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In a Foreign Land

The pathway is laid out in the field
There to my native village,
And I see this there in my dreams,
For now I am in a foreign land
In a foreign land, a foreign land,
Short are the nights - long are the days,
There is no one here to converse with,
And my dear heart's pounding every night.
The garden, and house is small,
Mother there has looked after me,
And my eyes are in sorrow-
Why am I in a foreign land.
And at home the children are young
All calling to mother in their dreams
- O where has she gone off to
And what is it - this foreign land.
O my dear beloved mother,
You have grand children, your not alone,
The native language and our land
And as for me there only a foreign land

There's no Way to turn back Time

Vivid beauty is fading,
come close and you'll see the roses bloom,
vivid beauty is fading,
and the roses are withering, no one gave them drink.
I know they aren't yours,
you are just waiting for your ones to bloom,
and happiness is so fleeting,
guard them, don't let them wither!
No, no, there's no way to turn back time.
No, no, you can't bind the time.
No, no, you can't give nothing and take everything.
No, no, it's impossible to take back words of yours!
How many faces do you have,
how many times have you loved and hated,
how many times have you lied and cursed the truth
and have been ashamed of yourself later on,
and have made promise to yourself?
None of that, you just wanted to but you honored nothing.
By one word you created
impregnable stone castle of yours,
where you been warming yourself when things were worst,
where you ran away to,
the dust falling on it (:beauty) will never disappear again.
The vivid beauty is fading,
and the roses are withering, no one gave them drink

El vito*

Uz vito vito vito
Uz vito vito idem /putujem ja/
Nemoj da me gledaš
što se nosim u crveno
Iz Malage jedna bila /išla/
u Sevilji da gleda koridu
I na sred puta
zarobiše je mavari
Uz vito vito vito
Uz vito vito idem /putujem ja/
U lice me ne gledaj
i što nosim crvenu odeću
Nemoj da me gledaš tako
jer me teraš da se zaljubim

Doktore ! Doktore !

Video sam te tamo, kao tako samo stojiš
I pomislio sam da sanjam, da
Poljubio sam te tada, pa još jednom
Rekla si da bi došla da igraš sa mnom
Igraj sa mnom, preko mora
I mogli bi da osetimo hiljade snova u pokretu
Doktore, doktore
Zar ne vidite da gorim, gorim
o doktore, doktore
Da li je to ljubav što osećam ?
To je noću takvo je uživane
Svi mi odemo pre prvog zraka svetlosti
Molim te nemoj ići, ne, molim te nemoj otići
Jer ne želim da ostanem ovde sam
Doktore, doktore
Zar ne vidite da gorim, gorim
o doktore, doktore
Da li je to ljubav što osećam ?
Doktore, doktore
Zar ne vidite da gorim, gorim
o doktore, doktore
Da li je to ljubav što osećam ?
Groznica, udahni svoju ljubav na mene (udahni svoju ljubav)
Odnesi moje ime (odnesi)
Groznica, stavi svoje ruke na mene (udahni svoju ljubav)
Nikad nemoj ista biti.
Doktore, doktore
Zar ne vidite da gorim, gorim
o doktore, doktore
Da li je to ljubav što osećam ?
Doktore, doktore
Zar ne vidite da gorim, gorim
o doktore, doktore
Da li je to ljubav što osećam ?
Podji sa mnom
I učini da se poveruje
Da možemo putovati do večnosti

Don't Call Me

Don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
Today you’re no longer here
I could decipher
You were the lie
I was your truth
I endangered myself to look for
It hurt me to find out
All the pieces
You knew how to play
What sorrow to accept
That I surrendered to you without thinking
My days, my body, and my fixations
And it hurts me to confront
What the rest will think
The wound
That I show each day
Don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
I don’t want to surrender myself
To your kisses
The charms
Your caresses
I don’t want to surrender myself, no
I am going to eliminate
Trace, chemistry
Reasons that visit
Making me doubt
What sorrow to accept
That I surrendered to you without thinking
My days, my body, and my fixations
And it hurts me to confront
What the rest will think
The wound
That I show each day
Don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
I don’t want to surrender myself
To your kisses
The charms
Your caresses
I don’t want to surrender myself, no
To your pain your malice
That fictitious look
To the passion, your lair, and your warmth
Don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
I don’t want to surrender myself, no
I don’t want to look at you
I’m afraid to find you
I cannot hide it front you
You know to decipher me
Barriers you cross
You seduce, I lose strength
Don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
I don’t want to surrender myself
To your kisses
The charms
Your caresses
I don’t want to surrender myself, no
To your pain, your malice
That fictitious look
To the passion, your lair, and your warmth
And don’t call me
Don’t look for me
Don’t write me
I don’t want to surrender myself, no

