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Број резултата: 99


Shore in the Greenest Color

Straw field and a river at the end,
the sun's shining there.
That's what I dream about.
Backpack and a bike.
Breath of hay.
Breath of hay.
Backpack and a bike.
I'm going again to that...
Shore in the greenest color,
where it was May every day.
We abandoned laughter there.
Joyfulness sank down there.
Where awaits me again...
A bike.
A distant shore...
And hay.
I had lost my way, but
I found a threshold.
And again, in front of me I have
a home.
Wooden veranda.
Aired room.
You smile at me,
while I make tea.
A bed unmade.
Breath of hay.
Breath of hay.
A bed unmade...
I'm going again to that...
don't they?)
I know a better place.
Tell me, where is it?
I know
a better place!
Tell me, tell me
where is it?
Shore in the greenest color,
where it was May every day.
We abandoned laughter there.
Joyfulness sank down there.
Where awaits me again...
A bike.
A distant shore...
And hay.
I had lost my way,
but I found a threshold.
And again, in front of me I have
a home.


[Verse 1]
Dozvoljavamo nam da nam govore šta da radimo, zašto, zašto, zašto
Živimo da umremo za ono što vredi, da, da da
Obećali smo da nikada nećemo izgubiti ponos
Tvoj svet je bezvredan ako lažeš
Stojimo visoko i gledamo gore, naš Otac bi bio ponosan
I srećan sam što radim na svom stavu
Bićemo jedini preostali ovde
Hej, pevaj iz srca, mladiću
Za sve ljude, velike i male
I kada sve bude izgubljeno
Budućnost i dalje ostaje na nama
[Verse 2]
Naučeni smo da smo rodjeni da gubimo, zašto, zašto, zašto?
Ne oklevaj, vreme je da odabereš, da, da, da
Obećali smo da nikada nećemo izgubiti ponos
Svaki dan nas uveravaju u suprotno
Stojimo visoko i gledamo gore, naš Otac bi bio ponosan
I srećan sam što radim na svom stavu
Rekoh: 'Pevaj iz srca, mladiću
Za sve ljude, velike i male
I kada sve bude izgubljeno
Budućnost i dalje ostaje na nama'
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam
[Verse 3]
Dozvoljavamo im da nam kažu šta da radimo, zašto, zašto, zašto?
Živimo da umremo za ono što vredi, da, da, da
Šta god pokušavali, rušili nam snove
Znam da ćemo se uvek uzdići
Rekoh: 'Pevaj iz srca, mladiću
Za sve ljude, velike i male
I kada sve bude izgubljeno
Budućnost i dalje ostaje na nama'
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Da budućnost ostaje na nama
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam
Ja se nadam, nadam, nadam

No Tears

How easy being in love is
at the age of twenty,
at the age of twenty.
And how easy falling out of love is
at the age of twenty.
I was hugging winds,
I was kissing rains.
I was rolling in meadows
of wet tenderness,
of wet tenderness.
And when they'd push me
into the bottomless 'Goodbye',
I thought I was dying,
I thought I was dying,
I thought I was dying...
But I've been saved
by those nets
of young sunbeams.
And my face was laughing,
cold from the dried tears.
Girls like magic
were swirling around me.
And the freedom, I've felt it the most
after the pain of separation.
But how frightful being in love is
at the age of forty,
at the age of forty.
And how frightful falling out of love is
at the age of forty.
No pain, no magic, no tears.
Separation brings no freedom.
And I don't think I'm dying,
and I don't think I'm dying,
and I don't think I'm dying ...
No pain, no magic, no tears.
Separation brings no freedom.
And I don't think I'm dying,
and I don't think I'm dying,
and I don't think I'm dying ...

