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Број резултата: 31


The rock and the wave

'Step aside, rock, so as i can pass', says the brave
blare, black wave to the rock of the seashore.
'Step aside! Inside my former dead and cold breasts
a black cold wind had sneaked into and a black storm.
I don't have foam as my weapon, a hollow roar as a deterrence,
i have a river of blood, i was made wild by
the curse of the people who were fed up with, of the people who now is saying:
' Rock, the time has come for you to fall down!'
Bend down to your roots in the depths of the sea
to see how i have consumed your foundations, i made you an empty , useless rock.
Step aside, rock, so as i can pass! The foot of the slave
will step on your neck...i woke up as a lion..'
When i used to come slowly, coward and beaten
and i was licking and washing your feet, surrendered
you looked down on me and shout to the whole world
to come and see the humiliation of my foams.
Bend down to your roots in the depth of the sea
to see how i have consumed your foundation, i made you an empty rock.
Step aside, rock, so as i can pass! The foot of the slave
will step on your neck...i woke up as a lion..'

Мала отаџбина

Нисам далеко путовао
Корените године су биле дрвеће
Које је срце оденуло лишћем
Које остаде да цвета у камену.
Нисам далеко путовао.
Људе које завелех беху шуме.
А моји пријатељи су небеска тела.
Били су острва за ким срце беше жедно да их нађе.
Најудаљеније путовање моје си ти.
Моја ноћ си ти, сан који сањам преко дана.
Мала отаџбина, моје тело и почетак.
Ти си моја земља, дах мој и лахорак.
Нисам далеко путовао.
Моје срце је путовало и то је сасвим довољно:
У снове и влажна осећања
Тајна овог света која инспирише.
Најудаљеније путовање моје си ти.
Моја ноћ си ти, сан који сањам преко дана.
Мала отаџбина, моје тело и почетак.
Ти си моја земља, дах мој и лахорак.

Go Go

You used to tell me on this basis
Other than me, nobody lives in your head
I am alone without you
I am alone
I chose you from all the people
In fact, your heart is without feelings
It can not live without unfaithfulness
Go Go Go
You are not allowed to return
Stay away from my path and forget me
You were be my life and my soul
You left my heart broken
When I saw you with someone else
Go Go Go
The whole world does not concern me
Go and have fun with others
In the end, you will return and beg me to come back to you
Who has to leave once
Who has no loyalty
Sure, becomes traitor a hundred times
Go Go Go
You are not allowed to return
Stay away from my path and forget me
You were be my life and my soul
You left my heart broken
When I saw you with someone else
Go Go Go

Look around

Look around
How the world has become smaller
How the eyes have gone wild
Charged loneliness
Look around
How the city has gone ugly
How expensive the truth has become
Sarcastic laughter only
Take a good look of
The children who have nothing to eat
The illnesses which treat fear
The dogs looking around scared
Because some people are killing dreadfully
That's why I'm screaming
For you, the one whom I'm hugging
To the future I'm afraid of
Let's become fire
Let it burn all the hands
That hide the stars
So doves can come out
White like children
Let's be kids
Look around
How many daily lies you got used to
How many bodies got washed up on shore
How many mouths get regretfully silenced
Look around
The girls scared to laugh
The boys hesitating to cry
The screens which took away our speach
Take a good look of
The elderly dying alone
Like trees which fought
And they threw them away in fire
Laughing sarcastically
That's why I'm screaming
For you, the one whom I'm hugging
To the future I'm afraid of
Let's become fire
Let it burn all the hands
That hide the stars
So doves can come out
White like children
Let's be kids
'I'm somewhere in the middle of sea
The salt is burning my vision
And I wish I could reach the other side
But the body is barely floating
Hold on...
What do you ask?
Where do you want the blinds to lead you?
The earth is wheezing. Cash? (They're) Uncountable
Never, no change, no one is going to make a move
The only 'sent' is on the phones
Where's the inspiration? Petty evolution
They see love and press 'cancel'
Human parodies in march, willpower is captured
I have dreams about deportations
I want to be an exception, different
The black sheep which is besties with the wolf
I can't be afraid of the Under world
But I'm afraid of myself, my bad self
For my homeland I want humanity
I want smiles and places where children are playing
Because at the end it seems I don't have 'roots'
I'm a leaf from a thousand trees flying wherever the wind blows'
Look around
Different people
They've turned them into aims
Of hate and fear
That's why I'm screaming
For you, the one whom I'm hugging
To the future I'm afraid of
Let's become fire
Let it burn all the hands
That hide the stars
So doves can come out
White like children
Let's be kids

