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Број резултата: 6


If you guys need me

As days go by, only hours are taken into account
Time drags into eternity and I procrastinate
Because I carry the whole weight myself
But how light and sweet the taste of pleasure is
No obligation to give rest to the lungs
Fly on the wings of imagination,without resignation
Without explanation, deaf to any contrition
Lives of others full of trouble
Walls and barriers, long misunderstandings
I'd rather slow down and feel another rhythm
I let the rain pass and the solstice arrive
Fly on the wings of imagination, without resignation
Without complication I find the solution
Slowly I make the best decision that I can
With determination I deafen to the force of pressure
If you need me I'll be long gone
Currents are taking me
Swaying in the waves
In reverie lies the notion and inspiration to untie the plot
Don't condemn me if my path
Doesn't cross with yours nor has the same destination
I find the solution , without complications
Slowly I make the best decision that I can
With determination I deafen to the force of pressure
If you guys need me I'll be long gone
Currents are taking me
Swaying in the waves ,swaying in the waves

Come to Ruin My Plans

Ah, it lacks me the longing and jealousy
I've already had enough of quiet evenings
I want to go out dancing
I know where I am going
It's the best way
I leave nothing randomly
Please, come to change my pace
I have a routine
For every single day
This has to last many years
Please, come to ruin my plans
Take all the books out of the right order
Leave the window of the bedroom open
Make me forget that I am going to work tomorrow
Ah, It lacks me the longing and jealousy
I’ve already had enough of quiet evenings
I want to go out dancing
Ah, It lacks me the longing and the jealousy
I’ve had enough of quiet evenings
Silly afternoons, mechanical mornings
I want to go out dancing
I have a routine
For every single day
This has to last many years
Please, come to ruin my plans

Stand-in for your heart (singable rhyming translation)

Versions: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11
Shóuld thé óthěrs ásk whăt běcámě ŏf mé
Sáy thăt ĭ líve fŏr yŏur lóve
Yóu cămě ălóng, yóu jŭst cŭt ín
Whĭlě lífe wăs fŏr mé wěarĭng óff
Ládý, hárkěn tŏ mў práyěrs
Í wĭsh thăt yŏu cáme báck, măybě yóu cŏuld tăkě mě báck
Lóve ís ă gámě ŏf twŏ hálvěs tŏgéthěr
ănd máybě yŏu cŏuld júst stărt óff ăgáin whěrě yŏu lěft óff
Ládý, hárkěn tŏ mў práyěrs
Í wĭsh thăt yŏu cáme báck, măybě yóu cŏuld tăkě mě báck
Lóve ís ă gámě ŏf twŏ hálvěs tŏgéthěr
ănd máybě yŏu cŏuld júst stărt óff ăgáin whěrě yŏu lěft óff
Shŏuld yóur cŏncěrned héart néithěr wánt tŏ búdge
Nór wánt fŏr ă dárt, nŏr ěndúre ă smúdge,
Wíth nŏ děcísiŏn běing máde ŏn yóur běhálf,
Thěn mý brŏkěn héart wíll stănd ĭn fór yóur hálf
Whereas a translation is presented as 'singable', it's by no means intended to be a literal version of the lyrics in another language. It just aspires to be a rhythmical, sometimes also rhyming, rendition of the text, so that different words can be sung along to the music, keeping the original meaning as much as the syllable count makes it possible .