Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 8



Ti, pesniče, smirio si svet.
U zamak zidova naselio si duše bez okova.
Trinaest godina, bez reči.
Strah izgnao, zakopao, mostove si zapalio.
Mada tvoje ulice su prazne.
Znaš, da misli su opet lažne.
U grehovima tek se pronađeš.
Sada stojiš na ivici provalije,
u dubini strah prevladava.
Sam ćeš izabrati sebi kaznu.
Poslednjeg dana te doziva tvoja savest,
ali se ne odazivaš.
Čekaš, a nema spasonosnog kanapa.
Lopove reči, ukradeš svet.
A polja snova poslednjeg dana
uzme ti orkan.
Srušila se brana nesreće.
Na tom mestu nema više tamnice.
Sakrio si se bez rana, ostao si sam.
Večna laž te je uhvatila u zamku,
sada padaš tiho izvan vremena.
Ko će ti stati u odbranu?


Hladno telo
Miran puls srca
More bez granica.
Belo nebo
Tečem kroz vreme
Ozbiljan je izraz
Na površini sve je mirno
A u meni je haos.
Haos, haos, haos...
Glavom unazad
Svet se obrće
Sad sve lakše je.
Na tlu je nebo
Kiša pada sa tla
Suze izlivam van.
Na površini sve je mirno
A u meni je haos.
Haos, haos, haos...
Na površini sve je mirno
a u meni je...
Jedan plus jedan je nula
Lepota nije veličanstvena, već kič.
Bez pobede nastao je poraz
Uhvaćen si u klopku
Istina je laž!
Kada je dosta te igre?
Zavesa se sad spušta dole.
Orkestar svira za tebe
Snovi su buka
Ti opet toneš u haos.
Haos, haos, haos...
Na površini sve je mirno
A u meni je...
U meni je, u meni je...
Na površini sve je mirno,
A u meni je haos.


Cold body,
Calm heartbeat,
Sea without limits.
White sky,
I'm passing through the time,
The expression is serious...
Everything's calm on the surface,
But in me there's a chaos.
Chaos, chaos, chaos...
With head moving backwards,
The world's spinning,
Now everything's easier.
Sky is on the surface,
It's raining from the bottom,
I'm pouring my tears out...
Everything's calm on the surface,
But in me there's a chaos.
Chaos, chaos, chaos...
Everything's calm on the surface,
But in me there's a...
One plus one is zero,
Beauty isn't great, it's kitsch.
Defeat emerged without win,
You're caught in a trap,
Truth is a lie!
When will that game end?
The curtain's falling down now.
Orchestra plays for you,
Dreams are noise,
And again you're sinking into the chaos...
Chaos, chaos, chaos...
Everything's calm on the surface,
But in me there's a...
In me there's a, in me there's a...
Everything's calm on the surface,
But in me there's a chaos.

Black and White

A bright shadow, is revealing,
The thought, that we are impermanent.
With fears I'm hiding,
I want something that I'm pushing off.
A step forward and you're already gone.
Give me one look and you disappear into the lights.
When I'm searching for myself, I lose you.
When I find myself, you're gone.
Every answer of yours has a question mark.
Even you don't know why.
A step forward and you're already gone.
Give me one look and you disappear into the lights.
A step forward and you're already gone.
Give me one look and you disappear into the lights.
A bright night, look at these dark lights.
You are now black and white, you have colorful eyes.