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Број резултата: 65


All good times are past

All those years went by
since your mother gave you birth
They've been passing, almost piling up
leaving their marks on your skin.
I know well you had bad times,
though your holy eyes shone for moments.
And you had friends, parties and rum
you had a man, dresses and bread,
nights and a war, flowers and more,
all those years and fingers to count.
Today I got in your room, I read your poems,
I checked your clothes and looked at your pictures,
I know I did wrong...
I apologize if I wasn't discreet
But I wanted to know more about you.
Now I'm calm, I know you're ok
Too bad for those eyes wanting to say
'All good times are past'


Versions: #1
Mehmed-pasha 1 served three emperors
He earned nine towers of treasure
So he sat down and started pondering
Where he’ll spend all that treasure
Will he give the treasure to the poor
or he’ll drink the treasure in wine
or he’ll throw the treasure down Drina 2
or he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosniacan
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, 3 come on, come on 4
He won’t give the treasure to the poor
nor will he drink the tresaure in wine
because wine is the emperor of all sorts of evil
He won’t throw the treasure down Drina
but he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
First of all a bridge on Drina
so Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, come on, come on
and he built a bridge on Drina
  • 1. Pasha is a higher rank in the Ottoman political and military system, typically granted to governors
  • 2. The Drina river is a 346 kilometers rong international river, forming a large portion of the border between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 3. I’ve heard this word a million times, but never in the same context. I use it occasionally when I’m really upset. However, I don’t really know what it means. I honestly think no one does. When I’m addressing my young brother, it means, “Oh my God, don’t make me repeat what I just told you.” When I’m addressing family or friends, it means, “Don’t be crazy, I know what I’m talking about.” I’d say people often use this word when they run out of arguments
  • 4. In colloquial speech it means 'allright'. 'Aman' is tricky though. It literally means a call for mercy (like when surrendering at the end of a battle). But in people's daily speech it doesn't mean this. Colloqually it's an exclamation meaning a friendly warning for something or frustration depending on context

The Sleeping Beauty

The sea in your eyes
flows with delicate waves,
the invisible lianas
in the castle walls.
It draws with rainbow drops
the path of dew,
the rays to your door
light the tower.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
And the castle will melt down
the invisible walls.
Everything will collapse and will be dark, you know, right?
In time you will build
a new castle, strong doors,
but your sleeping beauty will fly away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
From sea foam with hands
you sculpt a body, a face -
you make a fairy-tale prince
to carry you in his arms.
He will almost kiss you,
the sea inside you will fall asleep
and you, little sleeping beauty,
you will fly far away.
You will fly away.

I saw you pass.

I saw you pass by and you looked at me,
these were the most beautiful seconds
that I lived after I forgot you,
Although I understood, that I don’t forget you.
I saw you pass, after some time,
how many times I tried...
I had thought greet you,
and I didn’t dare....do you know why??
Because the air was trembling, it scared me,
I could breathe you, even while away,
an opened war in my heart,
and in that silence,
was screaming the memory,
both crying.
And I don’t regret if I loved you,
the truth can’t be hidden,
if it beats in my chest, I feel lucky!,
I would be wrong again,
if in a smile you give me,
the kisses, the nights and the caresses that I have dreamed.
I didn’t know it,
maybe, who I forget, is me,...
What I could feel,
on the street of nerves:
you took over me.
So, if you are looking at me tonight,
listen carefully,
Everything I didn’t tell you that afternoon of surprise,
that I love you Forever,
separated, but it is the same,
in my eyes the truth,
in yours,
the reason of this letter...

What happens?

