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The First Day Without You

Versions: #2
Yesterday at the same time as now
At this same table
You were sitting right before me
Where your absence sits now
You told me you were leaving
A dozen of my years times two
Twenty-four of your hours
Go through my existence
Like bullets
One by one
I'll die if you aren't here
And now that
I put the first day without you
On a scale
The omen of the future is so bleak
That I swear that it looks
Like a wall
To me
Without your company
Your warmth, your smile
Your playful gaze
Your simple words
Saying I love you
And the gift of your kiss
Which used to flood
My cheeks with light
Without your telepathy,
Your bad moods, your laughter,
A little bit of all that
Is best in this life
Escapes from me
And flies out to the empty space
That you left when you went away
That day
Yesterday when you went out
That door
Future reserves
Of smile and happiness
Followed behind you
Now I am overwhelmed by words
My kisses, my eyes' gazes
The minutes of my hours
Each gesture of my face
And my soul
Were caused by and were for you
And now that
I put the first day without you
On a scale
The omen of the future is so bleak
That I swear that it looks
Like a wall
To me
Without your company
Your warmth, your smile
Your playful gaze
Your simple words
Saying I love you
And the gift of your kiss
Which used to flood
My cheeks with light
Without your telepathy,
Your bad moods, your laughter,
A little bit of all that
Is best in this life
Escapes from me
And flies out to the empty space
That you left when you went away
That day (x2)

When I close my eyes

I do not leave the door open at night
I know, he will skip the threshold and hide the trail
I feel in the room a creepy cold
It's far from the reality and sleep she and I are
Somebody sleeps with us, somebody is there when there is darkness
Ref. 2x
When we close our eyes, we close our eyes
When I close my eyes, somebody is with her in my bed
I feel in the room a creepy cold
It's far from the reality and sleep she and I are
Somebody sleeps with us, somebody is there when there is darkness
Ref. 2x
Somebody sleeps, somebody is there when there is darkness
Ref. 2x
When I close my eyes ...

Although We Are Forever Chained To Strange Shores...

Although we are forever chained to strange shores
With fetters - strong, invisible to eyes,
Yet, even chained, we must complete on all fours
The circle, gods have drawn for us in skies.
Lo! Everything, that yields to higher powers,
Conducts the will of others with its own,
And under stolid mask of every substance
The flame - divine light! - everywhere burns.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


What can I say when I'm looking at you this way?
There's nothing I like more than being naked,
just after making love,
when we listen to this song looking at the ceiling.
This song that wonders if this is true,
that wonders if this is crazy,
that says you've already hanged your armor
at my gates.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
My room is enough for the two of us,
the same sun is enough for the whole universe.
Sometimes everything's so normal, so quiet,
I don't think I've ever saw me before, now I look me when I see you.
And then I make me a cup of tea
and I play the guitar,
you stay asleep
and I make you this song so you can be calm.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
Sometimes I feel so tired
and I go to bed to lie down.
Sometimes life bores me so,
you make my days more beautiful.

The First Man in Your Life

I'm going to fill your life with the perfume
Of red roses
And I will dress up your body
With a thousand caresses.
In your delicate hands,
You shall hold the fire...
Lay down on the bed, my love:
Do not be afraid.
If you invite me in,
I will enter you carefully.
I will do it slowly,
Like a soft breeze.
Please, do relax:
I want you warm
Like the sea at dusk...
My dear Siren.
Let's make love
My darling, without rushing!
A storm of passion!
Inexperienced young woman,
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...
Stop denying your thirst
And drink a little:
Love should be taken in like this,
In small sips.
Just allow yourself to be guided
By your instincts...
Then, add a little bit of feeling
With a moan.
Let's make love
My darling, without rushing!
A storm of passion!
Inexperienced young woman,
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...
Ooooooh... Aaaaah!
Let's make love!
I shall be the first man in your life
That the very last resort...


