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Nek' umru

[1. strofa]
Nastavljaju da šapuću
Da ovo što imamo nije prikladno
I uskraćuju poštovanje
Bez prava našoj ljubavi
Zbog društvenog pitanja
I razlike u godinama
Ove glupe neznalice
Ne žele da me vide s tobom
[1. refren]
Nemaju prava, ovo nije tačno
I ako se pokaju
Ne zaslužuju da budu kažnjeni
Jer u ljubavi
Nema ekonomije, ni preciznih godina
Da bi se dvoje voleli
[2. refren]
Nek' umru nevernici
Zavidni ako nam unište sudbinu
Ne sumnjaj da je otrovan jezik
Smrtniji od noža
Nek' padnu svi u ambis
Ako ne prihvataju našu idilu
[2. strofa]
Šta kog đavola znači
Ekonomski status
Ako duša nema vrednost?
To što ti imaš 30, a ja jedva 24
Su brojevi kojih sam sit
[1. refren]
Nemaju prava, ovo nije tačno
I ako se pokaju
Ne zaslužuju da budu kažnjeni
Jer u ljubavi
Nema ekonomije, ni preciznih godina
Da bi se dvoje voleli
[2. refren]
Nek' umru nevernici
Zavidni ako nam unište sudbinu
Ne sumnjaj da je otrovan jezik
Smrtniji od noža
Nek' padnu svi u ambis
Ako ne prihvataju našu idilu
I dalje kritikuju, i dalje pričaju
Ali samo upamti jednu stvar
Kralj ostaje kralj
Svidja li ti se moja baćata, drugarice?
[3. strofa]
Naša ljubav nije prolaznost
Ni razonoda
Odvažna je, veoma stabilna
Bez kompleksa
I ovako kritikuju nas oboje
Na samom kraju
Neka im oprosti Bog
[2. refren]
Nek' umru nevernici
Zavidni ako nam unište sudbinu
Ne sumnjaj da je otrovan jezik
Smrtniji od noža
Nek' padnu svi u ambis
Ako ne prihvataju našu idilu
[4. strofa]
Nek' se utope zajedno sa svojom mržnjom
U blatu zavisti i zlobe
I nek' ih život proklinje
Ako ne žele da me vide s tobom
Treba ti ovo u životu
Nastavi to da pričaš


When those feelings turn into love,
When you know someone special,
When the time passes by,
And you remember those kisses,
Evidence that there was love,
Today I remember that girl from the living room,
Squires I come,
But I just remember Margarita,
Oh that pretty girl,
That gave me her love,
My high school sweet heart,
The one that used to be my baby,
We acted kind of crazy,
My one true love,
When you have met many but there is no comparison,
There is none,
Margarita don't go,
She got all my heart,
And I'm sorry, be my owner
I would pay a million,
To find that flower again,
Squires I could,
But I just remember Margarita,
Oh that pretty girl,
That gave me her love,
My high school sweet heart,
The one that used to be my baby,
We acted kind of crazy,
My one true love,
I'd give what I don't have,
To get to that encounter with the girl of my illusion,
Margarita was passion,
And the muse that prompts me to write this song,
Squires I come,
Squires I come,
But I just remember Margarita,
Oh that pretty girl,
That gave me her love,
My high school sweet heart,
The one that used to be my baby,
We acted kind of crazy,
My one true love,
Squires I come,
Oh Margarita my love,
Oh, my high school sweet heart
Oh, my love,
Margarita the cutest in the room,
Margarita the cutest in the room,
Margarita the cutest in the room...


