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Број резултата: 48


Njeni otisci

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
[Strofa 1]
Pre nego što ogolim svoje srce
upozoravam te da mi je ranjeno,
da je moja mračna prošlost bila žena,
a sada je potrebno da je izbrišem iz svog života.
Pre nego što završim ovu pesmu
nadam se da ćeš preuzeti inicijativu
da se otarasim bola,
da uklonim njene posledice iz mog tela,
tolike noći sam bio njen, još uvek je osećam.
Dođi, iščupaj mi njene otiske
čak i da ostanem živo meso
sa kožom pocepanom na komadiće.
Dođi, iščupaj mi vene
jer plazma u meni
ima otrov njene ljubavi.
I uzmi ovaj upaljač,
želim da mi spališ usne,
izbriši mi njen ukus,
jer njen jezik me povredio.
Dođi, iščupaj mi njene otiske,
svaki trag u mojoj koži sa nožem.
Dođi, iščupaj me iz ove tuge,
tako da ne ostane ništa od nje
kada budem sa tobom.
[Strofa ]
Posle toga, kada ne budem povređen,
rodiće se nov muškarac i biću tvoj,
a u međuvremenu, daj mi svoj doprinos
da uklonim njene posledice iz mog tela,
tolike noći sam bio njen, još uvek je osećam.
Dođi, iščupaj mi njene otiske
čak i da ostanem živo meso
sa kožom pocepanom na komadiće.
Dođi, iščupaj mi vene
jer plazma u meni
ima otrov njene ljubavi.
I uzmi ovaj upaljač,
želim da mi spališ usne,
izbriši mi njen ukus,
jer njen jezik me povredio.
Dođi, iščupaj mi njene otiske,
svaki trag u mojoj koži sa nožem.
Dođi, iščupaj me iz ove tuge,
tako da ne ostane ništa od nje
kada budem sa tobom.
Da li vam nedostajem?
Ko je kralj?
Eh, slušaj ove reči.
Iščupaj sve iz mene,
ne želim njene otiske,
više volim da umrem.
Iščupaj sve iz mene,
želim da budem tvoj,
ne želim njene otiske.

Seks sa odećom

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Spanish)
Već sa jednim pogledom
govoriš mnogo i nešto me intrigira u tebi,
da bi se zabavili, moramo biti ludi
i zadovoljiti šta koža traži.
(Pred - refren)
Vidim da me ti već izazivaš
na podijum želim da te pozovem,
dok se u međuvremenu dodirujemo,
sve će samo teći.
Reci mi, ako se polako približim
želim da osetim ljuljanje tvojih kukova,
seks sa odećom, dušo, idemo!
Dušo, hoću da te **bem na plesnom podijumu, ako mi dozvoliš
(Čak i ako prekršimo zakon)
(Posle- refrena)
Uh-uh-uh, tako
Uh-uh-uh, da
Neka nas ples uzbudi!
Uh-uh-uh, tako
Uh-uh-uh, ah-ah
Stranci plešu u seksu!
Znam šta želiš
(Pred - refren)
Vidim da me ti već izazivaš
na podijum želim da te pozovem,
dok se u međuvremenu dodirujemo,
sve će samo teći.
Reci mi, ako se polako približim
želim da osetim ljuljanje tvojih kukova,
seks sa odećom, dušo, idemo!
Dušo, hoću da te **bem na plesnom podijumu, ako mi dozvoliš
(Čak i ako prekršimo zakon)
(Posle- refrena)
Uh-uh-uh, tako
Uh-uh-uh, da
Neka nas ples uzbudi!
Uh-uh-uh, tako
Uh-uh-uh, ah-ah
Stranci plešu u seksu!
Reci mi, ako se polako približim
želim da osetim ljuljanje tvojih kukova,
seks sa odećom, dušo, idemo!
Dušo, hoću da te **bem na plesnom podijumu, ako mi dozvoliš
(Čak i ako prekršimo zakon)
(Posle- refrena)
Uh-uh-uh, tako (Tako)
Uh-uh-uh, da
Neka nas ples uzbudi!
Uh-uh-uh, tako
Uh-uh-uh, ah-ah
Stranci plešu u seksu!


