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5:59 (Five - Fifty Nine)

Versions: #1
Thinking of you no matter how far we are
Girl without you is like a night with no stars
Miss you right away after you’re gone
Waiting for you to come back again
You’re the only one that makes my day
You made my day
It feels strange, We just met but now I miss you again
Even five minutes or days, a thousand hours I’m missing you now
No matter how near or far, wherever we are, I can’t stand it
Wonder how long I have to wait to see you again
Looking at our old messages and photos might help a little
Wherever I go or whatever I do, I always see you next to me
Get jealous of every place you go cuz the place next to me is all empty
Do you know that I miss you so much
Have you ever listened this song?
“Think of you every time I’m alone”
But when I’m with the others I also think of you, it’s for real
When I’m with you, you know
You make my heart so secure
You know even now I’m singing this song, I’m also thinking of you
I wait for you to come to me and fill up colors
Without you my life is just a plain paper
Hold me kiss me I need them all over
Let’s come to me already, don’t let me wait any longer
Looking at the sky
I’m still missing our those old days
(Reminiscing what we’ve done together)
Everyday twilight
(Wishing you were here with me forever)
Do you think the same
Thinking of you no matter how far we are (no matter how far)
Girl without you is like a night with no stars
Miss you right away after you’re gone.
Waiting for you to come back again.
You’re the only one that makes my day
You made my day
A vanilla sky,
looking at the watch showing time of 5:59
Spent time with you ’till you waved me good bye
I missed you already my sunset and sunshine
Not enough, seeing you will never be enough
Kissing you in twilight is my favourite stuff
You are my oxygen that I inhale and puff
Baby I need you by my side and that’s no doubt
Looking at the sky
I’m still missing our those old days
(Reminiscing what we’ve done together)
Everyday twilight
(Wishing you were here with me forever)
Do you think the same
Thinking of you no matter how far we are
Girl without you is like a night with no stars
Miss you right away after you’re gone.
Waiting for you to come back again.
You’re the only one that makes my day
(Missing you, yeah…)
(You made my day...)

Haters Got Nothing

I never let no man make me feel worthless
Trash talking about me
It’s Just a word that comes and will be gone
Don’t wanna think about it
No matter what they say, it’s never loud
And it will never give me up
Haters got nothing on me
and Haters got nothing on you
Reloading my passion with the flame
I guess I have no one else to blame
It will be all just me
It will take less than a minute (minute more)
Cause I don’t care things that they say
I don’t know their minds
I got my way
Living the day, do what I love
Aiming above
Stop before you Do the trash talk
That's what I'm sick of
Yeah, listen I’m a tell you ‘bout a story
about the one that runs to his dream
He makes his every day best and never give up until he reach it
Someone says he can’t do
But instead, their words give him more powers to conquer
I never let no man make me feel worthless
Trash talking about me
It’s Just a word that comes and will be gone
Don’t wanna think about it
No matter what they say, it’s never loud
And it will never give me up
Haters got nothing on me
and Haters got nothing on you
We were lazy and that won't please a lady haha
Our goal was hazy, life is not a tv drama
It's time to move on Next Level like being in a game
live differently but never break the rules
Be like him they say
Be myself I say
force me to follow their ways
Walking out and talking big
Are you sure to do that?
You proud being like this huh?
My passion shined the right path to me,
But I'm really just some one others used to called a fake
No matter how many we fail
Cause life is not a piece of cake
Man I really don’t know you who you're judging
Can’t relate your acting
Stop ranting, focus on your business
I never let no man make me feel worthless
Trash talking about me
It’s Just a word that comes and will be gone
Don’t wanna think about it
No matter what they say, it’s never loud
And it will never give me up
Haters got nothing on me
and Haters got nothing on you
I never let no man make me feel worthless
Trash talking about me
It’s Just a word that comes and will be gone
Don’t wanna think about it
No matter what they say, it’s never loud
And it will never give me up
Haters got nothing on me
and Haters got nothing on you (nothing on you)


