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Резултати претраге страна 5

Број резултата: 137



Zakopam svoj duh
Započnem svoje slavne dane
Infiltriram svoje srce
I odagnam bol
Trebalo mi je vremena
Da progledam kroz tvoje oči
Oh, nisam uplašen
Moje reči nisu laži
Nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Moram biti jak
Ali ti si me učinila slabim
Neću pogrešiti prema tebi
Zato što su ovo snažna osećanja
Gde pripadamo?
Znam da moramo tražiti da bismo pronašli
Zato što sam nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Mislim da gubim razum
I nakon svega
Hoćeš li i dalje ustati i boriti se?
Kada si skriven u tami
Hoćeš li potrčati ka svetlosti?
Iako sam sam
Mogu te osetiti ovde, sa sobom
Pokušavam te blokirati
Ali ti si sve što vidim
Nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Moram biti jak
Ali ti si me učinila slabim
Neću pogrešiti prema tebi
Zato što su ovo snažna osećanja
Gde pripadamo?
Znam da moramo tražiti da bismo pronašli
Zato što sam nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Mislim da gubim razum
Nemoćan, nemoćan
Mislim da gubim razum
Nemoćan, nemoćan
Reci mi ovaj put
Nećeš me pustiti
S tobom, na svojoj strani
Ne osećam se usamljeno
Okanio sam se svog ponosa
Sada te mogu sam pozvati
Moram biti jak
Ali ti si me učinila slabim
Neću pogrešiti prema tebi
Zato što su ovo snažna osećanja
Gde pripadamo?
Znam da moramo tražiti da bismo pronašli
Zato što sam nemoćan za tvoju ljubav
Mislim da gubim razum

Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη

Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
μια όψη φωτεινή και δίκαιη
και ο ύπνος μου διακόπηκε
αλλά το όνειρό μου παρέμεινε ζωντανό
με την μορφή κοιλάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
πως οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
της λύτρωσης από τα έργα των ανόητων
πάνω από τους ταπεινούς συγκεντρώνονται τα χαρίσματα
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Εκδικητικές όψεις έγιναν ύποπτες
και σκύβοντας χαμηλά σαν για να ακούσω...
και οι στρατιές σταμάτησαν να προχωρούν
γιατί οι άνθρωποι είχαν την προσοχή τους
και οι βοσκοί και οι στρατιώτες
είναι ξαπλωμένοι κάτω από τα αστέρια
ανταλλάσσοντας οράματα
και αφήνοντας τα όπλα
να χαραμίζονται, μέσα στην σκόνη
με την μορφή πεδιάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
Εκεί όπου υπήρχαν έρημοι
Είδα συντριβάνια
το νερό ανέβαινε σαν να ήταν κρέμα
και περπατήσαμε εκεί μαζί
χωρίς να κανέναν να μας κοροϊδεύει ή να μας κριτικάρει
και η λεοπάρδαλη
και το αρνί
ήταν ξαπλωμένα μαζί όντας πραγματικά δεμένα μεταξύ τους
Ευχόμουν μέσα στις ευχές μου
να θυμηθώ όσα είχα βρει
Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
ο Θεός ξέρει, μια πιο καθαρή οπτική
καθώς παραδίδομαι στον ύπνο μου
Αφιερώνω το όνειρό μου σε σένα
Την δύναμη να ονειρεύεσαι, να εξουσιάζεις
να παλεύεις για τον κόσμο ενάντια στους ανόητους
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Πιστεύω πως όλα όσα ονειρευόμαστε
μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν, μέσα από την ενότητά μας
μπορούμε αλλάξουμε τον κόσμο
μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε την τροχιά της γης
έχουμε την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη

