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Lil Hoe

Versions: #1
Mercilessly, leaving behind
A hollow worship entourage
You’re so stunning
You can’t only be mine
Gotta be everyone else’s
The skin and lips
Where bambula rubs
Will be my meadow, my orchard
I already know
Road to fame doesn’t mean a thing
If there’s no ambition
Which is it?
To become a lil hoe, to get your treat
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
Oozing that self like
Portraying tenderness
No humility around you
Venus becomes a joke
Gotta be everyone else’s
The skin and lips
Where bambula rubs
Will be my meadow, my orchard
I already know
Road to fame doesn’t mean a thing
If there’s no ambition
Which is it?
To become a lil hoe, to get your treat
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
I already know, I already know
Which is...

Amir's Boys

Boys like the rising sun from east
Emerged the new heroes of Krajina
Emerged the new heroes of Krajina
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts
With the rifles at hand and steely hearts
They are not afraid of Chetniks at all
They are not afraid of Chetniks at all
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts
They strike toughly, our Sana calls
They advance with songs towards new victories
They advance with songs towards new victories
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts
Amir's boys - the best soldiers
They have big steely hearts

Versions: #1
Ако мораш чекати
Чекај их у мом наручју док дрхтим
Ако мораш плакати
Уради то овде у мом кревету док спавам
Ако мораш жалити љубави моја
Жали са месецом и звездама изнад
Ако мораш жалити
Немој то радити дуго
Ако мораш отићи
Иди као да ти тло под ногама пали стопала
Ако мораш говорити
Изговори сваку реч као да је посебна
А ако мораш умрети душо
Умри знајући да је твој живот био најбољи део мог
Ако мораш умрети
Сети се свог живота
Ти си
Ти си све
Ти си
Ти си све
Ако се мораш борити
Бори се са собом и својим мислима ноћу
Ако мораш радити
Ради да оставиш неки део себе на овој земљи
А ако мораш отићи, драго моје
Само иди
Само иди
Само иди

Devojka sa naslovnice

Ja nisam idealna devojka
devojka sa naslovne strane
Fokusirala sam se na sebe
na sopstvenu energiju
pokušavala da rešim unutrašnje konflikte
Sve je bilo u redu
dok se nisam predomislila zbog tebe
Pozovite obalsku stražu jer u tvom transu davim se
Otapam se poput vode, u tebe
Da spavam sama postaje sve teže
otapam se kao voda
Pobogu, ljudi, zaustavite je
Ma čoveče,
nisam ja primer idealnih osećanja, al' s' tobom nema stajanja
Ma čoveče,
ja samo želim taj sladak lekovit osećaj na vrhu jezika
Svi naši prijatelji
ne žele da se rastanemo
Trebalo je da budem pametnija i da te ne vodim svuda
Osećam varnice
dok ti podmećeš požar u sobi
ne želim da se prerano skinem s' tebe
Menjam boje poput jeseni
sve mi je teže da spavam bez tebe
Rastapam se poput vode
Pobogu, nek je neko zaustavi
Ma čoveče,
nisam ja primer idealnih osećanja, ali s' tobom nema stajanja
Ma čoveče,
ja samo želim taj sladak lekovit osećaj na vrhu jezika
Ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
ne, ovo nisam ja
zbog tebe pevam
ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
Ma čoveče,
nisam ja primer idealnih osećanja, ali s' tobom nema stajanja
Ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
ne, ovo nisam ja
zbog tebe pevam
ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
Rastapam se poput vode
Pobogu, ljudi, zaustavite je
Ma čoveče,
nisam ja primer idealnih osećanja, ali s' tobom nema stajanja
Ma čoveče,
ja samo želim taj sladak lekovit osećaj na vrhu jezika
Ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
ne, ovo nisam ja
zbog tebe pevam
ta-ta, ta-ta-ta
Ma čoveče,
nisam ja primer idealnih osećanja, ali s' tobom nema stajanja

