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Резултати претраге страна 26

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Versions: #2
Her laughter kicking inside my brain
The walls keep turning
The fears are collapsing on me
They are blowing their insidious breath in me
Blood sucking insects
Are consuming my soul
They are everywhere!

Ja je volim ali ona voli nekog drugog

Kada čovek mojih godina,brije bradu ujutro
uvek se pita ,ko je taj što pilji u mene
iz ogledala i pozdravlja me
Duh njegovog oca,davno preminulog,sve ove godine
ili dečačić,koji je nekad bio,još uvek mokar u ušima
ili teško breme svih njegovih strahova,
u očima tog stranca kojeg sam možda upoznao
Njegov pogled retko skreće sa njegove brade i vilice
da se ne bi suočio sa istinom u njegovoj duši.
Izbegavajući svoj pogled,plaši se da prizna
nešto čudno,neočekivano, van svake kontrole.
Postoji vreme kada čoveku treba snaga iz njegovog odraza
da se suoči sa onim što vidi bez straha
treba čovek da prihvati svoju smrtnost
ili se iznenadi prisustvom suze.
To je bio samo aranžman,jedan praktični aranžman
Zaboravio sam prvu zapovest iz priručnika realnosti
Ne zaluđuj se iluzijama koje sam kreiraš
zaljubivši se u nju,kada ona voli nekog drugog.
Kao tragovi u snegu u zimskoj noći,
blistaju i sjaje se pod mesečinom,
Ali nestaće do jutra,kako se sneg bude topio
Ti je još voliš,a ona voli nekog drugog.
I gde te to postavlja
kao samozvanog čoveka sa vizijom.
Osećaš se glupo,osećaš bes,gubiš svoju dušu
da uništiš ono što voliš,što je postalo tvoja misija
Kao bitanga pantomimom,sekirom stružeš
da bi povratio samopoštovanje,
držiš glavu uspravno kao čovek,
koristiš led oko svog srca,pre nego se sav istopi,
ali ne zavaravaš nikoga,zavaravaš samo sebe.
Kao tragovi u snegu u zimskoj noći,
blistaju i sjaje se pod mesečinom,
Ali nestaće do jutra,kako se sneg bude topio
Ti je još voliš,a ona voli nekog drugog.

Više nije ista

Ne možeš je više videti
Sam čekaš taksi
Devojka, koja može imati kog poželi je i dalje sama
Ona živi u nekom svom svetu
Lepe žene dodju i prođu
Obični ljudi prolaze
Čak im se ni ne javiš
To me navodi da se zapitam zašto
Nešto se dogodilo običnoj devojci koju sam poznavao
Druželjubiva nije više
Šta god da se dogodilo običnoj devojci koju sam poznavao
Puno toga se promenilo
Ljudi ne pričaju lepe stvari o tebi
Sreća ti se preokrenula
Vreme ima pametnija posla
Druželjubiva nije više
Nešto se dogodilo običnoj devojci koju sam poznavao
Živela je od sećanja
Tada joj je bilo dobro
Ali ju je vreme
Promenila se
Više nije ista
Nije li pomalo sramno
Kako se ljudi sećaju njenog imena?
Promenila se
Više nije ista
Promenila se
Promenila se
Više nije ista

Crescendo of leaves falling

Crescendo of leaves falling
Fluttering in my painful eyes
Crescendo of leaves falling
I hid my tears
The west sun where the sun sets
Silhouettes collected in the pavement
I hang from your shoulder
Of your big jacket
I liked you so much that it hurts
I knew the first love
But I couldn't say anything
Sorry. I'm not frank
Monologue of leaves falling
Fluttering in my heart looking down
Monologue of leaves falling
I murmured a goodbye
The city lights like candles
When I sigh, they dissapear
The earrings you gave to me
I can't take them off now
The farewell is something sadder
Than the season passing
Even if I stand tiptoes, you won't reach me
Memories don't regret
Crescendo of leaves falling
Fluttering in my painful eyes
Crescendo of leaves falling
I hid my tears
I hid my tears
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


