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Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl

And now look at that:
Yes, what's coming here? A train!
Only one small wagon, a locomotive,
But everyone is excited by the whistling
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
But at one point the end station comes,
Maybe you even dream of that one time?
Of the ancien locomotive,
As if it was shouting as a goodbye:
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
Until one time it can't go on any more.

And So Now All The Chittering And Singing Will Tire Away

Versions: #1
And so now all the chittering and singing will tire away
Even that mouth!
And so time, it'll cheat me,
And that dream, it'll come.
And so I'll lie down peacefully, I'll close my eyelids,
I will close my eyes,
And I'll lie down serenely, and I'll dream
Of the trees and the birds.

killer tune kills me

A moment in a flash
Shines forever
If this heart is pierced, killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune
If it's that song, I've already removed it from the playlist
I've changed my email and accounts
I've also deleted the photos
It's over
I've found a nice sound but
It's not like this
Only the intro is best
But I want you to steal my heart, ah
I want to start, so let's forget it (Goodbye my love)
Meeting a new love by chance is a killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune, killer tune, killer tune
Just hiding the hurt
With a bandage you can't see
It's still there
My cold heart
Without earphones
Will waste time today
Such a routine
So I slip away
I can hear that nostalgic melody
The heart throbbing is forever
You will steal my heart
After all, there is all but that song
Bathed in light, embraced by the beat
It healed my wounds, but
That dream, those emotions, they become distant
It's so faraway, ah
The stars have returned, I, too, will return
Alone, I sing to myself

I knew it

I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I knew ..
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
From the beginning, my love to you
was based on a beautiful lie
Since the beginning, I've been running away
trying to escape.. the end.
And this is how it actually ends


Тако збори Господ
Пошто одбијаш да ослободиш мој народ
Преко целе земље Египта
Шаљем помор и кугу
У твоју кућу, у твој кревет
У твоје потоке, у твоје улице
У твоје пиће, у твој хлеб
На твоја говеда, на твоје овце
На твоје волове у твојим њивама
У твојим сновима, у твом сну
Све док се не сломиш, све док се не покориш
Шаљем рој, шаљем хорду
Тако збори Господ
Једном сам те звао братом
Једном сам мислио да је шанса
Да те насмејем
Све што сам икад желео
Шаљем гром са неба
Шаљем ватру да пада
Чак и сад, волео бих да је Бог
Неког другог изабрао
Да служим као твој непријатељ у Његово име
Је нешто последње што бих икад желео
Шаљем град горућег леда
На сваку њиву, на сваки град
Ово је био мој дом
Сав овај бол и разор
Како у мени доноси мучење
Сви невини што пате
Због твоје тврдоглавости и поноса
Шаљем скаквце по ветровима
Такве какве свет никад није видео
На сваки лист, на сваку стабљику
Све док не буде ничег од зеленила
Шаљем моју казну, шаљем мој мач
Тако збори Господ!
Ти којег сам звао братом
Зашто мораш дозивати још један удар?
Шаљем моју казну, шаљем мој мач
Дај мом народу да оде
[Мојсије и хор]
Тако збори Господ
Ти којег сам звао братом
Како си ме овако замрзео?
Је ли ово оно што си хтео?
Шаљем рој, шаљем хорду
Онда нек ми се срце стврдне
И никад да му не будне битно колико висока постане цена
Ово ће и даље бити тако
Никад нећу дати твом народу да оде
Тако збори Господ
Тако збори Господ
Никад нећу
[Мојсије, Рамзес, и хор]
Дати твом (мом) народу да оде

So real now

Tell me my dear
are you happy, are you on the right road, or
do you need something more
than what the eye can see
I'm falling
When everything is good I feel my heart calling
so near, so dear
When everything is heavy I start to fear myself
Tell me my dear
aren't you tired of being without me
or do you need more
playing tough don't make matters better
I'm falling
Even when everything is good I feel I
need something more
When life is heavy I'm afraid of myself
I want to give it my all, throw myself into it
The only thing I need is you
When we're together we're invincible
Tell me you want to confide in me
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
sha-la-la-la-la la-la-low
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
it feels so real now
Hoo, huh, uh, huhh-ow
Huh, huhh-huhhh
I want to give it my all, throw myself into it
The only thing I need is you
(Åge Sten Nilsen, supplying:
All I need is you)
When we're together we're invincible
Tell me you want to confide in me
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
sha-la-la-la-la la-la-low
sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-low
it feels so real now

Ukraine is Caroling

Versions: #1
The Christmas candle, let us alight
Let us bring in the light of God,
That it may glow in every home
And that it may warm us all up!
Refrain (twice):
All Ukraine is caroling!
The whole earth is caroling!
In heaven, the angels are all singing,
All are glorifying Christ!
Maybe at home some is sad,
Maybe someone there is missing .
Let's not forget them that aren't here
And for those who are sad, let us cheer them up!

