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Број резултата: 85



Versions: #1
Ο, μιλα δομοβινο, ζεμλ̌ο χραμπροστι
Γνεζδο λ̌ουμπαβι
Οκο τεμπε ορλοβι λετε ι ζβεζδε σιϳαϳου
Ζεμλ̌ο νασ̌ιχ πρεδακα.
Μπουδι μπλαγοσλοβενα ζα ζ̌ιβοτ ι γοδινε
Ο, νασ̌α μαικο
Μι κ̌εμο τε ζασ̌τιτι.
Ο, μιλα δομοβινο, ζεμλ̌ο χραμπροστι
Γνεζδο λ̌ουμπαβι.

Срам те било

Шта ме гледаш, иди
И не оклевај
Оно што осећам ја
Ти не рачунаш
Иди онда
И не оклевај
Срам те било што ниси схватила
Никада шта сам ти дао
Што си тек тако пустила једну
Љубав да се заврши
Због лажне
И празне твоје душе
Срам те било
Срам те било, што се поврх свега усуђујеш
Да ме гледаш у очи
Ти, која си љубав разбила на комаде
На крст си ме ти разапела, сети се
Срам те било
Не додируј ме
Иди онда и не враћај се
Можда ја губим
Али ни ти ниси победник
Иди онда и не додируј ме
Срам те било
Срам те било што ниси схватила

Poželi zelju

Da si ti za mene sunce, moje bašte ne bi bile suve
Kad dođem do 70 godina, kažu da to neće puštati
Pogrešio si, brate, lagao si
Iz vida, ljudi nisu izvan sebe
Ne bih mogao ponovo da volim, ljubav je bila tvoja
Nisi bila lep san, bila si samo noćna mora
Družili smo se u moja dobra vremena, a onda to nisu prihvatili
Nemam ni psihologiju da me slomi
Umro sam u svojoj sobi kad si se nasmejala na slikama
Ne znam šta živim, sigurno neko vidi
Rekao sam da ću se vratiti, neopozivo
Više nema načina za okretanje, ugasila su mi se svetla
Koliko te stvarno zanima što ne znaš moje pesme
Čak i ako znaš, slušaj jer je to napisano za nekoga drugog
Moja kosa bi trebala biti siva kad sam s tobom, a ne kad sam sam
Ostali treba da viču na voljenu osobu da ne odlazi
Poželi svoje nade i onda ih ubij
Kako sam živeo u svom srcu, zakopao sam u svoje oči
Da li se sećate odlaska bez ikakvog osvrtanja?
Završili smo s njegovim mrskim izgledom
Pre nekoliko godina si živela u mojoj beskrajnoj priči
Ova pesma je moja adresa za moju budućnost iz moje prošlosti
Ti si prozor koji je sada prigušen u mojim očima
Izgubio sam nebo, ti si još vrabac
Ljubavi su uvek u odnosu na spoljašnost koja je puna laži
Ako ne želiš, čućeš to u ušima, moj gost
Oči me podsećaju na plažu u Marmarisu
Ne bih se postideo da je reč o ljubavi
Nisam pogrešio kako sam voleo, voleo sam kada sam pogrešio
Zgnječio sam jorgovan dok sam trčao do tratinčica
Trčim u svoju budućnost, ne mogu da se rešim svoje prošlosti
Moje jedino bekstvo
Recimo da će se ovi požari gasiti dok gore u meni
Pretpostavimo da sam to video u snovima iako to ne vidim na ulici
Još uvek sam živ, ali ti me računaš mrtvim
Nisam mogao da vidim da ne voliš, zoveš me slepim

