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Број резултата: 5


Старе куће

Ко је живео,
ко је јуче живео у овим кућама?
Старим кућама од времена потамнелим!
Старим терасама, од влаге обојеним,
са легендама у ноћима љубави...
Обасјане месечином сам их гледао
и зрацима златног сунца ...
И данас, гледам како покорно чекају
пресуду која значи збогом ...
И то, без злобе,
како говеда иду на кланицу
без да се ико, од њих опростио!
Одлазите, одлазите ...
Драге старе куће.
друге су ...
Ваши животи су завршени.
Стигле су машине и њиховаа бука
одређено је морате отићи!
Време сурово у свом пламену
све гута и морате умрети ...
Одлаазите, одлазите ...
Свој крст носећи!
Као сенке исчезавају
и нестају пред светлошћу!
Љубав светлошћу крунисну,
дворишта та такође су знала
Зидови њихови чували су веру
и свету тајну о двоје.
Миловања овде су живела ...
Уздишући певали су страсно! ...
Где несташе пољупци од јуче?
Где су речи љубави?
Где су она и он?
Као све пролазно је, тако и ове куће
да се никад не врате! ...

Like two stranges

Loneliness intimidated me,
and the tremendous fear to die far away from you.
How badly I felt like crying
feeling next to me the mockery of reality...!
And my heart begged me to look for you,
and to give you its love.
It was the heart asking me
and then I looked for you
thinking you would be my salvation.
And now that I am facing you,
we look, you can see, like two strangers,
a lesson that I, finally, learnt:
How do the years change things!
Anguish to know,
already are dead the illusion and the faith.
Excuse me if you see me weeping,
the memories have done me wrong!
The sun light faded
upon hearing you talking so coldly...!
Our love was so different,
and it hurts to realize
that all, that all came to an end.
What a big error to see you again
to leave me with a broken heart!
Coming back, there are one thousand ghosts,
making fun of me
and the ours of what died yesterday.
And now that I am facing you,
we look, you can see, like two strangers,
a lesson that I, finally, learnt:
How do the years change things!
Anguish to know
already are dead the illusion and the faith.
Excuse me if you see me weeping,
the memories have done me wrong!


Old, San Juan and Boedo, and all the sky,
Pompeya and, beyond, the flood,
Your bridal vail in the memory,
And your name floating in the farewell...
The corner of the blacksmith mud and naked,
Your house, your path and the ditch
And a perfume of weeds and alfalfa
That fills my heart a new.
South, wall and then ...
South, a store light ...
You will never see me as you did,
Leaning on the counter
Waiting for you,
I will never light up with the stars
Our march without complaints
In the nights of Pompeya.
The streets and the suburban moons
And my love in your window
Everything is dead, I know it.
Old, San Juan and Boedo, lost sky,
Pompeya and, upon reaching the embankment,
Your twenty years trembling with love
Under the kiss that I then stole from you.
Nostalgia for the things that have passed,
Sand taken away by life,
Grief of the neighborhood that has changed
And bitterness of the dream that died.
South, wall and then ...
South, a store light ...
You will never see me as you did,
Leaning on the counter
Waiting for you,
I will never light up with the stars
Our march without complaints
In the nights of Pompeya
The streets and the suburban moons
And my love in your window
Everything is dead, I know.


One searches full of expectations
The path that the dreams
Had promised by your yearnings,
Knows that the struggle is cruel and it's a lot
But one fights and bleeds
For the faith that insists on it...
One, dragging himself amongst thorns
And in his eagerness to give you his love
Suffers and destroys himself until realizing
That one has been left without a heart...
The price of punishment that one gives
For a kiss that never comes
Or a love that was untrue to him...
Empty now from loving and crying
So much betrayal...
If I had the heart,
The heart that I gave,
If I could as in the past
Love without expectation...
It is possible that your eyes,
That scream their affection to me,
I will close with my kisses.
Without thinking that they were like those
Other eyes, the wicked ones,
The ones that wrecked my existence...
If I had the heart,
The same one that I lost,
If I'd forget the one who yesterday
Destroyed it and I could love you...
I would embrace your illusion
to mourn your love...
But God brought you to my destiny
Without thinking that it is too late now
And I wouldn't know how to love you...
Let me weep like the one
Who suffers in life the torture
Of mourning his own death...
Pure as you are, you would have salvaged
My hope with your love
One is so alone in his pain...
One is so blind in his punishment...
But a cruel cold that is worse than hate,
Impasse of the souls,
Horrid tomb of my love,
Cursed forever and it has robbed me of
All illusion...
If I'd forget that yesterday
You destroyed it and I could love you ...
I would embrace your illusion
To mourn your love ...

Blooming Orange Tree

She was blander than water
Than soft water
She was fresher than the river
Blooming orange tree
And in that street of weariness
Lost street
She left a piece of my life
And left...
First one must know how to suffer
Then love, then part
And finally go on without a thought
Perfume of blooming orange tree
Empty promises of a love
That escaped with the wind
And then, who cares about the 'then'!
All of my life is yesterday
That keeps me in the past
Eternal and old youth
That has left me a coward
Like a bird without light
What must my hands have done to her
What have they done...
To have left in my chest
So much pain
Old grove pain
Corner music
With a piece of life
Blooming orange tree
First one must know how to suffer
Then love, then part
And finally go on without a thought
Perfume of blooming orange tree
Empty promises of a love
That escaped with the wind
And then, who cares about the 'then'!
All of my life is yesterday
That keeps me in the past
Eternal and old youth
That has left me a coward
Like a bird without light...