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Број резултата: 99


Love Is the Greatest Adventure

You never know quite precisely
Where love leads you
When it touches you as if by accident
But it takes you by the hand
And robs you of your common sense
Abducts you into an unknown country
It lets you cross borders
Lets you overcome a thousand crises
And lets you see the world with different eyes
Love is the greatest adventure in this world
Do you notice how it holds you in thrall by day and night?
Do you see how it alters everything that counts in the world?
Love: the greatest adventure in this world
You can never be sure
Not for one moment
Whether it brings you to tears of to happiness
Love ony knows the secret
In order to understand it
You have to go through heaven and hell
And if you leave it in power
It robs you of sleep at night
Renders you helpless, proud and strong
As well as quite feeble
Love is the greatest adventure in this world
Do you notice how it holds you in thrall by day and night?
Do you see how it alters everything that counts in the world?
Love: the greatest adventure in this world
Just come with me
And let me sense
That we will never, never again lose each other
Love is the greatest adventure in this world
Do you notice how it holds you in thrall by day and night?
Do you see how it alters everything that counts in the world?
Love: the greatest adventure in this world
Love: the greatest adventure in this world
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

Vidim Tvoj Osmeh

Jezik mi se pomalo zaveže
Svaki put kad pričam s tobom,
Kad te vidim
I baš mi je drago što ti je promaklo
Kako sam zurila
da ti upamtim lice.
Da bih te u mislima ljubila
Da bih te stalno volela
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Previše sam puta rizikovala
Tražeći istinu u ljubavi
Koja mi je u srcu
Reci me ako sam pogrešno nastupila
Reci mi ako sam te postidela
Zato što znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me u tome podržati
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Morala sam ti reći
Šta bi se desilo
Da, morala sam ti
Reći istinu
Znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me
za ruku držati
Hoćeš li
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Ja znam da to
je istina kad
ti kažem da te volim