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Your words

Inside of me are your words again
These words always bring me the hope
You will capture it, you don´t know for how many times
From the depth it will carry you to the heights
Where would I go if i don´t have any aim
And where would I hide if I don´t have any strength
What would I be without your words
Inside of my mouth are your words again
I am not alone with them
You will capture me and you will sit, where you are supposed to stand
I still remember any of these words


[Intro: Kehlani]
Ooh, ooh
Zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
[Refren: Kehlani]
Više me ne zoveš, o, o
Od tvojih poziva telefon ne zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
Ne mogu ovo više kriti
Želim da zbog tebe zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
[1. strofa: Cardi B]
Da li bih trebala prva nazvati? Ne mogu da odlučim
Želim, ali kuja je ponosna
Ne mogu da se zezam s tim stalnim premišljanjima
Simpatišem te, ali je teško povezati se s tobom
I ne zoveš me uopšte već neko vrijeme
Ponašaš se kao da ne znaš koji broj da okreneš
Odustaješ, onda je to to, predaću se
Jer prolaziš samo kroz ono što sam dopustiš
Ne želiš da se ovaj pištolj dimi
Nauči da kucaš nosem ako ti je palac slomnjen
Briga me ako se približavamo i ja odugovlačim
Ali se još budim uz propuštene pozive od tebe, crnjo
[Refren: Kehlani]
Više me ne zoveš, o, o
Od tvojih poziva telefon ne zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
Ne mogu ovo više kriti
Želim da zbog tebe zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
[2. strofa: Cardi B]
Ne, crnjo, sad ćeš me morati zvati (zvati me)
Jer gledam u ove poruke, za mene su (da)
Ponašam se kao da nema crnca koji me želi
Pustim drugog crnca na tvoje mjesto i ti ćeš se pušiti, crnjo, kao kafa
Osjetićeš mučninu u stomaku
Pozovi me kad si slobodan, 1-800
Hitno je, zovi me 911
Jer trenutno sam ovdje, pokušavajući da nađem nekog
Pa zvono na mom telefonu, prsten na mom prstu (brrr)
Ponašaš se kao da ni ti nećeš uopšte pokušavati (da)
Šta je dobra djevojka? Gledaj kako se pretvaram u divu
Ide moje srce, puštam ga na zvučnik (o)
[Refren: Kehlani]
Više me ne zoveš, o, o
Od tvojih poziva telefon ne zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
Ne mogu ovo više kriti
Želim da zbog tebe zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni
[Prelaz: Kehlani]
Nekad si me stalno zvao
Bio si mi blizak sve vrijeme, da
Volim kad činiš da osjetim
Kao da ti ne smeta kad nemam vremena za tebe
Znaš da se to ne dešava u mojoj glavi
Arogantna sam samo u krevetu
Samo volim da znam da želiš da provodiš vrijeme sa mnom i tako
Sad si skroz upecan
Da, skroz si upecan
Sad si završio, ostavio me, da
Dodijalo ti je
Spreman za sljedeći korak
Želio si biti sam
Rekla sam da mi samo nedostaješ, fali mi ono 'mi', dušo
Sve što znam je
[Refren: Kehlani]
Više me ne zoveš, o, o
Od tvojih poziva telefon ne zvoni, zvoni, zvoni (ne zoveš me, dušo)
Ne mogu ovo više kriti (da, da o)
Želim da zbog tebe zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni

Rosy Rain

The sky planted sunlight to dye those clouds rosy
The clouds quickly floats by and there is your sadness
It's raining like the days you came
Quietly, clouds carry the wind back
You sit there watching the rainfall
Oh lovely how sad does it sound
Out there perhaps the leaves are still green
By the river the water has risen along with the spirits
Today you cried at the peak of the afternoon rain
What is left there but the mist
You walk home on that bridge all wet
Blown away are the flamboyant flowers that blinded your street*
Green are the trees on the pavement
You sit down with the clouds by your head
(I've) Been longing for you all these afternoons
My arms have faded
Oh these years, they took it toll on my heel
You sit down praying for the rainfall
On both arms are the pain of age
You lie down listening to the lullaby
How much life there is left to even stay nonchalant