(Primo) priblizilo se,
i svi su videli kako eskalira, ahh (ej), ej (Primo)
rasiri se,
sviraju nas u Puketu, Ibici, Budimpestu i obrija se, ahh
[Part 1]
Ej, bili smo prvi (da, brate)
Prvi u Nemackoj, platina pecat (da, brate)
odjednom gangsteri su igrali uz sample (pesme) zapadnih afrika
za njih muzika je bila samo Coco Jambo
al' vidahu onda u klubu: sve zene polude
ranije ja i moj Kroko smo bili broke
danas Kroko zgrabio jednu kucu,
zgrabi, zgrabi, zgrabi
jebem poznate zvezde iz Upperclass-a
jer sve od njih vole flase, pare, kurce
svejedno dal' Camora il' Alabas
zato igraj, igraj, igraj
jos malo na bit za tvoj Snapchat
zavidno nas gledaju svi
al' nema stresa, nikad nisi sef,
samo nista si kao Chefket
Zovi me Primo, drugi, treci ne pisu istoriju
Moj tim Primo, Jamajka, Afrika - deo moje klike
da, bre, Primo, Primo, pusti da puca, druze
dobrodosao u Becu, nadjes me ispod sunca sa John-om i Farido-om
[Part 2]
Ej, ej, kontrolisemo Vatikan, Vatikan
pojedemo repere - kanibali, kanibali
pozdrav na moje Arapske (prijatelje) i na decke iz Balkana
Remmo klan, Ali-Khan, ya salam
*wrmm wrmm* u panameri (Porsche)
jebac, kao Cannavaro
hiljadu probleme, ali Para zavara
Imam ljusku na glavi kao Calimero
picke su znali muziku od Rihanna i Drake
ali dosli smo u igru kao N.W.A
*Pow pow pow' prekasno sve
parada pobednika u Cabrioletu
da,da,da, ulenimo se
kupimo Donna Versace u radnji
nikakav Problem
svemu bice kraj, zato vec sad pocnem da brojim dane
Zovi me Primo, drugi, treci ne pisu istoriju
Moj tim Primo, Jamajka, Afrika - deo moje klike
da, bre, Primo, Primo, pusti da puca, druze
dobrodosao u Becu, nadjes me ispod sunca sa John-om i Farido-om
Zovi me Primo, drugi, treci ne pisu istoriju
Moj tim Primo, Jamajka, Afrika - deo moje klike
da, bre, Primo, Primo, pusti da puca, druze
dobrodosao u Becu, nadjes me ispod sunca sa John-om i Farido-om
brate, mozes da mi verujes, probaj Capoeira
Kad mora da bude, doci cu ti nocu u san ?
tri Chays i ja u sobi, kurac mi radi Capoeira
gavran iza ledja, kida sve na komade - la omerta
Zovi me Primo, drugi, treci ne pisu istoriju
Moj tim Primo, Jamajka, Afrika - deo moje klike
da, bre, Primo, Primo, pusti da puca, druze
dobrodosao u Becu, nadjes me ispod sunca sa John-om i Farido-om

Open me the heart's eyes

Open me the heart's eyes
Open my eyes, lord
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Open me the heart's eyes
Open my eyes, Lord
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
See you shine, lord
in your sweetness of your glory
Pour your love upon us
While we're singing 'holy, holy'
Open me the heart's eyes
Open my eyes, Lord
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Open me the heart's eyes
Open my eyes, lord
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
See you shine, lord
in the sweetness of your glory
Pour your love upon us
While we're singing 'holy, holy' (x3)
Holy holy holy (we sing)
Holy holy holy (you are)
Holy holy holy
I wanna see you (x8)