Јако (ко - ко - ко)

Бајка почиње везана
у црвени клупко
а љубав у тој бајци
жели да до краја живота живимо заједно
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко
и тражи те моје тијело-ло-ло
Желим да нам је свако вече врело-ло-ло
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко
Ето среће па смо се, срећом, упознали
можда се на крају и заљубимо једно у друго
Изгубићеш ако ме изгубиш, знај то
а онда, ако треба да патиш, пати
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко
и тражи те моје тијело-ло-ло
Желим да нам је свако вече врело-ло-ло
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко
Кад ме погледаш тако-ко-ко
Пуцам и опијам се алкохолом-лом-лом
Срце ми лупа јако-ко-ко

The Moment

Versions: #1
Listening to winter's departure,
I awake in a certain month of a certain year.
I ponder, I wait, I hope,
But even so, the future can't be planned.
Cloudy skies—evening—and outside the train car window,
Someone is waiting for me in the future.
Look to my left, to my right, and in front—
Love will make a few turns before coming.
Who will I meet? What conversations will we have?
How far into the future is the person I'm waiting for?
I listen to the wind, as it blows from the subway train and sea of people.
I wait in line, clutching my entrance ticket to love.
Cloudy skies—evening—and outside the train car window,
Someone is waiting for me in the future.
Look to my left, to my right, and in front—
Love will make a few turns before coming.
Who will I meet? What conversations will we have?
How far into the future is the person I'm waiting for?
I listen to the wind, as it from the subway train and sea of people.
I wait in line, clutching my entrance ticket to love.
I fly forwards, flying over the sea of time,
We both have been hurt by our past love.
I watch the path—the entrance to dreamland is a bit narrow,
But meeting you was the most beautiful coincidence.
I know one day, my riddle will be solved.


A fairytale tied
with a red thread starts 1
My heart beats loud ta ta ta
And my body is asking for you ta ta ta
I want hot nights with you ta ta ta
My heart beats loud ta ta ta x2
Luckily we met by luck
Maybe we fall in love at the end
Keep in mind that it'll be your loss if you lose me
And then whatever is going to happen (to you), it'll happen
My heart beats loud ta ta ta
And my body is asking for you ta ta ta
I want hot nights with you ta ta ta
My heart beats loud ta ta ta x2
My heart beats loud ta ta ta
When your eyes look at me ta ta ta
I fall apart, I start drinking ta ta ta
My heart beats loud ta ta ta x4

Like a storm

Like a bleeding wound
It makes my soul bleed
I'm longing so much to touch you
I'm looking to find the courage
To talk to you, to tell you
To show you what I feel
Like a sudden storm
With hail and rain
With so much strength and momentum
That's how i want you
Like an angry sky
My love is a lightning
But i'm afraid to tell you
And I'm suffering
With my lips sealed tight
To bleed hard
I decide to talk to you
But when I'm in front of you
I unfortunately admit
That I can't do it due to my anxiety

The First Sunday

This is the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me,
a useless Sunday
that passes without you.
Alone, alone behind the windows,
I look at the gray, gray sky.
It looks sad, so sad,
like me.
I cry my first tears,
I feel my first pain,
and while everyone smiles,
I feel a void in my heart.
Come back soon, I'll wait for you
to forget with you
these tears of the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me.
Come back soon, I'll wait for you
to forget with you
these tears of the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me.
La la la la la...
With me.


Ammaneee ammaneee ammaneee aaaa… (x4)
Come, o illustrious children
Of the sea-dweller,
Jump onto the sand
And the shore of the sea…
Brothers of the shrimps… barren…
Brothers of the shrimps,
And [onto] the shore of the barren sea.
You are, o ye that were of old,
– We now (say) this –,
Valiant in battles,
And because of this
Alone, of men
The most valiant,
Brothers of the shrimps,
O sea!
Come, o illustrious children
Of the sea-dweller,
Jump onto the sand
And the shore of the sea…
Brothers of the shrimps… barren…
Brothers of the shrimps,
And [onto] the shore of the barren sea.
You are, o ye that were of old,
– We now (say) this –,
Valiant in battles,
And because of this
Alone, of men
The most valiant,
Brothers of the shrimps,
O sea!
Ammaneee ammaneee ammaneee aaaa… (x4)
Ah ah…
And of the barren sea (x4)
Ammanee ammanee (And of the barren sea)
Ammanee aaa… (And of the barren sea)
And of the barren sea (x8)