Those who don’t have anyone

They give you a smile
And sit down for a while.
In their paradise
Someone is missing.
They invent a love
And evenings without supper.
A teardrop slips down,
They can barely sleep.
They take your hand
And feel they have
A fragment of spring,
A beam of future.
Their good luck
Is worn in their memory
And only the moonlight
Appeases their story.
They tell you the secrets
That they bear in their hearts,
But they become discreet
When are going to die.
One day they leave,
Nobody accompanies them,
Up there they will tell
Their good luck.
And we don’t see them
And we don’t hear them
And what do we say about
Those who
Those who don’t have anyone
Those who don’t have anyone
Those who don’t have anyone…


You're a masterpiece
Just by only looking at you it's something that gives me peace
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
I want to devour you so much
This time to kiss you
I have the ability to do so
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
I can be your babe if you won't let go
If you talk to me, but you already know
I can be your babe if you won't let go
Darling you're lovely
Darling you paint in color
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
Darling you're lovely
(There's something about you babe)
Darling you paint in color
(There's something about you babe)
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe
There’s something about you babe

Guru Rinpoche Mantra

I invoke you, Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava!
By your blessing, may you grant us mundane (health, wealth, success) and supreme (enlightenment, liberation) realisation. 
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

A new world

I gave you my hand today,
Now my heart's with you,
Even if you still don't know it,
Now you're bound to me,
Now a dream will light up
Inside of me, inside of me
Now the valley's greener
And there's no more darkness,
D'you know what? This is love
Showing us the way,
Me with you, you with me,
There's still a long way to go
At the end of this road
We could find a newer world for us
And each moment, one more step
Decides the love, the truth,
At the end of this road
We could find dreams that are real,
Erase your past, but leave for me the love you got inside
At the end of this road,
There's no crying,
Just a smile for you,
Walk slower, you've got plenty of time,
The time for love will never be over
You leave them there,
Day and night,
Together with melancholy
There's the usual cry of love for you
In a new world for us
You leave them there,
Day and night,
Together with melancholy
There's the usual cry of love for you
In a new world for us,
In a new world for us,
In a new world for us
The usual dreams will become real,
If you only look for the truth,
There's only love,
If you want it,
In a new world for us

The Scenery of Tomorrow

Why do sorrowful sceneries always
remain the most beautiful deep in our hearts?
The moonlight in hesitation hasn't fully set
Imprisoning us inside the night
I cannot bring myself to say it to you until now
Even though I have hurt you so many times
From now on is a path to home I can walk through by myself
So, I'm separating my fingers in the light house of the moon
Dawn frightens us, yet let's welcome
the future we can't rely upon with radiance and tears
Why are both of us bewildered, why do we cry over
the fact that we cannot live alone despite of being born all alone?
Whether it's the feeling of wanting to console, or to embrace someoneー
We cannot live only with a beautiful heart
How many times I look back
It's always an open gate with no way to go back
The last guidepost leading to tomorrow
The wind blows from winter to spring
Just like a flower, becoming fragrant at last
In these repetitive days,
Oh my heart, shall you always be in full bloom
The dawn comes closer
and the moon is nowhere to be seen anymore
And starting from here,
Shall our today and tomorrow begin...
The shadow seeing us off is now hued in white at last
Until it fades away inside a gentle time...

