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Me No Jay Park

Those who are struggling, leave them to struggle
I don’t know and I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
If it’s not my business, I’m not interested
I might know about it but I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
AOMG is all about Jay, then it’s Loco, then it’s Gray
Last year, their stack of papers were quite thicker than mine
There’s another duck other than Ugly Duck and that’s me, the lame duck
My name only had advantages when we all started way back
Two completely different styles
One has a clear plan
His studio album title was Worldwide, spends half the year in an airplane
The other only acts serious, he’s a lazy son
Like a jack stuck in the overlook, going into wreck-it mode
The weight of responsibility is tilting more and more
My stages have no conscience, just recycling a few old hits
Feeling thankful yet sorry to all the fans who come to watch
Only shit is multiplying, this big shit, pinch your noses first
Honestly, I went on SMTM to show my company something
That as a CEO, I can do something, do something
My words and actions didn’t match cuz I wanted to see results go up
So I just laid out excuses in the interviews
The biggest problem was the delay in my comeback
It’s cuz I could never get an OK from myself
i said again and again, I kept saying ‘take 1’
Only greed grew deeper, deeper than rap
This really fucks you up
If you cut out my leadership quality, I’m just a fake thug
My pathos has grown numb, even to the IK Crew
The only one who’s given me a shout out till the end is JTONG
They always say there was discord with anyone I was with
Is there someone next to me?
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
i can’t do Jay Park
After he raised the stocks of AOMG
He set up H1GHR Music
Going on international business trips all the time
Eventually signing with ROC
I saw his selfie with the HOVA
Jealous, I liked his picture like a thoughtless idiot
Get a new watch? Or save up to get a building?
It’s all meaningless, it’s really pathetic
This year, there’s only one goal
To recover my pride
i don’t do Jay Park
He’s a worker ant and has a lot of balls
But me, I’m just a fucking lazy grasshopper to the haters
Only stationed in my studio
It’s me vs myself, and it’s always ‘you lose’
I came back to that swag of losing everything
One guy starts as an idol and earns r-e-s-p-e-c-t
The other acts like an idiot when out drinking over one line of lyrics
Here, talent is about quantity over quality
I’ve been denying it so it brought me to an off-season
But as if he’s denying me, Park’s life tells me ‘this is it’
After being the prize motherfucker for two years in a row at the Korean Music Awards
I became fucked over the pressure that increased
Then I set my ambitions low, way lower than my skills
Making my work seem like it’s from a ’08 mixtape mixtape
Everyone, attention please
I’m about to make a big announcement
A gun to my head, lock & load, that’s what it feels like right now
It makes me cringe to hear ‘CEO’ now
It was just hard for me to keep up with Park’s speed
I’m writing my resignation right now, this song is it
me no down gradin’, to me, it’s all ‘up’ ***another word for ‘business’
i’ll be humble as a mumble in the jungle
You think I’m gonna end it like this? Like I’m just trying to act cool?
I’m the most like myself when I’m a rapper
That’s the only time I have faith
My name is all I have, nothing more, nothing less
My heart has already signed off, a resigned Simon Dominic?
It’s not a joke, the company’s concerns are growing larger
I’ll sell my stocks to AOMG first
Pumkin should hurry and meet with the lawyers and CJ so there’s no problems
You take the CEO badge and make me work under you
Hurry so I don’t change my mind, so the media play won’t start
My credit is still hitting the floor, I’m gonna say fuck it and go back
Looking back, I was living a life of a fake CEO
Not enough desperation, not enough desperation
But deficiency is my strength
i’m ma take it back again, in a matter of a few days

Juan Simón's daughter

When I finished my sentence
I lived very lonely and lost
She died of sorrow and I
That I've been the one to blame
I know she died being a good person
She died of sorrow and I
That I've been the one to blame
I know she died being a good person
She was buried in the evening
Juan Simón's daughter
And it was Simón in the village
And it was Simón in the village, oh!
The only gravedigger.
And since he was carrying in one hand the shovel
And the hoe in the shoulder
And the friends ask him
And everyone asked him, oh,
where do you come from Juan Simón
I'm a gravedigger and I come
I'm a gravedigger and I come
I'm a gravedigger and I come, oh,
from burying my heart.


