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Број резултата: 135


Punctuation marks

The punctuation marks, inside the sentences
if you forget them, you are definitely going to lose!
They are all useful, no matter how small they are
You are about to hear them telling you that,
listen to them carefully!
- Tell us, little full stop,
small dot in the corner.
-I am finishing a sentence
I am declaring that.
-How about you, comma
one might say that you look like a crescent.
- I am separating your lists
I am giving you breath.
- Go on, tell us, question mark
what is your secret?
- Do you want to ask something? Just place me there!
- What does exclamation mark has to say to us,
this tiny dot-line with the loud voice?
- I wish, I admire, I am shouting out loud!
- Up and down, there are two dots1
saying to each other, like two little ladies:
' Now I am explaining something,
or am using someone else's words'.
-Here come the quotation marks..like pointing little ears!
- When you are introducing a quote of someone else
you will find us their, before and after those words.
- And the dialogue dash
always in the beginning of someone's speech!
' When you are starting a dialogue
use me there'
-The punctuation marks, inside the sentences
if you forget them, you are definitely going to lose!
Now that they have talked to you
make sure you will learn them
and all of your texts
will be awesome!
  • 1. colon


Reke u mojim očima su dva nepresušna izvora
Neprestano će teći, dokle god budeš želela da ti budem neprijatelj
Tvoj vetrić me vodi, svoj volan sam pustio
Da živim tvoje putovanje, pa nek' se raspadnem
Torturice* moja slatka i ljubavi moja
Otvorena držim vrata svog srca
Kada i kad god poželiš, dođi da se odmoriš
Od ljubavi koje su te slučajno povredile
Torturice moja slatka i ljubavi moja
Otvorena držim vrata svog srca
Vrati se kada se smrzneš i kada ti zatreba bilo šta drugo
Torturice moja, meni to reci
Koji dijalog da vodiš sa zvukom tišine
Osećanja su uzvraćena, ali niko nije pobednik
Ti si me ostavila i odlaziš, ja sam i dalje sa tobom
I tražim malo mesta u tvom životu
Torturice moja slatka i ljubavi moja
Otvorena držim vrata svog srca
Kada i kad god poželiš, dođi da se odmoriš
Od ljubavi koje su te slučajno povredile
Torturice moja slatka i ljubavi moja
Otvorena držim vrata svog srca
Vrati se kada se smrzneš i kada ti zatreba bilo šta drugo
Torturice moja, meni to reci

Izađi na sunce, zaigraj

Izađi na sunce, zaigraj i muči ga
Život nas je odvukao ka bezosećajnim srcima
Molili smo ih uzalud i ove godine
Ali niti su vrata otvorili, niti zagrljaje
Izađi na sunce, zaigraj otvorenog srca
Obuci košulju, sakrij rane od noža
Ono što nas je povredilo, ne pitaj kako
Izađi na sunce, igraj, ima Boga
Izađi na sunce, zaigraj, ne odustaj
Reci da si se juče rodio opet ispočetka
Na ruševinama ti svetlošću pišem
Snovi koji nestaju imaju dušu
Izađi na sunce, zaigraj otvorenog srca
Obuci košulju, sakrij rane od noža
Ono što nas je povredilo, ne pitaj kako
Izađi na sunce, igraj, ima Boga

Dva metra neba

Fatalni vetar daleko od mene te je odveo
I ostao sam van Božijih planova
Smanjio se svet neočekivano za mene
U oluji vremena
Gde da se smestim, gde
U kući kog bola?
Dva metra neba, na na na
Da svetli iznad mene, na na na
Toliko je ostalo za mene
Pošto si postala dim
Dva metra neba, na na na
Čarobnjak je vreme i sve briše
Pretvara ljubav u trn u srcu
Smanjio se svet zbog tvog nepravednog odlaska
Moja snaga razbila se u paramparčad
Gde da se smestim, gde
U kući kog bola?
Dva metra neba, na na na
Da svetli iznad mene, na na na
Toliko je ostalo za mene
Pošto si postala dim
Dva metra neba, na na na
Dva metra neba, na na na
Da svetli iznad mene, na na na
Toliko je ostalo za mene
Pošto si postala dim
Dva metra neba, na na na
Dva metra neba, na na na
Da svetli iznad mene, na na na
Toliko je ostalo za mene
Pošto si postala dim
Dva metra neba, na na na

