Резултати претраге страна 37
Број резултата: 2224
Coffee House
Poets have this custom -
Coming together in a circle, spit on each other.
Mohammed, pointing his finger at Omar,
Poured swearing at the poor fellow with a tub.
He tore his shirt in his hearts
And he squealed in his face, drunk with anger:
'You stole the fifteenth line,
Low thief, from my 'Sofa'!
Behind your dastardly footsteps
Who will go out of the thinking sane? '
The old men nodded their beards
Young people said: 'Bravo!'
And Omar spat at him from the doorway
And hissed: 'Contemptible mediocrity!
Yes blowjob to you the love of the prophet
Or the padishah's gratitude!
You are sterile! You have been silent for years!
You have no right to be a singer! '
The old men nodded their beards
Young people said: 'Bravo!'
Only someone drank their coffee in silence,
And then he said: 'For the sake of Allah!
Why was so much bile spilled? '
It was the brilliant Saadi.
And time passed. Both of them
The cold snow of oblivion has filled up.
Saadi became a golden trumpet,
And Saadi listened to the coffee shop.
Like aromatic herbs
The word smelled like honey and fruit
The boys did not say, 'Bravo!'
The elders did not nod their beards.
He mesmerized them with a bird song,
The song of a lark in the dew of the meadow ...
Poets have this custom -
Coming together in a circle, spit on each other.
Šetam na suncu
Nekad sam mislila da me možda voliš
Sad sam dušo sigurna
I jednostavno ne mogu da dočekam dan
Kad ćeš mi pokucati na vrata
Sad svaki put kad odem do poštanskog sandučeta
Ne mogu da se uzdržim
Jer jedva čekam
da ćeš mi napisati da stižeš
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
I zar osećaj nije dobar?
Nekada sam mislila da me možda voliš
Sad znam da je to istina
I ne želim da provedem ceo svoj život
Samo te čekajući
I ne želim da se vratiš za vikend
Ne vraćaj se na dan
Rekla sam dušo samo te želim nazad
I želim da ostaneš, oh da
Šetam na suncu
Šetam na suncu
Osećam se živom
Osećam ljubav
Osećam ljubav
To je zbilja stvarno
Osećam se živom
Osećam ljubav
Osećam ljubav
To je zbilja stvarno
Ja sam na suncu, dušo, oh, da
Ja sam na suncu dušo oh
О, несрећна Ифигенијо
О, несрећна Ифигенијо,
Твоја породица је сатрвена!
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
Пусти да се твој молећиви плач
помеша са мојим јецајима.
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Nema predaje
Eto,zbrisali smo sa nastave
Morali smo da pobegnemo od tih budala
Više smo naučili za tri minuta sa ploče
Nego što smo ikad naučili u školi
Večeras čujem zvuk bubnjara iz komšiluka
Osećam kako mi srce počinje tući
Kažeš da si umorna da samo želiš da zatvoriš oči
I slediš svoje snove
Dali smo obećanje,zakleli da ćemo se uvek sećati
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Kao vojnici u zimskoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Sada mlada lica postaju tužna i stara
I vatrena srca se hlade
Zakleli smo se bratskom krvlju protiv vetra
Sada sam spreman da ponovo postanem mlad
I slušaj glas tvoje sestre kako nas zove kući
Preko otvorenih dvorišta
Možda ćemo iseći neko mesto za sebe
Sa ovim bubnjevima i ovim gitarama
Jer smo dali obećanje za koje smo se zakleli da ćemo ga uvek pamtiti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Braća po krvi u olujnoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Večeras na ulici svetla postaju mutna
Zidovi moje sobe se zatvaraju
Napolju još uvek besni rat
Kažeš da više nije naše da pobedimo
Hoću da spavam pod mirnim nebom
u krevetu moje ljubavnice
Sa širom otvorenom zemljom u mojim očima
I tim romantičnim snovima u mojoj glavi
Jednom smo dali obećanje, zakleli smo se da ćemo se uvek sećati
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Braća po krvi u olujnoj noći
Sa zavetom da će braniti
Nema povlačenja, dušo, nema predaje
Rano ujutro fabričke sirene pište
Čovek ustaje iz kreveta i navlači svoju odeću
