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Живео живот

Ноћ је у граду, али не видим ни једну звезду
Хиљаде звезда не сијају
Крију се иза сивог вела.
Ноћ је у граду, остала сам у парку са тобом
Стојиш преда мном пун наде
А твоје очи ми говоре ово
Живео живот и ноћ
Живело тамно небо и појас од звезда
Желела бих да се звезде не сударе
Осећај симпатије
Који смо имали када је деда причао о томе шта треба Земљи
Како би деца Земље могла гледати звезде
Ноћ је у граду, а ја видим твоје звездане очи
У загрљају доброг пријатеља
ћу сакрити главу под крзном.
Срећна сам, јер сам остала са тобом
Стојиш преда мном пун наде
А твоје очи ми говоре ово
Живео живот и ноћ
Живело тамно небо и појас од звезда
Желела бих да се звезде не сударе
Осећај симпатије
Који смо имали када је деда причао о томе шта треба Земљи
Како би деца Земље могла гледати звезде
Остала сам овде пуна наде
Јер твоје ми очи говоре ово
Живео живот и ноћ
Живело тамно небо и појас од звезда
Желела бих да се звезде не сударе
Осећај симпатије
Који смо имали када је деда причао о томе шта треба Земљи
Како би деца Земље могла гледати звезде

Our Lady of Fatima

Oh my Jesus,
Forgive us for our sins,
Save us from the fire of hell.
And lead all our souls of heaven,
Especially those in need of your mercy.

Mountains of Aosta Valley

Mountains of Aosta Valley
ye are my beloved,
hamlets, bell towers, fountains,
I will always love you.
Nothing is more beautiful than my homeland,
nothing is sweeter than my friends.
O mountain men
sing all together
of my country
the peace and the fortune
Halt, halt, halt there
The mountain men are there.

Mother Earth

You are the smile that makes you come back
you are the Mountain whose heart you feel
with the universe I would not change you!
Madreterra of Men and Gods
You are the winter that manages to warm up
the ancient summer that makes you fall in love
you are the comet that I would follow
Madreterra of Men and Gods
Sicily my triangular land of light in the middle of the world
Sicily my land an honest sun that has no sunset!
Sicily you are like this, paradise is here!
History was born in your arms
on your lips 'Brothers of Italy'!
and to defend you I would die
Madreterra of Men and Gods
Sicily my triangular land of peace for the world
Sicily my land you 'long-lasting scented rose'
Sicily my land freed flag in the middle of the wind
Sicily you are like this, paradise is here!

Christmas with daddies

A horse pulls a sled through the snow
Children lark in the rhythm of bells
Pity that it's like that just in a commercial
At home boredom, on the balcony it's raining on our tree
Holidays of generosity and happiness
Who brings gifts we have no idea
In every picture someone else
So we like to believe in everybody
In all Baby Jesuses?
So in me
Or in me
Even in me?
No, in me
God's child has been born
In a manger at north pole
Polar express there
carrying the three Wisemen
How come three?! When there's four of us!
Christmas tree was set on fire at dinnertime
Candies already burning
They'll catch a carp for us from the bath or a lake
Our Daddies
We bake like always Christmas treats
It smells so good already
Let's decorate and sing carols
Christmas will be saved by
Gifts at the very last moment
I'm looking for, that's a lot of effort
The animals too would like holidays
Of love and comfort
We'll release the carp back into the water
At our place Christmas are always tons of fun
Come on, come get the punch, I'm getting cold
For Christmas I might just be alone
Will be boring
Don't be silly come on over to our place
No, come to ours
Come to ours
Come to ours
Come on, come to ours
No, come to ours
Daddy don't worry I'll come you won't be alone
To fulfil children's secret wishes
Women to help get away from cooking
Christmas Eve come to us now
Merry Christmas we wish to all of you
Christmas tree was set on fire at dinnertime
Candies already burning
They'll catch a carp for us from the bath or a lake
Our Daddies
We bake like always Christmas treats
It smells so good already
let's decorate and sing carols
Christmas will be saved by

I'm Going

I'm going to moisten my lips with holy water
To wash away the kisses that you once gave me, wicked mouth.
I'm going to put a hot iron in my eyes

It's prayer again

Sir! It is ridiculous to shed tears
sitting in the quiet warmth of my room
for foreign, seemingly distant fates
look, I am grinding my throat
but my voice just falls silent in
nothing. My complaint trembles quietly
'Have mercy, God!' I'm just moaning
to you 'Why did you give guns instead of piety?'
Can not catch up with common sense never
I was not able ... I didn't want to, perhaps
that human against human if clever
what kind of power leads?
That was the beginning and it will be the end.
I can't delete it!
I can't wash it!
from my forehead the mark of Cain.

