Резултати претраге страна 4
Број резултата: 302
Ако ћеш да напустиш, у реду је,вратићу све ствари које си ми дала.
Сат, ЦД-ове, возарину,
све осим твоје љубазности.
Ходам сам поред пруге,
али испод расвете ми се указују две сенке.
То је твој дух, и ако си заиста то ти, срећан сам.
Светлост нестаје и потпуно сам сâм.
Мислио сам да се ствари неће променити,
али није било начина да то буде истина.
Но, ти си ме уверила у то,
као неки сплеткаш или мађионичар.
Зар не, Рита?
Не плачем за људима који нису отишли.
Не плачем за стварима које нису покварене.
'Добро сам и сâм', могу да кажем ако је лаж,
али пошто су то речи, свакако их могу рећи.
У соби се чују само тихи фрижидер
и смејање из телевизора.
Баш би било добро кад бих могао да видим осећања.
Заправо, не, не желим то. Било би окрутно.
Ти, која желиш да живиш у корист других,
и ја, који желим да живим само за себе.
Као кад зупчаници не одговарају један другоме,
баш тако, звучао је наш смех.
Када бирамо једну ствар,
то значи да се решавамо друге,
и то је реду. Послушно ћу отићи у канту
и отпратити те. Зар не, Рита?
Ти, која не плачеш за себе,
чак и онда кад ти је најтеже.
Зашто си онда баш ти заплакала,
заплакала пре мене?
Увек мислим само о себи
и никад не пазећи на друге,
ако не будем добро бирао своје речи,
некога ћу засигурно повредити.
Увек мислим само о прошлости
и никад не пазећи на будућност,
као да ходам окренут леђима,
засигурно ћу се спотаћи.
Не плачем за људима који су остали
и јер планирам да разумем то,
више не желим да живим само за себе,
него желим да се смешим за неког другог.
Баш као ти.
Не плачем за заборављеном прошлошћу,
нити за временом које није прошло.
Смејали смо се заједно, годишња доба пролазе,
време тече и то је то.
Moj dragi, zašto me tako gledaš?Zašto ništa ne govoriš?
Niti izbegavaš moj pogled oh
Moj dragi, zašto prilaziš tako blizu?
Još uvek ne znamo puno
Kako bih trebalo da te zovem?
Malo brže, možda bolnije
Šta god da je, nije me briga nije me briga nije me briga
Nešto drugačije, gore
Šta god da je, u redu sam u redu sam u redu sam
Šta da radim?
Whoaohoh whoaohoh
Whoaohoh whoaohoh
Whoaohoh whoaohoh
Dođi ovde, dođi ovde, dođi ovde, dođi ovde
Whoaohoh whoaohoh
Whoaohoh whoaohoh
Whoaohoh whoaohoh (Hey señor)
Priđi bliže meni, čvršće me drži
Želim da znam o tebi-i-i-i-i
Zaljubila sam se u tebe, ne znam istina je
Jednostavno te volim, volim te,
volim te tako da me molim te zovi
Moj dragi, zašto se tako smešiš?
Moje srce te samo želi
Kako da te pustim?
Samo se fokusiraj na mene
Da li su druge oči bitne?
Skroz me drži u svojim rukama
Ne moraš da mi znaš ime
Reci mi da me želiš, da me voliš
Whoaohoh whoaohoh (Um'mm)
Whoaohoh whoaohoh (Um'mm)
Whoaohoh whoaohoh (Hey señor)
Priđi bliže meni, čvršće me drži
Želim da znam o tebi-i-i-i-i
Zaljubila sam se u tebe, ne znam istina je
Jednostavno te volim, volim te,
volim te tako da me molim te zovi
U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
(Señorita) U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
(Señorita) U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
(Señorita) U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu
(Señorita) U fu-fu-fufu fu-fu-fufu (Hey señor)
Donbas is with us
In the deep darkness, a beast awoke,And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.
