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Radarska ljubav

Vozio sam celu noć, vlažnih ruku na volanu
U glavi mi je glas koji mi pokreće petu
Zove me moja draga, kaže 'Trebaš mi ovde'
A pola je četiri i prebacujem brzinu
Kad je usamljena i čežnja postane prevelika
Ona šalje kabl koji dolazi odozgo
Ne treba nam nikakav telefon
Imamo stvar koja se zove radarska ljubav
Imamo talas u vazduhu
Radarsku ljubav
Radio pušta neku zaboravljenu pesmu
Brenda Lee 'Coming On Strong'
Put me je hipnotizovao
I jurim u novi izlazak sunca
Kad se usamim i budem siguran da mi je dosta
Ona šalje svoju utehu koja dolazi odozgo
Uopšte nam ne treba pismo
Imamo stvar koja se zove radarska ljubav
Imamo liniju na nebu
Radarsku ljubav
Nema više brzine, skoro sam stigao
Moram da se ohladim, moram da se pobrinem
Poslednji automobil koji je prošao, evo me
A linija automobila se polako spušta
I radio je pustio tu zaboravljenu pesmu
Brenda Lee's 'Coming On Strong'
I voditelj je otpevao svoju istu pesmu
Oh, otišao je još jedan ljubitelj radara
Kad se usamim i budem siguran da mi je dosta
Ona šalje svoju utehu koja dolazi odozgo
Uopšte nam ne treba pismo
Imamo stvar koja se zove radarska ljubav
Imamo liniju na nebu
Imamo stvar koja se zove radarska ljubav
Imamo stvar koja se zove
Radarska ljubav

Peonies from Kosovo

The peony of Millis walked into my dream
Smelling it, it seems like a painful return to the room where I was born
My room was silent, no one was there
Only the scent of the roses!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I am it!
It came into my dreams, when it was born in front of the house
Now only peonies guard the home!
There is only one flower left that can smell
Millis nurtured it and kept it from turning white!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They're part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!

Made for each other

Im your biggest luck
your heart belongs to me
a love so true for a whole lifetime
destiny blessed us gracefully with
I reach out my hand to you and you take it with two
and our hands are tangled together
other women, other men,
they better stand aside
It is not a love like any other
only you are on my mind
I am in your vains
in yout blood and I know it will be so until the end
It even hurts from love
and when we cry to tears of joy together with you
we know we were made for each other
You are everything to me
my heart and soul
I am life and fate for you
our love is love forever
no one can take us apart
I reach out my hand to you and you take it with two
and our hands are tangled together
other women, other men,
they better stand aside
It even hurts from love
and when we cry to tears of joy together with you
we know we were made for each other


Calmly turn around and look at the years past
Which whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
Comb the hairstrand of fear from your face
Hide those tired, envious eyes
So that I do not see the despair
So that I do not see anything,
I do not wish to know
Leave a trace
You are in good hands
No one will
No one will call you again
From a far away town, at an inconvenient time
To hear your voice
And your words slide down empty windows
In an empty apartment the walls count
The walls know how to keep secrets
And hide lies
Leave a trace
Calmly turn around and look at the years past,
Which whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
At the end of the road we are completely clean
Completely alone
Endlessely numb
For horribly cold is the blood that flows
And leaves a trace

The Past

Once, you've left without saying goodbye
Make my heart regret love at the end of heaven
Days apart, life no longer sings
Farewell days, the sky is so sad
Lonely my life over time
My love words, why did you forget them quickly?
Only I cuddle it myself, our love below the abyss
That day I left, life was boring,
Separated that day, forgot the way back
Since then I have found the spicy wine glasses
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
And I... will forever love... love you...