Down in the five rivers, down in the five fountains
there are three beautiful girls, with arched eyebrows.
The first is called Adorou, the second Adorousa
the third and best is called Arodafnousa.
The month when she was born all the trees blossomed,
flowers were falling all over her spreading their scent.
Adorou was like rosewater, a delicacy was Adorousa
but the kiss of the king goes to Rodafnousa.
'Somewhere thunders and lightnings hit the air, somewhere a hailstorm is held
somewhere God has decided to destroy a country'.
'Neither thunders and lightnings hit the air, nor a hailstorm is held, nor God has decided to destroy a country.
Is the queen and she is interrogating angrily hes slaves,
sending an invitation and several messages to Rodafnou to go by'.
'Get going, Rodafnou, the Queen has called you over'.
'Calling me for what? What is her message?
If she wants me to knead, let me take my planches
if she wants me to cook, let me take my spatulas
if she wants me to dance, let me take my scarfs'.
'Get going, Rodafnou, and take whatever you please'.
She got into the house and put on clothes that suited her
neither too short, nor too long but appropriated to her age.
She put firstly the embroidered ones, then she wore the golden and on top of them wears the pearls.
Here she puts a twig of rosemary to protect her from getting sunburned
there she takes an apple and gets going playing with it.
She takes that alley, she takes that path
the path takes her to the Queen's tower.
There she stands thinking about the way should she greet the Queen.
'If i call her a clove, cloves have pointy edges
if i call her a rose, roses have thorns.
Whatever, we'll just greet her in the most proper way'
She took the first step of the ladder, dangling gracefully
she took the second and she charmingly wobbled.
'Rejoice, my Queen, daughter of the King
shining on your throne like a white dove'
The Queen then said loquaciously:
' I 've just seen you and i had to lean against the wall since it was like i was stabbed
and i lost my words that i have prepared to tell you.
If i felt like i was stabbed, how the King could have ever resisted you?
Come with me, the kiln is already set on fire'
' Just give me two hours time, wait for another two hours
to shout once , το shout twice loudly, hopefully the King will hear me and he will come to save me.
'Shout once, shout twice, shout as many times you wish
King is way too far to come and save you'.
While he was eating, while he was drinking, the King hears the shouts.
'Stop playing the violins, stop playing the lutes
that scream i'm now hearing to is Arodafnousa's.
Slaves, go get me my black horse, the stone-breaker
who eats irons and drinks the whole Euphrates river.'
Soon after he said goodbye he had already run a thousand miles
Soon after they fairewell him and he had already run a thousand more.
He marched among with clouds, he run along with sun
by his third spur he arrives to the Tower.
'Open up, my Queen, because i am in a rush'
'Just give me some time', ' How much time' ' An hour'
He kicks the door, enters on horseback
and there he sees Arodafnou, drown in blood
and there he sees the Queen, sitting on the carpets
He grabs Arodafnou, he lays her down on the carpets
In Rodafnou's funeral came priests and abbots
The Queen was eaten alive by wild, hungry dogs.
In Rodafnou's funeral came priests and abbots
The Queen was eaten alive by wild, hungry dogs.

I'd give days of life

From all the flowers round the world
'twas only you the one that my heart chosed
But i'm to tell you with such sorrow neath my soul
that you were only after materialistic things x1
I'd give days from my life
For i to be once more next to you
Cause i'm bearin such love for you
And ye're makin these days o mine filled by such bitterness x1
Cause in the midle of the night i am but to awake
And tot the solitary sky moon i am to talk
And continuously i'm shoutin my sufferin'
You've ruined my hapyness x1
I'd give days from my life
For i to be once more next to you
Cause i'm bearin such love for you
And ye're makin these days o mine filled by such bitterness x1
Such trust i've put in you
but i see that you didn't see ...
My love's pure ...
Yours is just materialistic x1
I'd give days from my life
For i to be once more next to you
Cause i'm bearin such love for you
And ye're makin these days o mine filled by such bitterness

Sweetheart, I'm melting

A break up in the night is a deep wound
to just plainly state 'I'm bored of you'
and I'm counting marks and pieces of kisses
I am trying to shout but no voice comes out
I'm nostalgic of your lost kisses
the nights remain unprotcted, ohhhhh
I'm nostalgic of your lost kisses
and I don't have any anymore, ohhhhh
Sweetheart, I'm melting
only for you
and tell me anything
two words, even if they're hurtful
sweetheart, I'm melting
I can't live without you
Your breaths, flames, they burn the phone handset
I can hear your heart in a hurried beat
The goodbye hurts and the line goes silent
I want one more thing, don't hang up, ohhh don't
The goodbye hurts and the line goes silent
I want one more thing, don't hang up, ohhh don't