I was sitting on the window, and in me are butterflies
The first time I felt so happy I was hysterical
At that time I didn't know, how I loved you, I didn't know...
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them
2nd couplet:
Between is is the ocean, the meridian line
What we squeeze into the palms of our hands through this sunny fog
In the depths of your eyes I press replay
And the fantasy becomes steps for a new song
It's the sixth day everything in my head is dedicated to you
All my posts are about love - these are my letters to you
I'd say to let it go, but I understand I'm lit up
Sixteen years old, first love, and it's so unusal
And I love to the point of being hysteric
And you and I are like continents
Which are connected, and without any borders
They waited for you and me
One day we will find eachother in the sky like them
And will fly with them

Onaj koji je otišao otišao je

Neću reći za puteve kojima sam prošla da je trnovit
Na pameti mi je bila ruža, ostap je ožiljak od trnjaa
Za ljubavi koje sam izabrala neću reći da je greška
Ko god mi je u srcu bio, ostalo je njegovo/njeno ine je ostalo kad je otišao/la
İmaš li šta da sakriješ?
Ali ja imam šta da kažem
Tvoje srce je puno straha možda će me čuti
Još uvek mi je ruža na pameti
Onaj koji je orišao otišao je, a obaj ko se vratio vratio se
İz mog srca
Onaj koji je uzeo uzeo je, a onaj koji je ukrao ukrao je
Od mog života

Autumn People

To Wolfgang
We’re autumn people, you and I
What else is here to state?
For we were born to wisdom that
What’s blooming now is bound to die


Some want to go to heaven and some want peace
Some want to be reborn, a life they've never lived
Someone goes straight to hell to be a fucking asshole
Finally I can promise you - I am not going there
Because I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Take me to Valhalla when it's all over
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Everyone can ask themselves but no one can unerstand
When you close your eyes, where can the path go?
But when my time comes I will laugh along
Because I will not calm down, I will party harder
Because I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Take me to Valhalla when it's all over
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Valhalla when I die
When it's all over
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Take me to Valhalla when it's all over
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die
Raise your glass, no boredom, only party for all eternity
I want to go to Valhalla, Valhalla when I die

The World's Heart

Say, where does the world's heart burn,
the world's heart of fire?
It lives on coarse, heavy prehistoric coal:
black darkness, dense night, Chaos.
Seek there!
For thus is the nature of fire:
strong with its foe's struggle -
itself a struggle, glowing struggle -
has no other nature.
And the victory? When the darkness has disappeared in flames?
Is the victory death?
Empty question and empty fear!
The world's heart is fire,
and fire wants to conquer.

Invisible love

My innermost dreams, some beautiful features
Disappear from my view, the heartache never stops,
I hate that day, when you leave, close the door,
I'll chide myself,
Having let you go,
Bridges are burning, it’s my fault, it’s your fault too,
The stormy rains won't save from the trouble,
I hate that day, when you leave, close the door,
I'll chide myself,
Having let you go.
Invisible love, invisible you and I,
The heart is bleeding,
I'm waiting for you, and you?
Invisible love, invisible you and I,
The only thing left for me is to pray again,
I'm waiting for you, and you?
The shore will circumvent the ocean,
And the lonely airplane
Can see that love in the sky, hoping to get her back,
I hate that day, when you leave, close the door,
I'll chide myself,
Having let you go..

I had a dream that

I had a dream, I followed it
I play the guitar in my hand
Against the wind, I pressed the sail
Don't get in my way, in vain
May the seas be deep
Let the waves go
May the storms never cease
more than all of this
I had a dream, I followed you
I play the guitar in my hand
Against the wind, I pressed the sail
Don't get in my way, in vain
If you were a stone, not a rain
If it rains from the hills
You never stop day and night
I'm more than all of this
I had a dream, I followed you
I play the guitar in my hand
Against the wind, I pressed the sail
Don't get in my way, in vain