Реци ми

Помози ми да разумем твоју љубав,
помози ми да кренем путем којим желиш да идем.
Јер не могу да погодим о чему размишљаш,
зато ми помози да разумем твоју љубав.
Реци ми све што желиш да знам,
јер не могу да поправим оно што не знам да је покварено.
Реци ми, реци ми да,
реци ми да не,
реци ми да хоћеш,
онда ми реци да нећеш.
Ммм, душо,
Реци ми, реци ми да,
реци ми да не,
реци ми да хоћеш,
онда ми реци да нећеш,
не могу да поднесем...
Реци ми шта желиш,
да могу да разумем твоју љубав.
Помози ми да разумем твоју љубав,
јер ово све погрешно радиш.
И не могу да схватим шта желиш да кажеш,
помози ми да разумем твоју љубав.
Сваког дана имаш други изговор
зашто не можеш једноставно да дођеш и кажеш ми истину.
Ништа више није у мојим рукама,
не разумем
јер знам да нећеш да разговараш са мном,
знам да нећеш да разговараш са мном.
Ту сам и остајем при своме,
али отићи ћу ако никад нећеш да разговараш са мном,
никад нећеш да разговараш са мном.
О, реци ми шта желиш,
да могу да разумем твоју љубав,
помози ми да разумем твоју љубав.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Instead of you

Instead of you, I chose a blooming hell,
a dungeon filled with screams and rain,
A shipwreck at the center of a chimera
To gaze the impossible and the silence.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away,
laughing and drinking,
singing and hoping
that before this journey ends within the wildest sorrow
in an unknown place, oh, it will be revealed to me, why so much effort was worth it.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away...

This body is timid

Be careful,
This body is timid,
it folds back, recognizes itself,
water and soil is clay,
it hurts itself.
Your hands should be thin,
your lies anemic,
you swear.
Nude pictures, remorse,
wild, steep turns,
you are sinking,
you are sinking.
This body on the cross,
it is nailed,
levitates, like a horror,
the demise is spreading in the blood.
I am despair, anger,
a mist at a cliff
where you hide.
I arrived, from the shadows, near you
Like a ghost without joys,
I am crushing down,
I am crushing down.

Brand New Sunrise

Bathing in the bright morning sun
The wishes in my heart are now burning alight
Don’t you forget your future
Back when your sky got clouded
Even if you’re feeling down, collect your shards of dreams
Holding on to all your hopes and dreams out there
I’ll see you get back on your feet, you know
Let it shine! Brand New Sunrise
With a whole new sun, you and the whole world will shine
Come ‘n’ get it! Brand New Sunshine
Nobody’s gonna get to me
Not a single soul (stand up)
We’re re-starting from here (don’t stop)
Down the road to tomorrow (let’s go)
Let’s walk


Empress boudoir
I've seen a lot in my life.
Cavaliers of the string
They are bringing melancholy to her now.
Only you won't order your heart
The heart asks for continued love.
And the evening carriage carries her away
On the outskirts of Moscow.
And there is a crazy empress
In the arms of young gentlemen
Forgets about everything
As if the night will last forever
As if disappointment
Will not come a new day.
Take a walk, crazy empress
And the whole country that you rule
Takes an example from you
It's easy to fall in love, Empress
When so passionately with a turquoise look
The officer is looking.
Tomorrow again, her Majesty
Fills the throne room with greatness.
And as if electricity would hit
All hungry eyes.
Only you won't order your heart
The heart asks for continued love
And the evening carriage carries her away
On the outskirts of Moscow.
There is a crazy empress
In the arms of young gentlemen
Forgets about everything
As if the night would last forever
As if disappointment
Will not come a new day.
Take a walk, crazy empress
And the whole country that you rule
Takes an example from you
It's easy to fall in love, Empress
When so passionately with a turquoise look
The officer is looking.
Take a walk, crazy empress
And the whole country that you rule
Takes an example from you
It's easy to fall in love, Empress
When so passionately with a turquoise look
The officer is looking.
Take a walk, crazy empress
And the whole country that you rule
Takes an example from you
It's easy to fall in love, Empress
When so passionately with a turquoise look
The officer is looking.
And there is a crazy empress
In the arms of young gentlemen
Forgets about everything
As if the night would last forever
As if disappointment
Will not come a new day.
Take a walk, crazy empress
And the whole country that you rule
Takes an example from you
It's easy to fall in love, Empress
When so passionately with a turquoise look
The officer is looking.