The Bellhop

Listen... I'd like to be a bellhop in a hotel
Look... imagine how many things there are to see
Think... just how interesting it's got to be
When a beautiful blond says what to do
And get up for her, get the suitcases up
Open for her, open the door for her
Put her in, put the luggage in
And show her all your hospitality
Pass her, pass her to the back
Lower her, lower the curtain
Then the best, then the best
When the tip comes
Listen... I'd like to be a bellhop in a hotel
Look... imagine how many things there are to see
Think... just how interesting it's got to be
When a beautiful blond says what to do
And get up for her, get the suitcases up
Open for her, open the door for her
Put her in, put the luggage in
And show her all your hospitality
Pass her, pass her to the back
Lower her, lower the curtain
Then the best, then the best
When the tip comes

Rođen zao

Mogao bih to dati desetine
Rozi, crveni, ili beli
Pitam se da li su znali sta će postati kad odrastu
Mogao bih ti dati desetine
Rozi, crveni, ili beli
Pitam se da li su znali sta će postati kad odrastu
Postati, postati
Postati, postati.
Biti,biti,biti, postati.
Moraćeš ga saseći
I spaliti me u iverju,
Ili odmotati strunu koja beše ja,
Oko tvog prsta.
I obesiću te u tvojoj spavaćoj sobi, grobnom mestu.
Žeđ za krvlju je tu,
I to je nešto duboku unutra,
Žeđ za krvlju je tu,
I duboko je unutra.
Postati, postati
Postati, postati.
Biti, biti, biti, postati.
Ne želim da Bog ikad čuje naše krike
I pomeša ih sa
I znaš da sam pun,
Ali ne i u kojoj dvorani.
Dodirni me i otići ću
Klik, Klik, Klik, Klik
Klik, Klik, Klik,Klik,
Žeđ za krvlju je tu,
I to je nešto duboku unutra,
Žeđ za krvlju je tu,
I duboko je unutra.
Postati, postati
Postati, postati.
Biti, biti, biti, postati.
I znaš da sam pun,
Ali ne i u kojoj dvorani.
Dodirni me i otići ću
Klik, Klik, Klik, Klik
Klik, Klik, Klik,Klik,
Klik. Ja sam rođen zao, ne pretvaraj se da si žrtva,
Ja sam rođen zao, ne pretvaraj se da si žrtva,
Ja sam rođen zao, ne pretvaraj se da si žrtva.

Калифорнијско плаво

Versions: #1
Радим по цео дан и сунце не сија
Покушавам да се снађем и само убијам време
Осећам кишу како пада целу ноћ
Далеко од тебе калифорнијског плаветнила
Калифорнијско плаво сања потпуно само
Ништа друго за калифорнијско плаво
Свакодневно се молим да кренем
Штедим љубав за тебе калифорнијско плаво
Једног сунчаног дана, вратићу се поново
некако, али не знам када
Калифорнијска плава, калифорнијска плава
Живим свој живот с тобом у мислима
Размишљајући о стварима које сам оставио далеко иза себе
Толико дуго сам радио све што сам могао
Да ти се вратим у калифорнијско плаво
Калифорнијска плава
[Калифорнијско плава]
Сањао сам сам
[Калифорнијско плава]
Ништа друго да се ради
[Калифорнијско плава]
Калифорнијска плава
Свакодневно се молим да кренем
Штедим љубав за тебе калифорнијско плаво
Једног сунчаног дана вратићу се поново
Некако, некако али не знам када
Калифорнијска плава, калифорнијска плава
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво
Још увек ти недостаје калифорнијско плаво

To the partisan martyrs

O days of war, of flames and fire
I often recall and revisit you again
Through songs we challenged the barbaric foe
The song was the bullet and the attack itself
Rocks and difficulties affronted day and night
But we never stopped our fiery song.
- Chorus 2x
Now sound out you partisan songs
I remember and sing you again
Oh songs, put together amidst battles, storms
About comrades who fell for honor, freedom.

