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Резултати претраге страна 62

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Conversation prior to a possible transformation of Julio

Julio: I'm completely sick of working in an office.
Another: What you're gonna do? I'd like to know. What you're gonna do? What you're gonna do?
J: I think of becoming a craftsman, a craftsman.
A: And what kind of craftsman will you be?
J: I'm gonna make bracelets. And don't criticize me.
My mother believes that craftsmen are a bunch of lazies without exception.
A: That's what they are. Your mother is right.
J: You're wrong from A to Z. What happens is that the craftsman works with another freedom.
A: Which?
J: He doesn't have the obligation of getting up everyday at the same hour,
and facing the same papers like the office worker.
A: But hey, tell me one thing. Is perhaps
the only choice to be a craftsman or to be an office worker?
J: For who needs, for who requires to work,
I swear that I can't think, I can't imagine another option?
A: But tell me another thing. These trousers that you wear
weren't made perhaps on the basis of work?
J: Of course. Why? Of course. Why?
A: Is the one who made them perhaps an office worker?
J: No, of course not. No, I know they're not.
A: Don't go tell me that they were made by a craftsman.
J: No, no, they were not made by a craftsman.
A: Well tell me who, tell me who made them.
J: I don't know. How do you want me to know it?
A: And those shoes you wear. Were made by a craftsman?
J: No, there wasn't such craftsman.
A: Was perhaps an office worker the one who made them?
J: No. I swear not. I swear for God that no. They weren't made in an office.
A: Then, where. Tell me where.
J: I'm not a guesser. I'm not a guesser.
A: My X-ray vision shows me that you have in the stomach
a significant quantity of ex-sweet cookies.
J: Yes, so what?
A: Were these perhaps made by a craftsman?
J: No, they weren't. I have to recognize that no, they weren't.
A: Don't go tell me that an office worker was the creator.
J: I won't tell you, because if I do it, I'd stray from being right. Right?
A: Then who made them?
J: I don't know, Tell me you. Tell me you who made them?
A: I don't know either.
J: I don't know either.
A: I don't know.
J: Me neither.
A: I don't know.
J: I don't know.
Both: I don't know.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Poor & Rich

Because as a rat you are born in our beautiful stable,
We will tolerate you, but you will never become a racehorse.
On the wall in wait high on this beautiful wall
Is the suspicion sitting. You will never endanger this tradition.
Poor and rich - are not equal - how much is - worth my life?
Poor and rich - for comparison - how much is - worth your life?
Blood is thicker than water.
Beautiful people want to announce their wealth undisturbed
Have a conscience. Your donation receipt must know it.
Terrible, when the poor one day stood at the front door.
Take the horses to the stable! The rat is too torn.
Poor and rich - are not equal - how much is - worth my life?
Poor and rich - for comparison - how much is - worth your life?
Blood is thicker than water.
Our blood is much thicker than bad water.

Песма о земљи

Колико је лепоте на земљи
Ужурбаних улица, великих градова
Непознатих друмова којима би многи од нас хтели да иду
Али где год да се нађеш, у најдаљим странама света
Нећеш моћу да заборавиш ту земљу где је твој дом.
Јер најлепша је наша отаџбина
Познати ветра шапат у песмама лишћа
И где шева пев одзвања летњим пољем
А те ти је музике пуно срце
Јер најлепша је и тако нам је блиска
Та земља зелених врба и сиве Висле
Како је не волети?
Не волети је зато
Што је тако лепа
И тако моја
Како је не волети?
Не волети је зато
Што је тако лепа и тако наша
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

The most beautiful land

The most beautiful land, you already know
It's called the Soviet Union
And I come from it
I'm called Natascha
Here are great rivers and mountains and much forest
Where palm trees grow it's hot, it's cold on the Ice Sea
Here is a capital city with underground trains
People look at every station like at a castle made of gold and marble
We have so big candies and awesome waffle ice cream
Also apples as big as pumpkins, as everybody knows
We also have a Spasski-tower with a red star
Which glows even in the night and everyone likes it
The most beautiful land, you already know
It's called the Soviet Union
And I come from it
I'm called Natascha
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