Prvo pobeda

Versions: #2
Kroz kapije Pakla prolazimo
dok se probijamo ka Raju
kroz nacističke položaje
Prvo Pobeda!
Godinama smo uvežbavali
I sad smo spremni za napad
Na početku velike operacije
mi smo prvi talas na obali
Mi smo prvi koji će pasti
Pa ipak, vojnici su padali i ranije
U zoru će oni platiti
cenu svojim životima
Istorija se danas piše
u ovom plamtećem paklu
Znaj da ništa ne ostaje
dok napredujemo plažom
Težimo Raju premda služimo u Paklu
pobeda je naša, njihovi će pasti
Kroz kapije Pakla prolazimo
dok se probijamo ka Raju
kroz nacističke položaje
Prvo Pobeda!
Šestog juna
na obale zapadne Evrope, 1944.
Dan D je stigao
Već smo kroz ovo prošli
Navikli na ovakav rat
Unakrsna paljba struže pesak
Naređenja su nam bila laka
Ubij ili budi ubijen
Krv će se proliti na obe strane
U zoru će oni platiti
cenu svojim životima
Istorija se danas piše
Sad kad smo u ratu
Opet sa silama Osovine
Bar ovaj put znamo šta nas očekuje
Šesti jun, 1944.
Saveznici preokreću tok rata
Normandija u stanju anarhije

Only a sailor can know

Only a sailor can know how the nature loves
When the wind rocks the boat and lulls it to sleep
Only a sailor can know how the nature punishes
When storm shakes the boat, it howls and rages
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there is also longing
Only a sailor can know when longing for farawy lands
Can make the blood boil, can feel it in the veins
Only a sailor can know how fatherland calls
When the boat again roams towards the home port
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing
Only a sailor can know what vastness means
When the familiar land stays behind and the sea opens
Only a sailor can know how small the world is
When from his boat he views each harbour
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing
Only a sailor can know how a maiden loves
When he tours many ports and always has a new one
Only a sailor can know how the longing remains
And yet always in his mind is the girl from fatherland
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing

More haste, less speed

Eyes filled with rain
My hands in the shape of dead leaves
A knot in my stomach, my head hurts still1
Don't let the devil knock at your door.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side2.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
A drop of water in the ocean
Faliling at the air3
The storm passes, and what can we possibly do?
A few drops of water in the river.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Make me believe something.
It's not too late, I've got plenty of time on my side.
Close the window, there are too many draughts.
More haste, less speed, baby. Too bad if I'm no longer the same.
We can dance ourselves silly, to be honest,
between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
Too bad baby, I'm no longer the same.
Either say everything or die.
Between us, I don't know how to say 'I love you'.
  • 1. or 'again'. Since these lyrics make little sense to me I can't say what he means
  • 2. 'de mon bord' might mean 'on my side', but used in this context it just sounds like broken French to me.
  • 3. the usual expression is 'un coup d'épée dans l'eau' (a sword stroke in the water). He changed water for air, for some reason.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Karim and the wolf

I'm writing this standing on the edge.
They say you end up stronger for suffering,
when we poured salt on our woulds.
May the Lord bear witness, what an adventure!
Wicked and quirky creatures1.
You can never know your fate for sure.
Among all our fantasies, which is the worst?
It'll be all over before you said it.
Are we all alone in the world?
As they say, true friends are hard to come by.
At least I'll still have my guitar.
Talking about myself is not in my nature.
I am not who you think I am, what a sham!
Are we all alone in the world?
We stand in the wolf's jaws,
since man is a wolf to man,
man is a wolf to us2.
Are we all alone in the world?
  • 1. a pun on 'à tort et à travers' (any odd way), playing on literal meanings of 'tort'(wrongdoing) and 'travers'(quirk)
  • 2. That's what I call Regular smile
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

im a criminal

Мама, I'm a criminal - с голыми руками или в руках АК
Тебя это не коснулось, так это пока
Ладно, мне пора, братка, пока.
Мама, I'm a criminal - это то чем живет детвора в забытых богом дворах
Хули там Якудза,Триады, Коза-Ностры
В России рано повзрослели дети девяностых
Мама, I'm a criminal – когда те, кто у руля топят нас как котят
Признавать их власть как принимать яд
Чем заодно с ЧК, лучше вообще никак
Мама, I'm a criminal – судьба наносит на гранит имена
Ведь каждого в финале ждет черный пенал, да
Ставка слишком высока
Мама, I'm a criminal – когда такая делюга, по-другому, никак
Каждый сам ищет выход из тупика
У каждого свой УК

