
Ono sam sto sam
Kada bih jednom brojao
Toliko svojih promasaja
Ne bi mi ostalo dovoljno prstiju
Neizmerne su planine
Tezine mojih gresaka
A opet nijednom nisam sakrio nista od tebe
Pred tobom je sve otvoreno
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I mali i veliki
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I onaj koji place i onaj drugi
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I oni za tebe zive, srce moje
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I kriv i nevin
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I cvrst i slomljen
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
Ne, nisam
Onaj koji je mekan
Ne, nisam
Stena koja te zasluzuje
Nisam neko da ga vodis
Prijateljima koje volis
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I mali i veliki
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I onaj koji place i onaj drugi
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I oni za tebe zive, srce moje
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I kriv i nevin
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I cvrst i slomljen
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I iznad svega samo jedna dusa
From now on
What you knew, forget them
And I swear to my faith,don't look for me
Everything have limits
but you weared the margins
From now on
another man you'll see
You won't recognise me
From now on
When you encounter difficulties
I will see how much you deserve
From now on
another man you'll see
You won't recognise me
From now on
When you encounter difficulties
I will see how much you deserve.
What you knew, they have finished
And I swear to God I'm stubborn
whatever hurt me,I don't forget
You know that I keep my oath
From now on
another man you'll see
You won't recognise me
From now on
When you encounter difficulties
I will see how much you deserve
From now on
another man you'll see
You won't recognise me
From now on
When you encounter difficulties
I will see how much you deserve.
In my opinion,translations can always be subjective. Feel free to give feedback :)
The crazy Antonio
Milonga that you are thinking
what are you going to say,
don't come out with sadness,
I no longer think of that.
You say I loved her,
you're talking too much,
talk about the Santa Lucía
twenty one years ago.
Iron bridge over the scrubland,
aimless water, like in the sea,
the moon was abandoning it
and it inundated in the mudhole.
The crazy Antonio loved it more,
wherries and wooden oars,
the ebbs used to find him
thinking and smoking.
Across the bridge, milonga,
remember there's a place
where the herons moan
next to a spring.
Think that in those days
that you want to remember
the Santa Lucia was there
with its bridges and its channel.
Iron bridge over the scrubland,
floods, like in the sea,
the moon was abandoning it
and it inundated in the mudhole.
The crazy Antonio loved it more,
wherries and wooden oars,
the ebbs used to find him
looking to the channel.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
No matter how much they warned me
I believed in you but it was my mistake
I love you and I am profoundly melting down
But you flattened me, I lost my mind
I have told you that I am unable to live in a lie
No matter how much they warned me about you
The drunk person is unable to face the truth
You taught me how to live and dream
but you live your dreams only in fairy tales
I am trying to turn the page
but something keeps on holding me back
you managed to mess with my life
I have told you that I am unable to live in a lie
No matter how much they warned me about you
The drunk person is unable to face the truth
You taught me how to live and dream
but you live your dreams only in fairy tales
Broken bottles
In an empthy house
Solitude and sorrow
You made me feel
And regret
Everything I've given you
My heart knows
What you've done to me
How much it suffers
Broken glasses everywhere
Broken bottles everywhere
For your own sake, I became a mess
Broken glasses everywhere
Put out cigarettes everywhere
Because of your bitter lips I became a mess again
I hurt inside
You're away and I break down
I don't sleep at nights
When I remember you
For all I've done
Only I know
From your mistakes
How much I suffer
Broken glasses everywhere
Broken bottles everywhere
For your own sake, I became a mess
Broken glasses everywhere
Put out cigarettes everywhere
Because of your bitter lips I became a mess again
In one night
In one night you've made my hair go white,
my heart black
In one night you've turned
my poor body into a tree struck by a thousand bolts
Why did you betray me, why?
If the ocean was ink
and the sky, paper
it wouldn't be enough
to write what I went through this night
Why did you betray me, why?
I gave you my hurt soul
to heal
but instead you opened
my wound deeper
Why did you betray me, why?
Over the horizon
Stars are looking down.
O my loved one, wake up!
I want a moment alone with you.