Now You've Entered Grown-ups' Game

By the mighty Ra!
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet
Anubis, Anukis, Seshmu, Meshkent
Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, Mafdet
Mut, Nut, Ptah
Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket
Seshmu, Reshbu, Sobek, Wadjet
Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet
Can your great friends help,
They'll probably drive us weak ones away?
Oh, forgive our laughing expressions
Soon you'll get an indication of our powers
Now you've entered grown-ups' game
You've entered grown-ups' game (oh, how cute)
Spells, magic tricks
Will make you humble
When you've entered grown-ups' game
(By the mighty Ra!)
Now you've entered grown-ups' game (Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah)
Now you've entered grown-ups' game (Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket)
Enough with daydreaming!
Soon you'll get to see
The best proper magic tricks
You're no match with your staff
When you've entered grown-ups' game
By the mighty Ra
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis, Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet
Now you've entered grown-ups' game
Now you've entered grown-ups' game
Horus is the greatest
Your end will come now
Bend before us
Just fight now
And you'll get an opponent
We won't hold a grudge
We'll hire you as an apprentice
If you just learn to worship
Or otherwise you'll be dead
When you've entered grown-ups' game
You've entered grown-ups' game (x9)

The Little Boy Plays With Fire (Playing With The Bad Boys)

In the name of Ra!
Mu, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket, Reshpoe, Wadjet
Anubis, Anuket, Sjesmu, Mesekhenet
Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, Mafdet
Mut, Nut, Ptah
Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket
Sjesmu, Reshpoe, Sobek, Wadjet
Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet
You have friends at high positions
They are mighty, forget about the empty roar
Look at us, pay attention, make notes
You have no idea of real power
The little boy plays with fire
Little boy plays with fire (Oh, how beautiful)
Shall burn his hands
Look, that's what you get from it
The little boy plays with fire
(In the name of Ra!)
The little boy plays with fire (Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah)
The little boy plays with fire (Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket)
Believe these
See real magic now
There the power upsets**
That stick, say, how boring it is
The little boy plays with fire
In the name of Ra
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anuket, Hemsut, Tefnut, Mesekhenet, Mafdet
The little boy plays with fire (x2)
Moses, our advice is:
Bow deep for Isis now
Or this will become your crisis hour
Do you even have talent?
Are you competent?
Or if you are very obedient***
You'll become our assistant
But kneel first, give us honour (Bow)
Because the superior commands it
The little boy plays with
Little boy plays with (x8)
Little boy plays with fire

Pitam se

Hodao sam celu noć
Moji koraci su me izludeli
Bebo, tako dugo te već nema
Pitam se da li ćeš se vratiti kući
Nadam se da ćeš biti moja draga
Pitam se da li ću biti sam
Znam da si mi potrebna da me spasiš.
Pričao sam ceo dan
Da sačuvam srce od tuge
Bebo, toliko dugo te već nema
Pitam se da li ćeš se vratiti kući
Nadam se da ćeš biti moja draga
Pitam se da li ću biti sam
Znam da si mi potrebna da me spasiš.
Pitam se, pitam se,
Pitam se, pitam se,
Pitam se, pitam se,
Pitam se, pitam se.
Pa, znam
da si mi potrebna da me spasiš
Znam da si mi potrebna da me spasiš.
Znam da si mi potrebna da me spasiš.
Znam da si mi potrebna da me spasiš.
Pitam se, pitam se.

Love knows

I was born all alone in these rains
Take me under your wings
You fell into my heart like an angel
My heart sinks, love knows what comes after
I wish rains to rain on me
And stars talks to you about me
I wish clouds to open for my heart
And I fly and touch the angels at least once
Just don't be afraid, let's fly from here
If I touch to your wings or you
I know my soul will never be quite
If I hug you and I make mistakes again and again
If I keep our love inside of you
If I scream to skies
I know I can't run...
...from rains even if I want
I wish rains to rain on me
And stars talks to you about me
I wish clouds to open for my heart
And I fly and touch the angels at least once
I wish rains to rain on me
And stars talks to you about me
I wish clouds to open for my heart
And I fly and touch the angels at least once
Just don't be afraid, let's fly from here
If I touch to your wings or you
I know my soul will never be quite
If I hug you and I make mistakes again and again
If I keep our love inside of you
If I scream to skies
I know I can't run...
...from rains even if I want
I wish rains to rain on me
And stars talks to you about me
I wish clouds to open for my heart
And I fly and touch the angels at least once
I wish rain to rain on me

