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Резултати претраге страна 67

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Guests for the Holiday

Yom Tov1to us, happy holiday
children, be joyful please
to our Succah2comes a guest
golden Etrog3 - welcome!
Together we will celebrate the holiday
with a Lulav, Hadas and Etrog4
ho, wonderful, we will be very happy
and in dance in a circle
Yom Tov to us, happy holiday
children, be joyful please
to our Succah comes a guest
green Lulav5 - welcome!
Together we will celebrate the holiday...
Yom Tov to us, happy holiday
children, be joyful please
to our Succah comes a guest
fragrant Hadas6- welcome!
Together we will celebrate the holiday...
And now, we are all together
children, be joyful please
we will receive our guest
daughter of the river - Aravah7!
Together we will celebrate the holiday...
  • 1. littery a good day, a holy day
  • 2. hut built specificly for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot aka Tabernacles
  • 3. Citron
  • 4. with the Aravah, four species used ritually during the holiday celebration
  • 5. frond from a date palm
  • 6. Myrtle
  • 7. Willow


Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 1]
Godinama mi je tempo trista na sat
Previše konjskih snaga i ne mislim na usrani auto
Previše hajpa, ali nažalost sve to ni za šta
Čoveče, previše napisanih hitova, ali ništa od toga smislenog
Sve gangsteri sa ulica
A imaju više obezbeđenja od ljudi ispred bine
Moji obožavaoci su poput vojnika
Jer četrnaest hiljada ljudi po gradu deli vrednosti koje osećam, čoveče
Koja slika? To je zvuk koji mi se sviđa
Zato bolje pazite šta govorite
Ne pričam u intervjuima već u svojim pesmama
I plaćam svaku reč svojom krvlju
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 2]
U vašoj zavisti postojim, a ne u vašoj ljubavi
Ali bez najamnine živim u vašoj glavi
Postojim za svoju ekipu jer ih podstičem
A sve ove laži nisu naš posao
Čvrsto držim noge na tlu
Ne verujte u svoju realnost, već u Božiju
Teško je zabaviti se za moje ciljeve, a brate, šta drugo?
I nikoga nema da to zaustavi
Smešno je kako se karakter menja kada se ima novca
Zlatni hronografi postaju vaš pogled na svet
Ali ja ne zezam tvoje sledbenike niti imam lažne klikove
Dok dišem, ostaću takav kakav jesam
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
Malo prljavštine
Ali sa punim srcem
Umesto stare mržnje
Draga lojalnost
To malo loše sreće
I premalo ljubavi
Čini upornost vrednom
Ne čini čoveka novac koji je ovde

Your beauties shone

1. Your beauties shone and the sun was eclipsed,
the brilliant star was ashamed.
2. My soul in the fiery flame, burns and sighs,
with a knife to cut it, all love will drip.
3. My God, so beautiful, whoever sees her faintly,
and in his heart, he feels that love is being nailed.

Jedva se držim

Odjednom sam sama
O moj Bože, gde sam otišla?
Odjednom mi nedostaje kuća
Možeš li da me čuješ?
Ubaci moju flašu u more
Jer bi mi mnogo značilo
Ako bi mogao da dođeš i pomogneš mi
Možeš li da me čuješ?
Možeš li da me čuješ
Nadam se da nisi predaleko
Možeš li da mi pomogneš?
Jedva se držim
Ovo ne treba da bude ovako
Jedva se držim
Nadam se da ima nekoga hrabrijeg od mene
Jedva se držim
Mora imati sigurniji dan za trčanje
Kada će doći?
Nije trebalo da bude ovako
Mislila sam da sam ja pilot
Da sam ja na vrhu
Možeš li me videti?
Možeš li me videti?
Jer se ne osećam hrabro
Možeš li me spasiti?
Jedva se držim
Ovo ne treba da bude ovako
Jedva se držim
Nadam se da ima nekoga hrabrijeg od mene
Jedva se držim
Mora imati sigurniji dan za trčanje
Kada će doći?
Možeš li čuti kako zovem
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida
Možeš li čuti kako zovem
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida
Možeš li čuti kako zovem
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida
Možeš li me čuti?
Nadam se da nisi daleko
Pa dođi i spasi me!
Jedva se držim
Ovo ne treba da bude ovako
Jedva se držim
Nadam se da ima nekoga hrabrijeg od mene
Jedva se držim
Mora imati sigurniji dan za trčanje
Kada će doći?
Možeš li čuti kako zovem
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida
Možeš li me čuti kako zovem
Kada će doći?
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida
Reci mi kada će doći
Reci mi kada će doći
Reci mi kada će doći
Moraš mi pomoći da se popnem preko zida