VIP night!
don´t move from the site
don't touch the button
VIP night!
now comes the good thing
good information
what happens?
Always, today and tomorrow
stick to the couch
I swear that everything is better
what happens?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!
And with this something interesting
at eight in the morning
It offers you
always the best
don´t miss it
stick to the couch
what happens?
it's a little of magic
and a little of color
VIP night!
What happens?
VIP night!
and with this something interesting
at eight in the morning

It will pass

I'll understand that as long as I'm alive
There will be a one-way road,
Forgive, forget and move forward
Always think that nothing is written
And that we have made the destiny,
Without hesitation, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen
And we will start over
And we will be back
They say if the night is darker,
It's because there will be a new moon soon,
Without a doubt, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over.
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen.
That we'll start over
Without a doubt, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over.
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen.
We'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back
And we'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back
(We'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back)
And we'll start over
And we'll be back

Proći će

Razumeću da sve dok sam živ
Biće samo jedan jednosmerni put,
Oprostiti, zaboraviti i nastaviti.
Uvek misliti da ništa nije napisano
I da smo sudbinu izgradili,
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
I ponovo ćemo početi
I vratićemo se
Kažu da, ako je noć tamnija,
To je zato što će uskoro biti novi mesec,
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
Da ponovo ćemo početi
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se
Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se
(Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se)
I ponovo ćemo početi
I vratićemo se

Провести се добро

(Не вруће, не вруће) Велики мали бум.
Субота увече, знам да сијам као сунце
ставио сам тоалетну воду која ми даје перфектан мирис.
Пошто сам обучем перфектно и пошто изгледам перфектно, данас ћу да те пратим и да се смањим у твом телу.
Већ неко време ме посматраш девојко, ја луд за трошењем
новцаница од сто, ти да уздишеш
жено, реци ми, шта чекаш?!
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
Мали огромини. Чуј госпођице, дозволите да Вам кажем
две ствари, прва је једна тајна на уста
друга, ја сам онај који вам је потребан, моћан човек
који ће учинити да се осећате лепом, елегантном, да осетите као сијате, са малим огромним, бићу ваш скулптор, ти једно уметничко дело, и нема шта да кријем, слушај добро овај рефрен
и немојте да се заљубите
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
И зашто кажу да је потребно
заљубити се, и не разумем зашто је потребно венчати се,
једноставно кажем да треба проживети тренутак, много авантура
без кајања. Не љубав, не вруће, не љубав, не вруће
не љубав, не врућее, (Каже) Ја сам једини неумесни, који се појављује и нестаје, којег ти после тражиш месецима, јер као ја ниједан и ако те боли тражиш још, овде имам нешто за тебе. Кад ти будеш хтела учинићу те својом и ако ми будеш тражила, испунићу твоје фантазије, учинићу те својом женом, учинићу те својом женом.
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о


There is everything that goes up, goes down
Go, come
Start, finish
The sense of existence
And its inevitable end
Only die, do not expect anything else.
This game of appearances
of monotonous survival
Of traces left by those who are no longer
The history of a past, added to the value of silences.
Pauses that separate and overcome
The verses of my song
I do it the same but different
I do not accept applause for compassion.
There are so many dreams that end
And hope vanishes
Your conscience is damaged, in the midst of loneliness
You want to give up and tears come.
Pauses that separate and overcome
the verses of my song
I do it the same but different
I do not accept applause for compassion.
Sometimes I absent myself from my feelings
To focus on the reason
You murdered at that time
All the illusion.

Down in the Pasalimani

As the night thickens
during the best hour
they make their descent
the beautiful girls
Eh, hey, what a crowd of women
around-around the harbor
eh, hey, what a crowd of women
down in the Pasalimani*
The girls play
always the same viola
and find their boys
and drink from all
And later they break glasses
and they go to Freattyda*
a boat here, come, boatman
let's take a ride in the moonlight
And there when it dawns
one takes the wheel
the other is lulled to sleep
rows and melts
Heave-ho, heave-ho*
inside the Pasalimani
eh, hey, what a crowd of women
down in the Pasalimani

A Good Time

It's that brunette with the bright eyes
I got lost in her lips
She's so beautiful it makes me delirious
And I invite her to dance
I promise you it will be special
It will be special, love
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
You're so pretty
Sweet little doll
How are you single, I'm here to keep you company
Excuse me if I get too bold
Maybe it's how you move and whisper in my ear
It's what I wanted most
Quiet love, nothing leaves here
Dance baby with Marama
We sing together the songs of love
Slow-dancing to the beat you and me
And enjoying ourselves, enjoying ourselves
Together caressing each other
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
In my bed
Between white sheets
We'll come together to a better place
No words, no need to talk
We're shipwrecked together, in my bedroom
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
Let's have a good time
Cute little arousing smile
I want to get closer to your mouth
Dance baby with Marama