That Time of Year

- Wow, so festive.
- Coming!
- Good afternoon, I am Olaf.
- Hey Olaf.
- I love warm hugs, and this is my friend, Sven.
We're going door to door - in search of new family traditions. What do you do on such a special day?
- oh, we bake candy canes.
- Humm, u-hu-hu-u, sugar rush.
- That was made to be eaten.
- Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?
- Because we're in that time of year!
- Hmm, that time of year!
Happy and hearty salutations everyone
Hm, How does this family spend the holidays?
Love and peace on earth and everything good in which you believe.
I ought to know your traditions thoroughly.
Pine decorations we hang on each door.
Cookies like Norway, wavy and crooked
We go door to door following the choir
On the fireplace, we hang the socks, near the fire
(It's safe, for sure!)
That's what you must do for the friends you made
Thank you for giving on the holidays.
- We gotta get a move on if we're to visit every single house in the kingdom!
Radiantes penhas que a quadra assim **?**
Em cada noite de luz: o que fazem este mês?
Ey, shalom, (parece ser outra lingua?)
** **
I'm looking for new traditions to spend the holidays
The decorations are wreckages that the sea sdidn't take
Don't refuse the fruit cake, go ahead and eat!
(Such quick digestion!)
Bring forth the gifts, but hide them well quietly.
Wait until the fat guy slides down the chimney
Home invasion, only allowed on Christmas!
** **(parece ser outra lingua?)
I'm thankful for the knowledge of what every house must have for the holidays.
- Thank you!
Scarves, Jackets, all matching with the gloves
Pajamas to protect the kittens from the rain season
***Iluminar deixa as**de noites de chamas tão belas*
They cut down a single tree and then dress the corpse with candles, hm.
Anna and Elsa will have it all, a sleigh full of traditions for the holidays
They'll have a perfect Christmas, thanks to me...
Thanks to me, me, me….

My Voice of Hope

Versions: #1
Zira: Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream and fly away
When you start to grow up and be strong
You'll become the King!
Kovu: 'Good night.'
Zira: 'Good night, my little Prince.
Tomorrow, you're going to start training with your higher intensity.'
I was found and persecuted
Abandoned and got no defense
When I've seen someone whose done wrong for me
I became impatient
But I think of a dream that is pretty
If my heart gets unbroken
I'm thinking of him being exiled
I pet him patiently
That Simba who has been killed at night
His daughter's screaming right here in my arms
Her last shriek rang in the twilight
This is my voice of hope!
Now, I tried forgetting something
When I begged him my pardon
If there is such trouble,
it gets little
But he can't live without me
Nuka: So, you're the one who have been chosen
To chase that Simba after you out here
Zira: This fight has no pity
But this work is what I want to do
The melody of grunts
The counterpoint of howls
The symphony of a grand departure
This is my voice of hope!
Scar has left
But Zira is better
To embrace my sweet heart
Until I shall turn him into a murderer
Who takes a bite of these horrors
Nuka: Sleep, you bad ant!
I mean, 'cute little feline'...
Vitani: When you start to grow up and be strong...
Zira: ...you'll become the King!
Hear the thunderous drums of war
To Kovu's mighty roar
Nuka: The thirst of our revenge
Vitani: Witness us!
Zira: Oh, yes, I hear them cheering out
Nuka, Vitani: Kovu's our hero!
Zira: I look up to those banners
Rising up to a sky of bad dreams
With the shade of red symbolizing my victory,
This is my voice of hope!


The witch is sending me her messages
she tells me to come,
that she wants me badly
so i'm getting off the cloud to find her
i'm leaving angels behind, kissing her.
And the blue lights are on everywhere,
i'm taking away your kisses
you're taking my soul,
and i'm running
from your love up to the clouds,
hiding there and dying.
And while the little white angels watch over me
playing their electric harps
(playing reggae)
i smoke with them
making large clouds of smoke
under which we lie all night long.
And i receive some messages again,
i know they are yours,
i'm descending towards you
i love you so much, i'm kissing you again
and although i'm dead
i live for you.
And while the little white angels watch over me
playing their electric harps
(playing reggae)
i smoke with them
making large clouds of smoke
under which we lie all night long.
All night long...All night long...

How can I say

She didn't see through me,
Although she was a bit suspicious.
She thought she'll see everything through my eyes.
But luckily, no,
She could not see what I feel,
She knew that I'm hiding something,
She knew I know something.
How can I say that i'm leaving,
I'll be gone for a long time,
I'm off to the other side to create my desert.
There, where pine cactuses sing with the wind and the rains are rare,
I'm off to the other side
Thinking about her
I'm thinking about her
He's thinking about her.
She didn't see through me,
Although she was a bit suspicious.
She thought she will travel the whole world with me,
That I'm playing with my thoughts
Like a long time ago
When I gone forever.
How can I say that i'm leaving,
I'll be gone for a long time,
I'm off to the other side to create my desert.
There, where pine cactuses sing with the wind and the rains are rare,
I'm off to the other side
Thinking about her
I'm thinking about her
He's thinking about her.

