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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 119


Био сам глуп

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Да ли се сећаш како сам те тражио?
Како сам се пењао на зидине твог утврђеног града?
Да ли ме се сећаш као побожног?
Како сам се молио за тебе?
Ја сам само стајао мирно,
љубав попут наше никада се не поправља.
Остајао сам,
понашао сам се како треба,
сваки пут бих те спасао.
Био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп, био сам глуп.
Онда си ме окривила, и блокирала ме,
колико дуго си мислила да ћу трајати?
Онда си нестала и дурила се седмицама
Колико пута се могу спаковати?
Али ја сам само стајао мирно
(то је све што сам радио),
љубав попут наше никада се не поправља
(никада се не поправља).
И даље сам остајао,
понашао сам се како треба,
сваки пут бих те спасао.
Био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп, (глуп за љубав)
био сам глуп (глуп за љубав).
Ако си забринута да сам се можда променио,
оставио иза себе све моје глупости,
боље да потражиш неког другог,
без глупог срца,
глупог срца.
Али ми смо само стајали мирно
(то је све што смо радили),
љубав попут наше никада се не поправља
(никада се не поправља).
Остајао сам,
понашао сам се како треба,
сваки пут бих те спасао.
Био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп за љубав,
био сам глуп, (глуп за љубав)
био сам глуп (глуп за љубав).
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Хоће ли макар једна звезда имати милости

Хоће ли макар једна звезда имати милости
за једну невину жену?
Не, јер све је окрутност.
Ко ће ми дозволити да још једном видим
моју љубав пре него што умре?
Не, нема сажаљења за мене.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Ухваћени смо у тамним ноћима, у тишини
Давимо се у дубоком крају
Зовемо небо
Превише пута
Као што руже могу расти испод бетона
Препливала бих сто окана
Никада не ходаш сам
Ја ћу бити тамо
Нико се неће осећати сам
Загрљени смо овим добрим светом
Изнад оног што буди страх
Ја чекам на тебе
И јесам
Молим те чуј мој глас
Ноћ замени за дан
Ја чекам
За тебе вреди, то знам
Сада пловимо у будућност
Имамо у себи милост
Што руши зид горких речи
Шта ће бити?
Да ли је још важно?
Правда ће нас пронаћи
И одвести тамо, где није више
Када ти је срце претешко да би се држао
И не можеш да пронађеш речи да ми кажеш
Претрчала бих сваки километар између нас
Само да знаш неко чека
Неко те чека
Ја чекам
Ја чекам тебе
Ја чекам
Неко те чека
Ја чекам
Време пролази, не бој се
Ипак, знам
Проћи ће оно што је лоше
Једном, неко као ми
Рекао ми је
Да је све могуће
(Ооооо... ооооо...)
Молим те чуј мој глас
Ноћ замени за дан
Ја чекам
За тебе вреди, то знам
Неко те чека


Heart breaks, because on the other side
Someone has to fight for their home, for their lives
Why would one man have a desire to destroy everything?
Why the whole world has to fear about future?
Our whole heart is with You
We're uniting
We won't let them tear your borders
This horror on the other side of the border lasts already few days
Let the world know what one man is capable of doing
War isn't something you chose, war is chosen by him
Who's hidden in him bunker with blood on his hands
People die, including kids
Who lose their fathers, mothers and the meaning of their lives
Give those people some rest
Go back, leave, let them live
Ukraine, we won't leave you
Because your fight today isn't only yours
Together we protect our safety
Which this historic scoffer want to steal from us
Me and many other young, we don't want to live in this war
And so, you'll never kill our will to fight
I wouldn't mind the end of the would but not this war
Putin, go away, let the world be peacefull again
People die, including kids
Who lose their fathers, mothers and the meaning of their lives
Give those people some rest
Go back, leave, let them live

Bring a Pen to Circle

Let's play the game of falling in love, let's start
It's a question that is still questionable
That you would never tell and I can't see
Can you answer me, what's on your mind with me?
That you would never tell and I can't guess
What kind of damage? What is enough to satisfy you?
I secretly want to know, does it match with me?
What is it? Don't make me doubt it for too long
Can you give me an answer?
What part of me do you like? Bring a pen to circle
I like you like this, the way you are, every part
I like that you are kind, cuddly and like to take care of everything
But if I have to choose one, I wouldn't choose
Let me circled you whole body
I like everything about you
Please let me know, can you give me spoilers?
What is you watching?
It's halfway through the song and I still don't know
Is the bangs, the hair color or the smell of the shampoo?
Or the smile, the look in my eyes that you're looking at
I can't guess if you never tell
What kind of damage? What is enough to satisfy you?
I secretly want to know, does it match with me?
What is it? Don't make me doubt it for too long
Can you give me an answer?
What part of me do you like? Bring a pen to circle
I like you like this, the way you are, every part
I like that you are kind, cuddly and like to take care of everything
But if I have to choose one, I wouldn't choose
Let me circled you whole body
What part of me do you like? Bring a pen to circle
I like you like this, the way you are, every part
I like that you are kind, cuddly and like to take care of everything
But if I have to choose one, I wouldn't choose
Let me circled you whole body