Ja ću biti za tebe

U visine nemoj da letiš i po zemlji hodaj
Ne traži previše, sve je slučajno
Kako ćeš izdržati severac, imaš papirna krila
Ja ću biti za tebe i ti ćeš biti za mene
Moj život je tvoj život i zauvek ću biti sa tobom
Ja ću biti za tebe i ti ćeš biti za mene
Zimi, leti, na suncu i zvezdama
Voliš me, volim ti i to je, sunce moje, dovoljno
Život je jednostavan, moj zapade i istoče
Dva srca koja su postala jedno više ništa ne traže
Ja ću biti za tebe i ti ćeš biti za mene
Moj život je tvoj život i zauvek ću biti sa tobom
Ja ću biti za tebe i ti ćeš biti za mene
Zimi, leti, na suncu i zvezdama

Rekao sam i ja

Rekao je Vasilis - ja sam fenomen*
Rekao je Pashalis - kakvo mi nevreme donosiš*
I Stamatis, malo pre nego što sam se uspavao
Rekao je da te sve voli*, iako me ostavljaš
Rekao je Dimitris - toliko dajem, koliko želiš*
Janis je rekao da ti pišem jedno pismo*
I sada kada me sve vraća u prošlost
Molim stalno za jedno čudo
Rekao sam i ja da ne želim kontakt
Šta misliš da je razlog što hodam po crnom snegu
Ali, večeras pucam i govorim ti kao dete
Istinito, iskreno izvini
Rekao sam i ja - sedi i izbroj dobre stvari
Rekao sam posle - zviznuo sam u pištaljku i završila si za mene
U trenutku besa sam rekao to sve
Želim da postanem skroz nov sa tobom
Dzeni je pitala da li je ljubav greh*
Čim sam odgovorio 'Da', počeo sam da plačem
Viki je rekla i zaplakali su zvučnici
Da postoje usamljeni ljudi*, zbog rane
Marinela je rekla - zbog tebe mogu*
Ali, ne mogu, iako se borim, iako umirem
I dok mi glasovi maze um
Uz njihove pesme ovde te čekam
Rekao sam i ja da ne želim kontakt
Šta misliš da je razlog što hodam po crnom snegu
Ali, večeras pucam i govorim ti kao dete
Istinito, iskreno izvini
Rekao sam i ja - sedi i izbroj dobre stvari
Rekao sam posle - zviznuo sam u pištaljku i završila si za mene
U trenutku besa sam rekao to sve
Želim da postanem skroz nov sa tobom

Ti si razlog što živim

Našao sam staro društvo, našao sam momke
Opet si bila glavna tema događaja
Odvukli su i mene u sve poznato
U našu kafanicu, i tako dalje, i tako dalje
Ko za tebe žive, umire, želim odgovor
Ti si razlog što živim, ja sam jedno sećanje
Ti si razlog što živim, ja sam jedno sećanje
Ko za tebe žive, umire, želim odgovor
Opet su nas ostavili van igre
Ali na naš način smo odgovorili
Grafitima na zidovima, sloganima
Naša ljubav je Gorgona na talasima, na talasima
Ko za tebe žive, umire, želim odgovor
Ti si razlog što živim, ja sam jedno sećanje
Ti si razlog što živim, ja sam jedno sećanje
Ko za tebe žive, umire, želim odgovor

Proći će

Gde skitam i zašto
I kada ću se vratiti
Za sve, celog života
Tražiš razlog...
Pritiskaš me stalno
Ne mogu da funkcionišem
Moje staro ja
Bilo je razumno...
Proći će, proći će
Možda je samo faza
Tako sam govorio o tebi
Ali, sada govorim kraj
Volim te mnogo, ali
Imaš psihičke probleme
I ako ti ih rešim ja
Sigurno ću poludeti...
Volim te mnogo, ali
Imaš psihičke probleme
Hajde da ih rešimo sada
Patimo oboje...
Gde gledam krišom
I poruke kome šaljem
Prazninu zbog nesigurnosti
Imaš u srcu
ispitivanja, pretnje
A opravdanja ne dajem
Čisto preterivanje
Je ono što govoriš