I Wish

I wish I were a watch, so as to wake you in the mornings
I wish I could own your sweet daybreak
I wish I were your shadow, to be forever by your side
I wish I were your angel to protect you from danger
I want to befriend your blanket and your bed
I want, baby, for this love I feel for you to never, never end
I wish I were a painter to paint you in my heart
I wish I were a poster of your favorite singer
I wish I were Da Vinci and you my Monalisa
I wish I were that joke that always makes you laugh
I wish I were the robber to steal your heart away
I wish I were your favorite clothing brand
I wish I were your diary, and I could spend my whole paycheck
On a trip to outer space that I saw yesterday in a magazine
I want to be the center of attention at your get-togethers
Bring you VIP style, sing you my songs
I want to be on God's side and to protect you
I want to be with you until death do us part...
I want to befriend your blanket and your bed
I want, baby, for this love I feel for you to never, never end
I wish I were a painter to paint you in my heart
I wish I were a poster of your favorite singer
I wish I were Da Vinci and you my Monalisa
I wish I were that joke that always makes you laugh
I wish I were the robber to steal your heart
I wish I were your favorite clothing brand
I wish I were your diary, and I could spend my whole paycheck
On a trip to outer space that I saw yesterday in a magazine
I wish I were a painter to paint you in my heart
I wish I were a poster of your favorite singer
I wish I were Da Vinci and you my Monalisa
I wish I were that joke that always makes you laugh
I wish I were the robber to steal your heart
I wish I were your favorite clothing brand
I wish I were your diary, and I could spend my whole paycheck
On a trip to outer space that I saw yesterday in a magazine
Forever by your side, I want to be
Forever by your side...

Šta se dešava?

Šta se dešava? Zašto šetaš plažom
Sa tugom na licu?
Napisao sam ovu pesmu
Šta se dešava? Zašto šetaš plažom?
I ne podižeš pogled?
Poklanjam joj ovu pesmu
Uvek je tu, uvek je na čekanju
Pomera.. pomera bokove
Ali ima nečeg setnog u njoj
Što skriva njenu veliku lepotu
U njenim očima postoji sjaj
Boje koja joj pruža haljina
Morsko plava
Kamo sreće, kamo sreće da kaže
Ono što najviše, ono što najviše želim
Ukoliko se približim, ona se više zatvara
Ostaće i nastaviće da čeka
Sada najviše tražim
Snage da promeni sudbinu
I da se oslobodi od svoje čarolije

What happened, happened

What happened, happened
It doesn't concern me
If I suffered and cried before
Everything is in the past
I forgot, I forgot, I forgot
In my life I have who to live for
I love and I'm loved
I will never ever be
Alone and sad anymore
I forgot about the past
Please give an applause to love
That has come to me
A thousand thanks for so much, so much love
I live in love, I fell in love today
I'm so happy
I forgot everything, and to all the past
I said good bye
I forgot, I forgot, I forgot
Please give an applause to love
That has come to me
A thousand thanks for so much, so much love
I live in love, I fell in love today
I'm so happy
I forgot everything, to all the past
I said good bye

Past Nights

She knows what she does And how does she put me And does whatever she wants
Nobody says anything
I'm always pleased
I already know her intentions
As in past nights
I was who you wanted, yeah
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights
I was who you wanted, eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights, past, past, eh-eh
[Verse 1]
You know what your mini does to me
And with her friends, she models her bikini
She sent me a couple of photos, the rumba is one, momma
She disappears and appears to Houdini, to Houdini
Makes and undoes
She has me in her mind
and that's why she lets it happen, she's born
We make this something frequent
Makes and undoes
She has me in her mind and that's why she lets it happen, she's born
We make this something frequent
I wanna be in front of you again
I know that you to, to
And I wanna be in front of you again
I know that you to, to
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights
I was who you wanted, eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights, past, past, eh-eh
[Verse 2]
Tell me when is
She asked me since she left
It wasn't enough with that time
One week we spend a month
And today she wants to see me
I also wanna have her
I saw her message when I woke up
And without thinking I answered
I wanna be in front of you again
I know that you to, to
And I wanna be in front of you again
I know that you
You know what you're doing
And how you put me
And does whatever she wants
Nobody says anything
I'm always pleased
I already know her intentions
As in past nights
I was who you wanted, yeah-eh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights
I was who you wanted, eh-eh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
As in past nights, past, past, eh-eh