My sweet girl

My sweet1 girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
You can go home and tell your dad
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
You can go home and tell your dad
Hikta, fikta,2
Don’t go mad
You should cast away your terrible habits
No, so if I want you though
Because last year, you deceived me
However, I found somebody who stays loyal now3
Who stays loyal to me
So you can take yourself4 home
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
Hikta, fikta,
Don’t go mad
You should cast away your terrible habits
No, so if I want you though
Because last year, you deceived me
However, I found somebody who stays loyal now
Who stays loyal to me
So you can take yourself home
  • 1. Depending on what dialect, the word 'Snåle' can mean weird, sweet, or fun. I choose to translate it as sweet.
  • 2. This is nonsense which is fun to say/sing.
  • 3. I translated 'stays with me' as 'loyal.' I think it sounds nicer in English this way.
  • 4. The word 'råva' literally means 'raw.' It is used a bit vulgarly in this context. Another possible translation could be: 'So you and your ass can go home now.'

Mountain top is asmoke

Versions: #1
Mountain top is asmoke
Silver river flows nonstop
Sun is about to rise from the horizon
Dear friends, let's have a walk
May ground, sky and sea hearken us
May the whole world resound with our firm steps
Where can you find this sky and sea?
Where can you find those mountains and rocks
and those trees and beautiful birds?
Dear friends, let's have a walk
May ground, sky and sea hearken us
May the whole world resound with our firm steps

A Fling

It will not be a fling,
it can’t be only one spring,
this love is is not a star
that, in the morning, goes away.
This is not a quick adventure, no no,
that begins with love so sweet
and ends in sorrow,
is here today, gone tomorrow,
this is not a midnight fling,
this is now, it’s happening,
yeah, this is love.
In love, always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid, no, no.
We’re gonna make it, I know,
yes, I know,
it is good and it is right,
we got a life to live
starting tonight,
starting tonight.
starting tonight.
In love, always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid.
We’re gonna make it, I know, baby,
yes, I know, yeah,
it is good and it is right,
we got a life to live
starting tonight.
Woah, baby,
always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid, no.
Hey, hey, hey,
yes I know...


Come from the steppe to Tien An Men Square,
I raise high a golden cup and sing a song of praise
To thank the great Communist Party,
To wish Chairman Mao a long long life.
Our brave motherland stands proudly erect in the east,
Shedding a radiance like the rising sun.
All fraternal nationalities rejoice together
At our emancipation and liberation.

Who is that lying, who is that saying that Serbia is small?

Versions: #1
Who is that lying, who is that saying that Serbia is small?
She isn't small, she isn't small, thrice* has she been at war.
In 1912, in 1912 she expelled the Turks,
In 1913, in 1913, she stood up against the Bulgarians.
In 1914, in 1914, the Kraut struck,
In 1918, in 1918, the Serb beat him.
Who is that lying, who is that saying that Serbia is small?
She isn't small, she isn't small, she has always been fighting wars,
And will again, and will again –she never ever shall be slave!

if that day

Just a few years ago, I had just grown up
Meet you, wandering around in the afternoon, can't say much
You are innocent and your eyes are bright like never love before
I'm embarrassed, I don't dare say it, so the love story still like that
You don't know, I'm always here
Seeing from afar, you fade away, let long months pass
If that day I would say love and love you deeply
Do you believe me and hold my hand
We go through each cold winter
If that day I'm the guy that you desire day and night
Rain or shine, no matter what
Now you had a beautiful story
Just a few years ago, I had just grown up
Meet you, wandering around in the afternoon, can't say much
You are innocent and your eyes are bright like never love before
I'm embarrassed, I don't dare say it, so the love story still like that
You don't know, I'm always here
Seeing from afar, you fade away, let long months pass
If that day I would say love and love you deeply
Do you believe me and hold my hand
We go through each cold winter
If that day I'm the guy that you desire day and night
Rain or shine, no matter what
Now you had a beautiful story
After laughter for you, I'm walking with pity
After my smiling eyes, there is nothing but regret
This afternoon, the wind blew the leaves suddenly
Love story please keep into a dream
A peaceful dream for each other
If that day I would say love and love you deeply
Do you believe me and hold my hand
We go through each cold winter
If that day I'm the guy that you desire day and night
Rain or shine, no matter what
Now you had a beautiful story
Rain or shine, no matter what
Now you had...
a beautiful story

Jevanđelje po Jovanu 3:16 (NIV)

Jer Bogu tako omile svet da je i Sina svog Jedinorodnog dao,
da nijedan koji Ga veruje ne pogine, nego da ima život večni.

