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I'd like

Versions: #3
I'm your best friend
Your handkerchief of tears
Of lost love
You lean on my shoulder
Your crying won't stop
I only caress you
And you tell me why is life so cruel with your feelings
I only hug you and comfort you
You ask me for a thousand tips to protect you
From your next encounter, you know I take care of you
What you don't know is that..
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me
You stay glaring at me
And you ask me
If something's going on
And I don't know what to do
If you knew that I'm dying
I'd like to tell you, how I feel
But I'm afraid that you'll reject me
And you'll only live in my mind forever
That's why..
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise for filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise for filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me

It hurts

W Yandel
I have tried not to cry
I have tried to laugh
And your memory hurts me
Why do you want to destroy me?
Tell me what happened to us
Why are you like that?
If our love is over
You had to tell me
Ladies and gentlemen, Yandel
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
A house smells like you
To your perfume and your smell
But I know that I lost you
Tell me what I do with the pain
(You know that I am appearing)
Baby, I swear to you that it hurts me
You want that my heart freezes
I'm dying, I need someone to comfort me
Is that I don't spend a minute without thinking about you
Mommy, I loved you
Why did you discard me
As a dog?
I feel that I am burying myself
I try to get you out
But the wound don't close
Well that the pain wraps me
Your scent continues on my clothes
I keep suffering
And you shooting me to burn clothes
Sometimes love hurts
There are days in which it hurts
When two souls love each other
And they end up being strangers
Both awakening in someone else's arms
There is something that doesn't make sense here
You thinking about me
When I miss you
Love exists and doesn't want to die
Tell me what I did if you were my heaven
You know very well what I would give for you
The smell of your hair is still here in my bed
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
(I keep fighting with your memory)
If only I didn't think always about you
You memory won't torment me so much
(It's a daily war)
Every night I cry and ask God for you
Because I'm clear
That I wasn't a saint
Let's go, Yandel!
I will be going crazy
I see you knowing that I am alone
I walk with broken heart
Willing to fix everything
But wake up and realize
That you are not here
Accept that you won't come back to me
How big is the bed
Oh, how it hurts and you don't call
I miss your voice, your body, your hair
Your way of being
Your clothes on the floor
Try to forget you, know that I love you
Have to leave it to him everything at the time
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
It hurts to love you like that
It hurts to miss you like that
It hurts from the day, baby
In which I lost you
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Don't Talk To Me About Yesterday

In the night I felt you,
Inside me,
In my nostalgia i saw you.
And like that I discovered,
That I don't want to be,
Without you.
If some day I offended you,
I regretted,
And today I ask you again,
That you are next to me.
I want to fly,
And figure out,
All the verses that are in your dreams.
I want to live,
Grow with you,
And in an instant make you laugh,
And like that, feel that you are for me.
Don't talk to me about yesterday,
That's important now,
I just want to hug you,
Take my hands today,
And kiss me
Take me to heaven again.
Wrapped up in your skin.
I want to fly,
And figure out,
All the verses that are in your dreams.
I want to live,
Grow with you,
And in an instant make you laugh,
And like that, feel that you are for me.

Kidnap Me

If I had to define everything that I feel
I would tell you how close and so far away.
So tell me, tell me
if I go over there
or if you come, only you,
alone here.
So tell me, tell me,
tell me how much more should I
suffer to have you near
mouth to mouth.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace
of our being.
Come down tonight and save me
in your pants
Reveal the trick,
I want to be like this,
a tiny, a little, close
and feel the heat.
And come, come, come guide me and raise me up.
Come, come, come and hold me.
Come, see that I love you here.
I only think of you.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace of our being.
Kidnap me.
Kidnap me.
Take me.
Take me.
Ooooh, kidnap me.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace of our being.
How it increases,
how our being increases.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
Every millimeter, millimeter.
Oh, oh.
Each kiss increases the rhythm of our being.
Oh oh.

Friends with benefits

I lend you my eyes so you can see
how beautiful you are,
I lend you my hands so you can touch
the clouds if you want to.
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Hey, hey, listen to how we met...
It was 8:15 on the Plaza de San Juan
You were walking with a couple more friends.
You played the naughty one, like you don't want
the thing, you threw me a mysterious look.
Kill me, intoxicate me with that little mouth
come with your body, seduce me.
Let's remove the clothes
That way you look more naked, baby.
For me you are my lady, I'm your Maluma baby,
friends with benefits, your good profit
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night ,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Let's kiss and let it be our secret.
although the whole world already suspects what we have...


