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If you love me only for myself

Erika: She looks for him, he looks out for her
She wispers to him step by step
In my heart it's a feast
If you love me only for myself
Your love seems genuine
I keep this hope within
Dominique: By your side I'll be proud
If you love me only for myself
Erika: I hold the key to your happiness
I wish I could be all yours
Don't you hear my heart?
You're the only one I have eyes for
Dominique: Don't judge by appearances
My heart only belongs to you
Erika: I see you like an obviousness
Both: Like a part of me
Dominique: All yours
Both of us
Will cross mountains
If you love me only for myself
Erika: Who can tell
Our future
Monday will be nothing but laughters
I'll be all yours
Dominique: All yours
Both of us
Will cross mountains
Both: If you love me only for myself
If you love me only for myself

I'm a girl like you

Erika: If I want my breakfast hot
Mrs Carp will make me pay
And I have to collect the eggs myself
The barn isn't nearby
In the meantime, it's frozen
That omelet I dreamed of
So I think to myself let's stay in bed
To have a lie-in
Annelise: For my breakfast I ring
The service bell
And on a beautiful golden plate
I'm brought delights
I'm helped so I eat well
When the minstrel sings
And I go read, to think better,
Natural sciences books
Erika: I'm like you
You're like me
Sometimes we wished we could change
Go elsewhere where dream becomes king
Yes I'm a girl like you!
You didn't think
It's would be like that
I met you and there it is
It's a big day
Because suddenly I realise
I'm a girl like you
First I choose a fine fabric
I pin the model on it
And I sew below and on top
There's your lace dress
Annelise: I love lace
It reminds me
I always love dancing
Both: So I choose my divine life
Without anyone to bother me
Annelise: I'm like you
Erika: I see it's true
Annelise: You're like me
Erika: Yes I believe
Both: We look alike you and me
We do what we must
Do and we will do it
Yes I'm a girl like you
I'm like you
I'm like you
You're like me
You're like me
It's an obviousness, it's clear
A beating heart
A voice to say it
Yes I'm a girl like you

How can I refuse?

I leaned over, bowed down,
I crawled like a rug.
For ten years, I practised my kowtowings...
Today I'll extract
This treasure from its hideout
That was only waiting for me...
How can I refuse?
I'll come back as a hero
Who found a treasure.
For a princess,
I'm the perfect husband!
I'm the savior suitor
The whole kingdom loves
That's why I'll have the crown!
How can I refuse?
Let joy erupt and let's raise our glass,
Here comes sovereign Preminger!
I'll become mighty for the king
Will be me!
By marrying the princess
I'll have everything I want:
A donjon, an ermine coat, a palace
If she treats me with distance
It's to cover her passion for me
But deep inside she doesn't know how to refuse!
That'd be too good
I won't give in, I won't run,
Just because a queen chose another beau!
It's a slight retreat,
Only a little gripe
My ego is only half scraped
I'll be back, I promise,
To show them who's the boss!
I bet you they won't be able to refuse
Imagine the girl vanished
And the king totters
I'm the savior knight
I'll get her back!
So the grateful queen
Will want me to marry her daughter
I'll tell her, humbly:
How can I refuse?
After the ceremony
I'll reign directly
And this Annelise idiot will kiss my feet
The kingdom and the castle will be mine forever
The crown fits my head, how can they refuse?
So prepare the roses,
We must crack open the cottle of champagne
With such a strategy, we'll triumph!
Before the end of the chapter
I'll be greater than Charlemagne
Even if it's a little ungrateful, how can they refuse?
How can they refuse?!

Heavenly Glance

A thin thread in a great tapestry, although full of colour,
doesn't know if it's part of the Great Creation's design.
And the stone on that mountain that you can see up there
thinks it is more important than the ones that shall support it.
But who knows their life's worth
or who shall appreciate it?
No mortal's eye will ever see it.
You must look at it
with a Heavenly glance.
(Lai lai lai lai lai lai...)
Pure gold was not considered more than spring's water.
Like one would a king, the lost sheep will see her pastor.
And if a man lost everything, has he lost his value?
Or is it just the beginning? Has a new life started?
A man's riches or vigour,
you must not judge.
To what he won and what he gave away,
an answer will be found,
an answer will be found by those who look
with a Heavenly glance.
That's why we want to share today, although you will find little.
If you have nothing, you'll be surrounded by much more.
'Cause you will find no lamentations if you must change your life,
and if you don't know the steps, you only have to dance.
You only have to dance!
(Lai lai lai lai lai lai...)
Will you say your neighbour has value
because of what he shall buy?
No earthly eye will ever see it.
Look at what is Heavenly! You must look
only through a Havenly glance!