Sarah, make an appearance!
Respond to my appeal!
Are you really going to refuse me on a night like this?
Why sighing in the moonlight?
Fall silent at last!
Father's on his guard.
I love you!
I beg you, do be quiet!
We'll be together forever.
What kind of man are you?!
Try to realize...
Dad will hear!
Sarah, listen...
I feel so choky in here!
Over the horizon
I will become free for ever,
Over the horizon
My dream will come true.
The wall between us will collapse,
Sarah, I need you alone.
And we will fly
Above the birds.
My love
Knows no borders.
Over the horizon
A vast land lies,
Over the horizon
A completely new kind of life awaits us.
[Alfred and Sarah:]
A world of freedom,
A world of happiness...
Romantic dreaming by moonlight
Is well if you have nothing to do.
But I have already accepted
Another invitation, frankly speaking!
I'll accompany you.
I'm in a horrible hurry.
It's too dark!
I'll go anyway!
But where shall we go?
I don't know the way.
The howl of wolves is heard from beyound the forest!
Everything is in God's hands.
The wind is moaning in the night.
I should, I want to believe
[Sarah and Alfred:]
...Over the horizon
A vast land lies,
Over the horizon
A completely new kind of life awaits us.
A world of freedom,
A world of happiness...
Oldie Johnny
May you never fear of the man, my lovely Marilou.
Well, despite the atrocities they might claim he does
and despite his eating the metals -my beautiful one-
and despite his swallowing them, stay strong.
Come on in, oldie Johnny.
Where art thy lo'ey Marilou ?
It fries thy fish in thy cook'ry.
I'm just taking her from you and giving her a ring.
O, Johnny. You get her dowry as well.
My marilou from the peek-a-boo, d'you love that crook ?
Go tell him to slip it all out right now.
Or, my Marilou, once a Sunday shines bright,
he'll be shot out of the blue twice.
Come on in, oldie Johnny.
Where art thy lo'ey Marilou ?
It fries thy fish in thy cook'ry.
I'm just taking her from you and giving her a ring.
O, Johnny. You get her dowry as well.
Cheers, Marilou.
Come on in, oldie Johnny.
Where art thy lo'ey Marilou ?
Bur'd be thy and you cast yourself outside.
I'm just taking her from you and giving her a ring.
O, Johnny. You get her dowry as well.
(O, Johnny. You get her dowry as well.)
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.
I was born in the copper province,
Chuquicamata is called where I grew,
Seeing the bare land,
with their sands nobody imagines,
That from their grounds they extract,
good copper, that gives us life.
Yes sir.
Full of tops my land is a bowl,
few houses and a weird bare hill.
And close to my Chuquicamata,
Were songs that make the heart happy.
Everyone, everyone let's drink
and toast for Chuquicamata
But first of all, I'm Chilean.
I passed by La Serena at Coquimbo,
Land of fierce battles and good honey,
Then I found the wines,
Town of clams, mads and hedgehogs
And without stopping at La Ligua
by my fear of tremblings.
Yes sir.
At La Calera one feels the mineral,
It's the hardest concrete to build.
The capital is Santiago, yes sir,
I'm twice Chilean, with double honor.
San Cristobal rises
To bring the Virgin Mary up
And from upside one looks
with joy the Santa Lucia.
Yes sir.
And at few hours away from the capital
With its flower gardens, Viña del Mar
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Contigo estou a casar, apesar de tudo ê
Amoré, quem nos viu e quem nos vê
Ninguém pensou que isso ia durare
Vamos festejar nosso dia ê
Amor, me ama só ê
Eu vou te amar até morrere
Eu nunca vou te largare
Mesmo no céu, nunca vou te esquecere
Dança só ê, celebra nosso cansamento ê
Vou pisar no teu vestido
Podes puxar na minha gravata
Meu senhor, tira foto ê
Ela vai querer mostrar nas amiga ê
Não tem porquê se enervare
Amor, tu tás muito linda ê
Amoré, more
Nós estamos a casare, sare
Deus vai abençoare, çoare
Nada de mal vai acontecere
Mi amore
Se contigo tou a casar é graças a Deus ê
Muitas vez tentaram travare
Mas o meu amor é maiore
Agora mais ninguém pode travare
Amor, me dá um beijo ê
Pra satisfazer o meu desejo ê
Cuida bem de mim eu te peço ê
Eu também vou fazer o mesmo ê
Boa noite, padrinhos, obrigado por tudo.