We're the four Dalton brothers

We managed to escape from prison
We're gonna avenge ourselves on Lucky Luke
We are outlaws and cruel bandits
Noone and nothing can bring us to the gallows
We're the four Dalton brothers
And we laugh at the law
We're the Daltons, we're very bad guys
And we hate Lucky Luke
We're the Daltons, very had to skin
To the wild west, we'll give reason to fear (1)
We managed to escape from prison
We're gonna avenge ourselves on Lucky Luke
We've already robbed banks and taken livestock
Now we're out to rob the train
(REF) (2x to fade)
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)


Let's try to accept and understand,
that wounds can't be healed,
for how much more time they will remain here?,
we don't want them anymore.
We can yearn the day in which
there won't be conflicts anymore,
soldiers who are wounded,
remember the warm
they lack from their mothers today.
In the despair of this endless world,
we trace our own map,
drying up tears,
we'll continue, together through this path.
Come one, get up now,
and take a look around,
the awakening of the sleeping lions,
so tomorrow we will live.
Let's try to take inside us
a fragment of love, of love
despite we feel hatred,
it won't lead anywhere
it's something we don't want anymore.
In this moment, a way I'll must follow
to a paradise we will have to look,
so far as it is,
we'll continue together through this path.
Don't look back,
just keep moving forwards
until your body wither as you walk,
so the future we will live.
Remeber the warm,
you lack from your mothers today.
In the despair of this endless world,
we trace our own map,
drying up tears,
we'll continue, together through this path.
Don't look back,
just keep moving forwards
until your body wither as you walk,
so the future we will live.
Just learning.


И сутра ће сунце поново сјати
и на путу којим ћу ићи,
нас ће, срећне, поново спојити
на овој сунцем окупаној земљи.
И до плаже, широке и плаве од таласа,
тихо ћемо и полако сићи.
Без речи ћемо се погледати у очи
и на нас ће пасти нема тишина среће.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

In My Dreams

In vain, in vain didn't you come into my dream again
I see dreams,
I am waiting like a dream
I am waiting for meeting with someone, someone whispers my name to me
Someone, but it is not you.
I see dreams,
The dreams are full of secrets.
There someone so willingly circling with me in a dance
Someone, but it is not you.
I see dreams,
In the dreams someone gives me the flowers again, and whispers to me something with love
Someone, but it is not you.
In vain, in vain didn't you come into my dream again
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

Love, a mystery

For whom is love not a mystery?
It supports itself in forces you can't define
It's invisible, one can never see it coming.
It cheats the heart.
I know it wasn't fair to make you pay
for all the pain that was within me.
I know it wasn't your fault and I must learn
that I have to divide.
The past of today
is not the same situation.
That story, I must erase
all for what I felt fear for.
Always avoiding to face
the difficult reality.
For whom is love not a mystery?
Even if I strive in the effort to know
what hides behind it
I was uncapable to find its secret
Within my soul or under the skin
Without opening my heart's door.
Maybe like this, because it can't enter
It allows itself to be found
Even if doubts become the price
of how is the eternal secret.
It's possible that I get to find
a love so sweet and special
and it's possible for it to show me the pain
that produces heartbreak.
Only like this I will get to know
where to past feelings go
that are no longer here.
Only like this I will be capable of no judging,
seeing the reality that you are not able to show me.
For whom is love not a mystery?
The time we spent together, it was useless
After the pain
only traces remain
traces that don't take you anywhere today.
After all, perhaps I can say
that I have the answer in front of me.
Your memory will be
the only thing that will keep you within me.
Only in my mind.
To look for
where you're going
to escape
You have already seen its end.
If I smile, you will know
that I don't have to fear.
Fragile, never.
I can now live without you.
For whom is love not a mystery?
It's gone, now it doesn't live within me anymore.
I don't care where should I go.
With just feeling that I am alive
and maybe falling in love again
I no longer have to escape from you.
Because it doesn't matter how much I can cry
Tears won't
be able to defeat me ever again.
I will be happy and I will be free