To sit or to dance

It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
He looked around him
Everyone was sitting, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
That one shouldn't spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
He looked around him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
And of course he ended up dying
Which is normal these days
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
And as he looked around him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story
It is a story of a boy
He wouldn't stop dancing all night
It is a story of a boy
He was warned not to spend his time
It is a story of a boy
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing
He ended up dying oh oh oh
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
His parents had already warned him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story of a boy
There are no more like him
Today everyone is rotten
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing
It is a story of a boy
And as he looked around him
Everyone was sitting
That's really boring

Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri

Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Junaci u pola oklopa
Moć korrjača
Oni su najzastrašujuči borbeni tim sveta
Stvarno smo kul
To su heroji od pola oklopa i zelene su boje
(Hej, uhvati se)
Kada zli Šreder napadne,
Ti momci kornjače mu neče progledati kroz prste
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Splinter ih je naučio kako da budu tim nindža
(on je temeljni pacov)
Leonadrdo predvodi, Donatello se bavi mašinama
(to je činjenica)
Rafaello je kul, al je neotesan
Rafaello: (Ma šta mi reče!)
Mikelandjelo je tip od provoda
Mikelandjelo : (Provoood !)
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Nindža kornjače mutanti tinejdžeri
Junaci u pola oklopa
Moć korrjača


The night sky is filled with the twinkling stars containing stories
Loneliness is coming down like dew drops on the leaves
As I’m calling for someone that left me in searching for stars
The old memories come back and linger
Only face that I can see is me who lost in the past
Flow flow when time flows away, what will I become?
Do I have to go on this long journey alone?
Will I become a flower? Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
The night sky is filled with the twinkling stars containing stories
Loneliness is coming down like dew drops on the leaves
Flow flow if time flows and flows away
Will I become a flower?
If time flow away, what will I become?
Do I have to go on this long journey alone?
Flow flow
Today and tomorrow I flow endlessly
Do I have to go on this long journey alone?
Will I become a flower?
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
Source : Daedalis.de

The Hermit

I live in the country, have sheep grazing
and happy-looking cows in the field.
The warm summer sun will soon warm this place
But still I must wait for my lady.
My tractor, my riding-horse,
a dog and a couple of chickens.
Only a miracle could lead to us
a warm girl from the city.
The winter is difficult for me,
so damn cold for the feet sometimes.
I could see you do as I do
to warm your toes with the dogs.
They tell me to rush off,
that they're awaiting the kind farmer.
I've tried it, God knows, but it is hard work
to try all the houses in town.

My Version

Everything seems worthless
It happens that sometimes
He finds every door closed
It happens that sometimes
I say let others play
Tqifsha in fame and career
It happens
All these chairs push me
To him he gives all the verses
That boxing explodes
For all the reasons that blow me
Tell you how many times G Up is entering
The whores broke up
Looks like a race with a lot of opponents
Where all these players
Greed for first place
Everyone talks about revolution drug weapons?
Put it all in the ass whores
And hop into the microphone
Shof up destination far
I have a clear plan
From the day I started
And how much for a commercial ??
I know how to paint but I give it
I have scene 1 step again
I'm on the street whore
Play if you can talk to me
Those who said RAP scan ??
This is a metropolis
Years of lightning speed wait
I come hungry as it is not just a matter of music
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm and rhyme I will always give
My version
It is Dose, G-UP
but our conditions were not met
we do not sign the contract
se jena vet n'administrat
Yo! Albanian wuts up?
we are not seeing you clearly
turn on the microphones
and set the stage on fire
And I know how to say it
not to look like diss
but are very low level
I am saying it honestly
all these types
SWAG YOLO trendy rrapers
me nam
will fail because they do not demand respect
but only fame!
They are temporary
scan place in history
until another HIT comes out
I do not remember them with anyone
and tell them not to do it in vain
as if they had invented any style
as if we wanted to do '' TRAP ''
as if we wanted to 'DRILL'
But what will you be like?
it depends on what success ...
If these are successful
better without success to die!
Money does not motivate me
that I have as much as I need
this time it is a curse
that all in the first is played!
I will be patient anyway
and I will stay true to them
my word and principle
I will not give up, I will fight
for change
Maybe I'm right
maybe I'm wrong ...
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm, Rhyme I will always give
My version