The Qua Qua Dance

This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Mother goose and daddy
with the hands do qua qua
and a feather is already flying
here and there.
Bend the knees a little
then wag the tail like this,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
With a jump go further there,
with the wings come back here.
What a great novelty,
(is) the qua qua qua!
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
Dance the qua qua dance
like a gander who knows
only how to do qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Come on, everybody here with me,
arm-to-arm, three by three.
Watch out, there will be
a great qua qua.
If you're in front of me
I'll dance it with you
and if a kiss will fly,
won't be a bad thing!
But (for) the one who won't do the gander,
how embarrassing it will be!
He will certainly look like
a dried codfish (fool).
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
With the wings go further there,
with a jump come back here,
do the move that suits you,
but do qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
which goes on and it's not known
if one fine day it will end
doing qua qua.
The whole world by now knows
that this is the fashion,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Mother goose and daddy
with the hands do qua qua
and a feather is already flying
here and there.
Bend the knees a little
then wag the tail like this,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
With a jump go further there,
with the wings come back here.
What a great novelty,
(is) the qua qua qua!
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.


Don’t hesitate Move on
Come on, there’s no time
Your future depends on your imagination
Throw away your fears, we are allowed to
Because you hold every key
I dreamt of you without falling asleep
I hope, hope that I don’t forget about you
Today how about if we
Burn it up together
As if we became one, Feeling feeling
So turn me up
We got that power power
When you see me
When we feel the same feeling
Power power
We get stronger
Turn the music up now
We got that power power
Through this music
When we sing with one voice together
Power power
We get stronger
Turn the music up now
Power power
Turn the music up now
Stop worrying now Stop
Time goes by even now Tik Tok
We take a shot
Let’s go We got bang bang pow wow
With the melody coming from the earphones
Mask the loud noise and turn the volume Up! High!
We got that power everytime
I dreamt of you without falling asleep
I hope, hope that I don’t forget about you
Today how about if we
Burn it up together
As if we became one, Feeling feeling
So turn me up
We got that power power
When you see me
When we feel the same feeling
Power power
We get stronger
Turn the music up now
We got that power power
Through this music
When we sing with one voice together
Power power
We get stronger
Turn the music up now
When the day you get worn out comes, remember Babe
Of how beautiful we were
That the power to get back up again
Resides in you
We got that
We got that power power
Through this music
When we sing with one voice together
Power power
We get stronger
Turn the music up now
Power power
Turn the music up now
We got that
We got that

Just married

The past is like an old man,
which has nothing to say.
pain is like a bed,
where I no longer know how to sleep.
I will put my hopes,
above our windowsill.
like red tulips returning to bloom.
And sooner or later,
you'll be back down the road,
which crosses my life.
I will heal with your tenderness
your wounded soul.
And looking into our eyes
we'll find out gently,
that pretending to leave us did not serve anything.
For you,
I will ask in the Spring,
to keep it calm all year.
I will give you love filters without tricks without deceit,
to return to your heart.
Then I will help you to like me,
until the last tomorrow.
As the first day together,
smiling at the pain.
Just as it does if it is true love.
The years pass for everyone,
and we too have changed.
more fate of destiny,
maybe less in love.
now is more than a hope,
come back as before,
when hand in hand we woke up one morning.
And come on.
Let's call our old friends,
Let's also our relatives.
All in elegant clothes, perhaps crazy but happy.
And we cry to everyone.
will help you to like me,
until the last tomorrow.
As the first day together,
smiling at the pain.
Just as it does if it is true love.
Finding to our selves again was nice.
And now while you are resting,
I go to heaven, with the plate,
to write to you,
Just married.

Samba em Preludio

Versions: #3
I without you have no more reason
because, without you, I can't even cry
I'm a flame without light, a garden without moonlight
a moonlight without love, a love without giving myself
And, without you, I'm so indifferent
a boat without sea, a field without flowers
sadness which goes, sadness which comes.
Without you, my love, I am nobody!
Ah, what a nostalgia,
what a will to see reborn our life!
Come back, my darling,
my arms are crave your ones,
your arms crave mine
I feel so lonesome,
my eyes are tired of looking glum
Come to the life
Without you, my love, I am nobody!
Without you, my love, I am nobody!

