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Број резултата: 13


Birds have returned

Birds have returned,
Fish to their sea,
the swallow to a small nest,
and I have noone to take me
into her own hands ...because you don't want me.
The stars are blinking again,
The sun is walking through the sky,
Everyone rejoices in happiness
and it seems to bother me.
For me I know there is no
peaceful harbour .. without you.
Know that I will grow old alone,
Because your heart doesn' t want me,
I don't need another day to live,
Because without you there is no happiness.
Just hold me in your arms,
For the soul to return into the body,
How much I need you tonight
You will not know my love.


Before you, know
I never knew how to love
I hid my soul from love
Daring to look in the eyes
Them which I didn't love
Before you, know
I never cared
When they come and when they leave
Like when you drop all down the water
It meant nothing
But the days come, when feeds the soul
One smile, one warm word
Well, where were you, all this time
I thought that it was late already
For love, and then you came to me
My love, I want to stay with you
Change me, just love me
Let it be all by your own
Where you are, there I am
There is home to my soul
Before you, know
I never cared
When they come and when they leave
Like when you drop all down the water
It meant nothing
But the days come, when feeds the soul
One smile, one warm word
Well, where were you, all this time
I thought that it was late already
For love, and then you came to me
My love, I want to stay with you
Change me, just love me
Let it be all by your own
Where you are, there I am
There is home to my soul
Love, and then you came to me
My love, I want to stay with you
Change me, just love me
Let it be all by your own
Where you are, there I am
There is home to my soul
Home to my soul
Let it be all by your own
Change me, just love me
Let it be all by your own
Where you are, there I am
There is home to my soul
Home to my soul...
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

The City

Is the hand of the alien enough
To paint the lie
To everyone
What am I to you
You drowned in the water
Is the word enough
My master is
To everyone
What am I to you
You burnt and disappeared in the fire
Don’t leave me now,
Because it is not a worthy city,
Don’t you dare say “no” to me,
Because I am not young anymore



I should have known beforehand
Before you came
With the sweet turmoil of my life
This will bring me
I should have known beforehand
Before you went away
This will be a piece of me
You take this away from me selfishly
Only the trails of the past remain
Hope gets silent
Memories remind me of you
Ref. 2x
Time heals the wounds you opened
Now I know that the love is writing lyrics
With or without you
I should have known beforehand
Before I lost everything
My heart is not hard
Neither the love
Only the trails of the love remain
It just hurts
The heart that you broke

Watch Your Heart

It isn’t possible to say that it is whole
Maybe I told it too much,
Because it isn’t love, is it,
Created for all the people,
Love isn’t for you and me
It isn’t possibe that we said no,
Because you love someone,
And one always takes all,
Because it isn’t love, is it,
Created for all the people,
Love isn’t for you and me
Keep your heart to someone else
It has been mine for a long time
It is over for the other one
Keep your heart for better times
Because this destiny
Is what love gives to you


Be at hand

Sometimes I furtively create you out of thoughts
so others don't see.
I don't know if it has ever been worse
it's harder with each day.
I take back all your words
because that's the only thing that cures me.
You have no idea, cause I miss you so!
Don't let the time take you away from me!
Come even closer here in my heart...
When the pain starts tonight too without sense,
be here, always at hand
I still promise myself that it'll be better
maybe sometime you'll come back,
in the dark I hug your pillow
because it smells like you.
I take back all your words
because that's the only thing that still cures me.
You have no idea, how I miss you so!
Don't let the time take you away from me!
Come even closer here in my heart...
When the pain starts tonight too without sense,
be here...
Be here...
Don't let the time take you away from me!
Come even closer here in my heart...
When the pain starts tonight too without sense,
be here, always at hand
Be here, cause I miss you so

If you were here

Alone, you're already used to it.
Alone, I'm gone for days.
Who knows where are you sleeping at?
Who knows who are with now?
Love, is love just a pain?
Nobody has thought me.
Now that you're gone,
it's like I have nothing.
I'm gonna pull you out of my heart,
catch the root of the pain,
just to get over you.
If you were here,
one life wouldn't stop, we could do everything
to save this love, we would try everything.
I can fix all in a day.
If you were here
to knock before the sunrise, to wipe away
every new wrinkle, to calm me down,
In your bosom ti heal.
Love, is love just a pain?
Nobody has thought me.
Now that you're gone,
it's like I have nothing
I'm gonna pull you out of my heart,
catch the root of the pain,
just to get over you.
If you were here,
one life wouldn't stop, we could do everything
to save this love, we would try everything.
I can fix all in a day.

Da barem odeš

Ne vjeruj mi ni jednu riječ
lako ću ti lagati
uzalud pitaš jesam li bio s njom
to već svatko zna
Budi barem malo ponosna
kad već nisam ja
Još mi ruke mirišu na nju
dlanovi se znoje
gledaš me s toliko ljubavi
dok se laži broje
Vidiš da te nisam vrijean
lažem tvojim očima
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratim njoj
da te lažno ljubim
jer i njoj sam lagao da te nisam dugo vidio
Ne vjerujem ni jednu riječ
lagat ćeš mi lako
uzalud pitam jesi li bio s njom
to već svatko zna
U meni više nema ponosa
lažem da sam jedina
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratiš njoj
da me lažno ljubim
jer i njoj si lagao da me nisi dugo vidio
I opet ću kupiti (kupit ćeš) sve, kod tebe (mene) i nje
vješto ću lažima sakriti istinu
ali netko je ugrijao ovo srce, zar ne
ali to neće potrajati
Da barem odeš
Da barem odem
da te grupo otjeram
da barem odeš, da barem odeš
pa da joj se lakše vratiš
da barem odeš
da barem odeš
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratim njoj (vratiš)
da te lažno ljubim (me ljubiš)
jer i njoj si lagao da me nisi dugo vidio


Écoutes-tu mon âme, elle pleure comme une corde
tu n'es plus là, mais c'en était trop
vois-tu les yeux, ils pleurent comme la pluie
tu étais là, mais tu n'es plus là
Et les lettres que j'écris
elles n'ont pas une adresse
elles juste vont en cercle
et je les envoie à soi-même
Et parfois mes mains
commencent à écrire eux-mêmes
mais tout s'écroule encore
et disparaît dans un instant
Écoutes-tu mon âme, elle pleure comme une corde
tu n'es plus là, mais c'en était trop
vois-tu les yeux, ils pleurent comme la pluie
ils pleurent pour toi, parce que tu n'es plus là

Eyes never grow old

Hey, when we came to this world
I didn't know that you were being born for me
You, who would have thought that you,
out of thousand others, would hit me in the heart
That I would love only you?
Hey, I put everything in your hands,
everything I have, and I don't regret it
Know, you don't need a key for this soul
You don't need anything, because I gave you everything
You are the only one I want to grow old with
My song, fly to her tonight
Let her sleep calmly
Tell her, tell her that she is everything for me,
Tell her thank you!
When everything is gone, when life paints us gray hairs,
when wrinkles show up
You will stay forever young to my eyes
Because eyes never grow old

Eyes never grow old

Hey, when we came to this world
I didn't know that you were being born for me
You, who would have thought that you,
out of thousand others, would hit me in the heart
That I would love only you?
Hey, I put everything in your hands,
everything I have, and I don't regret it
Know, you don't need a key for this soul
You don't need anything, because I gave you everything
You are the only one I want to grow old with
My song, fly to her tonight
Let her sleep calmly
Tell her, tell her that she is everything for me,
Tell her thank you!
When everything is gone, when life paints us gray hairs,
when wrinkles show up
You will stay forever young to my eyes
Because eyes never grow old