Čovek uzima svoj ručak, izlazi u jutarnje svetlo
To je radni, radni, samo radni vek
Kroz dvorce straha, kroz dvorce bola
Vidim svog tatu kako po kiši prolazi kroz fabričke kapije
Fabrika mu oduzima sluh, fabrika mu daje život
Radni, radni, samo radni vek
Kraj dana, fabrička sirena plače
Ljudi prolaze kroz ta vrata sa smrću u očima
I ti samo bolje veruj, dečko
Neko će se povrediti večeras
To je radni, radni, samo radni život
Jer to je radni, radni, samo radni život
Dani slave
Imao sam prijatelja, bio je veliki igrač bejzbola
Još u srednjoj školi
Mogao bi ti baciti onu brzu loptu
Napraviti da izgledaš kao budala, dečko
Video sam ga neku noć u ovom baru pored puta
Ja sam ušao, on je izašao
Vratili smo se unutra, seli, popili nekoliko pića
Ali sve o čemu je neprestano pričao
Bili su to dani slave, pa, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Pa, postoji devojka koja živi gore u bloku
Još u školi mogla je da zavrti pamet svim dečacima
Ponekad u petak svratim i popijem par pića
Nakon što ona smesti decu u krevet
Ona i suprug Bobi, pa, razišli su se
Pretpostavljam da su prošle dve godine
Samo sedimo i razgovaramo o starim vremenima
Kaže da kad joj se zaplače počne da se smeje
Razmišljajući o danima slave, pa, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Mislim da silazim večeras do bunara
Idem da pijem dok se ne napunim
I nadam se da kad ostarim neću sedeti razmišljajući o tome
Ali verovatno hoću
Da, samo sedeći, pokušavajući da ponovo vratim
Malo slave
Pa, vreme izmiče i ne ostavlja ti ništa, gospodine
Osim dosadnih priča o
Danima slave, da, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
Da, proći će pored vas
Dani slave, u migu oka mlade devojke
Dani slave, dani slave
The winged song
Song is the spring of life for the people.
Sing out, and the fatigue is gone at once.
Spring water gives you strength,
And if you sing, your soul calms down.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
The road of life cannot always be even –
How much vigor one needs to succeed!
You get to sing, and the misery is gone,
And all you want is to ever live on.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
It helps in work and in celebration,
It makes one forget hardships and struggle.
So let song be the life friend –
Or is it in vain that song is the spring of life?
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
I Don't Know Who Told You
Just for you I gathered so much longing,
The plain in flower, the song of the stream.
Among them I sowed a star
And then I hid them in my heart.
Only you don't see them,
When you look me in the eye
And I hid them, because you don't believe me.
My eyes don't lie to you,
They reaped in them year after year
Golden flowers from the field,
The whole sea and the silver woods.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
I don't know who told you
That loves die at dawn,
Like a ray of a star
Or like the wind blows clouds away.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
My eyes don't lie to you,
They reaped in them year after year
Golden flowers from the field,
The whole sea and the silver woods.
I don't know who told you
That it's not good to believe in my eyes.
Leave me your smile
And look at them.
I don't know who told you,
I don't know who told you,
But don't believe him!
You don't know the way around a woman
Versions: #2
I'm openin my heart, you're pushin me away
I wish to escape, yet again you're capturin me in your claws
I wanna shout my thoughts out, you're tellin me not to ..
Why i'm indulgin it ?...
My heart is sincere, like the one of a child ...
I'm but to listen, without any objection and humbly ///
Why i'm indulgin it ?
Why i'm not leavin (you), why i'm allowin this ?
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '
You don't like what i'm voicin, don't like the way i'm singin
Nor' the way i'm dressin, nor the way i feel
You're but to not like a thing ..