Izgovorio si reci,
soba se naglo ohladila 10 stepeni
iznenada pocinjem da se smrzavam
vazduh je razredjen, tesko se dise
Kako cu reagovati ? Gde ce poceti ?
zidovi se lagano prosupljuju unutra
opasno je, ovo stanje u kojem sam
tada pokusas da objasnis svoje delo,
dok stojim ovde i krvarim
ucuti, vec sam cula dovoljno
rastavljena sam od zdrave pameti,
nestabilna i nerazborita
ne pomeraj se, i niko nece umreti
ali mislim
drzim se bas dobro,
postupam bas ispravno
samo mi daj neko vreme,
treba mi da zatvorim oci
drzim se bas dobro, i
bicu u redu
ne brini
dobro sam, dok iza napustam svet
prekidam pauzu,
odoh da se okrenem
odlazim, postaje glasno
neka neko smanji jacinu
trebalo bi da sam unistena i gubim glavu
ne mislim da cu se vratiti u krevet
meci su van i vidim crveno
uzmi zaklon, zastiti tvoje srce,
jer neko tretira to kao umetnost
slika preko i preko toga ponovo
pokusavam da se ne raspadnem,
pokusavam da nastavim
nakaza napolje, i svi zajedno igraju
to sam ja
postupam bas ispravno,
drzim se bas dobro
samo mi daj neko vreme,
treba mi da zatvorim oci
drzim se bas dobro , i
bicu u redu
ne brini, dobro sam,
dok iza napustam svet
ne dodiruj me, tresem se,
cujes li da prekidam ?
nekako jos uvek stojim, oh
pa mozda sam luda,
ali ovo je zaista tesko za mene
mogu li dobiti nesto saosecanja ?
placi za mene
daj mi na znanje da mi pruzas obzir
nema vise lazi za mene
ubrizgao si me iskrenim metkom
samo saosecanje
ostavi ga sa mnom, to je sve sto imam
da se suocim sa olujom tamo negde
postupam bas ispravno,
drzim se bas dobro
samo mi daj neko vreme,
treba mi da zatvorim oci
drzim se bas dobro, i
bicu u redu
ne brini
dobro sam, dok iza napustam ovaj svet
ne diraj me tresem se,
cujes li me da prekidam ?
jos uvek nekako stojim, oh
pa mozda sam luda,
ali ovo je zaista tesko za mene
mogu li da dobijem malo saosecanja ?

Ben 10 Intro (German)

When you see an Alien then don't be surprised
When he clicks on his secret and turns into 10 monster
He is having Super Power is a super cool kid
Ben 10 (3x)
The screamer, octopus, shadow monster, gray eminence
For 10 different Heroes he just is having the talent
Hot or cold in every shape smart and really fast
Ben 10 (3x)
With Mega Power he fights for us
Fights every beast until Neptune
He is giving the best never loose
Wins every Race is a Genius
Ben 10 (3x)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Cowboy from Bosnia

I am,baby cowboy from Bosnia
i will kiss your dewy lips
When I enter a bar
All the guys panic
Because all of the girls will be mine
in less than a hour
I can see her from the door
One who's heart is pounding for me
One who's pulling her sisters black hair
I am,baby cowboy from Bosnia
i will kiss your dewy lips
I am,baby cowboy from Bosnia
I'd brake planks with my head for you
Waiter, pour drinks to everybody
It's on me
Pour wine, pour whiskey
juices are for pussies
I am,baby cowboy from Bosnia
i will kiss your dewy lips
I am,baby cowboy from Bosnia
I'd brake planks with my head for you
I'd brake planks
Everything is on me tonight
Let the music play for us
Because the prettiest girl
Cowboy will choose.