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
(Strofa 1)
Let je zakazan za dvanaest sati,
za deset sati slećem u tvoju zemlju
u onaj isti stari hotel od te noći,
verujem da ću te opet tamo videti.
Znaš da zbog tebe ću dodati četristotine dana u kalendaru,
sutra u pola jedan ćemo biti neutoljivi.
Ljubavi, ta četri slova obeležavaju tvoju sudbinu,
razdvojeni, a opet tako ujedinjeni,
ovo je tako posebno,
proklinjem daljinu, više volim da sam sa tobom.
Ta magija, ta moć pada u tvoje ruke,
vrlo je apsurdno da budemo razdvojeni,
ali život je takav,
odbili su te za vizu i muče me.
Ne, oh
Ako će ikada da ispričaš našu priču,
jasno stavi do znanja da sam te voleo.
Ne postoji pasoš, niti zakon koji se protive,
ne postoji vlada koji nas može pobedi,
ljubav je moć.
(Strofa 2)
Prokleta tiranija i njeni uslovi,
uzrok zašto si daleko od mene,
u Havani gde smo vodili ljubav,
udaljeni, predodređeni na patnju, uh-uh-uh
Znaš da zbog tebe ću dodati četristotine dana u kalendaru,
sutra u pola jedan ćemo biti neutoljivi.
Ljubavi, ta četri slova obeležavaju tvoju sudbinu,
razdvojeni, a opet tako ujedinjeni,
ovo je tako posebno,
proklinjem daljinu, više volim da sam sa tobom.
Ta magija, ta moć pada u tvoje ruke,
vrlo je apsurdno da budemo razdvojeni,
ali život je takav,
odbili su te za vizu i muče me.
Dame i gospodo, poželeću vam dobrodošlicu u Havanu, na Kubi
Vidimo se nasamo za nekoliko sati.
Kako da ubrzamo vreme?
Neka talasi budu svedoci
da si već građanka mog tela.


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
(Strofa 1)
Uradiću autopsiju mog srca, kad mi je već mrtvo (Kad mi je već mrtvo)
savetujem te da se udaljiš, ako ne želiš da počnem da te povređujem.
Iskreno, moja ljubav nije dobra za tebe,
ti si upečatljv plen i ja sam ajkula.
Trči, idi, spasi se od mene,
tvoja sam propast,
nemoj se zaljubiti u mene!
Moja devojko, nemam osećanja,
veoma sam zaleđen iznutra
mnogima od njih sam uzvartio loše,
jer ne znam da volim i ne dopuštam da me vole.
Mogu da ti improvizujem hiljadu dodira,
ako želiš osvani na mojim grudima,
ali te upozoravam da je moj krevet udica
i nikada ne treba da plivaš u ovom moru.
(Strofa 2)
Ne zaljubljuj se u mene,
možeš se ugušiti u procesu.
Ne zaljubljuj se u mene,
jer opasnost roni u otvorenom moru.
Moja devojko, nemam osećanja,
veoma sam zaleđen iznutra
mnogima od njih sam uzvartio loše,
jer ne znam da volim i ne dopuštam da me vole.
Mogu da ti improvizujem hiljadu dodira,
ako želiš osvani na mojim grudima,
ali te upozoravam da je moj krevet udica
i nikada ne treba da plivaš u ovom moru.
Ove vode su duboke
Znala si?
Otplivaj, otplivaj
Tvoje srce rizikuje u mojim rukama
Otplivaj, otplivaj
I zbog moje surove prirode ću te povrediti
Otplivaj, otplivaj
Otplivaj, otplivaj
Reci im ko je kralj

