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Pod vibrira i otkucaji vašeg srca su u ritmu
Vrtim filmove u tvojoj glavi dok ne osetiš svaku ovu rečenicu
Sa kožom i kostima za muziku
Svaki udah je flešbek, bio gengster ili sportista
Moj zvuk je heroin kojeg nema u Turskoj
Dajem vam ono što ste propustili
Imam ono što tražiš, čista tkanina, dobar motivator
Kakav krek, dam ti rep i posle refrena dolazi strofa
Svaki deo vašeg tela sagoreva slabosti, jačate mišiće slušanjem
Zenice crne kao noć, ja ću se tamo popeti i probuditi te
I svaka sumnja u sebe je uništena iz temelja, ej
Visoko motivisan, ne kao ona tri minuta
Udarac, bubanj, reč pravo u krv i letiš na sedmo nebo
Potpuni pobednik
Zakorači u moj svet i ostani zauvek
Brate, šta ti treba, sve je tu, odbaci džoint i hajde
Ono što ti nedostaje je deo zvuka koji imam ovde
Srećan put jer te šaljem na putovanje
Naduvaćeš se i nikad nećeš želeti vratiti se
Dakle skoči (skok), skoči (skok), skoči (skok)
Uživajte u slobodnom padu u svetlost, u svetlost
Srećan put jer te šaljem na putovanje
Naduvaćeš se i nikad nećeš želeti vratiti se
Dakle skoči (skok), skoči (skok), skoči (skok)
Uživajte u slobodnom padu u svetlost, u svetlost
Besprekoran bez pretvaranja u svetu bez gravitacije
Jer će sva tvoja čula ovde biti samo oštrija od sivila odakle si došao
Potpuno besplatno kao ažuriranje za telo i um
Prođite kroz zidove dok rukama kidate drveće
I nije gotovo dok ti to ne kažeš
Briga me da li si bio u školi ili samo u pritvoru
Učiniću te jednakim, bogatim, jakim, jednakim, slabim, jednakim, slobodnkm
Sve ću vas podići jednako visoko
Nema smisla bežati od toga jer će vas ionako sustići
Hteli to ili ne, sada ćete biti deo nečeg mnogo većeg
Čak i da odem, još uvek lebdiš tri metra iznad zemlje
A svako ko kaže drugačije samo laže
Nijedna druga droga vas neće podići bez da vas slomi
Uvek ste dobrodošli da svratite ako vam zatreba doping
Brate, šta ti treba, sve je tu, odbaci džoint i hajde
Ono što ti nedostaje je deo zvuka koji imam ovde
Srećan put jer te šaljem na putovanje
Naduvaćeš se i nikad nećeš želeti vratiti se
Dakle skoči (skok), skoči (skok), skoči (skok)
Uživajte u slobodnom padu u svetlost, u svetlost
Srećan put jer te šaljem na putovanje
Naduvaćeš se i nikad nećeš želeti vratiti se
Dakle skoči (skok), skoči (skok), skoči (skok)
Uživajte u slobodnom padu u svetlost, u svetlost