Almost There

It will still have to wait
How much time are you going to wait?
I have no time for distractions
I need to work
I want grandchildren to take care of
Actually, this city
Makes us get accommodated
I know very well where I'm going
And I feel that some day I'll get (there)
I'm almost there, almost there
They go around saying that I'm crazy
But I never mind
Struggles and problems
I've had already
But now I'm not giving up
Because I'm almost there
My dad told me someday
Everything can happen
Seeing the dream coming true
Only depends on you
I've worked a lot until where I'm now
Now the things will flow
I just need to insist
A little more and get it
I'm almost there, I'm almost there
Many people coming from everywhere
I'm almost there, I'm almost there
So many struggles and problems
I've had in (my) life already
But I climbed the mountain
I crossed the river
I'm getting there
I'm almost there, I'm almost there


Тако збори Господ
Пошто одбијаш да ослободиш мој народ
Преко целе земље Египта
Шаљем помор и кугу
У твоју кућу, у твој кревет
У твоје потоке, у твоје улице
У твоје пиће, у твој хлеб
На твоја говеда, на твоје овце
На твоје волове у твојим њивама
У твојим сновима, у твом сну
Све док се не сломиш, све док се не покориш
Шаљем рој, шаљем хорду
Тако збори Господ
Једном сам те звао братом
Једном сам мислио да је шанса
Да те насмејем
Све што сам икад желео
Шаљем гром са неба
Шаљем ватру да пада
Чак и сад, волео бих да је Бог
Неког другог изабрао
Да служим као твој непријатељ у Његово име
Је нешто последње што бих икад желео
Шаљем град горућег леда
На сваку њиву, на сваки град
Ово је био мој дом
Сав овај бол и разор
Како у мени доноси мучење
Сви невини што пате
Због твоје тврдоглавости и поноса
Шаљем скаквце по ветровима
Такве какве свет никад није видео
На сваки лист, на сваку стабљику
Све док не буде ничег од зеленила
Шаљем моју казну, шаљем мој мач
Тако збори Господ!
Ти којег сам звао братом
Зашто мораш дозивати још један удар?
Шаљем моју казну, шаљем мој мач
Дај мом народу да оде
[Мојсије и хор]
Тако збори Господ
Ти којег сам звао братом
Како си ме овако замрзео?
Је ли ово оно што си хтео?
Шаљем рој, шаљем хорду
Онда нек ми се срце стврдне
И никад да му не будне битно колико висока постане цена
Ово ће и даље бити тако
Никад нећу дати твом народу да оде
Тако збори Господ
Тако збори Господ
Никад нећу
[Мојсије, Рамзес, и хор]
Дати твом (мом) народу да оде

Brand New Sunrise

Bathing in the bright morning sun
The wishes in my heart are now burning alight
Don’t you forget your future
Back when your sky got clouded
Even if you’re feeling down, collect your shards of dreams
Holding on to all your hopes and dreams out there
I’ll see you get back on your feet, you know
Let it shine! Brand New Sunrise
With a whole new sun, you and the whole world will shine
Come ‘n’ get it! Brand New Sunshine
Nobody’s gonna get to me
Not a single soul (stand up)
We’re re-starting from here (don’t stop)
Down the road to tomorrow (let’s go)
Let’s walk