You say that Blok* is bad.
Read Mariengoff*
You say Paris
And you speak French - my wish
You write like Jean-Jacques*
And you scold for fire.
Let's take the diamonds to a pawnshop:
We really need Montmartre
Oh, I'm your fool
LA la la la la
I like cola again
And the jawline
Well, I'm your fool
This is the way it is
Your little boy -
Transgender. Hahaha
We'll have celery
and a ticket to a faraway land
Where I am to read 'Mary'*
aloud and not to eat onion
(Eat onion)
Together we are to struggle with loads of
Candies 'Moo-Moo'.
The resemblance is obvious
Fall in love if you dare!
Oh, I'm your fool
LA la la la la
I like cola again
And the jawline
Well, I'm your fool
This is the way it is
Your little boy -
Transgender. Hahaha

Profound Love in Heavy Rain

Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
There are numerous buildings in the rain.
We were passionately in love at that time.
The street was crowded with people and vehicles.
Although fierce wind is blowing,
Beauty is as beautiful as jade and the strength of the sword is as free as the rainbow.
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The world is only in your eyes.
We meet each other at the right time,
Why are we in a hurry?
The mountains and rivers are numerous.
The song makes me tear.
I still love you so much.
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The sky and the earth are endless.
Standing on the high building,
I miss you so much.
Through spring,summer,autumn and winter,
I still can't see you.
Where is the returning swan goose?
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
There are numerous buildings in the rain.
We were passionately in love at that time.
The street was crowded with people and vehicles.
Although fierce wind is blowing,
Beauty is as beautiful as jade and the strength of the sword is as free as the rainbow.
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The world is only in your eyes.
We meet each other at the right time,
Why are we in a hurry?
The mountains and rivers are numerous.
The song makes me tear.
I still love you so much.
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The sky and the earth are endless.
Standing on the high building,
I miss you so much.
Through spring,summer,autumn and winter,
I still can't see you.
Where is the returning swan goose?
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The world is only in your eyes.
We meet each other at the right time,
Why are we in a hurry?
The mountains and rivers are numerous.
The song makes me tear.
I still love you so much.
Love is so deep and it is drizzling outside.
The sky and the earth are endless.
Standing on the high building,
I miss you so much.
Through spring,summer,autumn and winter,
I still can't see you.
Where is the returning swan goose?

Infinitely Praising Teacher Ms.Haruno Sora

'Maki-chan, Is there...anything you want to do?'
'Ms.Sora, I want to be....a Super Great Ultra Fiery Guitarist!'
'Gazillion point!'
Yes, everyone good morning 'Morning'
It's such beautiful weather today. 'That's right'
If there is anything that troubles you Please let me know
In everyday life there is always difficult waves ahead of us
Sometimes even have things that makes us anxious
Someday I want to remember the dream
Let me hear your voice
'Meal taste great!'
How wonderful~
How beautiful~
That's something to be proud of
I will give you a LIKE for that
How skillful~
As I expected
You are a genius
You did a very great job
Hello 'Hello~'
How is your day? 'Amazing~'
If you are interested Wanna start doing this?
'I will think about it....~'
Open the door and try discover new things to do.
Even if it is out of your comfort zone 'Hmm~ What should I do~'
You are someone who can do it once you set your goal So please don't give up
Let's me see your courage hidden in your heart
'Uwa! I made a sound with the guitar!'
How wonderful~ (Wonderful!)
How beautiful~ (Beautiful!)
That's something to be proud of
I will give you a LIKE for that (Good!)
How skillful~ (Great!)
As I expected (Excellent!)
You are a genius
You did a very great job
How cruel
How tough
How painful
How scary
Please don't keep your sadness to yourself
Whatever it takes don't lost that flame in your heart
How wonderful~ (Wonderful!)
How beautiful~ (Beautiful!)
That's something to be proud of
I will give you a LIKE for that (Good!)
How skillful~ (Great!)
As I expected (Excellent!)
You are a genius
You did a very great job

