Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 99
Кратка поема 2
Јуче и данас-историја и успомена,
радост и брига,
сан и циљ.
Your Memory in Me
Your memory in me is a solitary whirring of pedal-bikes that go peaceably where the height of noon descends to the more blazing sunset amongst gates and houses and wistful inclines of windows reopened onto summer.What’s left of me, only a faraway wail of steam trains lingers, of souls that are departing.
And light on the wind there you leave, lose yourself in the evening.
And light on the wind there you leave,
lose yourself in the evening.
Тихо је дошла смрт
У тузи без днаУ болу и у јаду
Ту се бескрајно задржавате
Наћи ћете мир
Врлина сузе
Тако јасно и тако чисто
Твоји дани су прошли
Твоје име уклесано у камену
Тихо је дошла смрт
Дошао је као пријатељ
Узео те за твоју храбру руку
И одвео те кући
Сви твоји дани су сада прошли
Душа ти је летела, никад се неће вратити
Смири бол коју си поднео сам
До последњег часа, само је ваш терет био
Ваша душа је сада отишла кући
Живот га више не може повредити
Дан је прешао у ноћ, твоје сунце је зашло
Срце вам је утихнуло и нашли сте мир
Тихо је дошла смрт
Узео те у наручје
Водио вас над олујним морима
У тиху луку
Отишао ... заувек
Промашено ... бескрајно
Најзад ... животни пут до краја је био
Непокретно ...
Ниједан пораз није био скупљи
Ово је моје збогом
Имам још једно да дам
Тако оптерећен теретом живота
Коначно ми се срце сломило
У муци душе
У Такехеиму и Сøргедалу
Затворићу те
У срцу мога срца
Ту морате да се задржите
Као драгоцено сећање
December Snow
Winter nights and starlit skiesA velvet light adorned your eyes
That twinkle then somehow let go
Now too far gone, like last years snow
Somewhere in the distance
I saw you turn away
You're eyes were cold, they had lost their glow
Cold as December snow
And the morning light
Will never come to life
I close my eyes for one last time
In the dead of night
Under the pale star light
I'll lay to rest until all stars alight
Closing doors, a faded dream
These inner wars eternally
You speak to me from a waning star
These arcane words from so afar
Far beyond existence
Where darkness rules each day
You closed the door on what was before
Then returned here nevermore
Your eyes of gold and amber
Looked away from me, when you left
Then they were replaced by an empty and cold look
Frozen, as the snow of December was falling
And the morning light
Will never come to life
I close my eyes for one last time
In the dead of night
Under the pale star light
I'll lay to rest until all stars alight
Why have not you come?
Why have not you come?When the Moon has risen
I was waiting for you
Whether you'd not horse
Or you didn't know way
Your Mom didn't let you?
And I had a horse
And I knew the way
And my Mom did let me
My younger sister
She is not adult
Hid a saddle from me
But my elder sister
Found a saddle fast
Made my horse's been saddled
'Ride my brother to
To your girl friend
Who was waiting for you'
River's going flow
It's not big it's small
If I want I'll jumping
Let me please my Mom
Oh my native Mom
To follow who I'm wishing
Why have not you come?
Why have not you come?
Why have not you come?
Became Fog
The nights broke me to piecesI remained myself in the dark
I'm just watching you from my broken window to fly on
I get tired, I sleep in the cold
Wake me up if it ends
Maybe it's not the reality what I see
Just another misconception
Everything is so obscure yet
All dream became gray fog
Believe me, I would run, I would fly
But the chain of life pulls me back
Pulls me back, beaten on chain
Pulls me back, keeps beaten on chain
Pulls me back, the reality keeps me on chain
I want to be free so much
Everything fell to pieces
And the pictures broke
I'm waiting the miracle so much, that with the dawn's
Light I fly on
Just fly on
Just fly on
Just fly on
I Withstand
Versions: #2A watercourse now the life while you're jilting
Is1as cold as a welldigger's ears in January2
My heart's iced over
The life's at a standstill
Inside my heart is like post-war
In a welter of blood
It's just like a snowball, believe me
Your absence is a tortion under the sun
There's a life dyed with my transgressions for the rest
Written with tears per line in my words
I withstand your anguish again, the world!
Your loves were pork pies3 too
I'm continuing to live from pure spite but, don't ask
In the midst of the apocalypse...