I won't forget you

I won't forget you, I just think of you
I will never understand how I lost you
And although time has passed since everything ended
I still don't know what happened
I know that I will not forget you or hold a grudge
I will renounce you without explanation
I can pretend when I see you that I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
That's why I won't forget you even though I suffered
I won't regret it because I learned from you
That sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye
Maybe you'll find someone in your life
And fall in love some day
And if that love will forget you eventually
And you need a friend
Remember that I won't forget you, I wait for you here
If you want to return to me, I will make you happy
I can also pretend when I see you
That I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
Sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye

And since it's been so cool – once more!

Versions: #1
It was amazing,
A thing of wonder,
It felt like scooping all the luck.
Spent time together,
We dreamt together,
Flew once to heaven and right back.
And since so young as we are now,
Again we won't each other see.
So let us sing and let this day
Forever be!
And since it's been so cool – once more!
Whatever else is there – no more!
Forget all sorrows,
And the tomorrows,
To joy and fun don't close your door!
Almighty gave us choice to live,
And your heart tells you: “Life is brief!”
Yes, since it's been so cool,
It's been so cool – once more!
Now this life truly
Sometimes goes
The way it really never should.
Still in it things are,
That make you happy,
And they are ones for real good.
So let us party on forever,
Let only good things make our day,
And one day when this is all over,
I'll simply say:
And since it's been so cool – once more!
Whatever else is there – no more!
Forget all sorrows,
And the tomorrows,
To joy and fun don't close your door!
Almighty gave us choice to live,
And your heart tells you: “Life is brief!”
Yes, since it's been so cool,
It's been so cool – once more!
Yes, since it's been so cool – once more!
Yes, since it's been so cool – once more!
Yes, since it's been so cool, it's been so great – once more!
And since it's been so cool – once more!
Whatever else is there – no more!
Forget all sorrows,
And the tomorrows,
To joy and fun don't close your door!
Almighty gave us choice to live,
And your heart tells you: “Life is brief!”
Yes, since it's been so cool,
It's been so cool – once more!
Yes, since it's been so cool,
It's been so cool – once more!
Once more!

At the end of the world

At the end of the world
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
The angels will trumpet.
And they will blow the trumpet in fear,
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
The lords and emperors will weep.
Where will they put the good ones,
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
Where will they the put the good ones?
They will lock them in a cloud,
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
For the good of all.
Where will they the put the wicked ones,
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
Where will they the put the wicked ones?
They will lock them in a stone,
Haida ler and a lerui, Lord,
So they will never see the light again
So they will never see the light again
So they will never see the light again.

I am not killed my love

There is no sleep for us, my tired soul
Because of the destiny that is flowing through our veins
Our destiny is a deep river
Great and wide, and without a shore
I am not killed, my love
I am not killed by a red wine
I am killed by your unfaithful love
Unfaithful, damned you
This life can not be called a life anymore
Why should I hide it, when it is the truth
I can not live without you
And I can not offer much, it's over


On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
You be understanding!
If you know how it hurts me
Please, come back!
If you're thinking,
maybe you love me
and I'm gonna be happy!
The guitar sounds, sounds, sounds
I'd sing all night long
I'm gonna sing for you!
On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!

Absolute happiness

cannot be worn like
cannot be put in the purse,
having fastened the latch.
Happiness is the point where
your cheeks,
nose tips,
eye to eye
getting drunk,
heat to heat - and
if you do not touch the brakes,
twist with birds
in a kiss.
Let it not be the first class,
not a skill
of centuries,
but... nothing is more beautiful
than the first caresses
of a