Why you keep me tangled by your games ?
At times ye're showin me affection
At times ye're showin hate
Now ya're here (implicated), the very next second you're not
Why ya're holdin me back, why ya're stallin ? (the inevitable)
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '
You laugh at me
You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace
You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace.
Париз Париз
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Бармен у шејкеру, пре свега елеганција
Цртица Сакре-Куир и две висине Доизнеау
Пјаф, неколико врабаца и Жозефине Бакер ...
Париз Париз
Један од Превера, али без ракуна
Попијмо последње пиће у близини Батеау Лавоира
Симон де Бовоар и два мајмуна зими ...
Задња нођ је створена за љубав
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
тамо са тобом
О душо, само узми моје смрзнуте руке и чуј како кажем
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Мада ова препуна пустиња звана Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Мало јаванског језика,
блиског мом срцу
Једна турнеја по Моулен Ружу и две по Нотре-Даму
Прекривен макадамом, украшен шлепом
Из Антверпена или Амстердамског канала,
где си
Ох дете
само задржи овог усамљеног обожаваоца и чуј га како говори
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Вероватно си једина жена
Иако ова препуна пустиња
ко би могао рећи
звана Париз
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
- Одјави се, Катарина!
- Одјави се? Париз ... Париз ... Не, не могу
Никада се нећемо растати од ових осећања
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише
Париз ...
Париз би изгубио душу.
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише,
Париз, Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
I'm Not Rich, I dont Have a Fortune
I'm not rich, i dont have a fortune,
But all i have i share happily,
Cuz i too have recieved lots
When i was in need.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.
I've helped lots of people,
That's why God gave me lots,
I've helped people in need,
I've never wanted to cause someone bad.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.
I've shared only love
And i've recieved only disappointment,
It's my loss, but i'm telling you
My good soul is my fortune.
I've seen how fate can play games,
That one hand washes the other,
And both hands can wash a face,
Cuz you never know how life will be.
Boy, Now You See
Boy, now you see
That life is not like you think.
Was there a bigger fool than you?
You thought you could live without me.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.
God gave you luck,
Money and a sharp mind,
But it's all for naught
If you have no solance.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.
You have someone to sleep right next to,
But your heart is crying.
During the night you close your eyes
And you suffer silently until morning comes.
You have someone to sleep right next to,
But your heart is crying.
During the night you close your eyes
And you suffer silently until morning comes.
Boy, if you were happy,
You would not struggle so much.
You let me walk away
And now you'll rather have me back.
You can travel all over the world,
But your soul is left empty.
Now you're looking for my eyes
And yearning for me.
You wall this Earth lamenting,
Cuz you're not with who you love.
Those youthful years are long gone,
You've lost me.
Like all the time
[Verse 1]
That's what I will do
If I find a photo of you, I will put it in the garbage
If I hear that you are somewhere, I just am not going there
That's what I will do
Adults shouldn't need to behave like teens
Return to the car if you see each other
But I will go and I will fall down in the hallway
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
[Verse 2]
I fell down
I stared into my morning coffee for a year
I went out on a date too but I hated all of them
Because I compared them with you
I don't know anymore why I had cold feet with you
Why such perfection made me fear too much
And what if I totally panic again
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Goddamnit man
This doesn't work if you don't do as we agreed
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Like someone eating me up from the inside
Like, like, like, like
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Today I truly learned
I'm not going to speak, I'm going to do
Because action worth more than a thousand words
I'm not going to think about living
Because only thinking didn't take me anywhere
I'm going to feel not to lie anymore
I'm going to act not to fake anymore
I'm going to be just to be
I'm not going to be just to have
Today I learned to fly
Without even moving myself
From my place
I'm going to feel not to lie anymore
I'm going to fake not to act anymore
I'm going to feel
Being just to be
Or not being to have
Major Tom
The light is glowing green
in the control center,
it's time to say goodbye.
All is clear,
first a 'last check'
in the program.