Victory to you Mother Karnataka

Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
The daughter of Mother India!
Hail the land of beautiful rivers and forests!
Hail the abode of saints and seers!
A new jewel in the crown of Goddess Earth,
You are a trove of sandalwood, beauty and gold.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India,
where Rama and Krishna had their incarnations.
Resonance of the Vedas is the Mother’s lullaby,
Your fervour is what gives Her life.
Rows of green mountains are your necklaces.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India
who is hailed by Kapila,
Patañjali, Gautama and Jina.
You are a sacred forest where Shankara, Ramanuja,
Vidyaranya, Basaveswara and Madhva dwelt.
You are the holy abode where Ranna,
Shadakshari, Ponna, Pampa,
Lakshmisa and Janna were born.
You are the blessed resting place of many a poet-nightingale.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India
The progenitor of Nanak, Ramananda and Kabir.
This is the land ruled (in the past) by Tailapa and Hoysalas,
The beloved home of Dankana and Jakkana.
This land blessed with the waters of the Krishna,
Sharavathi, Tunga and Kaveri.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
The daughter of Mother India!
(The India) of Chaitanya, Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda.
Garden of peace for all communities,
A sight that allures the connoisseurs,
A garden where Hindus, Christians, Muslims,
Parsis and the Jains (can grow together)

Shoot the Boer

The cowards are scared
shoot shoot
shoot shoot
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
awu yoh
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
mother leave me be
oh mother
mother leave me be
oh mother
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
shoot shoot
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
iii yoh
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
mother leave me be
oh mother
mother leave me be
oh mother
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
these dogs are raping
shoot shoot
ay iyeah
shoot shoot
these dogs are raping
shoot shoot
ay iiiyo
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
Ay iyeah
shoot shoot
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
Ay iyeah

Horst Wessel's Song

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with calm, steady step.
|: Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks. :|
Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division man!
|: Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns! :|
For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
|: Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now! :|
Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with calm, steady step.
|: Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks. :|

Anthem of the Croatian Fascists

The flag flies high and guides the legions.
The sound is heard, the sound of our victory.
𝄆 Heroes that gave everything fighting for our homeland,
are here in spirit, and march among us! 𝄇
Let it be seen, may the whole world know it.
Let it be heard, may it echo for eternity.
𝄆 When brothers stood shoulder to shoulder to defend their own,
may it be remembered, that we were here! 𝄇
So now as then, when the enemy threatens again

Falengo Fascist Anthem

Blue shirt, the yokes and arrows
I wore, when you were still in doubt.
Chased by the left and the right,
I fell, when you were still in doubt.
Wake up now, burgeois and socialist,
Falange brings: the revolution,
the death of the chieftain and the bolshevik,
of laziness and reaction.
For honor, Fatherland, and justice,
we fight today in this dawn,
And if death comes and caresses us,
Spain be raised! We shall say in falling.
The youth is in our ranks,
and ours is also the future.
Spain we will make you One, Great and Free,
even if we have to die.

Anthem of the Legion of French Volunteers

We shall smite the Jews and the Marxists,
We shall avenge our brothers killed by them,
So that the National Socialist ideal
Should one day be proud and victorious.

Anthem of Golden Dawn

From the granite face of Olympus
to the enslaved land of Cyprus.
|: From the great City [Constantinople] of our dream
to Himara, which is Greek! :| (2x)
The flag on high, victory awaits us.
The head held high and our heart remains tough.
|: To this world, we will show how well we carry on,
our courage is indomitable and our honor is tough like a fortress! :| (2x)
Beat mercilessly, with awesome fury,
with courage, comrades, the walls of the enemies.
|: One day, together with the Golden Dawn, we will form
an army of millions of warriors! :| (2x)

Another Time, Another Life

Another time, when everything still is
Exists in my chest. I'm stuck
In everything which used to be, and all memories burn my mind
It's still bubbling under your bridge
And can hear how the crickets sing
The humidity of the night
Window glass
The air is fresh and pure, and we were there
Another life, a forgotten town
Which no one remembers aside from me
Clad in red and gold is the maple's leaves, and the wind takes hold
The song is left in every tree
And I feel how the forest is crying
Morning light
Sprinkles down
Through the tears, and we stand here
Heavy steps become air
A hand grabbed onto mine, and you were there
When everything dark in my body became a slivery light