A Tear Was Falling

We were so in love,
We only lived for each other.
And we couldn't breathe on our own.
Every day we waited to see each other,
And it seemed that it would last forever.
How could we not have saved our love?
And your tear was falling,
And you said goodbye to me,
And you hide your tears from me.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
Tell me, how can I live without you now?
And your tear was falling,
And my soul was praying,
For you to stop and not leave.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
But we can't change the laws of fate!
I don't know how I'll live now,
I'm dying without you,
And I know that our paths are separate now.
You hide your tears at night,
Crying into your pillow,
And the pain tears your heart to pieces.
And your tear was falling,
And you said goodbye to me,
And you hide your tears from me.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
Tell me, how can I live without you now?
And your tear was falling,
And my soul was praying,
For you to stop and not leave.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
But we can't change the laws of fate!
And your tear was falling,
And you said goodbye to me,
And you hide your tears from me.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
Tell me, how can I live without you now?
And your tear was falling,
And my soul was praying,
For you to stop and not leave.
It hurts to say goodbye like this,
To let go of your hands,
But we can't change the laws of fate!
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Passage revolt

We wear daisies out of fashion, thereby we rob herds,
and ox* - once a name of oblation, is now title of a friend,
on both feet flip-flops and head as amenity,
on the lapel a pin as dog tag - sign of belonging to crowd,
even our generation has its prominents,
the programe is resignation and slapping an argument,
applause is for silencing and whistle for praising,
and instead of persuasion just beer drinking - of sorrow,
under butt the page of Dikobraz**, we invoke Golden calf,
we sit in the corners under the paintings, awaiting the Savior,
we stare zealously at the copper coins, we - Gottwald's grandchildren,
and we curse the townsfolk - creators of revolution
even our generation has its penitents,
and honorable cops and humble officials,
and beings without conscience and spineless reptiles,
and life in ignorance and love to distrust,
we are not what we used to be: we know how to bend a back***,
we know how to compromise and how to betray a friend,
and grateful to today's reality we kiss stranger's hands,
and once we will crumble down, from this sad revolution,
even our generation has its old-timers****,
and its own emigration and own martyrs,
and with broken mouth, today we stayed voiceless,
no,... we re not on our knees,
we dig dirt with our trap (mouth)*****

Don't stir the past

Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that happened
Let the dead live in their graves
Let the living die in peace
Only the future matters
The past is a very dark dream
Close the windows to the nightmares
Follow the flight that nothing happens
Cross the street that nothing is coming
Pass to the other side and you'll be safe
Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that happened
Don't come up with the things that who knows if they happened
Don't stir the past
Don't investigate in the barbacue embers
Let the dead die
Let the living live and of you, I don't know
The present is a bridge
made with little resistant cords
If people is careful
When they pass to the other side
A match, a scissor
And it's a finished issue
Don't look back
Just march straight forward
If someone turns around or turns his head
He'll become a salt statue
Don't resell the fish
Don't lift the patridges that you hunted
Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that DIDN'T happen
We are even now
I believe I have absolved all the tortures I received
But in case I left some foreign debt, pay it, hee hee
Don't stir the past
The brain must be pretty washed
In the big wheel of history
We must give a push to the memory
Don't stay, untangle
Those brain beltways
Of your foolish and stubborn lacrimals
The future is safe
The past is what could happened
If you care about it, you get upset
You gotta play the fool and work.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