In Love

Everything remains the same
as you left it when you went away.
Only time has changed,
[but] life is the same.
In the streets as well,
people come and go.
Everything remains the same
today as it was yesterday.
I was never to you
what you were to me.
Finally, we go
our separate ways.
Now I know goodbye
means finding again
a motive to help me live...
In love you can't know
if it's the best to lose or win.
Time is who'll later say
if it was better to win or lose.
In love it's easy to dream,
in love it's easy to cry.
It's an illusion that comes and goes,
what's really difficult is to love.
In love you'll see
that each day can be
a joyful awakening
that might not be back.
You shall take care
of that love and know
that if it isn't that way,
it won't grow up.
In love you can't know
if it's the best to lose or win.
Time is who'll later say
if it was better to win or lose.
In love it's easy to dream,
in love it's easy to cry.
It's an illusion that comes and goes,
what's really difficult is to love.
La la la la, la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la...

Хајде да полудимо (Хајде да лудујемо)

Вољени, окупили смо се данас овде
да прођемо кроз ово што се зове живот
Електрична реч живот значи заувек, а то је много времена
Али сам овде да вам кажем да постоји нешто друго (лудило)
Ако вам се не допада свет у којем живите
Осврните се, око себе бар имате добре пријатеље
Нека нам дама упути пријатељску реч,
подигла је слушалицу и испустила је на под
Ах, ах је све што смо чули.
Хоћемо ли допустити да нас лифт
спусти доле, о, не, хајдемо
хајде да полудимо, хајде да излудимо,
потражите љубичасту банану
док нас не стрпају у камион, хајдемо
Сви смо узбуђени, али не знамо зашто,
можда зато што ћемо сви умрети
А и када умремо, због чега је то све
Боље да живиш сада пре него што сурови косач
покуца на твоја врата
Хоћемо ли допустити да нас лифт
спусти доле, о, не, хајдемо
хајде да полудимо, хајде да излудимо,
потражите љубичасту банану
док нас не стрпају у камион, хајдемо
Хајде драга да излудимо,
да, луди...
Хајде да полудимо
Хоћемо ли допустити да нас лифт спусти доле
О, не, хајде да полудимо
Кажем, хајдемо, хајде да полудимо
Хајде да, хајде да, хајде да...
А због оног 'Све ће бити у реду'
Ништа није како треба
Пилуле, узбуђења и нарциси ће нас убити
Будите јаки, децо
Он долази
Он долази
Одведи ме

You Don't Ask Me for the Moon

There are many
Stylish, brunette girls,
There are thousands of brunettes,
But with golden hair
How many they may be?
How wonderful
They are all,
And maybe they have
A little spot in their heart
For longing.
But of all the girls that are around the world,
Out of hundreds and hundreds of thousands,
Only you, only you are dear to me,
And maybe you don't even know why.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
On serpentines
With you, how nice
How nice it is at dawn,
When mountains and clouds
Are wearing colors.
Petals laugh
In your way, and it seems,
It seems to me that a spring
Is like a glittering thread
In the landscape.
How rich they shine in the sun
These earthly wonders!
You stopped to pick a flower,
And you tell me you don't want more.
You don't ask me for the moon
Or for the rare jewels,
But any flower
Becomes a star in your hair.
You're like a song
That always seems new to me.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you.
You don't ask me for the moon,
But I'd like to give it to you!

The Prince of the Stars: Le Petit Prince

This story is
dedicated with my heartfelt friendship
to children all over the world,
to adults who tend to forget when they were children,
to all people
who have the courage to look at the true beauty of things,
beyond the mere facade.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
There is a planet right above your head.
That's it. That's my planet.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
Because it's a too small planet,
you won't be able to see anything.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
But, it is there.
Look up right there.
You'll start to see it soon.
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.
I came here looking for a friend.
I was always alone.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
Whenever I was sad,
I watched the red sunset over and over.
Petit Prince, Petit Prince
I guess you could be my friend,
but why do you make such a bright face?
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.
Lululu lulu lululu lulu
Lululu lulu Prince of the Stars.