Gospo'n sudija, nisam već dete
Milostivi, ni kukavica nisam
Plačem samo, jer sam ljudsko biće
A moja čast je u opasnosti u vašim rukama
Upozoravam svu porotu
Ja se nikad nisam kleo
U svoju majku nikome
Izmišljenim lažima žele da me povrede
Ali ja ništa nisam učinio
Ovde postoje uverljivi dokazi
da ste bili neverni
OMG Krivje , kriv je !
Hej, mir ! Tišina u sudnici !
U Subotu sam izašao, i to veče
Proveo sam uz par čaša pića
Ali ne znam kako dodjavola
Otkud taj miris na mojoj košulji
I jedan otisak ruža
Kunem se da govorim istinu
Istinu i samo istinu obećavam
Nisam kriv za to što me optužuju
Ne želim da izgubim tvoju ljubav ...
Ja sam nevin u ovom beznadežnom sudjenju
Da izgubim ženu koju najviše želim
Zbog ljudi koji mi prete
Izjavljujem da sam nevin
pristojan, naivan
Onaj ko je osetio iskušenja
Ali nikad je nisam prevario
Volim je slepo
Izjavljujem da sam nevin
Hej, slušaj Romeove reči
Kunem se da govorim istinu
Ništa drugo, samo istinu
Nisam kriv za to što me optužuju
Ne želim da izgubim tvoju ljubav ...
Ja sam nevin u ovom beznadežnom sudjenju
Da izgubim ženu koju najviše želim
Zbog ljudi koji mi prete
Izjavljujem da sam nevin
pristojan, naivan
Onaj ko je osetio iskušenja
Ali nikad je nisam prevario
Volim je slepo
Izjavljujem da sam nevin
Ko nije skrivio nema čega da se plaši, Apelujete?
Do Kralja
Ja sam nevin u ovom beznadežnom sudjenju
Da izgubim ženu koju najviše želim
Zbog ljudi koji mi prete
Izjavljujem da sam nevin
pristojan, naivan
Onaj ko je osetio iskušenja
Ali nikad je nisam prevario
Volim je slepo
Izjavljujem da sam nevin

Prekomerna doza

(Uvod: Romeo Santos)
Koja je to misterija među tvojim nogama
Što me dovodi do ludila, uuu
Ti si vulkan emocija
Svaka ćelija u tvom telu sastoji se od meda
(Refren: Romeo Santos)
I mogu da umrem na tvom telu
Vezan za tvoj krevet, prekomerna doza seksa
(Prva strofa: Romeo Santos)
Ti si najbožanstveniji greh
Senzualna zmija na vućini
Očaravaš me svojim perverznim veštinama
Kad bi te videli, cenzurisali bi ti struk
Drhtim pod uticajem tvog narkotičkog dejstva
Eksplodiraće mi mozak zbog tako intenzivnog užitka
(Druga strofa: Ozuna, Romeo Santos)
Veži me za tvoja leđa, nudim ti se
U tvojoj školici daj mi časove uživanja
Dušo, ja želim da budem učenik na tvojim grudima
Vratiću se u detinjstvo
Želim da umrem u tvojoj unutrašnjosti, kunem se da će mi Bog oprostiti
Ako je biti s tobom zločin, odslužiću hiljadu godina u zatvoru
Rešila si ukrštenicu, moja nimfomanka u plamenu
Znaš dobro da sam napaljen, a ti si provokacija
(Ko se vratio?)
(Refren: Romeo Santos)
I mogu da umrem na tvom telu
Vezan za tvoj krevet, prekomerna doza seksa
(Druga strofa: Ozuna, Romeo Santos)
Veži me za tvoja leđa, nudim ti se
U tvojoj školici daj mi časove uživanja
Dušo, ja želim da budem učenik na tvojim grudima
Vratiću se u detinjstvo
Želim da umrem u tvojoj unutrašnjosti, kunem se da će mi Bog oprostiti
Ako je biti s tobom zločin, odslužiću hiljadu godina u zatvoru
Rešila si ukrštenicu, moja nimfomanka u plamenu
Znaš dobro da sam napaljen, a ti si provokacija
(Prelaz: Romeo Santos, Ozuna)
Divlja (ti si)
Erotična, zastranjivanje
Ja ću biti tvoj rob
I ako je to kraj tebe (umreću srećan)
(Refren: Romeo Santos)
I mogu da umrem na tvom telu
Vezan za tvoj krevet, prekomerna doza seksa


