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My six-stringed friend

Won't you play me a tune, my six-stringed guitar?
Help me recall times of old.
Your wails, your sorrowful sounds
intoxicate me more than a strong wine.
See how I take my beloved guitar in my hands,
play a chord and sing along.
I sing of my love and youth,
and the girl I love.
Resound, my guitar, so dolefully,
and play my song to the end.
May it fly into the girls' white bosoms
and melt their hearts of ice.
I sang so many griefs, so much happiness,
I shared it all with you.
They were problems, my loved one cheated on me,
but you never were unfaithful.
When my time comes to depart this Earth,
I'll gather my friends and tell them:
'lay down my six-stringed friend next to me in my grave,
and I will wake every dead on Earth!'
Maybe I'll burn in the flames of hell,
maybe I'll end up in paradise.
My six-stringed friend will always help me
and sing of my past life.
and melt their hearts of ice...


It is said
That there's a place somewhere
That no one has yet to find
They call it Xanadu.
A valley where
A thousand flowers bloom
Where birds fly above
They call it Xanadu.
And a golden city
That lies in sunshine
And it welcomes you
And everyone laughs at you
Everyone here
Are good to you.
To Xanadu
To Xanadu
I know you understand
Of that I dreamt
Show me Xanadu!
It is said
That if two people stick together
And traverse through storm and rain
They will find Xanadu.
The way there leads through rock and ice
And through a bit of hell
Into the Valley of Xanadu.
And before the golden city
Lies a deep sea
So cold as snow
And whoever drinks of its waters
Will not remember time
Nor any pain.
To Xanadu
To Xanadu.
I've found you now
Since then I now believe
In Xanadu
Hold on tight to me
And together we'll embark
To find Xanadu
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'


У давна времена
Имао сам пријатељ
Ко је чекао, чекао ме
Са речима ме чекао
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
Дошао, дошао и отишли на шетњу
Ветар је кварио и раздвојили смо се
Већ имам пријатељ
Већ имам пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
Где ће бити, где ће бити
Ја то још не знам
Дођи, дођи увек он долази
На путу
Ветар дува и киша
Већ имам партнера
Чека, он ме чека
Са речима ме чека
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
при-при, пријатељ
Где ће бити, где ће бити
Ја то још не знам
Дођи, дођи увек он долази
На путу


Once upon a time
I had a mate
Who has been waited, waited to me
With words waited to me
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Came, came and we went for a walk
Wind blewing and we came apart
I already don't have a mate
I already don't have a mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Where he will be, where he will be
I yet don't know it
Come, come he always comes
In the road
Wind blowing and raining
I already have a mate
He waits, he is been waiting to me
With words waits to me
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Where he will be, where he will be
I yet don't know it
Come, come he always comes
In the road

For ever following the sun

Hot day,
Magic day,
Naive day
We went with the sun
In the end,
Goldy day,
Good night
We had last night.
Morning is rising,
Infront of the sea,
From there,
The day is entering the gate
In the window,
Oak tree,
Were broken with the sunrise,
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
For ever following the sun,
For ever following the light,
The sun is marking my day,
And my heart is a bird.
For ever following the sun,
For ever following the light,
The sun is marking my day,
And my heart is a bird.
Hey man,
Get up, you slept,
Doesnt stop,
The spirit of the blue,
Rise up your head,
The light is getting closer,
The light is flowing,
Towards the doorstep,
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
For ever following the sun,
For ever following the light,
The sun is marking my day,
And my heart is a bird.
For ever following the sun,
For ever following the light,
The sun is marking my day,
And my heart is a bird.

Long, however you look in the envelope, ...

