Превод текста

Резултати претраге страна 1

Број резултата: 46


Traži se srce

Traži se san u koji bi se verovao.
Traži se luka u koju bi se vratio.
Ko ima pogled koji leči rane?
Ko ima recept za radost?
Traže se usne za grickanje.
Traži se priča koja se dobro završava.
Ko zna da pruži zagrljaje koji se ne zaboravljaju?
Ko ima srce sa sedam života?
Imamo ljubav na našoj strani
i plaventilo neba,
imamo tajnu da ti ispričamo.
Da se krene od nule,
traži se iskreno srce,
bez mržnje, bez prekora, bez straha
neka zagrli već jednom.
Da se krene od nule,
jednim glasom ponovo
promenimo kraj igre
hajde ponovo da počnemo.
I reci glasno (oh-oh-oh)
I reci nebu (oh-oh-oh)
I reci to naglas (oh-oh-oh)
Traži se osmeh koji se deli na dva dela.
Traži se reč koja kaže 'akcija'.
Ko želi da se oseća slobodnim?
Ko više nema vremena da se pokaje?
Imamo ljubav na našoj strani
i plaventilo neba,
imamo tajnu da ti ispričamo.
Da se krene od nule,
traži se iskreno srce,
bez mržnje, bez prekora, bez straha
neka zagrli već jednom.
Da se krene od nule
jednim glasom ponovo
promenimo kraj igre
hajde ponovo da počnemo.
Traži se iskreno srce,
neka otvori već jednom.
Da se krene od nule (da se krene od nule.)
traži se iskreno srce (traži se iskreno srce)
bez mržnje, bez prekora, bez straha(bez mržnje, bez prekora, bez straha)
neka zagrli već jednom (neka zagrli već jednom)
I reci glasno (da se krene od nule)
I reci nebu (traži se iskreno srce,)
I reci to naglas
Da se krene od nule
traži se iskreno srce
bez mržnje, bez prekora, bez straha
neka zagrli već jednom.
Da se krene od nule
jednim glasom ponovo
promenimo kraj igre
hajde ponovo da počnemo.


Kada izostanu pogledi
dodiri nas rastavljaju
i noći postaju duge.
Kada nadođe plima
i u pesku se izgube
trenutci koji ne dolaze.
Pozajmljujem ti svoj glas,
a ti razbijaš ovu tišinu,
ovde smo tako blizu i tako daleko
u potrazi za svetlijom stranom.
Čak i ako ti ovaj bol postane večan
u slučaju da ostane ožiljak,
kada se osuše koreni ljubavi
Ako ti eksplodira strah u grlu
da, diši,
takođe će otići,
(Dozvoli mu da ode)
jer svet oblikuje srce
Kada izgubiš igru
i svakim danom ti nedostaje
baš ono što si najviše voleo.
Kada buka ljudi
postane svaki put sve jača
setimo se naše sreće.
Pozajmljujem ti svoj glas,
a ti razbijaš ovu tišinu,
ovde smo tako blizu i tako daleko
u potrazi za svetlijom stranom.
Čak i ako ti ovaj bol postane večan
u slučaju da ostane ožiljak,
kada se osuše koreni ljubavi
Ako ti eksplodira strah u grlu
da, diši,
takođe će otići,
(Dozvoli mu da ode)
jer svet oblikuje srce,
Čak i ako ti ovaj bol postane večan
u slučaju da ostane ožiljak,
kada se osuše koreni ljubavi
Ako ti eksplodira strah u grlu
da, diši,

Ljubav svuda

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Može se desiti da pogrešim, da odem daleko, da nemam fokus.
Može se desiti da za tebe pobrkam hiljadu pesama.
I može se desiti da izgubim vreme i da ponekad delujem neupućeno,
da ličim na neku drugu koja ide okolo, ponekad protiv tebe.
I moguće je da kada spavamo
naši umovi plešu zajedno ako se njišu.
Može se desiti da te napustim u milisekundi bez razmišljanja o tebi.
Može se desiti da se prerušim u ljubav svuda.
Ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti,
jer svet to već zna,
ako želiš, udisaću ti u svakom poljupcu,
može se desiti,
čak i ako ne izgleda tako, uvek sam budna
i imam po ceo dan otvoreno srce,
ako želiš dođi blize i reći ću ti
A to je da ne ostaješ samo sa slikom u glavi
uvek gledaj unutra, jer nije kako izgleda
jezik gena, priroda uvek ide na prvo mesto.
Može se desiti da se prerušim u ljubav svuda.
Ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti
jer svet to već zna,
ako želiš, udisaću ti u svakom poljupcu,
može se desiti
čak i ako ne izgleda tako, uvek sam budna
i imam po ceo dan otvoreno srce,
ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti
uh - oh, ponovo.
Ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti
jer svet to već zna,
ako želiš, udisaću ti u svakom poljupcu.
Ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti
jer svet to već zna,
ako želiš, udisaću ti u svakom poljupcu,
može se desiti
čak i ako ne izgleda tako, uvek sam budna
i imam po ceo dan otvoreno srce (oh, ne)
ako želiš dođi blizu i reći ću ti

