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Click to see the original lyrics (English)
bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš
Znam čoveka
Došao je iz mog rodnog grada
Nosio je svoju strast prema svojoj ženi
Kao krunu od trnja
Rekao je „Dolores
Živim u strahu
Moja ljubav prema tebi je tako nadmoćna
Bojim se da ću nestati'
Bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš
Znam ženu
Postala je supruga
Upravo te reči ona koristi
Da opiše njen život:
Rekla je „dobar dan je
nema kiše'
Rekla je: 'Loš je dan kada ležim u krevetu
I razmišljam o stvarima koje su mogle biti'
Bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš
I znam oca
Koji je imao sina
Čeznuo je da mu kaže sve razloge
Za stvari koje je uradio
Prešao je dug put
Samo da objasni
Poljubio je svog dečaka dok je spavao
Zatim se okrenuo i ponovo krenuo kući
Bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš
Bog jedino zna
Bog pravi svoj plan
Informacije su nedostupne
Za smrtnike
Radimo svoje poslove
Skupljamo našu platu
Vjerujući da klizimo niz autoput
Klizamo zapravo u stranu
Bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš
Bliže ti je odredište
Što više kliziš

Америчка мелодија

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Много пута сам био у заблуди
и много пута збуњен.
Да, и често сам се осећао напуштено
и свакако злоупотребљено.
О, али ја сам добро, добро сам,
само сам уморан до костију.
Ипак, не очекујеш да будеш
бистар и бонвиван
тако далеко од куће, тако далеко од куће.
Не знам душу која није претучена,
немам пријатеља који се осећа опуштено.
Не знам за сан који није срушен
или бачен на колена.
О, али у реду је, у реду је
јер живео сам тако добро, тако дуго.
Ипак, кад помислим на пут
којим путујемо,
питам се шта је пошло по злу?
Не могу да одолим, питам се шта је пошло по злу?
И сањао сам да умирем
и сањао сам да ми је душа неочекивано устала
и гледајући доле у ​​мене
осмехнула се умирујуће.
И сањао сам да летим
и високо изнад мојих очију могао се јасно видети
Кип Слободе
како отпловљава на море.
И сањао сам да летим.
О, долазимо на брод који зову Мејфлауер,
долазимо на броду који је пловио Месецом.
Долазимо у најнеизвеснијем часу овог доба
и певамо америчку мелодију.
О, у реду је, у реду је,
у реду је, у реду је,
не можеш бити заувек благословен.
Ипак, сутра ће бити још један радни дан
и покушавам да се мало одморим,
то је све, покушавам да се одморим.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
'Budimo ljubavnici, venčajmo naše sudbine'
'Imam neke nekretnine u svojoj torbi'
Pa smo kupili kutiju cigara i pite Gospođe Vagner
I otišli smo da tražimo Ameriku
'Keti', rekoh kad smo smo ulazili u autobus za Pitsburg,
'Mičigen mi sad izgleda kao san'
Trebalo mi je četiri dana stopiranja iz Sagina
Otišao sam da tražim Ameriku
Smejući se u autobusu
Igramo se praveći grimase
Rekla je da je čovek u odelu od gabardena špijun
Rekoh, 'Pazi se, leptir mašna mu je u stvari kamera'
'Dodaj mi cigaretu, mislim da imam jednu u kabanici'
'Poslednju smo popušili pre sat vremena'
Pa sam gledao pejzaž, ona je čitala magazin
I mesec je izašao nad otvorenim poljem
'Keti, izgubljen sam,' rekoh, znajući da spava
'Prazan sam i bolan a ne znam zbog čega'
Prebrojavam automobile na autoputu Nju Džersija
Svi su otišli da traže Ameriku
Otišli da traže Ameriku
Otišli da traže Ameriku


Give me the vodka , Anushka
And then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And be good to me again
Because when you are not good to me
I become even angrier
I spend the whole week curing
Ham again and again
And now I would like to drink another time
Just a tiny , little glass
You should really be ashamed of yourself
For taking the vodka away from me
Do you have no heart at all?
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And finally be smart
Otherwise i will go to Igor
He has a lot of it