Anthem of the All-Russian Fascist Organisation

The dawn is close,
Banners on high, brothers!
Death to the murderers of our dear liberty!
The fascists sword is our enemy's damnation
It will sweep away forever their bloody system.
Comrades, our Motherland awaits us!
Everyone under the banners, the Motherland is calling!
Vonsyatsky, our leader who scorns treason and cowardice,
With us, fascists, will lead the march!
Blackshirts, get ready to the battle!
The Iron Front of fascists unites us
And towards the enemy is an iron wall
Fearlessly, as one, we all go.
The victory day is coming gallantly,
Out with the Kolkhozes, Stalin and his GPU,
The swastika over the Kremlin shall shine brightly
And our black ranks shall pass through Moscow

Anthem of the Patriotic People's Movement

Rally to the flags! So the blackshirts march
side by side, with a solemn step
Now, brothers, to the front that closes the rivers of lies
and takes us to victory, or the hero to his death
Make way, as the black group marches!
It brings down all obstacles.
With bright gaze, and chests full of daring
and thousands look up to us with hope.
The horns call us to the final battle,
O hear the roar of the new day!
Remember that we swore to the Lord
No longer may Finland lament!
Rally to the flags! So the blackshirts march
side by side, with a solemn step
Only the wretched scorn our colours
as our land of birth languishes in pain.


Versions: #1
Invading all my weakness
You wrapped me up in grace
The worst of me succeeded by the best of You
My heart is overtaken
My soul is overwhelmed
The worst of me succeeded by the best of You
My dreams have found their purpose
My future in Your hands
This life would have no meaning if it weren't for You
So I lay me down
For Kingdom come
Steel all that is within me
Cause all I want in this world is more of You
And the less of me it is You
Increasing as I fade away
Your light for all the world to see
God It is You who breaks the chains
It is You who lights the way
And everything I am cries out for You
Lord make my life transparent
Your life in mine displayed
And let every earthly glory
Go back to You

March Of The Ukrainian Army

We, who were born in this great hour,
From the fires of war, and the flash of gunfire,
We were strengthened by Ukraine's painful fate,
Anger and rage have grown unto our enemies...
We were strengthened by Ukraine's painful fate,
Anger and rage have grown unto our enemies!
We go into battle marching victoriously,
Solid, strong, indestructible as granite,
For sobbing has not made anyone yet free,
He who is the champion, he gains the world...
For sobbing has not made anyone yet free,
He who is the champion, he gains the world!
The primary cause is the same for everyone,
Our proud-hearted call goes out to the people,
Be faithful to the Fatherland unceasingly,
For us, Ukraine comes before all...
Be faithful to the Fatherland unceasingly,
For us, Ukraine comes before all!
The glory of our heroes leads us to the fight,
For us, the rule of law is the highest decree,
This nation is the united Ukraine -
For a century, from the San to the Caucasus...
This nation is the united Ukraine -
For a century, from the San to the Caucasus!

Little One

You are weeping,
Little girl, darling girl,
you are weary,
Little girl, darling girl.
Be sad no longer,
There is love for you
in the heart of the Father,
Little girl, darling girl.

A Lovely Rose

A lovely rose - saidi Mariam
A lovely rose - saidi Mariam
One day, I was hunting on my horse in the hills
Just when you were singing at the bottom of the hill, with a voice gentle like the clouds
I was mesmerised by your voice and I rolled down the hill
Ay-ya-ya, your voice is gentle like the clouds
A strong Kazakh youth - Ivan Dudar
A strong Kazakh youth - Ivan Dudar
Tonight, I invite you to come across the river to my house
After you feed your horse, bring your dombra
Once the moon rises, let me play the dombra's strings
Ay-ya-ya, both of us sing together under the trees

Jungman Jansson

Heigh ho Seaman Jansson, now the morning breeze is starting
and the last night is forgotten and the Constance due to go.
Have you cried, with little Stina, kissed your mother's cheek in parting
have you emptied your last bottle, then sing heigh ho!
Heigh ho Seaman Jansson, are you worried that your young thing
will deceive you, yes deceive you and with other laddies go?
But as morning stars will twinkle I suppose your heart is thumping
turn your nose against the wind now and sing heigh ho!
Heigh ho Seaman Jansson, it may be your fate is waiting
not in women's clothes but among sharks which southern seas bestow?
Maybe death is hid in ambush behind corals sharp and scathing —
he is rough but he is honest, now sing heigh ho!
Maybe you will grow an old man on a farm in Alabama
while your aging temples sift the seeds which years slowly sow.
Maybe you will forget Stina for a dram in Yokohama —
that is careless but human, now sing heigh ho!