Драга Мариам

Ој мој црвено-бели цвете, кад долазиш?
Ој љубичице, ја сам лист врбе, кад дођеш?
Рекао си 'кад цвеће изађе, доћи ћу'
Ајме, цвеће света, па кад дођеш?
Драга Мариам, отвори очи, позови ме.
Зора је, сунце сија.
Време је да идемо на терен.
Ој душо, Мариам.
Драга Мариам, отвори очи, позови ме,
Прошетајмо и изађемо из куће, раме уз раме, у спомен на те дане.
Ој душо, Мариам.
Опет је јутро, али још увек сам будан,
Волео бих да сам спавао и сањао те.
Грозд туге никнуо је у мом срцу,
Моје срце не зна како да се носи са овом тугом,
Ој душо, Мариам.
Дођи, време је за жетву, ти припадаш мени, не остављај ме.
Хајдемо на посао и жањемо жито,
Ој душо, Мариам, дођи, дођи.
Ој Мариам, ој душо, Мариам.

Arrived so late

My love arrived so late
And my chant fell asleep
The thistles didn't give the sign
And the wood didn't crack
But what a cute house
It was dressed up with portraits
But the history that was written
It can't be removed
My love arrived so late
With pieces of cotton
Had sand in the hair
And another light in the heart
Our history was good
I'll watch her while she sleeps
That love will never believe
That you threw it out like this
My love
I must let you leave
If you don't burn for me any more
If the heart wants like this
I must let you move on
Go that I need to cry alone
And in every step you make
I get closer to myself
It was madness, it was courage
It was sadness and it was beauty
All that made me love you
I will keep it without grief
I'll stand strong in the misfortune
Like many times I did
That love will never believe
That now it can't be happy
My love
I must let you leave
If you don't burn for me any more
If the heart wants like this
I must let you move on
Go that I need to cry alone
And in every step you make
I get closer to myself
Go that I need to cry alone
And in every step you make
I get closer to myself


[Verse 1]
I'm out of control
I have a problem, and the sleepless dawns know it
The night is calling me
It's sick. there are no limits
I'm going wild like I need training
A real bitch, with nails and hair spot on
My state of mind has its own state of mind
Vicious and promiscuous, indomitable and crazy
I'm wild
Tame me, because I'm not calm
I make scenes like in movies
Oh, give me more adrenaline (w-wild)
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive
[Verse 2]
There's an unrest in me
I'm out of my mind, so don't annoy me, fuck off
Go away
Because the Scorpio in me is fuming
I'm going wild like I need training
A real bitch, with nails and hair spot on
My state of mind has its own state of mind
Vicious and promiscuous, indomitable and crazy
I'm wild
Tame me, because I'm not calm
I make scenes like in movies
Oh, give me more adrenaline (w-wild)
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive
[Bridge, Italian]
Oh you, immature and proud knight
surrender yourself humbly
in front of her indomitable soul
or you shall fall defeated
Proudly accept that
you do not possess her wild spirit
that cannot be reached at all
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive (W-wild)

Everything is Easier

You come and you tell me, I know what you'll say.
I know all of your verses, I've got used to them.
And how to continue the lyrics if you already know it.
Telling you is getting hard for me.
You come and you hug me as if it'd been a long time.
I know what you want just with a look.
If we were swallows we'd touch the sky,
and the wind would take us to where we always come back.
We know that everything is easier than the air you keep.
Everything goes away singing if I have you.
We know that we'll be the magic of the air that
suffocates the fear of the brave.
You go away and you take a little bit of me.
When we see each other again, I'll be able to tell you
that even if many days go by, we know we have each other
and despite the distance I always carry you within.
You go away and I keep a little bit of you.
No one gives me what you gift me.
We're to snowflakes inside this igloo
and I make this song for you.
We know that everything is easier than the air you keep.
Everything goes away singing if I have you.
We know that we'll be the magic of the air that
suffocates the fear of the brave.
We know that everything is easier than the air you keep.
Everything goes away singing if I have you.
We know that we'll be the magic of the air that
suffocates the fear of the brave.
We know that everything is easier than the air you keep.
Everything goes away singing if I have you.
We know that we'll be the magic of the air that
suffocates the fear of the brave.


