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Број резултата: 9


Legenda mesečine

Žao mi je što nisam iskrena prema tebi
jer samo u snovima ti mogu reći
Izgubiću svoj tok misli svakog trenutka
Želim da te vidim upravo sad
Osećam se kao da ću zaplakati pod mesečinom
i ne mogu ni da te okrenem ― ponoć je
Ali ja sam tako naivna, šta mi je da radim
Moje srce je poput kaleidoskopa
Dok nas svetlost meseca vodi
suđeno nam je da se beskonačno srećemo
Brojeći svetlucanja zvezda predviđam mesto moje ljubavi
Rođeni smo na istoj zemlji pod istim nebom ― ovo je čudesna romansa
Još jednom smo samo ti i ja zajedno na vikend
Dragi Bože, molim te nam daj srećan kraj
U sadašnjosti, prošlosti i zauvek u budućnosti
za tobom ću biti luda
Od onog puta kada smo se sreli
osećanja i kako si me pogledao očima neću nikad zaboraviti
Iz bezbrojnih zvezda ti si taj koga sam našla
Pretvarajući slučajnosti u šanse, volim takav način življenja
Dok nam se bajno čudo približava
suđeno nam je da se beskonačno srećemo
Brojeći svetlucanja zvezda predviđam mesto moje ljubavi
Rođeni smo na istoj zemlji pod istim nebom ― ovo je čudesna romansa
Verujem u našu čudesnu romansu

Power of Eternity

Versions: #1
Her hair is blazing up to the sky, *
like a fire.
Her body is bending ignited in the storm,
like a flame.
Her power is like jinxed and hard to believe.
She threw away love to only face evil from now on.
I don't understand what you make out of love,
what will you do once you awake from that dream?
But only you will persist in the fight,
no matter how hard it is!
You've got the power and believe **
that only love can prevail
over evil with all its power,
over the darkness of the world.
You've got the power - with every hit ***
you'll be fighting mercilessly
against the forces and the badness within us...
Trust stands against might
like a rock.
And every lie is blown away
like by a storm.
Even the ice melts because of the clarity of this force.
Flaring flames
will soon be smothered by the truth!
You've got the power of eternity,
you're not afraid of the darkness.
Against the forces in the darkness of the world -
eternal guardian in the light!
You've got the power and believe
that only love can prevail
over evil with all its power,
over the darkness of the world.
You've got the power - with every hit
you'll be fighting mercilessly
against the forces and the badness of the world!

Fight Sailor Moon

Come, you have the power of magic.
Fly through space and time, feel the energy.
You're defeating evil and darkness,
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Sailor Moon
Come, you have the power of magic.
Fly through space and time, feel the energy.
You're defeating evil and darkness,
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Sailor soldiers are friends for all time,
are unbeatable in the fight for justice.
Defeat the demon, use the magic power!
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Sailor Moon
Moonstone fly and win!
The demon is defeated!
Come, you have the power of magic.
Fly through space and time, feel the energy.
You're defeating evil and darkness,
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Fight, Sailor Moon!
Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
A girl like no other,
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Towards adventure she takes us away.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
She will defend our Earth,
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Against the wicked of the Universe.
Nothing will ever stop him,
Of all the dangers she laughs.
And with her friends,
She leads the great fight of our time.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Your courage your strength and your glory,
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Will win you to victory!