Наша песма

Рекла сам ти збогом
Закаснио си да се опростиш
И ако је ова исхитрена судбина хтела да нас повреди
Открила сам решење за бол
Написала сам песму
Коју си ми тражио док те још нивам волела
И обећао си да ћу се заљубити једног дана
Док си се смејао, сунце је миловао моје срце
Са цвећем
Отерао си моју тугу бојама
Доброту си нацртао руком
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма
Није било збогом
Довољно да се опростимо
И ако судбина не може то да предвиди
Научио си ме решење за бол
Била је то песма
Коју сам ти тражила док ме још ниси волео
Кад је све било само чиста илузија
Ко би рекао, сунце је променило твоје срце
Са цвећем
Запамтила сам твоју лепоту бојама
Ухватила сам те за руку изненада
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће
Са цвећем
Отерао си моју тугу бојама
Доброту си нацртао руком
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма

My olive eyed

I planted you in the lands of my heart
I raised you my love with the tears of my eyes
Now I don't see her next me
Has my gazelle become mad at her servant? *¹
I should die haho my olive eyed*²
I should die mom my thick haired *³
I should die dad my basil/beam
My whole soul can't live without you
It will ruin the beloveds house from the bottom
The courage I've built up will go to waste*⁴
Become my gazelle so my heart can become healed
I should die haho my olive eyed
I should die mom my thick haired
I should die dad my basil/beam

To Oostende by train

To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot*
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
It was a long hot summer
At the beach in Oostende
I was romantic, a real dreamer
But most of all I was sunburned
She came to save me from my pains
Oh how she thought me then
That I wouldn't be hurt so much
If I had used sunscreen
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
She had so much to tell me
And I listened meekly
She was a miracle at peeling
Shrimps from the see
She knew everything about the fish
About the plaice and codfish
And I couldn't miss here anymore
When she said: I love you
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot*
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
The holiday ended
And she couldn't come with me
But now I'm every week
In the express train to the sea
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love
To Oostende by train
Chuk chuk toot
Because my lover lives there
Chuk chuk toot toot
Who spoiled me for weeks
Chuk chuk toot toot
That's why she became my love

Magic of Love

Too soon
The magic fades
He is with me
Just a moment
I remember
When he did everything for me
But time took it away
He confronted dangers to protect me
And so won me for his love
I want the magic of love again
And see yearning in his eyes
As well as the greatest miracle
When you know the best
Will dawn
I want the magic of love again
Oh magic powers give me
And tell me the magic words
If I can get that magic back again
It isn't wrong
He fulfils dreams
It is just do hard
I stay waiting alone
I want the magic of love again
That strange witchcraft of the heart
Only he can light that fire
Can get feeling
And yearning for more
Oh magic powers give to me
And the magic words to me repeat
That is how I will get the magic of love again

If I could be her

There she rocks once again
That daredevil girl
Can do what she wants
No one there to prevent her
Rules don't apply to her at all
If I could be her
I would be so free
If I could be her
I wouldn't be satisfied in daydreams
There she sits once again
Charming with her style
Mornings and evenings
She is once again served
I just wish sometimes
That I could be her
I would be so free
If I could be her
I wouldn't be satisfied in daydreams
There would not be a rush anywhere
No one would order me at all
I would rock
I would rest
But do I dream pointlessly?
If I could be her
I would be so free
And at once get everything I wanted that which only stayed in daydreams
If I could be her
If I could be her
If I could be her
If I could be her
I get a new life
If I could be her


At nights I wear tight pants
I ring your bell
I look at out carelli and I'm getting mad
I'm falling in love with a 7,500 cc Yamaha
The guys were onto you the last night again on the pub
And you played it out comfortable and vamp
I'm a prince and don't forget Maria
Sunflower seeds and marching two months ago
Chikaboom, and my head is dizzy
Chikaboom, and come on to me while I'm dizzy
Chikaboom, I will improve my verses
Chikaboom, my motor is now running
You read Ionescu's unreasonable
You were buying Unesco's cards yesterday
You now set terms in a serious face
But we're drinking beers
Chikaboom and I'm now with Vicky
I got you, you fake woman
I have a chick with a two-bedroom apartment close to the stadium
that owns a Fiat car with radio
Chikaboom, and my head is dizzy
Chikaboom, and come on to me while I'm dizzy
Chikaboom, I will improve my verses
Chikaboom, my motor is now running (x2)

