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Број резултата: 88


Hajde, dodji samnom

Hajde, dodji samnom
I ja imam jednu od onih ludih ljubavi, koje se ne vežu lancima
U ljutim pustinjama, iz neobičnih magičnih snova
Od neobuzdanih emocija, koje se ne nose tako lako
Ima jedno jako srce, veće od punih laži
Hajde dodji samnom, da sjedimo na zvijezdama
Da gledamo našu generaciju 7
Tamo se ljubavnici brinu jedno o drugome
Jednoga dana stići će do nas oboje
Da ponovo dopre do vatrenog srca
Jednu po jednu zvijezdu ću upaliti
Svojom ljubavlju zagrlićemo sunce na nebu
Plave plave nosiću krune

Istrošićemo se

Ne mogu niti sa tobom niti bez tebe
Šteta, ne može se živeti bespomoćan
Nemoguće je da budemo zajedno ali
i rastavljeni bez razloga
Naša želja je bila da budemo srećni,
sa našim snovima i nadama
Nisi kriv ni ti a nisam ni ja
Sada sam ja bez tebe, a ti bez mene
Jednog trenutka, kada se iz pepela(dignemo)
Kada nam se srce odmori
Kada nađemo utehu u drugoj ljubavi
E tada ćemo da razmislimo
Sve oko nas će požuteti zbog praznine
koja se nikada neće popuniti
U jednom trenu sve će postati nevažno
E tog dana ćemo se istrošiti

Who got you?

I am walking in your desire, into the pain
I don't fit in the world, it feels compact
Have the nights got long? What is this darkness?
The clamor of my heart got suppressed
Who got you? Who embraced you?
On your lips, on your tongue

Human Condition

Your heart will break more
You will be more sad
A human endures everything
You will see
The heart you think turns into stone day by day
Too bad it's burning again
You will surprised
Ooh, human condition
Ooh, human condition
Ooh, sometimes it's too easy
Sometimes hinders everything
There is someone in me
She wants to destroy what I did
The soul wants to leave the body
And escape
Heart accepts the shackles
On the one hand
On the one hand she wants to
Fly like a seagull


So you want to go, don't stay, leave
Don't think about me, be alright, i can live alone
No pain lasts forever you know that as well
Even anytime i can love somebody again
You're right, we weren't meant together i know that as well, go ahead, leave
Don't worry i can really be friends with you
Actually i couldn't tell you that
I wanted to break up with you for a long time, don't stay, leave
Leave... no please don't leave
Please stay, I lied to you don't leave
It's not true, i'm not ready to break up
There are things left unfinished between us
Don't leave, stop, I have already missed you like crazy
This is the right thing for both of us, leave
Trust me, i'm not as sad as you think
There is an excitement inside of me
of starting a new life, now leave...

That's enough

Always a thousand masks and thousand emotions as well
Always a conflict, other than you and also not you
Becoming a different person and live one by one
Live every emotion, oh no
That's enough leave me be
Leave me the way i am with you
That's enough, spill your guts to a stranger
Cuz it is turning into sorrow and stamping on my love
That's enough let him erase himself with lack of love
Always unfinished and experienced too soon
Always a scar for love inside of me
Line by line, but you can't seem to destroy them
No way
That's enough leave me be
Leave me the way i am with you
That's enough, spill your guts to a stranger
Cuz it is turning into sorrow and stamping on my love
That's enough let him erase himself with lack of love

I will go my own way then

Versions: #1
Okay, however you like.
I can't hold, I can't hold back the one who wants to leave.
It seems that you don't want to break my heart.
I don't hve the heart to wish you bad.
The one's heart who wants to leave must have already left
I can't, I can't stop you.
It is just like a spoiled child who is no longer hungry because their parents bought him/her everything
Then I will go my own way.
I wont let anyone crush me
But I wont let my heart travel to different hearts.
I shall just go and take the pain I'm supposed to.
I would want you to miss me, miss me so much.
Be sad, be sad for a while.
At least let my scar form a scab
So that I will feel some justice.

I'm A Mess

Versions: #1
I can't enjoy anything, nor do I have any peace.
What kind of gried is the heart in...
I cut out my hopes on your love, at least
Come for some small talk so that my home will feel like home again.
Haven't you ever broken a heart too?
Haven't you wondered and ask your conscience?
What did I do to you this much?
Aren't I someone's daughter too?
It won't happen again
I repent a thousand times.
Is this bad blood,
what kind of anger is this?
Now I'm a mess, are you happy?
Knowing that did you sleep peacefully ?