The year was graceful and fruitful,
And with blood and death it was painted,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.
And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red,
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
May be it that you die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Donbas je iza nas
U dubokoj tami, probudila se zver,I u ime Boga postavljena cena,
Svi su poklekli, i braca po Hristu,
Svi su poklekli, ali ne i moja zemlja.
Bila je plodna prestupna godina,
I krvlju i smrcu natopljena,
Svod se olovnih oblaka nadvio,
Sve je pokleknulo, ali ne i moja zemlja.
Pola neba je plamen,
Pola neba je smog,
Donbas iza nas,
A sa nama Bog!
Pola neba je plamen,
pola neba smog,
Rusija je uz nas,
I sa nama je Bog!
Ovde sećanje nije izdalo oce,
Ovde se nisu odrekli dedine zemlje,
Ni po koju cenu nećete naći reči,
Ovde zivot za otadzbinu nije bitan. *1
Donbass is Behind Us
In pitch darkness, the Beast woke upAnd the price of God was set.
Everyone succumbed - even the brothers in Christ
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
It was a fruitful leap year
And death was drunk to satiety with blood
The firmament bent from the leaden clouds
Everything succumbed, but not my country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Here, the memory of the ancestors isn't betrayed
Here, the forefathers' land isn't given away
At what price - words can't express
Here, they fighted to the death for the Motherland.
And again the Russian might is in the hands
Both life and death for the Motherland is fair
It stands and holds the firmament for centuries -
My unconquered country.
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Let it be destined to perish on the cross
But you can't bring us to the knees!
In a bloody field, one for all
Donbass stands and holds the firmament
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Donbass is behind us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Moscow is behind us, 1 and God is with us!
Half the sky is flame, half the sky is smoke
Russia is with us, and God is with us!
- 1. 'Nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!' - Famous words, uttered in 1941 when the armies of Nazi Germany stood right before the capital of the USSR (Look Battle for Moscow)
The day of truths
Versions: #1You're bleeding, you can't defend yourself anymore.
You're breathing, but this isn't oxygen.
And it's not a warning, nor a sign.
It's all true and it's happening to you.
Damn right to you.
Are you listening to me?
I'm a whole other you.
The one inside of you, the one that maybe isn't there.
Something is changing, you know it's inevitable.
But this wind that's rising is fresh.
And I will save you!
Is this the day of truths.
Or is it just you who lives in half?
You can take everything, don't hide it.
You can't say no, I won't believe you.
I know you want to run, to laugh, yell, I can't hear you.
You're young, you're lucid.
On the day of truths.
Don't believe in fairy tales, but neither in reality.
To all these scruples that don't let you live.
Don't ever lose anything that keeps this fire alive.
Deceive yourself that no: you won't burn yourself.
If it's you who lives like me...
If it's you... you have to believe in me...
If it's you who lives like me...
Just behind your soul...
The heated life
This 21st century evening is coolOn this trashcan of mud and miracles
The heated life
Ohh Ohh
It's a primal instinct
Who never hurt themselves
Has never lived it
And on the bedside table
A personal Christ
Can justify us
And will forgive us
A blessing
Has never hurt
You have a personal Christ
Who will forgive you
He will forgive you
In the shadow of the moon
(In the shadow of the moon)
Other lives are sought
(Other lives are sought)
Slapping luck
And freeing the devils
A toast to poison
(A light toast)
To those who wish us harm
(To those who wish us harm)
And to this Spring
That won't come back
And on the bedside table
In natural size
A personal Christ
Who will forgive us
A blessing
Can only do good for us
You have a personal Christ
Who will forgive you
Who will forgive you
He will forgive you
Will forgive you
Life is in dispersion
Hung to wait
The astral coincidence
That will dissolve us
You don't know where to turn
Towards your house or somewhere else
But a dream is an ambition
And it will confuse us
Nobody cry anymore
It's written on the newspaper
There's a personal Christ
That will forgive us
His blessing
Is international
A personal Christ
That will forgive us
He will forgive you
He will forgive us
Will forgive us
Close Your Window
Close your window,stop greeting me.