Slaba u prisustvu lepote

Oh, mnogo je prošlo od kako sam te videla
Pa, znaš kako vreme leti
Čini se kao da smo juče bili ljubavnici
Sada prolazimo jedno pored drugog
Ali ako ostanemo samo uveče
Ne pitaj me da te grlim
Postajem slaba...
Slaba u prisustvu lepote
Moji prijatelji idalje pitaju
Zašto sam tiha kada sam oko tebe
Ali ne znaju da mislim da sam srećnica
Što sam zaustavila sebe od propadanja
Zato kasnije ako si sam
Ne pitaj me da te povedem kući
Postajem slaba...
Jer ako ostanemo samo večeras
Neću imati izbor nego da te držim čvrsto
Postajem slaba...
Dušo, volim te
Nema nikoga iznad tebe
Ti si moj svet
Nekada sam bila tvoja devojka

Come Again

Do I have walls, am I hiding something?
I am a bit in love and a bit lonely
Don't pile on, I'm angry at life
And a bit at my memories of the past
Don't I have hopes, it can't be told
I was reborn with you, believe me
Don't hold me now, there is a long way ahead of me
I'm exactly where my heart wants me to be
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After all those years you had made me love love
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I know I can't be without you
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After years passed, I had loved again
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I know I can't be without you
Come again, my beautiful flower
Come again, how quickly you went away
Come again, my beautiful flower
I want it once and over and over again
Do I have walls, am I hiding something?
I am a bit in love and a bit lonely
Don't pile on, I'm angry at life
And a bit at my memories of the past
Without you my life isn't full
Your emptiness can't be filled without you
Without you my sun doesn't rise
It doesn't
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After all those years you had made me love love
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I know I can't be without you
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After years passed, I had loved again
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I want it once and over and over again
Come again, my beautiful flower
Come again, how quickly you went away
Come again, my beautiful flower
I want it once and over and over again
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After all those years you had made me love love
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I know I can't be without you
My beautiful flower, how quickly you went away
After years passed, I had loved again
I used to live with my loneliness, I used to run away
I want it once and over and over again
Come again

Why did I talk to you

Eyyy ...
This for the ladies
For the baby's
Okeyy ...
When you are not alone,
that I am learning to share with you at any moment,
why did I talk to you, I was introduced to you.
I have been waiting for you all my life,
because you want me to whiten with you every morning,
why did I talk to you, I got acquainted with you.
You correct me during the day, every time it comes close,
even if I like my heart, even if I do not like it,
there are no words to describe you well, you have ours, you are convinced,
soul, without you I have a problem.
It works baby, you say they love me - because I know,
except as a lately option, the last one is you (well).
I know that it changes when I drive you, it
just comes, it leaves me, good chances to do it again.
What I know to do best
I and you switch lanes 'Sex in the city'.
Man this girls so pretty, been around the world,
po asnjona nuk o` si ti.
I know I could not find it,
Even though I live more than 1 life (1 life)
Believe me there are many with m'met,
n'ket kong pa thon for you is very pretended to find (words)
When you are not alone,
that I am learning to share with you at any moment,
why did I talk to you, I was introduced to you.
I have been waiting for you all my life,
because you want me to whiten with you every morning,
why did I talk to you, I got acquainted with you.
From the first time I saw you, I knew you were special,
because I was married to a woman, I believe my heart never happened.
you dd-tremble zone, I did not know what to talk to you,
nonstop you shine the look of your mouth tem dry.
Honey, I remember the day and the date
when you told me, that you can never leave me alone,
even if you are with another cone (second),
this fell to my throat, I know that the end comes,
except the feeling when jena us together, I like it
more (Love).
Poison your lips I do not even know myself,
slow motion nalet time around me mo do not see,
(anything) seeks, search I do not want sen except you,
always missing the kiss the first time me and when you came
..... .He saw me - You wanted to fly baby, although very simply,
kate and natural palm fit you well whatever you want to wear.
Hey, how did you not find me,
Even if I live more than 1 life (1 life)
Ref. (2x)
When you do not know yourself,
that I am learning to share with you at any moment,
did I talk to you, I met you.
I have been waiting for you all my life,
because you want me to whiten with you every morning,
did I talk to you, I met you.