'Balavče, siđi dole! Sve je okej!'
'Ne, druže!'
'Ne, druže, ne, druže!'
'Hahahaha! Da.'
[Part 1]
Samo uđi ovde i izgubićeš se
Proguta te mrak kada nisi odavde
Zašto uništavam ono što toliko volim?
Senka raste, pojede sva tvoja osećanja (gore, gore)
Prezirem ljude ali bih za neke umro
Moja usrana prošlost je bila gomila krhotina
Mnogo sam bolji nego što sam tada bio
Ali da budem iskren, malo mi nedostaje bol
Volim miran život, ali sam uvek u akciji
Trčim koliko mi noge dozvoljavaju, na trenutak moram sesti
Tako dobro repuješ ali ja sam opsednut time
Nikada nisam sit jer je torta premala ali je ipak delim sa drugima
Hiljadu izlaza odavde, mučenje se isplati
Ali ići ću dublje dok se potpuno ne izgubim
Ne razumem ni sam šta radim ovde?
Navika moj dom čini lavirintom!
Drugačija pravila, drugačiji život
Ne delite svoje vrednosti i dalje protiv
Dobrodošao u moju glavu, u moju glavu!
Šizofreničan ali i dalje funkcionalan
Nemaš mesta ovde, u ovom lavirintu
Dobrodošao u moju glavu, u moju glavu!
Svet senki u mojoj glavi
Šizofreničan u mojoj glavi
Crna rupa u mojoj glavi
Lavirint, lavi, lavi, lavirint
[Part 2]
Uvek nova lica svakog dana
Hiljadu odraza deli sudbinu
Opasnost po životnu sredinu, čak ni od mene bezbedna
Tanka linija između dobra i zla se ne može pratiti
Pričam sam sa sobom ali ne slušam
Glasovi vape za pomoć ali ja sam dobro
Tako blizu sagorevanja, krv mi kuca u venama
Trebalo bi da siđem ali će mi pozliti ako ništa ne uradim
Skoro da nema izlaza odavde, širom otvorenih očiju, čak i kada padne noć
I u ovoj samici otvara se prozor
Na sud često samo kada moja olovka pogodi stranicu
Sažaljevaj se jer nema veze, ja ću biti dobro
Sve moje reči ne vide jer su slepi
Možda mi je bolje jer sam ovde zarobljen
Ne razumem ni sam šta radim ovde?
Navika moj dom čini lavirintom!
Drugačija pravila, drugačiji život
Ne delite svoje vrednosti i dalje protiv
Dobrodošao u moju glavu, u moju glavu!
Šizofreničan ali i dalje funkcionalan
Nemaš mesta ovde, u ovom lavirintu
Dobrodošao u moju glavu, u moju glavu!


In this path
Nobody can understand my world
You are the only one close to me
Without judging my mistakes
I want to tell you
İam coming to telling you
I want to tell you
I feel bad it had to be this way
Now i wanna get back
To the way it was
Just me and you
Why do I have to be this way?
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you
I didn't tell you earlier
Because i knew it will hurt
And i didn't wanna lose you
I am between pain and happiness
I made mistakes
And i made them again
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me? (X2)
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you
Call me whenever you are lonely
I'm waiting your text massage saying meet me
I said call me whenever you fell lonely
Because I am
Because I am
Because I am
Call me whenever you are lonely
I call again because I want to hear your voice
I said call me whenever you fell lonely
Without you this's not me
Without you this's not me
Without you this's not me
I didn't tell you earlier
Because i knew it will hurt
And i didn't wanna lose you
I am between pain and happiness
I made mistakes
And i made them again
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you

You and I

If you want to talk about love,
Call me and tell me what you think.
And since we left each other,
I'm worried about you.
That's the way it is.
Let's remember our best days together
How we danced together
And stood under the moon.
Let's remember our warm days
When we were together
You and I.
It's been a year since we left each other, time flies.
I love you anyway and I'm waiting for you.
And you play with me and laugh at me
If you love me, then come back.
Only because of you
My heart hurts so much
My love,
I’m longing so much for you

Cherry Blossom Love Song

It had been so beautiful under the moonlight
I missed him on a deep night
Unfulfilled promises were floating like stars
It was a long nightwind, and it was so hard, that it felt as if you were breathing
Falling to me in the wind passing through
The cherry blossoms resemble the leaves, so it feels lonely
Deeper than a cut of a knife
His heart was sew
Memories to forget that seems uncomfortable with everything
The days we spent with you, when the light shone out so clearly beyond
Falling to me through the wind passing by
The cherry blossoms resemble the leaves, so it feels lonely
Deeper than a cut of a knife
His heart was sew
In the moonlight of the Arsenai
You were flying
I'll change everything and meet you again
A full of goods And I will tell you this
The dream of a hundred days is more than any other day
He loved it