Са траговима живота по нама, мењамо стварностКријемо се у ономе што сада називамо зрелошћу
Па ипак би требало премотати живот
И понекада осетим да се магија завршила
Када слушам песму од пре неколико година
Или пролазе на телевизији старе рекламе
Помислим како сам некада умео чак и да чекам
А сада нема времена ни да се поразговара
Каткад зауставим свет, да, и уроним у те вечери
Била си ту, ведрино, сада ко зна на ком ће те небу бити
Зашто више не летиш овуда? Видећеш ме поново, нећеш ме изгубити
И сада, када је неки нови Август тамо напољу, ко зна
Неко је преузео наше место изгубљених у овом граду
И застајем овде размишљајући како је можда било боље
Време у коме смо имали нас у (целој) овој ситуацији
Не, зашто да се кријем? Знам да у суштини не верујем у то
Била си ту, ведрино, сада ко зна на ком ће те небу бити
Зашто више не летиш овуда? Видећеш ме поново, нећеш ме изгубити
Али једно лепо јутро које се упалило само од себе
Један пријатељ на улици: ”Сећаш ли ме се?”
Причамо, а у позадини боје које не виђам никада
И сада гледам унаоколо, тражим те и знам да ћеш доћи
Где идеш, ведрино? Остани овде, дај не одлази
Склопи крила и, ко зна, можда успем да те не изгубим
Била си ту, ведрино
Склопи крила и, ко зна, видећеш ме поново
Ти ме нећеш изгубити, нећеш ме изгубити
Հայկյան նետի թռիչքն է ինձ թև տալիս,Ավարայրից Վարդանն է ինձ ձայն տալիս,
Քաջ ֆիդայիք երգի կարոտը սրտում,
Հաղթանակի լույս փարոսն են ինձ տալիս:
Կույր փամփուշտն է ականջիս տակ շառաչում,
Նախնյաց փառքով կռվի դաշտ եմ ես իջնում,
ԵՎ մայրական սուրբ աղոթքի օգնությամբ,
Մեր Արցախում ոսոխի դեմ մարտնչում:
Սրտիս ամեն զարկը քոնն է Հայրենիք,
Պատիվն իմն է, փառքը քոնն է Հայրենիք,
Կյանքիդ համար հեղած արյան կաթիլներն
Ու իմ ջահել կյանքը քոնն են Հայրենիք
Հաղթանակած տուն կդառնամ ես շուտով,
Մի հայուհի ինձ է սպասում կարոտով,
Որ պարգևի հայրենիքին նոր զինվոր,
Չէ որ կողքն է մեր թշնամին դարավոր:
I Hereby
I hereby take it upon myselfTo love
To love
With all the hatred within me
To love
To love
The whole world is not at fault for my problems
For my losses and my doubts
And where are all my deeds and attributes
I hereby take it upon myself
Today, I am taking responsibility
For all the foolish things that I've done
To all those whom I've hurt, forgive me
For my walls, my hesitations, my defenses
For my negativity and underestimation
For my jealousy and my grudge
I take it upon myself to realize that I'm reckless and agitated
And to accept the consequences
Of my mistakes
With all the anger in my heart, over all my surroundings
This expectation that others will act or think like me
I hereby take it upon myself
To love
A love that does not depend on anything
To live in peace with who I am
And to let go of the past, at last
I take it upon myself
To let go of the one I loved
To let her live her life in peace
And to wish her well
She deserves to love as well
She deserves to love as well
The Beau and the Sea + Shecharchoret + Morenika (Medley)
The beau is in the hammam1the beau is in the hammam,
dressed all in red,
she has emerged from the sea.
Cast yourself into the sea,
cast yourself into the sea and reach him
cast yourself into the sea.
Yes, I'll gladly go into the sea
yes, I'll gladly go into the sea
if my mother-in-law allows me,
she has emerged from the sea.
Cast yourself into the sea,
cast yourself into the sea and reach him
cast yourself into the sea.
The beau has emerged from the sea
the beau has emerged from the sea
with in a white silk dress
she has emerged from the sea.
Cast yourself into the sea,
cast yourself into the sea and reach him
cast yourself into the sea.
Between the sea and the sand
between the sea and the sand
a true cinnamon tree grew between us
she has emerged from the sea.
Cast yourself into the sea,
cast yourself into the sea and reach him
cast yourself into the sea.
Cast yourself into the sea and reach him
cast yourself into the sea...
They call me dark beauty
I was born fair skinned
the heat of the summer sun
has turned my skin dark.
Dark beauty
so beautiful,
there's a burning fire in your eyes
my heart belongs to you.