I ja isto

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
[Romeo Santos:]
Ko si ti
da se hvališ i razmećeš, bolje nju pitaj
koji muškarac je uzdiže do zvezda?
Koji od nas dvojice je učinio da se oseća ženstvenije?
[Marc Anthony:]
Ko si ti da me izazivaš
da se za nju takmičimo,
garantujem da je besramno ono što tvrdiš,
bio sam njena intenzivna ekstaza zadovoljstva.
I ja isto
sam je voleo sa mojim pesničkim budalaštinama i umro bih za nju.
[Romeo Santos:]
I ja isto
sam joj ponudio ljubav Romea i Julije.
[Marc Anthony:]
I ja isto sam je voleo
i predao sam joj dušu,
sa osmehom je obasjavala moja jutra.
Romeo Santos:]
I ja isto sam osetio da je ona bila moje sve,
ne samo strast između mokrih čaršava.
[Marc Anthony:]
[Romeo Santos:]
Ko si ti
da se osećaš kao superiorni vlasnik nje?
Tebe je želela, mene je nešto iskrenije volela,
kao Kolumbo, preplovio sam celu njenu kožu.
[Marc Anthony:]
I ja isto
sam je voleo sa mojim pesničkim budalaštinama i umro bih za nju.
[Romeo Santos:]
I ja isto sam joj ponudio ljubav Romea i Julije.
[Marc Anthony:]
I ja isto sam je voleo
i predao sam joj dušu,
sa osmehom je obasjavala moja jutra.
[Romeo Santos:]
I ja isto sam osetio da je ona bila moje sve,
ne samo strast između mokrih čaršava.
Ko si ti? (Ti, ti, ti)
I ja isto sam živeo samo za nju,
a da mi je tražila, stvorio bih joj pun mesec.
[Marc Anthony:]
Bio sam njen prijatelj, dobar ljubavnik na njenoj milosti.
(I ja isto sam je voleo)
[Marc Anthony:]
Moj je bilo čist osećaj,
natprirodno, nešto savršeno,
sve sam joj dao.
(I ja isto sam je voleo)
[Romeo Santos:]
Moji dodiri su bili tako vreli, tako jaki,
vreli medeni poljupci
koji su je ostavljali opijenom, da budna sanja.
(I ja isto sam je voleo)
(Ahh ahh ahh! Ohh! Ahh!)
[Romeo Santos:]
On je odvratan.
[Romeo Santos:]
Otkrio sam njene emocije i hiljadu avantura.
[Marc Anthony:]
Predao bih joj mesec, sve za nju.
[Romeo Santos:]
Nezaustavljiva ljubav, sve sam joj dao.
[Marc Anthony:]
Bio sam njena zemlja, nebo i more, usrećio sam je.
Krv me zove!


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
[Intro: ROSALÍA]
Moje pevanje,
moje pesma je jadikovka,
aj, zato što sam zaljubljena
i nije mi uzvraćeno,
slomljena sam iznutra.
[Strofa 1: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Cigara me prati do ambisa
isto kao i ti, nemam sreće u ljubavi,
voleti slepo oduzima ti moć,
dovodi srce u opasnost, povređuje osećanja.
Jednog ponedeljka je otišao
u 6:24h, spavala sam, nije se oprostio od mene,
a danas prosipam svaku suzu na tvoje grudi
nisi on, ali želm poljubac.
[Pred-refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Podstičem te
da olakšamo tugu i da se izlečimo u krevetu.
Priznajem ti
dušo, ako učiniš da ga zaboravim, možda se sutra vratim.
[Refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Uveravam te mila, da ću biti maramica,
ubij patnju ovde na mom telu.
Dušo, daj mi utehu,
biću lek, želim tvoje telo.
[Interludijum: Romeo Santos]
Uh, woh-woh
Slušaj reči
(Od Romea)
[Strofa 2: ROSALÍA]
Nije bilo poruke, niti je na stolu bila cedulja,
onaj kreten je ostavio samo svoju polo majicu.
Voleti slepo oduzima ti moć,
ali ove noći se uzdižemo do neba.
[Pred-refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Podstičem te
da olakšamo tugu i da se izlečimo u krevetu.
Priznajem ti
dušo, ako učiniš da ga zaboravim, možda se sutra vratim.
[Refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Uveravam te mila, da ću biti maramica,
ubij patnju ovde na mom telu.
Dušo, daj mi utehu,
biću lek, želim tvoje telo.
[Interludijum: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Da li ti se sviđa moja bačata drugarice?
[Prelaz: ROSALÍA & Romeo Santos]
Očigledno je da smo prošli kroz isto,
ali niko nije umro od ljubavi.
Dođi ove noći, smesti se u moj zagrljaj,
iskali strast sa besom.
Nije slučajno što smo se sreli? (Kako?)
[Pred-refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Podstičem te
da olakšamo tugu i da se izlečimo u krevetu.
Priznajem ti
dušo, ako učiniš da ga zaboravim, možda se sutra vratim.
[Refren: Romeo Santos & ROSALÍA]
Uveravam te mila, da ću biti maramica,
ubij patnju ovde na mom telu.
Dušo, daj mi utehu,
biću lek, želim tvoje telo.
[Ostalo: Romeo Santos]