Chakhadan, Chakhadan Nature is my mother
My river (so) transparent, All the fish can be seen
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
Chakhadan, Chakhadan you're my beauty
Your splashes are radiant as the sun
You nourish me
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
For ancient people
Your (water) were rich in treasures
Oduls [Kolyma Yukaghirs] (still) praise you
For you're the joy of whole tribe
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much
My river Chakhadan
Many songs are written about you
Chakhadan, Chakhadan
I love you so much
I love you so much

Moscow windows

Versions: #1
Here again the skies are dark at night,
The windows are bright in the twilight.
All my dear friends live here,
My quiet sigh, I couldn’t hear,
In the night windows I look for you my dear.
I can stand by the windows and dream,
I can read them like a book or magazine.
And keeping warm and cherished light,
They entice me and excite,
They are like people look at me tonight.
I admire at night the windows I knew,
I wish windows, happiness to you
You’ve been dear all my life,
And there is no brighter light-
Moscow windows ever-burning light. (x2)
You’ve been dear all my life,
And there is no brighter light-
Moscow windows ever-burning light!

Tears of the Rock

Ask this green moss rock, how old it is in lifetime
Ask how many peaks the wandering wind has crossed the sky
Ask late at night, when the yellow lights are low
Love is now full of tears
In the end, all that remains is one look at memory in the soul.
Back then, I was like a lost bird of the herd
Lonely wings fly on sunny afternoons
And with a dream the sky doesn't get thunderstorms
For the love more and more attached
And the days are the passions of poetry
Love has floated from its wings
Like a flower, fate pours honey for life
I cherish all the memories of the past
Do you remember anything? Honey!
The innocent blue color of the shirt in the good old days
Now submerged in the rain, when the rain drifts
Reread the old letter with loving repentance
Remember your lips and fresh eye color
The brook is our date in the new moon over the mountain
Back then, I was like a lost bird of the herd
Lonely wings fly on sunny afternoons
And with a dream the sky doesn't get thunderstorms
For the love more and more attached
And the days are the passions of poetry
Love has floated from its wings
Like a flower, fate pours honey for life
I cherish all the memories of the past
Do you remember anything? Honey!
The innocent blue color of the shirt in the good old days
Now submerged in the rain, when the rain drifts
Reread the old letter with loving repentance
Remember your lips and fresh eye color
The brook is our date in the new moon over the mountain

Don't Text Him

I like your soft smile
Like forehead and canthus are also smiling
Which gives me the need to keep staring
But I’m afraid this urge to watch
Would scare the delicate you, Makes you quiet
Scare you so much you don’t smile softly anymore
I am not reckless
I am very timid very weak
The end of daydreams are loneliness
I like getting my head in the clouds
But if I cannot land, oh that would be tiring
That scares me to tears, Oh lol
That took my breath away, oh dear
I am really scared
To think of you, clear like the sky
And who can compare
To very the eloquent you
Like you’ve seen through life and death
Oh it excites me how we connect spiritually
The distance from summer to autumn
The distance from the moon to shadows
Are just like you standing somewhere far away
My feelings is making my heart heavy
But going to places where we used to visit, I’m scared to bump into you
Is that you? The random anecdotes, I’ll play them again
I’m afraid that I’m too excited
I said I’m sorry, for several times, I just care okay?
It’s out there now, this complication, shouldn’t it?
I’m scared to think about you
who’s clear like a sky
Who can compare to
You who speak so eloquently?
You who see through life and death
I’m too thrilled that we connected spiritually
If you somehow scrunch your brows
Where do I land, now that I’m floating on air???
I really like thinking about
when you softly call my name
Be a little reckless and spend time with me
even silent hours are pretty pretty
Not even best friends
I’d rather not be so fiery and disclose that
I remain this safe and good distance
Remain this distance that doesn’t hold hands
And look at you that’s right in front of me