Grey Cat

Versions: #1
Grey cat,
White cat,
Furry cat,
Don't wander around the home.
Don't wander around the home,
Don't wake a child.
The child will sleep,
The cat will purr.
Ah, the purring is for the cat,
A sleep is for the child.

We Rock

We rock the world
We rock the world
I won’t back down, go, let's forge ahead
Let the mind wander I got my plan
Rock the world with pride on my face
There’s determination in our eyes
We stand together on this journey right now
Burning sweat, clenched hands
Heart beats on the same tempo That’s the passion of youth
Welcome to my world Rock the world
Rock the world (Come on)
Da la Waaaaa~
Welcome to my world Rock the world
Hand in hand (Come on)
Da la Waaaaa~
At this second, point your finger to the sky
Let’s make a youth wish
I’ll go full speed ahead as the beacon
With the power to push the limit of dreams
We rock the world
We rock the world
I won’t back down, go, let's forge ahead
Let the mind wander I got my plan
Rock the world with pride on my face
We rock the world
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
We rock the world
There’s determination in our eyes
We stand together on this journey right now
Burning sweat, clenched hands
Heart beats on the same tempo That’s the passion of youth
Welcome to my world Rock the world
Rock the world (Come on)
Da la Waaaaa~
Welcome to my world Rock the world
Hand in hand (Come on)
Da la Waaaaa~
At this second, point your finger to the sky
Let’s make a youth wish
I’ll go full speed ahead as the beacon
With the power to push the limit of dreams
We rock the world
We rock the world
I won’t back down, go, let's forge ahead
Let the mind wander I got my plan
Rock the world with pride on my face
We rock the world
We rock the world
We rock the world
We rock the world
I won’t back down, go, let's forge ahead
Let the mind wander I got my plan
Rock the world with pride on my face
We rock the world
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
Wow ah ah ah ah
We rock the world

Song about the Bavarian land

The Bavarian land is beautiful,
There are many mountains there and lakes.
But beach and coast are - damn it -
Almost everywhere private property.
So, in order to get some calm,
You only find rush and crowds.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.1
Strauß2 and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
The Bavarian peasant isn't stupid,
He works and works from early in the morning to late in the evening,
But the prices aren't stable,
He earns little, you pay a lot,
The middleman traders squeeze him out,
This makes many lose their farm and house.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
And Bavaria's workers, they are
Worth way more than they earn here.
The wages are still below the average,
The prices increase terribly,
And exorbitant rents on top of that,
A Bavarian says to this: what a load of filth!
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
The Bavarian children, they are smart,
And they have enough smarts and brains.
However, in the Bavarian school system,
Independent thought is inconvenient.
Hans Maier3 wants subjects4 -
May god protect us from this man.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
A Bavarian works their whole life,
Most of the time they are healthy, but sometimes they are sick.
And if they even have to go to the hospital,
There aren't enough beds, what a horror.
What can you do with a government,
Which can't even deal with that?
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
  • 1. Christlich-Soziale Union (Christian-Social Union), main conservative party in Bavaria
  • 2. Franz-Josef Strauß, among other things minister president of Bavaria from 1978 to 1988
  • 3. Bavarian education minister from 1970 to 1986
  • 4. 'Untertan' means a feudal subject