Ljudsko biće

Sećaš li se kako smo počeli
tada u Madridu?
Kada si gradio snove i verovao u mene.
Sećaš li se svađa sa srećnim krajem?
Nikada nije bilo pobednika,
samo bi smo se zaustavili.
Kako sam te izgubila?
Kada sam razumela
da je već bilo kasno za ovu pesmu?
Boli me da ti kažem zbogom,
boli da se pretvaram da sam i dalje živa,
boli da uvek skrivam ovu ranu,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je ovo srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.
Uvek sam mislila da ćeš se vratiti,
uvek sam verovala u tvoj oproštaj,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je to srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.
Znam da sada postoji neko
ko te tera da zaboraviš,
želiš takođe da znam
da nema povratka unazad.
Izvini, ako se više ne usuđujem da te gledam,
samo želim da ti kažem da sam pogrešila,
da ćeš mi nedostajati,
neću ti više smetati,
možda me razumeš sa ovom pesmom.
Boli me da ti kažem zbogom,
boli da se pretvaram da sam i dalje živa,
boli da uvek skrivam ovu ranu,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je ovo srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.
Uvek sam mislila da ćeš se vratiti,
uvek sam verovala u tvoj oproštaj,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je to srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.
Samo, samo, samo sam ljudsko biće.
Boli, boli, boli me da ti kažem zbogom,
boli da se pretvaram da sam i dalje živa,
boli da uvek skrivam ovu ranu,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je ovo srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.
Uvek sam mislila da ćeš se vratiti,
uvek sam verovala u tvoj oproštaj,
napravila sam grešku,
bilo je to srce,
samo sam ljudsko biće.

Ponovo to radiš

Imam strah od tebe,
imam strah od sebe
da te imam tako blizu, a ne želim gledati.
Imam strah da čujem,
strah me da osetim
šta god da želim
ne mogu naučiti da te zaboravim.
Ima dana kada znam da sam tako slobodna,
jer shvatam da se nećeš vratiti.
Ima noći kada živim kao zatvorenik da te volim malo više
i imam strah,
strah od sebe.
Ponovo to radiš
i ponovo budem bliže nebu.
Ponovo se pojaviš
i stavljaš celu igru u tvoju korist.
Ponovo to radiš,
ne razumeš da ljubav prema tebi nije bila opcija,
imam strah da slušam svoje srce.
Imam strah da ne izneverim
i osetim ono što ćutim.
Imam strah da shvatim da ne mogu pobediti.
Imam strah da od tvoga glasa
saznam da ne više,
a moja koža moli da te vrati.
Ima dana kada znam da sam tako slobodna,
jer shvatam da se nećeš vratiti.
Ima noći kada živim kao zatvorenik da te volim malo više
i imam strah,
sa tobom i bez tebe.
Ponovo to radiš,
i ponovo budem bliže nebu.
Ponovo se pojaviš
i stavljaš celu igru u tvoju korist.
Ponovo to radiš,
ne razumeš da ljubav prema tebi nije bila opcija,
imam strah da poslušam svoje srce.
Ponovo to radiš
i ponovo budem bliže nebu.
Ponovo se pojaviš
i staviš celu igru u tvoju korist.
Ponovo to radiš,
ne razumeš da ljubav prema tebi nije bila opcija,
imam strah da poslušam svoje srce.