Everything must be perfect
before this journey
into the space
Efficacy without limits,
scientific discoveries
without emotions
created a chance
to disappear
'up'n away to nowhere'
says Major Tom
and said farewell!
3,2,1 and
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have liberty
the stars are luring
Everything works normally,
just at this moment
the danger for a crash
has been overcome.
the computers continue
to check,
do what they want now,
but what do they know
about Major Tom?
The light blinks red
in the control center,
something has happened
that changed the course!
'Hello Major Tom
are you with us?
You made a mistake,
altered the program!'
but they get no answer ...
Hello? Hello Major Tom? Hello ... hello?
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring
space is glowing bright
so full of stars
all is marvelous,
now he is free
he has found home
to his realm,
flew from a world
controlled by technology
I will never ever
come back
if you won't understand
and rethink'
says Major Tom
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring
Steel City
'Let me see your tears for once'
I cast a spell on your warm back
Kiss the slight fever away,
and hear the rattling sound of the projector, always unexpected
Just wait for it,
I'll become just like a Steel City, ,
and I won’t be kind even to the poor, abandoned cats
The ashes from the cigarettes will be dancing in the air,
and become just like your back, that I cannot grasp
And for the cats scribbled in the walls: I’m sorry.
I'll become just like a Steel City
and hide my voice all through the night
What's left(from our love)
What's left?
What's left, a tear...
What's left from our love
Only a tear...
I look at the clock
But the time's passing slow,
And I think you ain't coming,
Why ain't you coming?
We were so happy,
We were holding hands,
We were so in love...
And if I forgive you?
I'll give you my life,
I'll give you my heart,
And everything I have in this word I would give up!
What's left?
Two broken hearts,
What's left, a tear
What's left from our love,
Only a tear...
A day has passed
But you don't want to come
How much I have changed
For you!
A day has passed,
But.you don't want to come
To get back together!
And if I forgive you?
I'll give you my life,
I'll give you my heart,
And everything I have in this word I would give up!
Fighting spirit for tomorrow
Trust the ring,
Burn up, Burn your fighting spirit for tomorrow.
When you close your eyes,
A dream like a mirage will floats
and disappears.
You are trying to reach for it.
You won't show tears anymore.
(won't ever cry again)
Here you go. Enemies are blocking your way.
(don't wanna get away)
Now, Thrust your fist.
Beat it! Smash it! Go forward! Toward tomorrow!
Believe your future.
Trust the ring,
The fighting spirit is burning up.
Today is only once. You've no day to waste.
Trust the ring,
Trust your everything.
Go, run through tomorrow.
(I'm willing to fight forever)
The sky that hangs low
brings rain clouds.
The wind swirls
and calls for a storm.
Now, don't look back.
(don't ever look away)
Now, look straight ahead.
(look at me face to face)
Aim at the great sky.
Shoot it! Fire it! Hook the rainbow!
Raise your hope higher than ever.
Trust the ring,
The spirit is burning furiously.
Strike your fist against your rivals.
Trust the ring,
You will stand up no matter how many times you fall.
You will never turn your face away.
As long as you have the ambition.
Trust the ring,
The fighting spirit is burning up.
Today is only once. You've no day to waste.
Trust the ring,
Trust your everything.
Go, run through tomorrow.
Until you grab your dream with your hands.
(I'm willing to fight forever)
Our love (passage)
The world around me
Has stopped from worrying,
People, smile
For my happiness.
How I love everything,
What happened between us,
How I love everything,
What lies ahead!
Tsunagaru Connect
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
Wait? I just said something just now
Ah, it's not what I meant (uh, um...)
Why can't I convey my emotions?
What should I do... (Ah. Ah. Ah..)
My thought process is a mess
It's continually loading...
[Ctrl] + [Z] doesn't fix it either
Maybe complex customization will work
It's not enough? What will then
If only I could install it
How imperfect (what is the correct answer?)
How uncertain (where is the answer?)