(verse 1)
I don’t like
the police
They can fuck off with their
red and blue magic
Put it this way
they follow me in the night
Put it this way
they want me in jail
Put it this way
I don’t give a fuck
Put it this way
I don’t give a fuck
I don’t give a fuck
Im happy
Fuck every single police
They say they want me dead
But I’ve never been a dumb fuck
I don’t give a fuck
Im happy
Fuck every single police
They say they want me dead
But I’m never scared
(verse 2)
This way that way
you won’t catch me, I'm here and gone
In the wind with a bunny mask on my face
After I hit ya face (ahh ahh ahh)
Take a left, then right
Then left
Baby high speed if you trying to find me
All the protein if you really with the beef
Let off all the verbs If you really HD
I don’t bitch out
bitch get all ready
I go all by myself
Ill deliver you to Christ
I don’t give a fuck
Im happy
Fuck every single police
They say they want me dead
But I’ve never been a dumb fuck
I don’t give a fuck
Im happy
Fuck every single police
They say they want me dead
But I’m never scared

Please tell me Mr Shu

I see the harbor from the park
I was counting the foreign boats
On a bench by the shadow
Staring at the distance
There's a strange man smiling
While caressing his white beard
He talked to me
Please tell me Mr Shu
Only the aching sighs
Are the disease of love?
Please tell me Mr Shu
Because it's my first time
I'm a little anxious
Tell me what should I do
I love you (Mr Shu)
I love you (Mr Shu)
The church bells tell the time
The twilight hurries in the city
You always give me advices
You Daddy Long Legs
Please tell me Mr Shu
But my feelings
Without being able to saying them honestly
They give me trouble
Please tell me Mr Shu
Except for that person
I can't see anything
Tell me what should I do
I love you (Mr Shu)
I love you (Mr Shu)
Please tell me Mr Shu
Turning the pages of the love album
Will you tell me about
Your romances of yesterday?
Please tell me Mr Shu
In the moment a girl
Falls in love for the first time
Tell me what should I do
I love you (Mr Shu)
I love you (Mr Shu)

Firstly, we bow to the holy feet of Radha and Krishna

Firstly, we bow to the holy feet of Radha and Krishna
Please have your blessings on these children, Oh Krishna ।1।
Secondly, we bow to the four directions
Please have your blessings on these small kids, Oh Lord ।2।
Thirdly, we bow to the spectators
Please have your blessings on these small kids, Oh spectators ।3।
Fourthly, we bow to our parents
Please have your blessings on your sons, Oh Mother ।4।
Fifthly, we bow to our teacher
Please have your blessings on your pupils, Oh Teacher ।5।
Mom, get me ready, with all the necessary accessories
With an armlet on my right hand and a colourful dress on my body ।6।
Hand me over my sticks, after applying a black mark over it
We are going to play merrily, said the son ।7।
Make the ululudhvani sound merrily, my dear mothers and sisters 1
We are going to play merrily, make way for us ।8।
We bow before the spectators a thousand times
The salutation was composed by the Sun God,so don't try to find errors in it ।9।
  • 1. Ululu (also known as Hula Huli or Hulu Huli) is a tradition in Assam, Bengal, Odisha and Tamil Nadu, where during weddings and other festivals women produce a sound called 'Ululu'. It refers to festivity and prosperity. It's known as hulahuli in Odisha.

Swing your arms, swing your arms

Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Let's purchase clothes, swing your arms
Let's wear those comfortably, swing your arms
Let's buy a doll, swing your arms
Let's keep bindhi (red sticker) on our foreheads, swing your arms
Let's purchase clothes, swing your arms
Let's wear those comfortably, swing your arms
Let's buy a doll, swing your arms
Let's keep bindhi (red sticker) on our foreheads, swing your arms
Let's watch, swing your arms
Let's go to play, swing your arms
Let's go to temple, swing your arms
Let's pray and come back, swing your arms
Let's watch, swing your arms
Let's go to play, swing your arms
Let's go to temple, swing your arms
Let's pray and come back, swing your arms
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Let's purchase clothes, swing your arms
Let's wear those comfortably, swing your arms
Let's buy a doll, swing your arms
Let's keep bindhi (red sticker) on our foreheads, swing your arms
Let's purchase clothes, swing your arms
Let's wear those comfortably, swing your arms
Let's buy a doll, swing your arms
Let's keep bindhi (red sticker) on our foreheads, swing your arms
Let's watch, swing your arms
Let's go to play, swing your arms
Let's go to temple, swing your arms
Let's pray and come back, swing your arm
Let's watch, swing your arms
Let's go to play, swing your arms
Let's go to temple, swing your arms
Let's pray and come back, swing your arm
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms
Swing your arms, swing your arms (and walk)
Let's go for shopping, swing your arms
We can see with our eyes, swing your arms