Reći ću ti da

Duže vremena ne razgovaramo,
izmišljene priče,
tišina na pijaci,
zvuči kao da hodaš po kući
sa hiljadu pesama koje sada zvuče izumrlo.
Nemirno mislim na tebe
sa ugašenim svetlima,
stavljam strah na kolena
spremam se na poziv
i da razgovaramo o tome,
da razgovarmo iskreno o tome.
Postoji nezaboravna vatra,
ratovi u svetu
i vetar,
i ljudi koje se vole,
gledaj me u usne samo još jednom.
Reći ću ti da,
plesaćemo ne gledajući u oblake,
ponovo ćemo osetiti svetla,
vikaćemo da ljubav umire i da se ponovo rađa.
Reći ću ti da
sa kožom dodirujem univerzum,
sa srećom od milion priča,
sa dušom, četiri stotine puta
vikaću da,
reći ću ti da.
Reći ću ti da
Reći ću ti da
Reći ću ti da
Sreća što se grlimo sa smelim rukama
i govor između usana,
istina je da se ljudi nikada ne menjaju,
tvoje oči sijaju od emocija kao i prvog dana.
Postoji nezaboravna vatra,
ratovi u svetu
i vetar,
i ljudi koje se vole,
gledaj me u usne samo još jednom.
Reći ću ti da,
plesaćemo ne gledajući u oblake,
ponovo ćemo osetiti svetla,
vikaćemo da ljubav umire i da se ponovo rađa.
Reći ću ti da
sa kožom dodirujem univerzum,
sa srećom od milion priča,
sa dušom, četiri stotine puta
vikaću da,
reći ću ti da.
(Reći ću ti da)
Reći ću ti da
Sa kožom dodirujem univerzum,
sa srećom od milion priča,
sa dušom, četiri stotine puta
vikaću da,
reći ću ti da.
Reći ću ti da
Reći ću ti da
Reći ću ti da
Duže vremena ne razgovaramo i imam te pored sebe.

Sa neba do mog srca

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Osećam tvoj osmeh, tvoj pogled u sunce,
osećam tvoje ruke kako nas štite,
gledam nebesko plaventilo iz nekog ugla,
kad bi svet video ono što ja vidim.
Dođi i zagrli me odakle god da dolaziš
jako kao juče
jako kao što je bilo
drži se čvrsto
sa neba do mog srca.
Zbog tebe sam uvek ono što sam sada,
znam da stalno navodiš kuda ja idem,
tamo gde idem.
Dođi i zagrli me odakle god da dolaziš
jako kao juče
jako kao što je bilo
drži se čvrsto
sa neba do mog srca.
Dođi i zagrli me odakle god da dolaziš
jako kao juče
jako kao što je bilo
drži se čvrsto
sa neba do mog srca.
Sa neba do mog srca
Sa neba do mog srca
I sada kada nisi ovde
ja sam tvoje srce,
tvoje srce ja sam.
Sa neba do mog srca
Dođi i zagrli me
da te osetim
jako kao juče
jako kao što je bilo
smeškajući mi se
sa neba do mog srca.


Kada noć utihne,
kada priča samo srce
koje viče na tebe
probudi se, probudi se.
Kada te bace u zaborav,
kada ne čuju više tvoj glas
ni oni koje si nazivao prijateljima.
Kada misle da su te porazili,
a onaj ko te voleo dokrajčio te,
to je kada najviše,
to je kada najviše sam...
bez straha
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
Gubiš me,
ponovo da se podižem
poput oblakodera.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće zbog moje hrabrosti,
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
U pepelu sam već živela,
dobro poznajem svoju sobu
i svaki san koji sam obukla.
Ako misliš da možeš sa mnom,
da ću spavati u nekom ćošku,
ne poznaješ dobro, ne poznaješ onu koja te volela.
bez straha
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
Gubiš me,
ponovo da se podižem
poput oblakodera.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće, biće, biće bez tebe.
Biće zbog moje hrabrosti,
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće, biće, biće bez tebe.
Biće mi to prava čast
da se sama podignem sa poda
poput oblakodera.
Pokušaj i živi bez straha.
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
Gubiš me,
ponovo da se podižem
poput oblakodera.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće, biće, biće bez tebe.
Biće zbog moje hrabrosti,
podići ću se
poput oblakodera.
Biće, biće, biće zbog mene.
Biće, biće, biće bez tebe.
Biće mi to prava čast
da se sama podignem sa poda
poput oblakodera.

Ono što sam uvek ćutala

Ako nekim slučajem nisam napravila korak,
ako nekim slučajem nisam dala zagrljaj
i ako sam nenamerno bila kukavica.
Ako sam nekim slučajem izgubila svoj sever
i nisam znala ni šta se krije
u sećanju tvoje kože.
Ako nekim slučajemn te nisam tražila
i nisam znala da presečem traku,
ako nekim slučajem sam pogrešila.
Ako nekim slučajem te nisam poslušala,
ako nekim slučajem te nisam pozvala
i prestala sam da te bolim.
Oprosti mi,
ne želim da preturam
po ljubavnim stvarima,
ja sam rekla i ti si rekao svoje i falilo nam je 'oprosti mi',
kasno je već znam
i ne želim da odem, a da ne kažem ono što sam uvek ćutala
oprosti mi!
Nemoj misliti da nisam razmišljala o tome,
hiljadu puta sam mislila svih ovih godina,
nemoj misliti da sam već zaboravila.
Bila sam na granici da te pozovem,
nadam se da nije kasno
i da želiš da me razumeš.
Oprosti mi,
ne želim da preturam
po ljubavnim stvarima,
ja sam rekla i ti si rekao svoje i falilo nam je 'oprosti mi',
kasno je već znam
i ne želim da odem, a da ne kažem ono što sam uvek ćutala
oprosti mi!
Ne želim da preturam
po ljubavnim stvarima,
ja sam rekla i ti si rekao svoje i falilo nam je 'oprosti mi',
kasno je već znam
i ne želim da odem, a da ne kažem ono što sam uvek ćutala
oprosti mi!
I kažu mi da nema čvora koji ne popusti,
ako ne znaš kako ni kada se formirao,
a ja znam da onom bolu je potreban oproštaj.
Oprosti mi
Ne želim da preturam
po ljubavnim stvarima,
ja sam rekla i ti si rekao svoje i falilo nam je 'oprosti mi',
kasno je već znam
i ne želim da odem, a da ne kažem ono što sam uvek ćutala
oprosti mi!
Oprosti mi!