There's doesn't seem to be an instruction manual
Let's get started first...
It's a different appearance, and a different shape
But why do I still feel the same?
The true feeling of connecting...
Is always the same!! (⸝⸝>▿<⸝⸝)
Thank you for sharing your warmth with me
I want to convey it to the fullest
My colorful! Smile! Shows how comfortable I am♪
With everyone who connects with me
This is my favorite place
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
I'm sure I tried my best
But nothing changes (I want to give up)
I'll keep trying
But I don't think I can (A. Wa. Wa..)
I'm crying in my room by myself
My thought process is just negative
Nothing is going the way I planned
I fell apart so easily
But I want to try
And make myself dance again
It's okay if I'm flawed (always always!)
I won't hide it anymore (I am me!)
Even if I don't reach my target
I'll keep moving forward...
It's a different color, and a different dream
I'm heading to the future
Where I'm sure it's going to be wonderful!!(⸝⸝╹▿╹⸝⸝)
I can't see it, but I feel it
Thank you for your warmth and kindness
I want to sing to the best of ability
Happy! Smile! I want to deliver it♪
I'll come across my own originality
This place is precious for all of us
You don't have to be perfect
I'm going somewhere with everyone
If there is something I can do
I'm going to find it, Ah
It's a different appearance, and a different shape
But why do I still feel the same?
The true feeling of connecting...
Is always the same!! (⸝⸝>▿<⸝⸝)
Thank you for sharing your warmth with me
I want to convey it to the fullest
My colorful! Smile! Shows how comfortable I am♪
With everyone who connects with me
This is my favorite place
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
Please Please
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, discoman (discoman)
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
play for me
(play for me again)
again this hit
and then we will be even,
because I already have been asking you eight times.
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, disco guy (disco guy)
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
have a heart
(have a heart)
It's the turn of this song,
turn on the lights,
and show me what the disco can do.
Then I will dance, will dance, will dance all alone
because I don't need a man
Then i won't dance, won't dance, won't dance together with somebody
because only then
because only then
because only then one can do it well.
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, discoboy (discoboy)
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
you! - I get excited
(you! - I will get so excited)
if you play this hit again tonight.
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, discoman (discoman)
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
play for me
(play for me again)
again this hit
and then we will be even,
because I already have been asking you eight times.
Then I will dance, will dance, will dance all alone
because I don't need a man
Then i won't dance, won't dance, won't dance together with somebody
because only then
because only then
because only then one can do it well.
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, discoman (discoman)
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
play for me
(play for me again)
again this hit
and then we will be even,
because I already have been asking you eight times.
Please, please, please, please, please, please,, please, please ah
Plava laguna
Još uvek nam nedostaje vremena
Ali to nije tako loše
Sve dok smo zajedno
Sve to ima smisla
Želim da te odvedem
Tamo gde živi ljubav
Da vidimo gde putovanje će da nas odvede
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom pod zvezdama
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom na onom svetu
Za dvadeset četiri sata ljubav je ponovo izmišljena
Za jednu noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
I ne pitajte me zašto, zašto
Uživaj u trenutku
Jer kad smo nas dvoje zajedno
Zablistajmo od sreće
Želim da te zavedem
U mom domenu fantazije
Jer naša ljubav sigurno nikada ne umire
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom pod zvezdama
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom na onom svetu
Za dvadeset četiri sata ljubav je ponovo izmišljena
Za jednu noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom pod zvezdama
Noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Noć s tobom na onom svetu
Za dvadeset četiri sata ljubav je ponovo izmišljena
Za jednu noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Za jednu noć s tobom u plavoj laguni
Please Give Me
Please let the clouds cover everyone's fates
Please give me a good morning
Please give me a sincere smile
So I can forget about the fresh graves
Please give me a gazillion wishes
This dot here only knows how to play
Please let me lead a peaceful life
Please give me a day's sleep
Please let the night pass without bullets flying
May the birds bring music to the sky
Please give me the life of clouds
Please let me out of this life
Until there is happiness and peace on earth
Please give me back my life
Let me rebuild a love story
Let me bring peace
Let me rise above the bumpy road
Look at the blood in his heart
Please give me a passionate hand
Let me hear the sounds of young children
Give the homeland a good night's sleep
Then I could love you.
