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Број резултата: 13


Ти ми радиш нешто

Био сам јако тужан,
мислио сам да је мој живот завршен,
док се небеса нису отворила
и док нисам угледао тебе.
Зар ми нећеш рећи, драга
зашто се, када се појавиш,
мени нешто дешава
и кроз мене пролази најчуднији осећај?
Ти ми радиш нешто,
нешто што ме просто излуђује.
Реци ми, како то да ти
имаш моћ да ме хипнотишеш?
Пусти ме да живим под твојом чаролијом,
изведи тај вуду који тако добро изводиш.
Јер ти ми радиш нешто
што нико други не може.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Почните бегин

Кад почну да свирају бегин,
То ми враћа у сећање звук музике тако нежне,
враћа сећање на ноћ тропског сјаја,
враћа сећања вечно јасна.
Још једном сам са тобом под звездама,
а доле поред обале оркестар свира.
И чак и палме као да се њишу,
кад почну да свирају бегин.
Проживети то поново је мимо сваког настојања,
осим када ми та мелодија стегне срце,
и ту смо, кунемо се да ћемо се волети заувек
и обећавамо да се никада, никада нећемо растати.
Какви божански тренуци, какав спокојан занос,
док се облаци нису појавили да распрше радости које смо окусили.
И сада када чујем да људи проклињу пропуштену шансу,
врло добро знам на шта мисле.
Зато не дозволите да почну бегин,
нека љубав која је некада била ватра остане жар.
Нека спава као мртва жеља коју само памтим,
кад почну да свирају бегин.
О да, нека почну бегин, натерајте их да га свирају
све док се звезде које су раније биле изнад тебе не врате тамо,
све док ми још једном не шапнеш,
„драги, волим те!“
И одједном знамо
у каквом смо рају,
кад почну да свирају бегин.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Being the plaything of a handful of rich
is embracing the fate of a poodle.
Sewing dresses for ambassador wives
what is it, except interior decoration?
It's not under the posh roofs
that conventions are challenged,
not under the lounge chandeliers
that revolutions are made.
Fashion is a woman in a Jaguar
whom I want to put on the street.
Dressing a few fashionable models
only causes a stir in Vogue.
Now that queens ask for me
I feel like a fashion designer for old ladies.
It's not in editorial boards
that conventions are challenged,
not during opening night screenings
that revolutions are made.
Fashion is a woman in a Bentley
whom I want to make shameless.
Being the plaything of a handful of rich
is embracing the fate of a poodle.
Sewing dresses for ambassador wives
what is it, except interior decoration?
It's not under the posh roofs
that groundswells are initiated,
not under the lounge chandeliers
that the world is changed for good.
Fashion designers have to be willing
to think of ready-to-wear.
Dressing a few fashionable models
only causes a stir in Vogue.
Now that queens ask for me
I feel like a fashion designer for old ladies.

Time will impart us

The way does not frighten me
Anyone should see, must get to know
the twists in the hollows of their soul
And everything will be fine there
(But) time will sweep it away
Your message to the greater Whole
is your way of living
A short moment of woven lustre
Even if it serves no purpose, well
Time will sweep it away
Everything will disappear, but
Time will impart us
Tenderness and cruelty
And the grieve that mangle us
Reflections, coming and going
On the past and on tomorrow
Time will impart them
A genetic string
of chromosomes in an atmosphere
on planets in the galaxies
And my living body evolves
Time will sweep it away
Everything will disappear, but
Time will impart us
This scent of our years gone by
Which can hammer on your door
An infinity of destinies
We embrace one, but which others do we block?
Time will sweep it away
While then the end is coming near
And everyone recalls his achievements
I take up in my hollow shadow
Your parts of dust
Time will impart them
Everything will disappear, but
Time will impart us


Versions: #2
I have little (time) left to pamper you
To fix my soul
To (be able to) let go
And that wind takes everything
That you don’t exist anymore
Your gaze (The way you look at me) is dimming
& that time heals all wounds…
it’s not true
& that the moon is made of cheese…
it’s not true
I think I hear your voice in the corral
I don’t want to be alive… nor dead (dead x2)
Being in front of you, I couldn’t react
You started to erase yourself like a memory
(slow x2)
Give me a signal
Just one reason, to fix my soul
So that I can heal
Because I feel it’s not true, that you don’t exist anymore
My gaze is dimming
I want to be able to let go
Time heals all wounds
it’s not true
& that the moon is made of cheese
it’s not true
I think I hear your voice in the corral
I don’t want to be alive… nor dead (dead x2)
Being in front of you, I couldn’t react
You started to erase yourself like a memory
(slow x2)
(Dead x2)
(Slow x2)
(Dead x2)
(slow x2)

I would take you

I would take you
Over there
Where water is fire
Over there
Where darkness is light
I would take you
Where you would be
What you are not
What you are not
Up here
Where water is water
Up here
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where you really are
What you are, what you are
I would take you
Where the old man is a child
Where hate is love
Where the cry is a smile
I would take you
Where everything is different
Where you can not tell me
That you do not love me anymore
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where unfortunately me, too
It's really me
Really me
I would take you
Just for a moment
Out of this world
Out of the universe
I would take you
Where then I could
Be another one
And understand
That you do not love me anymore
Where the darkness is dark
And light is never
Where unfortunately me, too
It's really me
Really me.


