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Број резултата: 12


Matter of Feeling

R: Two strangers meeting
In the elevator and already desire rises
F: Two strangers meeting
Stopping their race against time
Alone, all alone, at the edge of the world
R: Alone, up there in that glass hotel
It start like a news story
I gave you
F: A glass
I lit your cigarette
The alcohol made me drunk
R: Eye to eye
F: We opened fire
R: 3 billion human on Earth
And how many lonely hearts?
Why the two of us?
R + F: Why us and not them?
R: It's a matter of feeling
F: It's a matter of feeling
R : It's a matter of feeling
In the infinite universe
F: Our parallel lives
R: Parallel
Crossed tonight
The day is starting
It's like a dream
A dream ending
F: I want to see you again
It's a matter of feeling
R : It's a matter of feeling
It's a matter of feeling
F: It's a matter of feeling
R + F: Two strangers meeting
Stopping their race against time
It's a matter of feeling
A poker hand
3 billion human on Earth
And how many lonely hearts?
It's a matter of feeling
R: It's a matter of feeling
F: It's a matter of feeling
It's a matter of feeling
R: It's a matter of feeling

Voleti se kao pre

Voleti se
Kao pre
Pre nesrećnih događaja i promena
Voleti se
Još uvek oklevajući
Otkrivajući ljubav i ponovo otkrivajući vreme
Neko se smeje
Čujem nekoga da se smeje
Da se smeje meni
Ma smeje se kome?
Voleti se
Kao deca
Puni nade, nestrpljivi
I uprkos onim pogledima beznađa
Modernim stavovima
Voleti se kao deca
Deca bombi
Katastrofa i nadolazećih pretnji
Deca cinizma
Naoružana do zuba
Voleti se
Kao pre
Pre nesrećnih događaja i promena
I ako se svet rasprši
Ako se raspadne
Pustite ih, pustite ih, pustite ih
Da se vole kao pre
I ako se svet rasprši
Ako se raspadne
Pustite ih, pustite ih, pustite ih
Da se vole kao pre
Deca bombi
Metropola i zagađenih šuma
Deca budućnosti
Programirani i potisnuti
Voleti se
Kao pre
Pre nesrećnih događaja i promena
I ako se svet rasprši
Ako se raspadne
Pustite ih, pustite ih, pustite ih
Da se vole kao pre
Voleti se
Kao pre
Pre nesrećnih događaja i promena
Voleti se
Kao pre

Zaboravio sam

Koliko dirki ima moj klavir
One spavaju nepomične kao misli
Najniža je život, najviša smrt
Svetlost na belima, noć na crnima
Koliko prstiju imaju moje ruke
Samo deset, kao i moje ljubavi
Plavi drhtaji predaleki
Kao ljudi koji tamo trče
Zaboravio sam
Kako se leti visoko iznad krovova
I onda, ti si me naučila
Daleka ljubavi koja me možda čekaš
Zaboravio sam
Kako se živi
I kako se umire
I onda
Ti si me naučila
Jedne letnje večeri
Pre nego što si otišla
Koliko zvezda večeras ima moje nebo
Onoliko koliko mogu da izbrojim
Onoliko koliko vidim i koliko osetim
Onoliko koliko mogu da zagrlim
Koliko prozora ima moj grad
Usta magle koje ujedaju sunce
Drveni prsti koji dodiruju nebo
Milujući dan koji umire
Zaboravio sam
Kako se leti visoko iznad krovova
I onda, ti si me naučila
Daleka ljubavi koja je možda čekaš
Zaboravio sam
Kako se živi
I kako se umire
I onda
Ti si me naučila
Jedne letnje večeri
Pre nego što si otišla
Koliko fioka ima moje sećanje
Puno rđe i tuge
Požutelih fotografija i trunke priča
Koje je jesenji vetar odneo daleko
Koliko kose na mojoj glavi
I koliko vetra pred mojim licem
Ali na kraju, ono što ostaje
To je uvrnuta senka jednog osmeha
Zaboravio sam
Kako se leti visoko iznad krovova
I onda, ti si me naučila
Daleka ljubavi koja je možda čekaš
Zaboravio sam
Kako se živi
I kako se umire
I onda
Ti si me naučila
Jedne letnje večeri
Pre nego što si otišla