Let's go to the Land

Versions: #1
Big city crowds, uneasy lighting,
Dull boring buildings, unknown faces,
Shall for much longer this way life continue to be?
Still, at some point, a safe place is longed for,
Deep in the woodlands, where to dream and to ponder,
Bright shining stars there are always easy to see.
Let's go to the Land,
The world's heart beats here hard,
Much finer sky than here you'll never find.
And tender scent of the home
I'm never ever to betray!
And when I'm tired and out of the breath,
I always know the place with much air.
Give me your hand,
We'll listen to our hearts,
Let's go to the Land.
Bars and cafes here are next to churches,
Be whom you wish to or stay much longer,
The neighbors you see here much often than just passers-by.
Worries and troubles – they never get past you,
But friends and the folks here are always behind you,
If something's wrong, you know on whom to rely.
Let's go to the Land,
The world's heart beats here hard,
Much finer sky than here you'll never find.
And tender scent of the home
I'm never ever to betray!
And when I'm tired and out of the breath,
I always know the place with much air.
Give me your hand,
We'll listen to our hearts,
Let's go to the Land.
I know what you miss!
Cause you are all there is!
Don't just forget that Land we're from
Is all there is!
Let's go to the Land,
The world's heart beats here hard,
Much finer sky than here you'll never find.
And tender scent of the home
I'm never ever to betray!
And when I'm tired and out of the breath,
I always know the place with much air.
Give me your hand,
We'll listen to our hearts,
Let's go to the Land.
Give me your hand,
We'll listen to our hearts,
Let's go to the Land.

Мора пољубаца

Једном својом нежношћу, узми ме
У свој загрљај, у нека далека места
Одведи ме подаље од граница
Да досегнем океан твоје љубави
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Сакриј ме заувек у своме срцу
Међу таласима твоје љубави
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Допусти ми да ти додирнем душу
Да бројим белеге по твоме телу
Једним својим погледом, узми ме
У зачаране дубине твојих очију
Да оставим за собом копно и бивше љубави
И на пучини твоје љубави се изгубим
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Сакриј ме заувек у своме срцу
Међу таласима твоје љубави
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Допусти ми да ти додирнем душу
Да бројим белеге по твоме телу
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Допусти ми да ти додирнем душу
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Сакриј ме заувек у своме срцу
Међу таласима твоје љубави
Да ти пружим мора пољубаца
Да те опијем морима пољубаца
Допусти ми да ти додирнем душу
Да бројим белеге по твоме телу

Christmas tree

Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
We're going because tonight
The child King is born

The life turns around

The life turns around
I didn't realize
It was a goodbye without saying goodbye
I would like to hug you and I can't
The life turns around
I never thought this would happen to me
It's so hard to remember our moments
I would like to turn back time
I would like
Touch the air and feel that you arrive
And you don't walk away
I would like
Always live by your side
And tell you
That there is no place to walk
Cause without you nothing is the same
If you are no longer here by my side
I'm waiting for you in my arms
My dream is to see you return
To see you breathe again
If one day I can have you again
I will live simply to love you
The life turns around
You didn't tell me that one day you would leave
Not having you here, for me is an irony
I felt so sure of you
The life turns around
Through that door you left, my life
And you told me that in a few hours you would return
And I still wait for you in silence
There's no tomorrow
That I can wake up
Without seeing your face
There are no words
That can take away the pain
Of my soul
That there is no place to walk
Cause without you nothing is the same
If you are no longer here by my side
I'm waiting for you in my arms
My dream is to see you return
To see you breathe again
If one day I can have you again
I will live simply to love you
The life turns around
What I wanted most has gone away
Without noticing
It was a goodbye without saying goodbye
I would like to hug you and I can't

A New World

You can come in, the party's gonna start now
Whoever wishes can come if sadness does not bring
Bring only your heart, spirit of brotherhood
That your presence is essential in this union
You can enter, the house is big and belongs to everyone
The room must be cleaned for the celebration
Commemorate the harmony of our evolution
From this unity a new world will be born
From this unity a new world will be born
You must already arrive knowing that people shine like the sun
With souls that make us shine
Filling the mornings with its light
Let's form this samba with a lot of union
To the rhythm of a champion team
We will not allow anyone to stop us from walking
There will be no one who loses faith at every step
Let's go, now is the time to heal the world
There is no one who can prevent us from finally arriving
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us
You can come in, the party's gonna start now
Whoever wishes can come if sadness does not bring
Bring only your heart, spirit of brotherhood
That your presence is essential in this union
You can enter, the house is big and belongs to everyone
The room must be cleaned for the celebration
Commemorate the harmony of our evolution
From this unity a new world will be born
From this unity a new world will be born
You must already arrive knowing that people shine like the sun
With souls that make us shine
Filling the mornings with its light
Let's form this samba with a lot of union
To the rhythm of a champion team
We will not allow anyone to stop us from walking
There will be no one who loses faith at every step
Let's go, now is the time to heal the world
There is no one who can prevent us from finally arriving
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us, yeah
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us