Long, however you look in the envelope, a leaflet, -
The last terms have passed!
But because he is in the Far East,
That is far in the east ...
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
Here roar the steamers till the morning
Surrounded by oceanic noises -
Not because it is called the Pacific,
It is indeed pacific.
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
Don't get frightened about stories,
As if here is the very brink of the world, -
Behind is still Sachalin, and then -
Our round planet.
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
They say - here is, of course, not the paradise,
But the correspondence is intolerable, -
You know that, my love, you are summoned:
The Far East - that is near!
Soon you will get an answer -
News with a few words!
Together we would meet at daybreaks -
Eight hours earlier!

Marunouchi Sadistic

The reward's on the parallel lines after joining a company
I love Tokyo but there's nothing there
Gimme a Rickenbacker 620
Don't have the 190,000 Ochanomizu
It's so rough I get off on the smell of the Marshall
Every night I'm just going to the top
Making one Rat the tools of my trade
And then I trip when Benji reflects in my lungs
Lately been playing cops in Ginza
Even when you cross the border all glories must fade
Gimme a receipt
No tax accountants here Korakuen
In the future I want you to be a monk and get married
Every night on your bed just playing games
I wanna try being a pizza place girl
And then Benji smacks me with his Gretch
Blue bite it and come for me
I said I'll go home on the last train Ikebukuro

Please listen to my life

Please listen to my life
I was born in the farthest ends of the north country
My childish heart was in the dark
I lived with the lights off
That kind of past disheartened me
Seven hills of troubles is the journey of a song
Today too I endure the tears
Through my woman's heart there's a single bloodline
Even if my voice withers and breaks
My determination goes devotedly on the enka road
Sixteen flowers I leave to enka
Night suburbs, sunk songs
I was carried along by mom to make a living
While I was crossing over mountains and rivers of problems
I can offer my heart to al enka
The ocean noise, the salty wind, lullabies
While I bet my hopes for tomorrow
Keiko's figure sings
Even if my voice withers and breaks
My determination goes devotedly on the enka road
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


But that man isn't guilty
It's my fault for believing a rumor
You'll see, I was scared of being lonely
Being very devoted and very sacrificed, I was abandoned
Any love is good for me if I can cling to it
Any love is good for me if I can start again
But there is no room where to return
That's why, stay with me tonight
But I can't hate that man
Stop saying he's a cruel man
You'll see, unless there's a sad lie
There shouldn't be a sweeter man than him
Any love is good for me even if it's cold
Any love is good for me if it stays by my side
But I've returned an important key
That's why, stay with me tonight
Any love is good for me if I can cling to it
Any love is good for me if I can start again
But there is no room where to return
That's why, stay with me tonight
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A variety of lives

I was worried about things like wanting to die
I was thinking that I'd wither like roses and cosmos
I was cutting my hair short, I was biting my pinky finger
I was crying so much blaming myself
Youth is probably funny
Youth is probably hilarious
In a funny story there are lots of tears
In the tears there is a lot of youth
A variety of lives, a variety of men
Even a variety of women, blooming in profusion
Love comes abruptly and the farewell too
And then disturbing our heart we pray to God
Any kind of important love even if it's a light playing
The heart's palpitation will understand when you don't have it
Now we shine
Now we jump
In a funny story there are lots of hopes
In the hopes there is a lot of youth
A variety of lives, a variety of men
Even a variety of women, blooming in profusion
A variety of lives, a variety of men
Even a variety of women, blooming in profusion
A variety of lives, a variety of men
Even a variety of women, blooming in profusion
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Lonesome Accordion

Quiet town at night is so comforting
Doors won’t squeak, no more lights that are lit
Just a lonesome accordion wandering
Somewhere far away down the street
It goes far in the fields through the gateway
Then it comes back to town again
Just as if it is asking for pity
And can’t find anyone to complain
Night gets cooler, the darkness gets deeper
Apple blossom is white as the snow
Just come tell us who made you a weeper
The accordionist a young beau…
May be your joy is not far away
Just not sure if she is the one
So then why are you wandering restless
Keeping young ladies piece so undone…
Quiet city at night is so comforting
Doors won’t squeak, no more lights that are lit
Just a lonesome accordion wandering
Somewhere far away down the street
V.L. (Vesper Lynd) aka Eva Trussell