W, Yandel
Sometimes you insist on looking for my defects and you forget that you also fail
If you say that I don't give you everything
I like the way you think
And you say that you give me my soul
Telling me that I have to change
That I do not value what you offer me
That I feel happy if I make you cry
That every day everything becomes a fight
Words that you give me more
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
OK baby
I am clear that it is an adventure
That sometimes I am your cure
And that this is crazy
But I love it
You think of me when you wake up
Tell me why you do it
This nobody can take
But how strange it feels
Know that it's nothing serious
That everything is a mystery
And your cold as a cemetery
You say it's me
I say it's you
What a bad attitude
Baby you affect my health
I don't win this case
Sometimes happy, sometimes failure
One day you love me, the other you reject
And how time heals everything
My time will come
I don't want to continue being a clown
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
Again here in my room
Where there are no witnesses
I don't know what you want with me
But how nice to be with you
Again here in my room
Where there are no witnesses
I don't know what you want with me
But how nice to be with you
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
Yeah, oh oh, you see
Wisin and Yandel
Wisin and Yandel


* Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – all of our memories say
Ding dong – nothing but wonderful nights
Are left of us
In the bustling streets, nobody counted me in
People come and go holding presents in their arms
I began to feel hatred for even little children singing a carol
So I closed my eyes tightly
Last year, we swore by the candlelight
Our unchanging feelings, and made a kiss
In a burst of bliss
Ding dong – the dream from that sacred day
Ding dong – disappeared, buried under the snow
Ding dong – even so, the bell is ringing again
It’s ringing again this year
Alone on such a night, I’m watching TV
With nothing showing on the screen
Around the world, there’d be many people crying on their own
Yeah that’s just like me, isn’t it?
Because I didn’t like the way he gets drunk
Saying goodbye, I walked away and that’s it
You know it was me, but what’s it for now?
Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – I hear it all on my own
Ding dong – now I’m just wondering
If he could hear it from somewhere
Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – it’s showering on the whole town
Ding dong – now I’m just wondering
If it could reach all the way to his place
* repeat


Versions: #1
From a cheater like you,
that lies so much everyday,
that promised to be faithful
while was cheating on me.
From a cheater like you
that I standed for so many years
until I had enough
now listen to my story:
He kissed me, caressed me,
even my soul trembled ,
I never though about you,
on that bed I was happy,
never felt fo much fire
I even thought my body was on fire.
And he loved me, took care of me
so many things he taugh me,
I surrendered and lived
the thing I hadn't before because of you,
there's nothing else to talk about,
and feeling embarrassed
I think you'll go on your way.
I payed you back you wretch
now you are gonna know what is like to go around
having people laughing at you, mocking you
and making you the sign with their fingers like this.
I payed you back you wretch
now you have the mark and you owe it to me
you're pitiful, like a fool you cry,
but leave now, it's late
he's picking me up.

Kings, dukes, princes, marquises

Kings, dukes, princes, marquises
Lead a million wars!
We? Never won one! We were those who died!
On these furrows, here, lying on the ground!
The Greeks, the Romans, barbarian and goths,
The Turks, the Geman and the French: all of them!
A thousand banners, one at a time

I know an ancient garden of old

I know an ancient garden of old,
there grows silky carpet of grass.
It has a thick gate made of gold
and I dream of one lass.
There lives a beautiful princess,
she is wearing a small crown.
I know how lovely is her dress,
so don't be silly and sit down.
La la la...
In that garden, for that matter, stands a well with a dark grating.
And an old willow tree bend over the water, stares at it's own image, waiting.
By the pond is a small wooden boat, which is ready for the two of us.
So let's play with the melody note, sing after me and don't make a fuss.
La la la...

Someday My Prince Will Come

Such was the romance
that I couldn't resist.

One lovely day
my prince will come
and in his arms I will happily go
to a castle enthralled by love.
Bah, nonsense!
One day he will return,
worn out from passion,
and at last, my dream
will come true.
I feel it in my heart.

Princess Melancholy

Sad, Sad is the Heart
lifeless body
Animated only by the convulsions of pain
Sad, sad is the soul
Won’t bloom
The breath is choking till agony
Why did you choose this place where your footsteps fade in the darkness?
Sad, sad is the love
to pierce this quiet
They do not like you, you’re not one of theirs
Where are yours? Certainly lost… like you
Sad, sad is the dream
You dream of distant lands
That won’t save you
They worship you and envy you
For what’s inside you
What you live
But ignore your sorrows
They ignore what it means
To be aborted by life

Little Princess Sarah Opening (Korean)

The flower blooms in my little heart
No name, but it’s so beautiful.
When the dew falls on my clear eyes,
The little flower smiles and protects my heart.
Ah, I wanna cry,
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I must live vigorously,
Someday this day will come.