Krupp and Krause

There is a deep tear through Germany,
Which splits the nation,
This isn's news, of course,
But still of interest.
The example of Krupp1 and Krause2 exposes
The true course
Of the German split - listen up! -
As a class question.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
Mr. Krupp, the industry boss,
In the club of the richest masters,
Owns factories and mines which
Feed many thousand men.
As one of uncounted thousand men
Krause stands day after day
In Krupp's factory to work,
His hourly wage: five Mark.3
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
What Krause produces in one hour
Is worth more than five Mark,
The surplus value is collected by Krupp,
Because he owns the company.
And thousands of colleagues
Experience the same as Krause every day.
Mr. Krupp always takes the surplus value
As return on his investment.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
If there is a positive economic situation
And the labour market is tight,
Krause is called Krupp's 'partner',
Because then he is in demand.
But if the economic situation is bad,
The order situation weak,
Then the Krauses in the company
Are threatened with unemployment and wage cuts.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
The split in this nation
Is thus explained like this:
What Krupp has in power and wealth
Is Krause's risk.
In the other German state4
The Krupps don't exist anymore.
There, the Krauses themselves are, truly,
The masters of the DDR.5
So that
Krupp can never again
Establish himself there,
Krause fights for the DDR's
  • 1. Stereotype for a German capitalist, due to the famous Krupp company
  • 2. Stereotype for a German worker, based on a worker activist in Alsace-Lorraine as far as I remember
  • 3. former German currency
  • 4. Meant is East Germany
  • 5. DDR (GDR) - Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic), East Germany
  • 6. under international law

Soldiers are not all the same

When the Commune was in Paris,
Paris was completely red.
Due to flags of worker's power,
Paris was completely red.
Reaction came from Versailles,
The city drowned in blood,
And the Proletarian who defended themself,
Was beaten to death by the frontline soldier.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
In the year 1914
The world market was already occupied.
The Kaiser1 and Krupp2
Hounded the people in the war.
Soldiers from red Kiel
Shouted 'Power to the people!'
The Noske3 soldiers killed them cowardly.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
Then the big industry
Financed Hitler,
So he would, no matter how brutal,
Lead them out of crisis.
But the Hitler barbarism died
In Russia's ice and snow,
And victorious were the soldiers of the
Red Soviet Army.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
The US murderer gang went
Into brave Vietnam.
And murdered, pillaged, robbed and burned
There in the name of freedom.
When Billy from Los Angeles
Stepped out of a rice field,
It happened that the Liberation Front
Hit his head.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
And you are with the Bundeswehr,4
There you learn how to shoot.
There you learn that the People's Army5
Is the mortal enemy for you.
But the soldier of the DDR6
Protects what belongs to him

farrewel my darling farrewell

Farewell my darling, farewell
as the army is leaving,
and if I didn’t leave too
it would be cowardly.
The haversack is ready,
I’ve got the gun with me,
and at sunrise
I’ll be leaving you.
But I’m not leaving you alone
I’ll leave you a child too,
it will console you:
the child of our love.

Američka molitva

Znaš li za žar progresa pod zvezdama?
Znaš li da postojimo?
Da li ste zaboravio ključeve kraljevstva?
Jesi li se već rodio i jesi li živ?
Izmislimo ponovo bogove, sve mitove vekova
Slavimo simbole iz dubokih starih šuma
Da li si zaboravio lekcije drevnog rata?
Potrebni su nam veliki zlatni snošaji
Očevi gaču u drveću šuma
Majka nam je mrtva u moru
Da li znaš da nas miroljubivi admirali vode na klanje
A da se debelim tromim generalima diže na mladu krv?
Da li znaš da nama vlada Televizija?
Mesec je zver skorele krvi
Gerilske bande su sve brojnije
Nadomak su zelenih vinograda
Omasovljuju se za ratovanje protiv nedužnog pastira koji je na samrti
O, veliki stvoritelju bića, daj nam još jedan sat da odigramo našu umetnost i usavršimo naše živote
Leptirice i ateisti dvostruko su božanski i umiru
Živimo, umiremo, a smrt nije kraj
Putujemo još u Noćnu moru
Držite se života,našeg strastvenog cveta
Držite se za pičke i kurčeve očaja
Konačnu viziju dobili smo pljeskom
Kolumbove prepone ispunile su se zelenom smrću
Dotakoh joj bedro i smrt se nasmešila
Okupili smo se u ovom drevnom i ludom pozorištu
Da propagiramo svoju žudnju za životom i pobegnemo od uskiptele mudrosti ulica
Na štale se juriša
Prozori su čuvani
I samo jedan od svih ostalih da zapleše i spasi nas božanskim ruganjem
Muzika raspaljuje strasti
Kada se pravim ubicama kralja pusti da slobodno vršljaju
Hiljadu čarobnjaka će se zemljom dići na noge
Gde su nam gozbe koje su nam obećane?
Gde je vino, Novo vino, koje umire na čokotu?