For When We Come

Time scares the years away
And puts some wisdom in the heart
But there are things it's yet to tell me
Will another rose bloom for me
Has an old spark been ignited within me
Is there an answer waiting for me at the end of the road
And how would we know
If there is hope
For when we come, for when we come
We'll find an answer
Where does the track lead
Where does the prayer go
And who will answer the question and who will hear me
And who will open up their heart for me
And if I'll go, where would I reach
Is there an answer waiting for me at the end of the road.
And how would we know...
It's just me and it's just you
And it's a lot and it's so little
And how can we know if our lives did not go in vain
Have we worked not for nothing
Will our home not be destroyed
Will the love live on after we're gone.
And how would we know...

Life's hide and seek

Because saying 'I was in love with you only'
Is stupid, I don't say any word
The wind pierces, my heart is cold
Playing hide and seek with life for a moment
Picking up the lights I walk staggering
Don't you understand? In the sweetness
Can't live a man's bitterness
You fool. Turn your back
Playing hide and seek with life for a moment
By being stubborn, I'm alone
If time elapses, the world will change
What won't change is my heart
Sake, tonight I want you to get me drunk
Playing hide and seek with life for a moment
I live crying and laughing
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Every Man Has a Name

Every man has a name
given to him by God
and by his father and mother
Every man has a name
given to him by his stature
and by the manner of his smile
and by his clothes
Every man has a name
given to him by the mountains
and by the walls of his house
Every man has a name
given to him by the zodiac
and by his neighbors
Every man has a name
Every man has a name
Every man has a name
given to him by his sins
and by his yearnings
Every man has a name
given to him by his enemies
and by his love
Every man has a name
given to him by his holidays
and by his profession
Every man has a name
given to him by the seasons
and by his blindness
Every man has a name
Every man has a name
Every man has a name
given to him by God
and by his father and mother
Every man has a name
given to him by the sea
and by his death

Завирити у моју душу

Видим твоје лице пред очима
Падам у таму
Зашто морам да се борим да останем жив?
Хероји падају
Пробуди ме, зар не можеш да ме чујеш како дозивам?
Они долазе из таме, пузећи
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу
(језа из дубине ће престравити твој ум)
(језа из дубине ће се хранити твојом кичмом)
Падам у ноћ
Очи ми се затварају
Сенке излећу из светла
Моје ноћне море могу почети
Пробуди ме, зар не можеш да ме чујеш како дозивам?
Они долазе из таме, пузећи
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу
Завирујеш у моју душу - постаје ван контроле
Морам да пронађем начин да побегнем из ове црне рупе
Зар је правду у свету тако тешко наћи?
Време је дошло...Морам да се одлучим
Без обзира колико се далеко удаљиш и сакријеш
Све моје мисли су заробљене унутра
Језа из дубине ће престравити твој ум
Језа из дубине ће се хранити твојом кичмом
Овде сам, изгубљена сам у твојој земљи
И надам се да ћеш ти - завирити у моју душу
Сенке падају, пусти ме, чуј мој позив
И ја ћу увек веровати - завири у моју душу

Only you choose

They'll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight,
Let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart,
And lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul,
With all my tears.
You're a woman, I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right.
Be my lady of the night.
You're a woman, I'm a man.
You're my fortune, I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise.
Be my lady of the night.
Love, if you wish to love,
Forget, if you've decided to forget,
But don't say that life goes on without you,
Enjoy it, she's yours.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
You're a woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, women...


The moonlight flies out of the window.
The footsteps of night
Leave loneliness.
It sounds to see through the way of coming and going
How could the falling leaves go back?
Love of the wind
And those kind of loneliness
There are dropped and scattered into a mystery little by little.
The journey of life,
I don't know how much pain there is.
Those scars were always healed by the years.
Most of time there is new gloomy mood sprouting silently.
Love doesn't know how to express it.
There is only the heart struggled in silence.
The blooming flower with tears in the sky,
I'll always believe her.