An Island Is

An island is a red idea
Within the soul of the sea.
An island is a mad idea
In the crazed mind of the sea.
In the island's heart live the dance,
Gold, the drums,
Honey and evil...
And the island's luck, always the same!
Adventure, a rocking horse that never gets tired,
That shakes, that swings
Amidst the rage of the seas...
(An island is...)
An island is a green idea
Within the soul of the sea.
An island is a sweet idea
In the placid mind of the sea.
In the island's heart live the wind,
Heat, pain,
Thirst, the snake
And its moonshine treasure.
Adventure, a rocking horse that never gets tired,
That shakes, that swings
Amidst the rage of the seas...
(An island is...)
An island is a yellow idea
Within the soul of the sea.
An island is a single idea
In the obsessive mind of the sea.
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a mad idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a sweet idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a single idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a green idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a mad idea...

After the Party

One more from the man
Oh, fuck)
You're going to suck dick after the party
On the whirlpool
You get on all fours and leave me comfortable
With a nightclub vibe
There's only dirty shit
In MD's party
You're going to suck dick after the party
On the whirlpool
You get on all fours and leave me comfortable
With a nightclub vibe
There's only dirty shit
In MD's party
You're going to suck dick after the party, really nice
You'll keep on bouncing nonstop, really slow
On top of my wand, really nice
Keep on bouncing and don't stop
You're going to suck dick after the party
On the whirlpool
You get on all fours and leave me comfortable
With a nightclub vibe
There's only dirty shit
In MD's party
You're going to suck dick after the party
On the whirlpool
You get on all fours and leave me comfortable
With a nightclub vibe
There's only dirty shit
In MD's party

Big Difference

The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
Can hide the wound in the heart
But can't hide all the disappointment
Can hide all our love stories
But can't leave a love
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
Adding salt water will add salty
More faith, love will deepen
But she doesn't want to be with me oh oh
So she say no no no
Without sea fish it will still be salty
A little deep for my love to the throne
The ending is different because of the sentence
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more


W, Yandel
Sometimes you insist on looking for my defects and you forget that you also fail
If you say that I don't give you everything
I like the way you think
And you say that you give me my soul
Telling me that I have to change
That I do not value what you offer me
That I feel happy if I make you cry
That every day everything becomes a fight
Words that you give me more
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
OK baby
I am clear that it is an adventure
That sometimes I am your cure
And that this is crazy
But I love it
You think of me when you wake up
Tell me why you do it
This nobody can take
But how strange it feels
Know that it's nothing serious
That everything is a mystery
And your cold as a cemetery
You say it's me
I say it's you
What a bad attitude
Baby you affect my health
I don't win this case
Sometimes happy, sometimes failure
One day you love me, the other you reject
And how time heals everything
My time will come
I don't want to continue being a clown
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
Again here in my room
Where there are no witnesses
I don't know what you want with me
But how nice to be with you
Again here in my room
Where there are no witnesses
I don't know what you want with me
But how nice to be with you
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
And you see, I'm just an adventure
Of your simplicity
That you treat me with tenderness
And at the same time (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You fail me with words
You don't say anything while talking (uh, uh, uh)
You see it
Yeah, oh oh, you see
Wisin and Yandel
Wisin and Yandel

Play once more time for me, Habanero

Who knows the daily burden
That you have carried?
Who knows of Chico's hardship and suffering?
Who knows the power of shadow
In bluer tropical night?
Who knows the stars' favor and envy?
Play once more time for me, Habanero
For I listen so gladly to your song
Play once more time for me

Come along for a little bit to Italy

Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
A night, a night in San Remo
Is for us so wonderful.
This night, this night in San Remo
Should never end.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik . . .

More je duboko

More je duboko
a ljubav silna.
U duši mi bol
ko će da mi je uguši.
More je umiljato,
nežnost i suza ujedno
i vuče me sebi, kotrlja zapenjeno
ka ivici pučine.
More je dete.
Ono juri i ne sustižem ga.
Detinjasto je ono i u ljubavi.
koja mi iz detinjstva nedostaje.