Don't turn back for old loves

Don't turn back for old loves,
while the rains used to fall,
they used to be different,
than during these autumns and winters,
Don't turn back for old loves.
Don't turn back for old loves,
to take a shelter, to console yourself,
when you remember those past days,
when solitude rises like a tide,
Don't turn back for old loves.
What does an evildoer
in the middle of the night,
eternally lead in that area.
Old love is like a trap,
never go back to it.
Don't turn back for old loves,
don't know at the same doors,
the fire has been damped down,
go further where the warmth is,
Don't turn back for old loves.

Love at first sight

I never believed in falling in love with you at first sight
I never believed in falling in love with you at first sight
But my heart didn't think twice
And fell for your charms
Love, at first sight, I can not believe it
And now I do not know what to do
love at first sight
Without you I can not live I want to be
next to you
What suddenly happened maybe God sent for the two of us to be together
And I want you to know, my love, and how very happy I am
Knowing that next to you I'm going
Love, at first sight, I can not believe it
And now I do not know what to do
love at first sight
Without you I can not live I want to be
next to you
Love, at first sight, I can not believe it
And now I do not know what to do
love at first sight
Without you I can not live I want to be
next to you...

I Just Can't Wait to Be King

I will be the strongest king,
May my enemies be scared!
I have never seen a king with that less fur.
I will be the supreme king,
Greater than the others.
I learned how to posture,
I learned how to roar, grauuu!
I have never heared a such a funny thing.
I just can't wait to be the king.
My prince, you have a long way to go!
Don't barge in,
Don't get your nose into my business.
Take a listen to me.
I meant:
Don't put me out of temper.
Look, you don't understand it.
I can't stay here.
I should do what I want.
It's incredible
I should be free.
Now it's the time,
Let's put our heads together.
I can't get advice
From the horned heads.
If there will be a monarchy,
Ignore me.
I can stay in Africa not even a moment.
I am out of this business.
Ah! I will go bananas with this boy.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Look left everyone!
Look right everyone!
Can you see me all?
I am at everywhere.
Let's sing this song together.
Sing along with these birds.
Let's hum with Simba.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.

Blasted spring

I was more or les like that,
white wine, night,
and old songs
and the blasted spring,
sweet deceiver,
laughed at me.
What's left of an erotic dream if
suddenly I wake up
and you are gone?
I regret your not being there,
I despair
as if love were painful
and although i don't want to,
without wanting to I think of you.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm harming only myself.
What your passing left behind
is a kiss that's not enough
of a kiss,
a caress which
rings false,
an 'I love you and I don't love you'
and even though you don't want to
without wanting to you think of me.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm cursing only myself.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

Not even a single tear (Rascal)

If you leave
I will be so disappointed!
You know that I love you.
This heart of mine cannot go on like this:
You know that I won't wait for you.
Not even for one more single night, you rascal
I shall allow you
To deceive me again with your twisted games.
Not even a single tear, you rascal
I will shed again
In silence.
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
I know that you will kneel before me
Begging for a kiss
You'll implore, you'll ask for forgiveness
But now we can't go back.
Bridge + Chorus
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back

We are serious

We love the serious womans
Qualitative, sertificated
You remain to themselves the funny
Coquettish, unkepted
We are conservatives in the heart
We are interested in solid ladies
The clothings suits only black
Kasmir wool and kapron
Because we are serious,
Seriously thinking,
We serious
Seriously approaching.
,,Good evening, lady,
But if you are really serious?'
We can control desires
Newly look to body of woman
To heal spiritual wounds
To give a dignity for womans
We will write the rules-
For the girls of unserious behaviour
We will ban to go to streets
Better let it go to cinema
Because we are serious,
Seriously thinking,
We serious
Seriously approaching.
,,Good evening, lady,
Let focussing together.'
We must hook the buttons
Pull the zips of the skirts
To revoke erotic broadcasts
To wash shameful dungarees
Between mens the womans will be only
Serious and modest compliments
Morality disturbers will die
As obsolete elements
Because we are serious,
Seriously thinking,
We serious
Seriously approaching.
,,Good evening, lady,
How is good, that you are serious!'