Innocent little face

If I tell you that I love you, that your love made me ill
I take advantage of you and even more willing you give me what I want.
Even though you sell yourself as an angel, you got the tricks to asphyxiate.
And it is because of that that a long time ago I don’t sleep alone.
It is that she made me fall in love with her innocent little face,
She made me fall in love with her
She is a well dressed devil,
She made me fall in love with her
She does everything I ask her to do
She made me fall in love with her (made me fall in love)
If I tell you that I love you, that your love made me ill
I take advantage of you and even more willing you give me what I want.
Even though you sell yourself as an angel, you got the tricks to asphyxiate.
And it is because of that that a long time ago I don’t sleep alone.
I don’t sleep alone anymore
Oh-oh, oh (I’m going to look for you)
Easy money, baby
She is a devil made woman (Yeh), I had a girlfriend and I let myself go
Without thinking, take me to a dispensary (Oh-oh)
In her theater I was her toy, it is impossible not choosing to try, she keeps tempting
And she takes advantage of her little face,
She tells them that I am her friend
And I do to her all that she allows me to do and I didn’t let her go unbeaten
So cute that she made me fall in love with her (Yah)
To the country I was singing in she flew first class (Yup)
I was never able to doubt if I liked her or not
To women like you is that one gives value, oh-oh
She made me fall in love with her
She is a well dressed devil,
She made me fall in love with her
She does everything I ask her to do
She made me fall in love with her, made me fall in love
If I tell you that I love you, that your love made me ill
I take advantage of you and even more willing you give me what I want.
Even selling yourself as an angel, you got the tricks to asphyxiate.
And it is because of that that a long time ago I don’t sleep alone.
If I tell you that I love you, that your love made me ill
I take advantage of you and even more willing you give me what I want.
Even selling yourself as an angel, you got the tricks to asphyxiate.
And it is because of that that a long time ago I don’t sleep alone.
Dancing mouth to mouth
Getting lost with you (Me with you, mami)
Your body makes me crazy
I want to have you forever, have you
She made me fall in love with her (made me fall in love)
And she does everything I ask her to do
She made me fall in love with her, made me fall in love (made me fall in love)
Woh-oh, ay
Your body makes me crazy
I want to have you forever, have you (have you)
Myke Towers, baby

Memory of Life

The joy I felt when I touched you
Went deep, deep down
And seeped into
Every nook and cranny of this body
Even if I’m far away
And no longer understand anything
Even when the time comes
For this life to end
Everything of now
Is everything of the past
We’ll meet again, I’m sure
In some nostalgic place
The warmth you gave me
Deep, deep down
Comes to me now, complete
From a time long past
Steadily in my heart
The flames of passion give light
And softly soothe my pain
Down to the depths of my grief
Everything now
Is hope for the future
I’ll remember, I’m sure
In some nostalgic place
Everything of now
Is everything of the past
We’ll meet again, I’m sure
In some nostalgic place
Everything now
Is hope for the future
I’ll remember, I’m sure
When I remember this life

Child's Song

Round, round, go round, Waterwheel, go round
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers
Bring spring and summer, fall and winter
Bring spring and summer, fall and winter
Round, round, go round, Waterwheel, go round
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers
Flower, bear fruit, and die
Be born, grow up, and die
Still the wind blows, the rain falls
The waterwheel goes round
Lifetimes come and go in turn
Lifetimes come and go in turn