The Time Has Come

The time has come
[For] the last fight,
The story of darkness and light.
May every day bring us
Inspiration and a tiny bit of hope,
What is [this] world? The Sun and the skies,
It is our time! No need for suffering!
I would travel back in time,
But it is impossible without [any] gates.
[I wish] to feel your touch,
To become a tear and fall off your eyelashes.
May everything happens as if it's the first time,
The clumsiness of movements and the shyness in phrases.
You'll always be [trapped] in my dreams,
[And] words of love on my lips.
But to bring back the time, I cannot bring back the time.
Why can I not? I do not want to understand this.
To continue on living like this, I cannot continue living like this.
So what to do? What must I do?
Every day I pray for us
But do you know what I'm afraid of?
The days without you [feel like] years,
The time goes by like a bitter eternity.
To end these, to end these...
I want to end these sufferings of mine. I know they can kill [me]
And your eyes, I still want to drown in your eyes,
I want to forget, I want to remember too, but there's no solution.
You're being sad and I am happy,
I know that you (f.)* are no longer mine,
I won't be left alone
Without you [I am]
Every day I pray for us
But do you know what I'm afraid of?
Days without you are like years,
The time goes by like a bitter eternity.
Like a bitter eternity.
What is [this] world? The Sun and the skies,
This is our time, no need for suffering.


Tell me why do I have to suffer,
What can you say about it?
Every moment, every second, everything reminds me of us,
But the time of goodbyes is approaching us.
The wind is cutting your wings, I feel it,
The pain, the pain, the suffering, body in flames.
I am left alone in the world of horrors and thoughts,
But only one step can save me from death.
Without repentance, numerous thoughts, without [a way to] return, the step is taken.
Reminisce, our lands have been so incredible,
Everything has changed and you're not the same.
Remember that I am not alone up in the sky,
But there is not enough space for me there,
All that seemed eternal will forever disappear in a second.
My thoughts are in your hands,
And in my heart, there is only pain and fears,
In the scary darkness is the last step,
But it isn't big enough to reach your Sun.
How to return, return everything,
How to hold back from the jump into the abyss of horrors?
An illusion is near, reality is gone.
I open up my eyes and there's darkness.
Without repentance, numerous thoughts, without [a way to] return, the step is taken.
I'll ascend up to the sky and will let go of ground,
I'll fly up high like a bird.
Reminisce, our lands have been so incredible,
Everything has changed and you're not the same.
Remember that I am not alone up in the sky,
But there is not enough space for me there,
All that seemed eternal will forever disappear in a second.

I Have Something To Say

I have something to say, there are so many words in my head,
I really want to scream, I've never wanted to scream so badly.
I want to hit, break, destroy,
[I want] to dream because I am alive,
I feel how the blood is pulsating in my veins
Because my spirit is brave.
I have, I have something to say to you,
In my head, there is an explosion of words,
Enough with this silence, we have to say [something],
We have something to say to you.
A word cuts like a blade,
A word flies as fast as a bullet,
I am thinking soberly,
My heart isn't quiet anymore.
I want to hit, break, destroy,
[I want] to dream because I am alive,
I feel how the blood is pulsating in my veins
Because my spirit is brave.
I have, I have something to say to you,
In my head, there is an explosion of words,
Enough with this silence, we have to say [something],
We have something to say to you.
I have, I have something to say to you...
In my head, there is an explosion of words...
I have, I have something to say to you,
I won't be quiet anymore
I won't be quiet no, no, no!

How Much More/Longer?

Get set!
Balance is being lost,
You're now a king,
Drugs and alcohol,
Run forward, you'll get into a web,
The last minutes of your life,
There's no air left for you.
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?
You should not spill into where you drink from
And forget about who you are.
Recompense for neglect
[Is that] you will receive suffering,
Recompense for arrogance
Is eviction from your dear home.
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?
Eviction knows no limits,
The worst of punishments,
There won't be any care left for you,
There won't b love,
Forget everything,
You can't get it back,
But always remember
It's better to live than it is to exist!
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?