Desert Bird

You are close to the borderline
captive, the magic of the desert
you are a pillar of fire in front of the camp - in the beginning you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird
You are close to the borderline
thirsty, the back of the desert
you are a dry fountain in burnt streams - in the desert you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird

It Rains and It's Sunny

It rains and it's sunny:
Witches are combing their hair!
It rains and it's sunny,
The witches are in mourning!
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-roi li-roi li-rai-na...
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-rai-na li-ran-dó...
It rains and it's sunny...
Little girls at school,
It rains and it's sunny...
They shall make a great, big ruckus!
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-roi li-roi li-rai-na...
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-rai-na li-ran-dó...
It rains and it's sunny:
Witches are combing their hair!
It rains and it's sunny,
The witches are laying an egg!
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-roi li-roi li-rai-na...
It rains and it's sunny...
Li-rai-na li-ran-dó...

Now that Carnival Is Coming

Now that Carnival is coming
Everyone goes out for a walk,
We wear disguises
So we can jump around, sing and dance!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

When Carnival arrives
Everyone goes out for a walk!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

Oh, mothers of all children,
Dress them up very nicely
So they can go visit Mr Carnival,
Who is a very funny gentleman!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

When Carnival arrives
Everyone goes out for a walk!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

Carnival, fifteen turns
And, on Monday, several more...
I wish it could be a holiday every day:
May Lent never arrive!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

When Carnival arrives
Everyone goes out for a walk!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!

When Carnival arrives
Everyone goes out for a walk!
Tiro-liro! Tiro-liro!
Tiro-liro, tiro là!


Shiva Sutras

1. a i u Ṇ
2. ṛ ḷ K
3. e o Ṅ
4. ai au C
5. ha ya va ra Ṭ
6. la Ṇ
7. ña ma ṅa ṇa na M
8. jha bha Ñ
9. gha ḍha dha Ṣ
10. ja ba ga ḍa da Ś
11. kha pha cha ṭha tha ca ṭa ta V
12. ka pa Y
13. śa ṣa sa R
14. ha L

Contemplation of the Heart

The contemplation of the heart
Confronting the Adversary
Great is the temptation
But God...
He listens
He will help
With this burden.
Call unto Him and He will answer you
Tell Him what troubles you
He will help you on your life's journey
He will help you when life gets tough.
The carnal desires
The soul is anxious
Nothing is possible
But His Word
Stand forever
He shall help you
In times of trial.

(Hymn to the) Flag

Inside us deep for you a longing always lives,
the Fatherland you symbolize and Liberty together.
Blue and white [is] your look, and you are imagined in the mind
like the wave, like the laughter of the open sea and of the sky.
Of honor and of valor the never ending source
your white cross's grace strengthens and blesses.
And those who are lost for you breaking heavy irons
they give their final breath and sing 'hail, oh, hail Liberty'.

Roly Poly Acorn

Roly poly acorn roly poly
Fell into the little pond oh no no!
A loach came swimming out to say 'hello'
Little guy why don't we
Play together?
Roly poly acorn roly poly
Played with the loach but after a while
He wanted to go home to his mountain
He cried and cried
The loach didn't know what to do!
Roly poly acorn roly poly
Fell into the little pond oh no no!
A loach came swimming out to say 'hello'
Little guy why don't we
Play together?
Roly poly acorn roly poly
Played with the loach but after a while
He wanted to go home to his mountain
He cried and cried
The loach didn't know what to do!