The Sea Is Spread Wide

The sea is spread wide
And the waves are storming.
Comrade, we're going far away,
Far away from our homeland.
No songs are heard on the deck
And the Red Sea is roaring,
And the shore is dim and narrow,
Heartbreaking to remember.
Eight bells have rung,
He had to relieve his comrade.
He hardly came down the ladder,
The driver screamed to him: 'Move it!'
'Comrade, I can't withstand my duty',
A fire feeder said to a fire feeder,
'The fire doesn't burn in my furnace,
I can't keep the steam in my boilers.
'Go and report that I'm ill
And I'm leaving my duty before time,
I'm drenched with sweat and drooping in heat,
I'm beat, I'm dying.'
His comrade left, he took the shovel
Summoning up all the strength he had,
He opened the furnace door with a routine push
And the fire lit him up:
His face, his shoulders, his bare chest
And the sweat that hailed down.
If anyone could see the fireroom,
He'd call it hell.
The steam boilers whirred grimly,
Shuddering because of the steam force.
And the steam, it hissed like a thousand serpents
As it broke through the pipes in some places.
And he, bending before the hot fire,
Skillfully threw the coal.
It was dim downstairs: even in the day
Sun rays couldn't reach that corner.
It was windless that day, he couldn't stand,
The water had warmed up, it was stifling and hot.
The thermometer was up as high as forty-five1,
The whole fireroom was airless.
When he was done throwing coal, he drank some water,
Some unclean distilled water.
Sweat and soot tracks were running down his face,
He heard the boilerman's speech:
'You haven't finished your duty, so you can't leave,
The driver is displeased.
You must go and tell the doctor:
If you're ill, he'll give you medicine.'
Gripping the handholds feebly,
He went up the ladder.
He couldn't go to get his medicine,
He was stifling in the heat.
He went up to the deck, unconscious already,
His eyes dimmed.
For a moment he saw the blinding glare,
He fell, his heart beated no more.
They ran up to him with cold water
Trying to bring him to life,
But the doctor said with a shake of his head:
'My skill is powerless.'
The deceased lied in the sick-bay all night
Dressed in a sailor's outfit.
He held a wax candle in his hands,
The wax melted, warmed up by the heat.
In the morning the sailors, the fire-feeder's friends,
Came to say farewell to their comrade.
They brought him the last present:
A burnt and rusty grate.
They tied the grate to his legs
And wrapped the body in a cloth.
The old naval chaplain came
And tears welled in many eyes.
The ocean was peacefull and still at that moment,
The water glimmered like a mirror.
The high ranks turned up, the captain came,
And they sang a requiem.
They raised the plank with a trembling hand,
And the body in a shroud slided down,
In the deep obscure abyss of the sea
It sank forever with a splash.
The old woman is waiting for her son in vain,
When someone tells her, she would weep.
And the waves run away from the screw under the aft
And their trace disappear in the distance.
  • 1. 45 C = 113 F

Your Deep Feelings

Looking back
Your eyes are full of love
Flashing in the night breeze
Like stars
Only the wind
gently touches the moon above sea
With my eternal love
Flocking to the sky
Bright moon, in the night sky
Serenity, in the evening breeze
The stars, shining in the sky
And you, are in front of me
It’s today
That birds dancing with flowers
Light joy flying
Deep into spring
In the landscape
Your smile’s full of love
In this warm moment
Shining as sunset
Mountains, in the sun glow
Happiness, in the time
Sunset, incarnadining the sky
Let me, stay between heart
Faith is burning again
Reflected in the sun
What saves me again
Is your love
by myy

Asheqan (عاشقان)

او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
سترگی د یار زما شایسته دی زار شمه
سترگی د یار زما شایسته دی زار شمه
چی الول الول
چی الول الول
بانه پری تور ختلی دینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
یوه زره کج په کی نشته
زار شمه
یوه زره کج په کی نشته
زار شمه
دجانان سترگی که نه
دجانان سترگی که نه
او په کندا ختلی دینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
په سترگو سترگو کی تاثیر وی
جار شمه
په سترگو سترگو کی تاثیر وی
جار شمه
دا چی شایسته شایسته
دا چی شایسته شایسته
بدی حسینو سترگی وینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه

Naked Mole Rap

Come on
Everyone listen to me, my name is Ron Stoppable
This song is called Naked Mole Rap
My life used to be very normal
But it started to become different when I met Rufus
I never had a kitten or a dog, so of course it was harder
My dad's allergic to animal fur
So I went online to search for furless animals
And I discovered a pink thing that needs sunscreen
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
I don't care, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
I heard the smart supermarket sold pink mole rats
They're not scared of people, and they have pink tails
He told me in advance he decided to come with me
After my dad saw him, he said 'not bad'
At this time, the manager walked by
He opened the cage and said:
'Do you know he doesn't have fur?'
I didn't care at all
Then he said
'Be careful with him
Do you want the cage?'
No, I want to put him in my pocket
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
I don't care, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
My little pet, he can sing
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
I loudly cheer, eyy
I loudly cheer, eyy
Quick, look at the camera and say cheese
Smile at the camera and say cheese
They have Mexican tacos at Bueno Nacho
Order a big one, don't worry, I'll pay
Rufus is in my pocket
He's unstoppable, unstoppable, won't drop
He just keeps eating
Rufus and Ron Stoppable
With our good friend Kim Possible
We're not scared of any attack
Hey oh, KP, we support you
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Oh my god, what is this?
He's a naked mole rat
Never mind, I want to listen to the song
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap
Listen to the Naked Mole Rap