A festa tá bonita, mas nada é mais lindo do que tu
Eu te amo, amo.
Agora me dá um sorriso ê
Porque tás muito linda ê
Amoré, more
Nós estamos a casare, sare
Deus vai abençoare, çoare
Nada de mal vai acontecere
Mi amore
Casamento ê (vamos celebrare)
Isso é casamento ê (vamo festejare)
Casamento ê (amor, vem dançare)
Isso é casamento ê (já sou teu marido ê)
Casamento ê (quero te abraçare)
Isso é casamento ê (deixa te beijare)
Casamento ê (isso é que é)
Isso é casamento ê
Tô feliz ê!
Amoré, more
Nós estamos a casare, sare
Deus vai abençoare, çoare
Nada de mal vai acontecere
Mi amore...
What do you want anyways
I'm giving you space
I'm talking but you're not paying attention
you're imagining things
you tear up and start crying
What do you want anyways
what am I doing with you
in such moments
what am I doing in your life?
in such moments
what do you want anyways?
I give everything for you
and you're giving me only lies
you share yourself,you hide, you disappear
I don't how you're feeling about us
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
My Feelings
Now more than ever
I need you next to me
Do not forsake my love
As I've given myself in surrender to you
I won't be able to survive, I need your warmth
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)
It pains me to realize
That I've been nothing but another stepping stone
As you walk the path of your love affairs
And that you're going to go away
Without a motive or a reason
My heart tells me so
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)
No Filter
Would you like a taste of fame?
A little bit of power
An empire
You don't know about this game
They wanna see a failure
As you go higher
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those God blesses
[Verse 1]
No filter, I'm human too
And what they say ain't gonna hurt me
But it's only fair that sometimes that shit's gonna upset me
And make me answer back
So tell me, who the hell am I hurting
To make them criticize and defame me so?
Sensationalism doesn't interest me
I don't abide by that type of press
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those who God blesses
[Verse 2]
No filter
Tell me, how the fuck do they know more about me than I do?
No filter
You have to realize the cheap rumors need some kind of test and witnesses
No filter
The other day I read I was an illuminati, arrogant and gay
No filter
I only believe in God
And if you think I'm a fag, lend me your woman
I hope God someday reprimands everyone who gossips without knowing
And that he gives me patience to deal with the stupidity
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those God blesses
[Verse 3]
No filter
I'm the prototype
All your kids' idol
Your girlfriend says I'm hot
And if I go on tour, she'll leave you at home alone
You're seething, you become unbearable
When you listen to my music on the streets
It's not my fault I'm her platonic lover and she loves me
(You gonna follow?)
Now Romeo fancies himself a rapper
No, you fool, I'm still a bachata singer
But I heard this track
And I've got a way
To make those incredulous people see I'm a lyricist
There's a big difference between constructive criticism and rumors
There's a big difference between sensationalism
Just see their comments with no base
I'm more respect for the people that believe the shit they hear
As opposed to the people that are actually sayin' it
So if you're a hater or someone that desimantes rumors
Don't filter, fuck your opinion
Versions: #2
It was cold like a winter day
You pouring November rain
Everything felt numb
What have we begun
I never saw the signs how I could be so blind
The day that I closed my eyes 'cause your heart was full of lies
November is a nightmare that will chase me after all you've done
I'm sorry November just wake me when you're gone
Is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November it's me that I exist no more
I'm sorry
I wanted you more than life
I think of it all the time
You were my way of light
the guide through lonely nights
you said you were in love
but I guess I was not enough
you left me in a shade
now my light will fade away
November is a nightmare that will chase me after all you've done
I'm sorry, November, just wake me when you're gone
Is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November, you don't exist no more
'cause this mountain is too high I don't have the thrill to climb
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry
without oxygen i can't breathe
I'm loosing ground underneath
my heart cannot take it now willing to fake it
I mean to forsake 'cause I cannot take this I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Is there someone who can help me change the calendar?