Neće biti ničije

Došao je tako
menjajući bez saznanja ranu
za milovanje,
ostavljajući vreme bez razloga
i kazaljki.
Da li je ovo ljubav?
Da li je ovo ljubav?
Došao je tako
poput onoga što ne mora da se razume,
što me zamagljuje, zbunjuje i odakle ne želim da idem.
Da li je ovo ljubav?
I sada neka pričaju i kažu...
Neće biti ničije,
jer ovo je stvar između nas dvoje,
jer ne pripada nikome,
kada se pesma završi,
kada i poslednji ode,
ono što postoji između mene i tebe,
ko to zna?
I neće biti ničije,
ovaj način ljubavi je tačka
i sve ostalo je previše,
kada se pesma završi,
kada i poslednji ode,
ono što postoji između mene i tebe
neće biti ničije.
Zaboravila sam
da uzmem u obzir ono što sam stvarno želela
i da nikada ne poklonim uhu laž
zaboravila sam, zaboravila sam.
Neka me čekaju nekog drugog dana
kada ne budem mogla da te vidim.
Neka me čekaju nekog drugog dana
kada budem prestala da te volim.
Neka me čekaju nekog drugog dana
jer ove stvari više ne bole.
Neka me čekaju nekog drugog dana
I sada neka pričaju i kažu...
Neće biti ničije,
jer ovo je stvar između nas dvoje,
jer ne pripada nikome,
kada se pesma završi,
kada i poslednji ode,
ono što postoji između mene i tebe,
ko to zna?
I neće biti ničije,
ovaj način ljubavi je tačka
i sve ostalo je previše,
kada se pesma završi,
kada i poslednji ode,
ono što postoji između mene i tebe
neće biti ničije.
Neće biti ničije
Neće biti ničije
Ono što postoji između mene i tebe neće biti ničije.

Neka pričaju o meni

Mogla sam i dalje zavaravati sebe,
mogla sam i dalje da se sećam budna,
mogla sam i dalje čekati
da me vidiš, da se vratiš.
Mogla sam te i dalje voleti,
čak i znajući da nisi zainteresovan,
ali već sam odlučila
da je moj trenutak, moje vreme,
i ne nameravam da izgubim.
Neka pričaju o meni,
o mojim snovima, o mojoj propasti,
isplači im svoju verziju,
ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
ne ulaze više u moje srce.
Neka pričaju o meni,
koga je briga, predstava je završena,
znamo ti i ja,
ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
sad samo slušam svoj glas,
istorija sam ja.
Vreme me je učilo,
posvetila sam se izgradnji onoga što sam bila
sanjala sam i sanjala,
otvarala vrata, otvorena vrata zatvarala.
On me je uzeo za ruku,
tako drugačije od tvoje ravnodušnosti
i sada je gospodine kasno,
neko me čeka, sanja o meni,
daje mi svoju ljubav.
Neka pričaju o meni,
o mojim snovima, o mojoj propasti,
isplači im svoju verziju,
ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
ne ulaze više u moje srce.
Neka pričaju o meni,
koga je briga, predstava je završena,
znamo ti i ja,
ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
sad samo slušam svoj glas,
istorija sam ja
i ispričaću je.
Ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
ne ulaze više u moje srce.
Neka pričaju o meni,
koga je briga, predstava je završena,
znamo ti i ja,
ispričaj svetu priču koju želiš,
sad samo slušam svoj glas,
istorija sam ja.