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
[Strofa 1]
Još jedna čaša *Brugala,
dok ne ponestane robe i ne napijem moju dušu.
Neka me vide kako plačem,
neka neko pozove hitnu, jer ću u ovoj kafani iskrvariti.
I pijem,
zato što te volim i mrzim te,
verujem u Boga, ali te želim u paklu,
ako me jedno prevariš, to je tvoja krivica, a drugi put sam ja budala,
izdala si me, nisi mislila na našu decu, tvojom krivicom sada želim
da ostavim svoj život u baru.
Prokleti osećaj
[Verso 2]
Šankeru, sipaj još,
račun danas ti plaćaš, a takođe i moju sahranu.
Poslednje upozorenje,
neka neko pozove hitnu, jer ću u ovoj kafani iskrvariti.
I pijem,
zato što te volim i mrzim te,
verujem u Boga, ali te želim u paklu,
ako me jedno prevariš, to je tvoja krivica, a drugi put sam ja budala
izdala si me, nisi mislila na našu decu, tvojom krivicom sada želim
da ostavim svoj život u baru.
Aj, devojko
Malo je izmaklo kontroli, eh ?
Mmm, gledaj
Znam da sam malo pripit,
ali pijanac uvek govori istinu.
Ti si me izdala, popiću pedeset litara,
a Romeo junior će na kraju ostati siroče
i reci devojčici da je njena majka bila sramota,
odraz nepoštovanja, prevarala si njihovog tatu.
I pijem i pijem dok ne umrem (Uh)
I pijem i pijem dok ne umrem (Ah)
I pijem i pijem dok ne umrem (Uj)
I pijem i pijem dok ne umrem
Ej, ej, uhvatite tog čoveka
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me.

Pomozi mi

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Još jedna poruka koju si mi poslala na imejl, budiš mi iluziju
da me još uvek voliš i iako si sa drugim momkom, uskoro ćeš se vrattiti meni.
Na tvom instagramu stvarnost počinje da me obuzima, imam objašnjenje
da si već srećna kada mi šalješ porukice, tvoj plan je da budemo prijatelji.
(Pred - refren)
Postoje ljubavi koje ustupaju mesto prijateljstvu,
ako je to jedini lek, one ga prihvataju.
Postoje ljubavi koje se mogu preboleti,
iako te obeleže, neko će izbrisati tragove.
Ne računam ni na sreću, niti na hrabrost
da bih te prihvatio kao prijatelja, a da to ne boli,
ako jednoga dana te prestanem obožavati
pa, smejaćemo se, ali danas je previše tuge.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
jer nemam ni muda, a ni snage.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
ako se udaljiš, udaljiću se i ja čak iako ne želim.
Aj, pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
ne mogu sam u ovom izazovu, molim te.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi (Molim te)
poguraj me malkice u misiji.
Pomozi mi, pomozi mi, pomozi mi, pomozi mi, dušo
(Pred - refren)
Postoje ljubavi koje ustupaju mesto prijateljstvu,
ako je to jedini lek, one ga prihvataju.
Postoje ljubavi koje se mogu preboleti,
iako te obeleže, neko će izbrisati tragove.
Ne računam ni na sreću, niti na hrabrost
da bih te prihvatio kao prijatelja, a da to ne boli,
ako jednoga dana te prestanem obožavati
pa, smejaćemo se, ali danas je previše tuge.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
jer nemam ni muda, a ni snage.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
ako se udaljiš, udaljiću se i ja čak iako ne želim.
Aj, pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi,
ne mogu sam u ovom izazovu, molim te.
Pomozi mi da pomognem sebi ljubavi (Molim te)
poguraj me malkice u misiji.
Ko će mi pomoći u misiji? Reci mi da li sarađuješ sa mnom?
Zato što sam ne mogu.
Ko će mi pomoći u misiji?
Želim i ne mogu da izbrišem sve tvoje tragove.
Ko će mi pomoći u misiji? Reci mi da li sarađuješ sa mnom?
Plače gitara
Ko će mi pomoći u misiji?