Versions: #2
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overvie-ie-iew
I've lost my overview
Wooo-ooo-ooo, wooo-ooo-ooo
Wooo-ooo-ooo, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
[Verse 1]
Do you know the feeling? Do you know the feeling?
There's something on the ground, I pick it up even though I don't want to
Why, if it isn't a nut, I wonder where it belongs
And those ridiculous shitty days you spend to break even
Now, I'll only look through the hole of the nut
Do you know the feeling?
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overvie-ie-iew
I've lost my overview
Wooo-ooo-ooo, wooo-ooo-ooo
Wooo-ooo-ooo, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
[Verse 2]
Do you know the feeling?
I'm looking for a step or a ladder or just something high
I'm looking for someone with glasses who isn't too smart or too ugly
'Cause in my experience, they're the people who see the best
Look here, look there, look now, look at me
Do you know the feeling
I'm screwing a nut into my eye, I'm screwing a nut into my eye
I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye so that I can't see so much
So that I can't see so much
I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye, I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye
So that I can't see... 'Cause I'd rather not, oh
[Alternative chorus]
I'd rather not see too much
I'd rather not see too much
I'd rather not see
So give it to me... nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Nu-nu-nu-nu-nut, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Nu-nu-nu-nu-nut, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Na putu do kuće

Sedim na železničkoj stanici
Imam kartu za moju destinaciju
Na turnejama za jedno veče
Moj kofer i gitara u ruci
I svaki boravak je uredno planiran
Za pesnika i jednočlani bend
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka
Svaki dan je beskrajan tok
Cigara i časopisa
I svaki grad mi izgleda isto
Filmovi i fabrike
I svako lice stranca koje vidim
Podseća me da čeznem da budem
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka
Večeras ću pevati svoje pesme opet
Igraću igru i pretvaraću se
Ali sve moje reči mi se vraćaju
U nijansama prosečnosti
Kao praznina u harmoniji
Treba mi neko da me teši
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka


You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I think of what you do when you come home
Do you take all your clothes off? Do you go grab the white wine
I think of what you eat - do you watch TV while eating?
I wonder if you'll open your window and smoke a Prince
I wonder if you'll call your mother or father
I think of your ex - how many exes you have
I think of you in the shower
Do you sleep naked?
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I walk around in your apartment
I just woke up
You let me sleep and left
I drink coffee from your mug
Was it a greater life for me?
Was it a better life for you?
Here in our apartment
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I don't know why I think of you so much
Perhaps it's not even you I think of
Perhaps it's myself and my life
And the idea of how it'll turn out
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's just that time passes
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's that the sun is shining, and it makes me so fucking sad
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


There once was a boy who got beat
In the light of the stroboscopes of the town he lived in
A big pupil and a stranglehold while everyone was entirely gone
And there was no reason and there was no blood
The boy went home to his father and said, 'What do I do?'
The father said, 'Such things happen when you get an ear ring'
And the town was no longer a playground, and the hideout was no longer as big
So the boy found a hammer to build something bigger
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing you
And the boy approached the man with a silent 'What's up?'
And the man lived his life with a giant 'Why'
Why should I also get my face punctured?
Why? Was it something I said?
But there no answer came, that's just how it is, a'ight?
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing
My entire life, and it's occurred to me
You shouldn't have done that
Do you think you can kill me?
Do you think you can kill me?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

A New Day

The morning dawns
The day begins from scratch
But a whole new light shines
The world awakens
When the sunlight wakes us up,
Getting you out of your bed
See how everything seems different
When you look with other eyes
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
You behold with a smile
The things that you did not see before
From which you could not see existence yet
It is the wind that you feel
The rain has wached everything away
It is perception that no one saw ever again
See how everything seems different
When you look with other eyes
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
You feel somewhat alienated
For the things around you are gone
Everything looks different
Everything feels different
Whenever you stand before the mirror
And another one watches you
Who you are
Remains unknown to you
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


The Stars of Paris

If I confide in you
It means I dream of you
Yes from night until morning
That's a lot, I know
But when the breeze brings
Your scent to my door
I think of nothing but you
That's a lot but that's how it is
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
We'll walk you and I
And then time will go by
I don't care about tomorrow
I'm yours, and you know it
And when the moon gives me
Updates on you I shiver
All the way to my fingertips
You know that I am yours
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


