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The One Horned Cow

The cow, the cow the one horned cow
The cow the cow the old horned sheep
The cow, the cow the one horned cow
The red speckled cow I know not where to find her
My sheep was reared down by the seaside
By Dermot O Dillain from Barra na heena
Twas a son of my father’s brother that put her over the cliff
For the blaggard was short of tobacco
I’d rather than a shilling to see my sheep
Coming to my door by morning or night
She would give me milk she would rear me a lamb
She would put a lovely wee jacket on my shoulder
I saw her cooked I saw her shared
I wanted a taste but not a morsel would I get
Oh she was nice Oh she was lively
Oh she was nice the old horned sheep
If I had inheritance and wealth and honour
I would give a guinea for a few slices
Oh she was nice! Oh she was lively!
Oh she was nice the old horned sheep


A female dove flew through brushwood,
A female dove flew through brushwood,
Through brushwood, through brushwood
Through brushwood, through brushwood.
A male dove came behind her
A male dove came behind her
Behind her, behind her,
Behind her, behind her.
What do you, male dove, want from me?
What do you, male dove, want from me?
From me, from me,
From me, from me?
You have female doves who are better than I
You have female doves who are better than I
Better than I, better than I
Better than I, better than I.
The female dove was hovering, hovering.
On a branch she sat, she sat.
The male dove flew down to a window
And sang with all kinds of words.
A female dove flew through brushwood,
A female dove flew through brushwood,
Through brushwood, through brushwood
Through brushwood, through brushwood.


Look for what you want
You can (do) more, but you don't want to
Play Habana, hey they say that...
Classy, always moving foward
Kill me just with that thing you have done
Maybe, cutie, don't be bad up there, make me think
Classy, always moving foward
Maybe, cutie, don't be bad up there, make me think
Bomb that smothers the Cocán**
Can't you see me coming crazy?
It doesn't stop the gossiping
And if it bothers anyone, it's because I shock them
Now, shut your mouth
I don't want crazy smiles
This flow is what comes around
Leave your broken tongue
This keeps going, for you ma boys
I smother everyone, little by little
I simplify what doesn't work
I don't want you to be unsettled
But if you respect the vere vere
that my people brings, to throw it into the toilet
Fine fine, after you drank a good wine
Don't come breaking glasses
it really doesn't smother us
Fo' the crazy men and the crazy women, take notes from my mouth
You going unknowingly fast
Wherever you can get with that personality
You are still telling tales (faking)
About the good life, nonstop
You throw your ideas to the wind, to check
on wich way it blows, you believe in nothing
Everyday I see you worse
You are becoming a fork
that pokes and pokes to finally poke nothing
As you see here, the skinning has already started
No one did the police hold
the CD has already flown from the shop
Even your great grandpa danced to it
Amazing vele vele vele
I'm sorry for the dumb that didn't like it
Classy, always moving foward
Ay, but kill me just with that thing you have done
Maybe, cutie, don't be bad up there, make me think
Classy, always moving foward
Maybe, cutie, don't be bad up there, make me think
He says!! I'm still crawling foward
Classy, always moving foward, ay
You are the bomb (amazing)
Careful with the explosion, it can kill you
What's up with you? In the left
What's up with you? In the right
What's up with you? In the left
You are moving backwards
What's up with you? In the right
If you like it, cool, if you don't, cool too
What's up with you?
You are moving backwards
What's up with you?
You are moving backwards
If you like it, cool, if you don't cool too
** Cocán = Peruvian chicken stew

In The Stable, In The Manger (Away In A Manger)

In the stable, in the manger, the baby is asleep,
The little baby Jesus will still be with us as a king.
The stars are shining high up in the sky,
On the little baby Jesus, asleep in the manger.
There is a big silence around, there is magic in the air!
The whole world is happy and delighted.
The angels of Heaven are praising God.
Giving high praise to Jesus, to the little, bright baby.
Be with us Jesus, be with us forever.
Be with us in the night, be with us in the day.
Give love to your children, give us love forever.
And we will be faithful, we will be truly faithful.


