Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 6
Jedan na jedan
Pogledaj me u oci
ali jedan na jedan
i iskreno mi reci
da je s nama gotovo
Osecala sam tvoje ruke
umorne od grljenja
i pre nego sto si me poljubio
nesto si mi hteo reci
videla sam u tvojim ocima
da zelis zaplakati
i prepoznala sam tada
tvoj cudan pogled
Ali ti
se ne usudjujes
ili imas strah da mi kazes
ne znam
me ne zelis povrediti
to moze biti
ali vec sam preplasena
od same pomisli da je s nama gotovo
Ali ne ,
Ne trazim da mi das razlog
bolje ne
samo idi i ne reci mi kuda ces
ucini mi uslugu
jer ima ljubavi
ako te ponovo nadjem
ako te ponovo zavolim
mozda mnogo vise
jer ima ljubavi
ako te ponovo nadjem
ako te ponovo zavolim
mozda mnogo vise
Ali ne ,
Ne trazim da mi das razlog
bolje ne
ne ,samo idi i ne reci mi kuda ces
ucini mi uslugu
jer ima ljubavi
ako te ponovo nadjem
ako te ponovo zavolim
mozda ..
jer ima ljubavi
ako te ponovo nadjem
ako te ponovo zavolim
mozda mnogo vise
Kao tvoja zena
Dala sam ti
ceo svoj zivot
i zelela bih jos
Dobro znas
da sam samo tvoja
dok jednog dana ne umrem
ali vidi
da kada me varas , varas sebe
zbog svoje nadmenosti
Zbog onih stvari koje samnom radis
Zelim spreciti Boga da te kazni
Otici cu , jer si tako hteo
Pa pogledaj !
Kako se smejes , kako se igras
Sa nadom koju sam gajila sa tobom
Sa poverenjem koje sam imala u tebe
Bolje je
Idi i budi slobodan ako zelis biti
Onaj covek koga sam uvek zelela videti
Iako pored tebe se ne mogu videti kao tvoj zena
ali vidis
da kada me varas , sebe varas
zbog svoje nadmenosti
Zbog onih stvari koje samnom radis
Zelim spreciti Boga da te kazni
Otici cu , jer si tako hteo
Pa pogledaj !
Kako se smejes , kako se igras
Sa nadom koju sam imala s tobom
Sa poverenjem koje sam imala u teb
Bolje je
Idi i budi slobodan
Onaj covek koga sam uvek zelela videti
Iako pored tebe se ne mogu videti kao tvoj zena
Gold, verdant, silver and carmine ...
Sable, blank, ruddy, colour blueing ...
Rosy, mallow, blue and lemon ...
It was repeating my (own) heart ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
(just) is this my song ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
seek the vermilion ...
Gold, verdant, silver and carmine ...
Sable, blank, ruddy, colour blueing ...
Rosy, mallow, blue and lemon ...
It was repeating my (own) heart ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
(just) is this my song ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
seek the vermilion ...
Gold of the lemon,
verdant of garden,
silver of jessamine
... and where is the carmine ?
Black of the carbon,
white of ivory,
ruddy of rubiii ...
... and where is the blueing ?
Gold, verdant, silver and carmine ...
Sable, blank, ruddy, colour blueing ...
Rosy, mallow, blue and lemon ...
It was repeating my (own) heart ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
(just) is this my song ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
seek the vermilion ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
(just) is this my song ...
Seek it and re-seek it,
se•ek the ver•mi•lion ...
Eternal Love
Versions: #5
You're the sadness in my eyes
That cry in silence for your love
I see myself in the mirror and I see my face
And all the time I've suffered because of your goodbye
I force my thoughts to forget you
Because I'm always thinking about yesterdays
I prefer to be sleeping than awake
As it hurts so much that you're not here
Oh, I would like so much for you to live
That your little eyes would have never closed
And be looking at them
Eternal love, and unforgettable
Sooner or later I'll be with you
To keep loving each other
I've suffered so much because of your absence
That since that day until today, I'm not happy
And even if my conscience is calm
I know I could have done more for you
I'm living such dark loneliness
The same loneliness as your grave
You are the love of which I have
The saddest memory of Acapulco
Oh, I would like so much for you to live
That your little eyes would have never closed
And be looking at them
Eternal love, and unforgettable
Sooner or later I'll be with you
To keep loving each other
I like you so much
I haven't lost the hope
of having you in my arms
and that day will come
from a long time I like you
and what I like a lot I get it
with complete conviction
I haven't lost the hope
that you love me one day
and you'll love me one day
soon or later you'll be mine
I'll be yours one day
and I gotta make it
For the record darling, I warned you
I won't rest until you're mine
because I like you from a long long time ago
I like you so much, I like you so much
soon or later I'll be yours and you'll be mine
I like you so much, I like you so much
soon or later I'll be yours and you'll be mine

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
In This Dark Afternoon
How badly I want to cry
In this dark afternoon!
As it falls and trickles down
The rain speaks about you...
It's the remorse of knowing
That because of my actions, I shall never
Ever see you again.
My eyes, as they close,
Can see you as you were yesterday:
Trembling as you implored,
Once again, for my love...
And today your voice bleeds in me,
In this dark afternoon!
Come -you'd sorrowfully say-
Because my soul
Cannot endure this loneliness anymore...
Come and take pity on my pain!
For I am tired of crying over you,
Suffering and waiting for you
And being always alone
With my heart...
Come, for I love you so very much
That, if you don't come back today
I will end up drowning in my own tears...
No! I cannot live like this
With this love stuck within me
Like a curse...!
I didn't know how to appreciate
The depth of your desperation
And, cheerful, I went away
Looking for a brand new love...
How aggrieved and lonely I felt
When I saw that you were so far away
And I understood the gravity of my mistake!
My eyes, as they close,
Can see you as you were yesterday:
Trembling as you implored,
Once again, for my love...
And today your voice bleeds in me,
In this dark afternoon!
Come -you'd sorrowfully say-
Because my soul
Cannot endure this loneliness anymore...
Come and take pity on my pain!
For I am tired of crying over you,
Suffering and waiting for you
And being always alone
With my heart...
Come, for I love you so very much
That, if you don't come back today
I will end up drowning in my own tears...
No! I cannot live like this
With this love stuck within me
Like a curse...!