Istina je, lagao sam te
Osuđeni smo da živimo
Daleko i da priznamo da
Ne postoji rešenje koje možemo pronaći
Poljubi me kada ljubiš njega
Kao što ja to radim u tajnosti
Sanjaj me i pusti me da zaboravim
Da smo dva brodoloma bez mora
Tvrdoglav, obećao sam
Da ću ostaviti sve po strani, ali nisam ispunio
Izneverio sam nas, odustao sam
Ljubavi, ne nedostaješ mi
Tvoja ljubav mi ne nedostaje, ali
Poljubi me kada ljubiš njega
Kao što ja to radim u tajnosti
Sanjaj me i pusti me da zaboravim
Da smo dva brodoloma bez mora
Poljubi me kada ljubiš njega
Kao što ja to radim u tajnosti
Sanjaj me i pusti me da zaboravim
Da smo dva brodoloma bez mora
Da smo dva brodoloma bez mora

Želeo bih

Najbolji sam ti prijatelj,
Maramica tvojim suzama
Zbog izgubljenih ljubavi...
Naslanjaš mi se na rame
Ne prestaješ da plačeš,
Ja te samo milujem...
I kažeš mi zašto je život tako surov prema tvojim osećanjima
I samo te grlim i tešim
Tražiš mi milion saveta da se zaštitiš
Od narednog susreta, znaš da te čuvam
Ono što ne znaš je da...
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga ostaješ budna i očajavaš
Želeo bih da budem tvoj plač, onaj izazvan osećanjima
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga se budiš uzbuđena
Želeo bih da uvek budeš zaljubljena u mene
Gledaš me
I pitaš me
Šta mi je...
I ja ne znam šta da radim,
Kada bi znala da umirem
Želeo bih da ti kažem šta osećam, ne
Ali plašim se da ćeš me odbiti
I da ćeš zauvek živeti samo u mojim mislima
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga ostaješ budna i očajavaš
Želeo bih da budem tvoj plač, onaj izazvan osećanjima
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga se budiš uzbuđena
Želeo bih da uvek budeš zaljubljena u mene
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga ostaješ budna i očajavaš
Želeo bih da budem tvoj plač, onaj izazvan osećanjima
Želeo bih da budem taj zbog koga se budiš uzbuđena
Želeo bih da uvek budeš zaljubljena u mene

Već sam saznao

Već sam saznao
Da ti neko novi miluje kožu
Neki idiot koga želiš da ubediš
Da smo ti i ja prošlost
Već sam saznao
Da sam ja negativac i da ti svi veruju
Da si bolje od kad me više ne viđaš
Da si srećnija sa drugim
Koga misliš da zavaravaš?
Dobro znaš da si moja druga polovina
Zaboravi tog gubitnika
I reci mu
Da sam ja bolji
Da mu nisi verna
U srcu
I da si moja i samo moja ljubavi
Oprosti se od tog gubitnika
Koji zamišlja da ja više ne postojim
Stavi mu da znanja da iako pokušava
Da ga nećeš voleti
Istina je da ti nedostajem previše
Već sam saznao eh eh eh e emm
Vratićeš se
Siguran sam da ćeš se varatiti
Sa njim si samo zbog sigurnosti
Ali dosadno ti je u njegovom zagrljaju
Koga misliš da zavaravaš?
Dobro znaš da si moja druga polovina
Zaboravi tog gubitnika
I reci mu
Da sam ja bolji
Da mu nisi verna u srcu
I da si moja i samo moja ljubavi
Oprosti se
Od tog gubitnika
Koji zamišlja
Da ja više ne postojim
Stavi mu da znanja
Da iako pokušava
Da ga nećeš voleti... Neee ouhh
Istina je da ti nedostajem previše
Već sam saznao eh eh eh e eyy
Istinia je da ti nedostajem previše
Već sam saznao
Već sam saznao... uh uh uh oh uh

Podignutih glava

Znam da mnogo boli sećati se
Da osećaš potrebu da plačeš
Ali ne želim da pričam gledajući te u leđa
Ostalo nam je samo još malo
Priča se približava kraju
I ne žeilm da se osećam kao da je bilo uzalud
Niko me nije toliko voleo
Sada jasno vidim koliko
Završimo ovu ljubav podignutih glava
Za one dane pune snova
Za one osmehe koji se neće vratiti
Za onaj poljubac koji samo što nije ubio
Budimo razumni za trenutak
Za sećanja...
Znam da će se život nastaviti
Da ćeš upoznati nekog novog
I da će ovo naše biti trag prošlosti
Vidi, toliko toga nije bilo dobro
I samo poslednji put
Zamislimo život kao da se ovo nije završilo
Niko me nije toliko voleo
Sada jasno vidim koliko
Završimo ovu ljubav podignutih glava
Za one dane pune snova
Za one osmehe koji se neće vratiti
Za onaj poljubac koji samo što nije ubio
Budimo razumni za trenutak
Za one dane pune snova
Za one osmehe koji se neće vratiti
Za onaj poljubac koji samo što nije ubio
Budimo razumni za trenutak
Za sećanja...