In your honor

The light of a new star flashed in the vast sky
Promising a new pair of happy news.
My beloved looked me in the eyes so tenderly
And then the song sounded in our honor!
You melt in a word any ice and cold
You look so gently - and the wind subsides.
The nightingale sounded a voice yesterday
Today it’s sweet time for him to sleep.
In your honor, I sing the sounds of this song
In your honor I live in the world, only in yours ...
The sun's smile and everything here is -
Only in your honor, it is only in your honor!
Roundabouts, around the world in white,
I went for a fairy tale, but everything was a hoax -
But she only dared to give you a song!
And the May affection was replaced by winter!
And the stars sprinkled across the dark sky
They opened us the silver path tomorrow!
With you I, wherever you would like -
Only hold hands b, look into the eyes ...
In your honor, I sing the sounds of this song
In your honor I live in the world, only in yours ...
The sun's smile and everything here is -
Only in your honor, it is only in your honor!
In your honor, I sing the sounds of this song
In your honor I live in the world, only in yours ...
The sun's smile and everything here is -
Only in your honor, it is only in your honor!


André Balaceo feels shivers on his spine,
it's not the weather's fault, just a little bit the rain's fault.
His scarf is wet, shit!
I should've put on a K-Way, he thinks,
so he wears one.
Since friends are expensive, he doesn't have any,
he's up to scarifying everything so he could get himself some.
On the table, you see,
there's always a packet of toasts in case he receives (friends at home).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
It's after passing in front of a window pane
that he realizes he's dressed like Santana.
He's ashamed, a little,
he knows he can't do any better.
He shouldn't think about his clothes like that
'I can't go out wearing this, or that'.
They shouldn't put mirrors,
we should live in drawers.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
When it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold,
when it's less cold, it's three (Celsius).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
'Should I go out? Shouldn't I go out?
And all of that will be of any use if I don't change my clothes?'
And then he takes off his K-Way:
he's a little less ugly.
The jacket, the burgundy tracksuit, the turtleneck,
the Clark shoes and the wrinkled polyester pants.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
He discovers all of that.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
Yeah, I'm leaving.
We're leaving.

The Riots

The ones on top, the ones who have ruled,
The ones who have raped and stolen,
The ones who have sold, even their soul,
Now they demand calm
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
Here the patience is over,
Here even fear was stolen,
Here a whole town gathered,
Here the system died.
So many lies and false promises
Corruption and money under tables..
Day after day poverty grows,
Here we behead the king..
You you you you you,
Don't make fun of your people,
You you you you you,
Don't make fun...!
This is the end of the line, not one more step,
The first line never goes backwards,
Without dignity there can be no peace,
The strength of the people is never lost.
This feeling, a sensation,
No one can stand in this situation..
You have to eat, survive,
I can't live on a diet of lies

If You Wanna

And if I start looking at you
And if everything is possible
And we meet on Friday
And then you text me
And if I'm gonna kiss you
Every time I see you
And if I take you to the park
To read your comics
And if you come home
And we listen to my records
And you stay for a while
And then Sunday comes
And if we oppose
And our love isn't gone
And today we protect each other
But tomorrow something else happens
If you wanna, you can stay
By my side, all my life
It shouldn't be a cause for concern
'Cause I want the same
I don't know how long is for a while
But I want it to be endless
'Cause I'm not settling for less
Ever since I've met you
And if I leave everything
And you do the same
And we run away to Mars
I'm taking you on a tricycle
And if I make songs for you
And I give you a record
And you illegally copy it
I'd still love you the same
And if cards say
We don't deserve each other
I'm changing my zodiac sign
From Libra to Leo
And if I buy a castle
For us to get married ten times
And we have three dogs
And we are together forever
If you wanna, you can stay
By my side, all my life
It shouldn't be a cause for concern
'Cause I want the same
I don't know how long is for a while
But I want it to be endless
'Cause I'm not settling for less
Ever since I've met you
For you I'm leaving the party
Before dawn
For you I'm leaving the party
Before dawn
For you I'm leaving the party
Before dawn
For you I'm leaving the party
Before the sun comes out