When it's Carnival
I remember so much
The slum where she used to live
All I had
Was a matting and a pan
But she liked it
That's why I walk
The streets of the city
Perceiving that happiness
Is what is left in the past
And the slum
Which was mine
And hers
Left nothing but nostalgia
Because the rest, she took with her
A few days ago
I went up there
In the slum, but she wasn't there
Where the house used to be
I found a slipper
She used to wear when she danced samba
That's why I walk
The streets of the city
Perceiving that happiness
Is what is left in the past
And the slum
Which was mine
And hers
Left nothing but nostalgia
Because the rest, she took with her
I remember so much
The coffee she'd bring me
In a bowl
And some prayers
While I'd doze in the chapel
She prayed alone
That's why I walk
The streets of the city
Perceiving that happiness
Is what is left in the past
And the slum
Which was mine
And hers
Left nothing but nostalgia
Because the rest, she took with her

My Addiction Is You

Rag doll, piece of the nightlife
Who lives like a tramp rolling in the world
Shread of a person, that unconsciously
Sins only for pleasure, lives to sin
Doll, I want you with all your sin
With all your vices, with everything, after all
I want this body that the rabble desires
Even though it's a presage of evil
Night doll who loves the moon
Who is a fan of the stars and adores the moonlight
Who goes out in the night and is surprised by the sunrise in the streets
Who hasn't seen sunlight in a long time
Tramp doll of lures and tricks
I want your love for myself just because
I accept your wrongs, sins and vices
For in my live, my vice is you

Song of the Seine

THe Seine is so lucky.
Coz it has no worry.
It flows a happy life
Both at day and at night.
It comes out of its Spring
So softly, noiselessly
Without being mossy
Without leaving its bed
It goes to the seaside
Just passing through Paris.
The Seine is so lucky
Coz it has no worry
And when it has a walk
Along along its wharves
With its so nice green dress
And all its golden lights
Our Lady, so jealous,
So stern and immobile
From the top of its stones
Gives it a few ogles.
But the Seine doesn't Care
No, it has no worry
It flows a happy life
Both at day and at night
It goes towards Le Havre
It goes to the seaside
Passing, as in a Dream,
Amidst the mysteries
Miseries of Paris.

Song of the gaoler.

Where are you going, you, handsome gaoler?
Holding this blood-stained Key?
I'm going to free the woman I love,
If it is still the Time to,
And whom I have locked up
Tenderly, cruelly,
In the deep of my desire
In the deepest of my torment
In the lies about the future
In all the stupid oaths
I want to free her
I want her to be free
Even to forget me
Even even to flee
Even to Come back one
Day and love me again
Or to love another man
If another man pleases her
If I remain alone
And she remains away
I'll only keep, only,
And I'll keep for ever
In the hollow of my hands
Till the end of my days
THe softness of her breasts
That had been shaped by Love.

I Had A Dream

You were laughing at me, but it was a dream
Just a dream, and here is my world.
Cold shower, bleak jingle
I go again to the gray landmark.
A night on the trains, an endless journey.
I saw you, I tried to fall asleep.
You were laughing at me in the vivid rain.
Let the dream continue, we only live here.
You were singing a song to me, but it was a dream
Just a warning that you have only one life.
We are stuck here, so give yourself a smile.
This tiny moment is our whole life.
I left, I had to leave.
Forgive me, I'm still on my way.
And the world has perished, and the world is on fire.
I had a dream, you were smiling at me.

The son* of the carbon man

I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I've come to sell my carbon, gentlemen
and I'm also looking for some roses,
and I'm the carbon man from La Ventosa, indeed.
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I'm the carbon man, gentlemen, indeed
and I've come from La Ventosa,
I've come to sell my carbon, gentlemen
and I'm also looking for some roses,
and I'm the carbon man from La Ventosa, indeed.

Sad song

Versions: #1
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland
His sadness stole the song from the piano
And it plays on your stereo
When you have a heavy heart at night
His song, it's the goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
The sun rises again, he's used his ink pen
On his sad waltz, they don't sleep often, these artists
What does it matter who you love, the goodbyes are the same
And the autumn wind goes way further than Poland
His song, he wrote it without knowing how
It's probably his heart that you can hear
When someone else sings it passing by
His song, it's his goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland

Worthy is the Lamb

Thank you for the Cross, Lord
Thank you for the price payed
Bearing all my sins
You came to amaze me by Your grace.
Thank you for the love, Lord.
Thank you for your pierced hands.
You have washed me in Your river,
and I have understood Your forgiveness and Your love.
Worthy is the Lamb, seated on the throne.
Crowned with a thousand crowns, You are victorious.
Holy and on high, Jesus son of God.
The treasure of the heavens was crucified.
Worthy is the Lamb.