Versions: #1
I've lost the balance for your love
I fell into your arms
you have control over me
Your body is the prison and I'm a prisoner
And I never want to go out
Doomed and I'm happy
Try to keep my balance but I still fall
But how I fell so hard
right into your arms
Wrapped inside you baby and it’s so warm (yeah yeah)
But love without a cause
leaves me trapped inside my own bars
I want to be entirely yours but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love
I’ll give you my heart girl
But you got to promise (Promise me baby)
Promise you’ll hold me (hold me)
Touch me (touch me)
Love me (love me)
Way past forever
Until forever, listen to Romeo's words
Yeah man, Usher baby, Romeo
I'm so young and suffer from a broken heart
and for your love I would suffer a thousand years
and do so with much honor (don’t doubt it baby)
Trying to be calm but my chest keeps pounding
Trying to swim but it’s like I’m drowning
All I’ve come for is love, oh baby
I want to be all yours entirely but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love
I’ll give you my heart girl but you got to promise
(Ay promise me baby)
You need this in your life
Two kings, Revolutionary
I'm afraid that you will leave me abandoned
because you are my oxygen, my everything.
But I realize yes
It's worth running the race
when the finish line is you
I want to be yours entirely but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love.
If I give you my heart girl you got to promise
(Promise that you’ll love me baby)
I want to be yours entirely but I am afraid
promise me you won't leave me without your love

Our love

There's a love like ours maybe each century,
but if there's happiness, evil will always follow.
I'm so proud that you're my partner,
we overcame what society will think of us.
Since the day our relationship started,
your possessive family opposed, but it didn't work.
God, who watches us from Heaven,
they don't respect what you created.
Gimme an eraser to erase the evil out of them,
then I want scissors to cut all this envy.
Gimme a very hot Mexican chili that makes them cough,
for that poisonous tongue that endangered our love.
They don't respect the beauty of being in love.
A poor guy in love can feel like a millionaire.
Money is shit, when compared to love.
People can buy lots of things, but never a heart.
Since the day our relationship started,
your possessive family opposed, but it didn't work.
God, who watches us from Heaven,
they don't respect what you created.
Gimme an eraser to erase the evil out of them,
then I want scissors to cut all this envy.
Gimme a very hot Mexican chili that makes them cough,
for that poisonous tongue that endangered our love.
They don't respect the beauty of being in love.
A poor guy in love can feel like a millionaire.
Money is shit, when compared to love.
People can buy lots of things, but never a heart.
Gimme an eraser to erase the evil out of them,
then I want scissors to cut all this injustice.
If you don't pay for my bills, you have nothing to do with this.
And in the eyes of Christ, badmouthing is wrong.
She and I love each other. No one can separate us.
If they ran out of shit to say, what could they say next?


Нико не разуме како ова љубав функционише
Не распада се, не дуплира се, ништа је не уништава
Позајмљујем им мој мозак да испитају
Да те пониште из мог ума, нити спаљивајући моје неуроне
Душо, ја те волим до бесконачности
Издржљив као метеорит
Оно што осећам никада неће разумети
Сумњају стручњаци, траже лек
Јер те волим са лудилом
Они не верују да је то хумано жено
Покоравам се науци са закашњењем
У мени тестостерон само се активира због тебе
Дођите, урадите ми истраживање мозга
Јер моје понашање није нормално
И ово срце Бог је учинио вечним
Знајте да овај осећај је бесмртан
У Гинисовој књизи ћу се зауставити
Човек који је највише волео једну жену
Душо, ја те волим до бесконачности
Издржљив као метеорит
Оно што осећам никада неће разумети
Вечан, безгрешан као светло
Деменцију мог понашања,
Понављам ти, нико ме неће разумети
Покоравам се науци са закашњењем
У мени тестостерон само се активира због тебе
Дођите, урадите ми истраживање мозга
Јер моје понашање није нормално
И ово срце Бог је учинио вечним
Знајте да овај осећај је бесмртан
У Гинисовој књизи ћу се зауставити
Човек који је највише волео једну жену
Душо, ја те волим до бесконачности
Издржљив као метеорит
Оно што осећам никада неће разумети
Вечан, безгрешан као светло
Деменцију мог понашања,
Понављам ти, нико ме неће разумети
Они то виде површно, као енигму
Да мени фали шраф
До врха и без излаза
Твој луди поремећени душо моја
Ја чезнем за тобом и ценим те више од сопственог живота
Ја те волим
Ја те волим
Ја те волим


