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Број резултата: 48


Крив си

Самоћа, око које се огледам, самоћа
Не видим те, не постојиш нигде
И ако ти недостајем, ако не мариш, не тражи више
Самоћа, шта год да урадим, осећам самоћу
Размишљам о теби и увек ме неке ствари онерасположе
Имам пуно притужби на тебе.
Па кренимо, крив си, оставио си ме отворених рана
Крив си, оставио си ме да се вратим у прошлост
Крив си, и уствари ме никада ниси волео
Па кренимо, крив си, више ти не верујем шта год да ми кажеш
Крив си, претвараш се да плачеш
Крив си, више се не враћам, колико год ти то могао желети
Самоћа, сваке вечери осећам само самоћу
Ходам са својим влажним очима
Одолевам свему шта моје срце тражи.
Самоћа, и више нико самном не прича
Све шта осећам не води ме нигде
И изједам се поново још једном.
Па кренимо, крив си, оставио си ме отворених рана
Крив си, оставио си ме да се вратим у прошлост
Крив си, и уствари ме никада ниси волео
Па кренимо, крив си, више ти не верујем шта год да ми кажеш
Крив си, претвараш се да плачеш
Крив си, више се не враћам, колико год ти то могао желети
Самоћа, сваке вечери осећам само самоћу
Ходам са својим влажним очима
И све шта осећам нигде ме не води.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Љубав је смрт

Позната прича, знам теорију
али у пракси ме увек
Љубав у љубави
пут је исти
а ти се не усудиш да наставиш даље
То је била љубав и нестаће како је и дошла
говориш то, али погледај, променила ми је живот
љубав је смрт...
Боже мој, пробуди ме сада
сан је низбрдица1
само чудо може да ме спасе
Пробуди ме и пусти да буде како јесте
само спали моје успомене
тако да заборавим како волети
Добила сам своју оцену
судбина ми је дала кеца2
све те неназочности у овој једној години
да се барем пронађем
пре него пронађем свог учитеља
срце не узима предах
То је била љубав и нестаће како је и дошла
говориш то, али погледај, променила ми је живот
љубав је смрт...
Боже мој, пробуди ме сада
сан је низбрдица1
само чудо може да ме спасе
Пробуди ме и пусти да буде како јесте
само спали моје успомене
тако да заборавим како волети (2x)
  • у смислу: У сну ми се све распада.
  • 2. буквално: нулу
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


Voliš da se vraćaš tamo gde uništavaš
Ali ja ne volim graditi od početka
Voliš da se vraćaš i uvek brzo zaključuješ
Da šta god da uradiš ja ću biti tamo,
Ali neću biti tamo...
Iz moga srca izlazi, iz mojih misli izlazi
Bila sam tobom obuzeta, isključiću sebe
Iz moga srca izlazi, iz moga života izlazi
Nakon odluke da se rastanemo
Imam da ti kažem tri reči... izlazi, izlazi, izlazi
Voliš da se vraćaš tamo gde uništavaš
Nikoga ne poznajem ko je toliko uporan
Voliš da pobeđuješ i u sebi se nadaš
Da šta god da uradiš ja ću biti tamo...
Ali neći biti tamo...

Close the door!

Versions: #2
Τhere is an end of a madness
I've just had a thought 'Let it be!'
and I'm gone.
I see you as a child to scold
you leave me alone on an endless road
and I'm gone.
And wherever you are I know
You'll find your way to go
and you are lost.
And wherever you are I know
You'll find your way to go
and you are lost.
Close the door! I don't want to lose him!
If he's away - I will be lost!
Close the door! I don't want to lose him!
I can't live without him alone!
You change your course like a sleepwalker
your love is like a crazy tightrope walker
and I'm gone.
I feel like you take all my breath away
I'm afraid I need the help
and I'm gone.
And wherever you are I know
You'll find your way to go
and you are lost.
And wherever you are I know
You'll find your way to go
and you are lost.

What is the meaning?