The birds in the bower

The birds in the bower
And in the skies the day star
Everything speaks to the young lady
Everything speaks of love to the young lady
Ah! Everything speaks of love
Ah! This is the comely song
The song of Olympia, of Olympia!
Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!
All that sings and resounds
And sighs in turn
Moves her heart that tingles
Moves her heart that tingles with love
A!! ah! tingles with love!
This is the comely song
The song of Olympia, of Olympia!
Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

Sour cherries

The morning is spent in the shack
for the unrising sun
There's a warm fog flying for a while
urban pigeon far away...
Look, the new houses of glass
have the doors painted yellow
don't breathe, now there's not us
with the taste of sour cherries
We will go, you know, at the movies
There's a sea-hedgehogs show
Don't smile and don't wait for us
we'll be then at the movie...


Your name is Gwendolyne
And so is my dream's
Because beautiful thoughts
pull at me still
The voice is there
I ask if you'll remain
And you say yes
Indeed, this is all a dream
amidst the immense sea
Song of green waves
now is so sorrowful
The beautiful white ships,
that travel toward you
They then carry you here to me
O yes these are the flowers
that then wither
But my love will be none other
My song of reminiscences
Such is time
She still rings in me
Mmm mmm, mmmm
la la la la la la, la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la
The name Gwendolyne
My love, Gwendolyn
Me singing always
Singing always only of you
O come again Gwendolyne
O come again here to me
This would be all of my dreams
Iai iai iai, Gwendolyne
mmm mmmm, mmm mmm
mmm mmm, mmmmm
The waves, the noise
The sea, the sea sings
the name Gwendolyne.


Mnogo, mnogo duboko ispod planina sam ih čula kako me dozivaju
Da li ću igrati tu njihovu igricu i reći im
Da sam duboko u sebi čekala borbu da počne
Podižem ruke
Dubok san sad ispod neba potiskajući mrak na mojoj haljini
Gledaj kako menja boju iz bele u crvenu ispod
Čisto belog meseca, priklanjam se ovom vatrenom, drhtavom krevetu
Moram li da podignem ruke, moje krvave ruke
Milosti, milosti, uhvaćena sam
Kako ležim sa mojom najmračnijom misli
Zgrabili su me za krila i priboli na zid
O, svetlosti, molim te pokušaj da se suzdržiš
Podigni me pre nego što se udavim
Buka mi mili ispod kože a ja ne mogu da čujem ništa
Ima jedan dečak iz susednog grada koji dolazi da peva tu u našu ulicu
Gledam ga sa prozora misleći
Duboko, duboko u sebi da bi on bio bogatiji kad bi jednostavno postao lopov
I dalje, on podiže svoje ruke
Prošetam se dole do reke, stanem i drhtim na vetru
Bacam kamenje i gledam kako tonu u
Ledeno plavu, neka se digne malo iznad mojih članaka, ne želim ovu tamu
Ali sunce samo pada sa neba
Milosti, milosti, uhvaćena sam
Kako ležim sa mojom najmračnijom misli
Zgrabili su me za krila i priboli na zid
O, svetlosti, molim te pokušaj da se suzdržiš
Podigni me pre nego što se udavim
Buka mi mili ispod kože a ja ne mogu da čujem ništa
Milosti, milosti, uhvaćena sam
Kako ležim sa mojom najmračnijom misli
Zgrabili su me za krila i priboli na zid
O, svetlosti, molim te pokušaj da se suzdržiš
Podigni me pre nego što se udavim
Buka mi mili ispod kože a ja ne mogu da čujem ništa, ništa

She's Singing And The Sounds Are Melting...