Tē-te-te-te, tet-tet-te
Tē-te-te-te, tet-tet-te, tē

Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san!
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! It's warm and sunny today too, Teruyama-san!
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She's smiling today too, Teruyama-san!
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She's so starving, Teruyama-san!
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Refilled her noodles 7 times, Teruyama-san!
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Instantly her stomach feels heavy, Teruyama-san!
It's nap time, sleep sleep sleep...
... (Sleep sleep sleep sleep)
... (Sleep sleep sleep sleep)
... (Sleep sleep sleep sleep)
(Sleep sleep sleep sleep)
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Citric acid in five times a week
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! An important cultural property
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! The 8th Shichi-Go-San1
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Good morning to you, Teruyama-san
Space between the 25 dimensional faint dreams, chasing and chasing
I found my fatal te-te-te-te-te-te-te
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! In waking or sleeping, Teruyama-san
Calling the whole thing off, Teruyama-san! The whole earth, Teruyama-san
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Time flies like flowing water
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Mt. Fuji in once a month
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! Filled with full of warmness
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She's looking at you from far away—
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She's came right behind you—
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She pricks up her ears from next door—
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san! She's living in every person's heart—
Teruyama-san, Teruyama-san!
Your Teruyama te-te-te-te
Teruyama te-te-te-te
Teruyama te-te-te
Teruyama te-te
Teruyama te
Everyone's Teruyama-san
  • 1. A traditional Japanese rite of passage event for 3 and 7 years old girls and 5 years old boys

Kinky Boots Serbian Lyrics

Vozio sam mog Saracena kroz tvoju bastu sinoć,
Razvalio sam ti vrata negde oko ponoći,
I nešto, dečko, mi govori da me izbegavaš,
Kad te budem nasao ima da ideš po svoj čaj!
Oh, imam skroz novi svetlucavi šlem, i par čizimica,
Imam novi lepi balistički prsluk , i lepu uniformu,
I kad odemo na noćnu patrolu, držimo se za ruke,
Mi smo Britanska armija i došli smo da ti uzmemo zemlju!
Moj dobar drug Berti, on je u UDR,
Trazeći oružje, ići će i blizu i daleko,
Gore oko Kape, nećes ga nikad naći,
Jer jedino oružje koje će naći je armalajt u uvetu!
Oh, imam skroz novi svetlucavi šlem, i par čizimica,
Imam novi lepi balistički prsluk , i lepu uniformu,
I kad odemo na noćnu patrolu, držimo se za ruke,
Mi smo Britanska armija i došli smo da ti uzmemo zemlju!
Moj dobar drug Trevor, on je u RUS,
Ali sad su mu rekli da je nepotreban,
Ljudi oko granice ga više neće vidjati,
I provo snajperu će da nedostaje sigurno!
Oh, imam skroz novi svetlucavi šlem, i par čizimica,
Imam novi lepi balistički prsluk , i lepu uniformu,
I kad odemo na noćnu patrolu, držimo se za ruke,
Mi smo Britanska armija i došli smo da ti uzmemo zemlju!
Moj dobar drug Najdžel, on je u SAS,
Kaže da je će u novom poslu da se opusti,
Al' sad stavili ga skroz dole u Krosmaglen,
Dao bi sve da je opet u zatvoru!
Oh, imam skroz novi svetlucavi šlem, i par čizimica,
Imam novi lepi balistički prsluk , i lepu uniformu,
I kad odemo na noćnu patrolu, držimo se za ruke,
Mi smo Britanska armija i došli smo da ti uzmemo zemlju!
Moj dobar drug Semi, on je u DUP,
Baš je uspravan, kao što ceo svet vidi,
Rekoh 'Idi gore u Donegal, ako želis da se zabaviš,'
On kaže 'Otići ću tamo ako nemam ništa na sebi!'
Oh, imam skroz novi svetlucavi šlem, i par čizimica,
Imam novi lepi balistički prsluk , i lepu uniformu,
I kad odemo na noćnu patrolu, držimo se za ruke,
Mi smo Britanska armija i došli smo da ti uzmemo zemlju.