Under the great big chestnut tree

Under the great big chestnut tree
Here we are just you and me
Let's have fun playing together
Under the great big chestnut tree
Under the great big chestnut tree
Why don't we have a chat together?
Let's make a circle with everyone
Under the great big chestnut tree
Under the great big chestnut tree
Let's make our big dreams grow grow grow
Bigger and bigger
Under the great big chestnut tree

Mere Naam Tu - only chorus part of the song

it's only perfect love in the evening
(c'est seulement parfait l’amour au soirée)
if love goes out
(si va me sortie l'amour )
it's only perfect love in the evening
(c'est seulement parfait l’amour au soirée)
if love goes out
(si va me sortie l'amour )

The letters come

The letters come,
they agonize us,
They always ask us a question,
a question that never seems to get old
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Do write when you will be back?
Cause this home seems quiet and lonely without you.
The letters come,
they agonize us,
The letter asks us,
a question that never seems to get old
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Do write when you will be back?
Cause this home seems quiet and lonely without you.
A lady who has a big heart,
A lady who is gorgeous,
has written me a letter,
She has asked me this question,
Someone's breath,
someone's heartbeat,
Someone's bangles,
Someone's bracelets
Someone's Kohl,
Someone's flower decorated hair
ask me this question
Those scented mornings,
Those restless evenings,
Lonely nights,
incomplete conversations
Wishful arms
and the wishful eyes are asking me this question
When will you be home?
When will you be home?
Write back when you will be home?
Because without you, my heart is lonely
The letters come,
they agonize us,
The letter asks us,
a question that never seems to get old
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Do write when you will be back?
Cause this home seems quiet and lonely without you.
The ones who love me with all their heart,
my friends back where I live,
have written to me,
they ask me this question
The village I belong to,
The shed under the mango trees,
The old fig tree,
the raining clouds over my village,
the farms where I grew up,
the green lands over there,
have asked me this question.
the flowers of the spring season,
those branches of trees flowing in the wind,
the swings on the branches of those trees,
the flowers of my village,
the giggling flower buds of my village
and the trails and paths all ask me this question
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Write back soon, when you will be back?
Cause this village is lonely without you
The letters come,
they agonize us,
The letter asks us,
a question that never seems to get old
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Do write when you will be back?
Cause this home seems quiet and lonely without you.
Sometimes a motherly letter
like a holy river of love, letter
comes to me,
it brings along,
All the memories of my childhood,
those games I played in the courtyard of my house
that mom's saree waving on my face,
the khol she put under my ear to save me from evil eye
that lullaby that she sang for me in the nights,
that magic soft and warm touch of her hand,
that shining unconditional love in her eyes,
that worry of hers for me in her words,
the way she would scold me all the time,
the love that she would try to hide and act all strict
that avatar of Goddess on Earth,
This is the only question she asks me in every letter she writes
When will you be back?
When will you be back?
Write back soon, when you will be back?
Without you this courtyard is quiet and lonely my son
The letters come,
they agonize us,
The letter asks us,
a question that never seems to get old
When are you coming home?
When are you coming home?
Do write when you will be back?
Cause this home seems quiet and lonely without you.
Hey, flowing wind please tell me,
Will you pleasee do me a favor?
Please go back to my village
Say hi to my friends on my behalf,
Go to the place where the love of my life lives,
give her a kiss on my behalf,
give her a kiss on my behalf,
Just a little further if you go, you'll reach my home,
my mother lives there, she is an old lady,
go touch her feet on my behalf,
make her feel my presence
even if just for a second,
Hey, flowing wind, please!
My friends, my lover, my mom,
give them a message from me,
please go and give them this message for me,
I will be back,
I will be back,
Back to my village,
back under the shed of the mango trees,
The promise that I had made,
to my mom's lap,
to that big old fig tree,
to the khol of my lover,
I will keep that promise,
I will be back one day,
I will be back one day :')

The small things

That look on your face
Those pretty eyes
Where I can drown in
Because they believe me
Maybe I am crazy
But what if I told you
That I like it this way
The words of my dad
I try to understand them
Lay the pictures next to each other
Begin to look like him
Ach, that is how time works
And I know for sure that everything is fine
He knows that too
It still are
The small things
That do it
That do it for me
It still are
The small things
That do it
My car broke down
And my house is not the biggest
Yet I wake happy
I just take a walk
Am I stupid
If I like it this way
That is just normal, right?
It must always be more
Better and bigger
Stronger and faster
And the bar must be raised
But not in my eyes
No, according to me everything may be small
Just small
It must always be more
Better and bigger
Stronger and faster
And the bar must be raised
But not for me
According to me everything may be small
It must always be more
Better and bigger
Stronger and faster
And the bar must be raised
But not for me
According to me everything may be small
Just small
Why must it be more?
Stronger and faster
And the bar
And the bar must be higher
Because, according to me everything may be small
Just small
It must always be more
Better and bigger
Stronger and faster
And the bar must rise
But not for me
According to me everything may be small