Kako me boli

Ponestaje mi vremena
Ne mogu više ni dan bez tebe
Suze počinju da padaju
Počinjem da vidim lepotu jednog početka
I tugu jednog kraja
Ali tako me boli, strahujem da te imam.
Kako da te imam ako me već boli da te izgubim?
Ali tako me boli, strahujem da te imam.
Kako da te imam ako me već boli da te izgubim?
Tvoj zagrljaj je dah
Poljupcem me održavaš živim
Tvoj pogled je lep izlazak sunca
Ako sam toliko čekao da vidim,
Da osetim nešto tako jako
Veoma je tužno videti njegov kraj
Ali tako me boli, strahujem da te imam.
Kako da te imam ako me već boli da te izgubim?
Ali tako me boli, strahujem da te imam.
Kako da te imam ako me već boli da te izgubim?
Boli me da te izgubim
Ako sam toliko čekao da vidim,
Da osetim nešto tako jako
Veoma je tužno videti njegov kraj

We will see

You look for me, I find you
I hug you and you enter me
We are not fortune tellers, yeah
And if we try it we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
Tell me with your body how you feel
And I'll give you everything I am
I want to have you with me
I can erase your doubts
And if we try it we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
You know that no one stops me
And that this doesn't agree with love
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We play to make you fall in love
You kiss me and you lose control
We try it, we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
And if we try it we try it and now
And if we try it and now
We will see
And if we try it we try it and now
And if we try it and now
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see


Versions: #4
She was so beautiful...she was so beautiful
that her look still burns me
how I’d like to forget her
but she gets close and I can’t help it
Because when she talks with her eyes
she says things I can’t understand
and she undresses herself little by little
And she becomes your skin
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
It was like a story
She left like the wind
Sometimes I tell myself
That maybe I’m imagining things
If I could at least
have some proof
Some memory that I was with her
I’m going a bit crazy
Sometimes I wake
And I feel my grief
That murmurs in my ear
And it says “where are you love”
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart

A true love

Versions: #2
I feel you with me
In every beat
In my heart
If I feel lost
I find the North
Just by listening to your voice
Hurricanes can pass
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love
If you're by my side
The past doesn't matter
There is no more pain oh no
The cloudy sky
And cold wind
Left with your heat
Hurricanes can return
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
And you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love


Tesko je otvoriti svoje oci i ne videti te vise,
Tvoj miris u krevetu jos uvek je netaknut,
Trazio sam te u mojim snovima zeleci da te imam,
I ne pronalazim tvoje lice koliko god da pokusavam,
Jos uvek stoje tvoje slike u svakom cosku kuce,
I tisina mi o tebi prica,Previse je prostora,
Od kad nisi tu, dao bih sve sto imam,
Da te imam, zasto se vracas,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Nemogu da prihvatim da nisi vise ovde, bez tebe nista nije isto,
Znam da na svetu nema slicne tebi,
Sta si mi uradila, da ne mogu da te zaboravim,
Ti me volis na svoj nacin,
Moj um bi zeleo, da me nadjes bi zeleo,
Moje srce kaze da tebe ceka,
Da se vratis dalo bi sve,
Ali ti si, devojka, sa solijcom*,
Govoris mi kako da te zaboravim, i u tvojim ocima vidim da lazes,
Sada mogu da kazem, ljubavi, patanja je ono sto osecam,
Izbacicu te iz moje glave i to ce biti odjednom,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Ubija me samoca,
Boli me znati da nisi tu,
Zelim da mislim da je sve ovo laz,
I da ako te pozovem javices se, i kad padne noc vratiti,
Jos uvek mozemo pokusati, ne udaljavaj se od mog zivota,
Jos uvek sam ovde zbunjen i sam,
Placem po noci, umirem po danu,
Zivim ovu agoniju ne mogu da razumem,
Da vise nisi moja,
Krug se zatvara i bol me zakopava,
Tesko je ziveti u ovom ratu,
Poricem, iako kazes da sam slep,
Od kas si otisla nemiran sam,
Rastrojen, od tvoje se slike ne pomeram,
Ako si ti moj zivot, zasto me pustas?
Ja nisam izasvao tvoj odlazak, potreban mi je tvoj miris,
Potrebna mi je tvoja toplota, potrebno mi je da te vidim na sebi u donjem vesu,
Jos uvek stoje tvoje slike u svakom cosku kuce,
I tisina mi o tebi prica,Previse je prostora,
Od kad nisi tu, dao bih sve sto imam,
Da te imam, zasto se vracas,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Poricem da te izgubim, da te nikad vise ne vidim,
Poricem da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,
Da je se ovo nase zavrsilo,


Reiko slim waist​ funky girl
Reiko stature perfectly suitable
Lean on style, felt upset and cried that time
Short temper lady that can't calm down
Reiko nice curious sexy girl
Understand my feelings
As you can see, I keep chasing passion
I'm still holding the image from time's love painting ​
Reiko my love make up your mind
For all the other lovers this is being boring
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in the a man' sea
Reiko, slim waist​ funky girl
I can't replace Reiko's kisses with others kisses
Reiko I want to touch you in love style
I want to hear your blue's voice that nobody knows
I'm still holding the image from the distant window painting
I can't I can't All of you I can't I can't
I can't I can't All of you I can't I can't
A man looks for a dream in a woman's sea
A woman looks for protection in a man's love
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in a man's sea
A man looks for a dream in a woman's sea
A woman looks for protection in a man's love
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in a man's sea..