Kalkulisu da veze propadnu
Uglavnom zbog razocarenja
Laz koja te zarazi i povredjuje
Ti si bila savrseni karanfil
Koji je mojim rukama prevaren
Moje ime je Romeo
Bez Julije opet
Mozes da mislis
Da sam kralj lazi
Da opet ne bih uspeo
I da se kunem svojim zivotom
Moje reci nisu vazne
Ne vrede, ni na kolenima na na
Kaze da je videla dosta sapunica
I glumac sada treba da pati
Ne, sta god sad da uradim
Ozuna i ja smo foliranti
Slazemo se u neuspehu
Ne, zaklinjem se uzaludno
Nikada necu ponovo postati neveran sa sponzorusama
Volim te
Ne, saslusaj me
Ova bol koju osecam
Napravicu drugi disk sa Aventurom
I posveticu ti ga celog
[Ozuna & Romeo]
Ako me i dalje volis kao pre
Nista me vise ne interesuje
Znam da sam folirant u ljubavi
Ja se bez tebe necu ponovo zaljubiti
Bez tebe se necu ponovo zaljubiti
Ne znam ni sta da mislim
Sada znam zasto mi nista ne ide
Lagao sam te pricavsi da sam odan
Osecam pravu ljubav, molim Boga da mi oprosti
Ne zelim da odes, hajde da pokusamo
Zasto ne spasimo nasu vezu?
Znas duso, oprosti duso
[Ozuna & Romeo]
Ako me i dalje volis kao pre
Nista me vise ne interesuje
Znam da sam folirant u ljubavi
Ja se bez tebe necu ponovo zaljubiti
Nedostaje mi tvoj miris u krevetu
Onaj koji ostavljas kada ulazis i izlazis
Gde su ostali svi poljupci i svi oni planovi?
Ne znam da li da zivim ili da umrem
Nalazim se u predvorju pakla od kad si otisla odavde
Ti si jedina osoba koju zelim, koja mi je prioritet
Moju slobodu ne zelim, ni zivot samca
Ono sto ja zelim, je ono isto sto svi mi zelimo
Da imam racun u banci sa ciframa i mnogo nula
Da vodim ljubav svaki dan i usput da trosim novac
[Ozuna & Romeo]
Ako me i dalje volis kao pre
Nista me vise ne interesuje
Znam da sam folirant u ljubavi
Ja se bez tebe necu ponovo zaljubiti

Take Me With You

Versions: #4
Hey listen to Romeo' s words.
I don't know if you have changed your mind and not leaving.
If you would cancel your 3 o' clock flight.
How can I invent a magic trick? How can I make you love me much more?
I know that maybe you're not saying anything but you see me like a crybaby.
That damned trip is confirmed already.
Just remember that if you leave me, its not fair
Please, I suggest that you
Take me with you
(I can't take the affliction)
Take me with you
(Don't be mean no no)
Take me with you
(If you go on vacation)
Take me with you
(Even if it's as chaperone)
Take me with you or there will be desolation. Take me with you put an end to my fear.
Where did your love went so I can go look for it fast
Come on
You know who's the best at begging
The king copy?
For you , 'I will love you forever' was just a saying
And the matrimony a paper that you will break.
If there is a little bit of affection
At least give me your friendship
Please,Take me with you
(I can't take the affliction)
Take me with you
(Don't be mean no no)
Take me with you
(If you go on vacation)
Take me with you
(Even if it's as chaperone)
Take me with you or there will be desolation. Take me with you put an end to my fear.
Where did your love go so I can look for it fast
Cry guitar cry
Take me with you tomorrow and take me and I won't bother

I Hate

Versions: #1
[Romeo Santos]
It seems that my love grows and grows
But you vanish
And you offer me your friendship, no exceptions
I know there's another man
Who has accomplished what I never gave to you
A home, a family, a good future
Sorry for hurting you
And for you
I live annihilated in spite
Repressed, burning with jealousy
I hate him even though he makes you happy
Nothing intimidates me, but I understand
That he won the war a long time ago
And I forget that I already lost you
I'm jealous of his kisses on your body
Envy takes over me this way
And I want you here
I hate this man because he's next to you
I lost your love, I am a poor devil
Without your love, I am nothing, nothing
Listen to my words
Yeah, Drizzy Drake
I was your tears
He is your smile
(Turn the lights on)
And ours collapsed on a volcano
very quickly
You were the one
You've been the one from the moment I seen you
Sometimes I question if this is all real
Then I grab on that ass and I firmly believe it
And you look like you drawn by an artist
No, you, you look like Bernice and Yaris
But both put together
Those are some girls that I know from back home
If you saw them, you'd get it
Look, don't worry about it
Keep speaking Spanish
I'll get it translated
You know you my baby
Anything for you, anything, baby
I do not wanna be enemies, baby
I would just much rather give you a baby
And buy you a house so I live with you baby
Don't stay with this new guy
I really go crazy, I really go crazy

