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My Greatest Desire

Look at how crazy he is
He's dying for you
My heart can't take it anymore
And today he wants to tell it to you
How is it that he loves you
The love he has for you is so great
He wants to give himself up, body, love, and soul
To meet the one who loves you so much
I want to be the love
Of your soul, the warmth
Of your bed and feel
Your gentle touch
To be yours in order to love you
Until the end of time, to love you
And make you oh so very happy
Is my greatest desire
I want to be the love
Of your soul, the warmth
Of your bed and feel
Your gentle touch
To be yours in order to love you
Until the end of time, to love you
And make you oh so very happy
Is my greatest desire

Something special

Río Roma
with Descemer Bueno
and Andrés Castro.
I look at the moon and I see you
I light a cigarette
And I see you in the smoke
I touched you with my fingers
In the dark my hands
They know your body
Anyone has a crazy night,
But this cloud is not transient
There are things which don't happen, but it happened to us
I think that the universe conspired today
There is something special
Between you and me
I want to keep discovering you
And that you keep seducing me
From inside the heart
Between the two
Let's stop the time
There is no perfect love
They say that, but no
Between you and me there is something special
Between the two
We must celebrate today
This beautiful and natural
What's between you and me
There is something special between us, baby
I would like to stop the time so I can have you
And clear all the doubt which is in my mind
I want to know if you will be with me forever
Calm, with you has been the best of my life
I'm going to close you all those wounds
I will be the cupid arrow which was lost
There is something special
Between you and me
I want to keep discovering you
And that you keep seducing me
From inside the heart
Between the two
Let's stop the time
There is no perfect love
They say that, but no
Between you and me there is something special
Between the two
We must celebrate today
This beautiful and natural
What's between you and me
Anyone has a crazy night,
But this cloud is not transient
One and another cup, the night is short
And a tequila to celebrate
There is something special
Between you and me
I want to keep discovering you
And that you keep seducing me
From inside the heart
Between the two
Let's stop the time
There is no perfect love
They say that, but no
Between you and me there is something special
Between the two
We must celebrate today
This beautiful and natural
What's between you and me
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

You Fell From Heaven

You are my most beautiful coincidence,
I almost run out of patience,
I already doubted love,
And suddenly it happened
A miracle that the universe assured me ...
You fell from heaven,
At the precise moment,
Surely something good I should have done,
And my reward was you.
You fell from heaven,
I see you and I do not believe it,
Since that day there is nothing you can ask of life,
Having your love,
What a blessing you got,
Now I'm going to take care of you,
Because I love you, you are my life and my heaven.
Today I finally fall asleep without fear,
Now I understand that it is very true,
That times are perfect and of God ...
You fell from heaven,
At the precise moment,
Surely something good I should have done,
And my reward was you ...
I just want you to understand that I
I value you and respect too much.
You are the most beautiful thing that life gave me ...
You fell from heaven,
At the precise moment,
Surely something good I should have done,
And my reward was you.
You fell from heaven (you fell from heaven)
Since that day there is nothing you can ask of life,
Having your love
What a blessing you got,
Now I'm going to take care of you,
Because I love you, you are my life and my heaven.
What a blessing you got,
Now I'm going to take care of you,
Because I love you and you fell from ... heaven.

Ti si prava osoba u pogrešnom trenutku

Nisam ja kriv što sam te kasno u prolazu
Što nas vetar nije stavio na isto mesto
Što je već postojao neko ko će učiniti da sanjaš
Ni ti nisi kriva za to što nisam znao da je vreme
da se vratim
I to što ne mogu da sve stavim na svoje mesto
Niti da izbrišem prošlost, ni poljupce koje si mi dala
Ti si prava osoba u pogrešnom trenutku
Ali takođe si nešto najlepše što mi se desilo
Proživimo, nemojmo da gubimo još vremena
Priznaj da i ti osećaš isto
Slušaj me, zaboravi na svet
Ovo je nešto u dvoje
Proživimo, život je samo jedan trenutak
Usudi se, ne dešava se ovo stalno
Ljubavi, zapamti da samo jedan život imamo
Ili ćemo biti kukavice ili ćemo poslušati srce
Ako još uvek nisi sigurna, izazivam te da uradiš isto što i ja
Zamisli da si ti ona koja treba da odluči
Sada, otvori oči, ovde sam, ovde si
Proživimo, nemojmo da gubimo još vremena
Priznaj da i ti osećaš isto
Slušaj me, zaboravi na svet
Ovo je nešto u dvoje
Proživimo, život je samo jedan trenutak
Usudi se, ne dešava se ovo stalno
Ljubavi, zapamti da samo jedan život imamo
Ili ćemo biti kukavice ili ćemo poslušati srce
Ti si prava osoba u pogrešnom trenutku
Ali takođe si nešto najlepše što mi se desilo
Slušaj me, zaboravi na svet
Ovo je nešto između nas
Proživimo, život je samo jedan trenutak
Usudi se, ne dešava se ovo stalno
Ljubavi, zapamti da samo jedan život imamo
Ili ćemo biti kukavice ili ćemo poslušati srce