Volela bih se vratiti unazad
Reći ti da ne izlaziš iz mojih misli
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Koliko god pokušavala trpeti, ne mogu
Sada samo se želim udaljiti
To su samo uspomene koje neću čuvati
Neću ih čuvati
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja


Čak mogu reći i stvari koje ne želim
Ali tebe čekam ovde
Čak i kada ostanem bez reči
Očekujem tvoj poziv
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Čak iako budemo imali neke nesuglasice
Neću zaboraviti ovde one trenutke
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati

Opposite direction

I don't know where I've been
But I know I got lost
Until I found myself
Back next to you
I carry luck on my back
I go on my own will and lose reason
If the road ends, I keep going
And change direction
If time is passing by
And everything has an end
I want to get there
With you by my side
Come, let's carry our home on our backs
I follow the will and you follow reason
If the plan fails, it's alright,
We keep going aimlessly
Come, let's carry our home on our backs
I give you the will, you give me the reason
If the map flies away, it's alright,
Lift your foot off the brake
We keep going in the opposite direction
We keep going in the opposite direction

That isn't green and ripe

It's been a while since the two of us were together
Yet when walking beside me, you always see silence
Show ignore face, every time I deliberately turn on the green light
You joke with my heart like that isn't fair
So you sure won't be shaken by me
A little rain splits on the porch and you still take me home despite a thunderstorm
Step by step, why you don't recognize
That the person you're in love is me
I know you love me!
Why don't you say it?
Why do you keep teasing me like that
You are so bad
I know I'm excessive
But in your heart is too cute
Love is a demon
Then I had an anti-love charm
Age 18 is still studying
I was also afraid of my mother hitting
Love is fool, so I'm scared
Waste time to mistake the rhombus
With parallelogram
Like throwing darts, just seeing you is heartless
I also think a lot, sometimes this is a mistake
When I see you sad from this time to others time
Again I play the villain, your life is a song
I'm the only bass note in the score
So you sure won't be shaken by me
A little rain splits on the porch and you still take me home despite a thunderstorm
Step by step, why you don't recognize
That the person you're in love is me
I know you love me!
Why don't you say it?
Why do you keep teasing me like that
You are so bad
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
You are a Buddhist or a Christian, but I keep seeing you indifferent
My bus hasn't missed the trip, but why do I keep seeing you ignore it
My love, his heart is very lonely
Hold my hand
We go home together
Then I love from here to old
Yet so many seasons passed
I kept silent and said nothing, the other story shouldn't be added because
I don't want us to be friends
Over time will probably stop
You will love someone else
Replace I'm with you, take you breakfast
Called lovers and the two of us are just friends!
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
So, so, that isn't
That isn't green and ripe
Causing miss you and then neglect
That isn't green and ripe
I'm angry!


How they made my life
So empty, without direction
Stuck on the screen, still living
Freedom awaits somewhere
This is all the same static
Frequencies that i don't understand
My life is just static
Frequencies that i don't understand
In the net, still living
Thousands circuits glow
Whole world on my eyes
There is no freedom
This is all the same static
Frequencies that i don't understand
My life is just static
Frequencies that i don't understand
Life is just static
Decisions that we regret
Thousand stories of the sad ones
Cruelties that can't be understood
I don't understand

The counterfeit coin

He crossed his arms, to not kill her
He closed his eyes, to not cry
He feared to be weak, and forgive her
And opened the door wide.
Go away bad woman, leave my side
Roll like a curse
May a divinity allow, that some Andalucian you love
Your lovings may he pay, may he pay your lovings
With bad betrayal.
Gypsy may you be
Like counterfeit1money,
That goes from hand to hand
And no one keeps it
That goes from hand to hand
And no one keeps it
He kissed the black fine earrings
That she left there when she left
And those braids, of blackthorne-like2hair
That in the past she cut for him
When she was leaving, he didn't try to look at her
Nor did he launch a groan nor told her goodbye
He left the door ajar and to not call after her
He dug his nails into his heart
Gypsy may you be
Like counterfeit money,
That goes from hand to hand
And no one keeps it
That goes from hand to hand
And no one keeps it
  • 1. the original says 'farsa' with 'r' 'cause stylistic reasons
  • 2. color

Sinoć na moju svadbu

Sinoc na moju svadbu
Na dojna, na dojna
Sve devojke su igrali,
Na dojna, na dojna
Ei, čežnja, čežnjice
Dodji u naručju pile
Samo jedna nije igrala,
Na dojna, na dojna
Plakao i krv prosutio
Na dojna, na dojna
Ei, čežnja, čežnjice
Dodji u naručju pile
Zato što moji dragi naljutio se
Na dojna, na dojna
I mene ostavio
Na dojna, na dojna
Ei, čežnja, čežnjice
Dodji u naručju pile
Ei, čežnja, čežnjice
Dodji u naručju da te poljubim