U najgorim momentima

Pogledao sam svoje najgore lice u oči
Poljubio sam ga u usta i rekao sam mu Hvala
Nije marilo i ostavilo me je da lutam u zoru
Iz njegovih grešaka naučio sam reči Volim te
Pogledao sam svoje najgore lice u oči
Video sam da sve čega sam se ja plašio, to sam postao
Koliko god da smo grešili, ne tražim krivca
Ajde da nastavimo dalje, da vidimo šta će biti
Svoje najgore lice volim
U najgorim momentima ne zaboravljam te
Uvek se vraćaš u trenucima kada ja patim
U najgorim momentima najbolje se provodim
Pogledao sam svoje najgore lice u oči
Anđeo je ratovao sa demonom, zveri
I demon je obmanuo anđela suzama
Gledaj kako je završilo srce, želi obojicu
Svoje najgore lice volim
U najgorim momentima ne zaboravljam te
Uvek se vraćaš u trenucima kada ja patim
U najgorim momentima najbolje se provodim
Najbolje moje lice, oprosti mi večeras
Za sve greške koje za nas još uvek nisam napravio
I koliko god ljubavi da prođu, zauvek pamti
Da dobro i loše spavaju u istom telu
Svoje najgore lice volim
U najgorim momentima ne zaboravljam te
Uvek se vraćaš u trenucima kada ja patim
U najgorim momentima najbolje se provodim

U Solunu pevam

Opet sam u zoru zaplakao što si otišla
Opet me je ujutru zatekla kiša i led
Nedostaješ mi i zaboleo me je mnogo ovaj raskid
I u noći kao ludak te tražim
U Solunu pevam
U Solunu plačem za tobom
Vozim i govorim Volim te
I svi putevi vode do tebe
U Solunu pevam
U Solunu te tražim
Vozim i govorim Volim te
Nedostaješ i nemam gde da idem
Pio sam i napio sam se, osetio sam da me bol guši
Fotografije tvoje i večeras sam grlio u samoći
Nedostaješ mi i zaboleo me je mnogo ovaj raskid
I u noći kao ludak te tražim
U Solunu pevam
U Solunu plačem za tobom
Vozim i govorim Volim te
I svi putevi vode do tebe
U Solunu pevam
U Solunu te tražim
Vozim i govorim Volim te
Nedostaješ i nemam gde da idem


Gde li su one
Sa kojima sam živeo
Koje su brinule kada sam kasnio
Plakale su zbog mene, ali (sada) ignorišu
Srećne su
Zagrljene spavaju!
Šta li se desilo sa onima koje su pozdravljale
Lažnim rečima i ostavile su me
Govorile su da neće izdržati
Govorile su da će nestati, govorile su da će umreti
A naravno žive!
Iako su me volele mnoge
Opet sam sam
I ti si jedna od njih
Da li mi je takva sudbina, reci
Moj život se razbio na komade
U tvojim velikim očima
I preterivanjima
Gde li su one
Sa kojima sam živeo
Koje su brinule kada sam kasnio
Plakale su zbog mene, ali (sada) ignorišu
Srećne su
Zagrljene spavaju!
Iako su me volele mnoge
Opet sam sam
I ti si jedna od njih
Da li mi je takva sudbina, reci
Moj život se razbio na komade
U tvojim velikim očima
I preterivanjima
Ljubavi su me ubeđivale
Da bez mene neće živeti
Sa velikim obećanjima
Negde su drugo ili su u vezama
Ali kažem da si najgora ti
Koja si govorila da me se plašiš
I kada si uzela moje srce
Otišla si i daleko si od mene
Iako su me volele mnoge
Opet sam sam
I ti si jedna od njih
Da li mi je takva sudbina, reci
Moj život se razbio na komade
U tvojim velikim očima
I preterivanjima

Само због тебе

На крају бих желео да знам


Where are they?
That I lived with
That were worried when I was late
Cried for me like they're missing
They are happy happy
They sleep in hugs!
What happened to those who greeted me?
Fake words and they left me
They said they couldn't handle it
They said they'll get lost,they said they'll die
and of course they are alive!
And even if a lot of women loved me
I am alone again
And you're one of them
It's in my fate
My life is crushed in pieces
inside your big eyes
And the exaggerations
Where are they?
That I lived with
That were worried when I was late
Cried for me like they're missing
They are happy happy
They sleep in hugs!
And even if a lot of women loved me
I am alone again
And you're one of them
It's in my fate
My life is crushed in pieces
inside your big eyes
And the exaggerations
Love made me believe
that without me they won't live
With the great promises
they are elsewhere or they're in relationships
But I think you're the worst
Who said that was scared of me
And when you took my heart
You left and you're away from me
And even if a lot of women loved me
I am alone again
And you're one of them
It's in my fate
My life is crushed in pieces
inside your big eyes
And the exaggerations