Подигнимо чашу за Светог Патрика

Подигнимо чашу за Св. Патрика,
подигните чашу са мном,
славићемо свеца заштитника
који је пловио Ирским морем.
На брдима Слемиша,
роб је постао човек,
а његов дух није могао бити сломљен
ни од стране поглавара ни клана.*
Острво зеленила било је његова душа,
није се плашио никакве друидске клетве*,
и дуго ћемо га памтити
у светим списима и стиховима.
Подигнимо чашу за Св. Патрика,
подигните чашу са мном,
славићемо свеца заштитника
који је пловио Ирским морем.
Пео се на планину
и начинио је ову земљу својим домом,
сада славимо његова сећања,
где год да лутамо.
Оставио је своје трагове на стени
на ветровитој обали Скерија*.
Ходао је међу нама давно,
прошетајмо за њега још једном.
Подигнимо чашу за Св. Патрика,
подигните чашу са мном,
славићемо свеца заштитника
који је пловио Ирским морем.
За њега носимо детелину
у миру и слози,
у Белфасту, Сиднеју или Њујорку
где год да смо.
Познат је свуда у свету,
и близу и далеко
јер сви сада постају Ирци
на дан светог Патрика.
Подигнимо чашу за Св. Патрика,
подигните чашу са мном,
славићемо свеца заштитника
који је пловио Ирским морем.
  • 1. 'а његов дух није могао бити сломљен ни од стране поглавара ни клана' - односи се на Патриково петнаестодневно ропство због ширења хришћанства међу Друидима (Друиди - свештеничка многобожачка класа у заједницама старих Келта), те се мисли на друидске поглаваре и њихову скупину, па се зато користи реч 'клан'
  • 2. 'није се плашио никакве друидске клетве' - Друиди су били познати по страшним клетвама које су бацали
  • 3. 'на ветровитој обали Скерија' (eng. Sekrries) - приморска област североисточно од Даблина


The night sounds, the night sings
An old song, in an old car, it sings.
Test, test, one, two...
I feel as if someone is trying to wake me.
The night sounds, the night sings
An old song, in an old car, it sings.
Everything is like a river, you're like a river -
Halt it, please.
How can I make it
So that you remember this moment?
How can I make it
So that you remember this moment?
The night sounds, the night sings
An old song, in an old car, it sings.
In your palms lies emptiness,
This is everything that we need.
The day passed with the wave of a hand
As for the night, it's always with you
Open your eyes, there is a moon
And it's visible above our roof.
How can I make it
So that you remember this moment?
How can I make it
So that you remember this moment?
In your palms lies emptiness,
This is everything that we need.

Everything And Even More

Silent whispers
Starry Night
Unexpectedly come closer to me
An unbegun dream hovers in the air
Everything around is ringing so loudly
However I'm not lacking words
My gaze will translate everything for you
We danced danced
Every song was ours
Danced danced
Every dance was the only one
So unfair night
Everything is started insanely
We danced danced
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
In your shirt, in warmth
I woke up in the unbelievably
unexpected dawn
Your breath in silence
In hair caught scent
Memories doesn't go away so easily.
We danced danced
Every song was ours
Danced danced
Every dance was the only one
So unfair night
Everything started insanely
We danced danced
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
(I wish everything and even more)
(Everything, everything and more...)
(Danced danced)
(Danced danced)
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
(I wish everything and even more)
(Everything, everything and more)

I can be the one

I can be the one who comes when you're sad
Who comes to comfort when the thunderstorm has passed
I can be the one who will hold to the hand
With who you'll go there where the borders aren't
I can be the one who smells like a rain
And the one who isn't afraid from anything at all anymore
I can be the one who will mess up your mind
I can be the one to whom nothing's holy
I can be the one who will abandon everything
I can be the one who will run away with you
I can be the one who will abandon everything
In order to be with you, I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one who dares more
Through millions of mistakes, who isn't afraid anymore
I can be different as you've always seemed
With a smile on the lips, who always will be present
I can be yours if you'll be able to believe
I can be whole cosmos elated to you
I can be the one who will dance the night
Mishmash of lights around us while it's darkening in the city
I can be the one who will abandon everything
I can be the one who will run away with you
I can be the one who will abandon everything
In order to be with you, I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one who will abandon everything
I can be the one who will run away with you
I can be the one who will abandon everything
In order to be with you, I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one
I can be the one