What's happening is I hang myself

Remind me that I have to attend couples therapy,
to begin to understand why you don't leave me,
if I don't do it well, I am Julio Alberto I'm on the spree,
if I can make you hate me and soon afterwards you love me.
I can assure you that I also love you
and that I am going to give you all that I am, if I arrive whole,
if I play my cards bad I can lose you and I do not want [it],
I will fashion traps to leave you win a game.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I know that this what I'm doing is nothing good, for I'm a lad,
and you know that I don't understand the why that you go on with me,
if you are the raft and I the stream that overflows the river,
if you are my guardian angel and I, I am a bastard.
They say that behind every great man is a great woman,
but in my case it isn't so, for it is backwards,
you are the great woman, I the man who, secretly,
has attached himself behind [you] and doesn't stop hitting you in the rear.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I regret, and it's that I
I regret

Dangerous Dance

Versions: #2
This tango for me,
You, her and him
Is such a dangerous dance,
For our wild hunger
So hard within us,
The tearing distance breaks
And dying is easy, each time,
The sky knows, hears the voice
'You are alone' - and scares you till death
I know, you want me here
To walk on the ground warm of tears
The night when I will be no more
Imagine that sleep falls onto your face
Then the dark will whisper to you,
Your breath will stop, you'll wait alone

What happens

Omar, LAMX
Welcome to my home
relax baby, my house is your house
i you want, you take off
all your clothes and we go to the beach
what happens, what happens
she thought immediately that I´m like the others
what happns, what happens
her body makes me stop breathing
Welcome to my home
relax baby, my house is your house
i you want, you take off
all your clothes and we go to the beach
what happens, what happens
if you want, we´ll go back to Caracas
what happens, what happens
her body makes me stop breathing
The cradit card is maximized
Haffar queen as chessmate
guys told me back
but if you want then we bet
for money, for money
but there´ll be more
and then find
I learned counting every second
I want you to be mine
girl, just you, no one else
others may touch
switcher winter against
summer, we shake
hey, baby, what happens
Welcome to my home
relax baby, my house is your house
i you want, you take off
all your clothes and we go to the beach
what happens, what happens
if you want, we´ll go back to Caracas
what happens, what happens
her body makes me stop breathing
what happens, what happens
Your heat, take me away
your taste, oh it kills me (it kills me)
it seduces me, it makes me crazy
I want to feel all your flavor
now let´s not lose anymore the time that the color rises
nobody is going to love you like me
only I will give you a scream
we can´t wait
I want to have you the whole night for me
Welcome to my home
relax baby, my house is your house
i you want, you take off
all your clothes and we go to the beach
what happens, what happens
if you want, we´ll go back to Caracas
what happens, what happens
her body makes me stop breathing
what happens, what happens
oh oh
what happens, what happens
what happens, what happens

Life passes

Life passes, life passes.
Life passes
and you haven't noted that you lived when life passes,
and you haven't noted that you lived when life passes.
Life passes.
Your illusions and your beautiful dreams, it's all forgotten
your illusions and your beautiful dreams, it's all forgotten.
Life passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Love passes, love passes.
Love passes
we swore an endless love and then love passes,
we swore an endless love and then love passes.
Love passes
and we barely understand that there was a time when we loved each other
and we barely understand that there was a time when we loved each other.
Love passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Glory passes, glory passes.
Glory passes
greed blinds us, but one day glory passes,
greed blinds us, but one day glory passes.
Glory passes
and you see that neither the memory remains of your work
and you see that neither the memory remains of your work.
Glory passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Years pass, years pass.
Years pass
youth goes away quietly, years pass,
youth goes away quietly, years pass.
Years pass
life passes with its sad load of disillusions
life passes with its sad load of disillusions.
Years pass, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Pashalik of Belgrade

Pashalik of Belgrade
Only eats onion
That's what is their fate
Serbia became smaller...
Serbian daddy has a pig
That doesn't shave
All of her hair fell off
During the hard labor
That's Šešelj, the son of a bitch
While he was in prison
He got hard wounds
On his anus
Serbia, Misery
They robbed my plain, and i will slaughter them
Serbia, a wild mountain
Wheat doesn't sew
We will take ''Vojvodina''
May comrade Tito fuck them
Their main food is corn
City Of Prince Lazar
Heavy diarrhea occured
From all that brotherhood.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