Let them talk about me

I was able to keep fooling myself,
I could keep remembering awake,
I could keep waiting,
For you to see me, for you to come back.
I could keep loving you,
Even knowing you weren't interested,
But I've already decided
That it's my moment, my time
And I don't intend to lose.
Let them talk about me,
Of my dreams, of my doom,
Cry to them your version,
Tell the world the story you want,
They no longer enter my heart.
Let them talk about me,
What difference does it make if the show's over,
You and I know it,
Tell the world the story you want to tell,
I only listen to my voice anymore,
I'm the story.
Time kept teaching me,
I dedicated myself to build what I was
And I was dreaming and dreaming,
Opening doors, closing them open.
He took me by the hand,
So different from your indifference
And now it's late sir,
Someone waits for me, dreams of me,
He gives me his love.
Let them talk about me,
Of my dreams, of my doom,
Cry them your version,
Tell the world the story you want,
They no longer enter my heart.
Let them talk about me,
What difference does it make if the show's over,
You and I know it,
Tell the world the story you want to tell,
I only listen to my voice anymore,
I'm the story
And I'm going to tell it.
Tell the world the story you want to tell,
They no longer enter my heart.
Let them talk about me,
What difference does it make, the show's over,
You and I know it,
Tell the world the story you want to tell,
I only listen to my voice anymore,
I'm the story.

I Will Sing

To everything impossible
to the blue sky of Andalusia
to the boy that smiles
to the calm sea, to the sun that shines
it's what I always wanted
I would be short of air without singing.
To that love that keeps
planting dreams in my pillow
to my good roots
to what's been lost, to hope
if something stops me from doing it
I don't know what I would do without being able to sing.
I don't know what I would do...
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing
To the verse that you write me
to the gaze of a mother
to the sobbing of that virgin
to my friends and to my blood
it's what I always wanted
I would be short of air without singing.
I would be short of...
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing
I will sing, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing

I Will Sing

To everything impossible
to the blue sky of Andalusia
to the boy that smiles
to the calm sea, to the sun that shines
it's what I always wanted
I would be short of air without singing.
To that love that keeps
planting dreams in my pillow
to my good roots
to what's been lost, to hope
if something stops me from doing it
I don't know what I would do without being able to sing.
I don't know what I would do...
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing
To the verse that you write me
to the gaze of a mother
to the sobbing of that virgin
to my friends and to my blood
it's what I always wanted
I would be short of air without singing.
I would be short of...
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing
I will sing, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing
I will sing
even though grey days may come
I will sing
maybe this way they'll be happy
I will sing
it's my way of feeling alive
with all my soul.
I will sing
I was born singing and this way I have to go
I will sing
just like a bird, it makes me free.
I will sing
because I don't know how to tell you otherwise
what I feel, what sets my heart alight.
I will sing

All I Know

Sometimes I don't know if I want what I hope for,
I don't know where I'm going or where I come from.
I don't know where I'll go tonight,
nor in which hotel, if you called me, if I call you.
Sometimes I don't know if I want, if a scenario
is my freedom or my torment.
I don't know if I can go on another year, another day,
if I call you, if you call me.
The only thing I know, the only thing I know,
is that I'm dead.
If I don't carry a song in the pocket of my heart,
if I don't see the South, my root will rot away.
If I am without a copla, I don't know what'll become of me,
if I'm not guaranteed your love every morning,
all that I sing and all that I sing for, love,
love, it's worthless.
Sometimes I look at people and my mouth trembles,
I can't mess up the last note.
And I wonder is my laughter and pain are in my guitar,
if there's some message in its reply.
The only thing I know, the only thing I know,
is that I'm dead.
If I don't carry a song in the pocket of my heart,
if I don't see the South, my root will rot away.
If I am without a copla, I don't know what'll become of me,
if I'm not guaranteed your love every morning,
all that I sing and all that I sing for, love,
love, it's worthless.
Tomorrow morning, I'll have left,
I received your flowers in my dressing room.

It doesn't scare me

It doesn't scare me to walk
It doesn't scare me to
It doesn't scare me
I went step by step and you're not going to stop me.
It doesn't scare me and you will watch,
I am going to fight with such fury and such peace,
you don't know me
I carry in my soul scars without cures
I doesn't scare me, I have reason to hate you
But I don't feel that now,
I am like the wind
I am feeling
I am purity and I am truth
I'm going to fight, I'm going to confront myself face to face
forehead to forehead and without mercy,
I'm going to continue, I'm going to teach you my value,
I'm going to cover you with my voice at every step and being myself,
I'm going to fight, I'm going to leave my heart.
It doesn't scare me, not anymore,
Now don't kid yourself, you're not going to see me again,
I don't love you anymore, you played to much and now you're going to lose me.
I doesn't scare me, I have reason to hate you
But I don't feel that now,
I am like the wind
I am feeling
I am purity and I am truth
I'm going to fight, I'm going to confront myself face to face
forehead to forehead and without mercy,
I'm going to continue, I'm going to teach you my value,
I'm going to cover you with my voice at every step and being myself,
I'm going to fight, I'm going to leave my heart.
I'm going to fight, I'm going to confront myself face to face
forehead to forehead and without mercy,
I'm going to continue, I'm going to teach you my value,
I'm going to cover you with my voice at every step and being myself,
I'm going to fight, I'm going to leave my heart.
It doesn't scare me to change.