It's not easy to leave you,
now that you're crying.
It's late for us now
to return to what it was, you know,
but if I look at you, believe me,
I will not leave you.
Of our days
only a kiss without tears remains,
but we did well to the end,
as you wanted.
Close your window,
stop greeting me,
let me cry
the way you do...
I wish I could smile,
but I know I would die.
Close your window,
don't hurt me anymore.
Close your window,
stop greeting me,
let me cry
the way you do...
I wish I could smile,
but I know I would die.
Close your window,
stop greeting me.
Close your window,
don't hurt me anymore...
Don't go alone
Don't go alone, do take me with youWhenever you go away
Without you, I can't live properly
I just keep sitting in silence
You stay in my thoughts, day and night
When you're not there around
You narrate a whole story, without uttering a single word
In a secret meeting spot
Don't go alone, do take me with you
Whenever you go away
Among all the planets, you're the star
The morning arrives because of you
My urge to live intensifies because of you
With that passionate smile of yours
Life won't be life without you
Without that affection of yours
A poem would never be a poem
If it doesn't have the aroma of your love
Don't go alone, do take me with you
Whenever you go away
The wait for you becomes sweet
Upon hearing that you're arriving
There're clouds in the skies of my heart
Floating with utmost stunning passion
The imagination is giving me troubles today
Showing me milliards of dreams
The approaching death goes away with a smile
When he sees me with you
Don't go alone, do take me with you
Whenever you go away
These fingers areCounting days
When you return
Commit to all promises
Do not betray
the utterance of heart
Where's the earth
(The earth that (I) stepped on)
There's a sky
(The sky that (I) shall bear)
So does heart
(My) heart is beating an awkward song
Who could bear as my heart yearns for you
(My) heart is beating an awkward rhythm
My love for you will last forever
My love for you will last forever
(Last forever)
Day by day my heart never stops
Longing for you
Be careful when searching for true love
There is only me here
Where's the earth
(The earth that (I) stepped on)
There's a sky
(The sky that (I) shall bear)
So does heart
(My) heart is beating an awkward song
Who could bear as my heart yearns for you
(My) heart is beating an awkward rhythm
My love for you will last forever
(Last forever)
Where does
(The earth that (I )stepped on)
There's a sky that (I) shall bear
So does heart
Where does
The earth that I stepped on
There's a sky that I shall bear
So does heart
(My) heart is beating an awkward song
Who could bear as my heart yearn for you
(My) heart is beating an awkward rhythm
My love for you will last forever
Where's the earth
(Singing awkwardly)
There's a sky
(Who could bear as my heart yearns for you)
(My) heart is beating an awkward rhythm
My love for you will last forever
(My love for you will last forever)
(Last forever)
Whether i am misspending my life
Versions: #1Whether i am misspending my life (or not)
you are not the one to judge me
'cause you are not
entitled to.
I was hanging from the edge of the cliff
but you were spending your night somewhere else
while i was asking
for a hand to hold to
Whether i am misspending my life (or not)
i am the one who is in charge
Stop accusing me
Only God
can judge me.
Whether i am misspending my life (or not)
i am the one who is in charge.
You see, you are no longer
the tough guy
who used to abandon me
here and there.
My heart is like a rock now
and a make my nest
wherever i go
This is called by you
' a misspent life'.
Whether i am misspending my life (or not)
i am the one who is in charge
Stop accusing me
Only God
can judge me.