Plain disquieting strings

Plain disquieting strings
Stitched together our reality.
Like a shaman over the runes
I'm guessing at the news clarity.
With orthodoxy I degrade,
With crowd of patriots - go wild
Could it be our commanders idea
To lead us into North Korea?
You will say it's impossible!
Korea is a rogue state,
While we have heroic past
And different mentality.
Weak and failing their economy,
Militarism, and cult of personality,
Rockets, roads full of ruts,
Even lies in the newscasts.
Internal security and other strongmen
Are everywhere there
The country itself and each individual
Is circled by enemy.
And here we have orthodoxy,
Snitching, spirituality, staples of commonality.
Freedom for us is not the essentiality
And all our enemies are fools and ridiculous.
And we have justice throughout.
Constitution - stone dragging you down.
Officiaries are honest people that us surround...
Of course we are not Korea.

Until There's Nowhere Left

Dreams such as these which we dream only from afar,
Dying of longing for you,
Dreams such as these jolt me awake,
I leave everything and search the city wide,
Dreams such as these, the pain that won't relent,
Just to hold on through the night until the morning subsequent,
Dreams such as these, which fall outside of time,
All that is no longer here, all that is not yet there,
Dreams such as these, time of solace leaves us bereft,
To go on forever, to go on until there's nowhere left,
Dreams such as these, the great sea of despair,
Sailing in it once more, drowning every day
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)

Consecrated Tonight

One step after another
For an eternity together
The night covers in white
And a canopy is spread
Above like a rainbow
In colors of eternal happiness
You are my helper
You are consecrated tonight
Somewhere across the ocean
Like Adam and Eve, just...
For us the world was created
A moment after another
Is an eternity together
Being sewn in a string of gold
Our entire life story
Begins here tonight
With the blessing of the bride and groom
You are my helper
You are consecrated tonight
Forever... (You are consecrated to me)
Somewhere across the ocean
Like Adam and Eve, just...
For us the world was created
You are my other half
Our souls are one
Since ancient times
And if the Creator
Shall reside in our hearts, then...
We will become one again, forever

Kad ti dođoh do groba

Kad ti dođoh do groba, o Poslaniče Božji,
Kad ti dođoh do groba, o Poslaniče Božji,
Kad te duša pozdravlja, o od Boga voljeni,
K'o Dulejman uz štap stajah, o proroku Božji,
radostan i tužan, o posredniče Božji!
Sve do svoda nebeskoga
zavoleh te, Muhamede,
više nego ikog svoga,
zagovorniče srca moga!
Dvorce, riznice,imanja, o Poslaniče Božji,
kralj i sultan ostavljaju, o od Boga voljeni,
vreme (krajnji rok) - ruka sve zamete, o proroku Božji,
vetar na njih stavi prah, o posredniče Božji!
Ti ostavi samo reči, o Poslaniče Božji,
k'o svoj miraz od Milostivog, o od Boga voljeni,
da nam srce se izleči, o proroku Božji,
kad od straha grešno ječi, o posredniče Božji!