The Bison

Mountainous, worn down, indecipherable,
flaming red as an ember that goes out,
it walks burly and slowly in the vague
solitude of its untiring wilderness.
It awakes with its equipped nape.
In this old bull with sleep rage,
I see the Indian men from the West
and the lost men from Altamira.
Then I think that human time, whose
spectral mirror is memory, ignores it.
Time cannot reach it, nor can the history
of its passage, so changeable and futile.
Timeless, numberless and nil
is the first and final bison.

Kings of the Night

We were so much more than nothing,
we were lies, we were the worst.
We were the soldiers at sunrise
for that ambition.
And now I'm free,
and now that I can think,
about not going back to being the same as before.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
We were so much more than everyone,
kings of the night, of this storm.
If I sold you, if I stole from you, I betrayed you,
it was for one more.
And now I'm free,
and now that I can think,
about not going back to being the same as before.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
We were dogs of the night,
rusted with sadness.
And how much sadness there is in town, love,
sunny saturday.
And in the middle of the pain statue
I felt motionless, I felt motionless.
And to want what you want,
without having to harm anyone,
remembering that your love
stole my dignity,
let's forget, the both of us,
let's not start again,
for what? for what?

Miraculous: The adventures of Ladybug and Cat Noir | Season 1

Marinette (speaking):
They call me Marinette, a girl like any other
But when destiny chooses me to fight against the forces of evil,
I become Miraculous Ladybug!
She's Ladybug, and she brings us luck
Her big heart has a lot of power!
She's Ladybug, and now you'll see!
Never again will evil be able to do anything!
She's Ladybug!

Get on all fours*

Let's go
Women are loved by one,
they are loved by two, they are loved by three
Women are loved by one,
they are loved by two, they are loved by three
I want women on all fours
I want women on all fours, for pleasure
I want women on all fours
I want women on all fours, for pleasure
For the farmer: horse and cow
For the caribbean man: a thin female donkey**
For the caribbean man: a thin female donkey
The thin female donkey is for pleasure
For the farmer: horse and cow
For the caribbean man: a thin female donkey
For the caribbean man: a thin female donkey
The thin female donkey is for pleasure
I dare you to get [on all fours]
I dare you to get [on all fours]
I dare you to get on all fours
You're gonna see
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
And you will get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
And you will have pleasure
Let's go
She gets on all fours in front of the boss
So he can fix the situation
She gets on all fours in front of the boss
So he can fix the situation
Legs here, hands there
Moving the hips and bang bang bang
Legs here, hands there
Moving the hips and bang bang bang
Beatriz and Anel get on all fours
The black woman Rosa and even Raquel
The bald black man, the paperflower
and even Juan Gabriel*** himself
Beatriz and Anel get on all fours
The black woman Rosa and even Raquel
The bald black man, the paperflower
and even Juan Gabriel himself
I dare you to get [on all fours]
I dare you to get [on all fours]
I dare you to get on all fours
You're gonna see
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
And you will get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
Get on all fours
And you will have pleasure
Let's go
Hey, Edilberto, you're screwed
You're there kissing that female donkey
She wants you to take her to the cinema

Young Love

He spoke of love
They were not yet even 15 years old.
He made big promises, and
Kissed her and stroked her hair.
She spoke of dreams,
How she'd like very much to believe him.
Together they painted pictures,
About the life the two were building.
Young love brings on
The day when one begins
To view the world around quite differently.
Ah, yes, it's a time for laughter,
That remans unforgettable,
Since it is
So wonderfully beautiful.
He met her again.
Many years had passed since then.
He looks into her eyes,
And thinks back on how it all began.
Young love brings on
The day when one begins
To view the world around quite differently.
Ah, yes, it's a time
That remains unforgettable,
It is so wonderfully beautifully.
He spoke of love,
Made big promises,
Kissed her, and stroked her hair.
Young love brings on
The day when one begins
To view the world around
Quite differently.
Ah, yes, it's a time
That remains unforgettable,
Since it is so
Wonderfully beautiful.