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry
'cause November changed my life
I will have to say goodbye
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry
Now tell me is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November, you don't exist no more
'cause November changed my life I will have to say goodbye
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry
Against the wind
Versions: #3
I don't believe in miracles
But that it’s better to free yourself
It's better for you to look inside yourself
Life bruises you
Life makes you shiver
Sometimes it's more like a fight
You notice that certain emptiness inside you
that you didn’t know was there
And that you don’t talk about
But it burns in your veins as if
The world were against you
But you don't know why
I know it, I remember it well
I'm here
To listen to a dream
I won't speak
If you do not have a need for it
But I'll be there
Because that’s what I feel like doing:
To be beside you, traveling against the wind
I'll solve
Maybe a little or nothing
But I'll be there
And that's what matters
I'll be the water that will stop a moment (from burning)
By your side, traveling against the wind
Time, only time itself knows
When and how it will end
How long your pain and your mourning will last
You notice that emptiness inside you
that you didn’t know was there
And you that don’t talk about
But it burns in your veins as if
The world were against you
But you don't know why
I know it, I remember it well
I'm here
To listen to a dream
I won't speak
If you do not have a need for it
But I'll be there
Because that’s what I feel like doing:
To be beside you, traveling against the wind
I'll solve
Maybe a little or nothing
But I'll be there
And that's what matters
I'll be the water that will stop a moment from burning
By your side
Traveling against the wind
Traveling against the wind
Traveling against the wind
I'll be the water that will stop a moment from burning
By your side
Traveling against the wind
My woman
Do me a favor wa weh
Pinch me still, éeeeh
To make sure I'm not dreaming
Today is the day (the day, the day)
Of our wedding weh (wedding weh yeah yeah)
Pinch me éeeeh
To make sure I'm not dreaming
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says that loves me (I love you)
Melody touches us hunnn!! Wa weh wa weh iehh
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says still I love you (I love you)
The melody touches us hunn wa wa wa weh
It's not wanting to brag about (brag about)
But I've never seen such a beautiful bride
Sometimes I sing and recognize my voice
But it doesn't get close to the beats of your heart
And today I am the happiest man in my favela ah
And I thought that love like that was only in novels yeah
Know that I did not just follow my heart, my love
I followed everyone just to have you heeere
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says that loves me (I love you)
Melody makes us wa weh eh wa weh ieh
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says still I love you (I love you)
The melody makes us wa weh eh wa weh ieh
Ah woman
Do me a favor
Pinch me
Only when it's too late
you made endless promises
so many feelings have you sworn you had
had what you wanted from me
and left me to suffer in the end
after so many falls
with nothing to do
I open an exception for you
just to regret it again
without reticence I threw myself
always thinkung 'it's now!'
i already had so little to give
and you took what I had left
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
you will be nothing but a rebembrance
a reflection in the mirror that I did not see
the same mirror now I break
to forget you once and for all
for without reticence I threw myself
always thinkung 'it's now!'
i already had so little to give
and you took what I had left
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
this future
this future...
Step into the city light
Welcome tonight it's nice to see you
A wonderful fellowship
All that sweet beckoning
Change minds like magic
Step into the city light
In the way to the city I hear an overflowing melody sound
Step into the city light
Now forget everything and let's go out
The sad feelings and soaked heart as well
By the moonlight rising out there
Always for a while
Are going to shine and disappear
Step into the city light
Wherever you are a rain of light will begin
Step into the city light
Your words are coloring exposures, thank you
Step into the city light
In the way to the city I hear an overflowing melody sound
Step into the city light
Now forget everything and let's go out
Step into the city light
Take me to the friday night
Let me show the shine in you forever
Step into the city light
The islands are dancing
the lives are like handkerchiefs
the bodies are like candles
cheers to our health
my wound, tonight
I will climb you up like a mountain
Opa opa opa opa
I fall into the fire
Opa opa opa opa
this is how I resolve my sorrows
Opa opa opa opa
this is how the heart burns
Opa opa opa opa
and from the heart's ashes
I am reborn
on the fingers there's fire
which heavy sorrows
does happiness bend?
to your first gulp of a drink
which love
life owes you tonight
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Phantom pain
and another day is over,
everything distracts me from ...