Paint my face, I will also do it to you, I will help you
To see who causes more laughter
You and me, clowns fantasizing about their love
And she does not even return the look
So, the irony of this story
We are both exposed to an emotional mockery
And I know, I have no doubt
That it's not going to be mine nor yours but let us dream
Loves that causes, the jokes, they show
They laugh without mercy
But they are naive loves
They wake up sarcasm, in the neighborhood
Because seemingly she is happy
And they make fun of me in front of you
And how bad are the people
A mask does not disguise the pain
The face is happy as the heart cries
We are two clowns in a circus of love
So, the irony of this story
We are both exposed to an emotional mockery
And I know, I have no doubt
That it's not going to be mine nor yours but let us dream
Loves that causes, the jokes, they show
They laugh without mercy
But they are naive loves
They wake up sarcasm, in the neighborhood
Because seemingly she is happy
And they make fun of me in front of you
And how bad are the people
A mask does not disguise the pain
The face is happy as the heart cries
We are two clowns in a circus of love

The last

She hurt the two of us
And I don't see her feel guilty
Well the sequel to his deception
It makes her feel superior
Until we were enemies
In discord for her love
We fell ugly in her claws
We don't know who was the bigger idiot between you and me
The last fools, a song
Where I sent her to hell and died
I hope she suffers like that in raw flesh
For all her crimes
The last that we saw was her inside
Inside is malignant, black is the heart
She has the skills to tie you up
Dressed as an angel
I propose a truce, I don't want to be your rival
For that damn woman who has paid us badly
It's late but you have to know that it's not worth it
Bring us tequila, whiskey, and a liter of rum
Today we prepare an orgy of bachatas and liquor
These kings don't want pain from a supposed queen
We share the penalties, misfortune and condemnation
Of being the finalists that the brunette deceived
Kneeling intoxicated with a rose in the hands
I ask God to punish her
That he doesn't take pity on her, on her
Hopefully the devil will take her and we will enjoy it
Because she played with you and with me
It is good misfortune
Let the hell burn
We are going to celebrate


I do not believe in repent of the facts
Jehovah is not mistaken
You put me on the road as a test
And I had to learn
Everything that shines isn't gold
You are not spring
You were a winter, whirlwind, storm
But I'm still standing
I'm firm I didn't bend
I came out unharmed from your winds
Just one blast at a time
That couldn't conquer me
Go away to the devil woman
After the storm comes the calm
I'd Better stay with your sister
And the excuse is that I can't see
Everything that shines isn't gold
You are not spring
You were a winter, whirlwind, storm
But I'm still standing
I'm firm I didn't bend
I came out unharmed from your winds
Just one blast at a time
That couldn't conquer me
Go away to the devil woman
After the storm comes the calm
I'd Better stay with your sister
And the excuse is that I can't see
That's how I am, of stone and iron
Nobody can conquer me
That's how I am, of stone and iron
Nobody can conquer me
I left intact from your hell
The flood didn't affect me
Today I'm still unbeaten in your games
And your sister is a much better kisser


Today I'm going to die of bitterness
And the assassin is you
This masochism is profitable
Although it affects my health
I become deaf and blind
Knowing I can be better
Be careful and you believe that you are very wise
Love does not remove knowledge, I know who you are
Bad, you are bad
I like you that way, I love you that way
Evil, but you are good
I don't care that you're a swine
You light me and extinguish me
You raise me to the top and throw me
This thing corners me
A psychology that traps
I will allow your blackmail
Even though it results in my downfall
I have adaptable patience
To conforms to this situation
I become deaf and blind
Knowing I can be better
Be careful and you believe that you are very wise
Love does not remove knowledge, I know who you are
Bad, you are bad
I like you that way, I love you that way
Evil, but you are good
I don't care that you're a swine
You light me and extinguish me
You raise me to the top and throw me
This thing corners me
A psychology that traps

The lawsuit

For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
Who told you that I can't end your outrage?
Who told you that the pain has no limits or brake?
You have made of me what you wanted without knowing
It's an injustice to be a slave in your network
And today I put forward a lawsuit
That this abuse is resolved
For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
For your love
I have suffered injuries and several damages to the heart
For your love
For the damage caused today I sue you, for one trillion
You have made of me what you wanted without knowing
It's an injustice to be a slave in your network
And today I put forward a lawsuit
That this abuse is resolved
For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
For your love
I have suffered injuries and several damages to the heart
For your love
For the damage caused today I sue you, for one trillion
Unfaithful and treacherous woman
I prefer the loneliness over your medicine of love
And I don't want it to return
I was her first boyfriend
That pain, heart, heart
And oh man, for a woman like you
I spend the days dreaming only of her
Give it back to me
She made it difficult for me with one that is worse than Nereida
So give me
One trillion

