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Број резултата: 106


QUEEN (Kraljica)

Predstava je
Ali ne bi trebalo da zaboraviš
Znam šta si
Uh, ti si kraljica
Nemoj da me pogrešno shvatiš
Ne želim dramu
Kažeš te iste stare stvari
Muka mi je više, vreme je da prekineš
Ista scena se ponavlja svaki dan
Nema potrebe da preuveličavaš
Ukočena faca i reči koji se unapred izmislila
Ne izgledaš kao ti više
Više nisi kao ti
Zapravo, i ti sama to znaš
Ovo nije stvarno, samo je gluma
Samo je predstava
Pravi scenario
Samo moraš da pokažeš ko si ti zapravo
Samo je predstava
Ti si zvezda
Blistava ti, ti si
Ti si kraljica
Bez ikakvog rukopisa
Bez forsiranja, zapravo
Šta god da kažu
Samo budi prirodna ti
Ti si kraljica
Prirodne emocije
Nežno pristupaju
Nonšalantni pokreti
Pokaži se
Ista scena se ponavlja svaki dan
Nema potrebe da preuveličavaš
Ne znači ništa da naparviš dramu
Na kraju ćeš biti prava ti, zar ne?
Uh huh huh
Zapravo, i ti sama to znaš
Ovo nije stvarno, samo je gluma
Samo je predstava
Pravi scenario
Samo moraš da pokažeš ko si ti zapravo
Samo je predstava
Ti si zvezda
Blistava ti, ti si
Ti si kraljica
Bez ikakvog rukopisa
Bez forsiranja, zapravo
Šta god da kažu
Samo budi prirodna ti
Ti si kraljica
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Ti si kraljica
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Va ra bba ba ba
Blistava ti, ti si
Ti si kraljica
Znam znam
Znam te
Čak iako niko drugi ne zna
Niti razume
Sada izađi iz te drame drame
Uh, od sada pa nadalje
Prava scena će početi
Samo tako što ćeš biti prirodna ti
Samo je predstava
Samo je predstava
Samo je predstava
Samo je predstava
Pravi scenario
Samo moraš da pokažeš ko si ti zapravo
Samo je predstava
Ti si zvezda
Blistava ti, ti si
Ti si kraljica
Bez ikakvog rukopisa
Bez forsiranja, zapravo
Šta god da kažu
Samo budi prirodna ti
Ti si kraljica
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
You’re a queen
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Va ra bba ba ba
Blistava ti, ti si
Ti si kraljica

Time for the moon night + Rough

The shimmering starlight shines, but you
Where are you looking at
I think you’ll be gone soon
Turn on the lights, my heart is dark
Today I’m feeling sad
It seems like my presence of mind
Isn't in your heart
I wonder when you threw me out
The stars shine as much as you like
I still don’t know what to do
What speech is trapped in the fog
I'm thinking about you helplessly tonight
The shimmering starlight shines, but you
Where are you looking at
I think you’ll be gone soon
The time to wait is over
I’ll send you away now, no not yet
I want to secretly keep you in my room tonight
Night, night, fly through the night sky
As time time for the moon night
I’ll meet you in my dreams
I'm wandering unable to approach you
Although I like you I'm looking elsewhere
The more we try to get close
The more our hearts grow further
We are revolving because we can’t meet
We are like parallel lines
No way we will meet
I will always wait
I wasn't able to tell you but I liked you
Like a dream from the younger days like a miracle
If I could run through time and become an adult
I will hold your hand in this cruel world
Promise me this I hope you don't change
Smile at me then like you do now
If time goes by and I become an adult
Amidst the divergence, I will hold your hand

Touch my body

Welcome to Paradise
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body
I know you want it, come to my side
I prepared wine and sweet chocolate chocolate
My pool gets soft and sometimes warm just for you
Na na na na na na
I see myself in your reddened eyes
You drive, I’ll put my hands up to the sky
Yeah baby dancing with me you’re my star
Touch my body, we’ll go faster, little by little
Oh everybody, higher than the blue sky
I like this rhythm, you and I under the hot sun
My body body Touch ma body
Baby so good I feel like paradise right now
Baby so nice, our own summer night
Little by little, one step two step, you and I under the moonlight
My body body Touch ma body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body
With you tonight, right now
Looking at the stars together
I’m happier than anyone else
With you tonight, right now
Looking at the stars together
I’m happier than anyone else
With you tonight, right now
Looking at the stars together
I’m happier than anyone else
Touch my body


What are dreams?
They're white bubbles
They're the wild horses we spit out of hops
They take me
Running like lightning through this world
We're like wild horses in this world
What do you see?
Eight miles in the air
Wild moments are always fleeting
Love only lasts forever on TV
Still letting loose
Brave enough to be directionless
Brave as a wild horse
It's shining bright
We're running through this city like wild horses
And never feeling sad when the sun is wasted
What do you remember?
When someone wakes up in the street
Watching the radiant sun rise over the horizon
You know it's you again
When you have nothing left to lose
And no longer have to feel afraid
The wild horse that is spit out
In this world
We're running through this city like wild horses
And never feeling sad when the sun is wasted
We're running like wild horses here
How I wish to see a different tomorrow