Устати из пепела

Можеш ли да осетиш?
Можеш ли да осетиш?
Можеш ли да осетиш куцање мога срца?
Не могу више да живим без тебе
Не могу да порекнем
Не могу да порекнем
Не могу да порекнем, још увек покушавам
Не могу више да дишем без тебе
Сада када смо прошли кроз ватру
Опечени смо, али и даље једно крај другог
Једно крај другог, једно крај другог
Наша љубав ће устати из пепела
Устати из пепела
Спалићемо ову таму
Док не остане само ватра
Наша љубав, наша љубав
Ће устати из пепела
Никад пронађени, никад пронађени
Никад пронађени, ми смо тако заслепљени
Наша љубав је закопана дубоко
Ја увек јурим, увек јурим
Увек јурим, јер смо ми нешто што вреди спасити
Немој се предати, не сада!
Некада је само спаљивање прошлости
Начин да учинимо да нешто потраје
Да потраје, да потраје
Наша љубав ће устати из пепела
Устати из пепела
Спалићемо ову таму
Док не остане само ватра
Наша љубав, наша љубав
Ће устати из пепела
То је горећа пожуда
И ја те гурам кроз све (што се дешава)
Кроз пламен, кроз пламен
Кроз пламен
Па се припреми за ватру
Док учимо ко смо заправо
Кроз пламен, кроз пламен
Кроз пламен
Наша љубав ће устати из пепела
Устати из пепела
Спалићемо ову таму
Док не остане само ватра
Наша љубав, наша љубав
Ће устати из пепела

A magical world

Here's a shining world
Endlessly beautiful
Oh princess, you haven't dared to dream since a long time
To fly in the sky like a bird
But is whirling us to the clouds
The fastest and the best this enchanted carpet
A magical world - there're a lot of miracles you'll see
Here we fly wherever we want
And this is our right
A magical world
I believe that the dreams will come true
Marvellous, beautiful land
It's like a paradise, my eyes go blind of this beauty
Here you will see a lot of miracles
What waits for us ahead
On a flying carpet?
We are in a magical flight
The heart is ripping form my chest
A magical world / Come on, open your eyes
Oh, this enchanted night / Discoveries wait for us ahead
In the sky I fly and melt
I already cannot go back
A magical world
So many new miracles / It's such a happiness to fly like this
Every moment gives me joy!
In the silence of the night
You're flying with me
I'm flying into the magical world with you
A magical world
The night's flight
The sorrow left
And the distance attracts me
And you're with me

In the moments the you leave

It happens that sometimes I send a good morning
Its legitimate because I didnt stop loving yet
Remember how possessive you were about me
I loved until the infinite
And you loved only yourself and thats it
Admit you're good without me
When you're not above me anymore
Be careful because its dangerous outside these days
We are a generation that looking for a reason to run the whole day
Dont be like these people, from separation to a ring
And leave me some place for comfort when I cant sleep
Only you in the world...
And it happens to me at nights, I remember those moments you leave
Not afraid that I will forget you with others
Who will love me like you, tonight or the whole life I will have quiet
Because im sick of waking up from the dreams...
When we were childs we were only afraid of wars
And today im more afraid to be alone in between the sheets
Silence sometimes does some good with me since you have left
Anyway you were here quietly
Disconnected of my life
Doing your own so I dont want to hear, dont want to weep
Just want to forget there you are excist
Please dont look for me anymore
I learned in life that sometimes you need to give up
Dont be like these people, from sanity to insanity
And leave me a key in the closet I promise
That this is night is the last night
I cant fall asleep, only you in the world

The voice of the last century

Who is born with everything? Who is born to love to hear fake speech?
Even if God is kind, don’t hesitate to be a basic joke.
Who is willing to give the rain to the rain? Who can’t hear it loudly?
I don’t dare to doubt at the same time as the end of the world.
I haven’t sneaked in tears, laughing at me.
Also not willing to dissolve in the dark
Don't stop, don't have to swear at me, abuse the freedom, if you regret it, but you don't feel guilty.
I offer the latest excuse for faith.
No need to look back, no need to swear at me, for the moment, if I hate me, I have not cherished it.
I will say to myself that I am right.
Who will finally have eternal life, who will eventually return to heaven without admiration
If you care too much about this term, you can’t avoid eclipse too early.
Who can't open your territory? May you let me talk too
There is no need to pay for the journey along the way. I hope that this life will meet in this life.
I haven’t sneaked in tears, laughing at me.
Also not willing to dissolve in the dark
Don't stop, don't have to swear at me, abuse the freedom, if you regret it, but you don't feel guilty.
I offer the latest excuse for faith.
No need to look back, no need to swear at me, for the moment, if I hate me, I have not cherished it.
I will say to myself that I am right.
Don't stop, don't have to swear at me, abuse the freedom, if you regret it, but you don't feel guilty.
I offer the latest excuse for faith.
No need to look back, no need to swear at me, for the moment, if I hate me, I have not cherished it.
I will say to myself that I am right.
No need to look back, no need to swear at me, for the moment, if I hate me, I have not cherished it.
In the end, I look back at this life. I also lived.