Indecent proposal

Versions: #1
Hi, they call me Romeo, nice to
Meet you
You look so good, I'll be straight with you,
It doesn't matter who he is
Tell me if you have ever done something
An adventure is more amusing if it smells of danger
And if I invite you to a drink
And I get close to your mouth, if I steal you
A one little kiss, we'll see if you don't come with me
What would you say if I seduced you in my car tonight?
Let the glasses fog and the rule is to enjoy
If I disrespect you, I don't blame alcohol, if I pull up your skirt
Would you give me the consent
To measure your sensibility, put your body into play
If it seems prudent to you this indecent proposal
Come on, allow me to appreciate your nakedness
This martini'll calm your shyness
An adventure is more amusing if it smells of danger
And if I invite you to a drink
And I get close to your mouth, if I steal you
A one little kiss, we'll see if you don't come with me
What would you say if I seduced you in my car tonight?
Let the glasses fog and the rule is to enjoy
If I disrespect you, I don't blame alcohol, if I pull up your skirt
Would you give me the consent
To measure your sensibility, put your body into play
If it seems prudent to you this indecent proposal
I'm back, it feels good to be king
Hey you I know what you like
You and I me and you dance bachata* and then
You and I me and you ended up in bed
You and I me and you dance bachata and then
You and I me and you ended up in bed
Oh chichi, cry, guitar, cry

No Filter

Would you like a taste of fame?
A little bit of power
An empire
You don't know about this game
They wanna see a failure
As you go higher
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those God blesses
[Verse 1]
No filter, I'm human too
And what they say ain't gonna hurt me
But it's only fair that sometimes that shit's gonna upset me
And make me answer back
So tell me, who the hell am I hurting
To make them criticize and defame me so?
Sensationalism doesn't interest me
I don't abide by that type of press
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those who God blesses
[Verse 2]
No filter
Tell me, how the fuck do they know more about me than I do?
No filter
You have to realize the cheap rumors need some kind of test and witnesses
No filter
The other day I read I was an illuminati, arrogant and gay
No filter
I only believe in God
And if you think I'm a fag, lend me your woman
I hope God someday reprimands everyone who gossips without knowing
And that he gives me patience to deal with the stupidity
When you're the fucking greatest
Many question that you're great
I think I've done it all, but walk on the moon
Attention all you jealous haters who want to see me fail
Nobody gonna fuck with those God blesses
[Verse 3]
No filter
I'm the prototype
All your kids' idol
Your girlfriend says I'm hot
And if I go on tour, she'll leave you at home alone
You're seething, you become unbearable
When you listen to my music on the streets
It's not my fault I'm her platonic lover and she loves me
(You gonna follow?)
Now Romeo fancies himself a rapper
No, you fool, I'm still a bachata singer
But I heard this track
And I've got a way
To make those incredulous people see I'm a lyricist
There's a big difference between constructive criticism and rumors
There's a big difference between sensationalism
Just see their comments with no base
I'm more respect for the people that believe the shit they hear
As opposed to the people that are actually sayin' it
So if you're a hater or someone that desimantes rumors
Don't filter, fuck your opinion

The Friend

[Intro: Julio Iglesias]
He's been my ally
He accompanies me confident in my aspirations
He's my faithful friend
Ardent, hyperactive, adventuresome
A sidekick in my aspirations
How influential he is
[Verse 1: Romeo Santos]
My friend
Supportive and powerful
Because I've done what's wrong and what's necessary
How many free-spirited nights
Where you and they the women serve as witnesses
At my thirty-five years of age
And I remember the moments we lived
[Chorus: Romeo Santos, Julio Iglesias]
My champion
The best companion
Many nights I triumph
My buddy
If you've cheated me
It's usual
Seldom I fail
Cruel hummingbird admirer of women
Partner of my failures that come from your faithfulness
And pleasure, he so is
[Verse 2: Julio Iglesias]
My friend, casanova party animal
I love him, I admire him
How can it be understood?
If I've been wrong, he's forgiven me
How efficient he is
[Verse 1: Romeo Santos]
My friend
Supportive and powerful
Because I've done what's wrong and what's necessary
How many free-spirited nights
Where you and they the women serve as witnesses
At my thirty-five years of age
And I remember the moments we lived
[Chorus: Romeo Santos, Julio Iglesias]
My champion
The best companion
Many nights I triumph
My buddy
If you've cheated me
It's usual
At times I fail
Cruel hummingbird admirer of women
Partner of my failures that come from your faithfulness
And pleasure, he so is
[Outro: Romeo Santos, Julio Iglesias]
Good friend I want to thank you very much today
For sharing with me the sweet and the bitter
How loyal you are
I tried to tell 'em
He's been my ally
He accompanies me confident in my aspirations
He's my faithful friend