Uspomena na jedan trenutak

Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da umre.
Kada se istinski voli
Ništa te više ne plaši
Ni vreme, ni ljudi
Ni nebo koje se mrači.
A kada stigne, kuca snažno
Ponekad zaboli
Kada sruši vrata
I sruči se u tvoje srce.
Nisi shvatao, nisi znao
Šta je spavalo u tebi
Ova ljubav koju sada osećaš
Veliku i snažnu u sebi
Kada se istinski voli
Ništa te više ne plaši
Ni vreme, ni ljudi
Ni nebo koje se mrači
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Duža je od života
Uvek ostaje uz tebe
Ako je stegneš između prstiju
Ostaje zaključana u naručju
I kada odeš
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Nikada ne može da prestane
Uspomena jednog trenutka
Kada je prava, kada je velika
Može postati i večna
Kada eksplodira u glavi
Ostaje zaključana u tvom srcu
I kada odeš
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane.
Ljubav kao naša
Nikada ne može da prestane.

Zbog nje

Napraviću leto, kada pada kiša
Od sivih novembarskih dana
I izmisliću nove reči
Da se zamene sa njenim tišinama
Umeću da promenim svoj život
Prateći ritam njenog
Pronalazeći tačku ravnoteže u osećanjima
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
Potražiću u svojim snovima
Ključeve, koji će otključati njene
Da naučim da poštujem
Ovaj nemir između nas
Onda, otpustiću sa svojih usana
Ono što se nisam usuđivao reći
Da bih ugušio sve njene sumnje
I strahove
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
O, zbog nje...
Ići ću do granica nemogućeg zbog nje
Zbog nje prevazići ću sebe samog
I promeniću se, ako želi
Bićemo nevidljivi
Ekstremni, neophodni
Ne pričajmo, ne govorimo više o juče
Napraviću od nas svoje sutra
Naravno, samo da bi smo se voleli
Možda, da nikada ne bismo umrli
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
Zbog nje...
O, zbog nje...
Ići ću do granica nemogućeg zbog nje
Zbog nje ću prevazići sebe samog
I promeniću se, ako želi
Bićemo nevidljivi
Ekstremni, neophodni
Zaustaviću vreme
Da podarim malo večnosti
Ovim trenucima koji prebrzo odlaze

You are my dearest friend

Because the competitiveness which is inside us
would not become selfishness or divide ever
every moment we defend our loyalty
I'm sure - I believe - and it will be this way
Many dangers and many jealousies
anger, impatience, small obsessions
I'll tell you to go to hell and same you will do
but then we will be even more friends
a little higher, a cut above
You are my dearest friend
never betray me
no money, no women, no politics
will ever divide us
you are my dear friend
never betray me ...
Unabated opponent fans now
maybe enemies for one evening and then
sure that when an emergency will come
each of us will give his help
The obstacles are fruitful insanities
and discussions without ever lying
I'll tell you to go to hell
and same you will do
but then we will be even more friends
a little higher, a cut above
You are my dearest friend
never betray me
no money, no women, no politics
will ever divide us
you are my dear friend
never betray me ...

Little by little

Little by little you realize that the wind
Blows on your face and steals you a smile
The old season which is about to end
Blows on your heart and steals your love
And little by little it melts in tears
That sweet memory faded by time
When you used to live with me in a room
There was no money but a lot of hope
And little by little you lose me and I lose you
And all what has been seems more absurd to us
When at night you were more and more true
And not just like now on Saturday nights...
But... give me your hand and come back closer
A flower can be born in our garden
That even winter will never freeze
A flower can grow from this love of mine for you
And little by little you'll see that over time
The same smile over your face
That the cruel wind had stolen us
Which comes back loyal
Love is back to you...