The chanoumakia (1)
You had the tekes 1 on the shoreAnd I'd come every day to forget my pain
Two beautiful chanoumakia, weed addicts, the poor ones
I crashed into them one morning while they were sitting in the sand
Come close dervish, sit down next to us
And listen to the songs of love that come out our hearts
Grab your baglamas so you can have a bit of fun
Light up your blunt, to smoke with us
Fill up the hookah, to drink, to get high
And then, my chanoumakia, let me grab my baglamas
To fix up a hookah for you with world class weed
At Barba Giannis' tekes at Pasalimani
- 1. lit. Khanqah, used for, a place to smoke shisha
Marjorie secretly
Secretly last night, Marjorie run away into the darknessAah, old Nicholas,
Marjorie is gone!
Old Nicholas look around well
See if she isn't sleeping upstairs in the bedroom
And she's pulling a prank on us
Huh, you think Notis came by
And took her from us, the bum?
Aah, old Nicholas,
Marjorie is gone!
Old Nicholas be on your guard,
So they don't steal us the hookah,
So they don't steal us the pipe
And we are left sober
You think Batakas came by and took her, the magkas?
Aah, old Nicholas,
Marjorie is gone!
Old Nicholas look around,
See if our baglamas isn't gone
And if our weed is also not gone
Old Nicholas, you dervish!
I don't want to live, I don't want to die
I know, for us the road ends here.Having lowered your eyes, you stay silent.
Not a word, not a sound.
It started to rain, I'm not crying
Thirsty trunks shiver in the dusk.
I need to stop these ridiculous thoughts.
How will I live and how will I die
In my world with no love?
Stop, save your last words.
They're worth nothing to us now, they're worth nothing now.
It started to rain, I'm not crying
Thirsty trunks shiver in the dusk.
I need to stop these ridiculous thoughts.
How will I live and how will I die
In my world with no love?
I need to stop these ridiculous thoughts.
How will I live and how will I die
In my world with no love?
O Allah you Light
Nothing happens without your permissionThe earth does not shake, words don't even form
When I think of your words
Of times old, my heart swells
The Qu'ran touched my heart
It removed all my doubts
Oh how it vanished all bad things
You are my escape
O Allah(swt), you unending light
You brighten even my heart
You calm me with your compassion
I follow you with no fear (2x)
In every place I see your power
When from the sky you release rain
You hold the Earth in your hands
You melt my heart
The heart rejoices, the face lights up
When you are in my mind O Allah(swt)
And you look after us
Everyone, everywhere
O Allah(swt), you unending light
You brighten even my heart
You calm me with your compassion
I follow you with no fear (2x)
Живим из дана у дан
Живим из дана у данрасипам своје дане у ветар
Око мене се људи венчавају,
И ја бих желела да се одморим.
Кажу да се Земља
врти око своје осе.
Где је моја оса?
Ужасно је вртети се у круг.
Нисам баш лепа
И немам шеснаест година
Али знам понешто
О овом свету.
И ако је озбиљан
И ако само жели
Само због једне речи
Даћу толико много.
Ту и тамо се појави понеки мушкарац
Као на удаљеној железничкој станици.
Ко год ме је пожелео ове ноћи
Зажалио је наредног дана.
Кажу да наше Сунце
Гори већ милион година.
Колико дуго може горети једна особа
И чему све то?
Нисам баш лепа
И немам шеснаест година
Али знам понешто
О овом свету.
И ако је озбиљан
И ако само жели
Само због једне речи
Даћу толико много.
И ако ми само пружи руку
И ако каже да ме жели,
Због обичне ситнице
Даћу толико много.
In The Wedding Gown
(Verse 1):How long have I waited for this special moment
To approach the holy tabernacle together with you
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo 1izveštačena!Tako da sve shvatam baš olako, nemoj mi se brinuti
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Samo u mojoj mladosti ću ovako cvetati, a uobičajna ljubav mi je baš davež!