What have you created?
Is it your vanity and your love
For everything you won't achieve?
I think you've fallen in love with yourself again
With yourself again
You're out of control
Abort the mission
You owe him your obedience
Respect your creator
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out, for being foolish
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out, oh, that's bad!
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out, for being foolish
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out
You won't cry anymore
You won't cry anymore, anymore, anymore...
Anymore, anymore, anymore...
Anymore, anymore, anymore...
You're feeling vertigo
Abort the mission
You owe him your obedience
Respect your creator
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out, for being foolish
Raise crows and they'll peck your...
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out, for being foolish
Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out
You won't cry anymore, they're coming now
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Hansel & Gretel's Bollywood Story

I know it sounds a bit weird
But you don't want to be hanged
Look me in the eyes, we burned it
Let's go, the town is waiting for us
Don't be a fool, you have to pretend Hansel
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
Don't be weak, I saw you hesitating today
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
(Gretel, I dreamed about him again)
Look what you've done again
Look what you've done again
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Ноћни портир

Хоћу ли икада успети да објасним
ову љубав коју осећам?
Наставља да траје
страх у срцу који ми стално говори
којим путем да кренем.
Лутаћемо опет,
док нам је одећа мокра,
склонићемо се од кише
чезнући да дотакнемо сва она места
на којима знамо да можемо да се сакријемо.
Ширину собе која може да прими толико задовољстава.
Ево ме самог поново
у мирном граду у ком се живот предао,
ево ме како само лутам
док ноћни портири пролазе,
ноћни портири нестају.
Пазићу на знак
и ако икада опет помислиш на мене,
седећу у соби и чекати да ноћни живот почне,
а онда ћу удахнути дубоко
и обоје ћемо поново пркосити невремену.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


And I'm spiraling down.
And now I know, I've already ordered your clonation.
A group of doctors in Tijuana said:
'Come here, I can help you'.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Sorry I can't stand your departure anymore
But it's the damned solitude.
I know well that I didn't ask your permission but
I know very well that you'd do it too.
And I'm starting to think
And I'm starting to think
That there's nothing else
Without you there's nothing else
Without you there's nothing else
Without you there's nothing else
Without you there's nothing else
And I'm spiraling down.
And now I know, I've already ordered your clonation.
A group of doctors in Tijuana said:
'Come here, I can help you'.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
And I'm starting to think
And I'm starting to think
Without you there's nothing else
Without you there's nothing else
Without you I don't want anything anymore.
May the cellular process begin.
[Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay...]
I think I'm going crazy for real
crazy, crazy, crazy-y
I think I'm going crazy for real
crazy, crazy, crazy-y
crazy, crazy, crazy-y
Mis traducciones son de uso libre, pero por favor, no las reclames como tuyas. Si tienes alguna petición (de traducciones inglés - español), puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Vetar će nas nositi

Ne bojim se puta
Treba videti, moramo probati
Zavoje do šupljine bubrega
I sve biti dobro tamo
Vetar će nas nositi
Tvoj poruka prema Velikom Medvedu
I putanja kretanja
Grimizni trenutak
Čak i ako nije za ništa, prolazi
Vetar će to odnijeti
Sve nestaje, ali
Vetar će nas nositi
Nežnost i mitraljez
I ova rana što nas razdire
Palata nekih drugih dana
Od juče i sutra
Vetar će ih odneti
Genetika na epoleti
Kromosomi u atmosferi
Taksiji za galaksije
A moj leteći tepih kaže?
Vetar će to odnijeti
Sve nestaje, ali
Vetar će nas nositi
Ovaj miris naših mrtvih godina
Što ti može pokucati na vrata
Neizvesnost sudbine
Nešto namećemo, a šta dobijamo zauzvrat?
Vetar će to odneti
Usled visoke plime
Svako izravnava svoje dugove
Povlačim se u šupljinu svoje senke
Prašinu od tebe
Vetar će to odneti
Sve nestaje, ali
Vetar će nas nositi