Kada mesec posegne ka zvezdama

Nikad se nisam osećala tako nesrećno
Nikad se nisam osećala kao da će ova zamisao trajati zauvek
Dušo ostani sa mnom
Moraš reći sada, tvoja ljubav me je potpuno preplavila
Kada se zvezde nasmeše mesecu
Pitam se kakav je pogled u tvojim očima
Samo okrećem tvoj broj
Ne mogu da pritisnem poslednja dva
Molim se srcu
Kada mesec dopre do zvezda
Ako me čvrsto držiš
Osećam otkucaj srca tako blizu
Da li će ovo trajati dugo?
Nikad se nisam osećala tako nesrećno
Nikad se nisam osećala kao da će ova zamisao trajati zauvek
Dušo ostani sa mnom
Moraš reći sada, tvoja ljubav me je potpuno preplavila
Kada se zvezde nasmeše mesecu
Pitam se kakav je pogled u tvojim očima
Samo okrećem tvoj broj
Ne mogu da pritisnem poslednja dva
Molim se srcu
Kada mesec dopre do zvezda
Ako me čvrsto držiš
Osećam otkucaj srca tako blizu
Da li će ovo trajati dugo?

Pitiful Face

Whose lips do those belong?
Ok, tonight is going to be a great night ...
Son Tung M-TP!
A sweet aroma, a scent sweeping you away
Whose shoulder is next to yours every night?
Eh ... Gently fall on me
Eh ... Who's hiding you?
Bringing you back, wondering if you still remember the words of love
Right here right behind you
Eh ... Just by myself alone
Hanging onto the silences and memories
Do not make my mellow lips suffer
A thousand bitter tears
Raindrops are falling... Love is wandering..
Where will this dream go?
The song I wrote back then now needs an ending
At the end of the road I am asking for a wish...
To give you peace and stability
The petals are fading
The picture unfolding
One's shadow is far away
Tears overflowing
Closed and gloomy eyelashes
A sad love without force
Unsure of where to go, pitiful face?
A wearied body
The pain still exists
You have chosen bitterness
It was you who chose
To leave the warmth
This love is not permeable
I wonder who still remembers who, pitiful face
The faded petals...
Right now you're not you
I swear she's not you
The face I love is still the same, but perhaps
Our feelings have faded
Where can I go to feel sublimated?
Where can I go to look at the distance between us?
Is there enough space for you to see?
A person from yesterday
Where are you now?
Where has the wind taken you?
Who is beside you?
Where have your feet wandered to?
Tell me... (tell me)
Hurried walking...
(Who are you walking next to?)
Do not make my mellow lips suffer
A thousand bitter tears
Raindrops are falling... Love is wandering..
Where will this dream go?
The song I wrote back then now needs an ending
At the end of the road I am asking for a wish...
To give you peace and stability
The petals are fading
The picture unfolding
One's shadow is far away
Tears overflowing
Closed and gloomy eyelashes
A sad love without force
Unsure where to go, pitiful face?
A wearied body
The pain still exists
You have chosen bitterness
It was you who chose
To leave the warmth
This love is not permeable
I wonder who still remembers who, pitiful face
The faded petals...
The faded petals...
The faded petals...
The faded petals ...
Oh... La la la la
Oh... La la la la
Oh... La la la la
Those warm days will never be beside you anymore
Those warm wind will never caress you like before
These warm words will never be with you anymore
Where you are, don't linger, don't cry or long for anyone here anymore...
Those warm days will never be beside you anymore
Those warm wind will never caress you like before
These warm words will never be with you anymore
Where you are, don't linger, don't cry or long for anyone here anymore...
The faded petals...
Pitiful face...
Oh ...
Eh ...