It's Just Gossip

Excuse me. What?
We have known each other for a long time,
But they all seem to find us a sight,
They all glance at us, no matter what and where,
and they keep doing so in the day and night.
Everywhere, when both of us are walking,
People look and stare and start talking.
And throughout the town, when we're together,
Everybody sometimes starts stalking.
(Excuse me. What?)
When together, when together, they all gossip.
They make rumors and they spread all sorts of nonsense.
They say that we're not even meant for each other.
But don't listen

I may do that

(Juh-Juh-Dee on the beat)
(Young Mesh makes the 808)
[part 1]
Everything I say is going viral right now
Being naughty to rappers, yes, I may do that
For weeks no posts from my iPhone
Then directly into the newspaper with a story
Do I want to be on your album?
You ask two times, I say no three times
But giving refusals, yeah, I may do that (bad)
Your manager hopes right now, that I don't say your name (nope)
No way (yup), fuck shaming
I don't question any questions, so that I shine (no)
Ugly bitches love bad bitches, because I can do that
Uh (uhh), just a little advice
No man in the world makes you a star, dear
Even if you have a small ass
Shake booty, babygirl, because you may do that
If I may? Yes, I may do that, your bad!
If I'm gonna do it? Yes, I'm really gonna do it
If I have it? Yes, I have the right
To do and to not do what I want, yuh
Ass out - Daisy Duck
No one tells me what I to do
Bad bitch, I don't give a fuck
Baby, I'm interesting
Ass out - Daisy Duck
No one tells me what I to do
Bad bitch, I don't give a fuck
Baby, I'm interesting
[Part 2]
I think I'm going crazy
I fired your stylist last year
('jemanden einen Korb geben': a german saying which means turning somebody down)
I'm turning people in Berlin down again
Your wife wants a hair appointment with me - she may do that
Long nails with white tips
If you get naughty, your man will be my side chick
I play with your figure like Beth Harmon
Fine women without bachelor or exams
I win every pageant, except for the ones about jealousy
10K for a battlerap, 10 for the stripclub
Bitch, I'm not a housewife
I throw my panties at him, that's how I do the housekeeping (ey)
Without make-up on the cover of gossip magazines
Looking like a Barbara, I may do that (yuh)
Everyone wants my opinions and statements (mhh)
But I'm not gonna make these bitches famous anymore
If I may? Yes, I may do that, your bad!
If I'm gonna do it? Yes, I'm really gonna do it
If I have it? Yes I have the right
To do and to not do whatever I want, yuh
Ass out - Daisy Duck
No one tells me what I to do
Bad bitch, I don't give a fuck
Baby, I'm interesting
Ass out - Daisy Duck
No one tells me what I to do
Bad bitch, I don't give a fuck
Baby, I'm interesting

Coffee House

Poets have this custom -
Coming together in a circle, spit on each other.
Mohammed, pointing his finger at Omar,
Poured swearing at the poor fellow with a tub.
He tore his shirt in his hearts
And he squealed in his face, drunk with anger:
'You stole the fifteenth line,
Low thief, from my 'Sofa'!
Behind your dastardly footsteps
Who will go out of the thinking sane? '
The old men nodded their beards
Young people said: 'Bravo!'
And Omar spat at him from the doorway
And hissed: 'Contemptible mediocrity!
Yes blowjob to you the love of the prophet
Or the padishah's gratitude!
You are sterile! You have been silent for years!
You have no right to be a singer! '
The old men nodded their beards
Young people said: 'Bravo!'
Only someone drank their coffee in silence,
And then he said: 'For the sake of Allah!
Why was so much bile spilled? '
It was the brilliant Saadi.
And time passed. Both of them
The cold snow of oblivion has filled up.
Saadi became a golden trumpet,
And Saadi listened to the coffee shop.
Like aromatic herbs
The word smelled like honey and fruit
The boys did not say, 'Bravo!'
The elders did not nod their beards.
He mesmerized them with a bird song,
The song of a lark in the dew of the meadow ...
Poets have this custom -
Coming together in a circle, spit on each other.