Look At Me

The shadow reflected in my eyes is blue
The me that I dreamed of is still so far
Is it really the right way?
But if I have to keep moving forward
I want to be covered in the light
I just wanna be the one
It’s meaningless
To stop moving (You got me feeling like)
Keep following the stars
I’m gonna move on (Look at me look at me)
I’m shining brighter (Look at me look at me)
I’m walking down the silent road tonight
Until I see the break of morning light
I’m walking down the silent road tonight
Until I see the break of morning light
When you can’t sleep, touch the night breeze and take a breath
The sadness in your heart will spill away
I will never let you down
On days when you are lost, another you will whisper
You are special
So baby I
In a world we can’t find love
And have already given up
Ain’t nobody (If I won’t be with you)
I’ll be the light
I’m gonna move on (Look at me look at me)
I’m shining brighter (Look at me look at me)
I’ll be that floating moon reflecting the light
Cuz I was born to shine through your lonely nights
I’ll be that floating moon reflecting the light
Cuz I was born to shine through your lonely nights
No matter the pain or failure
No one will remember it tomorrow
To keep my flower from withering
Send a prayer to the skies
I’m gonna move on (Look at me look at me)
I’m shining brighter (Look at me look at me)
I’m walking down the silent road tonight
Until I see the break of morning light
I’m walking down the silent road tonight
Until I see the break of morning light


I’ve made a post: “I’ve baked a cake, I’m cooking my compote”.
The comment is: “C’mon, oh, wake!
How dare you to bake a cake,
The war here, it has no brakes…
Oh, God!
I’ve made a post: “Look, here’s my cat. He’s silly and he’s proud of that”.
The comment is: “C’mon, you’re nuts!
How dare you to love your cat
When people’re dead, the world is mad,
And everything like that.
I’ve made a post: “There’s a fieldfare. He’s small, his mom is God knows where. I fed him, he was nearly dead”.
The comment is: ”You’d better shut your mouth instead.
The trains are wrecked and body count are horrid. So, what’s your post about?”
One day you’ll write: “I’ve looked at the sky. I feel so silly that I’ve cried”.
The comment then is a reveal:
“How do you know how I feel?
I read all posts you’ve ever written,
When I was almost dead or beaten.
I read about your cake, your cat, your bird –
The real things… The real words.
They’re our chance to stay alive…
And me, and you, and us…
…We will survive.

I don't sob

1. Girls girls shed a tear and they like it
Yes they do
They dance around the circle singing on
Friday night
Girls girls shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't
I don't shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't but
melt, melt
In love
2. Girls girls they lie
And they like it
They don't say their secrets loud
Their white faces are blushed
I don't sob
No I don't
I don't shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't but
melt, melt
In love

The usual

I woke up and bade my heart good morning
Dawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
  • 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.


You know that there's a night in which
Darkness never makes you afraid
It's inside a dream, and you
Following a dream, will find it
And let it take you away
Over the houses, beyond the clouds
And let your magic
Paint the void inside you
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality
You know that you only need to believe
To give life to fantasy
And close your eyes as it snows
As silence, with its poetry,
Warms your soul
And gifts you what you don't have
The time to smile
To find what you are
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality
And you'll fall in love
(You'll fall in love...)
With this sky that slowly lulls you in its arms
You'll fall asleep
(You'll fall in love...)
In this sea of uncertainties, at times a drop is enough
Your voice, music
To take flight once again every day
And don't let time erase that dream
Close your eyes and think
Even the Moon is different tonight
It seems to be alone but it isn't
There are a thousand stars around it
Making it shine
Making it shine
There was a time
I was always in a hurry
Time is like dreams, nobody buys them around here
Moments pass around here but no one counts them
Those who live in fables and those who tell them to each other
But let yourself be amazed
Just like when, as a child,
You watched the snow fall...
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality

My Ukraine

You tell me with a smile I am no one,
Without a nation, without a tribe, without a lineage,
That there's no country like it on the planet,
And my people have no history.
My land is full of love for wanderers,
God himself birthed me in this land,
That which is called Ukraine
That painfully rises from its knees.
I love you, my homeland Ukraine,
May the spirit of liberty as a free bird soar up!
Be blessed always, rich and innocent,
And stand on your knees only for God!
My country is a people free and great,
The homeland of Zaporozhian Cossacks,
Of all those people, talented and powerful,
Whose spirit have broken free from shackles!
The story of my land is a journey of many wars,
For there are more crows from year to year,
How many times has only the free spirit
Of a long-suffering people kept you from slavery.
I love you my homeland Ukraine
May the spirit of liberty as a free bird soar up!
Be blessed forever, rich and innocent,
And fall on your knees only for God!
May the land flourish under the bright firmament
And the fields be full of golden wheat,
May they be fragrant with mint and honey,
And mountain rivers with lucid water. `
You tell me with a smile I am no one,
Without a nation, without a tribe, without a lineage...
That there's not any country like it on the planet,
And my people have no history...

Saint Francisco of Assisi

Like you I must love
From the jungle, the animal
The same way you can guide me
Saint Francisco of Assisi
I also want to learn
How do you make yourself understood
By the beasts that are in the field
Saint Francis of Assisi
* From the forest everyone goes
* To your beautiful cathedral
* For your blessing
* Beautiful angelic saint
* You'll help the humble
* And, the one who doesn't speak, you'll understand
* If you want me to, I'll be that way
* Saint Francisco of Assisi
* (repeat)

A Storm Brewing In The Sky

All lines in my palm are awry.
my reflection’s a stranger to me


Sometimes I want to move forward
Yet I can't help but keep turning back
Running in the beautiful day when suddenly a storm comes
Waiting for the next sunny day
Sometimes I pass by (Do you like me?)
Similar to the street corner where we met before
The dream in my heart can't be held any longer (Do you miss me?)
That' s why we are afraid to give promises to each other
If the happiness can be worn on the hand like a ring (Do you love me?)
At least the next time you can be less confused when you are hurt
If I have to walk through the struggles for happiness
I must be strong and not be afraid to wander alone
If tears could reflect the shimmer like a ring
To shine every moment in the past, in the present, in the future, without hiding
If happiness is really waiting for me now
I wouldn't be afraid to ask you this question
Do you love me?
Sometimes I want to turn back
Go back to the end of the memories that cannot be returned (Do you love me?)
At that time, I said to myself, 'I wish I could be happy'
Why don't you dare to have it now?
Sometimes you will laugh at me
I hate loneliness but I don't dare to love
If I could be happy why would I give it up?
I don't want us to end up like this
If happiness can be worn on the hand like a ring (I love you)
At least the next time you can be less confused when you are hurt (I love you)
If I have to walk through the struggles for happiness(I love you!)
I must be strong and not be afraid to wander alone
If tears could reflect the shimmer like a ring
To shine every moment in the past, in the present, in the future, without hiding
If happiness is really waiting for me now
I'm not afraid to answer this question myself
I love you!

Je suis fatigué

Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je suis fatigué
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je suis fatigué
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je suis fatigué des larmes
Hey Seigneur, juste, laisse-moi
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je me bats
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je me bats
Je suis sûr que ce monde en a terminé avec moi
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que c'est vrai
Maintenant, le vent est en train de tourner
Je ne veux pas gagner
Laisse-le m'emporter
Laisse-le m'emporter
Je vais y aller
Combien de temps puis-je rester
Dans un endroit qui ne peut pas me contenir
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je suis fatigué
Hey Seigneur, tu sais que je suis fatigué

may god let me love you

(verse 1)
Loving with you, stuck together since the day we've met.
You and I are still delirious if we have to be apart.
You know that I love only you, and I know you love only me.
If the life is short, I'll ask God until that day
Let me love you forever, either in this world or heaven.
Just let us love each other forever, with our romantic souls.
Let me love you forver, not just we are dreaming today
'Cause I'd loved you from the best of my heart I asked God
(verse 2)
If you've already known that this melody is for you,
Don't give your number to other people.
You know I'm not good at Thai
Wanna really know will everything remain the same again.
Wanna ask God to help bring you back, don't wanna be far.
Curious how many days we have to stay far from each other

I Have This Angel Face

I have this angel face
But I know about gossips
That no one do
I have a folder of screenshots
Audios, photos and videos
In my private group
I know who's pregnant
Who is cheating the boyfriend
And what they did last summer
Cause I have this angel face
But I own files
That would wreak a havoc
Havoc, havoc