Versions: #3
In the shadows of my mind are there too many dreams
they are endless like the smoke
How can I fight with them? I can't imagine it
Here I am totally alone
What is the meaning of my life if I will be alone?
Why I have so many wounds too deep?
Why must my body die so long?
You are the reason for all of this!
The picture that I see is black and white
All the colors, they have fled from me!
This is the last straw in my lonely life
It is much too hard to bear!
What is the meaning of my life if I will be alone?
Why I have so many wounds too deep?
Why must my body die so long?
You are the reason for all of this!
I hear 'This is a thing of my past!
I must now make something of myself'
Yes, it is a thing of the past!
But I can't live without you again!
What is the meaning of my life if I will be alone?
Why I have so many wounds too deep?
Why must my body die so long?
You are the reason for all of this!

With you

Versions: #3
I'm looking outside
Thinking of care
What a wonderful light
In this life of pain!
There's going to be rain
It's your time to go out
I'm coming again
But you're busy now!
Under your umbrella I'll be
Asking 'How are you?'
And every time I will be missing
Walking in the rain with you!
I'll take your hand
looking in your eyes
And I see everytime:
It is a torture, when we're apart!
What is to say
with these frozen lips?
How would we again
be only good friends?
Too many 'Whys'
Make me hurt too much!
And I have understood:
I'm alone now!
Under your umbrella I'll be
Asking 'How are you?'
And every time I will be missing
Walking in the rain with you!
I'll take your hand
looking in your eyes
And I see everytime:
It is a torture, when we're apart!

It's your fault

Loneliness, everywhere I look around, loneliness
I don't see you, you don't exist anywhere
and no mather I miss you, you shouldn't care, don't ask again
Loneliness, no matter what I do I feel loneliness
I remember you and something hurts me all the time
I have many complaints from you
Give up, it's your fault for holding my wounds open
it's your fault you left me to go to the past, it's your fault
and to tell the truth you never loved me.
Give up, it's your fault, I don't believe now in anything you ay
it's your fault, you pretened that you cry, it's your fault
I'm not coming back as much as you want it.
Loneliness, every night I feel so much loneliness
I walk with my eyes wet,
I resist everything my heart wants
Loneliness and noone speaks to me anymore
everything I feel doesn't get me anywhere
and I'm abandoned one more time.
Give upGive up, it's your fault for holding my wounds open
it's your fault you left me to go to the past, it's your fault
and to tell the truth you never loved me.
Give up, it's your fault, I don't believe now in anything you ay
it's your fault, you pretened that you cry, it's your fault
I'm not coming back as much as you want it.
Loneliness, every night I feel so much loneliness
I walk with my eyes wet,
everything I feel doesn't get me anywhere.

Love Is Death

Familiar story, I know the theory
But in practice
They always cut me down.
Love in love
The same path
And you don’t dare to go ahead.
It was love and it will pass the way it came
That’s what you’re saying, but look, it changed my life
Love is death…
Wake me up now, oh my God,
The dream is a slope
Only by miracle I will be saved.
Wake me up and tell me what happened
Just burn my memories
So I can’t remember how to love.
I took my control
Zero writes the faith to me
All those absences and this one year
If I had only found myself
Before I found my teacher
The heart doesn’t take a break.
It was love and it will pass the way it came
That’s what you’re saying, but look, it changed my life
Love is death…
Wake me up now, oh my God,
The dream is a slope
Only by miracle I will be saved.
Wake me up and tell me what happened
Just burn my memories
So I can’t remember how to love (2x)
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

I miss you

Versions: #2
Things are somewhat better
I open the windows widely so the sunlight can come inside for a few hours
I turn the radio on, and if I have a good mood
I take your car and I just drive
around the town...
I miss you... More than I thought I would
I miss you and I have no one to say it to
I miss you and so I bond with the objects
which know, what a burden it is loving you all by myself...
Things are somewhat better
I now sleep comfortably and I answer the phone
I go out for walks with our friends on Saturdays
And when I get tired I look at your pictures again
I miss you... More than I thought I would
I miss you and I have no one to say it to
I miss you and so I bond with the objects
which know, what a burden it is loving you all by myself...
I miss you... More than I thought I would
And I have no one to say it to...!!!

