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Број резултата: 23
Људи са Ибице
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Саплитао сам се горе-доле
Свуда од града до града
Упознавао људе сваке врсте
Неки су били добри или неки лоши
Неки су били срећни, други тужни
Никад не знаш кога ћеш наћи
Живети као скитница
Као шпански лобо
Ибица ми је још увек у мислима
Сваки дан различита места
Сваки пут на другачији начин
Да изаберете да будете на слободи
Никада нисам срео људе попут мојих пријатеља из Земље чуда
Тако луд бенд као моји пријатељи из Земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибизе
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда
Саплитао сам се горе-доле
Свуда од града до града
Упознавао људе сваке врсте
Неки су били добри или неки лоши
Неки су били срећни, други тужни
Никад не знаш кога ћеш наћи
Никада нисам срео људе попут мојих пријатеља из Земље чуда
Тако луд бенд као моји пријатељи из Земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда (плешу на песку)
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда (плешу на песку)
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
О људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući
Ne izvinjavaj se ako si me ikada voleoNa kraju krajeva, prošli smo kroz to
I nikada nisam zažalio zbog lepog susreta
kada sam te prvi put video
Jednom sam mislio da ću ti biti romantična ljubavna priča
Jedina konstanta zauvek
Spreman sam da podnesem rezultat takve pobede ili poraza
Još uvek ne žalim
Radujem se vašem izgledu
Sumrak je
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Ne izvinjavaj se ako si me ikada voleo
Na kraju krajeva, prošli smo kroz to
I nikada nisam zažalio zbog lepog susreta
kada sam te prvi put video
Jednom sam mislio da ću ti biti romantična ljubavna priča
Jedina konstanta zauvek
Spreman sam da podnesem rezultat takve pobede ili poraza
Još uvek ne žalim
Radujem se vašem izgledu
Sumrak je
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Prince of the Seas
I go out everyday at sunsetWith hopes of seeing you
Running on the sand
Of this beach
I hear the music in the ocean
Seagulls flying in pairs
But you don't even look at it
You work out
And how much, how much water
I imagine
You and I holding hands
And you whispering in my ear
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Please do
Boats sail on in the horizon
And so sails my heart
Carrying this secret and my desire
I look for your eyes
I wanted to kiss you
But shyness kept my kiss
And how much, how much water
Every night
I see in my room
You coming and calling me, sweetly
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Nobody knows
The prince of the seas took me away
In his aqualove dreams
And we escaped
Atlantic love affairs of a summer
And the sirens sing about us
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only (come)
Come to me, to me only
Please do
Dance with me now
O my heart .. babyYou stole my heart away
O baby .. You’re my love
Dance with me now
She don’t have to be up in the spotlight
And she never needed nobody else
Type of girl that will give you a good life
Acting like a shy girl but I can tell
Stimulate my mind when she play around
Shordy is a fine one it’s clear to me
Show me what you got when i come around
And When i come around
Let your body speak
You’re the only one I want you know
So come on put your loving on me
And let me see you
Wine up on Me ya wine up on Me ya
A feeling I've never felt before except when your heart snatched me
When you're near me, I see myself the most beautiful girl in universe
O my heart .. baby
You stole my heart away
O baby .. You’re my love
Dance with me now dance with me now
O my heart .. baby
You stole my heart away
O baby
Dance with me now dance with me now
ohh oh oh ohh
Dance with me now dance with me now
ohh oh oh ohh
Dance with me now dance with me now
He says
Versions: #1Late at night, who is still
keeping you awake counting scars
Why keep a light on before going to sleep
If you refuse to answer, I won't ask
But now you have to admit
That sometimes love is a deep void
While disappointment may come from the relationship itself
But don't blame it on being a woman
If the love is deep, can't keep a balance
Stuck in love and torture the soul
Should love then love, should hate then hate
Got to keep some for yourself
A lady's unique naiveness and her natural sweetness
should be left to someone that truly loves you
No matter how tough and treacherous the future is
he will be there accompanying you
Although love is a kind of responsibility
When you give you give unconditionally
Sometimes love is beautiful because it can't be eternal
However much love can ravish, it can hurt that much as well
If you're brave enough to love, then you need to be brave enough to split
Ljubav će pobijediti
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećešSigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav pobijediti....