Touch me

I found out that everything is worthless
When I saw you I wasn't looking at anything else
You're a soap opera thing to me
Everything for me to bring you home to me
I found out that everything is worthless
When I saw you I wasn't looking at anything else
You're a soap opera thing to me
Everything for me to bring you home to me
Fight for me who I'm in, I'm in
You there, me here, that's not funny
Come on swallow me, go to my bed
Pretend that you're loving, but love
Fight for me who I'm in, I'm in
You there, me here, that's not funny
Come on swallow me, go to my bed
pretend to love
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Lift me up, lift me up to see, touch yourself
Touch me, don't anger me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you

Nema potrebe za predstavljenje, pročitao sam o devojcima poput tebe iza toaletnih vrata.

Za ljudima poput tebe,
Rana groba ne postoji.
Htela si da očistiš moje snove
dok nisam bio prazan.
I da pokažeš svima
mojim preostalim.
I nakon svega što sam prošao zbog tebe,
Trebalo je popišati na tebe.

Ljubav Puta Mega

Kao da se odvajam sve dalje od pravog značenja kada god probam da ti kažem
Ispod plavog neba u tvojim očima ja gubim svoje reči
Samo kad bih harmonizovao svoje srce sa sobom
Čula bi ga baš ovakvog kakav jeste
Znaš li, znaš li ti?
Šta mi beše reče?
Da sam skroz 1neuverljiv?
Naša osećanja su već otišla ispod decimalnog zareza
I ja isto baš kao i ti
Se možda samo previše brinem
Ali od minusa i minusa nastaje plus!
Samo kako bismo se nas dvoje zbližili i buka u okolini nestaje
Harmonizujem svoje srce sa sobom
Želim da ga ceo svet čuje
Znaš li, znaš li ti?
Šta mi beše reče?
Da sam skroz 1neuverljiv?
Naša osećanja su već otišla ispod decimalnog zareza
Još neki put bih želeo da prekinem da se plašim gubljenja
I da pođem sa tobom u svet
Da mu damo još mnogo blaga
Harmonizujem svoje srce sa tobom
Nadam se da ćeš sve čuti tako kako jeste
Znaš li, znaš li ti?
Šta mi beše reče?
Da sam skroz 1neuverljiv?
Naša osećanja su već otišla ispod decimalnog zareza
I ja isto baš kao i ti
Se možda samo previše brinem
Ali minus i minus postaju plus!
Sa 2megahercom ljubavi!
  • warikirenai - nedeljiv, neuverljiv
  • 2. 0 - rabu (low, moguće je?), love - rabu (love)


Razlog zbog kojeg oboje više ništa ne osećamo
Razlog zašto sve ovo danas više ničemu ne vodi
Razlog zbog kojeg mi kažeš: 'Tamo su ti vrata, možeš ići, možeš ići'
Razlog za to je što me tvoja reč zaobilazi
Razlog za to je što je tvoja devojka moja kola videla
Daješ mi sve ove razloge i moram ići
Moram ići
Gledaš dok se davim
U moru u kom više nisi
Voda ti kaplje po licu
Ali ne želiš više
Molim te skoči u more
Uh wooh
Uh wooh
Uh wooh
I zato tonem, dok ti sve posmatraš sa doka
Ponovo podižem pogled, samo te vidim kako se vrtiš
Gledaš dok se davim
U moru u kom više nisi
Voda ti kaplje po licu
Ali ne želiš više
Molim te skoči u more
Uh wooh
Uh wooh
Uh wooh