Химна Италије

Италијани браћо,
Италија се диже,
А Сципионов шлем
на чело стиже.
Где је Победа?
Лук јој нестаде попут дима,
Јер од Бога је сада
Робиња Рима.
Италијани браћо,
Италија се диже,
А Сципионов шлем
на чело стиже.
Где је Победа?
Лук јој нестаде попут дима,
Јер од Бога је сада
Робиња Рима.
Нек се бојне скупе,
За смрт смо спремни!
За смрт смо спремни!
Италија зове!
Нек се бојне скупе,
За смрт смо спремни!
За смрт смо спремни!
Италија зове!
Вековима смо
Гажени ко' мртви,
Јер нисмо људи,
Кад брат од брата гине.
Нек једна застава једна нада
Здруже нас сада


For the love of a man
She left the Oued in autumn
She was a bit crazy
She didn't believe in God nor anyone else
They were prepared all summer
They travelled a lot all summer
She was there standing
Under the blurry gaze of her man
And in her pink dress
She put on some stuff that were out of place
Everyone is sleeping and why, why not her?
Everyone is sleeping and why, why not her?
Oh Allah
What's the use of you having a name
Why this fire, this thunder
In the name of what are you waging war
But if that's what you want
Everyone will close their eyes
And the truck explodes
She gave her life for the cause
Death is on the sand
Do you feel mutilated in your soul?
Everyone is sleeping and why, why not her?
Everyone is sleeping and why, why not her?
Oh Allah
What's the use of you having a name
Why the fire, the misery
If I were you, I wouldn't be proud
But if that's what you want
Everyone will close their eyes
Oh Allah
What's the use of you having a name
If you have three wishes to make
Choose them well among your equals
But if that's what you want
Everyone will close their eyes
What's the use of you having a name
Why this fire, this thunder
In the name of what are you waging war
What's the use of you having a name
It's to make the desert dirty
With the dripping blood for Allah
Why the fire and the misery
Pray for the end of the war
Relieve them from the evil
Why the fire, the thunder
But it's you who we're serving
We're fighting in your name
What's the use of you having a name
Why the fire, the misery
If I were you, I wouldn't be proud
But it's you who we're serving
Relieve them from the evil
What's the use of you having a name
If you have three wishes to make
Choose them well among your equals
And it's your who we're serving
We're fighting in your name
What's the use of you having a name...

What You See Is What You Get

I’m not the intriguing type
So you don’t need to be so reserved
No, give me your body, give me your soul
Look me in the eyes darling, I only want you
What you see is what you get
No smoke screens, no false tracks
What you see is what you get
I believe that fate wants it to be this way
I want to walk by your side for as long as my legs will carry me
So throw your reservations and fears overboard
I’m always here for you, you can trust my word
What you see is what you get
No smoke screens, no false tracks
What you see is what you get

Your Faithfulness, O God

Your faithfulness, O God, is genuine and great
Your love is pure and can’t be compared
In our hearts, in our lives, we’ll offer praise and worship
Tomorrow, yesterday, today, forever
You shall be glorified
Lord, You’re so good to me
You are the only one I’ll worship
I’ll sing to You and praise
Lord, You’re so good to me

My Head, My Shoulder, My Knee, My Ankle

My head, my shoulder, my knee, my ankle
My knee, my ankle
My knee, my ankle
My head, my shoulder, my knee, my ankle
My eyes, my nose, my ears, my mouth

Who Doesn't Match The Pace

Who doesn't match the pace
Will not get strudel for dinner
But strudel is really good
It's fit for a soldier
We aren't going far
Only to the edge of the world
We won't be staying there long either
Only for twelve hours