Šetam na suncu

Nekad sam mislila da me možda voliš
Sad sam dušo sigurna
I jednostavno ne mogu da dočekam dan
Kad ćeš mi pokucati na vrata
Sad svaki put kad odem do poštanskog sandučeta
Ne mogu da se uzdržim
Jer jedva čekam
da ćeš mi napisati da stižeš
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
I zar osećaj nije dobar?
Nekada sam mislila da me možda voliš
Sad znam da je to istina
I ne želim da provedem ceo svoj život
Samo te čekajući
I ne želim da se vratiš za vikend
Ne vraćaj se na dan
Rekla sam dušo samo te želim nazad
I želim da ostaneš, oh da
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
Osećam se živom
Osećam ljubav
Osećam ljubav
To je zbilja stvarno
Osećam se živom
Osećam ljubav
Osećam ljubav
To je zbilja stvarno
Ja sam na suncu, dušo, oh, da
Ja sam na suncu dušo oh

О, несрећна Ифигенијо

О, несрећна Ифигенијо,
Твоја породица је сатрвена!
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
Пусти да се твој молећиви плач
помеша са мојим јецајима.
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Nema predaje

Eto,zbrisali smo sa nastave
Morali smo da pobegnemo od tih budala
Više smo naučili za tri minuta sa ploče
Nego što smo ikad naučili u školi
Večeras čujem zvuk bubnjara iz komšiluka
Osećam kako mi srce počinje tući
Kažeš da si umorna da samo želiš da zatvoriš oči
I slediš svoje snove
Dali smo obećanje,zakleli da ćemo se uvek sećati
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Kao vojnici u zimskoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Sada mlada lica postaju tužna i stara
I vatrena srca se hlade
Zakleli smo se bratskom krvlju protiv vetra
Sada sam spreman da ponovo postanem mlad
I slušaj glas tvoje sestre kako nas zove kući
Preko otvorenih dvorišta
Možda ćemo iseći neko mesto za sebe
Sa ovim bubnjevima i ovim gitarama
Jer smo dali obećanje za koje smo se zakleli da ćemo ga uvek pamtiti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Braća po krvi u olujnoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Večeras na ulici svetla postaju mutna
Zidovi moje sobe se zatvaraju
Napolju još uvek besni rat
Kažeš da više nije naše da pobedimo
Hoću da spavam pod mirnim nebom
u krevetu moje ljubavnice
Sa širom otvorenom zemljom u mojim očima
I tim romantičnim snovima u mojoj glavi
Jednom smo dali obećanje, zakleli smo se da ćemo se uvek sećati
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Braća po krvi u olujnoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje


Rano ujutro fabričke sirene pište
Čovek ustaje iz kreveta i navlači svoju odeću
Čovek uzima svoj ručak, izlazi u jutarnje svetlo
To je radni, radni, samo radni vek
Kroz dvorce straha, kroz dvorce bola
Vidim svog tatu kako po kiši prolazi kroz fabričke kapije
Fabrika mu oduzima sluh, fabrika mu daje život
Radni, radni, samo radni vek
Kraj dana, fabrička sirena plače
Ljudi prolaze kroz ta vrata sa smrću u očima
I ti samo bolje veruj, dečko
Neko će se povrediti večeras
To je radni, radni, samo radni život
Jer to je radni, radni, samo radni život

