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Број резултата: 4



Volela bih se vratiti unazad
Reći ti da ne izlaziš iz mojih misli
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Koliko god pokušavala trpeti, ne mogu
Sada samo se želim udaljiti
To su samo uspomene koje neću čuvati
Neću ih čuvati
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja


Čak mogu reći i stvari koje ne želim
Ali tebe čekam ovde
Čak i kada ostanem bez reči
Očekujem tvoj poziv
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Čak iako budemo imali neke nesuglasice
Neću zaboraviti ovde one trenutke
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati


I wish I could go back in time
To say you never leave my thoughts
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I wish I could feel the same in your eyes
And say you're still a part of my dreams
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
I wish I could feel the same in your eyes
And say you're still a part of my dreams
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
As much as I try to stand it I can't do it anymore
Now I just want to distance myself
Those are only memories I won't keep
I won't keep
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore

I'm going to stay

I can even say things think I won't
But it's you I'm waiting for here
Even when I'm not saying anything
I look forward to a call from you
Even though the world
Turn against us
I'll never stop
Hearing your voice
I don't know if you're gonna stay
I'm gonna say
That without you I'm not gonna stand
No (no)
Even when we have some setbacks
I don't forget those moments here
Even though the world
Turn against us
I'll never stop
Hearing your voice
I don't know if you're gonna stay
I'm gonna say
That without you I'm not gonna stand
No (no)
I don't know if you're gonna stay
I'm gonna say
That without you I'm not gonna stand
No (no)
I'm going to stay
I don't know if you're gonna stay
I'm gonna say
That without you I'm not gonna stand