Have Fun

I know that everything is finished
For you and me
And there's no reason, trust me
To say many words
A river can't go backwards
How can I explain this to you
Before I lose myy mind, take your things
And get out of here
Have fun, my heart, and I never want to see you again
You harmed me many times but that was it, enough
Have fun, my heart, I will miss you, you will see
But I won't die that we broke up
I know, you'll say you're sorry again
But there are no any ways left
How can I forget your betrayal
Go away so I can be calm
A river can't go backwards
How can I explain this to you
Before I lose myy mind, take your things
And get out of here
Have fun, my heart, and I never want to see you again
You harmed me many times but that was it, enough
Have fun, my heart, I will miss you, you will see
But I won't die that we broke up


If time could stop yesterday
To a laughter of yours in beautiful moments
If it could erase the big void,
Beat the corrosion so that you stay here
I'd give soul, I'd give life
For those flames, I'd give whatever you like.
If time could and if I could
Do something extra, I'd have you here
If time was reversed again and
Our ''forever'' didn't become ''never''
But time goes only forward
And if my heart breaking doesn't concern you
But times goes only forward
I hope he's good with you, thanks
If time could change course
(And) take us back to the big kisses
If the miracle could become the wish
So that you could stand so much love
I'd give soul, I'd give life
For those flames, I'd give whatever you like.


Eventually, everything comes to an end
just like that
Eventually, I'll stop
Eventually, I'll start to laugh
Eventually, I'll talk to all
my friends
Eventually, I'll manage to forget
Let's see what you're going to do
where you're gonna go in the middle of the night
you've forgotten all about me anyway
and don't tell me that you love me
Eventually, I'll be doing whatever I want
Eventually, with my heart as my guide , I'll go on without telling anyone
Eventually, I'll get used to not hugging you
and if I want to tell a lie , just for once
my feelings are none of your business
Let's see what you're gonna do
Where you're gonna go in the middle of the night
you've forgotten all about me anyway
and don't say you love me

And then

I'm regretting everything I ever felt
And everything I ever just gave you
I'm regretting everything cause I love you
I pity you for what happened do you
And your countless mistakes
I'm sorry you never understood
Who taught you how to open wounds
how to stab hearts and burn
Don't look at me , I know it's all your fault
Who taught you to say you can ignore my love
I'll pay you back for everything one day , you'll see
And then, you'll turn around with your head bowed
And you'll tell your friends
That at night you'll get reminded of a great love
That at night you'll get reminded
And just cry
I pretend I'm not thinking about you
But deep inside I admit that
I can't forget you
You were my sweet story
The apple of my eye
You were what I've been waiting for my whole life
Who taught you how to open wounds
how to stab hearts and burn
Don't look at me , I know it's all your fault
Who taught you to say you can ignore my love
I'll pay you back for everything one day , you'll see
And then you'll turn around with your head bowed
And you'll tell your friends
That at night you'll get reminded of a great love
That at night you'll get reminded
And just cry


I can hear steps and hits
steps but signs nowhere
steps that they are drowning in the waves
victims me and you again
take me and love me like a baby
take me two steps from here
take me and keep me far away from everything
take me like your other half
Let's go I am not affraid of nobody
let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
let's go make my steps
make them until the disaster
Give me, be my paradise
hell i don't know what does it mean
i look at you all my life
The feelings make steps
the heart makes steps
Take me from everybody's pretexts
take me to the sky
take me and love me like a baby
take me two steps from here
take me and keep me far away from everything
take me like your other half
Let's go I am not affraid of nobody
let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
let's go make my steps
make them until the disaster
Give me, be my paradise
hell i don't know what does it mean
i look at you all my life
Let's go I don't wanna be affraid
Let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
give and run in front of me
I look at you all my life

My lone soul

The search through escape
Is a journey that's eating my soul
I know that you're someone else's love
But I'm searching for you in the colour of dawn.
My lone soul, you are like a city
That has no life in the streets anymore.
My lone soul, in the snow
Red tear that marked the earth.
The search through loneliness
Is a road that leads to nowhere.
It's a sun that will rise from the West
And will find us separated like two strangers.

Words of love

Chosen words of love
Words that are perfectly spoken
I'm not going to lie, they convinced me
At just the right time
Everything is past history
But I remember not everything happened like you said
You said ''I'm staying'' but I felt you leaving
You said ''I'm leaving'' but I still feel you here
You said ''I'm breaking'' but I saw you endure it
You said ''this is the end'' but I hear ''I love you''
Words of love like a burden
I analyze it word by word
They say we understand
But there's no solution
Everything is past history
But I remember not everything happened like you said
You said ''I'm staying'' but I felt you leaving
You said ''I'm leaving'' but I still feel you here
You said ''I'm breaking'' but I saw you endure it
You said ''this is the end'' but I hear ''I love you''