Sounds From Upstairs

Sounds from upstairs, and sounds from downstairs.
Not caring about who is currently doing what with whom.
Sound and music, why is it so fascinating?
Sounds from quiet moment, are like mosquitoes that would not go away.
Blending together with the noise from my thoughts.
Today is a holiday, why is not a bit interesting?
I unexpectedly feel pressured while sitting quietly at home, as if worried that I am losing my worth.
So I prefer blasting love songs day and night. It makes me feel better regardless of whether their stories are real.
How does one treat work as love to keep going forth and back tirelessly?
How can there be joy at see-sawing from morning, noon and till dawn?
Why don’t we just hide in the bathtub and cry to our heart’s content?
How does one treat love as work to keep on fighting?
If we cannot find our significant other after searching through morning, noon and dawn,
Why don’t we take a break and be as empty as a glass of water.
I unexpectedly feel pressured while sitting quietly at home, as if worried that I am losing my worth.
So I prefer blasting love songs day and night. It makes me feel better regardless of whether their stories are real.
How does one treat work as love to keep going forth and back tirelessly?
How can there be joy at see-sawing from morning, noon and till dawn?
Why don’t we just hide in the bathtub and cry to our heart’s content?
How does one treat love as work to keep on fighting?
If we cannot find our significant other after searching through morning, noon and dawn,
Why don’t we take a break and be as empty as a glass of water.
How does one treat work as love to keep going forth and back tirelessly?
How can there be joy at see-sawing from morning, noon and till dawn?
Why don’t we just hide in the bathtub and cry to our heart’s content?
How does one treat love as work to keep on fighting?
If we cannot find our significant other after searching through morning, noon and dawn,
Why don’t we take a break and be as empty as a glass of water.
Why do people get unhappy? From trying to be happy day and night,
Wishing everything to be perfect,
Pleasing everyone, in return we give ourselves shivers (from frustration).
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Sheep (Alan Walker Relift)

Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
Run thru the city with a message for it
Look I’m the lead sheep in China
Within the forest, be careful bro
Mess with the food chain, there’s danger all around
Attack, protect
You don't know, that’s how the story goes
No one cares now
The footprint of the sheep wow
Easily forgettable, as if you’re flipping through a calendar
A sheep’s instinct, I’ll put it on you
A sheep’s attitude, I’ll put it on you
You can see my footprints on the concrete
Everything I pictured all around me
Gave one final warning
They’re callin for the sheep
A little untameable
A little unbelievable
A few conflicts, but it’s only because I’m too dazzling
A little involuntarily
I won’t do things that’ll harm others
The steps I take, just continue to work hard and work harder
Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
Run thru the city with a message for it
Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
As the hearts burn all the sheep are coming up
We are glorious
All the sheep are coming up
Baa baa
So baby I go
Trusting others in the end you’ll only get hurt
Baa baa
Be careful to not doubt the world
Just... It's not good to change yourself
Oh baby
A little untameable
A little unbelievable
A few conflicts, but it’s only because I’m too dazzling
A little involuntarily
I won’t do things that’ll harm others
The steps I take, just continue to work hard and work harder
You can see my footprints on the concrete
Everything i pictured all around me
Gave one final warning
They’re callin for the sheep
We are glorious
All the sheep are coming up