Way too much

I know sometimes everything isn't so easy
So many questions, those are confusing mind
I still try to search for the answers
But my thoughts are calling only you, calling you.
I'm here, I'm close to you
But I want to be more closer
I'm here, I'm close to you
But you don't even know my name, my name
And you walk past me once again, once again
Way too long in the shadow I stand, way too much
Way too much
And why should I still wait here
For a thousand times already asking this to myself
Taking the first step closer to you
And further my own legs carries me, carries me
I'm here, I'm close to you
But I want to be more closer
I'm here, I'm close to you
But you don't even know my name, my name
And you walk past me once again, once again
Way too long in the shadow I stand, way too much
Way too much
But you don't even know my name, my name
And you walk past me once again, once again
Way too long in the shadow I stand, way too much
Way too much
(aaa... aau... aaa... way too much)
But you don't even know my name, my name
And you walk past me once again, once again
Way too long in the shadow I stand, way too much
Way too much

Do you believe me?

Versions: #1
- You know, once in a winter
I saw a lilac bush
That bloomed as if it was May.
Do you believe me or not?
Do you or don't?
- I do believe you,
How can I not,
I saw it all myself.
Let this be our secret,
Let's keep it our secret!
- Once I saw the Moon
That had lost her way and fell asleep
In the branches of a pine tree.
Do you believe me or not?
Do you or don't?
- I do believe you,
I saw it all myself
From my window last night.
Let this be our secret,
Let's keep it our secret!
- Then on a night of shooting stars,
I saw that in the skies
Two stars were flying hand in hand.
Do you believe me or not?
Do you or don't?
- I do believe you,
How can I not,
I saw it all myself.
Let this be our secret,
Let's keep it our secret!

It Has Come, This Good Day

It has come, this good day,
It has come, this bright hour.
There is no one in the whole world
Only you, only me, only two of us.
It has come, the best hour,
It has come, the best day.
And why should we be sad now
That there will be also September and rains.
It has always been so in the world,
It will always be so in the world.
After a serene summer
Autumn comes on the heels,
Alongside happiness goes trouble.
Let it go, this good day,
Let it go, this bright hour.
Forever on earth now
Only you, only me, only two of us.
Let the rain cry again,
And the snow fall again.
There are two of us in the world now,
And love will never be taken away from us.
It has always been so in the world,
It will always be so in the world.
After a serene summer
Autumn comes on the heels,
Alongside happiness goes trouble.
It has always been so this in the world
It will always be so in the world.
The world is invented so that the two
Become one destiny
And walk inseparably through years.

Comrade song

Our house disappeared behind a steppe haze,
It will be a long time until I come back to you.
You just be with me, please, every step of the way,
My Comrade Truth, my Comrade Truth!
I can do everything, I won't break my oath,
I warm the earth with the breath of mine...
You just order me and I will keep my course,
My Comrade time, my Comrade Time!
Again to the sounds of alarm I woke up today,
Again the battle, such, the bullets couldn't fly apart.
You just do not blow up when I'm on my way,
My Comrade Heart, my Comrade Heart!
In heavy smoke are my noons and my midnights,
And I want to rid them of the smoke, to be free,
You just remember, please, all this bloody fights,
My Comrade Memory, my Comrade Memory!

Cuba Did Not Leave Me

Listen Caribbean family, it's Orishas in the house
Here they come one, two and three, the 3 musketeers
My guitar no longer makes sound
It doesn't want to tune
Because it misses its Guajiro
From it's streams to its palms
And for the time that we have left
It's time to change
For the people of my land
I am always going to sing for you
I know that I left Cuba
But I know that Cuba did not leave me
Maybe with my Yoruba faith
But my saints
My saints live there
On that lot
There there, there there
On that lot
There there, there there
I was born in Havana
I grew up in Havana
Listening to peto los bam-bam and la rebel
Then I left
I denounce that I left
But the world knew Cuban war here in Paris
The rest
The rest you already know
Yotuel, el Ruso y el Roldan were the key
To the Cuban that was the key
We changed the music in the street
I know that I left Cuba
But I know that Cuba did not leave me
Maybe with my Yoruba faith
But my saints
My saints live there
On that lot
There there, there there
On that lot
There there, there there
Listen family
I broke the mantle
This sparrow is peaking at me
And my desire cannot take it anymore
I'm going to the neighborhood to travel my whole island
From Villa Alegre to Santiago
And I am going to take a break at my house
To catch up with my little sister
Giving thanks from the hill all the way to France
My guitar no longer makes sound
It doesn't want to tune
Because it misses its Guajiro
From it's streams to its palms
And for the time that we have left
It's time to change
For the people of my land
I am always going to sing for you
I know that I left Cuba
But I know that Cuba did not leave me
Maybe with my Yoruba faith
But my saints
My saints live there
On that lot
Here there is no life for the dead (there there, there there)
On that lot
I was born Orisha in the North (there there, there there)
On that lot
As a Cuban I go to iron (there there, there there)
On that lot
I go to the a river (there there, there there)
On that lot
Jinetes and champeros (there there, there there)
On that lot
The people of money, tobacco, and gentlemen (there there, there there)
Everything thing in life has a a big price (there there, there there)
On that lot
Where is tapa, Eleggua, Chango (I am already there, I am already there)