When There Is Love

Love! Love! Love!
When there is love
There are hidden butterflies
The colors shine and shine
Nothing else is needed, there is love
When there is love
Lies no longer exist
You don't care what they say
There is no past and there is no pain, there is love
The 'I adore you', the caresses, the 'I love you' are necessary
But words are unnecessary when the heart sings
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
When there is love
Why a signed paper?
Or arranged wills
Kindness is natural when there is love
When there is love
You don't care about flaws
Everything that is not perfect
You see beautiful and without equal when there is love
The 'I adore you', the caresses, the 'I love you' are necessary
But words are unnecessary when the heart sings
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
Love! Love! Love!
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
Will guide you, will guide you
When there is love
When there is love, when there is love
When there is love
When there is love
When there is love


Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
An image of the love that you offered me
It still faithfully keeps its scent, that tender carnation
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
I still keep that letter that you wrote to me
In a passionate red, it had a mark
Your signature next to the carnation made me sad
I still keep that letter that you wrote to me
Come back, please, since life is very short
Let's work out the doubt and the rancour
The singer says very well: 'the past does not matter'
Of all, our pride is the worst
Let's renew the passion since life is very short
Let's fill our hearts with warmth
Our being longs for the scent of forgiveness
The perfume of the hopes of a new dawn
The freshness of spring for all eternity
Our being longs for the scent of forgiveness
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
An image of the love that you offered me
It still faithfully keeps its scent, that tender carnation
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
Get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up, in the end nothing else matters
Listen well, without fear, to what life teaches, gentlemen
Do not get hurt again by the same mistake, listen well
Get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up, in the end nothing else matters
Throw away all troubles now and look for the good life
With affection and harmony, like water and sand, how good!
Get up get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up (yes sir) for in the end, nothing else matters
Liven up, shake, get closer without a problem, family
Racatacatá, cun, cun, cun, prá
Now the chorus are calling you, they are calling you
Racatacatá, cun, cun, cun, prá
The chorus are calling you

Opening Doors

As after the night
Shines a new morning
As after the night
Shines a new morning
So also in your weeping
There is a light of hope
So also in your weeping
There is a light of hope
As after the rain
Calm arrives again
As after the rain
Calm arrives again
The New Year waits for you
With joys in the soul
The New Year waits for you
With joys in the soul
And we go opening doors
And we go closing wounds
Because in the year that is coming
We are going to live life
And we go opening doors
And we go closing wounds
Step by step on the path
We are going to find the way out
As on leaving the ground
The cicada begins to sing again
As on leaving the ground
The cicada begins to sing again
So is the singing that the notes
Of my guitar are carrying
So is the singing that the notes
Of my guitar are carrying
As across the jungle
They go opening roads
As across the jungle
They go opening roads
So also in life
Destiny goes on working
So also in life
Destiny goes on working
Opening doors
Closing wounds
In life there is so much to do
Stop your weeping and forge ahead with faith
Opening doors
Closing wounds
I say to you from the heart
That the New Year will be much better
Opening doors
Closing wounds
Barriers do not exist for you
If you tell yourself you will be happy, very happy
Opening doors
Closing wounds
Failure is pure invention
No longer come to me with this story, no, no