Uvek sam sanjala da mogu da letim
Raširim ruke i ne slećem
Upoznajuči druga mesta
I istine tamo daleko
I da sednem na jedan oblak da se odmorim
Pijem iz ove slobode
I prepustim se
La la la la
Uvek sam sanjala da mogu da spavam
Na krevetu od morske trave i korala
Da uživam u onoj tišini
Koja uvek vlada tamo
I da putujem na leđima delfina
Prelazim mora bez zaustavljanja
I nikad ne dođem do kraja
La la la la
Kao što je rekao onaj genije
Ovaj život je san, san
Kao što je rekao onaj genije
Ovaj život je san i sanjaću
Uvek sam sanjala da mogu da napravim
Vremeplov i otkrijem
Najdalju budućnost
U kojoj neću biti
I da ponovo vidim San Sebastijan
U XXVT veku iz svog svemirskog broda
La la la la
Sanjala sam da ti možeš da sanjaš
Da nacrtaš u svom umu jedno mesto
Gde nema ni misterija
Ni tajni ni zlobe
I da otkriješ jednog dana kada se probudiš
Kako ništa više nije isto
Da sve ponovo počinje
La la la la
Kao što je rekao onaj genije
Ovaj život je san, san
Kao što je rekao onaj genije
Ovaj život je san i sanjaću

My goats

1. ||: My goats are in the forrest, gnaws the bark from the trees :||
— ||: Tri di ralla sudli du dej
Tri di ralla sudli du
Our maids and farmhands put knee against knee :||
2. ||: My goats are in the forrest, and puts knee against knee :||
— ||: Tri di ralla sudli du dej
Tri di ralla sudli du
Our maids and farmhans gnaws the bark from the trees :||

Lars Persson

1. Lars Persson has proposed to me in these days,
But greatly he betrays himself, if he thinks that he pleases me.
He had cow, he had goat, he had house, he had fields.
He had a fat sow, he had boat and nets.
He fools himself, if he thinks that he will get me, but he has got so fair eyes
2. I don't care about sow or goats, nor about his meadows.
I don't care about house or fields, and nor about his money.
There are lasses in a row, who wants him, He can take whoever he wants
I don't care who that will be, no matter how he twists and turns
But, yet I still I think about that he has got so fair eyes.

My rose, my lily

1. ||: My rose, my lily
I want to live all my days of life together with you :||
2. ||: When I have become grey and old
Then, I have given all my days to you! :||

We will dance with Sara

1. ||: We will dance with Sara
As long as the clogs last :||
— ||: Jam da di da di deja da di da :||
We will dance with Sara
2. ||: We will dance until the moon arise
Or till the music ends1 :||
— ||: Jam da di da di deja da di da :||
Or till the music ends
  • 1. tiga ’being silent’

Little Lasse

Little Lasse sits and cries
he has lost his fishing boat
Don't cry anymore, little Lasse
the boat lies in the reeds
Full of roach and bleak
Lasse, row homewards, Lasse, row homewards
Mother has got a child
The cow has got a calf
The sow has got ten little pigs

Little bullock

Little bullock, little cow
Where is he and where is she?
Where is he and where is she?
Where is that, which thou seek?
Little bullock, little cow
Come they shall, both he and she,
Come they shall, both he and she.

Sun and I

I sit in my room, everything is as always
I look out of the window, it's dark and grey
Suddenly something shines in my eyes, I almost can't belive it
The sun is there and the sky is blue
I go outside, begin to walk
And run, towards the sun
I forget the old days, I am finally capable
And let some warmth in my life
Sun and I, you're shining only for me today
Sun and I, you shine only for me
Sun and I, you're shining only for me today
Sun and I, you shine only for me
I follow my shadow, with the sun in my neck
And everything is, how it should be
I look to the ground, my head is aloof
It flies in the air, and forms a cloud
I walk in the streets, forget the questions
Cause I don't know the answer anyway
I close my eyes, and still belive
The sun is shining only for me today
Sun and I, you're shining only for me today
Sun and I, you shine only for me
Sun and I, you're shining only for me today
Sun and I, you shine only for me

Nu ești fiul meu

Ei bine, cheia supraviețuirii mele
Nu a fost niciodată pusă la îndoială
Întrebarea era cum aș putea să mă păstrez sănătos
Încercând să găsesc o cale de ieșire
Lucrurile nu au fost niciodată atât de ușoare pentru mine
Pacea sufletească era greu de găsit
Și aveam nevoie de un loc în care să mă ascund
Pe care l-aș putea numi pe al meu
Nu m-am gândit prea mult la asta
Până să înceapă să se întâmple tot timpul
Mai apoi am trăit cu frică în fiecare zi
De ce s-ar putea întâmpla în noaptea aceea
Nu suportam să aud plânsul
Mamei mele - și îmi amintesc când
M-am gândit că asta va fi ultima dată când mă vor vedea
Și nu m-am mai întors acasă
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
Ei bine, anii au trecut atât de încet
Mă gândeam la el în fiecare zi
Ce aș face dacă ne-am intersecta pe stradă
Aș continua să fug
În și în afara ascunzătorilor
În curând, va trebui să mă confrunt cu faptele
Ar trebui să ne așezăm și să vorbim
Și asta ar însemna să ne întoarcem
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
'Nu ești fiu, nu ești fiul meu ...'