My Sealed Fate

Versions: #1#2
Is this how a dream ends?
Do you have such longing for sorrows?
The cost of what sin
Are you, my sealed fate?
Is torment what you ever deem fit?
Don't you got any redemption?
Don't you got any redemption?
My sealed fate do you melt like I do?
My sealed fate could you show me a way?
The day when I, too, will let go of this dream
Would also be the day you end
I, too, would give in and take a sip of that wine
That day you would also come to an end
That day you would also come to an end
To no avail, are what I ever do
Do you grudge me any pleasure?
Longing is on your side
Love is on your side
You never change my fate
Always defeat,
Always good-byes for me?
Don't you ever have a cure?
Don't you ever have a cure?

I will wait for you every evening

I will wait for you every evening
And I will come wherever you want
I want you to love me, vagabond lady*
and want you to extinguish the fire burning in my heart
Why do want me to sigh, little one?
Charming one, why do you want me to defame you?
As you once told me that you are from Peraia*, vagabond
You should be charming and beautiful
As you told me you are from Athens
You must be charming and pleasant
Every evening, randez-vous with me
And I'll fall in love with everything about you my bird
Do not torture me anymore, vagabond
and now that you have me, what else are you looking for?

Tears of Fire

When those flames are rising
The sleeping wind gets up
Then you have to fear for your fate
Because a wind is blowing, a wind of death
This land that they are burning
Is filling with glowing ash
We are sowing fire embers
The bells are ringing the dead knell
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
Centuries-old woods with no chance
A hell that brings death
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
People and animals in a bunch
All together for the extreme unction1
When perhaps they will realize
It will be too late to improve
Our sons, like lost birds
Searching for food in the deserts
How many villages are crying for these damages
How many sons lost over the years
The tears that fall from eyes
Will never extinguish those fires
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
Centuries-old woods with no chance
A hell that brings death
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
People and animals in a bunch
All together for the extreme unction
Birimbamboi birimbambombam
Birimbamboi birimbambom
They have set fire
To my village mountains
They have set fire
To my village mountains
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
Centuries-old woods with no chance
A hell that brings death
That hand that kindled the fire
Has destroyed every kind of life
People and animals in a bunch
All together for the extreme unction
  • 1. The catholic sacrament for the dying people.

Daj mi svoje snove

Otići je lako.Hm a posle?
Da li možeš da izbrišeš ?
Na mojim usnama je ostao tvoj trag
Ne možeš da baciš, znam.
Moje srce se sa tobom istopilo
Da li možeš da izbrišeš ?
Na mojim usnama je ostao tvoj trag
Ne možeš da baciš, znam.
Moje srce se sa tobom istopilo
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe
Otići je lako.Hm a posle?
Da li možeš da izbrišeš ?
Na mojim usnama je ostao tvoj
Ne možeš da baciš, znam.
Moje srce se sa tobom istopilo
Da li možeš da izbrišeš ?
Na mojim usnama je ostao tvoj
Ne možeš da baciš, znam.
Moje srce se sa tobom istopilo
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe
Daj mi moje snove
Daj mi moje osmehe
Izgorećeš, ah izgorećeš
Ako mi daš sebe

Ne dajem ti lazna obecanja, draga

Ne dajem ti lazna obecanja, draga
Samo budi gost u mom malom svetu i velikoj ljubavi, dovoljno je
Napravicu ti trpezu od ljubavi
Na mom stolu tanjir mira i vernosti
Casa ljubavi
Pun bokal srece, dozivotnu posvecenost ti nudim
A ti ako dodjes, pola tvog tela si ti, a pola cu ja da budem.