My Life Will Begin

At seven o'clock, there's the beginning of a new day,
So much work and the floor has to shine,
I'm going to wash it with wax and happiness,
And I'll be sweeping at quarter past seven.
And then I'll get a book to read, or even two or three.
I'll paint a picture, joining what you already see.
And I'll play the guitar, I'll cook and wait
Because my life's beginning.
After lunch there are puzzles and sweets
Papier-mache, ballet and also chess
I'll do pottery, candles and with expertise
I'll train, draw or climb with eagerness
I'll reread the books if I have time
I'll paint once more and everything will fit
I'll comb, comb, comb myself
Always stuck here in this place
Always thinking, thinking, thinking
Because my life's beginning
And tomorrow the sky will shine
Because on my birthday, there are lanterns in the air
How will it be? Where will they go?
Will you let mom see them in this occasion?

The Bath Song

Don't listen to that grouch!
come, friends!
and doesn't it hurt to get wet, Doc?
won't it shrink your beard?
do we get in?
should we wash where we can't see?
no, no, calmly, do as I do.
Without fear, begin
and don't be alarmed,
roll up your sleeves,
it'll make it much easier.
Scoop up a lot of water,
then soak in it and do:
brr, brr, brr.
Grab the soap
and without hesitation,
with a lot lather
you must wet your face.
And with the water in your hands
you must breathe in, let out:
brr, brr, brr.
Wet and rub
wash and clean,
and slosh too.
Perhaps you feel cool
and humid,
but you'll have fun
in the novelty.
You mustn't even forget
your nose,
and you'll feel
very clean and happy.
Pack of babies,
you'll make me sick
if you do: brr, brr, brr.
Rub real hard,
there's no denying
what a beauty it'll seem
after drying.
Because if you wash your body,
you'll have a clean soul if you do:
brr, brr, brr.

Be Prepared

-Mufasa has always imposed many restrictions when it comes to hunting.
When I become king, the powerful will be free to take whatever they want, because the belly of a hyena is never full.
-Mufasa is too powerful to challenge himself.
Mufasa is an old message
It was once a revered regime
Mistakes formed the mirage
Of a world full of crime
The lion era was changing
And the hyenas weren't alone anymore
It's my vision of supply
That includes all of you
Let's prepare for the crime of this century
Let's prepare for a lower blow
Well deliberate and well calculated
That a rejected king
Will be crowned
Which is why I dispute, that's why I fight
For the throne that will be mine!
Neither Mufasa nor Simba, but me
I'll be king
[Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared (...)]
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared!
Neither Mufasa nor Simba, but me
I'll be king

The Ballad of Flemmingrad

Each December without accommodating
We praise a troll who has a great expression
And a memory of this friendship
The grace of this soul is Flemmingrad
Without ever forgetting, or without the past erasing,
The nostrils were used to feed.
It's one of us....


The time has come for me to be overthrown
Never say again, never that I love you
Do not ask how we got to the finish line
First to lose myself, I close the issue here
I do not remember a caress from you a look
I was always a hug with loneliness
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
The time has come for me to be overthrown
Better a poor horse than no horse at all
Unfortunately a lot was collected
Do not look for explanations, things are simple
I do not remember a caress from you a look
I was always a hug with loneliness
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
I do not remember you ...
A caress a look ..
Only icy lips and dreams in the fire
I do not remember once, tender words
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
You give what you want
You get what you give
That's my heart
Do not criticize me
Do not criticize me

The World is My Family

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening, good night
Good evening, good night
Ladies and gentlemen,
With is here it is
In this joyful night
Music is my language
And the world is my family
Music is my language
And the world is my family
Music is my language
And the world is my family
Music is my language...