Svet u mojim rukama

Ima svetlo koje me zaslepljuje i ne pusta me da vidim,
ulica bez izlaza iz koje zelim da izadjem,
snaga koja me gura i truje me.
Danas nazdravljam u vazduhu sa mojim picem, a da ne znam zasto, ljudi gledaju, ova devojka je luda,
a istina je da sam veoma dobro.
Zato sto se konacno budi moja sreca,
ona sreca koja me inspirise i koja te poziva da letis, letis, letis,
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ovako ne zelim.
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ako je ovo ljubav... Ne zelim je!
Ima zatvor od kristala iz kojeg zelim da pobegnem,
vulkanska erupcija skoro da izbije,
kisa usijana koja ne gori.
Danas ostavljam tragove mojih koraka da se ne vratim,
lupam vrata, lomim posudje,
sve je moguce zato sto sam veoma dobro.
I to je sreca koja me inspirise
i koja me poziva da letim, letim, letim,
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ovako ne zelim.
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ako je ovo ljubav... Ne zelim je!
I ova sreca koja te inspirise,
i koja te poziva da letis, letis, letis,
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ovako ne zelim.
Jer osecam svet u mojim rukama koji mi daje toplinu,
jer sam vec naucila da ne nasednem na tvoju igru,
jer mislim da ti spakujem kofere od moga srca,
jer ako je ovo ljubav... Ne zelim je!

This Time I Want to Be

Here I am, trying to get up one more time
Here I am, convincing myself that it has to end
Here I am, who told you to come
And deceive me, again with your promises
Here I am tired of waiting
For that change that never came
Here I am ready to move on
With my life, but without your love
Without your love
This time, I'll free myself from your lies
And I'll walk out with my convinced reasons
This time I'm going to fight
For all that has been silenced
This time I want to be the one
Who changes once and for all
This time
It's better this way, if only I could figure out how
Why fight it
It's better this way, the future turned its back on us
For good
It's better this way, without the
Without waiting for some miracle to save us
It's better that we turn the page
That you and I were writing yesterday
It's better that I forget about you
For I know that staying would be worse
Would be worse.
This time, I'll free myself from your lies
And I'll walk out with my convinced reasons
This time I'm going to fight
For all that has been silenced
This time I want to be the one
Who changes once and for all
This time, I'll free myself from your lies
And I'll walk out with my long overdue reasons
This time I'm going to fight
For all that has been silenced
This time I want to be the one
Who changes for good
This time
This time it will be me
This time, I'll free myself from your lies
And I'll walk out with my convinced reasons
This time I'm going to fight
For all that has been silenced
This time I want to be the one
Who changes once and for all

Don't you dare to forget me

I have to tell you that, without you,
the wounds won't heal,
and without you, I never found my way out,
that I'm not what I expect,
don't even reach the attempt,
of what I want to be and I'm not,
I have to tell you that
I have you inside my soul
and without you I lose the faith, lose calm
because when you're far away,
I try to be your reflection
feeling you here, close to me.
You marked my soul
over low heat, with each look
with each kiss you gave me,
with what you knew I needed.
You give me eveything, give me strength
encourage me.
You, my adventure, my will to love.
Don't you dare to forget me,
and deprive me of your kisses
don't tell me you'll take with you
each one of my dreams
Don't you dare to tell me
in the face ''I'm sorry''
so later you'll convince me
of your regrets.
Don't you dare,
don't you dare to forget me,
neither tell me you need time
you, who loved me
like no one knew before,
don't you dare to forget me!
I have to tell you that since a long time,
I can't get to sleep,
if you are not with me,
that hours go by,
they seem eternal
that without you, I don't know
where I'm going.
You marked my soul
over low heat, with each look
with each kiss you gave me,
with what you knew I needed.
You give me eveything, give me strength
encourage me.
You, my adventure, my will to love.
Don't you dare to forget me,
and deprive me of your kisses
don't tell me you'll take with you
each one of my dreams
Don't you dare to tell me
in the face ''I'm sorry''
so later you'll convince me
of your regrets.
Don't you dare,
don't you dare to forget me,
neither tell me you need time
you, who loved me
like no one knew before,
don't you dare to forget me!
Don't you dare to tell me
in the face ''I'm sorry''
so later you'll convince me
of your regrets.
Don't you dare,
don't you dare to forget me,
neither tell me you need time
you, who loved me
like no one knew before,
don't you dare to forget me!
Just learning.