Where do i stand?
Where i want to go to?
A beginning which knows no end....
A beginning which knows no end....
Do you know what i feel?
Did u ever think of me?
Where shall this all end?
Im asking every night!
And every day goes by
as though nothing had happened
separated agony for loneliness!
it can't be without you!
it can't be without you!
hours waste away,
das creep
i'm carrying that, what destroyes me
in front of me
and again i lie next to u
no one talks, nobody speaks it out
That's it then?
That's it then?!
And every day goes by
as though nothing had happened
separated agony for loneliness!
it can't be without you!
it can't be without you!
Night in Sorrento
You that in this night of brightness
dream a love spell,
don't worry,
let you drive
toward a nest made to love...
Among the scent of the oranges in blossom
my heart will talk to you.
This night in Sorrento
I want to take you,
in that silver sea
you can dream better.
There is nobody on earth
happier than me...
While each star says:
my beautiful women
tonight is for you!
In the silence full of passion
the roses sing a song:
what they want to say
can be understood
only by whom suffers from love...
But in the sweet enchantment of that sea
we can forget everything.
This night in Sorrento
I want to take you,
in that silver sea
you can dream better.
There is nobody on earth
happier than me...
While each star says:
my beautiful women
tonight is for you!
There is nobody on earth
happier than me.
While a star falls
your beautiful mouth
I want it for me!...
I have found you here
I have walked hundres of miles, waiting to find you
I hoped to see you
You may/should let go of the stolen heart
Please discover from the beginning
That 'you' is in your heart
I have found you here
Život u roze
Život u roze
Život, život u roze
Tvoj život je onakav kakvim ga činiš
Zato idi i ugrabi ga
Život u roze
Život, život u roze
Kada slaviti, ako ne večeras?
Kada tvoje oči
Vide samo mračna neba
Kada su olujni oblaci iznad
Bol unutra
Može da te natera da osećaš kao
Da je ceo svet bezbojan
Oh, ali onda zraci sunčeve svetlosti
Počnu da ti ispunjavaju srce opet
I počinješ
Da veruješ u život
Sada sve što vidiš je
Bacam milion dana
Da samo još jednom plešem sa tobom
Oseti ritam, oslobodi telo
I prisloni ga uz mene
Volim način na koji se krećeš jer
Život je kao okean
Sa emocijom
Samo moraš da izađeš iz senke
I da pustiš da ti svetlo pokaže put
Drži se čvrsto
Život je luda vožnja
Puna uspona i padova i krivina
I prođe
U treptaju oka
Zato hajde svi da se smejemo, volimo i živimo
Oh, ali onda zraci sunčeve svetlosti
Počnu da ti ispunjavaju srce opet
I počinješ
Da veruješ u život
Sada sve što vidiš je
Moraš da slaviš
See you later
Bonfires are burning in your eyes
Time is flying
Autumn will come soon in red clothers
Forgive me for the declaration of love last night
We should get grow up yet
See you later!
We should get grow up yet
See you later!
I thank you for this Summer,
For our first night, for everything
That we had no limits,
That fate will give us a lot of days
Bonfires are burning in your eyes
Time is flying
Autumn will come soon in red clothers
But we can't forget this Summer
See you later in September, in the tenth grade!
See you later in September, in the tenth grade!
Bonfires are burning in your eyes
Bonfires are burning in your eyes
Bonfires... Bonfires are burning...
A hundred times, a million pieces
Versions: #3
I, my love, haven't gone through many things
love, break ups and broken nights
I've never given my heart, to a hundred bodies
but I gave it a hundred times to you,
but I gave it a hundred times to you.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.
I, my love, didn't go anywhere
I never wanted to get away from you.
The little that you give me is my heart,
and I burn inside myself a hundred times the little,
and I burn inside myself a hunded times the little.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.