Sad Lil Bolero

So this song only exists
Because I'm very sad today
Since you're gone
I don't drink anymore
I don't even smoke anymore
I don't even dance to reggaetón since you're not here
Where did you run to?
Today, I'm gonna lay down
Today, I'm gonna dream
Until I never wake up again
Today, I'm gonna go flying
Today, I'm gonna cry
Until you come back again
Tell me honey,
What have you done?
Tell me, since when did you decide to break
My heart?
Today, I'm gonna lay down
Today, I'm gonna dream
Until I never wake up again
Today, I'm gonna go flying
Today, I'm gonna cry
Until you come back again
And this sad lil bolero
Is for you
It's for you
And this sad lil bolero
Is for you
It's for you
And this sad lil bolero
Is for you
It's for you
One last bolero for my baby 'cause she's gone...

The Ears Tune

Ears in the field
Form a single dawn
And when winter comes
They bloom again
Corncobs write a postcard
Of bird trills (1)
When the troupial's parcel of land (2)
Is ready for harvesting (3)
A Palma guitar
Sings out its long song
Whenever Cimarron wind
Blows across every string
A Savannah lily
Told a güirirí (4)
That every single morning
A hummingbird pays her a visit

From The Day You Left (My Mother)

Why you left me, mom
You are my love and life
My tears are falling in you*, my mother
You taught me and beared the pain
You, your shadow, you are light of my eyes
Mother, you are gentle
Mother, you are precious
Just you, my eyes light
How long you endured and thought of me
I miss your shadow, my eyes light
Ô mother, my eyes light
You left me behind
How come you left me alone
Dying from thinking days and nights
Me, the one you cried for, I will never forget you, my dearest
Where are you, mother?
Where are you, my precious?
I become orphaned the day you left me
My enemies tricked me
I just hope God to make a way out of the trouble for me

I imagine you

For so long, I've been imagining
you, covers of magazines
or all the words within...
Saw you, one night, go out
of a music-hall
show, like Diane Keaton in Annie Hall
I imagine you, imagine...
I forget my dreams
though, after every night
Yet the grey halo of your eyes
remains stuck on my hair
like those Chrisrmas postcards
I used to paint with watercolour..
I imagine you, I imagine
you in your black jogging-leggings
Saw you get out of a taxi the other morning..
At the station, was that look yours ?
over a mock-panther
printed silk neck scarf ?
I imagine you, imagine...
so many towns are reflected within your eyes
and all these wet pavements
with their shy travellers...
Rather than a small ad in Libération
like a balloon's dream
I send you my song...
I imagine you, imagine...

In Koman among friends

1. What a joy this day for all
Standing next to friends, among them
My hearts beats along with theirs
And a wish it holds today.
2. I grew up with them
From a work-site to another
Various necklaces of lights
We gifted you homeland.
A mountain, the dam rises in our Koman
Life full of light, all hearts rejoice
Right here among friends blooms the wonder of heroism
O Party you raised us the children of socialism.
- Repeat

When the sun is going down

When the sun is going down
Ov’r the hill and countryside,
It invites my soul to bow
And to pray to the Most High
At a little, humble child
Look, Prince of the Universe,
At Your will the Sun is shining
And in splendor runs its course
But I know you as a Father
And your Son came to this earth,
He became my loving brother
And to Eden opened doors
Often lukewarm is my spirit
Faith and love are just in words
In my heart I’m fearful, feeble,
Oftentimes my prayer is cold
My desire is to please you,
But from day to day I feel
That my deeds are often sinful
And against my own will
Look at my sincere repentance
And forgive me, dear Lord,
Oh, fulfill my aspirations,
So in You I could be strong

Can I go with you?