No problem

I liked you for being decent and reverent, for being intelligent
You beat me because you are respectful when it suits you
You trapped me because you kiss like nobody in the world can
You left me when you got what everyone wants
But no problem, no problem
I'm going to deal with it, while you laugh out loud
What a mistake, I was just looking for love
While you played with me
I'll get away and you can go to hell
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up
I will tell them to look at the size of your shoes (of your shoes)
Ooh ooh ooh
Before I will alone as a coward
face the consequences of my decisions
I will learn from the mistakes, but it sure does burn me
It was wrong of me to give you
my confidence, my hope, my passion
my time, my body
But now it's too late
But no problem, no problem
I'm going to deal with it, while you laugh out loud
What a mistake, I was just looking for love
In the meantime you played with me
I'll get away and you can go to hell
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up, hey
I will tell them...
No problem, no problem
I am not claiming you
It's my fault for giving myself to you
And your fault for not having told me clearly
And if they ask why we broke up
I will tell them to look at the size of your shoes (of your shoes)

Usidrena u prošlosti

Zato što je ljubav poput zamke
Izgubiš glavu ako voliš dušom
Ako od početka ne dobijaš ništa zauzvrat
Pa, šta započne pogrešno, uvek se tako i završava
I sada moraš početi od nule
Suočavajući se sa svojim novim svetom
Svi tvoji duhovi se noću vraćaju
Samu te muče i gubiš svoj mir
Želiš ga poljubiti
Osetiti njegovo telo
I žudiš za njim
Žrtva si vlastite prošlosti
I ne možeš nastaviti živeti
U prošlosti
Mislila si da će ovo biti večno
Kako niko ne pada i gubi poštovanje
Moraš živeti otvorenih očiju
I oni koji obećavaju, moraju to i dokazati i tada ću verovati
Zato što postoji mnogo ljudi
Koji pobrkaju ljubav i seks
I ne možeš nastaviti sa bežanjem, progoni te
Svi moji saveti su beskorisni
Želiš ga poljubiti
Osetiti njegovo telo
I žudiš za njim
Žrtva si vlastite prošlosti
I ne možeš nastaviti živeti
U prošlosti
Voleo bih da je sve savršeno
Da možeš izbrisati osećanja
Ne možeš više ništa slušati
Kada je onaj ko te lagao, govorio 'Volim te'
Ove reči završe u dvoboju
Koje pune pero krvlju
Pero u pismu traži da napusti svet
I nestane iz alfabeta
Želi ga poljubiti
Osetiti njegovo telo
I žudiš za njim
Žrtva si vlastite prošlosti
I ne možeš nastaviti živeti
U prošlosti

Who cares about me?

And if you wander
and if it feels hard
and you know that in life, nothing is easy,
who cares about you?
What remained today of my love?
Just the dream of yesterday
and although I still feel it's tear,
who cares about you?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
When the fight for love has ended
and you give up
with your soul hurt by dreams,
who cares about you?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me?...
And if in my love it's too late...
And if in my love it's too late
and I feel so sorry now
that my train is rushing,
who cares about me?
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me, about me, about me?...
Who cares about me?....

Anchored to the past

Because love is like a trap,
you lose your head if you love with your soul,
if you, since the beginning, don't get anything back
well, what starts with the wrong foot, ends the same way.
And now you have to start again from zero
facing your new world
at night, all of your ghosts come back,
alone, they torment you and you lose calm.
You wanna kiss him,
feel his body,
also desire him,
you're a victim of your past,
and you can't keep on living
to the past.
You thought this would be eternal,
no one fails and don't lose respect,
you must live with your eyes open
and those who promise, must prove it and then I'll believe it.
Because there are a lot of those people,
who mistake love from sex
and you can't keep on running away, it haunts you
all my advice was useless.
You wanna kiss him,
feel his body,
also desire him,
you're a victim of your past,
and you can't keep on living
to the past.
I wish everything was perfect,
that you could erase the feelings
that you couldn't listen a thing
when the one who lied to you, used to tell ''I love you''1
Those words end up grieving,
which fullfil with blood the inkwell,
my quill, ask the word to leave
and disappear from the alphabet.
She wanna kiss him,
feel his body,
also desire him,
you're a victim of your past,
and you can't keep on living
to the past.
  • 1. Yo te camelo,
    is a gypsy expression which means --I love you--, or that's what I read
Just learning.