Versions: #2
She's singing and the sounds are melting
Like tender kisses on her lips.
She's glancing and the skies're reflecting
In her divine eyes like eclipse.
When she is walking - all her motions,
When uttering a word - her lines're
So full of feeling and emotion,
Of wondrous innocence and signs.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Part of your World (Ukrainian)

These marvelous human things
Have been in my treasury as well
Perhaps everyone gets jealous of the owner of these trophies
Now I've got the kingdom of beauty
Among the gloomy underwater caves
Perhaps you are also thinking: 'Listen, you live in paradise!'
These fruits were a result of my labour.
I have a whole bag of these ones (who knows how they are called?).
If something is here, it is in amount of twenty pieces,
But in my soul there are so many dreams and thoughts....
I'd like to get to the human world
I would see marvelous dances there
I would see the movements of these,
(How did you call them?)
Ah, 'the feet',
This tail is unused there
Humans need feet in their world.
For they have there a million...
(How do they call them?)
- Roads!
I'm dreaming like someday I will walk,
There, where rays shine from the height!
The bright Sun, it beckons me,
That amazing world!
I would blossom
if I lived outside the water!
I'm dreaming of the happy days on the banks!
How good in those human kingdoms,
Where nobody scolds daughters,
Which dared
and managed
To discover the world!
I will know everything about humans' life
I would ask them, but how to ask:
Where do they get...
(Well, how do they call it?)
Yet I believe,
My time will come
Humans, I'm dreaming about living among you!
Again at the bottom
I was dreaming
of your amazing world...
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

Down to the Terminal

Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
I know that they're closing up now
And I know that they want me to leave
The flies are beginning to look more and more like spaceships
And I think I'm starting to understand
And the girl from the circus is playing sober
When she's clinking empty bottles out on the courtyard
Over by the roundabout some dogs are fighting
And behind Ritz Hotel rain is coming
Kiss me like Sirocco
Kiss me 30 stories up high
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me so that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again
I'm swigging up
My 'Sugar-Conny' drink
I'm going down to the terminal
It feels like a black-and-white, old film
Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again

Family song

I love you all
Ok lets go
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family
At least twice a week
Let's all promise
Have a conversation with your family
It's not difficult
Let's clap, let's clap
Let's clap to the rhythm
Fа - Father
M - Mother
ILY - I love you
Everybody is busy but
Spend some time with the family
Little effort is enough
To make a happy family (I love my family)
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family
At least twice a week
Let's all promise
Have a meal with your family
It's not difficult
Let's dance, let's dance
Dance to the music
Fа - Father
M - Mother
ILY - I love you
Everybody is busy but
Try spendin some time with the family
Little effort is enough
You, can do it! (I love my family)
Wednesday, Wednesday
As the day passes
Wednesday, Wednesday
Happy family
Wednesday, Wednesday
We're all together
Wednesday, Wednesday
A happy family

My Life Is Not More Than This

Neither do I have a name nor fame,
Neither do I have a way nor a house,
I have nowhere to go,
Neither do I have summer nor fall.
If one of my words were a lie, there are many writing my death sentence
Neither is the day known I was born nor the day I died
Life is a permanent Gordian knot to me
Even if it was a lie, a little happiness
Must have been trailed behind you..
Stuff it, my life is not more than this,
Everyone has a secret in the deepest,
Stuff it, my life is not more than this,
Everyone has a secret in the deepest.
Hold my hands tight, don't let them ever go little girl,
For sure we'll meet in happiness..