Kada sam pored tebe
Da je ova ljubav vječna
Sekunde će biti
Dragocjene možda,
Jer se svijet neprestano mijenja
Predala sam se tvojim poljubcima
Vratiću se u tvoj zagrljaj
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam daće ljubav pobijediti
Sanjam te,
U mojim danima si,
Uvijek razmišljam o tebi
Ući ćeš u moj život
Bićeš prvi
Koga ću slijepo pratiti
Predala sam se tvojim poljubcima
Vratiću se u tvoj zagrljaj
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav....pobijediti
Neće propasti
Dao si mi svoju ljubav,
Kao najljepši poklon(najljepši poklon)
Grliš me(grliš me)
Ostalo je još dosta
Ali ljubav koju mi pružaš će nas voditi(vodiće nas)
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav pobijediti
Znam da je put naporan,
Sigurno će naša vjernost morati da prođe još testova
Sa tobom je lijepo koračati
I Just Need To Be
I don't need to teachI don't need to preach
I don't need to explain myself
I am not here to set an example
Or looking for a cuddle
I don't need to stand my ground
Not even persuade you
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I don't need to exaggerate
To prove to you that it isn't a scene
I don't need to open my legs
To show you that I'm worth it
I don't need much money
Nor am I being held hostage by my mirror
I am not looking for attention
Nor your approval
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be
Just need to be, just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be
To Put Mylsef Back Together
You know, loveI went with no corners towards you
Voiceless, rudderless, all heart
I don't even know where we get ourselves lost
Or where we hide from our good
In The Dark
Full moon turns into waning moonThe sweat has dried up
Your smell doesn't come out of my skin
The kiss has evaporated
Your marks in me are gone
And I don't want it like this
I just want all of you
In the clear and in the dark
We just fit together in the dark
I see you in the dark
Give me back the tightness of the embrace
That set me free
You give it back to me and I fit
Into your tone
I want to live in that endless time
I just want it like this
I just want all of you
In the clear and in the dark
We just fit together in the dark
I see you in the dark
Everyday I am transported
To my messy bed
That deconfigured me
And then fixed me
In the clear and in the dark
We just fit together in the dark
I see you in the dark
I see you in the dark
The Fragrance of Roses
*,#Flower is only fragrant with loveAfter loving it'll be reminiscent
Fish is addicted to the joy with water
It isn't clear who can forgive
*Blessed is also hurt
Happiness can cause blindness too
Losing all of one's conscience
To fulfil the desire
*The fragrance of roses in the endless night
The one who thinks is different
#Flower is only fragrant with love
After blooming it's still fragrant
With greedy desire
The one who's waked up does not know where to go
Repeat* ,#
Versions: #2How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
I don't want to rewrite our story lines
'Cause if they weren't crooked we wouldn't have met
I don't want to rediscover my truth
If it appears to be so much mine when it's ours
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
Don't let me fill with emptiness
The place that's only yours
Don't fall for another fellow
If you've already made your Home here with me
Full Stop
Keep dead quiet as if you had nothing to sayFor I fell in love with what I made up about you
I even grew to dig your face
But I'm fighting to rebury it1
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
You live through your body and for the mirror, thinking it's normal
Percent body fat and percent neurons in proportion
The fault is less yours than mine
I was just so foolish I jumped the gun and fell [for you]
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
(He rides waves but leaves no footprints)
(Cute guy but ain't got a thing in his head)
(Asks for champagne with sparklers at the club)
(Better off alone than in bad company)
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
- 1. literally: I even took off with your face (I even grew to like your face)/But I'm fighting to give it back
When You Pass By
This lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub inside meThat goes ba-dum, ba-dum when you pass by
My eyes learn every movement by heart
Even your smile makes me awkward
If only I could capture you
Take over your feelings
Control your steps
Read your agenda and mind
But my fragile heart
Beats faster and faster
And goes ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum-dum
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
Leave your mark on my day-to-day
On this mix of pleasure and agony
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I miss that peace
That I found in your smile
Whatever this is between us
Has been growing bit by bit
And won't leave us alone anymore
It'll make us go crazy
This lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub inside me
That goes ba-dum, ba-dum when you pass by
My eyes learn every movement by heart
Even your smile makes me awkward
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I miss that peace
That I found in your smile
Whatever this is between us
Has been growing bit by bit
And won't leave us alone anymore
It'll make us go crazy
Whether it's love, I can't say
I just know that without you I stopped breathing
And it's your arrival
That makes this lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub come torment me
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
Leave your mark on my day-to-day
On this mix of pleasure and agony
I give up on trying to get it
It's a sign that we're alive
There's no logic on the books
To this love that'll keep on growing
And who'll be able to predict
An unpredictable love story1
With a ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum-dum
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I just miss that lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub-dub
- 1. romance: literally novel or romance
Today I woke up in no rushI left the window open
And life so replete with dawn
Today I could see from up close
That an open heart
Makes it easier for everything to happen
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
Today I threw myself from the clouds
I dusted off, scraped off the rust
I saw that the sun shines brighter when we're feeling well
Flights can soar higher
Words can be more beautiful
Today I'll scream louder, how lucky we are
To be happy and not hostage
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
Paraparapaparah (8x)
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
How lucky we are to be happy with no one else
The Conspiracy Song [Kidnap The Sandy Claws]
[Lock, Shock and Barrel] [1]Shall we snatch the Nicki-Horror?