Dani slave

Imao sam prijatelja, bio je veliki igrač bejzbola
Još u srednjoj školi
Mogao bi ti baciti onu brzu loptu
Napraviti da izgledaš kao budala, dečko
Video sam ga neku noć u ovom baru pored puta
Ja sam ušao, on je izašao
Vratili smo se unutra, seli, popili nekoliko pića
Ali sve o čemu je neprestano pričao
Bili su to dani slave, pa, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Pa, postoji devojka koja živi gore u bloku
Još u školi mogla je da zavrti pamet svim dečacima
Ponekad u petak svratim i popijem par pića
Nakon što ona smesti decu u krevet
Ona i suprug Bobi, pa, razišli su se
Pretpostavljam da su prošle dve godine
Samo sedimo i razgovaramo o starim vremenima
Kaže da kad joj se zaplače počne da se smeje
Razmišljajući o danima slave, pa, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Mislim da silazim večeras do bunara
Idem da pijem dok se ne napunim
I nadam se da kad ostarim neću sedeti razmišljajući o tome
Ali verovatno hoću
Da, samo sedeći, pokušavajući da ponovo vratim
Malo slave
Pa, vreme izmiče i ne ostavlja ti ništa, gospodine
Osim dosadnih priča o
Danima slave, da, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Da, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave

The winged song

Song is the spring of life for the people.
Sing out, and the fatigue is gone at once.
Spring water gives you strength,
And if you sing, your soul calms down.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
The road of life cannot always be even –
How much vigor one needs to succeed!
You get to sing, and the misery is gone,
And all you want is to ever live on.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
It helps in work and in celebration,
It makes one forget hardships and struggle.
So let song be the life friend –
Or is it in vain that song is the spring of life?
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!

I Don't Know Who Told You

Just for you I gathered so much longing,
The plain in flower, the song of the stream.
Among them I sowed a star
And then I hid them in my heart.
Only you don't see them,
When you look me in the eye
And I hid them, because you don't believe me.
My eyes don't lie to you,
They reaped in them year after year
Golden flowers from the field,
The whole sea and the silver woods.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
I don't know who told you
That loves die at dawn,
Like a ray of a star
Or like the wind blows clouds away.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
My eyes don't lie to you,
They reaped in them year after year
Golden flowers from the field,
The whole sea and the silver woods.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
I don't know who told you,
I don't know who told you,
But don't believe him!

You don't know the way around a woman

Versions: #2
I'm openin my heart, you're pushin me away
I wish to escape, yet again you're capturin me in your claws
I wanna shout my thoughts out, you're tellin me not to ..
Why i'm indulgin it ?...
My heart is sincere, like the one of a child ...
I'm but to listen, without any objection and humbly ///
Why i'm indulgin it ?
Why i'm not leavin (you), why i'm allowin this ?
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '
You don't like what i'm voicin, don't like the way i'm singin
Nor' the way i'm dressin, nor the way i feel
You're but to not like a thing ..
Why you keep me tangled by your games ?
At times ye're showin me affection
At times ye're showin hate
Now ya're here (implicated), the very next second you're not
Why ya're holdin me back, why ya're stallin ? (the inevitable)
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '

You laugh at me

You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace
You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace.

Париз Париз

Париз Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Бармен у шејкеру, пре свега елеганција
Цртица Сакре-Куир и две висине Доизнеау
Пјаф, неколико врабаца и Жозефине Бакер ...
Париз Париз
Један од Превера, али без ракуна
Попијмо последње пиће у близини Батеау Лавоира
Симон де Бовоар и два мајмуна зими ...
Задња нођ је створена за љубав
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
тамо са тобом
О душо, само узми моје смрзнуте руке и чуј како кажем
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Мада ова препуна пустиња звана Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Мало јаванског језика,
блиског мом срцу
Једна турнеја по Моулен Ружу и две по Нотре-Даму
Прекривен макадамом, украшен шлепом
Из Антверпена или Амстердамског канала,
где си
Ох дете
само задржи овог усамљеног обожаваоца и чуј га како говори
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Вероватно си једина жена
Иако ова препуна пустиња
ко би могао рећи
звана Париз
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
- Одјави се, Катарина!
- Одјави се? Париз ... Париз ... Не, не могу
Никада се нећемо растати од ових осећања
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише
Париз ...
Париз би изгубио душу.
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише,
Париз, Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу

I'm Not Rich, I dont Have a Fortune

I'm not rich, i dont have a fortune,
But all i have i share happily,
Cuz i too have recieved lots
When i was in need.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.
I've helped lots of people,
That's why God gave me lots,
I've helped people in need,
I've never wanted to cause someone bad.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.
I've shared only love
And i've recieved only disappointment,
It's my loss, but i'm telling you
My good soul is my fortune.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.