Feel me

And here you are again in front of me
Just a look of yours drives me crazy
I've been hit by love, my heart *
And I want to tell you a little something
Feel me and don't be scared
Hold me to be close to me
Look at me, I'm melting for you
For you and just for you I'm losing myself
And here I am again
Protagonist of the same movie
And you have stolen my heart
And I'm waiting for you to appear
Feel me and don't be scared
Hold me to be close to me
Look at me, I'm melting for you
For you and just for you I'm losing myself
And if it so happens that we never kiss
And if it so happens that you won't become half of my life
A moment to embrace each other is enough for me
Afterwards let's leave like strangers and it doesn't matter where that might get us to
Feel me and don't be scared
Hold me to be close to me
Look at me, I'm melting for you
For you and just for you I'm losing myself
For you and just for you I'm losing myself

Life Lessons

May I speak to you
To ask you something
And then I'll leave you be
I want you to give me life lessons
To teach me how to live
So that nobody passes me by
That's what I want, to fall in love
Without getting dirty
To not get bored or sad
To lead without being misunderstood
I want to escape from sentimental slips of the tongue
To become a saboteur in an elevator
That only goes up
To learn how to not lose
In the morning I'll be a boxer specializing in caresses
A make up artists at nights
I'll have a make-up bag with a speedometer
That counts wounds
Hides bruises
Chauffeur on a tractor without suspension
I want to become an editor
To put you, life,
For one last time, in order
To hear something that concerns me
I want you to teach me to give myself
To become
Something else
I want to be a sensation
To be considered great on the big screen
Life, what hurts you pays
I want to be the thing that motivates me
A pawn in the gallows that escapes in the end
I want you to give me life lessons
For you to understand me
And tell me the truth
Ala! 1
Am I asking for too much?
I want to become poetry without conscience
Easily, slag
Get over it and listen
I can't not think about you
But I can't think about you either
Yes, I'm asking you a favor
I have double parked
My ego
In infinity
In a spot for the emotionally
I traveled the world and no
To Lamia
When will you come?
At the clarinet festiveties
In the month of August
Behind the church, I'll teach you
The pig is screaming
On top of the baking dish
Hurry because I'm starving
Nobody schemed with quinoa
Drown and hide the tears
Elias, drop it
And they won't find out in Athens
I'll have baskets on your lap
To drive the misery away
I'll give you whatever you like
I'll never betray you
Once in a while
I'll even write hit songs for you
The people want songs, lies and belly dancing
I'll clap manly
I'll be wearing disgrace and combat boots
What a debacle
With so much light, why doesn't the darkness go away?
I want you to give me life lessons
For you to understand me
And tell me the truth
I believe, yes I believe
In the rumors
The easy rhymes
I believe and I fast
I rob my relatives
It would be rude
To rob someone outside the family
I lie about my height
Okay life, I am not anywhere close to 1.90 cm
And once, I called you Linda
It was a mistake
The passion's to blame
That I mix them up and play the tough guy
Not with the boss
But with some starving Pakistani
I pretend I'm great
I am not an idiot 2
I am proud to be
An angel of God
I'll get a bonus
On my own
Because I came in second
When no one else was running in front of me
I never saw such a country
Such a beautiful homeland
And my God
Is the best in the world
And the best race
Is my dark-skinned face
Rooftop, bougatsa and drugs
Vegan priest for yoga lessons wanted
I want a song without a trauma
Involvement in a miracle
I want to change the world
As long as I don't change
The world should change
Intellectual that wants to implement his ideas is wanted
I want you to give me life lessons
And I'll pay no matter the price
Teach me about Osho
I want to meditate alongside Christ
Yesterday, I ran over a Saint with my car
Or hellish circumstance
Couldn't God have found another day to be on strike?
I'm not to blame
It's the system's fault
Cuts and hands it out
I'm not to blame
It's the other person
Not my own beauty
I want to overthrow the status quo, the stolen, the lost, the burned
I'm sorry, life
Life, I'm scared
That perhaps the status quo is better than what I'm expecting
  • 1. Interjection that expresses enjoyment, cheerfulness like hoorway
  • 2. I'm not buying it

I've Hated Sundays Since I Was A Child

Well, I wake up late on Sundays
And drink my coffee by myself.
With the metro to Piraeus
I look upon my insides and those outside of me.
I look around but don't see myself anywhere,
Everything in my mind is a big mess.
I'm not sure if I'm sad or glad,
If I should stay or go.
Different faces, mules, seamen.
Who could be the thieves and who the policemen?
I later sneaked into some cinema,
Next to me five or six Pakistani men were sat.
The lights go out and I am now a nobody.
Naked women come on screen.
Nobody cares if I'm alive or dying.
My hands slips into my pants.
Breath cut short, the anxiety of being discovered.
I don't even know how I got here.
In the week's awful porno,
Sunday is my worst day.
I stand at the door, looking for a key.
Everything in my mind is a big mess.
I've hated Sundays since I was a child.
I pull the chair so I can sit.