What the next shore will bring

You never swim twice in the same river
I like this, because everyone knows
Rivers are never how they were once
Us people, I think, we're not like that, no matter what the price is,
We want to be safe and will never know
What the next shore will bring,
What the next shore will bring for us
I look around at what the next shore will bring
Out on the sea, the gulls bustle
Instead, I think, when a new day begins
What the next shore will bring for me
Will come true for me
I sense it by the waterfall and in the woods which trust me
Can I ignore the far drumming?
Accept a handsome man,
Who will build me a beautiful house,
But will never dream of great things that will happen
What the next shore will bring
What the next shore will bring
I look around at what the next shore will bring
Out on the sea, further out
I think much more about what forces me in my dream
What the next shore will bring
What the next shore will bring
Should I take the easier way
Steady like the sound of the drums?
Should I accept Kocoum as husband,
But let my dream melt away
Whoever you are
Wait for me and show me
What the next shore will bring
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Thorny flowers

Versions: #2
But you once told me
That flowers don't hurt
I hid myself in the flowers
You found me in the flowers.
But tell me how it is, then,
With thorny flowers
Thorny flowers
Which leave blood?
A rug of passionate poppies
Lies itself out for us
We marvel, pleasant and naked,
Jumping from flowers to flowers.
But thorny flowers which leave blood in our palms,
We weave them, why?
Into white crowns
To stick into hair.
I picked you once
With the flowers of longing,
We are on the good path,
But we have something more.
Now you also know
How the thorny flowers are,
If we pick them,
They shed blood.
But you told me once,
What did you tell me?
What did you tell me?
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


I look like I´m alone
I give him knowledge
that we´re one, like darkness and obscurity
and that I´m ready for it all
And I´d like to get drunk
just keep pouring, boy
Cartier on his neck
behind his back are vandals
He´s not naive, it´s all about acting
the heat of Cairo, I´ll lost my mind
I would bend my body like no one
for your love I´m queen and servant
And he is not afraid but he has no control
to resist when I hide my body with trousers
why he´s foolishing me, he is commanding
and he donates all emotions just to don´t get hurt
And it must be the magic, baby
and it must be the magic, baby
magic, baby
Open the window widely
on you everything is melting like iceberg on lava
who would not have touched, killed like a blunt
your background is very interesting
And you never skulked ours
You're full of gas like you're tired of ours
And you´re never calm
you´re full of gas like you´re tuned
And tell where you go with these green eyes like laurel
I still shine in the night and I´m not still good with light
It´s a prestige I do for her what I shouldn´t do
like a fetish, I download a new Dior model
She fly high and her new motto is YOLO
heels high every new Manolo model
oh, baby it´s okay we ballin 'like Tony Manolo
we be ballin '
And he is not afraid but he has no control
to resist when I hide my body with trousers
why he´s foolishing me, he is commanding
and he donates all emotions just to don´t get hurt
And it must be the magic, baby
and it must be the magic, baby
magic, baby
And I´d like to get drunk
just keep pouring, boy
Cartier on his neck
behind his back are vandals
I'd like to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk
I'd like to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk

The Indian in love by ‘’Laberinto''