Lise puts on
Unsettling airs
Lise's suitcases
Are full of air
What do you want me to tell her
She does everything backwards
She functions in reverse
Under her royal airs
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
She's got nerve
You have to read
One or two of her poems
Light like a breeze
Lise, she's never won over
Your heart, she breaks it
Your soul, she loses it
While writing her poetry
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
Lise, a different girl
She turns you inside out
She's not that submissive
She makes you want a change of scenery
Lise, she disguises her poems
To not be understood
To not be taken
For down-to-earth
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Midnight Lovers

Midnight sounds
and your footsteps echo
I know them better than anyone
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
Midnight sounds
the hours surrender themselves
into the arms of an autumn night
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
At midnight I shiver
and I see how the ghosts
have dwindled my love
My love at midnight it's the moon
that reddens under my pen
Midnight sounds
and the wind hums
a tribute to our kingdom
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


Her name is Solène
She struts her gene
It sticks to your skin, the gene
Like neoprene
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
Solène's gene
Is a bit unhealthy
A tune that talks of itself
Its ideas get mixed up
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Scrap Metal

What use are they to me,
My hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
What's left?
A bit of pistil, my rose petals,
aren't very many things, your love...
what do you want me to do about it...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
What use are they to me,
Me hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
And your heart in a saddlebag, what do you want me to do about it?
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Seen From Here

Seen from here, the earth is mine, but I take on water
That's how the old boats come and go
I'd like to see the earth again
I've been gone for a long time
I'd like to be in winter
And far away from here
I've touched the troughs of waves, the depths of seas
On the swells the wind deviates from its course I let myself be pushed around
I want to finally touch earth
Quietly escape
I'll tell you how to make yourself
Forget everything
I want to finally touch earth
Go back to the port
Show me how
To find the door
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

In Ashes

I'm just a figure with uncertain outlines
With a gloomy gaze a tiny bit haughty
I blindly go forward and I'm in a bad mood
A room without a window with a view of my feet
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I often hear him murmur at night
Taking the silence of the ruined walls as a witness
He promises them beauty but he feels ugly
Next to her photo on the bedside table
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


She runs the silk stockings
between her fingers,
she prefers those made of wool, silk stockings bother her,
She puts black on her eyes
and knots in her hair
a bit of porcelain on Madeleine's cheeks....
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
She takes attitudes,
instead of habits,
We don't talk about that femininity...
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Tako si pun sebe

Usao si na zabavu
Kao da si ulazio na jahtu
Tvoj sesir je bio strateski spusten ispod jednog oka
Tvoj sal je bilo boje kajsije
Imao si jedno oko u ogledali
Dok si gledao sebe dok si plesao gavotte*
I sve devojke su sanjale da su tvoje partnerke
Da su tvoje partnerke, i....
Tako si pun sebe, verovatno mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Tako si pun sebe, kladim se da mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Zar ne, zar ne
Imao si me pre par godina
Dok sam jos bila naivna
Pa si tekao da bi bili tako lep par
I da nikada neces otici
Ali si napustio sve stvari koje si voleo
I jedna od njih sam bila ja
Imala sam neke snove, svi su bili oblaci u mojoj kafi
Oblaci u mojoj kafi, i...
Tako si pun sebe, verovatno mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Tako si pun sebe, kladim se da mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Zar ne, zar ne
Imala sam neke snove, svi su bili oblaci u mojoj kafi
Oblaci u mojoj kafi, i...
Tako si pun sebe, verovatno mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Tako si pun sebe, kladim se da mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Zar ne, zar ne
Pa cula sam da si izao u Saratogu
I da je tvoj konj prirodno pobedio
Onda si odleteo sa tvojim Lear jetom u Novu Scotiu
Da vidis totalno pomracenje sunca
Pa ti si svuda gde bi trebao biti sve vreme
I kada nisi onda si sa nekom podzemnom spijunkom
Ili zenom bliskog prijatelja
Zenom bliskog prijatelja
Tako si pun sebe, verovatno mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Tako si pun sebe, kladim se da mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
Zar ne, zar ne
Tako si pun sebe
Verovatno mislis da je ova pesma o tebi
*Gavotte je francuski ples nastao u 18 veku. Lik iz ove pesme plese ovaj ples zato sto je to nesto sto rade uobrazeni muskarci.