It would be better

I left, but at the same time I come,
singing is my only nourishment,
to see heaven open,
the sight between the two.
Your future will be better
keep the blanket for the winter,
take away what I carry within,
it is my recipe and my passion.
Keep talking about love,
about the thing that changes time,
about living, like in a tale,
listening to the heart,
listening to the heart.
It would be better to come back,
to give what is within life,
below the skin,
and to take me in that moment,
to another awakening,
it would be better to come back.
it would be better to come back,
to realize a dream everyday
that I see you again,
and to give you my joy,
and to make you feel okay,
it would be better to come back.
I left, but here I come,
just how waves are moved by the wind,
with the serenity of a kiss,
with the fire of a dragon,
in the throat, is the heart
in the drawer, are two thousand memories,
so that I could dream while awake
and enlarge this illusion.
Keep talking about love,
about the thing that changes time,
about living, like in a tale,
listening to the heart,
listening to the heart.
It would be better to come back,
to give what is within life,
below the skin,
and to take me in that moment,
to another awakening,
it would be better to come back.
it would be better to come back,
to realize a dream everyday
that I see you again,
and to give you my joy,
and to make you feel okay,
it would be better to come back.
It would be better to come back,
to give you my song,
until my skin bristles,
to make possible
what I never could have imagined,
to know you are the reason
for each tear,
it would be better.
It would be better to come back,
to give what is within life,
below the skin,
and to take me in that moment,
to another awakening,
it would be better to come back.
it would be better to come back,
to realize a dream everyday
that I see you again,
and to give you my joy,
and to make you feel okay,
it would be better to come back.
It would be better to come back, to come back, to come back, to come back
It would be better to come back!

Not One More

Say goodbye, I'm not interested
life doesn't work like that,
behind such a perfect face
the worst of you is hidden.
Without making noise, go out the door,
there's no place for you here,
in what moment did you think this one
would go running after you.
Save the effort and pack your bags,
keep the happiest memory,
record it well in your head,
you'll see that it all ends here.
And they'll say that it has all been a result of resentment,
and they'll say that I was the one responsible for the pain,
and they'll say - let them say what they want,
not one of them knows you
the way that I've known you.
Don't insist any more, there's nobody that believes you,
this time I saw her come.
There's nobody to decorate the job,
save those flowers for yourself.
Put away the tears, I don't pity you
the same way you did to me,
for so long, I want you to know
that I'll be happier this way.
And they'll say that it has all been a result of resentment,
and they'll say that I was the one responsible for the pain,
and they'll say - let them say what they want,
not one of them knows you
the way that I've known you.
And they'll say that I didn't have compassion with you,
and they'll say that you can't be without me,
and they'll say - let them say what they want,
I don't have the patience, or the will
to put up with even one more,
Not one more.
Not one more.
And they'll say, they'll say, they'll say, they'll say...
... let them say what they want,
I don't care about everyone else.
And they'll say that it has all been a result of resentment,
and they'll say that I was the one responsible for the pain,
and they'll say - let them say what they want,
not one of them knows you
the way that I've known you.
And they'll say that I didn't have compassion with you,
and they'll say that you can't without me,
and they'll say - let them say what they want,
I don't have the patience, or the will
to put up with even one more,
Not one more.
Not one more.
Not one more.

Forgive me

Forgive me,
If this time I decide not to wait for you
Sitted in front of the door, with my soul opened
If I don't care you mention her name
Of the one that joins you every night
If I prefer not to be mentioned
If you look for me and you can't find me.
Forgive me,
If I've returned every kiss, one by one
That once tasted like back room love,
If I emptied all those words
That fills senseless speechs
If I prefer not to hear you saying my name
If I slam the door in your face
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out* your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.
And I made a mistake
Seeking you shamelessly was, perhaps, the craziest thing
But I can't be stone and you know it
I can't keep myself quiet, no matter how hard I try
Today I ask you, please, don't mention me
Don't try to hurt me, stay away.
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.
How many nights of twists and turns
How crazy life is, playing with memories
How many times I spent with you alone
With your half-heartedly love,
Allowing those naked kisses
Which, with no excuses, we left unfinished.
How painful can an empty space be
How much time, neither yours nor mine, is trying to comfort us as it passes by...
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out* your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.