Original idiom: Spanish


Feel like getting sick of it
Mines are about to explode
Giving an answer, I wore shoes
Hiking in the rainy season
Disposal of moans
It won't roll, it won't roll
Increase it
From a bud in a faraway place
An extremely enthralling existence
They say it festered, it jumped
'Just not good enough, not good enough, seriously'
Free of anxiety, free of pain
I want to live that way
Is it impossible?
Again tomorrow
I'll feel like being dead
Working space
Again tomorrow
I'll be subject to verbal abuse
'You're worthless, you have no brain'
'I'm sure somebody like you won't succeed in life'
'Have it finished by tomorrow'
Give me a break
I dumped my sense of values into a box called an organization
Now I remember
My true colors, teamwork
Which do I choose, seriously?
At every opportunity
A custom-made collection of 10 sayings
It seems that the patrolman has found out my account
They say trust is dead, it skedaddled
It's going to compensate for them
Until it turns into the grave
So I hear
Mimics are waiting with expectation
The bare land that I want to put on
I wonder if it still remains unsolved
The fact is that I'm a person like this
I cleared a space
I struggled
Without hope, without future
I'm living my life
It might be impossible to go on
Again tomorrow
Just as if I had no human rights
Working space
They say a crimson liquid pulled off the long jump
'I'm sure somebody like you won't succeed in life'
'Have it finished by tomorrow'
'Frankly, I don't give a damn about you'
I'm obsessed with god throwing money around, I guess?
It's true
I hear the alarm rings far away
On the other end of the line
Booing, booing
Do it do
Now, give it back to me
My... My heart that maintains dignity
I jumped at him and grabbed his collar
Bye Days
Again tomorrow
I'll be subject to verbal abuse
'You're worthless, you have no brain'
Criminals tell no tales
Whatever the reason, I committed a crime
What do you think is the collect answer?
But somehow I find myself being relieved
Hey, Maria
Again tomorrow
I'll be subject to verbal abuse
'You're worthless, you have no brain'
'I'm sure somebody like you won't succeed in life'
'Have it finished by tomorrow'
I've had enough
They say they ate my sense of values long ago
Oh, well...

There're big bosses

[Hotep and Huy:]
In a name of the God Ra...
[You] thought you came with this stick
And the villains would dart away as fast as they can
Forgive us this pathetic laugh
But we're gonna show you who's the [real] God here
Boy 1
There're big bosses2, brother
There're big bosses, brother
That's so cute!
The agility of our gestures
Will show you that
There're big bosses, brother
There're big bosses, brother
There're big bosses, brother
Poor thing, in front of you
There are two real mages
Stow your childish games3
Your crutch is off the mark
There're big bosses, brother
[Priests' Choir:]
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis
Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet...
[Hotep and Huy:]
There're big bosses, brother
Local big bosses, brother
The Gods will command
And you'll be buried in the ground
Have you started a fight?
Not the best time.
Our hearts don't hold anger
If you want you'll be our assistant
Stick with us and you'll be happy
[Or else] You'll die for the truth
There're big bosses
There're big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
There're big bosses, brother
  • 1. more literal translation is «son»
  • 2. Practically, «Дяди» can be translated both as «Uncles» or «Men» depending on the meaning of the word
  • 3. literally «Stow your kindergarten»

You're Playing Against the Best Now

With the power from Ra!
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet
Anubis, Anukis, Seshmu, Meshkent
Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, Mafdet
Mut, Nut, Ptah
Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket
Seshmu, Reshbu, Sobek, Wadjet
Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet
So you think you have powerful friends?
We become so scared that we almost die
Yes, sorry that we smile, but we feel
That you should think about what you're doing
You're playing against the best now
Playing against the best now (Oh, how adorable)
Hot as a sauna
The words burn sharply
You're playing against the best now
(With the power from Ra!)
You're playing against the best now (Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah)
You're playing against the best now (Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket)
See our show
We can do all the tricks
Obey our smallest gesture, then you
Go out and take in the next one
You're playing against the best now
With the power from Ra
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis, Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet
You're playing against the best now (x2)
We do all the tricks, snakes or monsters
We can get you down on your knees
So if you want to fight
If you want a fight
We're in, go on, all right
Even if our schedule is tight
But first, you'll bow now (Kowtow)
We almost always win
You're playing against the best now
Playing against the best now (x9)
Please do not try to edit my submissions and translations in any form. If I made a mistake, please correct me in the comments instead of editing on your own. If I need help, I’ll ask for it.