Rock-a-Bye My Baby

Hum to yourself an old melody
Rock-a-bye my baby [x2]
Wrap yourself in a wonderful dress
Rock-a-bye my baby
Don't cry, ey, from now on
Dinah, I'll always be together with you
Lovely, you and those lips
Rock-a-bye my baby [x2]
Silly lil' tune, this melody
Rock-a-bye my baby
Don't cry, ey, from now on
Dinah, I'll always be together with you
A sunny day is all blue sky
Flowers in full bloom
Birds sing in the gentle breeze
At night, gazing at the blue moon
Hum to yourself an old melody
Rock-a-bye my baby [x2]
Wrap yourself in a wonderful dress
Rock-a-bye my baby
Don't cry, ey, from now on
Dinah, I'll always be together with you

The Song Of The Sea

Versions: #1
Between in and out
Between north and south
Between west and east
Between the time and place
She's singing me
The song of the sea
With a light heart and doucely
Searching for my love
Between wind and waves
Between further and scarce
She's singing me
The song of the sea
With a light heart and doucely
Searching for my love
Between coast, between breast
Between me and myself
I'm chiming in with


Where am I now
I'm in the middle of a desolate desert
Scorching sun, I'm thirsty
Searching for a place to rest
Around the earth, and
around once again
I'm a poor desert fox
Where is my paradise
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Chilling under the cool shade of a tree
My mind is soaked to ease
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Constantly following the light of miracle
I won't stop
When I stare into the sky
The twinkle of stars, in my eyes
Fills them up
Walking and more walking
At the end of this long path
What will be? Will I see?
This is my paradise
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Chilling under the cool shade of a tree
My mind is soaked to ease
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Constantly following the light of miracle
I won't stop
Am I chasing after a mirage?
Reaching for the one gets farther away
But I will find someday
Myself that I've dreamed of
My way
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Chilling under the cool shade of a tree
My mind is soaked to ease
Oasis, oasis
O-A-O-O Oasis
Constantly following the light of miracle
I won't stop

Здраво, мајко

Здраво, мама! Опет ти пишем писмо.
Здраво, мама! Све је, као и пре, код мене добро.
Све је нормално, сија сунце,
А на брдима је магла.
Мама не зна, како нам је тешко.
Мама не зна, како лутамо по брдима.
Како пролазе године наше младости
У Дагестану, где се ратује.
Под буком и експлозијама наш одред маршира,
А у планинама тамо се чују пуцњеви.
Гранате и екслпозије и трагача лет,
И од тога се тресе под ногама земља.
Хеликоптери лете изнад и ми идемо напред,
И нећемо се повући ми са тобом назад.
Млади смо дошли овде,
У Дагестан, где се сада ратује.
Нећу заборавити сурове дане борбе
И лица мртвих пријатеља.
Под буком и експлозијама наш одред маршира,
А у планинама тамо се чују пуцњеви.
Гранате и екслпозије и трагача лет,
И од тога се тресе под ногама земља.
Хеликоптери лете изнад и ми идемо напред,
И нећемо се повући ми са тобом назад.
Пуштен сам из војске, дошао сам кући.
Здраво, мама! Вратио сам се, жив сам!
Погледах мајку у њене очи,
Остарила је...
Под буком и експлозијама наш одред маршира,
А у планинама тамо се чују пуцњеви.
Гранате и екслпозије и трагача лет,
И од тога се тресе под ногама земља.
Хеликоптери лете изнад и ми идемо напред,
И нећемо се повући ми са тобом назад.


If only life was easy like we want it to be
If only we could predict the future
I’d be drinking some coffee right now
Sitting with my friends in front of the TV
I’d look at the birds like I’ve never looked at them before
I’d hug my grandparents tight
I’d say I love you to those I never thought I would
Maybe that’s what the universe hopes of us
I want to be cured and I want to help cure as well
I want to be better than I ever was
To do what I can to help myself
To be fair and patient like Jesus was
I want to cherish even the warmth of the sun
May I be prepared for the one who guides me
May I be like a sunflower everyday
With my back turned to the dark and facing the light
I’d look at the birds like I’ve never looked at them before
I’d hug my grandparents tight
I’d say I love you to those I never thought I would
Maybe that’s what the universe hopes of us
I want to be cured and I want to help cure as well
I want to be better than I ever was
To do what I can to help myself
To be fair and patient like Jesus was
I want to cherish even the warmth of the sun
May I be prepared for the one who guides me
May I be like a sunflower everyday
With my back turned to the dark and facing the light
May I be like a sunflower everyday
With my back turned to the dark and facing the light
And facing the light, oh
And facing the light
If only life was easy like we want it to be


