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Резултати претраге страна 1

Број резултата: 33


Pesma Četrnaeste Divizije

Versions: #1
Zaplovi pesmo borbe i pobede nad dolinama, planinama,
zaplovi pesmo Četrnaeste divizije u svet,
Ponesi Tomšiča, duh Šercera, duh Bračiča
preko slovenačkih zemalja i prekali s njim srca.
U borbu, Četrnaesta, juriš!
neka čuje ceo svet!
Dignimo oružje i junački napred
svi za komandantom u boj. Napred! (2x)
Kad otadžbina ustane iz patnje i tuge,
onda će Četrnaesta pobednički stupati,
onda će da stane među prvim divizijama,
koje su se borile za bolje i srećnije dane.


Сред пушака, бајонета,
страже око нас,
тихо креће наша чета
кроз билећки крас.
Чује се одјекькорака.
по камењу херцеговском

Шуме, шуме

Шуме, шуме најлепша вам хвала, у вама се слобода рађала
У вама смо стекли ми слободе, за све мале и праве народе
По шумама топови пуцају, а на небу звездице играју
Млад партизан у шумама био, за свој народ крвцу сам пролио

Командант Сава

С краја Босне и мора, зна га земља сва
свуци славом прочуо Командант Сава
Водио је бригаде преко поља, гора,
разгонио је банде мрских злотвора
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај Командант Сава!
Хучи, тече Сутјеска, плива крв по њој,
дивизија Савина бије љути бој
Швавуци хорде крваве надиру кроз ноћ,
јуриш моји јунаци, ми морамо проћ’
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај Командант Сава!
Што то хучи Сутјеска у тај позни сат,
мртав крај ње лежаше славни Командант…
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај Командант Сава!

Командант Сава

Скраја Босне и мора, зна га земља сва
свуд се славом прочуо Командант Сава
Водио је бригаде преко поља, гора,
разгонио је банде мрских злотвора
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај Командант Сава
Хучи, тече Сутјеска, плива крв по њој,
дивизија Савина бије љути бој
Туђе хорде проклете надиру кроз ноћ,
јуриш моји јунаци, ми морамо проћ’
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај – ми морамо проћ’
Што то хучи Сутјеска у тај позни сат,
мртав крај ње лежаше славни Командант
Хеј-хај, хеј-хај – славни Командант

Oy, Kozara (Partisan ver.)

Oy Kozara, oy Kozara
My dense forest
You are, oy you are
Full of partisans
However many, oy however many
branches there are in Kozara
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young partisans
However many, oy however many
Leaves there are in Kozara
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young communists

Oy, Kozara

Spread out, oy spread out
The field is turning
Spread out, oy spread out
The field is turning
Oy Kozara, oy Kozara
My dense forest
Oy Kozara, oy Kozara
My dense forest
You are, oy you are
Full of partisans
You are, oy you are
Full of partisans
However many, oy however many
branches there are in Kozara
However many, oy however many
branches there are in Kozara
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young partisans
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young partisans
However many, oy however many
Leaves there are in Kozara
However many, oy however many
Leaves there are in Kozara
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young communists
There's even more, oy there's even more
Young communists
Comrade Tito, oy Comrade Tito
Gave the order
Comrade Tito, oy Comrade Tito
Gave the order
Everyone to battle, oy everyone to battle
For our liberation
Everyone to battle, oy everyone to battle
For our liberation

Hymn of the 5th Vilnius Brigade of the Home Army (We will go faithfully)

[Verse 1]
When the homeland is bathed in tears,
the martyr's blood cries to heaven.*
Who fights for freedom and takes revenge for blood**?
It is the 5th Vilnius Brigade. x2
[Verse 2]
And the chief leads it on a bold trail,
'Łupaszka' - unknown hero.
Only to die with him and fight to be able to
cut free the beloved country from bondage. x2
[Verse 3]
We will follow in your wake faithfully,
Because you are with us, God is with you.
We will boldly stay under the hail of bullets,
until the golden horn of freedom sounds.
[Verse 4]
Through bold assaults and fights for years
for the enemy he has become destruction.
And the song flows free and proud into the world
behind the 5th Vilnius Brigade. x2
[Verse 5]
Today our tasks are fight and work hard,
The fate is unknown for the future.
For beloved Poland, he leads us into battle
'Łupaszka' our beloved chief. x2
[Verse 6]
We will follow in your wake faithfully,
Because you are with us, God is with you.
We will boldly stay under the hail of bullets,
until the golden horn of freedom sounds.

The Mountaineers

The old mountain is calling
The mountaineers into her embrace.
The Sun is sending forth its rays,
The unit is now marching through a narrow pass.
Before the stars pierce the night,
Or lightening strikes through the sky,
The small company of mountaineers
Is hurrying towards its goal.
The small company of mountaineers
Is already nearing its goal.
A distant song is sounding,
The top of the mountain is already close.
Sweat is dripping from their faces,
They have given her all their love.
Before the stars pierce the night,
Or lightening strikes through the sky,
The small company of mountaineers
Is hurrying towards its goal.
The small company of mountaineers
Is already nearing its goal.

On The Window

On the window, look, there's a pale face
On the cheeks a trail of bitter tears
Why is a girl of only twenty years
Gazing so sadly into the world ?
My darling went into the mountains
He fought a fierce battle against fascists
Maybe he's fallen somewhere in blood tonight
While he was defending his people
Girl, don't be so sad
Wipe your tears and your eye
Your darling will surely return
When a shooting star falls
The proud hero will home
Crowned with glory of glorious victories
And he'll shout and throw his partisan cap in the air
When he steps over your threshold

Rising of Primorska

We used to painfully hold within
Our humiliation, our suffering
The cry of revenge we stifled on our lips
We buried it deep inside our hearts
But, look, a powerful tempest broke out
Like cobwebs the shackles were torn
The glow of the new day raced again
There to the last of Primorska homes
Machine guns sang their song
The air shook with the thunder of cannons
Wide meadows went up in flames
The call of freedom arose in the woods
Primorska, you have arisen into new life
With a raised head, stride into new times!
Through the battles, humiliation, victory, suffering
You finally found your real face