In love

In love
-- woman
You invited me to a cafe
In Italian language
You sweet-talked me
-- man
You, who think of me in every way
At home, at school, on a trolley car
-- woman
A violin, for us, played solo in soft light
And weightless seemed the night
I found you and lost you
It's not my fault, not my fault, not my fault I was
In love, in love, in love
-- man
I was the top man in our company
And with the most beautiful girl
I said: 'Woman, you're mine'
-- woman
But there is so little happiness in life
And it's distant - somewhere far away
-- man
You, with your kind of innocent look
You, who can read my mind
Without you I'd be nothing
It's not my fault, not my fault, not my fault I was
In love, in love, in love
-- woman
I remember warm wind from the mountains
Scent of roses and tender look
Italian night by the sea
-- man
And then, though hidden, my soul
Was able to feel that you're mine
-- woman
Don't promise anything
Don't come to say goodbye
Our life is but a game
And we are like children, children, like children
In love, in love, in love
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.



The sun rises over the Atlantic
And sets in Venezuela
Opening the paths of the tropics
The paths to rum and tobacco
And since it's cold here
I'm escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Hollow drums for the rhythm
Memories for the tempo
In the back room of a shop
Among former reed cutters
The music takes us on a walk
And we're escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad,
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
In the grey of the morning's early hours
We still have something up our sleeves
We linger around in the streets for a while
With the blue sky on our skin
And since we're dreaming of a getaway
Let's go to Trinidad again
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad...

The Wise Men

Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
I'll follow you, wherever you go I'll go
Loyal like a shadow to your destination
Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
Like Christopher Columbus and his three caravels
Followed the sun without a doubt
Heaven grant that I open my windows
Each morning next to a blue pond
Heaven grant that nothing stops us
In this adventurous world
Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
My America, my Star of Bethlehem
My cosmic truth, is to be living with you

The Lone Accordion (S)

Versions: #2
And again it’s gone still till the sunrise
No door squeaks, no lights to come on
Only down the far street, it sounds
Like a lone accordion goes
Only down the far street, it sounds
Like a lone accordion goes
It would go through gates into wide fields
It would come back again and again
As if looking for someone in darkness
As if looking for someone in vain
As if looking for someone in darkness
As if looking for someone in vain
In the air is light breeze from meadows
Apple blossom comes fluttering down
Won’t you tell us who’s that you are craving
Young accordion player, let on!
Won’t you tell us who’s that you are craving
Young accordion player, let on!
What if your darling is but so close
Unaware it’s her that you seek
Why then do you meander alone
Why then do you keep all girls off sleep
Why then do you meander alone?
Why then do you keep all girls off sleep?

You paralyze me

oh, what looks have you got!
you paralyze me, you paralyze me
your beauty is merciless
I swear, it can't be resisted
how creative is god
who's created this groovy beauty
how come you get prettier
every five minutes
you remain the original
even if there's a hundred lookalike
you remain the most precious, most beautiful
in my eyes
I'm above the cloud
my heart is on fire
I'm not living on earth
it's as if I'm in heaven
how sweet is the feeling of love!
it makes the heartbeats happy
love should've happened a long time ago
yes, I swear
God's gave us hearts
to fall in love, to melt
the sins of lovers are not sins
no, I swear
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


I Exalt Your Name

I exalt Your name, I exalt Your name
For Your name is wonderful and worthy to be praised
I exalt Your name, I exalt Your name
For Your name is Wonderful and greatly to be praised
Transcending time and space
Your name is Ancient of Days
My God, the great I Am, Your name is Yahweh
I exalt Your name, I exalt Your name
For Your name is wonderful and worthy to be praised

(بحبك من زمان)