Boy, Now You See

Boy, now you see
That life is not like you think.
Was there a bigger fool than you?
You thought you could live without me.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.
God gave you luck,
Money and a sharp mind,
But it's all for naught
If you have no solance.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.
You have someone to sleep right next to,
But your heart is crying.
During the night you close your eyes
And you suffer silently until morning comes.
You have someone to sleep right next to,
But your heart is crying.
During the night you close your eyes
And you suffer silently until morning comes.
Boy, if you were happy,
You would not struggle so much.
You let me walk away
And now you'll rather have me back.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.

Like all the time

[Verse 1]
That's what I will do
If I find a photo of you, I will put it in the garbage
If I hear that you are somewhere, I just am not going there
That's what I will do
Adults shouldn't need to behave like teens
Return to the car if you see each other
But I will go and I will fall down in the hallway
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
[Verse 2]
I fell down
I stared into my morning coffee for a year
I went out on a date too but I hated all of them
Because I compared them with you
I don't know anymore why I had cold feet with you
Why such perfection made me fear too much
And what if I totally panic again
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Goddamnit man
This doesn't work if you don't do as we agreed
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Like someone eating me up from the inside
Like, like, like, like
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time

Today I truly learned

I'm not going to speak, I'm going to do
Because action worth more than a thousand words
I'm not going to think about living
Because only thinking didn't take me anywhere
I'm going to feel not to lie anymore
I'm going to act not to fake anymore
I'm going to be just to be
I'm not going to be just to have
Today I learned to fly
Without even moving myself
From my place
I'm going to feel not to lie anymore
I'm going to fake not to act anymore
I'm going to feel
Being just to be
Or not being to have

Major Tom

The light is glowing green
in the control center,
it's time to say goodbye.
All is clear,
first a 'last check'
in the program.
Everything must be perfect
before this journey
into the space
Efficacy without limits,
scientific discoveries
without emotions
created a chance
to disappear
'up'n away to nowhere'
says Major Tom
and said farewell!
3,2,1 and
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have liberty
the stars are luring
Everything works normally,
just at this moment
the danger for a crash
has been overcome.
the computers continue
to check,
do what they want now,
but what do they know
about Major Tom?
The light blinks red
in the control center,
something has happened
that changed the course!
'Hello Major Tom
are you with us?
You made a mistake,
altered the program!'
but they get no answer ...
Hello? Hello Major Tom? Hello ... hello?
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring
space is glowing bright
so full of stars
all is marvelous,
now he is free
he has found home
to his realm,
flew from a world
controlled by technology
I will never ever
come back
if you won't understand
and rethink'
says Major Tom
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring

Steel City

'Let me see your tears for once'
I cast a spell on your warm back
Kiss the slight fever away,
and hear the rattling sound of the projector, always unexpected
Just wait for it,
I'll become just like a Steel City, 1,
and I won’t be kind even to the poor, abandoned cats
The ashes from the cigarettes will be dancing in the air,
and become just like your back, that I cannot grasp
And for the cats scribbled in the walls: I’m sorry.
I'll become just like a Steel City 1
and hide my voice all through the night
  • “Steel City” is a common nickname for cities that were known for their production of large amounts of steel. In Japan, there’s an industrial city called Muroran, that lies on the southern coast of Hokkaido, it was known as a Steel City for its heavy steel manufacturing, but it all declined after the 70’s and and it became a forgotten, “grey smoke pouring from the steel mills settling upon the sky” kind of town. “Steel City” is also the exact name of the main setting in Jules Verne’s dystopian novel “The Begum’s Fortune”