Versions: #4
Draga, draga nema problem s tim
Da laže samu sebe, jer je njen alkohol vrhunski
Stvarno je uznemirujuće kako dražesna ume da bude
Obmanjujući sve, govoreći im da se zabavlja
Ona kaže ne želiš da budeš poput mene
Ne želiš da vidiš sve stvari koje sam ja videla
Ja umirem, umirem
Ona kaže ne želiš da završiš ovako
Poznata i glupa u mladim godinama
Lažem, ja lažem
Dečacima, devojčicama, svima njima se sviđa Karmen
Uzbuđuje ih, trepka svojim nestvarnim okicama
Smeje se kao Bog, njen um je poput dijamanta
Autotune laže, ona i dalje sija
Poput munje, o, oo, poput munje
Karmen, Karmen ostaje budna do jutra
Samo joj je sedamnaest, ali šeta ulicama tako opako
Zaista je uznemirujuće kako drago možeš izgledati dok jedeš sladoled na točenje1
Kraljice Koni Ajlenda
Ona kaže ne želiš da budeš poput mene
Da tražiš zabavu, da duvaš za džabe
Ja umirem, umirem
Ona kaže ne želiš da završiš ovako
Da šetaš ulicama noću, a da si zvezda danju
Zamorno je, zamorno
Dečacima, devojčicama, svima njima se sviđa Karmen
Uzbuđuje ih, trepka svojim nestvarnim okicama
Smeje se kao Bog, njen um je poput dijamanta
Autotune laže, ona i dalje sija
Poput munje, o, oo, poput munje
Mala je sasvim skockana, nemajući kuda da ide
To je pričica o devojci koju poznaješ
Koja se oslanja na ljubaznost stranaca
Jezikom pravi čvorove od peteljki višnji2, smeje se, pruža usluge na zabavama
Obuci svoju crvenu haljinu, stavi svoj karmin
Pevaj svoju pesmu, pesmu, sada je kamera uključena
I ponovo si živa
Ljubavi moja, znam da i ti mene voliš
Trebam ti
Trebam ti u tvom životu
Ne mogu da živim bez tebe
I umrla bih za tebe
I ubila bih za tebe
Dečacima, devojčicama, svima njima se sviđa Karmen
Uzbuđuje ih, trepka svojim nestvarnim okicama
Smeje se kao Bog, njen um je poput dijamanta
Autotune laže, ona i dalje sija
Poput munje, o, oo, poput munje
Poput munje, o, oo, poput munje
Draga, draga nema problem s tim
Da laže samu sebe, jer je njen alkohol vrhunski
  • 1. „Meki sladoled” takođe dolazi u obzir, ali je ređe u upotrebi.
  • 2. Aluzija na to da se dobro ljubi / da ima dobar rad jezikom.

Jewels and Gems

Versions: #2
I've never been given anything for granted, so I didn't live in Heaven
Mother and father didn't have corn, just bread, jam and tea
And I said that one day I'll have them all
Because I was craving them when I woke up at night
Because I was wearing the same shirt, no matter the weather
The same Puma boots from the SH, with many emblems
I know how it is to have nothing, I know how the absence hurts
When they cut the electicity and bring the eclipse
I know how it's like to want something you dream about
I know how it's like when you can't take it, I know how it's like to
lose it
But this made me stronger, cold like a shield
I listen to the rain and I listen to the thunder
And I know the day I've been dreaming about will come
And I will enjoy everything I never had through tears
The years didn't give me diamonds
Jewels and gems
The years didn't give me diamonds
Now I look at them from far away
The years didn't give me diamonds
Jewels and gems
The years didn't give me options
Now I look at them from far away
Jewels and gems
Poverty gives birth to art, makes out of hooligans, poets
When you see paintings coming out of the dampness on the walls
I was waking up at night to write about what I didn't have
I lied to myself that I had everything and I was faking my hapiness
Dawn left cold log on the window
And I was telling myself to wake up from the dream I was living
One was warm, ten were cold, when the cold days came
I put three sweaters on, I couldn't afford coats
At eighteen years old, the boys with the money
Were steering the Mercedes, they thought they were Americans
They had everything I didn't, because they had drug money
They were known by everyone around the block
But I said no, no, no, no, no, no, no
It's better to have nothing now, but to be a free man under the stars
No, no, no, no, no
Easy days will come, after all these hard days
The years didn't give me diamonds
Jewels and gems
The years didn't give me diamonds
Now I look at them from far away
The years didn't give me diamonds
Jewels and gems
The years didn't give me options
Now I look at them from far away
Jewels and gems