بحبك من زمان
من أول يوم قابلتك
والحب عليا بان
لأ هخبي تاني إحساسي بيك
وهقول آن الأوان
مش حب عادي اللي جوه قلبي
شكله اتقلب جنان
دق الحب بابي
من غير ما يقولي حاجة
أنا كنت أعمل حسابي
خلاني أسهرله ليالي
آه يانا من عذابي
مش لاقيه كلام يتقال
غير إني.. إني حلمت بيه
فيك كل الحاجات
اللي اتمنيتها حبيبي
بجد ده مش كلام
طيبتك حنية قلبك
حتى الاهتمام
من نظرة عينك ليا
بشوف أجمل غرام
دق الحب بابي
من غير ما يقولي حاجة
أنا كنت أعمل حسابي
خلاني أسهرله ليالي
آه يانا من عذابي
مش لاقيه كلام يتقال
غير إني.. إني حلمت بيه

Metamorphosis of true holy radiance

Do you not believe it?
Were you to believe it you would surely move on (wake up!)
The radiance becomes the scared truth dwelling in your heart
Don't be afraid of the wavering me
We look forward to seeing each other with our own eyes
It's as if you feel it but then it seems to disappear
The painful fleeting dream
will now draw a meaning for the tomorrow
Being changed by love
When we had shed our weakness we could see our truth
Being changed by love
We can keep transcending despair and the likes of it
Mankind's will is very very fragile
however, mankind's hope is very very strong
You got it... that's the phase that signals the beginning
Did you know?
If you knew you would surely reach it (pursue it!)
That is the throbbing courage, seeking the radiance
Since you invite the unhesitating me
We link our hands together and the ring of destiny is born
Accept our wavering hearts
It's a gentle yet intense dream!
Tomorrow we will fly even further
When our voice eternally maintain the prayer we place our trust in it and put it into words
Our voices should eternally bestow zeal​
Quickly, quickly, quickly come here
Simply very strong but just different
You got it!... Towards the road of the true holy radiance
It's as if you feel it but then it seems to disappear
The painful fleeting dream
will now draw a meaning for the tomorrow
Being changed by love
When we had shed our weakness we could see our truth
Being changed by love
We can keep transcending despair and the likes of it
Mankind's will is very very fragile
however, mankind's hope is very very strong
You got it, didn't you? It's the beginning
When our voice eternally maintain the prayer we place our trust in it and put it into words
Our voices should eternally bestow zeal​
Quickly, quickly, quickly come here
Simply very strong but just different
You got it!... Towards the road of the true holy radiance

Toy Store

I visited her every day
But being shy, I hid behind people's backs
And a big toy deer laughed at me from the window
Perhaps I could come to her
Or just meet her eye.
To buy something as an excuse
But I had no money in my pocket.
There are a lot of people in the toy store
You can't cut through to the cash register
The price doesn't matter
In the toy store you can buy happiness
Leopards, dolls, ships...
A strange animal of plastic
They are searching for tender friendship
And waiting for the appointed time given by fate
There are a hundred fabulously colored toys
In the kingdom behind her back
I'd like to be one of them
If only she would touch me with her hand
There are a lot of people in the toy store
You can't cut through to the cash register
The price doesn't matter
In the toy store you can buy happiness
Two minutes to eight p.m.
They close the shop's doors
Someone waits for the queen of my sweetest dreams
In a shiny car
She will disappear without a trace
Dressed in the white dress embroidered with gold
The most beautiful star
Wrapped with ribbons like a doll
There are a lot of people in the toy store
You can't cut through to the cash register
The price doesn't matter
In the toy store you can buy happiness

Midsummer greetings

Midsummer greetings
I seem to receive a kiss in the eyelashes
The sun in the summer days is dazzling
On the brilliant beach now you
Spend the time getting wet
For some reason, Holding my parasol
I go flying to your city
In this summer even my chest is hot
It's a wonderful summer
Midsummer greetings
Someone shows me his bathing suit
But you say it's wrong
You invite me saying 'Do you wanna swim?'
But without turning my back, I pretend to sleep
I want to meet you soon
The clock is going backwards
In this summer my heart bounces
It's a wonderful summer
Midsummer greetings
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Exclusive Myth