Pulse of My Heart

Call me crazy, say how nuts I am
Yesterday, my soul dreamed of you
When I opened my voice, a song came out
With colored letters, we're in communion
If the melody has soul and perfection
Your rhythm snatches your feet off the ground
Our love lives eternally and serene
In the happy pulsing of my heart
Our love lives eternally and serene
In the happy pulsing of my heart
Oh, my family. Oh, my people
They're my treasure
Hear me well
Our love lives eternally and serene
In the happy pulsing of my heart
Oh, my family. Oh, my people
They're my treasure
Hear me well
Our love lives eternally and serene
In the happy pulsing of my heart

Un Poco Loco

What color is the sky
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You tell me that it's red
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
Where should I put my shoes
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You say put them on your head
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You make me un poco loco
Un poquititito loco
The way you keep me guessing
I'm nodding and I'm yessing
I'll count it as a blessing
That I'm only un poco loco
The loco that you make me
It is just un poco crazy
The sense that you're not making
The liberties you're taking
Leaves my cabeza shaking
You are just un poco loco
The loco that he did on me leaves me with a headache
Come on, Miguelito!
The loco that he did on me leaves me with a headache
The loco that he did on me leaves me with a headache
The loco that he did on me leaves me with a headache
¡Un poquititi-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-to loco!

My friends from the other side

Don't you look down on me, little one.
It'll be a huge mistake,
My kingdom opens its arms to you
And my friends come from the other side...
(His friends come from the other side)
It's only an echo, my friends,
A little custom from Louisiana,
A little cabaret show, a pittance.
Let's sit over there,
Trust me,
Relax and thanks to me
Today may be your lucky day.
I can read [your] futures
And change it as I please,
And getting into your soul,
You do have a soul, don't you Lawrence?
And into your wildest dreams...
Thanks to my voodoo, my gift of gab, my abracadabras
And my friends coming from the other side.
(His friends come from the other side)
The cards, the cards, the cards show me
You past, present and future as they are.
The cards, the cards, the cards, pick three of them
And come discover your future with me.
You, you have done a long crossing,
You come from two royal lines
(I got royal blood myself from my mother side)
You live lavishly but you're broke
And you need your fiancée's daddy to be loaded.
Dad cut you off, hu, playboy?
You have to put a ring of your finger but without tiying yourself down...
You wanna be free as the wind,
Going from one city to another, but to be free you need green...
How green, how green
How green my dear!
I look at your future
And I only see green in it!
For you my dear, your assessment will be quick:
You've been used all you life,
Used by your mother,
Your little sister, your little brother
And if you were married, you'd be used by your wife!
But getting a glimpse into your future,
I only see that man you always wish you were.
Shake my hand, my friends,
Shake the hand of a poor sinner
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Total transformation
Total transformation,
Total renovation,
Total renovation,
And total transfiguration
Do you feel it?
Do you feel all those changes, all those changes,
All those changes in you?
I hope you'll like them
But otherwise, don't cast a stone at me:
Blame it on my friend from the other side
You had what you wished for,
But you lost what you had

Europe (Kosovo National Anthem)

O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love
On you eagles fly and stars shine
Land of our ancestors
Be thou blessed for life and years
O our mother
We will protect you
O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love

There's Not Such a Cool Genie

If on a dark night in the bazaar
Some gang falls on you
My master, in a flash you'll wallop them
You'll have more than enough genie to spare
Use my magic and you'll win by K.O.
I'm dynamite at the point of exploding
And you'll see, What a flash!
You must only rub this lamp
Who's calling?
My master and my lord, want something special?
I recommend our peacock
There's not such a cool genie
I am your maître d′ here
An obliging guy
Repeat to me, order, I hear bad
There's not such a cool genie
Yes, yes, five-star service
You'll eat better than the shah
Any delicacy
Cous cous, what more?
Maybe a little of baklavab
How about a schichekebab
And fruits at the end?
Here's the menu, you write it
There's not such a cool genie
Have you seen something like this?
Now you try
Now you'll learn
Another trick more
Watch out that I burn!
And take it now
When I say, 'Abracadabra,' bon voyage
I make them disappear
You've given yourself a nervous breakdown, you've been left flabbergasted
For your problems I'm the solution
I was the first of my class
I am a genie super enrolled
What you order it'll be done, I serve you
Whisper to and I'll listen to you, let it go
I know that the list is more that a million
You rub well and then tell me it, eh oh
My master and my lord, what can I do for you?
I'm here now, how are you my love?
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so awesome!