The Final Step

The final step is the distance to the stars,
The final step, the direction is known,
The final step [slips] through fingers like the sand,
Life will escape, the path has long been chosen.
Like the sand, it'll escape,
The final step.
Only one final step is left to be taken,
Only left to rid [yourself] from empty thoughts,
And desperately yearn to enter a fight with screams,
And then fall like a loser, like a wall of dreams.
This river of life is too deep,
It's too harsh, it's [full of] fake sympathies,
To inhale oxygen with all might to fill up the lungs
It is not enough to flap broken wings.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The time has sown scars on my body,
Not just scars.
These adornments are not to be removed.
What'll happen next?
I remember there were days of failure,
Drowned in a war.
We can't be broken down, we can't be defeated,
Wanted to live and this is our last chance.
We'll break down walls that imprisoned us,
The flame of resistance in hearts did not cease.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The final step, a sip of blood,
Pull the trigger,
It is your last lesson.

The Snow Is Melting

I break the silence,
I won't leave you alone,
I won't abandon you,
I [am] the new light, the flame in the dark.
With our hands
We will melt the snow, will break the ice,
With hot hearts
We will melt all of this white world.
The sun slices clouds,
We did not see how
The snow is melting, the snow is melting.
With your hor lips tough
To save this whole world,
Whole world.
The sun slices clouds,
And we did not notice
How under our feet
The snow was melting.
Why don't you hear me?
And turn away from me?
Why are you ignoring
The pain that's in your heart?
Why is your hand shy?
Why are you afraid?
You do not live in vain,
Your life is in your hands.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not notice
How winter was running
Leaving behind white prints.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not know,
By giving a helping hand
You'll save the world!
The world, the world, the world.

I Don't Believe

Among the ideals
That we were taught
We cannot find such
That one would choose for himself.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
No, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.
Fight for your entry/exit,
Break your inner barriers,
And though the world around you is pale,
May everyone remain silent.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
o, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.


Hard oh hard oh
And how it went for us
damage ohbdamage oh
How will you be with another one oh one oh
An evil heart you had had aaa (x2)
[Verse 1]
now I don't love you anymore
I'm hearing so many talks about you
And you did nothing you promised to me
I know when everything will return deja vu
De ja vu
But f**k it
Cause I don't want anymore
Not even with a tanga you don't give it to me
Now from you I don't want a single thing
Leave it leave it leave it leave it
Hard oh hard oh
And how it went for us
damage ohbdamage oh
How will you be with another one oh one oh
An evil heart you had had aaaa (x3)
[Verse 2]
My diva
Oh what I heard
You are doing trips on cocaine
Life of the movies
Some guys said
That this girl
Is only a gold digger
Taste of a bon-bon
But you are poison
What you did can't be forgiven
Taste of a bon-bon
But you are poison
What you did can't be forgiven
[Pre Hook]
My babe my babe
Now you ain't the way you used to be
My babe my babe
Now you ain't the way you used to be
Hard oh hard oh
And how it went for us
damage ohbdamage oh
How will you be with another one oh one oh
An evil heart you had had aaaa (x3)


* Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – all of our memories say
Ding dong – nothing but wonderful nights
Are left of us
In the bustling streets, nobody counted me in
People come and go holding presents in their arms
I began to feel hatred for even little children singing a carol
So I closed my eyes tightly
Last year, we swore by the candlelight
Our unchanging feelings, and made a kiss
In a burst of bliss
Ding dong – the dream from that sacred day
Ding dong – disappeared, buried under the snow
Ding dong – even so, the bell is ringing again
It’s ringing again this year
Alone on such a night, I’m watching TV
With nothing showing on the screen
Around the world, there’d be many people crying on their own
Yeah that’s just like me, isn’t it?
Because I didn’t like the way he gets drunk
Saying goodbye, I walked away and that’s it
You know it was me, but what’s it for now?
Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – I hear it all on my own
Ding dong – now I’m just wondering
If he could hear it from somewhere
Ding dong – the ringing of the holy bells
Ding dong – it’s showering on the whole town
Ding dong – now I’m just wondering
If it could reach all the way to his place
* repeat

My Russia

Rivers, seas, oceans, forests and fields,
The mountains are mighty, the snows and winds are dashing.
This is boundless, this is the native land!
This is our land and our Paradise,
This Is Russia!
Love and glory, heaven's reach,
Double-headed eagle and tricolor.
The great life in the winds of the elements is the
Messiah's step.
On the best of all planets
The people are mighty and the President!
My Homeland! My Russia! My soul!
Women, children growing up, endless
fields, strong men's hands,
Bread and snowdrops, ever-boiling life-
This is our land and our Paradise,
This Is Russia!