The sun will play with the rays
A new day will take place
A colorful morning
Calls me out of my home
There, where the path begins
The light will shine in my eyes
A wonderful journey
There, where I want to sing,
Dream and make friends,
That's my home
Hey-hey, hey-hey, higher and higher
I will appear, I will touch the sun
Hey-hey, hey-hey, join soon
I'm not waiting, I'm flying higher
I have white wings
It's my dream
To fly with them
Over the towers in the air
The world will meet a nova
Shine beside me
Shine, my star
There, where I want to sing,
Dream and make friends,
That's my home
Hey-hey, hey-hey, higher and higher
I will appear, I will touch the sun
Hey-hey, hey-hey, join soon
I'm not waiting, I'm flying higher
Hey-hey, hey-hey, higher and higher
I will appear, I will touch the sun
Hey-hey, hey-hey, join soon
I'm not waiting, I'm flying higher

But where is she?

I learned what happiness is, for I was loved,
Those days when we were together live on in my memory.
I cried with her, and I laughed with her,
In those days, when I was loved, when I was loved
We wanted to be together,
To live as two with one heartbeat
As long as my dear friend was nearby
That was happiness: being close to a true friend
Who was so able to love.
Whose fault is it that the years marched on,
Where was she in such a hurry to go
I was alone, I waited for her: to come back,
And tell me 'I love you'
But days became nights, and year after year flew,
Past when she would come to me with a smile like before,
Like in those days, where her and I
Were inseparable, and I was loved
Those days when we were together live on in my memory.
But where is she?

I'm Going My Own Way

I'm going my own way
To see new places
Stars above me, yes, 'cause that's my way
I won't agree to change my plan
I'm going my own way
And every step is causing me joy
I'm on my way, the sun is above me
And a joyful smile is on my face
Because nothing could compare to a meeting with friends
Who were separated by distances
And to share memories among us
Oh, and that's so uplifting
Just know that I'm on my way
To meet friends and places
And to sleep in the starlight, what else could you want
The moon is watching over me
Not the snow nor the rain would stop me
The sun will be back, you'll see
And once again the wind awakens feelings within me
I won't ask for anything else
Always forward
I'll walk on my way
Always forward
(Always forward...
I'll walk on my way...
Always forward...
I'll walk on my way...)
I'm going my own way
And I just want to be there already (Just want to be there already)
Blue skies are spread above me
For the good days to come
To see anybody who walks my way
At the end of it I'll reach my home (Just want to be there already)
The sun is shining, I'm on my way
The good days are coming my way
Yes, on my way...
Yes, I'm on my way.

Тегла за убијање

Тамо доле где овај ружни човек
тражи духовну храну,
доле у плавом поноћном бљеску,
стаклена рука сече кроз воду
косећи његово уврнуто корење,
а онда из његових очију
искачу свици
и удахњују живот
у бучно прерушавање.
Игле и греси, греси и и игле,
он се бори за ваздух
у бунару жеља.
Прах рђи, пепео на бразготину,
рука око тегле за убијање.
Мека обмана сенки
величине измишљотине
пробија врхунац његовог беса.
Стаклена рука сече кроз воду
гасећи чаробни гнев.
Онда изнутра
заплаче гром,
брзо сломљеним
коначним, пригушеним уздасима.
Игле и греси, греси и и игле,
он се бори за ваздух
у бунару жеља.
Прах рђи, пепео на бразготину,
рука око тегле за убијање.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

The Voice of Parting

Alone on a quiet morning,
Silently singing of a winter feeling.
All because you wouldn't look at me.
And as my dream ends, I cry the next day.
I started to forget.
You were somewhere far away.
How could you go somewhere that I could never reach?
The voice of parting resounds within in my heart.
Like someone unknown knocking on my door.
I can hear it.
The splitting clouds up above,
Reflected in the corner of a small window.
That's when you started whistling.
And as my dream ends, I cry the next day.
I started to forget.
You were somewhere far away.
How could you go somewhere that I could never reach?
The voice of parting resounds within in my heart.
Like someone unknown knocking on my door.
I can hear it.