The uncommon topics are not just a few
the more ancient they are, the more I want to know
mysterious and slightly fashionable
I'm looking them up on the Internet
like a magical ticket
I leap at random through space-time
previous incarnations are slowly exposed
as if I really can see them
Whether on the back of my hand there are marks left from previous lives or not
the person I loved then can find me in this life
the reincarnations are so wonderful
some ancient stories won't get old
Welcome to my exclusive myth
the me from thousands of years ago
was happy at last with the man that I loved at that time?
This is my exclusive myth
no need to care whether it's true or false
setting out the time machine in my heart
I just let the scenes reverse in my head
Worries of thousands of years before
obviously already forgotten 
I want to know at all costs
every turmoil
to compare and play every role
there is no sign of a time limit
still there are a lot of unsolved questions
talking them out with myself
Whether on the back of my hand there are marks left from previous lives or not
the person I loved then can find me in this life
the reincarnations are so wonderful
some ancient stories won't get old
Welcome to my exclusive myth
the me from thousands of years ago
was happy at last with the man that I loved at that time?
This is my exclusive myth
no need to care whether it's true or false
setting out the time machine in my heart
I just let the scenes reverse in my head
Welcome to my exclusive myth
the me from thousands of years ago
was happy at last with the man that I loved at that time?
This is my exclusive myth
no need to care whether it's true or false
setting out the time machine in my heart
I just let the scenes reverse in my head
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Freezing cold, I become freezing cold,
And I wish I understood a bit more....
Whether it is my own torment, that drags me slowly
into the darkness....
I did not think it
Would happen to me
Now I am alone
And find no peace,
Desperate as I have never been before...
Now I feel that
My soul
Is like a leaf in the wind,
Hanging in the void,
Letting itself be borne away.
Fragile, I feel fragile,
And I wish I understood a bit more....
Whether it is really true
That on my face, slowly
is sliding
A dewdrop with such a bitter flavour.
I did not think it
Would happen to me
Now I am alone
Lost in a drop,
Is this a tear?
And I wonder whether
One tear
May bear away
All the grief that
is suddenly in me.
I try intensely to react, but I know you will not come back, no
But not even time can heal this wound, no, I do not believe it, no
I try intensely to understand, but I know that love will not come back, no
I try intensely to react, but I know you will not come back, no
I did not think it
Would happen to me
Now I am alone
Lost in a drop,
Is this a tear?
And I wonder whether
One tear
May bear away
All the grief that
is suddenly in me.
Now I feel that
My soul
Is like a leaf in the wind,
Hanging in the void,
Letting itself be borne away. 

Greška je bila

Ako je imao način da imam vremena sa tobom ponovo,
Puziću, goreću, vrištaću, ali te ne bih povredila.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
Rekao si da je ovo greška bila, nije bila ljubav što si spavao sa mnom,
ali bilo je draga moja, svi nakon tebe su bili povređeni.
Dišem da te zagrlim, dišem jedino da ti se osvetim,
Srce imaš li? Žao mi je, od kako si ga slomio, nemam ga.
Kao malo dete sam te povredio bez razmišljanja
Bićeš drugačiji, zvaćeš me, ali znam da ti nedostajem i da ne možeš spavati.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)

Magic Bridge

We want to build a bridge
Which will reach the stars,
Which will reach the stars
So that we can rise above the clouds
And touch a ray of light.
And touch a ray of light.
So that we can see, in the distance,
All the ships and seas, all the ships and seas.
It will be the best bridge ever,
The very, very best bridge,
The longest bridge in the world.
We want to build a bridge
Which will reach the stars,
Which will reach the stars.
So that we can see flashes of lightning,
And feed birds from the palms of our hands,
And feed birds from the palms of our hands.
So that we can see beyond the clouds
Five continents at once, five continents at once.
It will be the best bridge ever,
The very, very best bridge,
The strongest bridge in the world.
We want to build a bridge
Which will reach the stars,
Which will reach the stars.
A bridge of magical beauty,
Made of smiles and dreams,
Made of smiles and dreams.
It will stand between heaven and earth,
As colorful as a rainbow, as colorful as a rainbow.
It will be the best bridge ever,
The very, very best bridge,
The most friendly bridge in the world.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

The Magical Rabbit

Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Somewhere in a deep forest
Among blue fir trees and magical flowers
Simply lives and sadly sings songs
Who would you think of?
Who would you think of?
The magical rabbit
The magical rabbit
The magical rabbit draws a zero with a chalk
He wears glasses and studies Latin
The magical rabbit draws a zero with a chalk
He studies Latin and writes poems
The magical rabbit draws a zero with a chalk
He writes poems and plays the violin
The magical rabbit draws a zero with a chalk
He plays the violin and misses his mom
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
(Etis atis animatis)
The magical rabbit
(Etis etis amatis)
The magical rabbit
Etis atis animatis
Etis etis amatis
The magical rabbit
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)