Song of Absent Love

¹Oh, woman
Thou who createst love
Here I am so alone
In the immense shade
Of thy absence
Woman, song
Nocturnal flower of goodbye
Come kill me with love
With love in thy arms
²My love is so much
So much for thee
That there is no greater pain
Than what I experienced
The pain of this separation
Listening to my own heart
Beat every minute in vain
Of thy absence
²Oh, I wish I could
Give myself entirely to thee
Oh, I wish I could have
The time I have lost
Oh, I wish
To be the air
That at least
Rub thy lips
And kiss thee
One more goodbye
Gabriel Moreira© This is an original translation, I have put time and effort into it, please contact me before using it elsewhere. - Esta es una traducción original, por favor pedir permiso para usarlo.


Thick clouds
Cover my window
Cutting off the light
A fleeting nightmare
Covered with a scarf
I begin to move…
Even now,
I don't understand
To what lies beyond the darkness…
As if calling to the utter stillness,
A flower blossoms!
Please sing!
Grief isn't the sea, drink it to the dregs
The height of the blizzard
Puts splotches on the moon
Frightened of the wind
My instinct, awakened
By the calling of the crow
I begin to move…!
From here on
I don't understand
Shaking off my emotions
To see through the origins of good and evil
I am changing! And so
I sing to the world…
Even now
I don't understand
To what lies beyond the darkness
As if calling to the utter stillness,
A flower blooms!
Now! Sing…
Until the day I can see clear skies
Facing the darkness
So I can collect my confused thoughts
Please sing strongly!


(Strofa 1: Peri i Džesi)
Čekaj malo, nisi se poklonio
Ja nisam cura koja će po gradu hodati iza tebe
Samo zato što si obdaren dole*
ne znači da ću ti se ikad lako dati, dušo
O, ja sam mašina kad to radim
zapalim se kao benzin kada to radim
Samo zato što si obdaren dole*
ne znači da ću ti se ikad lako dati, dušo
(Pred-refren: Džejd)
Dušo, ti si gazda
ali ja imam, ja imam, ja imam moć
Ti praviš kišu
ali zbog mene, zbog mene, zbog mene će ona padati
Treba da znaš da sam ja ovde glavna
Daću ti da malo preuzmeš kontrolu ali ne smiješ da zaboraviš
Ko ima moć?
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
(Strofa 2: Li-En / Džejd)
Moj red
Zbog mene ovo izgleda lako
tik tik, bum, kao benzin
Da, zovu me Lamburgini
jer znam koliko vrijedim
Kad vozim idem sa 0 na 100
kad mi vide tijelo, ljudi mucaju
Palim svoj motor, pritišćem dugme
jer ja stižem prva*
O, ja sam mašina kad to radim
zapalim se kao benzin kada to radim
Samo zato što si obdaren dole*
ne znači da ću ti se ikad lako dati, dušo
(Pred-refren: Džejd)
Dušo, ti si gazda
ali ja imam, ja imam, ja imam moć
Ti praviš kišu
ali zbog mene, zbog mene, zbog mene će ona padati
Treba da znaš da sam ja ovde glavna
Daću ti da malo preuzmeš kontrolu ali ne smiješ da zaboraviš
Ko ima moć?
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ne zavaravaj se, zgrabila sam te
u ruke životinje
Navela sam te da misliš da sam nevinašce
ali čekaj da dođeš kući
Ako ne znaš, dragi, trebalo bi da znaš
ja sam glavna
Ti si gazda
ali ja imam, ja imam, ja imam moć
Ti praviš kišu
ali zbog mene, zbog mene, zbog mene će ona padati
Treba da znaš da sam ja ovde glavna
Daću ti da malo preuzmeš kontrolu ali ne smiješ da zaboraviš
Ti si gazda
ali ja imam, ja imam, ja imam moć
Ti praviš kišu
ali zbog mene, zbog mene, zbog mene će ona padati
Treba da znaš da sam ja ovde glavna
Daću ti da malo preuzmeš kontrolu ali ne smiješ da zaboraviš
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Ja imam, ja imam moć
Jer ja imam, ja imam moć...