Double Edge

Chi-chi, pass me that bottle
[Verse 1]
I'm not like some men out there
Corners for loving blindly
I gave you the moon if I made you happy
Without knowing that you were someone else's women
I made mistakes, but they are mine.
Sharing woman is not my style
Cute but false, I learned
That when the river is because stones will bring
How big my mistake
Make it your reputation
I believed in you I fell down
I'm so glad you give me
Do not want to graduate
From crawling great lady
[Verse 2]
You are the guilty one
May the strength of my love
Today is rejection and I detest you
My love was pure, healthy, transparent
Easy to love
But to my double edge a demon
If I have to forget
You need this in your life
It's not that I'm healthy I'm a sinner
I do not throw the first stone
But what is forbidden is not tempting
For other people's respect is always respected
I made mistakes, but only mine.
Sharing woman is not my style
Beautiful but false I learned
That when the river is because stones will bring
How big my mistake
Make it your reputation
I believed in you I fell down
I'm so glad you give me
Do not want to graduate
From crawling great lady
You are the guilty one
May the strength of my love
Today is rejection and I detest you
My love was pure, healthy, transparent
Easy to love
But to my double edge a demon if I choose to hate
Let's go
Cry girl
Damn feeling
My love is sweet as honey (double edged)
The betrayals make me so cruel (Double edge)
You are no longer a saint of my devotion (double edge)
I got you, I got you, I canceled your love (Double edge)
Promoting you as standard on Instagram (Double edge)
You have more miles than a plane do not make me talk (Double edge)
God is going to punish you (double edge)
Disguised as good series nun being brazen

Oh Blessed

I think, look at Romeo
Crying, sing
Lerolai lerolai came to beg woman
Do not forsake me capullito of my love
Find me a compass that I go without direction
You are food you are air in my being
More than a rib the comulto my raquis
Oh blessed is to have until you die
No more pleasures, I can not even sleep
Oh blessed, if you're going to leave me
Tell me what a fair soul costs
To buy you feelings
And if I die, it's your fault.
From today, pick me a tombstone
To my burial no, do not take me flowers
No condolences when you were the criminal.
Oh blessed and you'll see you cry
I go back every night
In ghost to your bedroom
And from the island of charm ...
Ay bedito is to have until you die
No more pleasures, I can not even sleep
Oh blessed, if you're going to leave me
Tell me what a fair soul costs
To buy you feelings
And if I die, it's your fault.
From today, pick me a tombstone
To my burial no, do not take me flowers
No condolences when you were the criminal.
Oh blessed and you'll see you cry
I go back every night
In ghost to your bedroom
Lelolai lelolai not having you is my ordeal
Lelolai lelolai if I die I will not be a myth
Lelolai lelolai I annoy you every time you're sleeping
And if I die, it's your fault.
From today, pick me a tombstone
To my burial no, do not take me flowers
No condolences when you were the criminal.
I do not know whether to go to heaven or right to hell
But if I die for you
I think get ready, baby.
I'll be back

The Paper Part 2

Someone believes
What they choose to believe
You love Me?
Of course I love you baby
Who is he?
He's just a friend, you're my only king baby ...
Last night when I made love to you, you did not look me in the face.
I feel your orgasm was faked do not say anything
You know my faults and you test me every time you mistreat me
I fall in love more with you as an idiot I am your puppet my beloved
I do not demand honesty my request the hypocrisy of being your owner
I refuse to believe that I am the man of your dreams
I am very weak vulnerable momentary in the intimacies
I do not perform those sexual fantasies and your lies are my truths.
Paint me a picture and make me a paper
Ride a theater, I'm going to believe you.
Lie to me, as you have in the past
Dare you, humiliate me that's not uncommon
You are still the villain in this work, your evil to me fascinates me
Lie to me, it's your woman instincts
Dare, I love you more when you are cruel
I fall in love with your false feelings, feed on lies
Paint me a picture and make me a paper
Ride a theater I'll believe you.
That's the golden touch right there
I tried to tell you
Last night when I made love to you I felt a wild passion
You whispered the name of another gentleman (gosh), I do not want details
I am very weak vulnerable half bland in the intimacies
I do not perform those sexual fantasies and your lies are my truths.
Paint me a picture and make me a paper
Ride a theater, I'm going to believe you.
Lie to me, as you have done in the past (walks)
Dare you, humiliate me that's not uncommon
You are still the villain in this work, your evil to me fascinates me
Lie to me, it's your woman instincts
Dare, I love you more when you are cruel
I fall in love with your false feelings, feed on lies
Paint me a picture and make me a paper
Ride a theater I'll believe you.
Listen to the words, from your true king ...
So nasty!
Lie to me until the day you want us to do ...
Dare you, I just want a performance.
Lie to me, do not you dare say I do not dominate in your bed or in your soul, please
Lie to me, every day and every occasion
Dare, tell me that I'm your pretty boy that there's no one else like me
Give it to me girl I ask for the love of God, my heart demands ...
Uoh oh oh oh oh oh oh ...
Uoh oh oh oh oh oh uh ...