When I'll go away from here

When you'll go away from here you'll have flowers on your door
and flags on your balcony and a carpet on the stairs,
yellow as the sun is, and a long procession
to sing you a song when you'll go away from here.
When I'll go away from here I want this song of mine,
clothes hanging from the balcony and a carpet on the stairs,
with sheets from newspapers and a woman with a cross,
a few friends without peace when I'll go away from here
When you'll go away from here your journey will be long, to give you more
courage, horses will pull you
and they'll be the six most beautiful ones, then, when you left,
you will be forgotten when you'll go away from here.
When I'll go away from here on my last journey,
I won't need any courage, I just want a wheel cart,
and a slim and lonely female dog, but there's one thing that consoles me:
when I'll have left, I don't want anyone to forget me
when I'll go away from here.


While the moon mirrored itself into the ditch,
he ripped and torn your clothes from you,
and he threw you laying on the ground,
and he didn't even pull off his trousers.
While the moon was shining far away,
On your mouth there was his rough hand.
You wanted to ask him to have mercy,
until rest came to save you.
You had dreamed so much, with me,
about your first time.


And I'll draw valleys across your body,
plugging it like it was ground,
I'll erase those marks,
from your last war.
And I'll burn with fire
this bad weed of yours,
and I will make you, with water,
more fertile and more alive.
And I'll pray for the sun
to dry up these tears,
and I'll pray for time
to heal your wounds.
Then I'll build a greenhouse
around your smile,
I will make out of your life
another heaven.
I will be your farmer
ad you will be my ground,
I'll fight with the wind
to not carry you away from me.
Then I'll sprinkle my seeds
in your green valley
ad we will wait together
for Spring to come,
for Spring to come.


Versions: #2
I'be been burnt by the sun
by love, by I love you.
I don't know how, I need to remember.
If it's a dream you are really beautiful.
I don't sleep anymore. I'm travelling
on boats that are cast away.
I see you naked on satin
And it prevents me from sleepling. Come tomorow.
But you're not here, and if I'm dreaming it is too bad.
When you leave, I don't sleep anymore.
But you're not here, and you know I want to go there,
The opposite window, and visit your paradise.
I put your pictures in my songs,
And sailboats in my house.
I wanted to shove off, I don't want it anymore.
I live upside down, I don't like my street anymore.
I was 100 years old, I don't recognize myself.
I don't like people since I saw you.
I don't want to dream anymore. I would like you to come
Make me fly, make me I love you.
That's it. It's sure. I have to decide.
I'm going to escape, and I'm falling.
I know you're waiting for me near the fountain:
I saw you get down from a rainbow.
I take the plunge in the summer rains.
I sail in my area.
It's a nice day, we can paddle.
The sea is calm. We can shove off.

She doesn't see me

When she passes by
Everything goes behind her
In front of a sky
It can't be seen
That she is so light
She doesn't deserve nothing than a king and
I'm not a king
She doesn't see me
When she dances
Everything dances around her
Near her
Everything is beautiful
Because she has that grace that the others don't have
Everything I don't have
She doesn't see me
The more I get closer and
The more I feel sick
She is in my shoes
The more I hate my body and my voice
There are boundaries we cross
Despite thousands soldiers
But ours, we never cross them
He's got moves and gestures so delicate
The lightness of that world
And he has a lot of talents
What he isn't
But women don't know those things, you know
She doesn't see me
We can change a lot of things
If we want, if we fight
But those injustices, no
When she passes by
Everything goes behind her
In front of a sky
It can't be seen
That she is so light
She doesn't deserve nothing than a king
For sure not me
I'm not a king
She doesn't see me
She doesn't see me.