Take me with you

If one day
all of your dreams came true
Don't you think you'd still miss something?
I can't live of just dreams
I will follow you
Don't leave me this way
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
I wish my dreams
would all come true
but without love
how can I believe in this?
The union that will eliminate
the evil with the good
winks to us too
a destiny that you will not change
Take me with you,
Don't delay no more
We will live together
the happiness that every day
life will bring to us
You will sing forever
this song
love will win
Love will win, will win!
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
The happiness every day
will bring us
Me and you
you'll sing forever
this song
love will win

Ova voda nikad neće prestati da teče

Prekrio sam te poput snega,
i svo cveće unutar tebe,
drhtalo je jedno po jedno.
Sigurno zbog nesanice,
svega što se skupilo u glavi,
padalo je jedno po jedno...
Uvek si preduzimao mere predostrožnosti,
Ja sam dizala zabrane,
Pred nama su uvek prepreke,
Ova voda nikad neće prestati da teče.
Životi su nam bili ispunjeni,
poput vodopada koji teku.
Oni koji nisu verovali, čekali su...
Ti si uložio sve svoje nade,
Ništa ti više nije ostalo,
Tvoji prijatelji nisu shvatali.
Uvek si preduzimao mere predostrožnosti,
Ja sam dizala zabrane.
Pred nama su uvek bile prepreke,
Ova voda nikad neće prestati da teče.
Tvoja lepota poput nara je bila skrivena,
Imala si mnogo toga više da daš,
Ljudi nisu verovali u to.
Ćutao si, nisi mnogo pričao,
Onda si pobegao, nisi se ni osvrnuo,
Ljudi su se iznenadili.
Uvek si preduzimao mere predostrožnosti,
Ja sam dizala zabrane.
Pred nama su uvek bile prepreke,
Ova voda nikad neće prestati da teče.


Hej, hej brate
Secas li se kada smo bili deca bez straha ?
Hej, hej sestro
Verujes li u stvari koje smo sanjali da cemo otkriti ?
Jos uvek imam veru
Jos uvek verujem u lov na duge
Oluje nece trajati zauvek,zauvek,zapamti
mozemo zajedno drzati nase ruke
kroz oluju, kroz oluju
oluje nece trajati zauvek, zauvek,zapamti
mozemo zajedno drzati nase ruke
kroz oluju, kroz oluju
Hej , hej majko
da li te cinim ponosnom ili bih mogla bolje
hej, hej oce
tezina se svalila na moja ramena ali to nije kraj
jos uvek imam veru
jos uvek verujem u lov na duge
oluje nece trajati zauvek, zauvek, zapamti
mozemo zajedno drzati nase ruke
kroz oluju, kroz oluju
oluje nece trajati zauvek, zauvek, zapamti
mozemo zajedno drzati nase ruke
kroz oluju, kroz oluju
siri svoju ljubav, pruzi sve sto imas
drzi glavu gore , ne odustaj,ne ne
hej , hej brate, ne odustaj, oh vau vau
oluje nece trajati zauvek, zauvek, zapamti
mozemo zajedno drzati nase ruke
kroz oluju, kroz oluju
siri svoju ljubav, pruzi sve sto imas
drzi glavu gore, ne odustaj, ne ne
siri svoju ljubav , pruzi sve sto imas
drzi glavu gore , kroz oluju


Daughter of the sun, eyes like the sea
Coloured hair, like moon in summer
Sing me about the wind that blows gently
Sing me about the golden wheat in summer
Daughter of the sun, in the middle of a field
Shaking your dress, shaking your hips
You’re like a dream, I can’t grasp you
Your breast in a linen dress enchants me
In the fields, red poppies
dance, shaken by the wind,
they dance with you
who are like a poppy.
I look for you, but where are you?
Daughter of the sun, jewel of life
Mild like the light in a summer night
You’re like a dream, I can’t grasp you
Your breast in a linen dress enchants me
In the fields, red poppies
dance, shaken by the wind,
they dance with you
who are like a poppy.
I look for you, but where are you?