Say longing for father

Ten of thousand of events are still kept in your eyes
Collisions and blows are sculpted on your forehead
You look old and tired
Sweat poured profusely
But you are still strong
Though your breath is sometimes short of breath
Bear the burden of increasingly loaded
You stay
You have understood the black and the red of this path
Your wrinkled cheek bone is a picture of battle
Your shoulder that was once sturdy, sunburned
Now thin and bowed
But the spirit never fades
Though your steps are sometimes trembling
you remain faithful
Dad, in loneliness silence I miss you
to harvest our paddy
But the longing is just a longing
For your son carry a lot of the burden now
You have understood the black and the red of this path
Your wrinkled cheek bone is a picture of battle
Your shoulder that was once sturdy, sunburned
Now thin and bowed
But the spirit never fades
Though your steps are sometimes trembling
you remain faithful

Welcome to the west Andrej!

I came to the western paradise,
became a farmhand at the shores of Päijänne,
I found a place oh, so heavenly
from there i got the first meal of the day
and they sang:
Welcome to the west, Andrej!
you'll work the oddjobs at our farmlands
This is your way up to the sky,
This is the way to your final freedom
From the station of Vainikkala
I came on foot, had to save my pennies.
I heard a weird national anthem
To my small home behind the woodshed
when they were singing:
Welcome to the west, Andrej!
you'll work the oddjobs at our farmlands
This is your way up to the sky,
This is the way to your final freedom
Oh, i'm doing well here
In my welfare state
I didn't use to have a thing
Still, every once in a while i glance to the east
when i hear them sing:
Welcome to the west, Andrej!
you'll work the oddjobs at our farmlands
This is your way up to the sky,
This is the way to your final freedom
Jon Of Finland

He Stole (Stolen Heart)

The heart of mine Sultan stole
He stole
The sky quite often looks me in the eyes,
You'll become part of my life.
It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all your words,
You rather listen to your heart.
Your gentle touches, your fairy tales drive only the others crazy
You will comprehend that a fairy tale is not a lie
I won't desguise: what's going on with me, I myself cannot find out...
You take a knife to your heart!
How to forbid so that nobody steals my heart?
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
He stole
A bright sun, the grape vine turned into red,
You took without asking - therefore you stole.
Everything's fine, you agree look into my eyes,
Who told you so about me?
The heart beats, it will get broken, I'll keep it safe with me,
You will become part of my life
Smile and fall in love trust your lot,
Then steal the heart right away
After all since ever people were stealing hearts
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.


Prisoner inside an ice cage
You shake the darkness in your hands
With those empty, dark eyes
What are you looking at?
Could someone tell me why I should not exist anymore?
If you get lost in the labyrinth you may never be able to get out of it
Look, I'm here, I'm fading and I'm going to disappear soon
The wind makes you shudder, your hair waves and touches your wet cheeks
How much longer can I dream?
How many mornings will still appear?
Take me away before I die
Could you not open this securely closed door?
Can someone tell me why soon I will not exist anymore?
We will both disappear in this labyrinth that traps us
Look, I'm here now, with you, we'll fall together
Our bound fingers, the warmth of your arms that touch me, our hearts that get impatient
No matter how lonely we are, how hard it will be
We will never be afraid
Before we even realized it, we went astray in a winter white forest
Look, in a very short time now, we will only be one
The wind makes you shudder, your hair waves and touches your wet cheeks
How much longer can I dream?
How many mornings will still appear?
Take me away before I die
We will both disappear in this labyrinth that traps us
Look, I'm here now, with you, we'll fall together
Our bound fingers, the warmth of your arms that touch me, our hearts that get impatient
No matter how lonely we are, how hard it will be
We will never be afraid