May Nobody Know My Suffering

Oh, my darling
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, love of mine, what have you done to me?
That I can't be happy with myself if I can't gaze at you
Since you repaid me poorly for my love so sincere
What you'll get is that I'll never again say your name
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
I will die of love
With nobody knowing my suffering
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering

May Nobody Know My Suffering (With Mon Laferte)

Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, love of mine, what have you done to me?
That I can't be happy with myself if I can't gaze at you
Since you repaid me poorly for my love so sincere
What you'll get is that I'll never again say your name
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
Don't be surprised if I tell you what you were
Ungrateful with my poor heart
Because the fire of your pretty black eyes
Lit up the path of another love
And to think that I adored you tenderly
That at your side I felt like I never have before
And by those strange turns in life
I found myself without the kiss of your lips
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering
I will die of love
With nobody knowing my suffering
Love of my loves, if you stopped loving me
There's no concern that people might find out
What do I gain by saying that a man changed my fate
They'll make fun of me, may nobody know my suffering

Dancing with His Shadow

I hear, I hear, but I don't listen to you.
I try, I try, but it's very hard for me.
When you make the past surge up to the surface,
I find it hard to return a kiss.
I'm learning, I'm learning to pull myself away,
but it's not, it's not funny to excuse me
and try to confuse me—I want to come from so far.
I can't talk about everything with my hands.
And I go out alone—
I dance again with his shadow.
I go out alone—
without him.
I love dancing with his shadow.
I love dancing with his shadow.
I love dancing without a sound.
I love dancing as the night comes
with him dancing my life.
Oh-oh, yeah!
I make, I make efforts towards progress,
but it is not, it is not always a success.
When you make the past surge up to the surface,
I find it hard to return a kiss.
And I go out alone—
I dance again with his shadow.
I go out alone—
without him.
I love dancing with his shadow.
I love dancing with his shadow.
I love dancing without a sound.
I love dancing as the night comes
with him dancing my life.
I hear, I hear, but I don't listen to you.
I try, I try, but it's too hard for me.
I love dancing with his shadow.
I love dancing with his shadow,
and I turn while slowing down,
and I turn without mercy.
Yes! I love to dance!
I love dancing without a sound.
I love dancing as the night comes
with him dancing my life.


I remember the years that've passed, selling
My soul on a dirty alleyway
Eagerly waiting for the perfect moment
To get away from you
I'd close the bars, day and night
Thinking you'd come back
Feling your fire in my veins, divine
How it flowed, and flowed, and flowed
And that gets me so down, down, down
That gets me so down
And that gets me so down, down, down
Give me a little down
What beautiful moments life gave me
The great National school
There were the prettiest, the sluttest girls
With special hearts
And I had all kinds of teachers
Lesbians, gays, and so much more!
And sex in a flock, and drugs in the bathroom
Let's turn time back
And that gets me so down, down, down
That gets me so down
And that gets me so down, down, down
Give me a little down
Now I'm grown up, I get around without incentives
I don't wanna keep going
I walk and walk, searching for a friend
To tell me where to go
Every now and then I play the guitar
I turn poison into paper
And a melody still says
We'll see each other again!
And that gets me so down, down, down
That gets me so down
And that gets me so down, down, down
Give me a little down

Exceeding grace

While I’m not worthy of
Your mercy and pure love
While I’m not able
To give back goodness to all of your deeds
You embrace me in my filthiness
You loved me though not able to equal it
O God of justice and righteousness
Who not once stained
The holiness and glory
Thank you for your exceeding grace
O God of love which is wider than
My sins
Greater than my life
Thank you for your exceeding grace

Јеси ли сигурна?

Осврни се око себе,
погледај мало по кафани,
та усамљена лица која видиш.
Јеси ли сигурна да ту желиш да будеш?
То су твоји пријатељи,
али, да ли су прави?
Да ли те воле исто као и ја?
Јеси ли сигурна да ту желиш да будеш?
Делујеш страшно ужурбано у таквом животу,
довела си до толико суза и беде,
погледај, добро погледај око себе
и реци ми шта видиш.
Јеси ли сигурна да ту желиш да будеш?
Нека те не убеде моје сузе, надао сам се да нећу заплакати,
али, однедавно, изгледа да су сузе постале део мене.
Погледај, добро погледај око себе
у све те усамљене бивше.
Јеси ли сигурна да ту желиш да будеш?
(превео Гаврило Дошен)