Bleib Treu Cafe (Berlin 1976)

I liked the bars in Berlin
After 3 am
When the blondes would slowly get wasted
Lonely princesses,
Lovers of nothing
On the island of the losers
Silently enjoying themselves
At the losers' celebration
Silently enjoying themselves every night
Erika, Maria, Monika, Sabine
Will we ever see again
The snow of December
Fall in the evening
Outside the window wall
Of Bleib Treu Cafe
“Berlin, ach du Berlin”
“Berlin, ach du Berlin”
“Berlin, ach du Berlin”
His cold laughter
I hear and become scared
The laughter of war
I hear again coming from everywhere
Ah! How easily we forget
The crime blows again from every side
Erika, Maria, Monika, Sabine
Will we ever see again
The snow of December
Fall in the evening
Outside the window wall
Of Bleib Treu Cafe
“Berlin, ach du Berlin”
“Berlin, ach du Berlin”
Sie heißt Lili Marlene!

Naked Shadow

I have now forgotten you
But my blood still remembers you
It's winter
But still deep into the earth
But still deep into the earth
The summer sun is asleep, asleep
Like a colour I dreamt and no longer remember,
And like a wound the time refused to heal,
Fleshly fire, naked shadow,
The only thing I remember still,
Are your long fingers
Perhaps it was the room's sneaky light
Perhaps it was the shadows dancing on the walls,
And the distant sounds of the street.
Perhaps it was your warm body, perhaps
That made the moments feel eternal.
Fleshly fire, naked shadow,
The only thing I remember still,
Are your long fingers
The only thing I remember still
Fleshly fire, naked shadow,
The only thing I remember still,
Are your long fingers

Apology Girls

This empty look in my mirror
I know it well from years ago
Looking at me like the sad girls who loved me,
Some pale, chubby ones with glasses.
Those you don't give a second look
Night love hotels
You wait for the storm to pass and then
You leave and they look at you sorrowfully.
They know from the start but always hope
When they give you their kiss in suspense.
They can see it in your eyes
You can see it in theirs
Their life is full of ''we're over''s
I only have words and theories left
I, too, was a ''we're over'' in your life.
I left like a thief without a word
And didn't consider your sadness.
A ridiculous bullshitter
A show off when he can
A stupid, dizzy little man
Kidding myself in my penis's folklore.
Apology girls in your eyes
There's a sorrow I haven't forgotten.
Sad girls, fairies of love
I've lost everything there was to lose.
And out of those I have left, this song
I give you tonight that I am staying up late all alone.
It sounds stupid but it's the flower,
It's the caress and the words I owe,
It's the gentle caress I owe you.

Of the exile (Moon, you put a spell on me)

Moon you put a spell on me
and I'm walking in the foreign lands
the house is orphan
unbearable the dusk
and the mountains full of tears
Send, my heaven, a bird
to bring patience to the mother
Send, my heaven, a bird
a little swallow,
to go to build the nest
at the garden's cherry tree
next to the little balcony,
send, my heaven, a bird
to bring patience to the mother
To bring patience to the mother
bound at the scarf
dowery to my little sister
and to my little neighbour girl
sweet kiss on the cheeks
Send, my heaven, a bird
to bring patience to the mother

The seagulls

Versions: #2
We set off, we're going far away
In different places, in uncharted waters
On the moorage, you're staying all by yourself
My mind will always be on the island
Now the ship has sailed
And the land fades out of sight
Amond the masts the seagulls are flying
And I am telling you 'So long'
All around us the sea like glass
But my thoughts remain blurry
The sun is shining now from high above
Many things are coming to my mind
Now the ship has sailed
And the land fades out of sight
Amond the masts the seagulls are flying
And I am telling you 'So long'
I'm gonna sail accross a foreign sea
I shall be looking at the sea and the sky
But you will be my companion
My mind will always be on the island