You Come Back To Life

When everything seems to be lost
when you feel like there's no solution,
you feel like there's no solution.
When you give up on all of your dreams,
when you cover your heart up so much,
you cover your heart up so much,
someone goes and crosses your path,
someone goes and hugs your soul with their voice,
you remember that you were a fighter.
You come back to life,
what doesn't kill you today, will make you stronger,
what can't handle you,
goes and opens your heart and lets the sun in,
the wounds are from war, are from love.
You come back to life,
what doesn't kill you, stays with you forever,
what can't handle you,
goes and moves your heart, and lets the sun in,
the wounds are of the one who survived.
Nothing seems to have meaning anymore,
when you cry to the same song,
you cry to the same song.
When you don't even recognize who you've been,
when you think that everything is a mistake,
you feel like you're a mistake,
someone goes and crosses your path,
someone teaches you the best lesson:
That these are two days, and one has already passed.
You come back to life,
what doesn't kill you today, will make you stronger,
what can't handle you,
goes and opens your heart and lets the sun in,
the wounds are from war, are from love.
You come back to life,
what doesn't kill you, stays with you forever,
what can't handle you,
goes and moves your heart, and lets the sun in,
the wounds are of the one who survived.
No one ever promised
that walking was easy,
no one ever promised
that you always have to go up,
what matters is
the determination to live happily
... What can't handle you,
goes and opens your heart, and lets the sun in,
the wounds are from war, are from love.
You come back to life,
what doesn't kill you, stays with you forever,
what can't handle you,
goes and moves your heart, and lets the sun in,
the wounds are of the one who survived.
Everything seems to be lost,
when you feel like there's no solution,
there's always a solution.

To you

Every beat I feel in my chest,
sometimes it seems like a dream,
sing the voices inside my soul,
it is for you that I live feeling ...
From every fall I have risen,
of every tear I have shed,
everything is cleared with your smiles,
with every gesture with every applause ...
How to thank so much life, so much surrender,
how to show that with you there are no borders ...
To you that you give me every night,
a different dream scented with illusions,
I give you the soul with my voice in each verse,
you are the life that reflects in my songs ...
to you that gives shape to what I feel,
you are the magic that accompanies my desire,
to you that by custom you fight against the wind,
traveling always together venting feelings,
to you, thanks to you
You are my sun, you are my moon,
never walk away, without you it's not the same,
living with you this great adventure,
that every night we both build ...
How to thank so much life, so much surrender ...
To you that you give me every night ...
for you, in an instant live ... to you, thanks to you ...
To you, that give me every night ...

With you

If you didn't come to me running
If you didn't cry when you are afraid
If I didn't want to give you what I've got
Do you think I would be here, with you?
If you didn't climb onto the roof
When they predict there will be a meteor shower
If I didn't tremble when you kiss me
Do you think I would be here, with you?
Stay here for a while, we shall see
What we should do with this wounded love
And stay, it's not easy to disappear
Have nothing to loose , with you.
If you didn't seek for water in the desert
If you didn't loose blood on the road
If you didn't sink where I step
Do you think I would be here, with you?
If you didn't shout to all and sundry
When you don't have enough strenght
If you didn't loose your head
Do you think I would be here, with you?
Stay here for a while, we shall see
What we should do with this wounded love
And stay, it's not easy to disappear
Have nothing to loose , with you.
If you didn't tattooed your fate
Slowly, white-hot
If you didn't adore your enemies
What do you think I would do to you?
What do you think I would do to you?
Stay here for a while, we shall see
What we should do with this wounded love
And stay, it's not easy to disappear
Have nothing to loose , with you. (x2)

I dont feel anything anymore

These wounds are so deep,
theres nothing else to prove,
I swore not to take a step back.
It was your ego showered in lies
and now i cant give you love,
its better to let it go by and I continue, here, here, here, here...
Because I remember everything that ive lived through
and I dont want this ending like that.
How many times did I tell you that the soul goes wearing off if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
thats how I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
when I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already already has the hours marked(our love)
Because, although Im scared to death inside,
I dnt feel anything anymore... I dont feel anything.
Through your defeat, today you disarm,
You trusted more than the normal and reality hit you.
You were never sincere, and now you ask me
That some beats exists(hearbeats)
Before accepting that, alone,
I continue here, here, here, here, here...
Because I remember everything I lived through and I dont want this ending this way
How many times did I tell you that the soul goes withering away if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
Its the way I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
When I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already has the hours counted,
Because, añthough im scared to death inside,
I dont feel anything... I dont feel anything.
And you were wrong when you would think
That the day wouldnt come where everything ends.
How many times did I tell you the soul withers away if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
Thats the way I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
When I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already has the time counted,
Because, although im dying of fright inside,
I dont feel anyrhing... I dont feel anything.
I dont feel anything anymore