Instead of a scenario
drawn up by anyone else
I want to find our own way
Everyone is searching for
their own story
Like a fluttering butterfly
at the mercy of rumors
An alley at night, a silent park
The throng in the station, the gap in my heart
I put everything in my horizon sideways
in order to seize
the only truth
Before it flows away
before it fades away
If the unknown future does exist
Instead of a scenario
drawn up by anyone else
I want to walk onward hand-in-hand
and find our own way
Everyone is straying
in their own labyrinth
Where is the gate of
the narrow, dim world with no map?
A half-read book, a tattered diary
A half-written poem, the whereabouts of my heart
Though everything is left behind
I will hold
the only hope
At the far distant place
at the destination of this journey
If the unknown future does exist
Instead of a scenario
expected by anyone else
I want to find our own way
that can be seen by straining eyes
The forsaken sceneries
the remaining feelings
and the gap and whereabouts of my heart
will shine someday
leaving footprints behind me
Even if it flows away
even if it fades away
If the future that I want to know does exist
Instead of a scenario
drawn up by anyone else
I want to walk onward hand-in-hand
and find our own way

Hello, knowledgeable, what are you creating...

Hello, knowledgeable, what are you creating,
in a city swayed by the black wind,
stately facade excommunicated,
like a rich man in tobacco business
Hello, my guardian angel. Sad
fallen leaves, their interjection,
a piercing short-lived wind blows
and immerses in autumn dreams
Hello, wrapping your year in a veil
of silent call, breath, at the new
beginning - on the nameless pier
believing only a new sorrow quite
Hello, oh insane angel. Fly
Your passion like amber skins
flexible animals, big-eyed and brisk -
with the rustle of silk in God's net ...

Sparkle☆彡Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure

Heart throbbing dreams are shining
Exciting worlds are expanding
Lightly! Jump over the galaxy
Sparkle! You are also a Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure
I want to encounter more 'I love you's than the usual 'I like you's
Our connected hearts are bound by zero gravity (infinite imagination)
Look! Even strange friends can daydream and head straight to space
I won't wait for the go sign!
Look upon a star☆ These colorful possibilities
Are what freely draw out the future
A fantasia night will make wishes come true!!
Heart throbbing♡ dreams are shining
Exciting worlds☆ are expanding
Go! Go! Go beyond your imagination
What should I do tomorrow?
Sparkle wonderfully when we're together!
Invincible! When connecting smiles
Sparkle! You are also a Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure
Pretty Cure!!

100 Magnitude

What a grave mistake it was that my heart fell into your hands
Forget it, enough of all this flirting
Come on, you killed us with those honey-colored eyes
Don't worry, there is no one at all besides you in my heart
With that 100 magnitude gaze, you remove my heart from its place
You turn people's hearts upside-down but the effect won't last
With that 100 magnitude gaze, you remove my heart from its place
You turn people's hearts upside-down but the effect won't last
She wants to stare into your eyes
I'm scared for when her gaze falls on me
With that 100 magnitude gaze, you remove my heart from its place
You turn people's hearts upside-down but the effect won't last
With that 100 magnitude gaze, you remove my heart from its place
You turn people's hearts upside-down but the effect won't last

It doesn't ruin anything (anyone's business)