My friends from the other side

Don't you look down on me, little one.
It'll be a huge mistake,
My kingdom opens its arms to you
And my friends come from the other side...
(His friends come from the other side)
It's only an echo, my friends,
A little custom from Louisiana,
A little cabaret show, a pittance.
Let's sit over there,
Trust me,
Relax and thanks to me
Today may be your lucky day.
I can read [your] futures
And change it as I please,
And getting into your soul,
You do have a soul, don't you Lawrence?
And into your wildest dreams...
Thanks to my voodoo, my gift of gab, my abracadabras
And my friends coming from the other side.
(His friends come from the other side)
The cards, the cards, the cards show me
You past, present and future as they are.
The cards, the cards, the cards, pick three of them
And come discover your future with me.
You, you have done a long crossing,
You come from two royal lines
(I got royal blood myself from my mother side)
You live lavishly but you're broke
And you need your fiancée's daddy to be loaded.
Dad cut you off, hu, playboy?
You have to put a ring of your finger but without tiying yourself down...
You wanna be free as the wind,
Going from one city to another, but to be free you need green...
How green, how green
How green my dear!
I look at your future
And I only see green in it!
For you my dear, your assessment will be quick:
You've been used all you life,
Used by your mother,
Your little sister, your little brother
And if you were married, you'd be used by your wife!
But getting a glimpse into your future,
I only see that man you always wish you were.
Shake my hand, my friends,
Shake the hand of a poor sinner
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Total transformation
Total transformation,
Total renovation,
Total renovation,
And total transfiguration
Do you feel it?
Do you feel all those changes, all those changes,
All those changes in you?
I hope you'll like them
But otherwise, don't cast a stone at me:
Blame it on my friend from the other side
You had what you wished for,
But you lost what you had

Dec. 21

Slowly stroking your back with my hands
Me taking off my desires
How I miss you in my bed
Your moans in the sky
Me touching you, rising you
Maybe it's the last time
You look me in the eyes
You realize the story
I am just a moment
And it hurts me to know
To have you in scantily clad
You take my sleep away
Although nothing is serious
I feel your owner
Another night that I make you fly
Very high, you can touch the stars
But you can't stay with me
Before you button up the button
Let's do it like last night
And if we see each other again
We change hotel so that nobody suspects
Slowly stroking your waist with my hands
Admiring your figure
Repeating that madness
Your moans in the sky
Me touching you, rising you
Maybe it's the last time
You look me in the eyes
You realize the story
I am just a moment
And it hurts me to know
To have you in scantily clad
You take my sleep away
Although nothing is serious
I feel your owner
Another night that I make you fly
Very high, you can touch the stars
But you can't stay with me
Before you button up the button
Let's do it like last night
And if we see each other again
We change hotel so that nobody suspects
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


Без панике, јер нисмо на Титанику
Приђи ми, загрли ме брзо
Без панике, јер нисмо на Титанику
Приђи ми, загрли ме брзо
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам
Немој никад бити тужна, чак и кад си у проблему
Осмехни се и реци: све су то ситнице.
Нека зачас прођу све недаће,
Заједно ћемо наћи срећу.
Чешће се осмехуј
Да би нам живот био сјајнији.
Без панике, јер нисмо на Титанику
Приђи ми, загрли ме брзо
Без панике, јер нисмо на Титанику
Приђи ми, загрли ме брзо
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам
Еј, принцезо, мање стреса
Овде твој омиљени грубијан, никоме те не дам

Die alone

Sweetie of my life
I am nothing if one day you forget me
If you leave me without your love
I am imprisoned in pain
Raving through the streets like a stray dog
You will find me
It is you who gives me life
Who heals my wounds
And lose you is a mistake
I wouldn't hold on
Sweetie I'm sure that soon this storm
It will pass
I love you more every day
My soul needs your love
And so I spend the days
Crying full of pain
And if you don't come back my life, since you're my everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
If you are not in my life and you forget everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
And if you don't come back my life, since you're my everything
I better die alone listening to Theodore
If you are not in my life and you forget everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
Sweetie of my life
Look at me when I talk to you
You well know the truth
That I wouldn't be able
To cheat your feelings and even less who I love
I love you more every day
My soul needs your love
And so I spend the days
Crying full of pain
And if you don't come back my life, since you're my everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
If you are not in my life and you forget everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
And if you don't come back my life, since you're my everything
I better die alone listening to Theodore
If you are not in my life and you forget everything
I prefer to die alone drunk of love
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Cinderella Girl