Love me, love me not

Hurry up, come by 5
On your way pick me a wild flower
Make it as beautiful as you
And while I pick its petals
I swallow my pride with no words
Love me, love me not
You picked feather by feather
From my back
I was your angel
And that is why you went mad
Chorus x2
Welcome to my life, sorrow
Lucky me
Only the wrong ones are loved insanely
Change my heart
All the things I love
Must kill me once
That wouldn't be it
If it wouldn't hurt
You're making a reputation for yourself in the city
And only when you're beat down, I know
Love me, love me not
You cut yourself some slack
And don't leave me in peace, I know
Love me, love me not

A day without you

A day without you passes me like a year like a stone falling like a body without a soul I have no silence from myself detach myself to know that there is nothing left
One day without you for too many hours time crawls and presses tears I have no power I have no power since you said it's over
Let me get used to it little by little it's not so easy to be alone
A day without you is like an end without a beginning I tried to forget but I can't have no power I have no power since you said it's over

Death to the Sun

Versions: #1
Happily, that night leaves.
Good thing that there's mist around.
I'm glad if the light disperses.
And a shadow invades this place.
If a lost tomorrow is horror's metamorphosis.
Darkness won't take long, I'm glad if the light disperses.
If the sky closes over us, a hoarse voice unleashes.
If a lost tomorrow is horror's metamorphosis.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun.
Sleepless night no, and to any that support it.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun...
Here comes the light.
If the sky won't close already over us.
Reveals itself this atrocious image.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun.
Sleepless night no, and to any that support it.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun...
Here comes the light.

A Bouquet of Roses

Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
He gave me to my delight
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
I didn't know how to react
I waited a long time for my dear.
I couldn't hide my joy
And accepted the gift.
Many days flew by
Doubts were far away
In my love, in my love
Petals are flying around.
There are no more magical words
I am laughing out of place
It turned out the flowers
Had a bitter aroma.
I have trouble from these roses
My dear went away and forgot
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
He once gave me
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
He gave me to my sadness
A bouquet of scarlet roses.


Oh, you, are Russia, and Mother Russia
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Oh, you, our Russian homeland,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
A lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son.


Could it be (Could it be, could it be) that I moved too far away (Too far)
I know that even though I'm not by your side (By your side)
With her you have not got over me (Got over)
In love, ah
You just pretend (Eh) that nothing happened (Eh)
We play and burn with fire
I know, that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away
You just pretend (You just pretend) that nothing happened (That nothing happened)
We play and burn with fire
I know that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away
You can shout to the world that you love her
But my memory is expressed1in your bed
If I look for you, you come back to me (To me)
If I call you, you come here (Here)
I know this ass is the one you like (Oh-oh)
You don't go down forher like you do for me (For me)
You don't do it to her like you did it to me (Eh)
Because don't you kiss her like you kiss me (Eh)
She doesn't know you like I know you (No)
She doesn't climb on top of you and pulls2it out like I used to pull it out (Oh)
Now was my turn for losing
We can no longer see each other (no longer, no longer)
Live without worries, walk
You just pretend (Eh) that nothing happened (Eh)
We play and burn with fire
I know, that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away
You just pretend (You just pretend) that nothing happened (That nothing happened)
We play and burn with fire
I know that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away (Okay)
One whiskey, two whiskey, three whiskey because today I say goodbye to you
I was there for you, baby, and God knows that
I no longer (No longer) cry (Cry) for l- (For l-) -ove (-ove)
I'm going far away in the Aventador
Loyalty to none, you can stay with that bitch
M-M-Male new every day like Madonna does (Oh)
Now was my turn for losing
We can no longer see each other (no longer, no longer)
Live without worries, walk
You just pretend (Eh) that nothing happened (Eh)
We play and burn with fire
I know, that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away
You just pretend (You just pretend) that nothing happened (That nothing happened)
We play and burn with fire
I know that you're suffering because of your ego
If I hurt you then I'm going away
I'm Farina ah
The Nena
Alex Killer
  • 1. written, captured
  • 2. his dick