It was a dream

I know what you've been through ,its not easy
In your eyes , you chased the clouds
But you know , in this world
Seas are created by waves
Take my hand and when you cry
Ill be there , dont be afraid
Forget it all, life will bring
New moments, remember that
Let a smile , like a sun to leak
In my eyes for me to smile to you
It was a dream, you'll see, it'll across
Like everything else it'll be this one as well
I know what you've been through, but maybe
The tomorrow will open the borders
Remember this, before it becomes life
Everything was dreams
Close your eyes , make a wish
For you, i light the stars
Soul wants good air
To find a feather , so it can fly
Let a smile , like a sun to leak
In my eyes for me to smile to you
It was a dream, you'll see, it'll across
Like everything else it'll be this one as well

So Cold

Something's breaking inside me,
Didn't you hear it?
You're killing me
With this glance,
You're killing me
With this glance that has nothing,
Nothing for me.
You're killing me
With these lips,
You're killing me
With these lips that lack any
Thirst for me.
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (Nothing…)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (Nothing…)
You stay away, away,
You don't touch me anymore
And as silent as a stone,
Closed in your castle,
You're looking down on me
And something deep inside me
Is breaking apart, (Something's breaking deep inside me.)
Didn't you hear? (Something's breaking, didn't you hear?)
You're losing me…
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (Nothing…)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (Nothing…)
All around me appear
Faces in love.
With arms in love they hug
Bodies in love.
With a loud laughter I hide away
How lonely I am.
…So cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (Nothing…)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (Nothing…)
…So cold? (You stay away…)
…So cold? (Don't you want me anymore?)
Nothing… (Didn't I give you all?)
There's no (I tried anything…)
Thirst for me.
There is nothing.

EN: If you have any suggestions about improving a translation (even if I haven't enabled the proofreading option), feel free to do so, I'll be really grateful for your help. In case you would like to use any of my translations anywhere, all I would like you to do in return is nothing but to mention where you've taken it from, and to notify me if possible. After all, other people's content should be given proper credit, right?

BG: Ако в някой превод има нещо, което не ви звучи добре (дори и да не съм включил опцията за проверка на превода), не се стеснявайте да ми кажете – ще съм благодарен за помощта. В случай че бихте искали да използвате който и да е от преводите ми някъде, бъдете така добри да споменете откъде сте го взели и по възможност да ме уведомите. Все пак чуждият труд е редно да се цени, нали така?


Georgi Was Left An Orphan

Georgi was left an orphan,
without a father, this Georgi, but with a mother.
So his mother raised him,
he bacame a big lad.
Wonders his mother, she wonders,
what craft to choose for him.
She chose, his moher, she chose,
to make him a goldsmith.
A young goldsmith in the village,
to make bracelets, rings.
Georgi was pouring gold,
pouring gold, he was.
Twice his face was shining,
twice shined, threefold shined on.