Golden Intro

Ladies and gentlemen
Please stand up
The king is here
[Verse 1]
I've been doing this for a while
I've been working, traveling miles
Counting money for the pile
My son makes your lady smile
I've been doing this for years
All the blood, the sweat, the tears
But I am respected by my colleagues
When I get to the stage,
They have been hating for a while
Every night and every day
I always have something to say
Why do you have something to say?
Why do they feel some kind of way?
Because I'm training while playing
I say, we just let them hate them
Because anyway
Oh, I have that touch of gold
If we are going to do this, we have to do it right
Sing together
Oh, touch gold
Listen to Romeo's words
Every year an artist like me does
With charisma and so much flow
Lyrically the best
I'm your sister's favorite singer
Even the dog in your house.
Jump and jump when my bachatas sound
If there is no member on your list
Wrong musical perspective
I do not take it personal
Sarcasm entertains with a touch of arrogance
(The king!)
How cool is my God, for all the blessings
I thank the diciquis
Spread my songs
I leave my soul embodied in each stage
It is obligatory to delight my followers
I love you, have you heard?
As the big combo said
What I like
Give it to me in life.
Glorify my name
How active
Being a king in life
I tried to tell them


Mom says all my mistakes will serve as a lesson
The doctor alarms me, my health goes from bad to worse
By the way the psychiatrist in my opinion does not know shit about love
I have even thought that from so much that I have prayed
I have saturated God
And not
My creed is in danger of extinction
You are an antidote to my pain
Cinderella help
I beg to pity you
Clemency to my offenses
Sorry for all the bumps
It was my mistake
Faith moves mountains, but I
I took my patience
Promises, abstinence
I still see your bags
Throw this coin to the wind
Heads or tails
You go, you stay
Put my luck in this coin
I tried to tell 'em
Dad says men do not cry
Rules of being a boy
To be unfaithful, to lie to women
It is a condition
If the old man found out
With my tears there would be no drought in a village
And that lying was harmful and poison
I share your opinion
And not
My creed is in danger of extinction
You are an antidote to my pain
Cinderella help
I beg to pity you
Clemency to my offenses
Sorry for all the bumps
It was my mistake
Faith moves mountains, but I
I took my patience
Promises, abstinence
I still see your bags
Throw this coin to the wind
Heads or tails
You go, you stay
Put my luck in this coin
Oh chichi!
What's it going to be?
Head or tail
Cry the guitar cry
To the abyss, without you I'm falling
I'm being devoured
Oh no
Do not pretend that I want this life without your love
And not
Do not leave me so alone
Taking all my sweetheart
That my life is a conflict
I need compassion
beautiful girl, do not go
I know I've lied a lot
But give me your forgiveness
And not
You know I love you
I love you
For you I cry
If you leave you will see me on the news
For killing me with your love
Give me a chance i beg you
In this coin I put my faith and heart

The paper part 1

[Verse 1]
Talk to him, tell him what he needs
Put into practice lie
Like a talent you are a goddess when pretending
Tell him that ours was friendship.
Passenger friends that you gave to respect
Cry, if altered tell him that he is the best
The love of your life, your king and your champion
Has a genius difficult to rule
Fierce, tamed you good actress
Mind you, you tame it with the gift of your tenderness
Calm down, your secrets take me to the grave
There is no doubt that if I want to be your owner you end up losing
But if he asks, I was a simple fiend consoling you
[Verse 2]
Cover yourself, and if he finds evidence you execute a role
In the end what you say a lie that he will believe
Expertise of a great woman, you can teach teaching on how to be unfaithful
Mind you, you tame it with the gift of your tenderness
Calm down, your secrets take me to the grave
There is no doubt that if I want to be your owner you end up losing
But if he asks, I was a simple friend consoling you.
[Verse 3]
It does not matter if he wants to see me
Do not fear I'm not so cruel
A gentleman has no memory
Let's play the role
Let me find out
Is our lie
And nothing i will say
Sleep calm
Secret safe with me
Tell her that you did not like her because you are faithful.
And I give you word
Is our lie
And nothing i will say
Sleep calm
Secret safe with me
Tell him that you did not like me because you are faithful.
And I give you word
Shh, I'll take it to the grave
Sexy time