Night Cafe

The saxophone man's tired when he plays his song
in the morning at a quarter past four.
Night cafe, your tequila doesn't help for long,
today forgetting is a difficult chore.
Night cafe, my closest friend,
as always you have time for me.
You've witnessed many of my ups and downs,
and you've shared many friendships with me.
Maybe you also can recall
my Linda sitting on that chair.
Her name's still in lipstick on your wall,
we had a lot of fun, I swear.
Night cafe, night cafe,
and today in the heat of the night
it seems to me, night cafe,
as if I hear her laughter so bright.
Night cafe, night cafe,
can you feel the same like me?
Night cafe, I can still hear her say,
though I wasn't quite her type,
I'd anyhow be worth a try today.
We laughed, and I went along with her.
She didn't know what I loved about her,
nor did I, what she liked about me.
Maybe just somebody else's image,
which she always longed to see.
Night cafe, night cafe,
she lives without a safety net,
and I hope, night cafe
that life will never hurt her yet,
night cafe, night cafe,
and that she'll find what she's looking for.
One doesn't ask questions when it's time to go,
and at some point everyone is alone,
and only those, whose hearts are strong,
will win and conquer the throne.
Finally Kris Kristofferson sang
his song about Bobby McGee,
and when I saw her at the side of the street,
I wished I were a little like her.
Night cafe, night cafe,
she lives without a safety net,
and I hope, night cafe
that life will never hurt her yet,
night cafe, night cafe,
and that she'll find what she's looking for.

Hello Angel

Hello angel, do you really have to leave already?
Someone like you is seldom seen here.
Just make a call up there
and ask the dear Lord,
whether you may stay with me until tomorrow morning.
Do all angels look like you?
I always thought that for angels Tequila was taboo.
Tell me: Does Elvis teach you rock 'n' roll?
Is the old man up there really still free from giddiness?
Hello angel, please don't drink so much.
Otherwise your job might be at stake in the end.
I only just want to know, what's going on up there,
'cause just a few years more
and I will be ready for heaven, too.
Can Bogey watch „Casablanca“ up there?
Or does he play poker with John Wayne in the evening?
Do you have Reggae in your heavenly jukebox,
or do you play the saxophone for Norma Jean?
Hello angel, is it better up there than here?
Or are you annoying each other even worse than we do?
Is it true, angel, do you really live free in heaven?
Or are you controlled by a heavenly FBI?
Does Janis Joplin drive a Mercedes Benz up there?
Do Brian and Jimmy finally have a band together ?
Where does John F. K. meet Marilyn?
Oh yes, what about Jimmy Dean, actually?
Hello angel, it might be better if you leave.
Goodbye angel, and let yourself be seen again.
If possible, please not on Thursday,
'cause I'll be in the studio then.
But if you wish to come anyway – okay.
Hello angel, please pass my greetings to Jimmy Morrison,
and tell him, angel: We will not forget him.
(„We won't forget you!“)

Come to Me

Ashes of loves and lilies
Through devastated gardens.
But who knows about your steps?
From the strangers thorns, their memory attracts me.
Who lied to whom?
It's hard to share the blame.
And truth where else to be?
A high-pitched scream, in a deserted love:
Come to me, even if your steps are heavy,
Come to me, in that place where the sea dies,
Come to me, even if you don't want it.
I'm waiting for you with all despair.
Come to me, even if it's night in my eyes,
Come to me, in that place where the horizon cries,
Come to me, even if it rains among the gods
And the call is too late.
A shard of word knows
How and where I still am.
But who knows about your shadow,
Scattered in the wind, like a dandelion pappus?
And the silence from the sky...
Only patience to ask you,
When the clear horizon was clouded
And the frost lies down over the deserted love...
Chorus (x2):
Come to me, even if your steps are heavy,
Come to me, in that place where the sea dies,
Come to me, even if you don't want it.
I'm waiting for you with all despair.
Come to me, even if it's night in my eyes,
Come to me, in that place where the horizon cries,
Come to me, even if it rains among the gods
And the call is too late.
And the call is too late...
Come to me...


Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.
You came back with an apology
but I don't believe a word you say
it's not easy to change my mind
I am all wounded.
Love reminds me of nothing
you've given me two lives worth of pain
you say mistakes have changed you
I see no difference.
Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.
You came back to my life
I have a sick fire inside me
my soul's a hospital of moments
I've been through a lot.
Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.

Our Souls Are Together

Our souls are together.
What for?
Long ago
everything between us broke off
like a spiderweb thread
and we did not even try to keep
Not even the most important for us.
What was it?
We forgot.
How many days
my coat has not cuddled
on the hanger
next to your coat?
Long ago.
But reckless,
with primordial tenderness
our souls are together.
What for?