I've Fallen In Love

From a deep ocean of love I arrived at your shore
The warm waves keeping my heart from the cold wind
From cold distances I came to your warm embrace
So that my cold heart may be filled with love
Your dreaming and delicate eyes
Are like twin lakes to me
That have betrayed the love of my whole heart
I've fallen in love, my priceless
Your womanly allure
From your lovely mind I went crazy
Rocked all the way to the sky
I open my heart to you
I've fallen with a deadly love
From your loving bosom and kiss
I've ended up in a sweet dream
I don't want to wake up anymore
It's with you that I feel what deep longing is like
Without you i don't have enough air
Stay in my embrace
Fill my mornings up with you
Stay with me until the evening
It's happiness to love you
To kiss you with closed eyes
To be cut off from the world in this dreams' embrace
I've fallen in love, my priceless
Your womanly allure
From your lovely mind I went crazy
Rocked all the way to the sky
I open my heart to you
I've fallen with a deadly love
From your loving bosom and kiss
I've ended up in a sweet dream
I don't want to wake up anymore
I've fallen in love, my priceless
Your womanly allure
From your lovely mind I went crazy
Rocked all the way to the sky
I open my heart to you
I've fallen with a deadly love
From your loving bosom and kiss
I've ended up in a sweet dream
I don't want to wake up anymore
I don't want to wake up anymore
I don't want to wake up anymore
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Night-time Tale

This is the night-time tale,
to say you goodbye and to make you sleep,
it’s the lullaby of the eyes when they close,
when it’s dark and the day is over.
The wind blows among the trees,
it combs the fields and the grass in the meadows,
and the tale goes around and plays its tune
in every house, for every child.
Green is the color of lizards,
blue is the sky reflected in a brook,
red is the color of sparks
bursting out dancing in a fire.
Yellow is the wheat in the countryside
in the season of warmth and sun,
and the lullaby ends with black,
which is the ugliest, it’s the color of night.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Sleep and don’t cry
if you have dreams upsetting you,
’cause I’m here always awake
to drive away all sprites.
I’ll keep away thieves, bandits,
bad thoughts, and evil spirit,
I’ll let come only nice dreams,
those of shining gold and true silver.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Because it’s time to go to sleep.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Lament over sorrow

My sun is vested in clouds, my star is fading away,
you and I must part, my flower, grown much to my liking.
Though grown much to my liking, you still brought sorrow to me,
you raised my sorrow when you forgot me.
Punish, God, the hearts of those who love two or three,
who embrace one, laugh with the other, who love whoever they see,
because I love only one and still suffer so much.
Never again will I be anyone’s partner, anyone’s curse from the heart!
There’s no other orphan like me under heaven, on the face of the earth,
I’m alone, I’m an orphan, carrying my sorrow,
I walk alone in the world because he wanted another one, prettier than I am,
he wanted someone prettier than I am but couldn’t get one, not even someone matching me.
I used to think that never in my life would I live with sorrow,
but with you I saw that I’d been mistaken, many sorrowful days of mine came about.
But now all those will be over, I’ve had my fair share of them,
those are over now, let the wind carry my sorrow away!
I told you not to love me,
because all I have to love you with in return are my arms,
you should love someone who has horses and wagons,
and then sorrow may kill you while you are by their side!
The hussars just passed by our house,
my dear mother, I’m going to join them.
I’ll be the captain of the first company,
three years aren’t the end of the world.
I have no pleasure because a swallow took it away,
and put it down in the middle of a round forest.
Dear swallow, bring back my pleasure to me,
and after that the one who used to be my lover, too.
My sun will soon be shining brightly, my star will be bright above,
now that we’ve parted ways with one another, and I’ve found another one prettier and better than you.
I loved you so much, but it’s over now,
why is it over now: you aren’t the most beautiful person in the world either.

Ако ме не волиш

Не проговараш ни реч, само ветар фијуче,
пролазе сати и смркава се.
Причај, не држи ме у неизвесности,
све могу да поднесем.
Ако ме не волиш и ако одавно желиш да ме напустиш,
нећеш наћи прави тренутак да то признаш.
Ако ме не волиш, реци то као да причаш неком другом,
кажи микао да се шалиш,
као да су речи у књизи.
Све ће бити готово једним „збогом“,
ако ме не волиш.
Не проговараш ни реч, гледаш кроз прозор,
напољу киша тече као река.
Причај, изједа ме сумња,
стави тачку, повуци црту.
Ако ме не волиш и ако одавно желиш да ме напустиш,
нећеш наћи прави тренутак да то признаш.
Ако ме не волиш, реци то као да причаш неком другом,
кажи микао да се шалиш,
као да су речи у књизи.
Све ће бити готово једним „збогом“,
ако ме не волиш..