'Taj više nikada neće dolaziti ovde'
Kažeš mi tim tvojim finim glasom, ali
Ni onaj ni ovaj mi nisu dobri, a ni ne treba mi baš nešto da me tešiš
Previše se brineš samo zbog toga što je mene neko otkačio
Ne čini njega da izgleda kao neki zlikovac
Shvatam da nam je on stavio kraj na ljubav, ali
To je i samoj meni leglo sasvim dobro, tako da mi stvarno ne treba da me tešiš
Niko nikada ne može da me shvati kako treba
Jesam baš odvažna, a jesam i baš prepredena
Nije kao da je to nešto posebno, stvarno me ne zanima
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Tako da sve shvatam baš olako, nemoj mi se brinuti
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Samo u mojoj mladosti ću ovako cvetati, a uobičajna ljubav mi je davež
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Samo u mojoj mladosti ću ovako cvetati, a uobičajna ljubav mi je baš davež!
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Tako da sve shvatam baš olako, nemoj mi se brinuti
Nisam ja neka dama, ja sam samo izveštačena!
Samo u mojoj mladosti ću ovako cvetati, a uobičajna ljubav mi je baš davež!
- 1. upotrebljena imenica miha se ne može prevesti na srpski ni po kakvom bukvalnom značenju
Goodbye my love
Today your letter arrived suddenlyI was shocked, you'll get married
That beautiful woman in the picture is lovely
Congratulations from my heart
It was so quick, soon will be a year
Since the night I cried, as if it was yesterday
Goodbye my love, the one I loved the most
I can't say anything but I'll answer you tonight
Goodbye impossible love, the one who's furthest
Just for tonight I'll cry with all my might
That's why tomorrow, let me forget you
You kept your promise of telling me
If you find someone to love
She's happy that you love her
You'll keep loving her more than me
Goodbye my love, the one I loved the most
All fades into the dark of the night
Goodbye impossible love, the one who's furthest
My bitter everyday ends tonight
Surely tomorrow, I can forget you
Goodbye my love, the one I loved the most
All fades into the dark of the night
Goodbye impossible love, the one who's furthest
My bitter everyday ends tonight
Surely tomorrow, I can forget you
Mania for you
Versions:Honey, you make my mouth water
dressing up your costumes, undressing your clothes
wet with sweat from all that kissing and
from the whole crazy things we imagine.
We make love by telepathy
on the ground, at the sea, on the moon, in a melody
mania for you
from all that kissing and
from the whole crazy things we imagine.
Nothing better than doing nothing
but just lay down and cuddle up to you
nothing better than doing nothing
but just lay down and cuddle up to you.
Honey, you make my mouth water
dressing up your costumes, undressing your clothes
wet with sweat from all that kissing and
from the whole crazy things we imagine.
We make love by telepathy
on the ground, at the sea, on the moon, in a melody
mania for you
from all that kissing and
from the whole crazy things we imagine.
Nothing better than doing nothing
but just lay down and cuddle up to you
nothing better than doing nothing
but just lay down and cuddle up to you.
to you, to you.
Nothing better, nothing better
than doing nothing
nothing, nothing better than doing nothing
but just lay down and... to you.
cuddle up, cuddle up, cuddle up, cuddle up to you
cuddle up, cuddle up, cuddle up, cuddle up to you.
Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance
Was I born to be in love with you?Through this wall I mumble alone, 'love me'
I keep hunting out your personal love information in the closed door of myself
I wish I could touch your face, stroke your face, my sweetheart!
Oh my, oh my you have a guest? What a pretty girl she is
Tell me how much you love her I'll kill her and pack her up
Burning photos of that girl
I wonder what she's doing now (lol)
You can do anything you want to me
Because I love you this much, see?
I want to keep you completely riveted, and I want to have a collection of you
Why are you crying?
What wrong? Oh, this one?
I'll affectionately hold a cardboard box that you will be put into when you're dead
I'll put a present behind the door
A kitten head every single day for you, a cat lover
Burning photos of that girl
I wonder if she ever existed lol
'I love you' such a cliché doesn't satisfy me
But makes me want to puke
'I will eternally love you...'