I overslept the whole world
You'll wake me up or I, myself
will rise up from my flaws
I desire to believe, I desire to believe something I linger in
My own flaws
My own flaws
Hit me, bring a new rhythm
Please, give me power
Force me to arise
Push me, give me a sign
I want to find you
Force me to arise
From my own flaws
My own flaws
To avoid words this sincere
To push a quiet whisper away
Not to show a sign of dread
I desire to believe, I desire to believe something I linger in
Hit me, bring a new rhythm
Please, give me power
Force me to arise
Push me, give me a sign
I want to find you
Force me to arise
Hit me, bring a new rhythm
Please, give me power
Force me to arise
Push me, give me a sign
I want to find you
Force me to arise

Lenji dečak

Lenji dečak
Lenji dečak
Hajde ustani
Hajde ustani
Ovde je bilo jutro
Ovde je bilo jutro
Dan se rodio
Dan se rodio


Utišao si našu pesmu, baby, zasto ?
Upalio si sveće na komandnoj tabli
Crvene ruže rastu pored
Hoćeš da kažeš nešto što nikad rekao nisi
Vozili smo se 1
Znaš da voliim brze aute
Prošli smo pored mesta gde smo se prvi put sreli
Dodjavola, čak dovde smo stigli
Crvene oči od 2
I to je napravilo raspoloženje
Kažez da si opsednut sa mnom
I ja zastadoh, i rekoh, 'i ja isto'
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
Namestila sam kosu kao talase na plaži
Ovo odelo tako je tesno, ne mogu ni da govorim
Štikle tako visoke, prokrvariceš iz nosa
Muziks je tako jaka, ali ja čujem tvoje otkucaje srca
Vozili smo se Sunset - om
Znaš da voliim brze aute
Prošli smo pored mesta gde smo se prvi put sreli
čak smo dovde stigli
Crvene oči od crvenog svetla
I to je napravilo raspoloženje
Kažez da si opsednut sa mnom
I ja zastadoh, i rekoh, 'i ja isto'
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
I ja sam opsednuta sobom koliko i ti
Reci da bi umro za mene, i ja bih za sebe isto
I da sam te izgubila, opet bi sebe imala, ne gubim nikako
Kad kažez da si opsednut sa mnom, i ja sam isto
  • 1. Sunset-om
  • 2. crvenog svetla

Please Give Me

Please let the clouds cover everyone's fates
Please give me a good morning
Please give me a sincere smile
So I can forget about the fresh graves
Please give me a gazillion wishes
This dot here only knows how to play
Please let me lead a peaceful life
Please give me a day's sleep
Please let the night pass without bullets flying
May the birds bring music to the sky
Please give me the life of clouds
Please let me out of this life
Until there is happiness and peace on earth
Please give me back my life
Let me rebuild a love story
Let me bring peace
Let me rise above the bumpy road
Look at the blood in his heart
Please give me a passionate hand
Let me hear the sounds of young children
Give the homeland a good night's sleep
Then I could love you.
Please give me my full form
Let me hear the song of the trees
Please let me forget my imprisonment
Please give me a hint of spicy wine
Please give me a lifetime
One day a child sings in the crib
Please give me just one day

I Mercifully Rock Myself

Whose fragrant lips still
Let me reveal my love?
Whose brunette hair still
Gives me young innocence?
Whose peaceful heart still
Let me tell my story?
Please call out my name.
Once when you forgot my love
My heart was shattered.
While my blood pumped wildly
My silent fear was hidden
When I returned in the winter
My old hands were late.
Oh no! I must wait for the coming dawn.
Please wait for the dawn.
Life seems to be so quiet,
Like a harvest that has just been gathered,
Like a forest that has already been abandoned.
I see my own mute shadow
On the blank wall.
Which bustling street is
Rushing for me today?
Whose hair is flowing
In my faint memory?
I have no one with me.
I am drifting away in this life.
No longer waiting, waiting for someone.
Please come home
So I can begin my long journey.
I will light some
Incense this afternoon.
Please slumber in your cradle
While I mercifully rock myself.
Please rest under the arch of the tree.