It's Not The Time

Don't you ever show coyness to me,
My heart gets tired of losing to you.
If my crime is loving you,
It's not a punishment to me if you pull a long face.
Today isn't mine,
It ends just like you.
Didn't you have a time at all?
You can't come now, it's not the time
Don't you ever show coyness to me,
My heart gets tired of losing to you.
If my crime is loving you,
It's not a punishment to me if you pull a long face.
Today isn't mine,
It ends just like you.
Didn't you have a time at all?
You can't come now, it's not the time

I've Fallen In Love With You

My strength is my weakness when I'm beside you
Being near you is only when I'm away
Black is my new white in between the colors of your soul
I only feel gravity in the dimensions of love
I feel that I've fallen in love with you
I'm weird, but with you
I'm not restrained and I'm not crazy
I lose myself because of your kisses
I don't submit to anyone, but with you
My ego flees and gets lost forever
My mind is gone
My love is gone
I've fallen in love with you
I'm not on the ground anymore
I'm defenseless
I've fallen in love with you
My love is travelling through
the way
to the skies of your love
Unavailable, but with you
A dangerous point of emotion
In your strong arms
I find love
I've fallen in love with you
I'm not on the ground anymore
I'm defenseless
I've fallen in love with you
My love is travelling through
the way
to the skies of your love


Feathers came for me to go somewhere
Darkness disappeared in my eyes slowly
My thoughts are yearning to see you..
Where my dreams are coming out or not,
Pain gathered and pinching me inside
My pleasure increases as I search you..
Crossing you and going
For some days and some distance
Even for some time, can I do it?
Searching for you
this yearning, this route
this journey, this life, all these happened?
Where my dreams are coming out or not,
Pain gathered and pinching me inside
My pleasure increases as I search you..
O river, should not the shore search for your whereabout?
O moon, should not the clouds search for your whereabout?
Who will know the cuckoo's song pulsating in a rainy night?
He knows about the dreams of many who lies in the bed's lap
O beauty, where are you?
If it pains, O love, you are there
O life, what are you doing to me?
You're coming and going inside my life
O love, where is my heart?
Inside a flower, above the moon
Below the fire, in the open air, it's not there..
In your eyes, in your breath
in your night, in your heart
in your hand, in your life it is there..
I turned myself to a burden to myself and carried the burden
I turned as shadow for you and I came searching for you
During the time when the eyes gets drenched, the eye lids won't move away
Before the heart beats, my life won't separate
The world is becoming like a dot, my heart is floating and moving
A flower is sprouted in my life, pleasure and pain is going out of the boundary
Feathers came for me to go somewhere
Darkness disappeared in my eyes slowly
My thoughts are yearning to see you..
One eye lid gets drowned in honey
only the other eye lid getting disappointed in the way
in between, how is it going to dream?
Crossing you and going
For some days and some distance
Even for some time, can I do it?
Searching for you
this yearning, this route
this journey, this life, all these happened?

Every time

Every time that the world is over
You should hold my hand tightly
You should walk next to me in the debris
You should look at me with your eyes closed
Every time that the world is over
When I cry I want you to smile at me
And every song that I have loved
You should sing it in my ear
And when the world will be over again
Kiss me like it's the first time
And in your warm hug
Maybe the world will start again
Every time that the world is over
You should keep me outside the water
In the cold and wild wave
Of the foreign lands,so I won't get wet
Every time that the world is over
When I cry I want you to smile at me
And every song that I have loved
You should sing it in my ear
And when the world will be over again
Kiss me like it's the first time
And in your warm hug
Maybe the world will start again
Every time that the world is over
When I cry I want you to smile at me
And every song that I have loved
You should sing it in my ear
And when the world will be over again
Kiss me like it's the first time
And in your warm hug
Maybe the world will start again