Versions: #1
I searched for you for years, everywhere
You never appeared to me, Decency
Eventually, I found purpose, but
You were ashamed to look me in the face, Decency
Come close to me I said, where are you?
You said don't bother, your voice can't be heard
Everyone's efforts were for naught
You didn't accept anyone, Decency
This merit you speak of is a fairy tale
Who decides who's decent?
The rich, poor, folks, or kings?
I see that you didn't go to any of them, Decency
C'mon, c'mon sideways (refers to swinging hips)
C'mon, sideways
I didn't ask for a palace or even a house
I only wanted you to love those that love you
I searched for a spark, I wanted a flame
You didn't even light a candle for me, Decency
When a saint in my eyes, from bread, from water
I'm tired of saying behave, stop
For being indecent for hundreds of years
You just couldn't behave and look my way, Decency

Come On, Let's See

Versions: #1
Is our space too small? Or our gown too tight?*
What's going on?
Everyone's losing it, Who is he?
Who are you? Who are they?
Who's the most powerful?
Come on, let's see, may it come easy
It's a strange, difficult race
What's it to me? What would I know?
It's very complex, detailed work.
Come on, let's see, may it come easy
It's a strange, difficult race
What's it to me? What would I know?
It's very complex, detailed work.
You, should know yourself, you, yourself
You should keep your mouth tight
Watch your deeds and words
Or the boogeymen will get you
You, should know yourself, you, yourself
You should keep your mouth tight
Watch your deeds and words
Oh inside us, such hungry ambition
Sometimes there's hijaz**, sometimes jazz breath
A side of us is accepting of anything
However much is possible, that much is wanted

What shall I do?

Versions: #1
Since you left me
No one takes my hand
What shall I do
Whom to be disturbed
I shall either leave here
Or bear more
What shall I do
Whom to be disturbed
I shall either leave here
Or bear more
What shall I do
Whom to be disturbed
I shall either leave here
Or bear more

I Couldn't Attribute to You

It was already obvious from the very beginning
I invented love because of the need
I believed my own lies so much
Not only me, I even convinced this huge country
They said 'he can make upset you'
They said 'he swim on land'
All signs were clear
I couldn't attribute to you...
But, but, but I said
I said 'can't there be a hope?'
I said myself, I listened by myself
I couldn't attribute to you...
I couldn't attribute to you...
I couldn't attribute to you...


Ache Ache my heart sinks
in my eyes tears that don't fall
build-ups remained for years inside of me
don't know when they'll blow up
I know this has an end
I know that every problem comes to an end
I know this has an end
I know that to every problem there's a solution
I've never lived deprived of food or water
I've never run out of money
I've never lived without love or affection
(so) why, what for and to whom is this longing?
I've never lived deprived of food or water
I've never run out of money
I've never lived without love or affection
why, what for and to whom is this longing?
Ache Ache my heart sinks
storms in my heart
and my hopes now are silent
as if they're calling me to account
I know this has an end
I know that every problem comes to an end
I know this has an end
I know that to every problem there's a solution
I've never lived deprived of food or water
I've never run out of money
I've never lived without love or affection
(so) why, what for and to whom is this longing?
I've never lived deprived of food or water
I've never run out of money
I've never lived without love or affection
why, what for and to whom is this longing?

I loved a child

Versions: #2
I caught a sight of a distant child.
His eyes are mournful, and yet more eerie.
In spite of everything the child smiled in a split of a second,
It was warm-hearted, and plain, but a bit doubtedful.
I loved a child from far away,
Assuming that this was his longing .
Regardless, solely with his emotions, he had stripped me off my veil at a single glance.
I haven't seen such a heart, such a love like this.
Now the child is growing up day by day.
And he caressed all of the sorrows one by one.
Embracing a secret hope, and a bit hurt.
I caught a sight of a distant child.
Sort of a child, sort of a man, sort of none at all.
In his hands damp bundles of time.
He chose a new path, which he had never tried once before.
I loved a child from far away.
In his hand there is tomorrow, in the other there is yesterday.
As if he is a bit sad of ageing a head of time.
He looked at the state of the world, then laughed and went away.
I haven't seen such a heart, such a love like this.
Now the child is growing up day by day.
And he caressed all of the sorrows one by one.
Embracing a secret hope, and a bit hurt.

Izgubljene godine

Nema povratka
Dok smo bili zajedno doneli smo odluku o rastanku
Trebali bismo da se naviknemo na to da
se rastanemo kao prijatelji
Sada suze ne bi trebale bespotrebno da teku
Treba da se naviknemo na to da sami lečimo svoje rane
Sada reči nisu dovoljne, nemaju nikakvog značaja
Dok smo bili zajedno uništili smo uspomene, ne znače ništa
Dođi i ostavimo sve ovo po strani
Prijatelju moramo videti istinu, drugog rešenja nema
Da mi sada vrate izgubljene godine
Da mi sada podare ostatak života s tobom
I da me sada pitaju da li bih opet isto želela
Ja nemam pravo da progovorim ni jednu jedinu reč


Versions: #2
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered

Everything Is Mortal

Please don't do like this, don't do
Don't twist my neck, don't cut away
It's unclear way, don't deviate from me
Love doesn't end like this, don't burn us
What's this your fight with yourself, troublesome?
Leave your heart cosy, It's lovesick
Respire, listen, take a look what it's saying
Hear scream and clamour inside me
I go too, what it means to go?
You didn't understand yet, go. Well!
We're alone already, It's world condition
I burn to it, everything is mortal
What's this your fight with yourself, troublesome?
Leave your heart cosy, It's lovesick
Respire, listen, take a look what it's saying
Hear scream and clamour inside me
The ones who came and gone, the ones who
Or they've chosen freedom or stay and choose insist
Or they've whirled to light
Or they've amazed by the stamp which fall over hand by the hand
What's this your fight with yourself, troublesome?
Leave your heart cosy, It's lovesick
Respire, listen, take a look what it's saying
Hear scream and clamour inside me