The heart dies in a body that is alive
that mistake with you I will never forgive myself for that
even if I say there isn't
That I have loved you, I regret it, there is no more
It is Better if land and sky are together
rather than killing the heart that loved you
you stepped on top of the promises you gave me
it doesn't ruin anything I leave it to God
Even if my heart is dead
inside of her pain is still alive
I don't feel sad for lying to me
but because I can't trust you,noo
It is Better if land and sky are together
rather than killing the heart that loved you
you stepped on top of the promises you gave me
it doesn't ruin anything I leave it to God

Fly, Little Feather

Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.
I wish I could've had wings
Like the falcon,
I would be strong
Like the bits of stone.
I would have many brothers,
Like the little tree,
I would live a little life
With a new crown.
I would not be lying now
In that dear open field
Do not watch for me
In the sky, in the clouds.
You would not ask this of me
Light feather
And chase away, sweep away
My bitter regrets.
Fly, little feather
Through the little field
Whisk away, little feather
My bitter regrets.
From my face
Wipe away the specks of dust
Turn about, to become
My little wing.

A song

What's a song? I don't understand...
It's sounds and some words
And why do they touch me so much?
And what, what happens to me
When I hear these sounds and these words?
And maybe these words are actually in a different language
And sung by a stranger...
You don't trust words
I hate them too
I've never said I loved you
But I try to make you feel it somehow
I should have been a wiser kind
Still hope to hold you in my arms tonight
I want to take you home now
I'll take you home tonight
Why does everything change
Every time I hear this song?
Clouds fleet a little bit slow,
Both cars and people move in a city fine and meaningfully
And city lights... and everything is so wonderful...
And what happens inside me?
Because I don't get merrier
Or sicker instead,
I just simply feel my life keener...
I feel my strange life keenly
With these sounds and with this voice...
You don't trust words
I hate them too
I've never said I loved you
But I try to make you feel it somehow
I should have been a wiser kind
Still hope to hold you in my arms tonight
I want to take you home now
I'll take you home tonight
It just simply seems to me that
If I like this song so much,
Then this song is about me,
It's my song
About my life
Though it's performed by a person
Who doesn't know me and will never know that I actually exist
But this song is about me
And something happens to me...
We don't trust words, there's nothing new,
I've never said I loved you
But i try to make you feel it somehow
I should have been a wiser kind
Still hope to hold you in my arms tonight
I want to take you home now

Bonds ~endless days~

(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
If I were to listen carefully I would immediately hear the sound of a chair being pulled out in the next room
Being unable to measure the distance beyond the closed door, I wonder what are you thinking about?
We yearn a little to the happiness we obtained
The garden's branches just revealed our tears
We keep getting better in pretending not to notice it
and remain timid
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I want to protect your wavering smile
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
Will the seed that I chose to grow that day yield a big flower?
The unspoken words and the regret of hurting one's feelings
The dream that was fulfilled only on paper
The 'lie' being a 'truth', saying 'I hate you' I actually meant to say 'I like you'
We are two of a kind
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Trivial quarrels
A laughter that rocks the windows
I want to believe it will keep on like this
Becoming an adult is dreadful​...
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Since I would be able to find the significance of the future
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)

Haydar Baba (حیدر بابا)

Haydar Baba, this world is transitory,
It's the world that is left to us from Solomon and Noah,
It's the world that gives us sons, it's the world that gives us grief,
Whenever it gave something to anyone, it took it back,
Only a simple name is left from Plato.
Haydar Baba, the skies are full of mist,
Each day of us are harder,
Stick together, be careful,
They have taken our goodness from us,
They have created rainy days to good us.
Haydar Baba, heroes never lose faith,
Life passes, regrets don't have a point,
Vile ones will not live long,
World is destiny and fate, death and loss,
This world has always been childless and an orphan.
Haydar Baba, my path has cut loose from yours,
My life has passed, I couldn't make it to you,
I couldn't learn what happened to your beautiful ones,
I didn't know there were cycles,
I didn't know there were losses, seperations and death.
Wish I could fly with this blowing wind,
Wish I could race the water running from the mountain,
Wish I shed tears for my land that got seperated from me,
Wish I could find who created this seperation among us,
Wish I could find who has passed away and who stayed alive in our land.
Haydar Baba, Satan has seduced us,
He has demolished the love in our hearts,
He dictated us in the dark rainy days,
He made people turn against each other,
He made peace drown in blood.
Haydar Baba, this world is transitory,
It's the world that is left to us from Solomon and Noah,
It's the world that gives us sons, it's the world that gives us grief,
Whenever it gave something to anyone, it took it back,
Only a simple name is left from Plato.