Kirin Lemon

Kirin Lemon Kirin Lemon x3
If the rain could rise up.
It was plunging into the puddle.
Without any devotion to anyone,
it was always running.
Every day it couldn’t be helped,
to look forward to tomorrow.
The first kiss,
did really have the taste of lemons.
Kirin Lemon Kirin Lemon
The world and even I, were really transparent.
It was really peaceful.
Going straight ahead persistently.
To myself in those times,
to stand with a lie I keep on living.
In a way it doesn’t become cloudy, in a way it doesn’t become impure.
For things I love,
I didn’t need anything like a reason.
Even if it is tiny,
there was nothing like scary things.
Reckless things,
weren’t anything to be ashamed of.
By only holding hands,
a great courage was mustering.
Kirin Lemon Kirin Lemon
My tears and even my sweat, were really transparent.
It was really peaceful.
Going straight ahead persistently.
To myself in those times,
I throw out my chest and keep on living.
In a way it doesn’t become tainted, in a way it doesn’t become stained.
I can’t return anymore.
So I don’t want to forget.
On an easy way, it is difficult.
The world and even I, were really transparent.
It was really peaceful.
Going straight ahead persistently.
To myself in those times,
to stand with a lie I keep on living.
In a way it doesn’t become cloudy, in a way it doesn’t become impure.
Kirin Lemon Kirin Lemon
La la la la la la la Kirin Lemon
-Translated by NakataNoGyaku a.k.a. Atakan.

This World is for Us

I want to declare my love
But how am I to tell her?
It's scary to tell the truth
She's in the dark about my past
He's secretive and strange
Playing some kind of role
My heart is telling me
that he is a true king!
My soul is flying to you
and calling at night
Respond, I'm dreaming
about being next to you
Just don't stay quiet
My soul is flying to you
Give me your hand now
Answer me, I will be
by your side forever
You see, this world is for us
Answer me, I will be
by your side forever
You see, this world is for us

Har singh nar singh

God the Protector takes care of the universe. Those who live in God's consciousness and power chant Har Har. Meditate on Wahe Guru and live in that ecstasy. Those who vibrate God's Name and relate to GOd, all karmas are cleared.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Wandering child

If I close my eyes and listen to the wind
i kiss the light and taste the earth.
I sip thirstly from the petals,
the tears of the flowers
and ask myself who invented
the word of longing.
As a fire turned by the sun
I want the wind to give me chills
to turn me off, to turn me on playfully
Wandering child
I long to drink the light
as in the moment that will come,
I will also find the happiness...
Why would autumn exist, why the sadness?
Why the eyes have to learn to forget?...
I sip thirstly from the petals,
the tears of the flowers
and ask myself who invented
the word of longing.
I long to drink the light
as in the moment that will come,
I will also find the happiness...
Wandering child
As a fire turned by the sun
I want the wind to give me chills
to turn me off, to turn me on playfully
I long to drink the light
as in the moment that will come,
I will also find the happiness...
Wandering child
As a fire turned by the sun
I want the wind to give me chills
to turn me off, to turn me on playfully

Deliver Us Part 2

Hush, my child, don’t cry, my love
Sleep and dream blissfully
Take with you my song forever
So the memory of me will be alive
Waters of the river, be gentle
I leave my great treasure to you
If a place to live in freedom exists
Waters, take my heart there
You’re already safe and sound, here you’ll live safe
I prayed so much to the heavens for you
Grow up, little brother, go back home
Bring us our release
'Come, Ramses. We’ll show your little brother to the pharaoh. Moses.'
You have to be live in us
And it’s the sign for freedom
Oh, bring us to freedom now