I Can't Be Cool

Don't you think it's time to understand?
To decide not staying still?
Feel the voices that sell futile riches,
The delusion of the power that'll wear out the air...
I can't be cool trapped in chains
I can't be cool with eyes closed
I can't be cool in the arms of deep sleep
while war is waged in the name of god
Do you think your life belongs to you
Under the rule of covetous men?
Feel the voices that wish to find peace
And that are stifled by the powerful kings of darkness...
I can't be cool without words
I can't be cool without reacting
I can't be cool because I already know that indifference
closes the doors of humanity
I can't be cool trapped in chains
I can't be cool with eyes closed
I can't be cool in the arms of deep sleep
while war is waged in the name of god
I can't be cool trapped in chains
I can't be cool with eyes closed
I can't be cool in the arms of deep sleep
while war is waged in the name of god
I can't be cool without words
I can't be cool without reacting
I can't be cool because I already know that indifference
closes the doors of humanity
If you wish for another reality
you'll have greatest gift
it'll be your freedom
feel it...

Everything is Expected

Everything is expected from you, everything
One day you will hurt my heart,
No no don't be stubborn
Time will change you, you're also a human
You're just like any other,
No no don't be stubborn
Many, many times they told me: they're just words full of love, promises, and dreams
But what a loss, life is treacherous
But what a loss, life is treacherous
And some forget the most beautiful days
Don't you ever think that after you I'll be lost
And you're the one filling my days with spring
Don't you ever think that after you I'll be lost
And you're the one filling my days with spring
I want safety, I need affection
I don't want hearts who forget and sell
Time will change you, you're also a human
You're just like any other,
No no don't be stubborn

One Country, One Flag

One Country One Flag
One Nation, in Unity
One Country One Flag
One Nation, in Unity
One Country One Flag
One Nation, in Unity
Break the silence of time if needed
To rise for the struggle for peace
Break the silence of time if needed
To rise for the struggle for peace
Break the silence of time if needed
To rise for the struggle for peace
Betrayers and Tabdars cause unrest
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
We will have times of happiness and sorrow in one tie(connection)
(We will) bring golden Evidence
Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Christian
In the time of need, everyone hand in hand
We will have times of happiness and sorrow in one tie(connection)
(We will) bring golden Evidence
Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Christian
In the time of need, everyone hand in hand
We will have times of happiness and sorrow in one tie(connection)
(We will) bring golden Evidence
Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Christian
In the time of need, everyone hand in hand
Betrayers and Tabdars cause unrest
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
Farmer, Worker and Young Student
One body and life in the Countryside
We will fly our victory night by forgetting our differences
Farmer, Worker and Young Student
One body and life in the Countryside
We will fly our victory night by forgetting our differences
Farmer, Worker and Young Student
One body and life in the Countryside
We will fly our victory night by forgetting our differences
Betrayers and Tabdars cause unrest
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
One Country One Flag
One Nation, in Unity
One Country One Flag
One Nation, in Unity
Break the silence of time if needed
To rise for the struggle for peace
Break the silence of time if needed
To rise for the struggle for peace
Betrayers and Tabdars cause unrest
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
(Bangladesh) Will Go forward
My Favourite Bangladesh

Up on the rooftop, a boy so small

Versions: #2
Up on the rooftop, a boy so small
didn't see the end, and took a nasty fall.
He did thirty flips, then three more for good measure.
Cleaning up his brains—well, that took forever!

Little Boy Was Walking Along A Steep Roof - 2

A little boy was walking along the roof,
The roof ended, and the boy fell down,
He made thirty three flips in his flight,
People were scraping his brain from the asphalt for a long time...

Holy mothers lullaby

Come, sleep
Throw down your tired body
Those blue eyelids
I want to close them with my lips
Ah, if I could be born again
I would be your mother
Giving you even my life
I want to protect you
Since this city is a battlefield
Men are soldiers who bear all the wounds
Please, remove your heart pains
Return to the child you've been
With a warm heart
Only to me
You showed your tears
Since that day I decided
That I'd live to support your dreams
If it's love, someday it will fade
But I have a very deep love
Even if you turn your back someday
In the distance forever
I'll be the Holy Mother staring at you
Now, remove your heart pains
Return to the child you've been
With a warm heart
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.