Cold And Raw Terror

Let's go to what's interesting, to defeat bad guys
We got fools here and I asked for heroes
You are a bunch to forget
But you can believe that even you
You will be a cold and raw terror
Calm and serene but also burning
Find your center
That is how you'll win
You are pathetic and you'll realize that you have much to learn
You will be a cold and raw terror
I cannot breathe
There goes my past
What an idiot I was at not going to gym
This guy is really bad
I hope they don't find out
I wish I knew how to swim
You will fight with the speed of a furious river
You will fight with the impact of a typhoon
You will fight with the power of a huge fire
Mystery of the hidden side of the moon
At any moment they can arrive
Only my orders can escape
You can not even fight then
Get going, because I've decided
You won't inspire a cold and raw terror
You will fight with the speed of a furious river
You will fight with the impact of a typhoon
You will fight with the power of a huge fire
Mystery of the hidden side of the moon
You will fight with the speed of a furious river
You will fight with the impact of a typhoon
You will fight with the power of a huge fire
Mystery of the hidden side of the moon

Crappy shanty on europe-ness of the Pole

This writing rather numbing
but how can I not get writing
in spite of all the numbing dumbing
everyone’s not giving a damn
so as I actually do give one
I have got to write some --- anyhow
anyway --- anywhat
just to get it done somehow
just to have it in the back
anywhere for anywhom
who's effortin – he's tormentin
moanin bendin and kneelin
waste of life for this dealin
none will heal you from the reelin
none will raise from your knees
unnoticed among the cubicles – anyhow..!
aint worth your sweat
what demands breaking sweat
life of wingin and half-assin
turns a martyr way more classy
just kick back and stop whinin
chill and stop being such a Lassie
anywho --- anyhow
anywhat any which way
just to get it done somehow
just to have it in the back
just to chill and get off
life's such a beach
that all good comes with bills
so you lookin at the posters:
better world, dough, cheerful rags
“choose the mill, take the whips” -
we give no flying craps--- anyway..!
whole craft in making do
cut the corners and build a cocoon
dont let twinges move from fringes
world not flower, fate not cocoa
dont go crazy, live on pringles
and stuff all else down the oh no! kek
anywhere – anyway
where there ain't no hooks
far from the ticks
that got under your skin
how can they still win...
no two way – i'm a Pole
free spirit and free will
Milano, Paris und Berlin
got naught on me
I am Polish! Ich bin Pole!
I'm making my own history ---anyway!
Any how! Any way!
Just to elbow my own way
just for the will to take off
and also make it pay off
Вот Поляк!

This Is My Singing

Sleep, sweet Kovu
Dream and tell me that
When you grow up, my lion
You will be the king
I have always been persecuted
I'm exiled and alone
If I think in that brute
I know I'm a beast
But a dream lets me
Cheer up and not cry
And it makes me be a kitten
And it helps me rest
It's about seeing Simba agonize
To capture his princess
And hear his lionesses scream
This is my singing
I've already tried to forget
And we must turn to forgiveness
But there's a little problem
I don't want to see them live
Do you count with any friend
To defeat Simba?
I prepare my own battles
For the great happy ending
It's music to hear howling
It's a relief to break, to fight
It's magical, and I'll love it
I shall not be tamed
Scar is gone, but Zira is still here
Raising this kid
Until his soul carries
The instinct for evil
Sleep, termite
I mean, my precious dainty gift
When you grow up, little rascal
You will be the king
The earth already pounds the drum
It already roars with its rancor
The great revenge
Will triumph
Listen to the clamor
Kovu is going win
Stop, oppressors
It's time to fight
The sky is going to cry
This is my singing

A Jump Ahead

Dirty rat
All of this is a lie
If they looked more closely
With the eyes of their hearts
They would find a good man in me

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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