Princess of the Night

Princess New York
Princess Paris
She knows exactly what's hip
She is totally in demand at every gala
She also knows what to wear
And she knows who to know
She knows exactly how you do it
Princess of the Night
If you want to go on a dance with her
Stay in a line
The boys are endlessly lining up
You think that you are her Type
That depends on it
Some wait forever
Oh yeah
Princess New York
Princess Paris
She knows exactly what's hip
She is totally in demand at every gala
She also knows what to wear
And she knows who to know
She knows exactly how you do it
Princess of the Night
Princess of the Night
Princess of the Night
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Повратак основама

Излуђује ме то,
Љубав не треба да буде толико тешка.
Провели смо превише дана и ноћи,
Превише сати раздвојени.
Зар нико други није бољи?
Зар нико други није бољи од тебе?
Заједно смо у овом срању, а ја никако не могу да престанем да те волим
Хајде да се вратимо основама.
Сећаш ли се нашег првог пољупца?
Без компликованих љубавних трикова,
Само повратак основама.
Слушај, душо, мораш да пожуриш, љубави.
Сва сам никаква кад те нема,
Жудим да ти припадам.
Зар нико други није бољи?
Зар нико други није бољи од тебе?
Не мораш да будеш много паметан да знаш шта само што нисмо урадили.
Повратак основама!
Сећаш ли се нашег првог пољупца?
Без компликованих љубавних трикова,
Само повратак основама.
Како је саботажа
Уништавање оног што је било наше?
Таман се понадам,
Дам ти своје срце,
А онда се самоуништимо и паднемо.
Без компликованих љубавних трикова,
Само повратак основама.
Само повратак основама.
Јебеш ове љубавне трикове,
Хајде да се вратимо основама.

Crazy Desires

Versions: #3
One word was enough
My senses were turned off
As if by magic
I knew you were everything I always wanted
And there is nothing else I could do
I stepped on the precise place
To change my life once and for all without prior notice
And I hope you too
Wish to wake up
In my arms again
Because I have a crazy desire to touch your body
To kiss your mouth, I want to make you mine
One night after another
I swear I feel in each moment
I spend next to you, that time stops
On your cheeks
As If my whole universe
Depends only on you
For you I can be
Better than I was yesterday
To see you happy, woman
I need a lot from you
For you I can be
Better than I dreamed
To have you, woman
And let´s dance glued
Glue to me slowly
I want to taste you
Feel your straight hair
And dance with me slowly, like this, woman
Stay calm, no one is going to see us
Dance with me and let go
Caramelized, this is how I want
Settled, like if it were a bolero
Dance with me and let go
Caramelized, this is how I want
Glued like if it were a bolero
Surrender, look at me, kiss me
Bite my neck, squeeze me
Mami, do whatever you want with me
What more than being with you could I want
Because I have a crazy desire to touch your body
Kiss your mouth, I want to make you mine
One night after another
I swear I feel in each moment
That I spend next to you, that time stops
On your cheeks
As if my whole universe
Because I have a crazy desire to touch your body
Kiss your mouth, I want to make you mine
One night after another
I swear I feel in each moment
That I spend next to you, that time stops
On your cheeks
As If my whole universe
Dance with me and let go
Dance with me and let go
Prince Royce


Do a passport to your heart
Hot summer in the
middle east
Let's take a flight, far away (from here)
Let's have some excitement and some laughs
It is not important، when is the right time
you are always NO 1
the world is full with good, let's cherish it/
live it/explore it
No need to ask,
You can do anything
Shout it out loud
You deserve everything (all the best there is)
Now، who? Now, who can beat you?
( You are unbeatable )
Now، who?, Now, who can beat me?
( I am unbeatable )2X
Let us loosen up
a little bit,
Luck always changes,
Change to a positive mood,
and things will get better
Why do you care, what other people say (about you)
You don't need permission from your parents
you have the power to excite (others),
and move mountains
No need to ask,
You can do anything
Shout it out loud
You deserve everything (all the best there is)
Now، who? Now, who can beat you?
( You are unbeatable )
Now، who?, Now, who can beat me?
( I am unbeatable )2X