Please give me my full form
Let me hear the song of the trees
Please let me forget my imprisonment
Please give me a hint of spicy wine
Please give me a lifetime
One day a child sings in the crib
Please give me just one day
I Mercifully Rock Myself
Whose fragrant lips still
Let me reveal my love?
Whose brunette hair still
Gives me young innocence?
Whose peaceful heart still
Let me tell my story?
Please call out my name.
Once when you forgot my love
My heart was shattered.
While my blood pumped wildly
My silent fear was hidden
When I returned in the winter
My old hands were late.
Oh no! I must wait for the coming dawn.
Please wait for the dawn.
Life seems to be so quiet,
Like a harvest that has just been gathered,
Like a forest that has already been abandoned.
I see my own mute shadow
On the blank wall.
Which bustling street is
Rushing for me today?
Whose hair is flowing
In my faint memory?
I have no one with me.
I am drifting away in this life.
No longer waiting, waiting for someone.
Please come home
So I can begin my long journey.
I will light some
Incense this afternoon.
Please slumber in your cradle
While I mercifully rock myself.
Please rest under the arch of the tree.
An Air Kiss
I like to dream
I only don't know about what,
And this lesson too
Seems like it will never never end.
If through the windown-
If I gazed through the window more often...
Wow, I saw someone
Arrogantly staring at me!
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
And I saw him no more.
My thoughts are wandering
They rush, rush in a circle.
Maybe you are there as well,
My unknown boy?
If I knew,
For what reason, I constantly gaze through the window
And cannot move away -
I am waiting, waiting for air kisses.
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
And I saw him no more.
There must be something in this world
There must be some energy inside that
This world seems like having its mind
to inspire from one to one
to open their hearts
and binding everything in this world
To couples, imagine.
Or that's because this world’s gravity
So there must be some heart pulling forces
attracting, captivating
from one to one to meet each other,
and binding everything in this world
To couples, marvelous.
O water, why do you have to be enchanted by the handsome fish?
Sky, what did you promise to the good old bird?
Flowers, butterflies become friends for what reasons?
Ah yes, there must be something binding one’s heart
For us, become couples
O water, why do you have to be enchanted by the handsome fish?
Sky, what did you do to the good old bird?
Flowers, butterflies become friends for what reasons?
Ah yes, there must be something binding one’s heart
For us, become couples
Man and man also friends
Man and bull also friends
Wind and rain also pair up, water and sky are also buddies
Man and man also friends
Man and bull also friends
Wind and rain also pair up, water and sky are also buddies
That's because, in this world, there is “Gravity”
There must be something in this world
There must be some energy in this world
Until I was hit by the boom
When I wanted what everyone else wanted I felt nothing
Now everything starts anew, to fall and get up
To fall and get up and get up
Nothing happened I just woke up up backwards
A crooked world, the straight heart raised its hand
Even when I dreamed of flying and I climbed on top of the mountain
Each time someone closed the skies
Afraid is not how you live if there's no smoke
Only time burns
Until I was hit by the boom
When I wanted what everyone else wanted I felt nothing
Now everything starts anew, to fall and get up
To fall and get up and get up
Nothing happened when I was ripped on the page
I got a big voice that floats for years upon the water
Between the large waves and the tornado of now
The silence was already painful on the lips
Afraid is not how you live if there's no smoke
Only time burns
Nothing happened when I kicked the door... boom boom
And awakening, I got used to this dance
Each time anew I fall and rise
And I have a sister with a different sister,
And another all of us are in the same boat
The truth is I'm not afraid
Because I've already been hit by the boom...
A Melancholy Man
It was a melancholy man who stopped me,
He had something strange in his eyes, distant.