You wanted to go your own way
But let that be the same way, that I go
I lead the way along every pitfall
I dry your tears after a rain of tears, count on me
I have you one
I have you two
I have told you a hundred-thousand times
To take me with you on your journeys
You and I
Can I go with you?
Can I fight with you together?
Talk together, share together
Can I go with you?
And can I laugh with you together?
Cry together, live together
Early or later you'll find out
Being alone is just so lonely, the nights are so cold
Are so cold
Let me warm the night
Find the warmth in my arms, count on me
I have you one
I have you two
I have told you a hundred-thousand times
To take me with you on your journeys
You and I
Can I go with you?
Can I fight with you together?
Talk together, share together
Can I go with you?
And can I laugh with you together?
Cry together, live together
You want to stand on your own legs
You want to fully go for it
You want to take matters into your own hands
But let that be changed by me
Two know more than one
And you'll never make it on your own
We can try this, right?
You and I
Can I go with you?
And can I be together, together, together with you?
Can I go with you?
Can I go with you?
Can I fight with you together?
Talk together, share together
Can I go with you?
And can I laugh with you together?
Cry together, live together

Diabolo Mint

Versions: #1
Within your schoolbooks
Are your dreams and secrets
All those words you cannot say
Words of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you hide, that we condemn
you're hiding little Anne
Within your schoolbooks
There's blood and tears
Your first heartbreaks
The first wounds
The first tears
That bruise your soul
That bruise little Anne
In the school cafeterias
You have to bluff and lie
Around the diabolo mint
When you recall the nights
From last summer
And all your first lovers
That you've only had while dreaming
Within your schoolbooks
are your dreams amd secrets
All the words you'll never say
of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you're hiding. that we condemn
You're hiding little Anne

This evening is drawing to an end

Versions: #1
It's been nice to be here once again
I've neither seen nor spoken to you
But it went by too quickly
the end has already begun
This evening was wonderful
the stars shone brightly, more so than ever
In the sky, in the sky over you
It's come to an end again
This evening is drawing to a close
The darkness will vanish for the morningarrives
It's come to an end again
This evening is drawing to a close
But let's sing together before we're heading home
Conviviality knows no bounds
But the bartender does, he wants to call it a day
There's a fair maid next to me
Wanting to leave with me
This evening was wonderful
the stars shone brightly, more so than ever
In the sky, in the sky over you.

Simón The Gravedigger

Yesterday afternoon they buried
the daughter of Juan Simón,
Simón was the town's
only gravedigger,
only gravedigger.
When she breathed her
last breath in his arms,
he buried his own daughter,
to the cemetery he took her
to the cemetery he took her.
He dug the grave himself
murmuring a prayer,
saying goodbye forever
to the daughter of Juan Simón,
to the daughter of Juan Simón.
And crying like a child
he left the cemetery,
with a stick in hand
and a mattock on his shoulder,
and a mattock on his shoulder.
The people asked him:
'where are you coming from, Simón?'
and as he wiped away his tears,
in a hushed voice he answered,
in a hushed voice he answered:
'I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
from burying my heart'.

Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu

'Problem je samo u tvojoj glavi'
Reče mi ona
'Odgovor je prost
ako gledaš logično.
Hoću da ti pomognem u borbi
da budeš slobodan.
Pa ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu!'
Reče 'stvarno nemam običaj da se namećem.
Pored toga, nadam se da se moje mišljenje
neće biti izgubljeno ili iskrivljeno.
Ali ponavljam,
pa neka i bila gruba:
Pa ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu'.
Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu:
Zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Ma zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Reče 'baš me pogađa to
što te vidim da se tako mučiš.
Htela bih da mogu nešto da uradim
da ti vratim osmeh!'
Rekoh: 'Cenim to.
I objasni molim te
za tih pedeset načina!'
Ona reče 'Zašto oboje ne bismo
ostavili to za ujutro,
verujem da ćeš tada
početi da vidiš svetlo.'
I onda me poljubi,
a ja shvatih da je verovatno u pravu,
ima makar
pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu.
Pedeset načina da ostaviš dragu:
Zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!
Ma zbriši na zadnja vrata, Džek,
napravi novi plan, Sten,
ne moraš da se stiskaš, Roj,
samo se reši muke.
Uskoči u bas, Gas!
Ne raspravljaj se previše.
Samo joj ostavi ključeve, Li,
i reši se muke!