The Edelweiss Pirates Ballad

A bronze-plaque mounted at the embankment
Somebody put some flowers on the ground.
In the arcade across the way a dream world, glaring and colourful.
The wind blows rain across the sqare where once the gallows stood.
The raindrops run along the embankment.
The Venloer street is jammed, rush hour, four pm.
Life goes on, what's over is over,
among those murdered wrere boys from Ehrenfeld.*
At the time when in a brown night freedom died,
a whole nation was forced into a brown, black and grey uniform.
As the limping man* agitated for war and invasion,
as half the worl was burned for the Führer and capital,
as in barracs, schools and plants the youth was worn out,
over heavily bombed cities and Auschwitz stood the smoke,
there bloomed a little flower in our destoyed city, strongly windswept,
which did not die in spite of the swastika, Gestapo and death's-head.
With guitars against the Nazi marches, it started that way.
And were they caught on a forbidden trip, then there were fights:
the girls stayed behind, they held the guitars.
The boys bravely fought the HJ, Gestapo and SS.
They didn't want a HJ uniform,
they didn't want any drill.
They went out into nature
and played Buffalo Bill.
In the Königsforst*, at the Felsensee,
with guitars, dreams in their heads,
there they were sitting and singing,
when the HJ came they fought.
Swastika and Hitler salute,
that didn't suit them.
And also the master race bullshit
they didn't go along with.
Edelweiss pirates, that's what they called themselves,
where that little flower bloomed, yes, there was resistance.
The fashists knew it very well
But nowadays hardly a schoolbook talks about this.
But then in 39, when the masters started war,
any method to fight the Edelweiss was used.
In Brauweiler*, in the EL-DE house* they beat up the boys,
the hangmen didn't care about the fact that some of them still were kids.
And those who were not broken knew: It's over now!
Next time we are dead, we can't go back home!
In ruins, parks and garden huts they hid themselves.
They stole food and weapons, otherwise they would have died.
With some people of the underground they shared like brothers
And when nazis shot at them they defended themselves.
They also killed nazis, but that didn't always work out.
In October 44 a part of them was caught.
They didn't want a HJ uniform...
A bronze-plaque mounted at the embankment
Somebody put some flowers on the ground.
Life goes on, do you know what happened at that time?
The youngest of the boys killed here was 16 years old.
Today this part of the street where the gallows stood
is called 'Bartholomäus-Schink-Street'.
Bartel was one of the youngest
hanged by the nazis.
The fact, that this part nowadays is called after him
didn't happen by itself.
We have fought for it, year after year,
against the masters here in the government in Cologne.
The masters nowadays
don't want to acknowledge the Edelweiss pirates
as members of the resistance and honour them.
They partly refer to statements and
reports written by their hangmen:
to Gestapo records!
But - we don't forget.
Edelweiss pirates, that's what they called themselves (4x)

Oyster Vermicelli

Oysters and vermicelli, one likes being in water, one likes drying in the sun
Their lives are not the same, they didn't expect the result to be so close
Like you and I, we didn't know each other at first, but now we go together
If you want to listen to music, I'll play the guitar and sing for you
You and I are like oysters and vermicelli
A tasteless life would be fragrant if not for you
If I feel lonely, you'll be there to accompany you
In fact, joy is so simple
You and I are like oysters and vermicelli
A tasteless life would be fragrant if not for you
Now I know that I'm not alone
When there's oysters, there's vermicelli
This world seems to be fine with or without me
But when there's you singing with me, how comfortable it could be
With you accompanying my life, although I can be afraid
But without you, I don't know what I can do
You and I are like oysters and vermicelli
A tasteless life would be fragrant if not for you
If I feel lonely, you'll be there to accompany you
In fact, joy is so simple
You and I are like oysters and vermicelli
A tasteless life would be fragrant if not for you
Now I know that I'm not alone
When there's oysters, there's vermicelli
Now I know that I'm not alone
When there's oysters, there's vermicelli