I don't give to anyone

I don't give to anyone
My soul and my heart,
My soul and my little heart!
Let it be sun or cloud,
Let it be hard or easy,
I don't want longing in my soul.
(chorus x 2)
Wind, chase away all my sorrows,
Bring the rain to hide the tears on my face (cheeks)!
I do not look back,
Neither to life nor to us,
It”s better for both of us.
I open the gate of my heart
And I release the pain,
Because I don”t have a reason to suffer!
(chorus x 2)
Wind, chase away all my sorrows,
Bring the rain to hide the tears on my face (cheeks)!

I Couldn't Have Been With You

Versions: #1
It was quite difficult for me to give up on your love.
Me being fooled while I was aware of everything is more painful than anything else.
The time spent with you has become a pity.
Believing in lies was the biggest crime of all.
I couldn't have been with you,
I couldn't possibly work this out with you.
It was going to end one day.
I thought you wouln't run off leaving me.
Merciless truth forced me to do this.
I got defeated for the first time, I lost for the first time.
I broke down, I got exhausted, I got wasted away with your existence.
It couldn't have been with you,
I couldn't have been with you.
It was doomed to end with you one day.
It couldn't have been with you,
I couldn't have been with you.
My heart was wounded every day with you.

I Loved a Rose

This is last meet up.
This is the last time we see each other.
Who knows, maybe we won't ever cross paths.
Maybe we will never see each other.
We should break up, we should break up.
This is last meet up.
This is the last time we see each other.
Who knows, maybe we won't ever cross paths.
Maybe we will never see each other.
We should break up, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
Your eyes are teary,
and my heart's lamenting.
There's no hope left in this love, pity.
Now somebody else is waiting for you.
We should break up, we should break up.
There's no hope left in this love, pity.
Now somebody else is waiting for you.
We should break up, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.
I only loved roses and you.
Turns out, our love was for one season.
Even if I say come on don't do it, even if I said stay, no use, we should break up.

When you left

Versions: #1
When you left my heart was left behind
Me and myself were face to face
Love is strong, it's all fire and flames
The cruel wounds are left open
With hope I told her come back
How was I supposed to know that she wouldn't return?
I was your soul, you were my soul
You cutting of from me was like death to me
I was close to you, you were far from me
I was always yours, you were the crazy one
I'm dead, you are alive
How was i supposed to know that you would kill me?
I was your Mem, you didn't become my Zin*
When you left, I became wild and crazy
I fell and never got up, I never became happy again
When you killed me in your dreams
My heart is alone from love for ever
I'll never be alive again, I'm waiting for my death


Graceful tricana, don't choose
Students that looked at you
As the tricanas are the pages
Of the books they left behind!
As the Tricanas are the pages
Of the books they left behind!
When the Moon saw you
It blushed timidly
Because it could not match you
It went far away and cried
Because it could not match you
Oh, it went far away and cried!


Asuka Kokyou 1
Not knowing about the matters of ancient times,
I see Illusions
Vermillion painted horse carriages
the fragrance of incense
I'm coming home to the countryside of my origin
  • 1. Name of the ancient imperial residence of the Tennou in Yamato Asuka, which is today in the prefecture of Nara

Three Good Tips

After a couple of glasses I crawled out of the bay window next to the cat
And I admit that the feeling is, I guess, almost melancholy, difficult somehow
You didn't come today after all, had to-do [list] full of other things
On the desk after you, is stack of quality magazines
They have three good tips, how to life a good life
How to train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth1
And to die happy, to die happy
I forgot the coriander, you liked it with the couscous
I probably should have cooked more while everything was still fine
I'm cleaning up in a little buzz, am i supposed to enjoy my time alone now
In the room when you're gone, there's plenty of time to think
I have three good tips, how to life a good life
How i train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth
And to die happy
I have three good tips, how to life a good life
How i train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth
And to die happy
To die happy
To die happy
  • 1. In dyed hair