The last dance

Breath, I breathe in the emptiness
Emptiness, Oh I am in the middle of it
Hoping of, I hope that there will be a reversal
That the light will shine on you
Feeling, I feel so helpless
Dreaming, that your destiny choses someone else
Knowing that, I should know better
That hope will make me happier, when I dance
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think?
When I tell you that
Questions, I rather not ask them
Giving, The answer gives us grief
Afraid for, Afraid for what wil come
Let the hope free me, when I dance
So, Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
When I tell you that?
The tears betray us both during the last dance
Oh, Give us a last chance
By the reflection of the moonlight
You take my hand
Dance this last dance with me
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
(What would you think?)
When I tell you that?
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
When I tell you that?

I can't wait for you to get ugly

In one way I hope everything turns out well
For you and for your career
Cause if I hear you on the radio someday
When you're more famous than you are
People will get impressed
When I say 'I've slept with her'
But It'll probably become frustrating
Yeah it'll probably get a bit annoying
To see you on all of the posters
And seeing you with other artists
And seeing you trending on Twitter
So I think it's best if I don't
Might just have to get used to it
And swallow it
Like LSD
Not proud that I feel it
But I hope everything goes to shit
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I could block you on Facebook
But still keep you as a friend
I stopped following you on Instagram
I don't want to see what's happened
But I got Tinder and I saw you there
And it hurt but I figured
That this probably means
That you haven't found anyone new cause
Sometimes I get these thoughts
That you left me for someone else
I see you being tagged
In someone else's feed
We sat in that parked and laughed
With our legs like tangled
But that stuff won't matter
Sometime when you're old
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
A few months had probably passed
Without us seeing each other
And when I bumped into you
I wasn't prepared
Anton and Albin saw me as I cried
But it never got that uncomfortable
It was cool with you
But it was hard for me
But soon it's me who's too young for you
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner

Most preko nemirne vode

Versions: #2
Kad ophrva te bol i ostaneš bez snage
Od suza obrisaću oči tvoje drage
Kad dođu teški dani
Biću na tvojoj strani
Kad ti i poslednji prijatelj ode
Postaviću se
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Postaviću se
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Kad te potpuno slome,
Kad počneš ulicama lutati
Dok čekaš noć tešku i dugu,
Ja ću te utešiti,
Podeliću s tobom tugu
Kad nastupi tama
I patnja preovlada
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Postaviću se tada
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Postaviću se tada
Zaplovi, srebrna devojko,
Došlo je vreme da zasijaš
Već ti se ostvaruju snovi
(Vidiš li kako sjaje?)
Ako ti zatreba prijatelj,
Odmah uz tebe ploviću
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Tvoju dušu umiriću
Kao most preko nemirne vode
Tvoju dušu umiriću

Simon Says

Yo, Simon says
Hurry up, so many flat hoops on the street
The moment I stop, I'm gonna aim and shoot for you
Hands up, turn around
Hands up, shake it up
Running out of breath but I keep running
Why are you just scooping things out standing there
Why do you look so scared? Do you want this?
Cast a spell, I'm God, bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Through the jammed cars
I’m the siren that opens up the roads
Piercing through the traffic in your heart
All night
Faster than anyone else
They’re all behind me
I won’t hold back, everything’s up to me
The mood is getting high high high high
All the sounds that try to stop us, bye bye bye bye
Don’t mind them, let’s party all night
Don’t care what anyone says
Cast a spell, I’m God
Bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You think you know it all
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Don’t be afraid
The only one stopping you is you
Don’t misunderstand
Today, we break the rules
Open your eyes and wake up
Fall deep inside
The moment you find your true self
Between reality and dreams
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
We don’t pay no attention