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Број резултата: 2


Letnje noći

Kažu mi da prestanem, povređuješ se
Ali ako imam glavobolje sve me vraća tebi
I sita sam gledajući tvoje oči kada približim svoje
Nismo pali unazad, nego je promenjen put
Iste boje kao pre samo manje svetla
Volela bih da pišem druge reči ali čitamo samo u snovima
I vrlo dobro znam da te to zasmejava
Ali daj mi vremena da ti čujem smeh
Tako da nemoj prestati, ne, nemam više glavobolje
Ne vidim ništa osim tebe, verovatno misliš da je to glupo
I ne brini, zabaci glavu unazad i nebo je opet plavo


I saw you
Walking in my dreams today
I told you
Can you please just go away
Cause I know that every time I see your face
I forget everything you did
But I'm still holding on
But let me go
Yeah let me go
Under your skin a reflection is hiding
Too far to see it, but I know that, one day, the rain will fall
What (in French, 'how') will I do if you aren't there anymore
Let's leave reason ('critical thinking') to the side
Because, without this ('otherwise'), I will have tried everything
Nothing is perfect, believe me
My heart, tonight, is for you
I saw you
Walking in my dreams today
I told you
Can you please just go away
Cause I know that every time I see your face
I forgеt everything you did
But I'm still holding on
But let mе go