two HeaRt

Hold on feeble heart
Find out two face
Hold on feeble heart
Find out two face
The everyday life that is like a puzzle keeps passing like the wind
If I were to cast my eyes downward for a little I would become a lost piece
Even though I'm by your side there are just so many things I don't understand
If I were to reach my hand out a little It would be able to touch you, won't it?
-I want to convey it-
-I don't want to convey it-
It goes and comes with the rate of my heartbeats
In my dreams I cried for you
Those words flutter about in the, air will the time for them to shine ever come?
Back to back​
With both tears and kindness
In that smile I keep losing my destination​
One day It will reach...
My silent wish
Like a gem that was just born
Meet with two heart
Hold on feeble heart
Find out two face
suddenly I conceal the palm of my hand, implying I don't want you to touch it now
Even though I'm actually about to cry and want you to tightly embrace me
-Don't look at me-
-I don't want you to look at me-
A pride that hinders your gaze
If it were to plunge into me with all its might
Would that clock in my heart that has been locked start moving?
Back to back​
With both strength and kindness
While I smile tears are flowing out
If I were to be broken we would both overlap
and as I'm born anew I shall become a star
Stardust two heart
-I want to convey it-
-I'm unable to convey it-
I revolves around like stardust
My lips gently traced you
As I can't be heard, I cried out the countless feelings that haven't reached you
Back to back​
With both tears and kindness
In that smile I keep losing my destination​
One day It will reach...
My silent wish
Born in a universe I saw in my dreams
Meet with two heart
Hold on feeble heart
Find out two face
Meet with two heart
Hold on feeble heart
Find out two face

You are talking to me about your love

You are talking to me about your love
But your talk is in vain
I am listening to your words
But they mean nothing to me
Maybe you are the best person in the world
But it's impossible to understand that right now
Because one snowflake isn't snow
And one raindrop isn't rain
One day but not now,
Your love will come to be your fate
It will come like a downpour, like a blizzard
And outdo everything else
Maybe you are the best person in the world
But it's impossible to understand that right now
Because one snowflake isn't snow
And one raindrop isn't rain
Maybe one day I myself
Will look into your eyes differently
And the words that mean nothing to me now
Will be prophetic
Maybe you are the best person in the world
But it's impossible to understand that right now
Because one snowflake isn't snow
And one raindrop isn't rain


In your face
I find myself
In the midst of my eyes
You are like this
Even my dreams can't find a place, this seasonal rain
This rain's water
This water's droplets
Find you only
This desire to meet
This old desire, my story can be fulfilled by you
When I leave you (stop thinking about you for a while)
Then I can breathe
Then my heart gets comfort, I am restless
I want to take refuge
In you, give me permission, there is no one in between
It's just us two here
Then you tell me why
there is distance.....This seasonal rain
This rain's water
This water's droplets
Find you only
This desire to meet
This old desire, my story can be fulfilled by you
I ask the wind for your address
Come here from anywhere
My heart is in a journey like birds are
Introduce me to life, that's my only request
Come here once
And know what my heart hasn't told you
this seasonal rain
This rain's water
This water's droplets
Find you only
This desire to meet
This old desire, my story can be fulfilled by you

That Summer's Seagull 〜Cherish〜

Put your gentle days on the wings
of the seagulls
You also chase for your dreams
and leave.
Although I point to the slow-boat now
people give me a smile back.
There is no more sea.
Close your eyes, pray for the blue sky
Goodbye, that dazzling summer.
I tear off the two photos with my fingers
as the ripples float around.
If only my sadness, somehow
drained into the coast.
Even if I wear the sames clothes on that day
I embrace my chest in the cold sea breeze
and get filled with tears.
You are like that seagull
who disappeared on my front.
I am merely having the memory I loved
Goodbye, those two summers.
You can transform into memories now
Goodbye, goodbye from my heart.
It's a vague, but beautiful love
Goodbye, goodbye to you.