Wind has risen
the lights were lit
the ship whistled
the night is coming
In forests since aeons
alone you wander
the wild light you worship
in white chambers
Saxophones of spring
in the lava of your heart
your hair were loosened
and summer came
The miracle has happened
You slide among the mist
of strange times
phosphoric ship
of the upper seas
Santa Irini
The eyes of Sindbad
gazed at you forever
as he was beginning pensive
to go to nowhere.
The miracle has happened


Versions: #1
My lips dry and thirsty,
(They) Search the asphalt for water,
The vehicles pass by me,
And you tell me that a rainshower awaits us,
And you drag me to a damp cabaret.
We walk along together on the same road,
But our cells are separate,
We go about in a magic state,
I no longer want to know what we ask for,
It's enough for you to grant me two kisses.
You play me at roulette and you lose me,
In a nightmarish tale,
My voice is now the voice of an insect,
My life is now a climbing plant,
You cut me and you throw me to the void.
Oh, how need becomes history,
Oh, how history becomes silence,
What are you looking at me for, Rosa, all numb?
Forgive me for not understanding
What the computers and the numbers say.
My love, from coal and brimstone,
How time has changed you so,
The vehicles pass over us,
And I in the fog and in the rainshower,
I sleep by your side, hungry.
Oh, how need becomes history,
Oh, how history becomes silence,
What are you looking at me for, Roza, all numb?
Forgive me for not understanding
What the computers and the numbers say.


Versions: #1
They discuss you without a 'why' and not without reason,
As you sleep in narrow old Ladadika*,
You became famous and that's why you aren't jailed,
You live suspiciously** in the dark but you don't swear.
You shine bright in the red satins that wrap around you,
White and heavy smoke swallows you up,
In wet cobblestoned roads you spend the night,
In the garden gate of the paid paradise.
I give this much, how much do you want?
In Ladadika, they sell what you want,
Every bedroom a cell,
With a heavy young man's breath.
Myriads of lost lonelinesses had romances with you,
Boats would leave but before they did they whistled at you,
How many kids came to prove they were men,
And they shyly spent their pocket money on you.
I give this much, how much do you want?
In Ladadika, they sell what you want,
Every bedroom a cell,
With a deep young man's breath.
I give this much, how much do you want?
In Ladadika, they sell what you want,
Every bedroom a cell,
With a heavy young man's breath.

I Look For You In Salonica

Versions: #1
Since an empress fate sowed me,
An ancient Macedonian womb gave birth to me,
With an empty quiver I fight in the winter,
From the castle to the heart of Platamon.
Since a Phanariot path brings me,
A Salonican alley keeps me,
Come one night to make the promise,
Before the Vardaris wind wipes it away with a sponge.
I look for you,
I look for you in Salonica at dawn,
Your eyes are missing from the colours of dawn
I look for you,
I look for you with a violin and a moon,
The dream, you and the bow are missing.
Since I get drunk with a wine from Mount Athos,
And I sadden myself with a Constantinoplean heartache,
Find the knife that separates us in two,
And come here, to the bulwark of sadnesses.
Since on Olympus, the gods have decided it,
They gave the keys to the cold and committed suicide,
Now the day wakes up and sleeps alone,
With a scooter, a computer and a flute.
I look for you,
I look for you in Salonica at dawn,
Your eyes are missing from the colours of dawn
I look for you,
I look for you with a violin and a moon,
The dream, you and the bow are missing.

The Zeibekiko of the Archangel

Versions: #1
You set some difficult problems for this mindless world,
And you stay out all night with the zeibekiko of the archangel,
You laugh a hearty laugh and whoever can stand it,
After, you ask for silence and won't tolerate one word.
Lonely and rare,
You go about the Balkans
To stir up winds,
Like Holy Mary in a hash den,
You look for the stain of the world
For to clean it.
You dream of brown-haired gods at night,
And you fall in love with whatever sun you stroll with,
Eight Beaufort and the dragons are out on the waves,
You take some ink and a quill and write a poem.

Personal Visions

We are living our little tales
in the centre and the backstreets
drunken dreams, cancelled plans,
desperate phone calls
Again I'm thinking that maybe you weren't
what I dreamt of
but I remember how I saw one night the eyes of sadness
smiling at me
Maybe I wasn't what you dreamt of either
it's all personal visions, anyway.
I feel like I'm losing you...
my sweet love, goodnight.