Tomorrow Is Another Day

This is my situation year in year out
Tomorrow is another day
Into ashes without burning like ember1
Patience leads to salvation
Where are those pink tomorrows?
Where are the purple pavements?
Is that why humankind is like this?
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is another day
Patience leads to salvation
Eat it, dude, finish it
Don't let the poor get bread as well
If you eat the earth, you won't be full
Patience leads to salvation
We all have become distortionist
Our fate walks a tightrope
We always walk desperately
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is another day
Patience leads to salvation
  • 1. It is a sentence used as being very miserable without living the amenities of life


Dear ferryman
Get the boat
I turn my head to the left
Everything there is dead
I turn it to the right
And I see all the filth
Dear ferryman, take me away
The water is smooth
The light is pale
On the other shore
My tribunal
What will they say?
Was I always brave?
Was I one of the good ones?
A sheep in the herd?
And I count my demons
And I torment myself, the place where they live
Dear ferryman
I can't tell you
What the world does with me
What the world does with me
I know one thing
That is for sure:
I am only happy sleeping
And only in the night
Dear ferryman
Who killed me?
Is it this one here
That now laughs at me?
Who skinned me?
Who hollowed me out?
It hurts for sure
But I will go
And I count my demons
And I torment myself, the place where they live
And I can't manage to catch them
All that remains for me is to count the demons*

Overture Requiem

Though Ferdinand has been killed
He will forever be alive
If anyone things different
They'll stay cold and stiff
Mourning ribbons flutter in the streets
The morning dawns in dark tones
*Even the dogs howl
Along the sorrowful nation
Oh, Austria, Oh, Austria
Stop drinking beer at pubs
Hurry up and load the cannons
And blow everyone up in the air
Mourning ribbons flutter in the streets
The morning dawns in dark tones
*Even the dogs howl
Along the sorrowful nation
Because Ferdinand is dead
He was our bastion
To guns, wives and men
The kaiser's country must be saved

What Will Be Better?

Seems like night,
Even the most vigilant guardian angel is sleeping,
And the broadcaster has said 'Bye.' a long time ago
And if I'd be asked something about time, I'd say: 'There is none.'
Some park, some chair, me - all alone and
So many questions
But if you would be here, I'd know everything that isn't allowed to be known
Then someone touched me
Is it a hand or a wing?
But there is nothing - only the moon and me.
Blood pulsed in my veins, but I felt that someone was here.
'Begin then, begin then, where do you come from, and tell
about what has not been approved by fate.'
I kept asking: 'Will you be able?'
And he said: 'I will be able.'
Then tell me, what will be better?
Giving everything, or that, which I can gather?
Tell me, tell me what will be better?
Tell me, tell me what will be better?
Give myself to others or keep something in myself
Tell me, tell me what will be better?
What will be better?


I know: it will rain tonight again
Air and warmth slowly fills my chest
A 100 seas will overflow
Dismantling highways and bridges
I know: it will rain again tonight
You won't be here and it will only get colder
Why are we so afraid of the new?
Are we afraid that we won't be able to tell good from bad?
It rains, and while I count the drops,
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
A 100 seas will rush you to me
While waiting
You can be silent in so many ways,
Be silent just to save your voice
When a 100 seas will overflow
All borders and countries between us will be dismantled
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
A 100 seas will rush you to me
And even if it rains again tonight
And even if the seas overflow
A 100 seas will rush you to me
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
A 100 seas will rush you to me
While waiting for you, while waiting for you, while waiting for you