The king has sent a letter

The king has sent a book (letter)
The king has sent a letter
To the girls from (all) the villages
Not to make themselfs dresses with flowers
Not to make themselfs dresses with flowers
Because no boys will be left for them
Let them make themselfs blue dresses
Let them make themselfs blue dresses
Because boys have died a thousand
You king, you king
You king, you king
Make peace, don't fight
The recruited girls are young
The recruited girls are young
They won't know to fight with steel (weapons)
With steel weapons and with fires
But they will know how to work with the ploughs
With steel weapons and with fires
But they will know how to work with the ploughs

It's a pity

In a scene of loneliness
You make my dreams drift away
Like fireworks in the night
And you're tortuting me
And I get angry and I wonder
Why did I get to this point
What good had I seen in you
To make me love you
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity for the falling
That you paid back with lies
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity that I believed in you
And I robbed my own heart
So many vows like rain
And they've turned out to be lies
Behind damages and mistakes
You were there
And I get more and more sick
And I break like glass
You can walk over my life
It's become a carpet
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity for the falling
That you paid back with lies
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity that I believed in you
And I robbed my own heart

Chamdrim (The Moon)

Come, bewitching Chamdrim1, with your concrete light,
To transform the houses of churta2 into houses of silver,
And to allow that the fazares (?) penetrate the festivities
In search of Bamboos with which to weave survival!
Oh Mandovi and Zuari, strings of salty tears,
The gods shelter the singed and humble,
Who in the dark nights return sadly
With jellyfish in their nets and empty tones.
Come, Chamdrim1, king of night sky,
To make pearly, with your magical inks,
The naked trunks of sun-baked curumbins3
- Candles melting in the perennial noon!
Come scratch up the mystery of the moribund hamlets
Where venomous serpents bite the night.
Death spies upon the peasants, returning from the lowlands,
Bathed in the sweat of the earth - with eyes on their feet!
Come, Chamdrim1, to illuminate the wells and rivulets,
Where mainatos4, bent over, fight with the filthiness.
Without you, the tropical Sun was blazing with skulls . . .
Because of this, Chamdrim1, you are the god of paupers!


Proveo sam ceo život stareći
Bio sam uvek kontrolisan
Išušivao sam, isušivao sam, isušivao sam
Krio sam se u mraku
Kada se okrenula ka meni i rekla
Moraš osvetliti, moraš osvetliti, moraš osvetliti
Ona je rekla da bi trebali da budemo ponosniji od lavova
Urliču glasno iznad stada
Osnovno, osnovno, osnovno
Trebao bi da se igraš sa vatrom
I nikada se ne bi smo uplašili činjenicom da možemo da izgorimo
Osnovno, osnovno, osnovno
Oh, oni nas nikada neće pripitomiti
Oh, ali će pokušati
Oh, mi smo glasni i poznati
Oh, nikada se nećemo sakriti
I sada sunce zasija kada mi kažemo
Šta srce želi, svet plaća
Nećemo nikada odustati, odustati, odustati
U noćima, oni mogu mumlati
Kako su naše duše nekada bile skromne
Sada mi živimo punim plućima, živimo punim plućima, živimo punim plućima
Ona je rekla da bi trebali da budemo ponosniji od lavova
Urliču glasno iznad stada
Osnovno, osnovno, osnovno
Trebao bi da se igraš sa vatrom
I nikada se ne bi smo uplašili činjenicom da možemo da izgorimo
Osnovno, osnovno, osnovno
Oh, oni nas nikada neće pripitomiti
Oh, ali će pokušati
Oh, mi smo glasni i poznati
Oh, nikada se nećemo sakriti
Pronađi ono šta voliš i pusti ga da te ubije
Jer nema drugog načina
Pronađi ono što voliš i pusti ga da te ubije
Pronađi ono što voliš i pusti ga da te ubije
Trebao bi biti ponosniji od lavova,
Oh, oni nas nikada neće pripitomiti
Oh, ali će pokušati
Oh, mi smo glasni i poznati
Oh, nikada se nećemo sakriti
Oh, oni nas nikada neće pripitomiti
Oh, ali će pokušati
Oh, mi smo glasni i poznati
Oh, nikada se nećemo sakriti