I want to snatch him
Figure it out!
Jack wants us for this wickedness.
All three of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Three small devils, like fire and brimstone. Wiii!
La LaLalalala La Lalala La LaLalalala lalalalala [2]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
finish him off!
If you have him once,
It's all over for him!
Even one trap would be decent,
What could be even better?
Just one decoy is still missing
And then, one-two-three and he falls in!
Stop! I have a better plan
For this red lobster man.
We initially cook him once
In a pan and he'll be cooked soon!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
You imprison him right away!
Never again let him out,
That would be really fine!
Mr. Oogie Boogie Man,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
If everything takes over, then
He will be happy, and soon
He will cook the living daylights out of him! Uiiiii!
What we need is a tremendous
and then: knock, knock, knock,
And when he comes out: There will be no more Nicki-Horror!
No you blockhead, think about it, will you? We are way too smart for something like that!
If Nicki is in pieces, then Jack will certainly beat the living daylights out of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Snatch Nicki Horror,
Thrust him into a sack!
Throw him into the blue sea
Till doomsday!
[Lock, Shock]
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the worst thing in the world,
And if he were to chase after me, I'll beat a hasty retreat.
He's going to be so happy,
That he'll reward us, perhaps.
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Perhaps he will also cook his Snake-Spider-Stew for us.
We are his helpers and we are also proud of that.
We are always at his service, there is a reward for that. [3]
The partners that I have are dumb!
I'm not dumb!
Stay silent, will you!
Pipe down!
Why don't you!
I know something. Listen to me,
Because this plan is damn fine.
Let's set a trap in the form of a gift box
in front of his door.
We will wait inside the chest,
Until he nearly bursts with envy,
finally opening it,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Destiny will then take its course!
Snatch Nicki-Horror, stuff him into a hole,
Nicki would have almost run away, now we have him, don't we!?
Snatch Nicki-Horror, lock him in a barrel.
Mr. Oogie Boogie is certainly having his fun!
Snatch Nicki-Horror so that he becomes frightened.
Lock him in the cage, throw the key awaaaaay!
The Star That Shines The Most
Oh, how hard it isTo have to leave and let you go
To hug you and resist
To say farewell and say our goodbyes
It's impossible
To let you go without suffering
I have to smile so I don't cry
Because your love will guide me
Throughout my whole path
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
A love like this
Will survive no matter where
If we look at the same moon
While you're thinking of me
I will feel you touching
Everything that exists between us
Love is the solution
To keep the sorrow away
Until I return
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
When I return, my heart
Will then breathe when it touches yours
It'll stay like this forever
Like this forever...
Oh, you're the one I'll be with, uh
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
I'll always be, I'll always be
The star that shines the most
I'll always be, I'll always be
The star that shines the most
The star that shines the most, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sinta-se à vontade para repostar minhas traduções ou pedir que eu traduza algo através do meu email fgmeirelles@hotmail.com. Tenho experiência traduzindo diversas formas de mídia além de músicas, como vídeos, documentos, matérias, entrevistas e muito mais. Só não se esqueça de me dar créditos colocando meu nome como tradutora!
Feel free to repost my translations or to request a translation by emailing me at fgmeirelles@hotmail.com. I have experience translating various forms of media other than songs, like videos, documents, articles, interviews and a lot more. Just don't forget to give me credit by including my name as a translator!