You're Cinderella Girl
My precious one
You're the only flowering heroine
At any time, be next to me forever
And show me that shining smile
Even if the magic were to be broken someday
No matter how much time passes
No matter how old we get
I'd keep saving you
I wanna be your sunshine
Because your smile has the magic
I wanna be your sunshine
Always makes me happy
It's 11pm soon and the crowded cityscape
It's still too early to say goodbay, though
Your curfew is not lax
I know that
But, when it comes to the push, I don't wanna let you go home
Making a date to see again in hasty
You broke into a run,
running up the long stairs,
and disappearing into the crowd
You're Cinderella Girl
My precious one
You're the only flowering heroine
No matter how much time passes
Please show me that smile next to me
Even if the magic were to be broken someday
No matter how much time passes
No matter how old we get
I'd keep saving you
I wanna be your sunshine
Because your smile has the magic
I wanna always be your sunshine
Always makes me happy
I'm thinking about you more than your expectation
You, are you thinking about me more than my expectation?
Everyone is grieving
'The magic of love has a time limit'
'Time goes by, the jewelries turn into the stones'
Even if a day like that comes to us,
You'd hold them up to the morning sunlights,
and decorate your ears with them
I'd fall in love with you again
When hearing the 0 o'clock bell ringing,
what kind of dream are you having?
If I could use the magic
I could go to see you over the night sky
You're Cinderella Girl
My precious one
You're the only flowering heroine
At any time, please be next to me
And keep lighting up my mind
You're Cinderella Girl
My precious one
You're the only flowering heroine
No matter how much time passes
Please show me that smile next to me
Even if the magic were to be broken someday
No matter how much time passes
No matter how old we get
I'd keep saving you
I wanna be your sunshine
Because your smile has the magic
I wanna always be your sunshine
Always makes me happy
I wanna always be your King & Prince


Princess, princess—
there is woe in your face.
You are sick with sadness.
Everyone wonders why.
In your emerald eyes,
the smile is almost extinguished.
The dawn of each new day
makes your face grow more pale.
Princess, princess—
I know what your malady is.
Only with love
can you drive it away.
All you need do is run in the grass
and see that there
is a boy in love
who will give his heart to you.
Princess, do not recall
how your heart was beating
when I taught you the game of love.
Caresses, words—
they made you go mad—
you have come back many times at nightfall.
Princess. princess—
there is joy in your face.
You healed so quickly.
You healed more than me.
But why lower your eyes
to respond to my bow
when you come into the fields
with your neighbor, the prince.

Locked In Eternity

If I knew where he was, I would be flying towards him already
because I feel it in my heart, he's waiting for me.
Derek, have mercy and come to me already!
Locked in eternity,
our hearts bind us together
and distance doesn't matter
when the fire still burns.
Locked in eternity,
where the light embraces us,
we'll be together once, you and me!
Like dawn links day to night,
longing links us together
I'll wait, for forever
if I have to, and even longer,
(Derek and Odette)
Locked in eternity, in the embrace of the starts,
I swear it to all holy that I will find you
Locked in eternity,
the world falls apart,
and only our hearts' sweet
dream lives on
Locked in eternity
Walking the path of lights
Only our hearts' sweet dream lives on...


When you walk on a distant road
You are close if you sing
Picking flowers from road side
Where the load leads to
Nobody ever knows
You just go, without looking back
Wimps are laughed at by
The sunflowers in the garden
Who in any time staring at the sun
Ah my mother's voice, ah my father's voice
Ah again they talk in my ears - don't be discouraged
Even a distant and hard slope
Comes to an end when you finish it
You can meet the beautiful scenery
What kind of scenery it is
Nobody ever knows
But it must be in happiness colors you dreamed
Wimps are laughed at by
The sunflowers in the garden
Who in any time do not forget smiles
Ah my mother's voice, ah my father's voice
Ah again they talk in my ears - don't be discouraged

The Plagues (Russian Version)

(...Because you're not letting them go
I send a plague upon your body and blood
Into your every home and every stable
Into your every waterway and tent
Into your drinking vessels and into your bread
And unto your hearth, and unto your cattle
All of your homes are now abandoned
And until you give in, your body will be eaten
By the snakes and fleas I send upon you)
Do you remember, o my brother
How happy I was to hear your laughter
It was the most important thing I've ever known
So why can't we go back to how everything was
You became God's greatest obstacle
And I wish I'd never known that
This was my home
And it's so hard to see the ruin of settlements and fields
It's so hard to see the innocent victims of your stubbornness
(...I send fire and I send pain)
You who were my brother, bring back peace to your homes
(...I send fire and I send pain)
Give us freedom
So God has said
-Get out of here
You, who were my brother
Your coming has brought me so many misfortunes
Did I wish for this?
I will not give in
And may my words exact an ever greater price
In memory of all my troubles
No, I will not let
Your people go
So God has said
No. I will not let
Your people go
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Little princess