They call me dark beauty
all of the men at sea
if they beckon me again
I'll go with them.
Dark beauty
so beautiful,
there's a burning fire in your eyes
my heart belongs to you.
They call me little dark beauty,
the sailors call me this
if they beckon me again
I'll go with them.
Little dark beauty, you're fascinating
you're dark skinned and I'm gracious
and you have such dark eyes
you're dark skinned and I'm gracious
and you have such dark eyes.
If they beckon me again
I'll go with them.
If they beckon me again
I'll go with them.
If they beckon me again
I'll go with them.
- 1. or 'turkish bath' is the Turkish variant of the Roman bath, steambath, sauna, or Russian banya, distinguished by a focus on water, as distinct from ambient steam.
Reflecting on the Sunset
I made time into moneyI made money into alcohol
I laughed because I had nothing left
Is it normal to feel excited but not fun?*
Too many opportunities missed
Because of this dirty heart
I'm living in these ridiculous days
But forgive me, forgive me
Can't forget, can't forget
No way I can forget
All the memories of me falling down
Are all part of me anyway
I don't want to ashamed of who I am
Even if you are leaving me
There are foolish loves that just can't be helped, you know
There was a time at dusk
When you and I laughed together for the last time
It was like the first time
You knew it too
Only this hesitant heart that regrets everything
I threw away to be myself
Is settling in my place
Which is bad, I know it's bad, but
Can't forget, can't forget
No way I can forget
These days becoming meaningless
As I forgive them
What else there except
Keeping my promises I made with mysefl?
This way of keeping myself the way I am
That you told me you liked
'But I need to go soon'
When the sun set in and the sky is dark
'But right, you need to go soon'
I can't help myself from seeing your eye's gleam*
Can't forget, can't forget
No way I can forget
All the memories of me falling down
Are all part of me anyway
Like how scars can still give pain
Even if you fill everyday with happy things
The happiness you gave me can't be erased
With a mere scar
The Girl from Liverpool
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)And where do you go? (I come to you.)
I found you in my arms.
You will stay here. (If you want.)
And in Liverpool? (I will never return.)
Our story began.
(And this happened, who knows when—)
(a day, a month, a year ago?)
How long did it last? (I don't know, I don't know.)
And when he (took me away)
I realized that I loved you a bit.
You are already leaving? (Yes, I'm leaving.)
And with whom do you go? (I go to him.)
He liked you more than me!
Will you write to me? (I will write to you.)
Will you come back? (I don't know, I don't know.)
Our story ended like that.
(And I returned without her,)
(where I asked her)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
And where do you go? (I come to you.)
I found you in my arms.
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.) ...
Never Tell Me Goodbye
I see springtime in your eyes.I feel a first love in your kisses.
Everything is new in me, now that you're here,
and after you, I will never love again.
Never tell me, never tell me goodbye.
If you love me, never say it.
The clear night falls and you are with me.
A new day is born and you are with me.
You always exist within my dreams,
and after you I will never love again.
Never tell me, never tell me goodbye.
If you love me, never say it.
Oh my darling, never tell me,
never tell me goodbye,
if you love me,
never say it—
never goodbye.
The Red Carnation
No, that's not a red carnationon the heart—no, it is not.
Do you know what is it?
It is an ancient wound of love—of your love.
But you will not bring red flowers (you have no heart).
You do not—you never felt pain (you have no heart).
And when others ask me what it is—
that red flower—I have to answer this.
No, that's not a red carnation
on the heart—no, it is not.
Do you know what is it?
It is an ancient wound of love—of your love.
(You have no heart.)
And when others ask me what it is—
that red flower—I have to answer this.
No, that's not a red carnation
on the heart—no, it is not.
Do you know what is it?
It is an ancient wound of love—that will never heal.
Before Tomorrow
Before tomorrow, the world might end.Let's not waste time, just say yes.
But, if at dawn, you see that the earth still turns,
I'm not part of it—it is not my fault—
no, no, no.
(It will be a night realized)
(a wait will be spared)
(and, in the end, in the depths of your thoughts)
I know you will thank me.
Before tomorrow, the world might end.
But if you love me, it does not matter to me.
But, if at dawn, you see that the earth still turns,
I'm not part of it—it is not my fault—
no, no, no.
(It will be a night realized)
(a wait will be spared)
(and, in the end, in the depths of your thoughts)
I know you will thank me.
Before tomorrow, the world might end.
But if you love me, it does not matter to me.