Накриво насађени

Умрећу много пре Метузалема,
зато ћу се борити против спавања амонијаком.
И свако јутро, са црвеним очима
недостајаће ми због свих суза које су пролиле.
Али, ја сам заправо добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо...
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Недостају ми протезе и поправљене душе
које газе лепоту док певају своје мисли.
Усклађујем их са мојом еуфоријом
кад су рекли: „Луђи смо од тебе“.
Али, ја сам заправо добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо...
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Ми и неки човек смо тамо, гори од обичне друге половине.
Рачунамо као пола-пола,
сложени на један од пролаза, као оригами.
Испружена рука деловала је сломљено, није све само уздуж и попреко.
Ова чудна деца,
окоћена као случајно,
скривају свој труд на стубу за гребање
и стандардну језиву песму, која иде овако:
Цртам лице
На правом сам месту,
немој да квариш расположење.
Цртам лице
На правом сам месту,
немој да квариш расположење.
Али, ја сам заправо добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
Заправо сам добро,
не могу ништа да урадим ако смо...
Не могу ништа да урадим ако смо накриво насађени.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Love, Painful Love

The one who is deeply embedded in my heart
I’ve done nothing for you
Your words, although painful, was love
Because I might cry, I put them on the painful wound
Love, painful love
I am sorry for everything
In that awful love
I had locked you up
Your trembling eyes as you looked at me
How could I forget?
Like the moon that lit up the night sky
You were always behind me
Your heart hurt so much that you couldn’t bear for even a day
How you endured, I think I know now
Love, painful love
I am sorry for everything
In that awful love
I had locked you up
Your trembling eyes as you looked at me
How could I forget?
You were made to live in a rough and dangerous fate
That it was destiny given to you by the heavens
That is what you thought
When time passes, as the wind scatters
Perhaps this pain will fade


I know I know
You badass
My friends say there’s bad rumors about you
But we’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
I know I know
You badass
My friends say there’s bad rumors about you
But we’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
I know I know
You badass
I’m gonna kiss you now
We’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
I’m a bad boy Playboy
whatever they call me
I’m good as long as you’re not alone
Trust me and close your eyes
You can leave your traces on my neck
If I say I didn’t fall for you, it’s a lie
Numbers don’t lie, don’t be deceived anymore
You won’t be lonely, don’t let me go
Now don’t be with other men
Why you trynna leave me alone
Let’s light it up tonight together
I’m lonely, I keep staring at your body
Am I the only one who means it?
I’m richer than your girl
I’m making money, let’s see
I don’t lie
and numbers don’t lie baby
I know I know
You badass
My friends say there’s bad rumors about you
But we’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
I know I know
You badass
I’m gonna kiss you now
We’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
Why don’t you be my babe
No, don’t believe in other people
I know there’s rumors about me but you know me
You saw it all when we shared love at night
Why don’t you be my babe
Time is too precious
LOVE PLUG, fill up my empty heart
Don’t stop, bed rock
Hurry and come to me
Come to me, I’mma rock you hard
When you come in, close the door
Push all your work to tomorrow
We’re gonna film our own melodrama movie tonight
Why don’t you be my baby girl
I can’t lie, no maybe
You shine more when you’re with me
Now with those lips, paint me
I know I know
You badass
My friends say there’s bad rumors about you
But we’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY
I know I know
You badass
I’m gonna kiss you now
We’re so attracted to each other
You are my PLUG BOY

Red Apple

Versions: #1
In the caravan there is no floor
I have no sweet lover
I will cut this red apple
Hop, hop, hop
Half for you, half for me
Hop, hop, hop.

Кашогијев брод

Ко је рекао да је моја журка готова, а-а
Још увек добро изгледам
Најбоље године мог живота су као супернова
А-а, непрекидно лудило, тако сам рекао
Сви су пили моје вино - а ја сам опијен тобом,
Отишли смо на одмор на Кашогијев брод
Тамо смо се баш баш добро провели, сви су били супер секси
Били смо лоши, севали су блицеви, све у свему било је то супер путовањее
Великa зла наивчина са песницом као твоја глава
Хтео је да ме се дочепа, а ја сам га отерао
Рекао сам му: Душо, пољуби ме у дупе
Извукао је пиштољ и хтео да ме ухапси
Ја сам рекао, уху, душо,
Сада слушај, нико не прекида моју журку
Нико, нико, нико не прекида моју журку
Баш како сам рекао
Постепено смо се загревали, били смо надркани
Доживели смо тотално помрачење
Ово ја плаћам, зато хајде да урадимо све како треба
Ова журка неће почети пре поноћи
Журка са леве стране, журка са десне стране
Нико не прекида моју, аааах


Hey Bonghwan, hey Bonghwan
Hey Bonghwan, hey Bonghwan
I used to not be afraid of the world
I was free and fearless
But how did I get trapped in this body?
What exactly am I supposed to do now?
This is so complicated
I lived however I want
I lived with my own agenda
But now it’s over
This is such a strange thing
One night, two nights pass
But the world is still the same
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
I used to not be afraid of the world
I was hot-blooded and lived my own way
But how did I get trapped in this body?
What exactly am I supposed to do now?
This is such a difficult situation
Time is going backwards, the world is going backwards
This is like a show
This is so amazing
I pinch my cheeks and rub my eyes
But the world is still a mess
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
Living in this world, my body disappeared
But it was reborn in that world
Like a wild horse above a green pasture
No one can stop me
What do I do, Bonghwan?
What do I do, queen?
What do I do, Bonghwan?
What do I do, queen?
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (a queen, what?)
Hey Bonghwan (Joseon era, what?)
Living in this world, my body disappeared
But it was reborn in that world
Like a wild horse above a green pasture
No one can stop me
Ugh, I don’t know anymore