He was a melancholy man when I met him,
With the sign of winters on his face he was bereaved.
Melancholic, he only looked at me for a moment.
A man, a cloud, a dream, a step,
He didn't leave, he didn't stay,
He didn't taste the bread and wine.
I've always wondered since then
If it was true
Or maybe it was a wing of wind,
And if he comes back,
In an hour, one day,
When even the foreheads will be of snow.
Then, just melancholy
He will give it to me as a gift,
'Cause it is, I know, my very youth.
To be a princess
Julian: To be a princess one must choose their cutlery
Have thousands pairs of shoes
Have an elegant gait
Leave the parsley of their meal
Be charming and always look contented
To be a princess one must cut a fine figure
Bend the knees, not fall down
Stick to the protocol
Show the spirit and always behave
Persevere, not break down!
Observe everything, straighten up
A curtsey will always be prefered
Shoulders down
Stomach pulled in
Not too frozen
Chin up
And look around gently
Erika: I see that
Julian: Breath deep
Be neat
A soft laugh
Always cheerful
Never show their feelings
To be a princess one must be the prettiest
To be a princess one must also be on time
Be a model for a painting
Sleep on a hard mattress
Speak in a bright, well thought out manner
Be able to talk to counts and dukes
Play the harp for archdukes
Know pretty lullabies and sing them well
Both: Sing! Sing!
And her eyes and very pretty
Her spirit shines
When she's in the room
Erika: I see
Julian: She puts
A exploding flagrance in
It's like a rose
And everything turns into a dream
Bend the knees, not...
Erika: No, one can't fall down!
Julian: Remain calm
Erika: And always ready to help!
Julian: One should be prepared to live a royal life
Persevere, not...
Erika: No, one can't break down!
Julian: One must nibble
Erika: One can't overeat!
Julian: Time is needed to control everything well
Being a princess also means not make the bed
To be a princess one must be spirited!
Annelise: All my life I always wanted
To have just one day for myself
Nothing to do and nowhere to go just once
No lessons no Lords no dinners
Nothing established
No one to tell me what to eat, read, where to be,
That's freedom!
Erika: All my life I always wanted
To take care of myself only
Not having so much work to do when I wake up
No hems to do
No sleeves to fix
Being done with tight wedding dresses I must lace up
My debts being erased
Freedom you have no...
Annelise: Freedom you have no...
Erika: Price!
Annelise: Price!
Free to have fun
Erika: No more debts, everything is paid
Annelise: Fly free
Erika: Sing free
Annelise: Choose whom to marry
You certainly believe I'm lucky
Since I have all I want
But every gift I've been offered was obsequious
Erika: I've never owned anything
But I'm determined
The whole world will gather to listen to me
Servant: Could I come?
Annelise: What a nice word freedom
Erika: Soon it will be there
Both: Yes!
My eyes shut I feel myslef fly
Thousands miles away
I could leave and never return
It wouldn't be sensible
Annelise: But I must stay at the palace!
Erika: I must repay my debts!
Both: We must do what we have to do without regrets
Annelise: I'll never stop believing in it
Erika: She can't stop me
Both: Life is worth more than gloves, dresses, we must sing
To dream
If you love me only for myself
Erika: She looks for him, he looks out for her
She wispers to him step by step
In my heart it's a feast
If you love me only for myself
Your love seems genuine
I keep this hope within
Dominique: By your side I'll be proud
If you love me only for myself
Erika: I hold the key to your happiness
I wish I could be all yours
Don't you hear my heart?
You're the only one I have eyes for
Dominique: Don't judge by appearances
My heart only belongs to you
Erika: I see you like an obviousness
Both: Like a part of me
Dominique: All yours
Both of us
Will cross mountains
If you love me only for myself
Erika: Who can tell
Our future
Monday will be nothing but laughters
I'll be all yours
Dominique: All yours
Both of us
Will cross mountains
Both: If you love me only for myself
If you love me only for myself