Come, come
Look in my soul
Pass, pass
Block my brain
On sinful thoughts
Try to refer me
Let that everyone is going crazy from envy
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
I don't let that they steal you from me
You are the most beautiful in the city
No one can offend you
I always keep your back
But I can't be with you
I pull all bad with myself
We are an impossible link
I am trouble, and you
Little princess
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
Chorus 2x

Believe boundlessly

We send tearful prayers to the night skies
Hopes melted at this mournful time
But God blessed us, gave us hope, and got rid of the darkness
Although terrible trials await us still
To everyone with faith and good in their hearts
God will give strength to overcome fear
With the genuine purpose of a miracle you will succeed
A wonderful world waits for us
Just believe boundlessly
We were in need and the tears in us flowed like rain
Hope trembled like a bird, barely alive
The time of darkness has passed and in our hearts is that sweet ache
With a smile on my lips I speak these words
To everyone with faith and good in their hearts
God will give strength to overcome fear
With the genuine purpose of a miracle you will succeed
A wonderful world waits for us
Just believe boundlessly
(Then children sing in Hebrew)
To everyone with faith and good in their hearts
God will give strength to overcome fear
With the genuine purpose of a miracle you will succeed
A wonderful world waits for us
Just believe boundlessly
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Flower's Whispering

In a corner of my heart
Blooms a small unknown flower
When sadness comes to me
I put red petals on my eyes
Before long, my tears dry up
When I want to cry
I can possibly burst into tears
But I still have to stand tall
With this flower deep in my heart
Saying tomorrow will be much better
When I gaze at the starry sky with a player
A star mutters to me, even when you feel lonely,
that you're not alone
A red flower blooming in my heart
Although I want to get a hold of happiness
There's something more important to me
Someday I will get to know in time
whether it is love or kind heart

Kasnije, kučke

Zar dođavola misliš da moram čekati u redu?
To je kompletno i totalno sranje!
Ako ti pokažem svoje sise, da li ćeš me pustiti unutra?
Možeš li samo-samo da popiješ još jedno piće sa mnom?
Kasnije, kučke!
O moj Bože!
Ovo izgleda kao- ovo izgleda kao, najbolja pesma ikada!
Ja samo- ja samo ovo jako volim!
Sranje, ne osećam se dobro
Nije mi trebalo to poslednje piće
Kasnije, kučke!
O moj Bože
Sada sam jako napaljen
Nisam to trebao izgovoriti naglas, ha
Sada ne nosim donji veš
Pa, ti znaš
Mogu li da dobijem još jedno piće?
Hej, pre nego što izađemo odavde
Možeš li-možeš li samo da mi učiniš jednu uslugu?
Možeš li reći, ''Kasnije, kučke!''

The Plagues

Says the God, says the God
Says the God, says the God
Says the God, says the God
Says the God, says the God
Because you will not let my people go
(My people go)
(To) Egypt's entire country
I send the problems, the plagues
In your houses, beds
In your rivers, roads
In your drinks, foods
On your cattles, sheep
On your fields' animals
In your dreams
To force you to stop, to give up
My strength sends you the fear
Says the God
I called you brother
I believed that I wanted to have you laugh
It was all that I needed
I send the sky's thunders
I send fires that rain
I want that God will choose others
To be your enemy
Now that's all I wanted
On all places and things
I send burning hails
This was my home
The pains and the problems
Always hurt me a lot
Everyone's hurting
Because of your thoughtlessness
On the wind I send the locusts
Like no one has ever seen
On all leaves and plants
Before there's nothing of the green
Through my powers I send pain
Says the God
I called you brother
You don't need more pain
Through my powers I send pain
Free my people
Says the God
Says the God
I called you brother
Why do you hate me so much?
Is this what you wanted?
My strength will send you the fear
I'll let my heart shun you
And I don't care for the cost
I won't change how I think
I'm never freeing your people
Says the God
Says the God
I'm never freeing your people!¹
Free my people now!¹
tośé ŋöŋe' ŋëk? can séðe zya kyoyeŕ.
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