Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 40


Šest godina

[Part 1]
Trčim niz ulicu (ulicu)
Kao da me jure (jure)
Ponovo nemam vremena za nju
Jer moj brat dobija šest godina (godina)
Pa sam mu doneo nove patike
Kome će drugome tražiti? (tražiti)
Vaša tela se savršeno kreću u ritmu
Ali ne čujete, šta govorim (govorim)
Prozori se ponovo otvaraju jer je i noću vruće
Ne mogu da spavam od mesečeve svetlosti
Ali u redu je, bio bih srećan da ti dam svoj san
Ako ga trenutno nemaš jer ja svoj živim
Pukotine oko mene, hladan dim u vazduhu
Ali ona me drži za ruku jer ne želi da ide
I osam od deset mojih drugara je slomljeno
Ali ona je u redu s tim jer ja ne želim da ode
(Zato što ne želim da ode)
Ona me drži za ruku jer ne želi da ide
I osam od deset mojih drugara je slomljeno
Ali ona je u redu s tim jer ja ne želim da ode
[Part 2]
Čvrst kao beton, možete mi verovati na reč
Ali ekran mobilnog je polomljen
Previše volim muziku inače bi mi glava eksplodirala
I za nas oboje gotovo ništa ne ostaje
Ali moje srce ti pripada (pripada)
Do poslednjeg delića (delića)
S jednog nogom iza rešetaka (rešetaka)
A drugom igram fudbal u dvorištu sa svojom decom
Znam da privlačim probleme poput magneta
Žao mi je, imam previše protivnika (protivnika)
Ali onda pogledam u tvoje nežno plave oči
U danima kada je najteže
I sve će se rešiti
Pukotine oko mene, hladan dim u vazduhu
Ali ona me drži za ruku jer ne želi da ide
I osam od deset mojih drugara je slomljeno
Ali ona je u redu s tim jer ja ne želim da ode
(Zato što ne želim da ode)
Ona me drži za ruku jer ne želi da ide
I osam od deset mojih drugara je slomljeno
Ali ona je u redu s tim jer ja ne želim da ode


Ко жели да игра игру?
Време је да се играмо жмурке
Трчи, трчи, трчи
Време је за бежање и скривање
Трчи, трчи, трчи
А сад ћу да пронађем
Одјуриш у мрак
Пожури, ја сам иза тебе
Немој да говориш
Прођите на прстима кроз подрум или се завуците испод кревета
Где год си побегао
Идем да те нађем
Остани у сенци
Сви ви девојке и момци
Не прави буку
Или ћу те пронаћи
Трчи, трчи, трчи
Привуци се на мој гроб
Трчи, трчи, трчи
Уходите целу ноћ
Одјури у ноћ
Али шта ће бити иза вас?
Немој да говориш
Као жаба у шерпи, јастог у тигању
Не разумеш
Да ћу те пронаћи
Буди миран као планина и тих као миш
Због малог звука
И сигурно ћу те наћи
Тик тик так
Јесте ли спремни или не?
Тик тик так
Слушајте сат
Пожури у ноћ
Не губите још један откуцај срца
Не вири
Нека одбројавање почне
Спреман или не,долазим!
Ха, ха, ха, ха, ха

Our Lady of Fatima

Oh my Jesus,
Forgive us for our sins,
Save us from the fire of hell.
And lead all our souls of heaven,
Especially those in need of your mercy.


February snow after dawn.
I kept looking up at your room.
Heartbeat, pain,
and I learned for the first time how to spend
a sleepless night.
I want to be fascinated by you forever. I don't need anything.
I am in love with you from the bottom of my heart.
Because love exists before life.
The song of Eden, Flowers blooming in spring,
and a big feeling that I can't hold.
While swaying your eyes,
you said
you want to find the never ending love.
I want to be fascinated by you forever. I don't need anything.
I am in love with you from the bottom of my heart.
Because love remains after us.
I want to be fascinated by you forever. I don't need anything.
I am in love with you from the bottom of my heart.
Because love exists before life.

Succession of Sin ~ORIGINAL SIN~

With frozen eyes
I look into the sky as I smile
My fingertips numb with cold
The red snow dancing irregularly
Colors you the same shade
『All you have left to end within you
Is your broken kindness...』so I say with a sneer
You, heavy with the effort of breathing
Show the knife that was just stuck in your back to your feathers
And hold me close
This pain I can't get rid of is fate
The succession of sin
Nestling close to the moonlight
Tortured by the repetition of sin I scream
With the tears that well up in your wide open eyes I realize
That I must murder somebody...
『Impossible dreams are pointless』you say
As you gently trace my cheek with your finger as I crumble
No matter how many things I say
I couldn't reach your ruined heart
Tune of scarlet tears
And the loneliness of a moonlit night
'If you don't want it stolen, don't you look away'
You smile to me as I weep
『Just shoulder this unforgivable sin and its punishment
And fly, to the heights of eternity...』
-- The only thing I have left to end with these hands of mine
Is it the last thing I can do?--
As you gently looked up into the night sky
The tears spilling out of your eyes were so cold
As I look upon your sleeping form
I inherit the sin

Happy Happy Greeting

The sun goes up over the sea where stars sink
In the middle of the rays of light, I embraced you
It's wonderful to live
It's different when you're by my side
Leaving the old past behind
To turn over the pages of time
Now let's run to the future
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
A new year. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Birthday. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday forever
I was used to loneliness building a high wall
Until your tender hand started to pull me
You're the miracle that erased my troubles
You shared your bravery with me
Leaving the old myself behind
I'm reborn when I wake up
I want you to look at me
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Valentine. Let's check ourselves
We look sweetly charmed
In the flow of time
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Wedding. Let's get together
Dreams are still little birds
Let's raise them with care forever
Together, together
Forever, forever
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
A new year. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Birthday. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday
Happy Happy Greeting
Happy Happy Greeting. Something begins
Surely will have good things
My chest is merry with a premonition
Happy Happy Greeting.
Happy Happy Greeting. Blow the candles
When I live with you
Dreams are born everyday
Forever. Congratulations.
Happy Happy Greeting.
To you. To you
Con gra tu la tions

An Original Song

A woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
won something incredible.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
celebrated with her students.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
She waited
and waited.
She wanted to hear the song from the genius.
With time, it happened:
Jennifer Bilby’s prize arrived.
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
received a call from the president.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
was invited to a parade.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
She waited
and waited.
She wanted to hear the song from the genius.
With time, it happened:
Jennifer Bilby’s prize arrived.
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
went to get her brilliant prize.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
never lost her faith.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-