The punisher
Versions: #1Nail by nail
Noose lazed in salt
All the corrupt are going to tremble when the punisher lifts me flower of justice of the bars
Here I plant a flag for those who slave themselves this little town is fucked and they want to see it wanting
The revel in luxuries paid for by the miserable while in el capotillo hunger is hungry
Those that take from the poor are the worst cowards put a cross on the door the streets feel like they’re burning
It’s been 500 years devouring little skeletons food for the dog while these pigs are crushing in yachts like Ramfis Trujillo the old and the Haitians are throwing up glass.
Nail by nail
Noose lazed in salt
All the corrupt are going to tremble when the punisher lifts me flower of justice of the bard
For every dollar that you have stollen the whole sadness that fills a home the sadness of those who are lacking in pennies to educate their children. That is pain
The tit of the public is empty. Sucking on fillets with what’s off the people machete yilete with your archaic laws machete yilete.
Spirit of war your country is calling on you. Straighten the path with axes and troops with with hands and with mouth take all the bad seeds from here
Nail by nail
Noose lazed in salt
All the corrupt are going to tremble when the punisher lift me flower of justice of the bard
You come like the wind
I had once a real world,Made out of hands and inhabited by lips.
Hours of warm autumn color
Hidden in four silence walls.
In your fingers I felt the rain
And in it I touched the sky.
And in your hair the evening stopped
And left stars on the hands.1
Know, that I feel how the wind flies in you
And passes upon my face!
Stay, like the silent wind!
Only it promises rains.
Stay, like the silent wind!
Only it promises rains.
I had once, now I have nothing.
The rain stopped, the stars faded.
My arm is like a bat
Amid the lonely laugh of the walls.
Know, that I feel how the wind flies in you
And passes on my face!
Stay, like the silent wind!
Only it promises rains.
- 1. The words here a little bit out of order. The right sentence should be like this 'And the evening stopped in your hair and left stars on the hands.
You know each of my demons by their namesAnd there's nothing you don't know about me
We are on the warm hood of the car,
These stars are too boring, let the Sun explode
Hands smell like ashes, my heart smells like you
And it's such a different, adult love
You explode inside of me, like a nuclear bomb
The walls of Babylon will fall, but we are unbreakable
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
I'll share my victory with you
When they are against you - we are against them
We are alone, we are stuck in these sheets in bedrooms
And in this world, there is no one, except for you - you're perfect
We blow this reality up every night on repeat
We are alone in this Universe when the curtains are drawn
We are the eternity of the space, we are fractals and chemistry
We are indivisible, yeah
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
I know their names
I know their names
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
And if tomorrow Armageddon comes
And only two will survive
I know their names
I know their names
I know their names
I know their names
Under blood-red clouds, two of my memories flow far away as wellWith each echoing bell chime, you and I grab a fragment
Tomorrow's weather will be fine
I wonder if we can make it beyond the stars
As I stare at the sky and walk, there's a single light
Even if I'm all alone above the moon
I'll run out of this spiral
You told me I definitely could laugh after I cried
I won't ever forget our journey
I'll cast a spell so I won't lose it and never say goodbye
You'll walk on again someday
I can't remember the vanishing silhouettes or the town dyed the color of the sunset
In this tall place, I see you off and make a promise to you
We'll hold hands tomorrow
Blown around by a rainbow-colored wind
Lost, where should I go?
Until I reach bewildered Alice
Beyond an unknown dream
If I can say the words I wasn't able to, that won't be the end
Even if our journey comes to crossroads again
Even so, you'll wake up and disappear
So I'll give you a smile with all I have
And bid you farewell
I never did find those words, not did I fulfill our promise
There's no such thing as a neverending ending
You'll go on without knowing and I still won't say anything
But I'm sure we can't go back like this
You told me I definitely could laugh after I cried
I won't ever forget our journey
I'll cast a spell so I won't lose it and never say goodbye
You'll walk on again someday