Mi pasado y mi

Voy hablar de mi pasado voy hablarles de Vida


Years ago when I was young,
Mumbled and overwhelmed,
Bitter and miserable
I had such a stain
That I will never conquer any girl.
Then time passed,
I met a cool girl
And then a torch lighted in me,
To prove a little force.
But what I did and whatcame next,
Got me very surprised.
I had no idea that I can
As much can Colt 38.
With the anti-bullet vest on her
She was still bleeding, and still crying
In Obor Square
I superiorly smiled to her
And this got her hurt like hell.
After that, congrats to me,
I've arranged myself a shop
And she got crazy love on me
The sector police woman.
At her golden hip
A revolver was swinging
With which, if i'm not going to like her,
She threatened she was going to shoot.
But what she've done and what came out
Got me very surprised.
I had no idea that I can
As much can Colt 38.
With the anti-bullet vest on her
She was still bleeding, and still crying
In Obor Square
I superiorly smiled to her higher
And this got her hurt like hell.

I Saw You Pass By

Today I looked at you without meaning to
I saw you pass me by
Very close to me
Those eyes, two crystals
That so long ago were reflections of love
They didn't notice me
I had so many things to say to you
And so much to tell you about
So much so that I couldn't speak
I had to silence my feelings
I didn't feel your breath
I only saw you pass by
Today I looked at you without meaning to
I saw you pass me by
Very close to me
You left me crying
Crying for you

I don't care about them nor the past

Everything is white as my soul
Without traces,without steps
Into a wild kingdom,there I stay,with no descendants
All my life a storm was haunting me
I was fighting it,but it won
Hide yourself,don't show yourself
Otherwise the secret will be found out
Then I was,with no control
And it was in vain
It's found out,it's found out
The secret which mustn't be known
I don't care about them nor the past
I passed at,a new chapter
I am unleashed
I am the frost which can't be stopped
This big distance,makes everything seem small
And how my fears,I feel them ran away
It's my time to see what I can do
To discover my powers
The last will be mine
I changed the sheet
I am not how I was in the past
I changed the sheet
And now I am the frost
I stay here,and I remain here
I won't go back
My power is reigns in the whole universe
And my soul swarms through the silver crests
The cristal of my heart is exploding
I don't care about the past,the future is the base
I realise,I realise
That I don't have a choice
And I live,and I live
Without thinking about them
I remain here,with my soul
I won't go back
I am the frost which can't be stopped

Please translate to me the world

We said too loudly. We never not said.
Chaos. Silence. Let it drown. Come on.
We are too much. Never have been.
We had have. Don't need. We don't have. Had lack.
When schizophrenia only in mind. And silently.
We are heroes silent. Heroes. Morons.
Names in the sub- titles. Nightly shame.
Everything will end - only you will smoke the last.
We said too loudly. We never not said.
Chaos. Silence. Let it drown. Come on.
We are too much. Neve have been.
We had have. Don't need. We don't have. Had lack.
When shizophrenia only in mind. And silently.
We are heroes silent. Heroes. Morons.
Names in the sub- titles. Nightly shame.
Everything will end - just will smoke.
Please translate to me world, it will be our.
It will be our. Secret.
I don't need it to me yet.
In my evening. Neverthless will rain.
We're waiting. Condemning. Forgetting. Let give.
Serenity - don't need. Fortune - fuck it.
So you, what are you do, you choosing the path.
As I only those songs and the strophes of them
Without them - nothing. Near them - blameless
Diseased genius, fucking analphabet
Let's greet each other - we are same
Yes. And you good looking.
Please translate to me world, it will be our.
It will be our. Secret.
Three minutes without oxygen, three days without air
Dusty piano yet will play in minor
Will play of dishonest, saint sin
For you to paradise, to me I doubt - detail
Wisdom shutting up the mouths, shreding the ears
They want to be happy, but lack of the money
She talks, happiness. Black - eyed fortune.
We said too loudly. We never have not said.
Please translate to me world, it will be our.
It will be our. Secret.
I don't need it to me yet.
In my evening. Neverthless will rain.