Who's sitting over that branch, my friend

Who's sitting over that branch, my friend?
It looks like Krishna to me (Chorus)
A black cloud is approaching from the east, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was a cloud, it surely would have rained
Neither it is peeping at us
Rama is returning from his forest exile, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Rama, it would have killed Ravana
Neither it is holding a bow and arrow
Is Arjuna taking Draupadi with him, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Arjuna, it would have annihilated the army of Kauravas
Neither is any Draupadi is accompanying him
Looks like Krishna is sitting over there, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Krishna, Radha would have surely been with him
Neither is he holding any flute in his hand

Slatko je kad jurišnik bije

Ko to kuka po šumama, kakva je galama
Odzvonilo, odzvonilo gudalo guslama
Gonio ih jurišnik naroda svog osvetnik
Gudalo je gudalo je ostalo bez struna
A gusle je, a gusle je uhvatila vuna
Gonio ih jurišnik naroda svog osvetnik
Slatko je, slatko je kad jurišnik bije
Slatko je, slatko je kad jurišnik bije
Bije, bije poput uragana
Majka mu je 502. Slavna
Počerupana na grani orlušina stara
Bolno ječi rane leći i svoj narod vara
Gonio ga jurišnik naroda svog osvetnik
Orlu glava zamlitava pala je na krilo
A druga mu otečena, ne zna šta se zbilo
Gonio ga jurišnik naroda svog osvetnik
Slatko je, slatko je kad jurišnik bije
Slatko je, slatko je kad jurišnik bije
Bije bije poput uragana
Majka mu je 502. Slavna

Body to body

I'm sick of seeing the dying words
I'm sick of seeing the things that don't change
I'm sick of having to stay alert again
To breathe the air like a blade is next to the throat
I'm sick of seeing the dying words
I'm sick of seeing the things that don't change
I'm sick of having to stay alert again
To breathe the air like a blade is next to the throat
To walk to where you don't feel the pain
Just to see if you can still walk
The world is a body covered in bruises,
My more and more vivid thoughts
Bodies on the street, letting themselves get rented 1
Anatomical tables to be plundered
Perfect body, immortal body
The body is a boundary which can be violated
Saint bureaucrats, blood of hypocrites
Life is often a dump of dreams
Which looks like a film where everything is decided
Under the skies of infinite grey
To walk to where you don't feel the pain
Just to see if you can still walk
The world is a body covered in bruises,
My thoughts, which are always rougher
Bodies of rubble from the news,
Diplomatic corps live to conquer
Play the march, play it again
The death is dressed well when the hour strikes
Christians who cry for too much pain,
The anguish of a planet you can dissect
Cut the cake, cut it again
The one who is rich stays alive, while the poor one dies
Bodies and rubble to conquer
For the armed body to great fanfare
Mangled body, hand to hand 2
The body is the innocence that can be broken
Saint bureaucrats, blood of hypocrites
Life is often a dump of dreams
Which looks like a film where everything is decided
Under the skies of infinite grey
Saint bureaucrats, seed of hypocrites
Life is written over the heap of dreams
Just like a film where everything is decided
Under the skies of infinite grey
  • 1. Great thanks to my dear Italian friend
  • 2. Literally 'body to body'

A spring evening in Reykjavík.

Sun kissed clouds sweep over Esja,
west facing windows sparkle, and burn the house façades.
The warm spring breeze softly strokes our cheeks,
the desire for love awakens in our breasts anew.
A young, warm woman is kissed in the middle of the street
Lads drive around looking out for girls,
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
The pond lies quietly in the evening glow
The crows, though diligent and busy on the islet.
Snuggle up, sires and damsels, on the benches,
the poet Jónas listens to the songs of the thrushes.
Among hidden birch limbs on a soft downy duvet
daughters of a spirit mother with their heads under their wings.
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
Silence reigns around Ingólf and every tear there is depleted
ensuring relief from the debauchees with their empty bottles.
They sleep soundly with drooping eyelids,
southerly winds mildly brush cheeks and hair.
There is an aroma of grass and the smell of dust,
the setting sun casts a purple hue in the west.
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
But Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.