Ti Si Mi Promenila Zivot

Ti si mi promenila život
Bio je to dan kao i svaki drugi,nikada neću zaboraviti datum.
Pronašli smo se bez razmišljanja o vremenu i mestu,
Nešto čarobno se dogodilo,tvoj osmeh me zarobio,
bez dopuštenja ukrala si mi srce.
I tako ne govoreći ništa,na prvi pogled započela je naša ljubav.
Ti si mi promijenila život,od kada si ušla u moj.
Ti si sunce koje osvetljava celo moje postojanje,
ti si savršen san,sve sam pronašao u tebi.
Ti si mi promenila život,zbog tebe ponovno verujem.
Sada samo tvoje usne pale moju kožu.
Danas ovdje više nema sumnje,strah je otišao od mene,
a sve zahvaljujući tebi.
Tako si lepa spolja, kao nijedna na zemlji,
a unutar tebe prebiva plemenitost i dobrota.
Danas reč ljubav ima drugu dimenziju.
Danju i noću molim nebo za nas dvoje.
Sada je sve tako jasno,ti si ona koju volim,
vratila si mi iluziju.
Ti si mi promenila život,od kada si ušla u moj.
Ti si sunce koje osvetljava celo moje postojanje,
ti si savršen san,sve sam pronašao u tebi.
Ti si mi promenila život,zbog tebe ponovno verujem.
Sada samo tvoje usne pale moju kožu.
Danas ovde više nema sumnje,strah je otišao od mene,
a sve zahvaljujući tebi.

While you sleep

You always so calm,
go following your life
and about me not even a clue
of memory it surprises you 1
And me, who never sleeps
talking with my pillow
I tell it I love you
never says something back.
By night, I'm restless
reason complains
why everything happens to me,
and nothing to you?
It's that, while you sleep
I'm still here, awake
only guessing
who would be in your dreams,
it's that, when you sleep
I always lie awake all night
I keep on dreaming with you
even though, I live awake.
That's why I'm still here
without sleeping a bit
breathing sights,
comforting my soul.
While your life seems
like nothing happened
mine survives,
only from hope.
By night, I'm restless
reason complains
why everything happens to me,
and nothing to you?
It's that, while you sleep
I'm still here, awake
only guessing
who would be in your dreams,
it's that, when you sleep
I always lie awake all night
I keep on dreaming with you
even though, I live awake.
  • 1. Interpretation: I'm not sure what this exactly means
Just learning.

I don't forget you yet

It will always be, that I would give you more than I had.
It will always be, that I would stay empty in order to give you my life.
It will always be, that in the night the light
of the moon would be yours.
And now I need this light
for my dark nights.
And even though it hurts so much remembering you,
and it's written in the destiny,
As short as love is, as short is the oblivion.
I don't forget you yet,
but here I walk.
I'm still cold
when I listen to your voice,
and it's like putting up with it
after I kiss you
and after we made many times
a lot of times love.
I don't forget you yet.
Not yet, no.
But I will forget you.
It will be, that you know when
we wake up dancing,
the music will cast a spell on us
and I will be under that spell.
It will be, that my body
doesn't want to feel any other hands,
because when I've told you, that I love you,
I didn't play with you.
I don't forget you yet,
but here I walk.
I'm still cold
when I listen to your voice,
and it's like putting up with it
after I kiss you
and after we made many times
a lot of times love.
I don't forget you yet.
But I'm feeling better now.
I almost can focus on different things.
But listen carefully!
Don't look for me, because I won't come back,
I don't forget you yet.
Not yet, no.
But I will forget you.
I don't forget you yet.
Not yet, no.
But I will forget you.
And always remember:
'Those who don't know foreign languages, don't know anything about their own!' - Goethe