The kiss that I didn't give her

How ungrateful life has been
That doesn't stop killing me
I never forget that one day
15th of November, at 12 o'clock in the day
I saw her at the altar precisely when the father joined them
My world collapsed in a moment
I went to stop her wedding
But I chose to let her be happy,
Causing me to increase my suffering
I saw her at the altar, a tiara on her head.
And that boyfriend took what I love most
The image I cannot erase
I want to remove from my memory
Your white dress, the ring on your finger
And the kiss that I didn't give you
She didn't say goodbye
Nor invited me to the cathedral because of the gossip in the town
I arrived to the church
My dreams died
I saw her at the altar precisely when the father joined them
My world collapsed in a moment
I went to stop her wedding
But I chose to let her be happy,
Causing me to increase my suffering
I saw her at the altar, a tiara on her head.
And that boyfriend took what I love most
The image I cannot erase
I want to remove from my memory
Your white dress, the ring on your finger
And the kiss that I didn't give you

She wants to drink

[Romeo Santos]
When a woman decides to be bad and does not want an owner
Probably a man cheated on her in his life, without feelings
Rumba, the past buried him in the grave
The bad has life, the good is the deceased
Now, every fool who approaches her ignores him
So silent she was the girl
Now it's candela
I see her hunting with twenty bottles
I feel a problem
I am helpful with your wishes
If he asks me like R Kelly I'll
No't me like
I just do what the baby excites him
He failed her and betrayed her
Now she will have revenge in my bed
[Anuel AA]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
In the Phantom I will find you
Baby you'll never forget me
I don't need you to teach me to love
Bebecita, I'll devour you
Baby, your body and your voice excite me
Inside you need me '
You'll ever be my demon
My crazy, wet '
Baby, your body and your voice excite me
Inside you need me '
You'll ever be my demon
My crazy so pretty
[Romeo Santos]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
[Anuel AA]
She looked me from far
Dancing in a thread of Romeo
I never heard the 'advice'
In his eyes I always see my reflexes
He failed her and betrayed her
She got drunk and with me she escaped
Twenty bottles, pink champagne
The little baby wanted me
A little devil, she devoured me
And I inside 'your skin
He buried me
My god, so hot, baby
Your body takes over me
Shaking in an orgm for me
Real until the death, baby
[Annuel AA y Romeo Santos]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed


Wisin and Yandel!
Back with the King
[Romeo Santos, Wisin & Yandel]
I found one of your hairs in my bed
I kept thinking where are you now
I waited for you a couple of hours (almost always everything comes to light, in hours)
I have the feeling that you are not alone
You have not written me, not even a 'hello'
You keep wrapping me up
With the same story
When I see you I forget everything
I don't want to talk, I prefer to go crazy
Taking off your clothes little by little
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me
Explain if you are with me and you are with him?
So I look for another one and me too
And we just had a good time
You decide, because I know that you like how I do it
To those who deceives, tell them no
For something that we always finish the two of us
We're eating, baby
[Romeo Santos]
How lucky that I have a bad memory
I only remember the glory of when we make love
With the same story
When I see you I forget everything
I don't want to talk, I prefer to go crazy
Taking off your clothes little by little
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me
Baby, you don't fuck me anymore ...
Baby I was waiting for you and you were rolling about in another bed
Knowing that with him you don't feel anything-anything
I am the one that leads to the clouds, the one that raises you up
Baby with kisses I warm you and fast you flow
I am the man who pulls you up against the wall
That takes away your stress
You tremble when you see me
The fact is I already know what happens, why do you disguise yourself?
Tell that fool how I did it to you on the terrace
And I reveal to him I put a handkerchief over your eyes
You had velvet underwear
Your hair is still in my sheets
I don't get over when I bite your neck
The King!
[Romeo Santos]
If he knew, that you divide us in the calendar
She-wolf without owner does not have a schedule
You have turned into a bad-necessary
And he eats your story
What you tell him, like a child he believes it
And I enjoy your skin, I'm living in the moment
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me