Noćas plače gitara/Prvi fado

Ako je postojala velika ljubav
Bila je to naša,bila je to naša
Ako je postojala velika strast
Bila je to naša,bila je to naša
Umrla sam dva puta
Dva puta je srce stalo
Prvi put kada te ugledah
I drugi kada si me ostavio
Noćas plače gitara
Samo za mene ,samo zbog mene
Noćas je prisutna čežnja
I tuga bez kraja
Vremenom ništa ne prolazi
Još uvek boli ista bol
Jer te zore
I vreme je umrlo zajedno s ljubavlju.


Koliko je pisama bačeno u vatru?
Koliko je prilika umalo propušteno?
Koliko smo puta igrali ovu igru?
Ko je mačka a ko miš od nas dvoje?
Da li smo sve probali?
Da li smo sve unapred izgubili?
Da li smo ludi što verujemo da nam ostaje još opcija?
Da li smo već previše odustali
ili ćemo se vratiti na naš put?
Kad smo već ovde,oživimo
naše nade u ljubav,sve naše snove usred dana
Pošto smo ovde,oživimo ih
Oživimo ih
Oživimo ih
Kad smo već ovde...
Koliko je suza palo u prazno?
Koliko je istina pokrenuto prebrzo?
Koliko smo puta pobegli?
Koliko je stakla polomljeno pre odlaska?
Da li smo sve probali?
Da li smo sve unapred izgubili?
Da li smo ludi što verujemo da nam ostaje još opcija?
Da li smo već previše odustali
ili ćemo se vratiti na naš put?
Tvoja ljubav daje smisao mom životu
ispunjava me bojama
Tvoja ljubav daje smisao mom životu
snovi su mi šareni
Kad smo već ovde,oživimo
naše nade u ljubav,sve naše snove usred dana
Pošto smo ovde,oživimo ih
Oživimo ih
Oživimo ih
Pošto smo ovde...

Divan zločin

Svaki korak koji sam ostavio za sobom
Svaki put znaš da je moj
Hodajući po liniji deset priča visokoj
Reci da ćeš još uvek biti pored mene
Kada bih mogao da uzmem tvoju ruku, oh
Kada bi mogla da razumeš
Da jedva mogu disati vazduh je redak
Bojim se pada i gde bi sleteli
Svake noći se borimo za nešto
Kada sunce izadje oboje smo isti
Pola u senkama
Pola spaljeni u plamenovima
Ne možemo gledati unazad uzalud
Uzmi šta ti treba, reci svoje pozdrave
Dao sam ti sve
I to je divan zločin
Svaki uzdah koji sam ostavio za sobom
Svaki uzdah koji uzmeš je moj
Hodajući po liniji deset priča visokoj
Boj se pada, ti pitaš zašto
Napuštamo stvari koje smo izgubili, oh
Napuštamo one koje smo prešli
Moram stvoriti kraj pa počnimo
Da spasim svoju dušu po svakoj ceni
Svake noći se borimo za nešto
Kada sunce izadje oboje smo isti
Pola u senkama
Pola spaljeni u plamenovima
Ne možemo gledati unazad uzalud
Uzmi šta ti treba, reci svoje pozdrave
Dao sam ti sve
I to je divan zločin
Tama je svetlo
Tama je svetlo
Svake noći se borimo za nešto
Kada sunce izadje oboje smo isti
Pola u senkama
Pola spaljeni u plamenovima
Ne možemo gledati unazad uzalud
Uzmi šta ti treba, reci svoje pozdrave
Dao sam ti sve
I to je divan zločin